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Posts posted by Sieve

  1. "Well thats simple.  See this ship anchored offshore near my home, a little fishing village west of Godan.  Well they came ashore and were looking for sailors.  Apparently half their crew had fallen ill.  So I signed on seeing as it was better than staying as a dockhand.  When we put in at the port in Aringil the Captain paid us off."  He looked around briefly making sure he wasn't boring his instructor.


    "Naturally I went to the nearest tavern for some food, drink, and a game of dice." He said it as if their was no other option.  "While I was there I heard that these two fellows in black cots were talking about calling the winds or wielding lightning or some such.  Of course I was curious, I've always been overly curious so I approached them.  Basically they said I could learn, so next day they brought me here."  Gierrin shrugged when he finished  "You see I had nothing better to do.  This sure beats gutting fish."

  2. Perivar smiled as Jasine went into the kitchen coming back with two apples.  Jasine tossed on to him and he snatched it out of the air.  Jasine spoke as he ate "Fresh fruit is great for energy, and should sit lightly enough."  Perivar nodded in agreement and thanked Jasine for the apple.


    He and Jasine walked around the yard taking the long way.  Hopefully the walk would further stretch out Jasine's leg muscles.  That and Perivar thought that he would fall asleep if he sat down again.  After a half hour they returned to find Jesse waiting for them.


    Group RPs


    1x Elemental Manipulation (toying around with each of the different elements to try and find each person's strengths and weaknesses)

    1x Offensive Weaves (Working from the Elemental RP to teach each soldier attack weave that suit their strengths and styles)

    1x Defensive Weaves (Again buidling from the Elemental RP, teaching each soldier how to defend themselves using their stronger elements.




    I'm game for all of the above.

  4. Perivar was caught off guard, he expected the girl to blush brightly and admit she was an accepted.  She had given him an opportunity to drop the game yet he was too stubborn to let it rest.  Those icy blue eyes bored into his soul.  He remained still not willing to budge moving his head only to follow her movement.


    The fool girl decided to draw the dagger on him grabbing a fist full of one of his braids.  “I have also heard that you would die before you would hurt a woman. Does that extend itself to restraining one to keep your precious braids?” Her other hand held the knife poised ready to slice off the braid if he moved a hair. “Care to drop your little game”


    Perivar kept his voice firm and his body as still as a stone.  She may have a temper but it was not like she would plunge the dagger in his heart over a little game.  None the less he still needed to handle this with care.  He formed the flame in his mind and sought the void, he pushed the raw emotions that course through him into the flame, he felt the oneness.


    "It is an insult that you would ask such a question, Accepted." He empahsized her title though his voice seemed distant. "Certainly in your studies you have learned that no borderlander would dare harm a woman, a woman alone may ask for protection and I would be bound by honor to serve."


    He paused briefly trying to lock eyes with her.  "No, I would not restrain you from removing a braid either.  If it is your will to do so then go ahead."  softer he said if almost to himself "I have lost much by coming here, what matters if I lose that as well."  In all reality the braids were one of the last links he had to his home.  He would certainly feel their loss but he would not say so.


    "No doubt you are brave, though sometimes too much bravery leaves one looking like a fool.  Are Accepted so revered in the Tower that they may do as they wish.  Would the Mistress of Novices support you on charges of assaulting a servant of the Tower or would she pepper your hide?  Are you so free that you can threaten another with a blade, one that meant you no harm?  Or is mock formality against an accepted a charge punishable by whatever means you deem appropriate?  You would certainly know better than I would, Accepted."


    Perivar's brown eyes tried to lock onto her icy blue eyes though it was a struggle to meet her eyes while she held his braid firmly in her hand.  He eyed her the questions clear in his brown eyes.  Light this wouldn't have happened if she didn't jump down his throat barking orders like the world was at her disposal.  Aside from that he did respect her bravery, he did not know many women outside of the borderlands who would challenge a man so.


