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Posts posted by Sieve

  1. Perivar was glad to see the city come into view though there was a hint of worry.  The trouble between Arafel and Shienar was worse now than it had been a few years ago.  Even without the braids there was no doubt that he was Arafellin.  Would they look at him crosswise like the villagers had or would they see a servant of the Tower.  Some may take him for Kabria's Warder though without the color shifting cloak they may not.  He did not think he possessed the deadly grace that Master Kynwric did.  One glance at Master Kynwric was all one would need to name him a Warder.


    Perivar noticed Kabria's glance in his direction.  She had felt the hint of worry through the bond.  They rode practically knee to knee so his voice was for her ears only.  "With all the trouble between Arafel and Shienar I do not know how welcome I will be in Fal Dara.  It is much worse now than it had been when I left.  I do not want to cause any trouble for us but I will not leave your side.  Perhaps they will see me as a servant of the Tower first and an Arafellin second."


    Perivar thought of his family.  Their land was the northwest corner of Arafel.  It's westernmost edge was Arafel's border with Kandor but they had been camped with his father's troops on the border of Shienar when he left.  The trouble between Arafel and Shienar had just started brewing then, he hoped his family was well.  If not then there was nothing to do about it.  His duty lay elsewhere.

  2. Perhaps we get to Fal Dara and send the missive back to the Tower? The Eyes and Ears would get the message there faster than a messenger. We could always bribe one of the townsfolk who didn't get eaten by trollocs to go deliver the message to one of Lor's contacts...


    Yes that was what I was hinting at.  Use your special Aes Sedai network to send word to Tar Valon so they can send the escort to Fal Dara.  While we wait for them we can party....Wayne's World style....Party Time, Excellent!

  3. Perivar let out a breath that he had not been aware that he was holding.  At least she had not betrayed him.  A knot seemed to loosen from between his shoulder blades.  He didn't doubt her love or her commitment to him but he was on edge from the trip.  He had enough of betrayal and lies.


    Perivar smiled at her, she was like a breath of fresh air.  He reached up to caress her face.  If anyone was watching then they could go to the pit of doom.  "No I never doubted your love, never that.  You seem to be the one piece of consistency in my life.  The one thing that keeps me whole."  It was true, if there was one thing he was certain of, it was her love for him.


    Did others really not take interest in her because of him?  Or was it because they knew she would call them down for it then drub them senseless?  Some would respect the relationship between them but others were scavengers and would move in on someone else's territory without hesitation.  The thought of the latter made him angry.  His jealously was reknowned, he trusted Kabria but he did not trust others.


    Perivar had no idea it was there but Kabria could plainly see a tightness at the corner of his eyes that had not been there before he left.  His forehead was scrunched as well as if it was harboring some of the tension.  He looked to her as if he were in the void completely unaware of his outward appearance for had he been aware of it he would certainly had smoothed his features to keep any signs of the strain from her.  As much as he revealed to her he still had issues with letting his emotions and thoughts flow freely.


    Perivar noticed Kabria studying him and smiled at her to hide the strain.  "Well we best get on with it.  Do you remember the form Lion on the Hill? 

  4. Perivar was glad that Kabria did not press the matter further.  He doubted that she would let it rest though.  He knew that she would discover the identity of the Aes Sedai but he hoped she would not take it any further than that.  He eyed her as she walked over and put her hand on his arm.  He was caught off guard by her smile...it was not a typical smile but he could not gauge her mood by it.


    "Believe me there was no time for temptation.  If you feel the need to offset the horrors of my trip then I welcome your efforts.  Perhaps I will even embelish a little so you try a little harder to ease my pain."  He very nearly pouted to prove how hurt he had been then laughed out loud.  "How could I not find you attractive you are still the most beautiful woman in the world.  You can not believe how much I missed you.  Perhaps I will show you just how much."  He arched an eyebrow then looked at her hands on the hilt of the practice sword.  "Unless I have been replaced?" Clearly she had been working with someone.  The thought of her with another man turned his stomach. 

