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Posts posted by Sieve

  1. Perivar smiled when Master Kynwric told him that Melenis would command the guards.  A look of relief showed on his face, it was as if a huge weight had been lifted from his shoulders.  Normally he would have felt bad about feeling relief though all he cared about at the moment was being Kabria's Warder.  Suddenly the rest of his words struck home.  Keep an eye on the Accepted?  If Kabria saw him looking after them she would go up like a bundle of fireworks.  His face took on a worried look, the last thing he needed was anything to do with the two Accepted, especially Selene.


    He lowered his voice so that only Master Kynwric and Melenis could hear "Master Kynwric, with all due respect I think it would be best if I had nothing to do with the Accepted.  Kabria Sedai will not take kindly to it.  She was not very happy with me training any of the Accepted when I was a Tower Guard though she knew there was nothing I could do about it.  Now it is different, now that I am her Warder I think she may go up like a bundle of fireworks if she knows that I am looking after them.  I don't think that she will allow me to do it Master Kynwric.  Perhaps Melenis could spare one or two Guardsmen to keep an eye on them."  His look was half pleading as he turned from Master Kynwric to Melenis.  The bottom line was that he was Kabria's Warder, her word was law.  That and he didn't want her angry with him.  He felt like he was caught between Master Kynwric and his Aes Sedai.  He had never shunned duty before or even thought of trying to get out of doing a difficult task but he was bound to Kabria and would do as she commanded.  He had to do as she said.  There were few things that scared him, her being angry with him was certainly one of them.  He avoided that at all costs.

  2. *grins at Sieve* I can't believe we didn't scare him away!! Must learn to try harder ;)


    Your Warders Bio can be sent to Warders.bios@gmail.com and if you need me for anything....



    Or PM me :)


    Hope to see a bio soon!


    *puts her flaming bum to good use* ;D


    Sorry, work has me frazzled today.  I will try harder next time.


    *pats the Eqwina's flaming bum*  :o  What!?!?!?  I was trying to put it out, really I was  *tries to look innocent*

  3. Master Corwin's words sprung him into motion.  He was waiting on his instructor who was in effect waiting on him to begin.  Perivar went through his form while Master Corwin struck his weapons apparently seeing if he could maintain his hold on them.  He had been working on the other forms and wanted to go into them though Master Corwin had said for him to stick to the basics for now.


    He listened to his instructions then thanked his instructor as he was dismissed for the day.  Tomorrow promised to be grueling.  Kabria already thought he was overdoing it, training from sunup to sundown each and everyday since their return from the Borderlands.  Training 'til he collapsed was going to irritate her to no end but she would have to understand, he hoped she would.  It was what he needed to improve, Master Corwin knew what he was about.  The man was a Blademaster after all.  It was exactly what Perivar needed.  To continue down the path of becoming a highly skilled fighter.  To be worthy of her trust in him and his abilities.  To make sure that he would be as prepared as he could to serve and protect her.  It was his sole focus.


    The next day Perivar arrived early as always eager to get underway... 

  4. I don't mind either way, Melenis knows better than to disrespect the chain of command. With her being ranked Defender, my last post already had her be in command of at least some of the 'mere' Tower Guards, but with the added note that the Warders still outranked her, of course.


    So yeah... Just do what you believe is best, i'll manage ;)


    I'd rather you choose.  Either way it will be suitable for the Leadership Req.  It's your call, whatever you prefer.

  5. Jehaine, I was using this for Perivar's leadership Req but I knew you were coming along so I spoke to Kyn about having Melenis under him.  I was just going to handle the NPC's not any PC's.  If you want to use this as a leadership Req as well I am sure we can work something out as long as Kynwric agrees. 


    There are two possibilities that I foresee:


    1) Melenis and say 4 or 5 Guards serve under Kyn with Melenis being in charge of that group.


    2) Melenis falls under Perivar's command and acts as second in command of all the Tower Guards.  We can have the Bannerman fall ill or get hurt using Melenis take his place.  She is already taking some responsibility and Perivar would completely trust her with the task.  As long as you don't mind Melenis being under Perivar's command for this trip.  As I said earlier I did not plan on it since Melenis is a PC but if you are comfortable with this then I am as well.