    He suddenly felt bad as he saw his words hit home and let the void vanish.  He knew as well as she did that she could not do as she wished though he had painted her into a corner.  Light he felt horrible, here he thought he was being funny, playing a game.  Now it had become something much worse, it had gone in the wrong direction.  This poor girl did not deserve this, even if she had been haughty.  All she was looking to do was buy a dagger.


    With his best immitation of Jasine, he flashed a smile that probably seemed odd on his chiseled face.  "I concede" he said "I should not have mocked you like that.  Do you by any chance play stones?"  Something about her made him think that she would do well with such a game.  "I will let you decide whether or not I keep the braids.  The choice is yours, I will not speak of this to anyone.  Regardless whether you remove the braids or not it will remain between us."


    Perivar still kneeling on the floor of the shop tossed a gold mark to the shopkeeper inquiring loudly if he knew of anything out of the ordinary that had occurred here today.  The shopkeeper indicated that he had not.  He told Perivar that it was like any other day, nothing out of the ordinary he insured him.  At least Perivar didn't have to worry about word leaking back to the Tower.  He could not forgive himself if she got in trouble due to their encounter.


    Perivar rose slowly plucking the dagger from her hands inspecting it, it was a fine piece. With a respectful bow, not mocking but appropriate for her station he said "I am Perivar, Perivar Tarigan.  A pleasure to meet you Kabria."  Perivar studied the dagger "It suits you well, Kabria."  he reached into his pouch again tossing the shopkeeper a handful coins to cover the dagger and then some.  "She'll take this one or another if she decides otherwise."




  5. He was happy to see that Jasine could stand and put pressure on his leg.  As they walked Jasine's leg seemed to bother him less.  By the time they made it to the mess hall his limped seemed to disappear.


    Inside the mess hall Jasine asked how many laps he ran.  Perivar chuckled "Too many Jasine, however many I ran it was too many."  It hurt his side to laugh. 


    Much like Jasine, Perivar ate lightly.  He wanted to eat five times as much though he knew he couldn't if he wanted to survive training this afternoon.  He thanked Jasine for refilling his mug.  "How is your leg, any better?"

  6. Jasine must have sensed his mood and decided to cheer him up.  "Well done, Perivar!  I had no idea there was a refined gentleman inside all that gruff exterior.  I bet you could even teach me to dance, couldn't you?"  Jasine's grin was easy and open, his eyes twinkling with merriment. 


    Perivar retorted though he made sure it was for Jasine's ears only.  "I could but I bet Mistress Thera would be a better teacher than I" He mimicked Jasine's grin then clapped him on the back.  He laughed out loud as he guided Nightdancer away from his friend.


    Perivar dismounted for a moment checking to make sure that his gear was secure.  He eyed the Loraine Sedai, Master Kynwric, and Mistress Thera wondering what they were discussing.

  7. “You there! Boy with the braids, if you are going to stare at me you can at least give me a hand,”


    The commanding voice shot through him and for a moment he did not believe that it had come from the pale haired accepted.  If not for the penetrating gaze combined with the raised dagger he may have looked for another.  Over a year ago, maybe less, he would  have thought of begging a penance for offending her though not now.  He would have apologized though the grumpy chit had an attitude.  One that he might have expected from the Mistress of Trainees but not from this girl.


    She set down the dagger which she had been studying then turned to face him with fists on hips.  “ Before you even ask, I am Kabria Delondre and I need your help. Which of these daggers is the best?” 


    He flashed the sword upright in a salute then in a flash he grounded the point going down on one knee with his left fist firmly planted on the ground.  This was the most formal of salutes, usually meant for a King or Queen.  Hopefully she would recognize it, if not then he would inform her in a round about way.