  5. He had never seen her this angry before but she had stepped over the line.  She stood toe to toe with him as if this were a bar room argument.  She might beat him silly with a sword but hand to hand would be another matter or maybe not.  "Women!" He muttered as he turned and walked away.  They were all out of their minds.  If he ever came to understand them it would be the day that the world would end.  He would forgive her for offenses against him but he would not tolerate her speaking ill of Kabria.  He only went a couple of paces before he stopped.  He turned to face her, anger painted his face as he spoke "If you ever speak of Kabria like that again then you can forget about any friendship that ever existed between us.  You can say what you like about me but leave her out of this.  She has never been anything but kind to you and Jasine!"


    He saddled Nightdancer and went after the Aes Sedai.  He could track well enough in the dark and he knew where she was heading.  He had no way of knowing if the those they were following would stop for the night and he didn't want to chance that they would catch the Aes Sedai.  The sooner he could find her the safer she would be.  He would not return to the Tower saying that he lost the Aes Sedai that he was sent to protect. 

  6. Light this was not how he had envisioned his return, they never seemed to work out well for him.  He watched the confidence with which she held the bundled lathe practice sword.  He would have to ask her about that but not now.  "Well I am in one piece in body though I am not so sure my mind is completely intact.  No disrespect to Aes Sedai but I met one who was rather....well difficult to deal with.  She apparently has no respect for oaths or promises and chooses to interpret them however it suits her needs."  He watched as she glared at him the question was plain on her face.


    "Light no, she did not bond me though there were plenty of times that I was not so sure I would return unbonded.  She still seems to think that she will bond me if she chooses to regardless of any claim that you may have on me."  He had to let her know.  "I swear it Kabria, I must have told her a thousand times that I was sworn to you.  I did not mention your name but she knew about us.  She is not a pleasant woman.  She basically told me that she would bond me."  Towards the end he realized that he was gritting his teeth.  He softened his tone.  "I am sorry Kabria, I did all that I could to keep her at bay.  When I objected she acted as if I had never said a word.  The times when she acknowledged my words she twisted them and threw them back at me."  He shrugged his shoulders.  "It was not pleasant at all."   



  7. "My father always said that it is not easy being a leader.  Being the one responsible for the lost lives.  There are always losses in battle, soldiers will die no matter how good of a commander you are.  Decide one way and certain people will die.  Decide another way and others will die.  You have to do what you must and not dwell on the result.  Death is always a possibility."


    "If it is not me then it will be another Kabria.  I know this, I would not trust your life in the hands of another, not while I still live.  Besides, I would rather live a day and die in your service then to live a lifetime without you.  Whatever you feel for me, it is or it will be my duty to protect you.  Aes Sedai are far more important to the White Tower and the fight against the Shadow than a Warder is.  If I have to give my life to protect yours then that is how it should be.  We are trained for it, we know our duty and the consequences.  The Wheel weaves as it wills."   

  8. Perivar let her rant then wanted to shout at her as she turned to walk away.  She was not going to get away with it without hearing him out.  If she walked away again he would follow her to the blight if that is what it took for her to hear him out. 


    "You will here me out?"  He shouted at her  "You lied to me! You got me wrapped up in this nonsense which will likely result in me being forcibly bonded.  A few half-hearted words are supposed to make it alright?  I only came because you asked me, because I respect you!  I could have stayed in the Tower and been perfectly happy yet I came because you asked."


    "You presume too much if you think that I have never suffered.  You think a BOY could not possiby have suffered?  A BOY who grew up in the Borderlands where death was a constant companion.  You are not the only one in this light forsaken world that has ever been hurt.  You think you know so much about my life and what I have endured yet you know nothing, NOTHING!  You think my training and service to the Tower has not exacted a toll on me?  You know nothing about what has transpired between Kabria and I, you don't have the slightest clue.  You think it has all been so easy for me?  I will spare you the details but believe me my life has not been as charmed as you may think.  You need to stop sulking about the past as if you are the only one who has ever been hurt and focus on the here and now.  You are one of the bravest and toughest women that I have met, now you need to start acting like it again.  Whatever has happened to you in the past, you need to make peace with it and move on.  If you can't then you will do Jasine no good by returning to him.  I am not saying it will be easy but you have to make peace with it and move on."  He knew that better than most.  He had to put certain events in his past behind him or they would have consumed him.  He threw down the stick he was using to poke the fire and went to check on the horses.   