    Whatever way you decide we just have to get Kyn's blessing OOC'ly. 

  6. Perivar circled with Master Kynwric looking for any opening.  Occasionally he tested that defense but it seemed impenetrable.  The slightest movement of sword or shield was all Master Kynwric made to deflect his blows.  Perivar was cautious not to overextend himself or leave himself open to an obvious attack yet still the Blademaster found openings in his defense.  Perivar flowed through the forms as best he could trying feints and blows on either side to force an opening.  No matter how much he tried none of his strikes landed.  Perivar even tried charging him pushing with the buckler portion of the singuata though Master Kynwric either dodged the attack or met him with his shield.  Perivar was large but the man was like a rock when he chose to stand his ground.


    When Master Kynwric struck him for the fifth time he bowed acknowledging the other man's victory.  He shook his head and smiled at Master Kynwric.  "Perhaps when you have finished sparring with Melenis you can return and tell me what I could have done differently if anything.  I did not expect to touch you but I did not even come close, not once."  Light he had tried all manner of feints and attacks from both directions at once yet nothing worked.  He probably shouldn't be upset with himself, the man was a Blademaster yet somehow he expected more of himself.  He was training harder than ever and seemed to be making no visible progress.  If Master Corwin saw his pathetic attempts today he would probably refuse to train him further in the ways of Daisho.  He had to be better, for Kabria.  That was his primary concern.  One way or another he had to do it.

  7. Perivar left his quarters then went to the gardens before making his way to the Tower.  He waited impatiently in the main entry hall occasionally scanning the balconies for any hint of her.  He wore a charcoal grey high collared coat with buttons down the center with a pair of black trousers.  His black boots were brightly polished.  It felt odd being out of his armor.  He wore his sword strapped to his back.  Normally he would have gone out with just a belt knife though the recent events in the Tower had everyone on edge.


    His left arm remained tucked behind his back.  Normally he could stand for hours on guard duty without moving though he paced nervously as he waited on her.  Perivar was barely aware of his rumbling stomach, he was hungry but he pushed it away as he watched for any hint of her arrival.  He caught the sight of the Accepted on duty rising from a curtsy and cursed as his eyes darted for the balcony.  It was too dimly lit to make out the retreating shape.  He caught movement at the top of the steps and his eyes were suddenly locked on her.  Light she was beautiful beyond compare.   

  8. Her innocent sweet voice chimed softly in his ears like music from a perfectly tuned instrument.  Kabria's words were meant to trap him if he was fool enough to answer the wrong way.  She took great pleasure in tripping him up.  Say the wrong thing and she would never let him forget it.  How often she had him stammering an apology or trying to say what her really meant.  He was not very witty and at times had difficulty saying what he meant. Instead of one perfectly worded sentence it often took him three or four to get it right.  Occasionally he got the upper hand and she was left speechless.  As infrequent as they were, those moments where priceless.


    He spoke for her ears only "You look lovely as ever Kabria and smell better than a dozen roses.  That scent reminds me of..." The remainder of his words were whispered in her ear.  He fought the urge to kiss her neck.  Her cheeks began to heat ever so slightly and she purposely refrained from looking at him.  To everyone else she possessed that familiar Aes Sedai serenity though he knew otherwise.  "Now me on the other hand.  I have to work at being presentable so I must wash and put on fresh clothes."


    “Tonight? I will meet you in the main hall of the Tower.”  The steps to the Tower never seemed far enough away.  The ten minutes or so to reach them from the yards felt like less than a minute whenever he escorted her back.  That was as far as he could go unless he had business inside the Tower.  Only once had he reached her rooms on an errand that he had made up.  The thought made him smile as he recalled the surprised look on her face when he appeared at her door.


    The kiss on his cheek made it all worthwhile yet he yearned for more.  She could have kept the sword to get used to the weight yet she returned it to him though sh did keep the scabbard.  Perhaps she could not carry it inside until she was fully trained?  It was only a practice sword with blunted edges but maybe that did not matter.  He eyed her hungrily as she walked up the steps, she would expect him to do so and would take offense if he did not.  One time he had been so engrossed in a book that he failed to look at her.  She had given him a stern look and mentioned that she would be angry with him if he did not look.  Of course it did not take a threat to make him look at her.  She was beautiful and her body was perfectly shaped.  He remember walking into the study and stumbling as his eyes scanned her naked body, her only covering was a book which in truth covered nothing.