    "An honor to serve my..." From he kneeling position he eyed he giving her a sinister smile "My Queen?" He said questioningly "No not a Queen, perhaps you are the Amyrlin Seat?" He shook his head purposely avoiding looking at the multi-colored hem of her dress. "No? I'm sorry perhaps you could tell me your title, you are obviously someone of high authority" 


    When she did not respond immediately, Perivar glanced at the hem of her dress for a moment.  For a brief moment he was going to let her off the hook though he let her boil, maybe she was squirming, he couldn't tell exactly which it was.  He would force her to give him her title, let her say it he thought.  "I fear that you have me at a disadvantage, I give up.  Perhaps you can tell me who you are Kabria Delondre, for surely you stand higher than I could possibly imagine though I can think of no higher title than I have already mentioned." 


    With that he locked eyes with her though he remained on one knee, fist and sword tip planted firmly on the ground while his body was still as a statue.  He would not give her the advice she sought until she responded.  From the corner of his eye he could see the shop keeper retreating towards the back of the store, he knew who she was and clearly he wanted no part of this.

  8. Perivar scanned all of the blades on display.  He could have kept the sword which was given to him from the armory though there was something more to it then that.  A sword must fit you perfectly, only a master weaponsmith could make such a weapon, that was why he was here today.  He was in need of a sword and had been given the name of this shop by people whom he trusted in the training yards.  The weaponsmith was reknowned, Mistress Thera smiled at him as she kindly gave him a pass to enter the city.


    There were several types of blades, some narrow at the tip some broad, the choices were as numerous as one could imagine.  The choices in hilts were just as numerous if not more.  He picked up a few different swords to check their balance looking around to make sure it was safe before giving them a few practice cuts.  This one felt good, the balance was perfect though he was unsure if he liked the blade.  He heard voices behind him though he paid them no mind, he focused on finding a blade.


    Perivar turned towards the voices to give himself some room as he held the blade out in front of him at eye level.  After closer inspection the blade seemed perfect, he followed it to the point though it was not the blade that held his attention.


    At the counter in front of him stood a pale haired beauty in the dress of an Accepted.  The young woman was about a hand and a half shorter than him.  She held a dagger in one hand looking it over as she spoke with the store clerk.  He could only see her profile, she looked familiar but he couldn't place it.  She turned her head in his direction and it finally it came to him.  Light she was the accepted that he had seen Jasine speaking to.  The one who read books by the tree in the yards.  He stood there holding the sword out not realizing that he was staring at her.     

  9. Melenis had agreed with him that the camp site was as good as they could find in the short amount of time that they had been allotted.  They hurried back to Mistress Thera to find that Jasine and Arath had already returned.  Mistress Thera went with the other two so survey their location for the camp after instructing.  He and Melenis were told to remain with the packhorses.


    Mistress Thera returned then took them to their location.  “Excellent choice, but can you tell me why?” She asked.  They both responded letting her know the advantages of the location that they had chosen.  They returned to the others and after telling them that they had each done a great job Mistress Thera picked their location.  Once they got their they were each given tasks, the sun was sinking and they didn't have much time before darkness fell upon their camp.


    Perivar hurried to the stream hoping that he could catch some fish.  He had a few ideas on how to catch them without a net or fishing pole and hoped he had enough time.  He returned just before dark with a handful of decent sized fish, there was one for each of them.


    Once they were all there Mistress Thera showed them how to make a firebow and showed them how it worked.  Once they were shown she instructed Melenis to give it a try while the others were sent off on other tasks.  Perivar began gathering big leather leaves that they could use to make a shelter all the while keeping his eyes open for herbs.



  10. ((OOC: No problem, in the future you can just post a simple *Anluan told Perivar all he knew of Amadicia and the Whitecloaks* so it is assumed and you don't have to drive yourself nuts.  Also great job with juggling two chars.  If you make the limegreen words green they are much easier to read, that color is hard to read.  ;) ))


    Perivar's attention was locked on Anluan as he told him what he knew of Amadicia and the Whitecloaks.  Perivar claimed ignorance though he had possessed some knowledge, it was part of his education as a child.  Even so it was good to hear it from someone who knew it first hand.  Anluan seemed to know an awful lot about the Whitecloaks and the area in which they controlled.