  9. Valeran was about to respond to the Wise One when the celebration began.  He barely had a bite to eat and a pull from his mug as they were being asked to stand.  He went to join those standing before the seeker though the Wise One stepped in his way.  It was either stop or run her down.  Obviously the latter was not an option.  He noticed that the woman was pregnant and it made him wonder why she had left the waste to come here.  It could not have been a comfortable trip.  The Seeker words were lost on him as the Wise One spoke.  He rubbed his thick Saldaean mustache as he listened to her.


    Valeran had no idea why she cared what his name was though there was no harm in giving it.  "I am Valeran Kertovni, Dedicated of the Black Tower."  He said in his deep voice.  He could not bow or else his head would hit her pregnant belly so he inclined his head to her as a measure of respect.  He was rather stocky and most would probably think he could not bow but they would be surprised by his flexibility.  His bulk was mostly muscle though he did look as if he did not miss many meals.  "To answer your earlier question Wise One, I am one of those who follow the Dragon Reborn."


    His eyes went to the sky as it lit up.  He stared, amazed by what he saw.  In all his years he had never seen such a sight.  He truned his attention to the Seeker.  It was a shame that peace was just a dream.  Their destiny would not stand aside for peace.  The Dark One and his minions would never allow peace. 


    Valeran Kertovni

    Dedicated of the Black Tower



    Geirrin was happy that no one had engaged him in coversation.  The Wise One...that was what she called herself was probing Valeran and he did not envy the man.  The woman looked fierce though her husband made her look tame.  Geirrin was waiting for the man to start stabbing people with those spears of his.  He stood and joined the milling crowd as the Seeker began to speak. 


    Geirrin listened to the Seeker's words sparing a glance for Valeran who seemed to be on the wrong end of an interrogation.  He continued to listen to the speaker, peace he thought.  After learning what he had at the Black Tower he hoped for peace.  He wanted a life of women, ale, and gambling not a life of death and destruction though he knew the latter was more likely. 


    Geirrin watched the sky light up.  His jaw dropped, what were those things streaking through the sky.  Was it some trick of the power he wondered.  He thought he could make something like it but could he extend flows that far?  When the night was over he thought he had danced with every girl or woman at the celebration.  Light he was exhausted! 


    Geirrin Hale

    Dedicated of the Black Tower



    Perivar was about to sit at the fire with the Aes Sedai and Accepted instead of standing behind them.  He was the only guest still standing and he suddenly felt funny.  As he stepped closer to the fire a voice called them all to stand and gather around.


    He thought on peace.  It was dreamed of in the Borderlands though it was well known that it would never be reality.  The Shadow would not allow them to live in peace.  He thought of Kabria, imagined what it would be like if they could live in peace.  They could live in an estate in his father's lands and raise a family.  He stared at the sky like the others though his thoughts stayed on Kabria.  He wished she was with him to see it.


    The Seeker was making a valiant effort though he had to know that his peace would never hold.  When everyone returned home they would continue their hatred and prejudices.  The fact that someone had shared this night with them would mean little if anything.  It was a shame but it was the truth of the matter.  Death was the only thing that would bring peace.


    Perivar ate and drank though he did not dance.  He would not dance with anyone but Kabria.


    Perivar Tarigan

    Tower Guard 

  10. Perivar scanned the area around the training grounds looking for her.  He had not seen Kabria since her survival training and was eager to see her.  He thought of playing a joke on her and hiding though he did not want to delay seeing her for a moment.  Their only contact had been through written correspondence.  Perivar had just recently returned from a trip to Bandar Eban with Mistress Thera and Andrial Sedai.  Perivar had hastily written a note when he left and had written her again upon his return.  His only word from her was that she was busy and would meet him this morning for training. 


    Perivar wished he could forget the trip though that would not happen anytime soon.  The trip was certainly eventful, more so than he would have wished for.  For a time he thought Andrial Sedai would forcibly bond him or Mistress Thera...there was a time when he thought she might bond both of them.  He shuttered at the thought.  He could not imagine returning to the Tower to tell Kabria that he was bonded by another Aes Sedai after swearing to her that he would be her Warder.  Light she would probably kill him on the spot he thought, then she would go after Andrial Sedai.  How could he explain the torturous trip with the Aes Sedai?  The fact that the Aes Sedai still meant to claim him even armed with the knowledge that he was sworn to Kabria.  He couldn't hide it from Kabria, she had to know but would she blame him for it.