    Perivar realized that she had long since entered the main entry hall of the Tower.  He stood there like a lovesick puppy thinking of her.  He turned quickly and hurried back to his quarters, he did not have much time to get ready.     





  9. Perivar followed Kabria and the others outside to meet the group.  He stood to the side and a step behind Kabria.  He nodded and gave Selene a smile.  With her long blonde locks that fell below her waist, she was easy to spot.  It took a moment for her to recognize him.  His hair was cut short now, the belled braids that had been so much a part of him and his past were gone.  It still seemed as if he could hear the bells chiming softly when he turned his head. Selene smiled back and Kabria turn her head slightly to glance at him.  Something flowed through the bond...he couldn't quite put it into words...like a lioness marking what was hers...that was the best he could do.  He touched her sleeve, Kabria knew he was training Selene in the yards and she was not very happy about it.  It was nothing against Selene but she was possessive of him with reason.  He was only a Tower Guard then and had no choice who he trained.  He did not get to pick his students anymore than she got to pick hers when she was an Accepted.  He quickly counted the Tower Guards.  They consisted of one Bannerman and 20 Guards, one of which was Melenis.  He caught her eye and nodded to her respectfully.  He hoped that she was not one of the Tower Guards that he had to command.  They had been raised together and were very close skillwise.  Even though he was a Warder now he would still be uncomfortable having authority over her.


    Perivar followed Kabria inside then went to Master Kynwric to receive his instructions and discuss accomodations for the Guardsmen.  The Bannerman was already seeing to the Tower Guards so they were in capable hands for now.  "Should I see if the Commander of the Watch can house some of the Guards in the Barracks?  We can find a room or two here at the inn for a handful of them but the rest will have to go to the Barracks or the inn's hayloft."  He mentioned his discomfort with potentially having command over Melenis and asked that Master Kynwric take her in his contingent.  Master Kynwric knew her worth so she would be a natural choice for a special detail.  Perivar patiently waited for a response and any additional instructions.   

  10. Perivar walked to retrieve his sword.  He smiled as his back was to her.  Kabria was fiesty and he liked it.  She would give just as good as she got and then some.  She had a playful side that he enjoyed immensely.  Definately not a woman that you wanted to anger, unless you were her lover.  He did not enjoy making her angry but he enjoyed making up with her. 


    Her words mocked him as he returned with his sword in hand.  The small grin showed that she was not mad at all.  "Was I long my love? If I was I hadn't noticed.  Well come to think of it," He tapped his lip with a finger "there was this woman who caught my attention, she was captivating."  He laughed and she attacked him with her sword trying desperately to reach him.  He laughed "Easy Kabria! It was you!" He had to shout so she could hear him as he danced backwards parrying her strikes.  Occasionally he would tap her with his practice blade to let her know she was exposed but she adjusted quickly and kept on the attack.  Her skill was definately increasing and she was in much better shape than when she first started training.  Her footwork was very good and she was very quick.  By the end of the spar she actually began to flow through the forms, forming several different combinations based on what he had taught her.


    Perivar finally called a halt.  He could see her slowing and knew that she would continue to the point of exhaustion if he did not stop him.  He was being slightly selfish, they had a date tonight and did not want her too exhausted to stay awake past dinner.  "You are doing very well my love!  I fear that I may be training you too well.  Remind me not to make you angry."  He smiled at her with a look of pride.  He spared a glance for the sun to gauge its position.  "Just enough time to wash up and make it to dinner.  I will walk you to the Tower doors."  As they walked he inquired when he should meet her and where.  Hopefully she would allow him to escort her from the Tower.       

  11. Perivar listened as Thera cursed the Aes Sedai and was glad that her anger was not directed at him.  He had been more harsh than he should have with her.  Even though he was angered by her actions she was still his superior.  He certainly did not mean to be disrespectful, that simply was not his way but he would not take kindly to derogatory words towards Kabria.