    Perivar did not know much about Amadicians outside of the fact that the Whitecloaks ruled them for the most part.  The King of Amadicia and the council were said to be puppets and the Whitecloaks were their puppet masters.  He felt bad for the Amadician people who were living in constant fear of being harassed or named a darkfriend by the Whitecloaks.  When Anluan spoke the word "Witch" Perivar glanced at Loraine Sedai though she was deep in conversation with Master Kynwric and Mistress Thera.

  11. Congrats Talavin and a belated Welcome Back to Matalina.  There seems to be a ton of work for the staff lately.


    I don't want to jinx us *knocks on wood* but we seem to be extremely active as a division.  It is really nice to see so much activity.

  12. ((OOC: Well I was working on this and had it open while Talavin was posting so sorry if it doesn't flow perfectly though I tried to edit it to fit better.))


    When Mistress Thera explained what happened Perivar barked a laugh.  She said it so matter of factly that he doubled over with laughter.  The more he got to know the Mistress of Trainees the more he liked her.  There was no denying her beauty so he easily believed that Arath was doing just as she said he had been.  When his laughter died down he ensured Arath that he would not tell a soul.  He was also happy to find that there was nothing between Mistress Thera and Arath.she wasn't yelling at you she was usually making you laugh or at least smile.


    Perivar dismounted then hobbled Nightdancer, it wasn't necessary though he wasn't taking any chances.  He grabbed his bow and quiver then followed Mistress Thera deeper into the woods.  He nodded ensuring that he would share his knowledge of hunting with Arath though something else was on his mind at the moment.


    As they walked he layed out some basics for Arath.  Stealth was key, awareness of your surroundings, concealment, you had to spot your prey before it spotted you our it was finished before you started, be mindful of the wind so your scent and noise did not carry.  Perivar rattled off dozens of tips for Arath.  Most were common sense and others you had to learn from experience.


    Perivar needed some time away from the rigors of training though it was not his primary motivation for tagging along.  Directing his attention to Mistress Thera he spoke quickly and quietly as they walked trying to get it all out before they picked up another trail.  "Speaking of Warders, I am a little concerned.  Although some accepted visit and joke each other about which Warder they will choose when they are rasied, I don't see many sisters visiting the yard.  I know that is not always the way yet I don't know how else I am supposed to meet a sister unless I wait until after being raised to Tower Guard where I guess there would be some opportunity."  He looked around scanning their surroundings then continued.  "Well we are close to being raised to Tower Guards or Warders for those who are promised though I have not met a single sister other than Loraine Sedai."  


    Suddenly he heard Arath speak up "Hey! Mistress Thera... those tracks are the same tracks of that big cat you were talking about, right? And the way they're crossing over those other tracks.. that means they're more recent?" Perivar felt bad they were supposed to be hunting after all though he hurried to finish what he was saying.


    He looked at Arath then back to Mistress Thera "As you well know I am not as gifted socially as Jasine or Arath.  I was never one to strike up a conversation with a stranger.  I just figured that the sisters would pursue us and not the other way around.  Perhaps there is something flawed about my character that does not make me a suitable candidate for a Warder.  I figured being familiar with the blight that someone would find me useful."  He eyed Mistress Thera trying to gauge her reaction to see if her body language would reveal anything.  "Do any sisters ever ask after us?"    

  13. They had been talking about the bond when Perivar approached, it seemed as though some sisters were interested in Arath.  It made Perivar frown, unlike Jasine and apparently Arath as well he had not spoken with any Aes Sedai save Loraine Sedai.  She was a green but from his recollection she had no interest in adding another Warder.  Something about the way they were said that they were more than just Aes Sedai and Warder. 


    At Perivar's comment about the strange tracks, Arath glanced at Mistress Thera saying "Perhaps if certain people would keep improper thoughts from being voiced, other people would keep from making certain tracks."  Perivar turned to stare at Mistress Thera with one eyebrow raised uncertain as to what improper thoughts Arath was referring to.  Light please say there was nothing between Mistress Thera and Arath, Jasine would be crushed.

  14. Perivar watched as Mistress Thera went ahead to scout, for some reason he long to ride with her.  Going out scouting was more interesting and he liked staying busy.  He would ask to accompany her next time she went out.


    He was pulled from his thoughts by Anluan's voice as he proclaimed loudly that he had a story to tell. Perivar listened as Anluan spun his tale about a girl who discovered she could channel.  Since her fate would certainly be ill if the Children found her, she fled from Amadicia with her five brothers who escorted her to the White Tower where she became an Aes Sedai.


    When he finished his story Anluan rode up alongside Perivar "So, Perivar, I didn't know that you were so knowledgeable of these things! I didn't have the first clue of which titles to use until you told us! You must have had a very blessed youth to be so knowledgeable!" Anluan exclaimed jovially.


    Light blinded fool Perivar cursed himself.   "I was a very young soldier in service to a minor Lord in Arafel, so I have a little knowledge.  It isn't much but at least it came in handy.  There is much more to it though honestly I'm not certain if there are different customs in the south or not." He looked at Anluan who seemed satisfied with his answer.  It wasn't a lie exactly but it wasn't the whole truth.  He was a young soldier after all, it just so hapened that it was in his Father's household, he had the right to call himself Lord but he would never put voice to that.


    "So Anluan, what else do you know of Amadicia and the Whitecloaks.  All I know of Amadicia is it's location on the map and that it is infested with Whitecloaks.  All of know of the Whitecloaks is that they dislike Aes Sedai.  Perhaps you could tell me more?"


    In his conversation he did not realize that Mistress Thera had returned.  She was at the front of the pack talking with Loraine Sedai and Master Kynwric thought Perivar was oblivious to the fact.


  15. Perivar caught wind of an outing, some new trainee was excited that Mistress Thera had left the training grounds for a while.  The poor boy thought he was free from observation as if there were not a handful of others who tell on him in an instant if he fell afoul of the laws.  He chuckled then grabbed his gear hurrying from the barracks to retrieve his warhorse from the stables.


    The stablehands quickly saddled Nightdancer for which Perivar threw them each a silver mark.  He liked the lads who were always eager to help.  Well the coin helped but he thought they would still be just as helpful without.


    Perivar trotted Nightdancer to the Jualdhe gate, his horse's hooves ring loudly on the paving stones.  At the gate the guard passed along the information so he would be able to find Mistress Thera.  He hurried across the bridge slowing to a walk on the other side as he made his way through the town of Jualdhe.  Once outside of the town he picked up the pace and Nightdancer rose to the occasion as he always did.  His warchorse was happy to be out of the stables and it showed. 


    Perivar slowed and began looking for the sign of the others.  After searching the ground for a few minutes he found two sets of tracks.  One set belonged to Mistress Thera's BlueRose, the other he could not tell.  He followed the tracks for a while then noticed something that made him stop.  The other horse's rider had fallen off, so the other was certainly not Jasine.  If the other track had belonged to Jasine then Perivar would have returned to the yards leaving them to enjoy each others company.  While they never spoke about it, Perivar was completely aware of the romance between Jasine and Mistress Thera.


    Perivar continued following the tracks then stopped briefly to listen.  His ears picked up the sound of voices up ahead so he continued on bringing Nightdancer to a trot.  He slowed Nightdancer to a walk and approached the pair so that their voices could be heard over the occasional creak of leather from his saddle.


    Still in the saddle he bowed to Mistress Thera then nodded to Arath.  "At first I was not sure if I would find you though since leaving the road you left enough of a trail that a blind man could follow.  There were some interesting marks in your trail about a mile back." He said purposely eyeing Arath before flashing a friendly smile. 

  16. Melenis indicated that she was ready so it began.  In combat you had to act, there was very little time for thought and plans went by the wayside as soon as the opening blow was struck.  That being said there were some basics that held true.  Melenis had a practice version of the polearm which she carried.  She had the range and probably an edge on Perivar in regards to speed.  Perivar with his sword and shield had more protection and an edge in close.