    The tracks led off into the woods.  Mistress Thera's assessment seemed logical but could her captors have been fool enough to simply drag her into the woods without covering their tracks?  Well if they had they would be in for a surprise.  Especially is Andrial Sedai was conscious enough to channel when they attempted to break her free.  He nodded as she mentioned the fact that they had apparently been trailed without their knowledge.  They were so consumed about fending the woman off that they had neglected their duties.  Perivar's cheeks matched Mistress Thera's and he added a few curses to hers. 


    Perivar saw the look she gave him and resisted the urge to look around.  It dawned on him, if they had not gone far then perhaps they were watching the road.  Perivar lifted one of Nightdancer's hooves then pulled out a hoof pick from his saddlebags and made as if he was removing a stone.  Using the opportunity he spoke to Mistress Thera.  "Did you spot someone watching us?" 

  12. I can bite my own tongue thank you very likely! *kills*


    I am having some issues finishing Thera's bother's bio and I don't know why *pout*


    Yells "But not as good as I can, you should reconsider" and waits to be killed.


    Because it has nothing to do with Kabria silly!

  13. Perivar noticed Kabria’s reaction when he mentioned her family.  He simply nodded in response to her comment.  Was she having second thoughts about finding her grandparents?  He knew that she felt uncomfortable about her past.  Nothing he said could ease her discomfort and that pained him.  He hated seeing her like that.  Regardless of her past she was a wonderful woman and he was lucky to have her.


    He couldn’t help but admire her form as he helped her.  Her grin and wink had said that she already pushed the thoughts away and moved on.  Perivar felt the moment to speak had passed but he needed to say it.  He took the sword from her hand and dropped it before taking both of her hands in his.  “Whatever has happened in our past is behind us now.  I have loved you since the moment we met and my love for you only grows stronger with each passing day.  Whatever brought us to the Tower has allowed us to meet one another and I feel like the luckiest man to have you in my life.  I want you to know that no matter what I love you more than anything.”  He pulled her to his chest and hugged her gently(for him) not caring for a second that someone could be watching.  Let the Dark One take anyone who had an issue with it.


    Reluctantly he released Kabria then bent over to pick up her sword and handed it to her.  He stepped away from her and drew his sword.  Now she knew the thrusting forms so it was on to the rest.  Since she was wearing the sword belt he showed her Folding the Fan though he did it as if his sheath was on his belt since his was on his back.  Next he demonstrated Leopard in the Tree which he worked right into Unfolding the Fan.  Perivar had her repeat them over and over until she had the basic mechanics down.


    After a brief break to rest her muscles and to take on water they were back at it.  There were only four forms to complete her training then she would have to practice them as often as she could to become proficient.  Perivar showed her Arc of the Moon, The Courtier Taps his Fan, Parting the Silk, and Grapevine twisting.  He saved The Grapevine Twines for last.  Perivar told her to swing at him.  She did so reluctantly, he blocked the stroke then as their blades were locked for that brief instance he did the maneuver sending her sword flying through the air.  She put her fists on her hips glaring at him and he smiled at her.  She muttered something about paying him back.  He grinned wider and knew he had made a mistake.  Before he knew it his sword was wrenched from his hands by unseen flows of air and flew fifty paces through the air before landing on the ground behind him.


  14. Perivar bowed his head respectfully.  "Always up for a challenge Master Kynwric, thank you for joining us.  The first to land five blows is the victor."  He looked around seeing if any others were coming to join the fun.  If not then he would ask Master Kynwric for another round after he sparred with Melenis.  Perivar switched his practice sword to his right hand and the practice singuata with his left.  He would alternate them with each new participant to make sure he was training equally with each.  He tried to forget the fact that Master Kynwric was a Blademaster.  A fact that would be readily apparent once the spar began.  Perivar would consider it a victory if he was able to land one blow. 

  15. Perivar cursed himself, he could survey a field and see where the best location was for an ambush.  He could face an opponent and weigh their strengths and weaknesses in a matter of seconds.  He could do any number of things but for the life of him he could not read women or their intentions.  He was even worse with written words.  He would be dreadfully overwhelmed by the Cairhienen and their silly game of houses. 