    They both flowed through the forms.  Once early on Perivar got inside after deflecting Melenis's weapon with his shield.  With her weapon off to his left he unleashed Parting the Silk and was surprised when Melenis blocked it with the haft of her weapon.  She quickly put some distance between them and was out of range of his sword in the blink of an eye.


    There were only a few people at the yards that practiced with polearms so Perivar had not faced many of them.  On the other hand there were not a lot of trainees who chose sword and shield so they were equal in that respect.  Had the two of them been on the same side they would make quite a force to contend with.  His shield and her reach would be a dangerous combination to opponents.


    For each time that Perivar landed a strike Melenis was sure to return the favor.  After each had landed a few strikes he took a quick glance at Master Corwin though he showed no sign of wanting them to stop.  Perivar lifted his left arm quickly adjusting his shield and strap.  He felt like a turtle spending much of his time in guard.  With a nod they returned to sparring.

  17. Well he had really done it now, light he was a fool.  He had been struggling over the last two years to come out of his shell though now he was being silly.  Being social is one thing though now he felt like a light blinded idiot.  Perivar could not recall ever discussing his noble birth, it was just something he didn't talk about, something that he left behind.  He smoothed his features before speaking hoping that he did not sound like a fool. 


    "I don't claim to be an expert on such things and I cannot say what protocols are followed south of the Borderlands."  I'm and idiot he thought "Well if I have the right of it and assuming that Kilaine is a family name.  Well in our current situation, since you are assumed to be a retainer" He looked directly at Jasine "you would address her as my Lady or as Lady Loraine, either is appropriate.  If you were speaking of her to another or if you were announcing her presence you would refer to her as the Lady Kilaine.  Unless of course if the person to whom you are speaking to is an intimate or an aquaintance of the Lady."  "So to answer your original question, if you were addressing her in front of others it would be proper for you to call her either my Lady or Lady Loraine, that is assuming she is not wishing to keep her true first name a secret."  He glanced at Loraine Sedai then at Master Kynwric the unspoken question directed at them.   

  18. He finally rose after mustering the necessary strength wobbling over to where Jasine sat on the grassy knoll.  He was so tired that he didn't even bother to wipe the dirt and debris from his clothes.  Perivar plopped on the ground, ooh if Mistress Thera saw the grace at which he fell to the ground she would tell him that he wasn't fit to muck the stalls let alone be one of the Tower Guard or the Warders.


    Jasine was flexing and working the muscle of his injured leg.  Perivar wanted to ask after him but he was too busy trying to take on air.  He couldn't talk if his life depended on it.  Jasine spoke"I tried to run again, but my leg started to tighten up right away.  I don't think anything is injured, but it sure does hurt."    Perivar tried to form a smile and nodded happy to hear that he was not hurt bad. 


    "What about you, feeling okay?" Jasine laughed at the look Perivar gave him then he went on to clarify.  "I mean other than the bone-deep weariness and exhaustion.  You didn't get hurt when you stumbled, did you?"


    He was parched so his words came out like a croak "No but I'm so exhausted that I couldn't move if the Dark One suddenly appeared before us."  He laid there on his back staring up at the sky.


    After a few minutes he heard Jesse's voice "Go get some food and meet me back here in an hour we've still got a lot to do."


    Perivar thought that if he didn't get up right then that he would just lay there all day.  Standing on shaky legs he extended a hand to Jasine.  "Can you stand?  The thought of food has never seemed so good."

  19. He watched the Storm Leader, the man seemed lost in thought.  Sudenly he spoke"Geirrin, tell me. Just why is it you're here anyways? Do you have something you want to protect, or are you just afraid to die?"


    The meaning was completely lost on him, he certainly wasn't afraid to die, what did that have to do with anything.  "Truth is that I was well thought of back home.  My Da said I took far too many risks.  Well he was right I guess, I ground his one and only fishing vessel.  It was in dry dock for 2 months getting repaired.  He wouldn't let me sail after that, made me a dockhand, said I was too careless.  I'm still paying him back for the damages."  He paused to think for a moment "I own nothing so I really have nothing to protect."  With a longer pause he thought on the last question  "Can't say as I'm afraid to die either, Da always said I'd likely kill myself before I reached his age...but why would I be afraid to die?  I mean should I be afraid of something."  He eyed the Storm Leader waiting on his response.

  20. Geirrin watched as the Storm Leader sparred with the newcomer.  Geirrin thought that he had possessed no skill but at least he could swing the thing.  The soldier seemed afraid of the weapon and was easily disarmed by Covai.


    "Alright, I've got an idea of your skills at the moment. But still was only a brief practice. Each out you, call out your name and what weapons, if any you can use. I've had woodsman who can shoot a hare in the dark at a hundred paces and still have trouble holding a blade. Let me know if there's anything you're good at."


    "Name's Geirrin Hale" he shouted then a little softer "I've no skill with weapons, I know how to use my fists though."  He shrugged "Only thing I'm any good at is sailing and fishing and some would disagree."  He finished with a smile.


  21. Light the woman Covai had picked for him could have been old enough to be his grandmother, definately old enough to be his mother.  Well the bet was made and he had accepted.  He could just go over there and talk with her though that wouldn't suffice, he had agreed to the terms.


    Geirrin walked over to the bar and shyly introduced himself to the woman, he started with small talk though the woman appeared too busy to care what he was saying.  She cut him off saying that she had better things to do than bandy words with a boy young enough to be her grandson.  She winked at him then said "You tell Storm Leader Covai that I will tan his hide if he ever pulls another stunt like this."  She emphasized his title in a way that said she was in charge in here.  Sophie called another girl named Naris and told her to come to the bar where he and Sophie were.


    "Here talk to this young soldier, he seems to think I have nothing better to do" Naris smiled at Sophie as the older woman walked away, stalked was more like it.  The pretty girl turned her attention to him and he shrugged.  Geirrin leveled with her, telling her the complete truth.  "That is cruel she said though he did not know if she meant it was cruel to do to him or to Sophie." 


    Geirrin talked to Naris for a while before returning to the table where Covai sat.  "I got a date" He smiled pausing briefly while Covai arched an eyebrow.  "With Sophie" He lied then gave Covai Sophie's message, the shock on his face was well worth it.  Geirrin could not keep from laughing out loud.

  22. "Not today Geirrin." The Storm Leader told him.  Geirrin had known it would be so and went to place the bow on the rack.  Covai's whistle caught his attention, once he had it the man began to speak "There will be no training with the bow for you today. I didn't say that means you're dismissed." The edge of Covai's lips twisted into a grin "There's still plenty of other stuff to learn. You just wont be shooting any arrows out there. Martyn, you may as well put your bow back a well. You fared a little better, but we'll leave the hunting to another day."


    The Storm Leader motioned for them to fall in beside him.  As they headed for the North gate Covai asked "So tell me you two, ever had much experience surviving outside? Or are you both city boys?"


    "Well Sir, If you call living on the water the outside then yes, but I assume you mean the wilderness.  In that case I have none.  I've seen a city or two, Tear and Godan, both from a distance though.  The dock area of both is as close as I've come." 

  23. Master Kynwric gave the order to mount then briefed them on their mission.  He could see the look on the faces of the other trainees, each had to be wondering what it was that they were delivering to Caemlyn.  That was all they were to learn about their mission for now at least, well almost all.  The next came as a surprise.  They were to dispense with the honorifics.  Titles and protocols were all ingrained in him, this would be a difficult adjustment for him.


    Perivar wanted to answer Jasine's question, it was obvious to him but it was not directed his way.  Light he wanted to answer a question, one which was not directed at him.  That was certainly odd he thought, it was not like him at all.  He shook his head trying to get the thought out of his head.  Perivar went back to watching the slow movement of water in the cool stream.  It was warm today, he wanted to strip his armor and jump in the stream.



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