    As if she understood his consternation she whispered “You will go soon won’t you?” there was only on reason to whisper he thought, the words were for his ears only. “We could go tonight.. together?”  Those whispered words were like a sweet song to his ears, her hand on his thigh made the fire come alive inside of him.  He felt the blood start coursing through his veins as her nails dug into his leg.  The words from her letter came alive in his head mixing with her whispers.  Light he was dense sometimes but now there was no doubt.  He was very naive with women but...it was so hard to resist the urge to carry her away to their private getaway.  His eyes drank her in, he hungered for her.  By the look on her face he thought she wished to be alone as well.  "Together?" He muttered "Tonight?...Yes, tonight would be perfect."  Any time with her would be welcomed.  "After dinner?" He asked and the thoughts of an evening together ran wild in his head.


    Thankfully Kabria changed the subject.  He was unsure how long his willpower could have held against the thoughts in his head.  The thought of abandoning their training and retiring to their getaway now, not later.  She asked about carrying her real weapon.  She was getting closer, much closer but she still needed a little more time before she could carry it.  He had been especially hard on her but when she did carry it she would certainly be ready, more ready than most.  She trained hard which was apparent.  Kabria mentioned her figure and the thoughts of the two of them together crept back in.  Her fingers caressing his knee brought back the fire and the pulsing.  He usually welcomed the thoughts and the feel of her hands on his body though they were in public now and the light knew who was watching.  Andrial Sedai had known about them so it stood to reason that someone was watching even though he couldn't see them.  Reluctantly he forced the thoughts away trying to stay focused.  As if she came to the same realisation she took her hand from his leg and brushed a few strands of hair from her face.  Even that subtle movement seemed graceful. 


    Leave the Tower? Together? The thoughts raced through his head.  Finally, he hated being idle.  She wanted to meet his family.  He suddenly felt nervous hoping it did not show on his face.  Would she like his family?  He knew they would like her, they respected Aes Sedai and the work of the White Tower in service to the light.  Well his father did, but would his mother still be bitter about them taking her son from her.  Would she hold it against Kabria?  What would she think of them being together?  Perivar knew his mother would come to like her as soon as she got to know her.  Kabria was very much like his mother.  She was strong willed and a tough woman to deal with at times.  A person that you definately wanted on your side.  He had seen her go off on his father often enough and he took care not to upset her too much.  Very much like his relationship with Kabria.


    "That would be most welcome, I long to be away from here, with you!" He emphasized the last two words.  "I would like you to meet my family...and we still need to look for yours."  He had promised her that they would search for word of her Grandparents in Kandor.  He prayed to the Creator that they were alive and well, prayed that they could find them.  He reached into the basket, much to his surprise most of the food was gone.  How long had they been sitting there?  It was so easy to lose track of time in her presence.  "Are you ready to continue?" He asked though his voice lacked his usual enthusiasm.  He had to force the words out.  He would rather enjoy her company than train her yet it had to be done, duty.  That word had a way of creeping between them.  Soon his duty would be to serve her and it would no longer chafe him so.  The thought made him smile, he would take great pleasure in serving her. 




  16. I believe that Rasheta is going to discover Christine's character in Fal Dara and is going to escort her back to the Tower separate from our group.  Christine did not want to be part of a huge thread. 


    So if I am correct we will take Selene, Jerinia, Melenis, and the contingent of Tower Guards.  If Rasheta decides that she wants to keep some of the Tower Guards since she has no Warder then we will just shave some from our group.  Since Kyn said 10-20, I am thinking we can give Rasheta five (including the Bannerman which will give Perivar a reason for being in charge of them) and keep 15 for us not including Melenis.  Perivar will take the 15 NPC Tower Guards.  It would be odd for Perivar to be in charge of Melenis so she would serve under Kynwric.  Perhaps she will be tasked with keeping the two Accepted alive and well(something she has experience with)?  It would make sense that Kyn would trust her with such an assignment.  ;)


    Now I am not sure how we are to explain splitting the group as it would seem likely that Rasheta and Christine's character would travel with us since there is safety in numbers.  Maybe Rasheta has other business in Shienar or it may be that while in Fal Dara she hears rumors of a girl who can channel or learn to channel (Christine's char) and stays to investigate? 





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