    Perivar pushed those thoughts from his head.  He knew Kabria would be happy with the training today.  If she progressed enough with the forms over the course of the day then she would get to wield the real thing.  That should make her happy.  He nonchalantly twirled the practice sword in his hand as he waited on her arrival.  He wondered what snug outfit she would be wearing today.  Her training attire seemed to be tailored to drive him out of his mind.  To make it even worse he knew exactly what was hiding beneath her clothes.  He felt his cheeks heating and pushed that thought away.  It was not easy as his thoughts had drifted to their nights alone which made the blood start pulsing through his body.  Of course her timing was perfect so that Kabria came upon him while his cheeks were bright red.  She eyed him curiously and he bowed deeply out of respect grateful for the opportunity to hide his face. 


    "Good morning Kabria Sedai" He smiled at her.  "You look lovely today, as usual."  He eyed her outfit with an approving look.


  11. Mistress Thera let out a string of curses that woke him.  He quickly grabbed his sword and singuata running towards her.  He glanced around eyeing their surroundings as if he expected an attack from any direction.  “Go back to Tar Valon if you want..but I cannot leave her to cross the Mountains alone.”  He eyed her as if she was mad.  What under the light was she ranting about?  When he asked her to explain her response shocked him.  The woman who tried so hard to snare them had left without a word.  He scolded himself for not hearing her leave.  Had she masked the sounds of her movements?  She must have for neither he nor Mistress Thera to hear her leave.


    Perivar quickly helped Mistress Thera break down the camp then went to retrieve his belongings.  He found the note with his gear.  He knew his face held a look of shock as her read the Aes Sedai's note.  In her absence he would learn his true feelings?  She already knows his true feelings?  Light what was that bloody woman thinking, she must be mad.  She knew nothing of how he felt.  He told her and she refused to listen.  What game was she playing at?  She had to know that they would not return to the Tower and leave her to make the trip alone.  The bloody woman wanted them to chase after her.  She would probably claim that he had tied himself to her by running after her.  Either way they could not leave her to make the trip alone.  Blood and bloody ashes he cursed as he gathered his things.


    He quickly donned his armor then mounted Nightdancer and rode from the camp with Mistress Thera as if the Dark One was right behind them. 



  12. Perivar stopped and listened though he did not respond.  So she was no longer bonded then.  Normally he would have felt sympathy and had compassion for her though at the moment he didn't care.  He picked up his sword and decided to do a circuit of their camp.  His armor lay in a pile by the log.  He could not remember the last time he was on duty without it. 

  13. As delicately as he tried to handle the situation he knew he was in deep water as she crossed the fire to stand before him.  Her look was intimidating.  When she spoke he was more confused than ever.  She twisted her words to make it seem as if he had made it all up.  She had mentioned bonding him, she had even hinted at forcing the bond on him if he refused to accept it.  He heard Mistress Thera's grunt and glanced at her again.  She still stood in the same position as before.  Light, Andrial Sedai had bound and gagged her with the power.  This woman was mad!


    She did not pause to let him speak.  Everytime he opened his mouth she shot daggers at him.  It was not until she was finished speaking that she allowed him to speak.


    "You didn't ask me?  I presume too far?"  He tried to keep a level tone though it was beyond difficult.  He threw his arms up in the air and she eyed him though his tone was respectful. "You may not have not have asked me officially but you certainly came close.  Your comments were suggestive enough and you more than hinted at it.  You said you wanted me to come to you of my own free will, you said you would do what you must.  What am I to make of that?  With all due respect, did you forget what you said only minutes ago?"  He was furious again replaying what she said to him though he schooled his features.  He was furious at her questioning his oaths to the Tower.


    Her voice had become hard at the end so he had to take care.  Making her angry would only make matters worse.  She had talked as if it did not matter that he was promised to another.  It did not matter that he did not want to be bound to her.  She spoke as if she knew she would get her way.  Over his dead body he thought.


    "I know the oaths" He told her.  He wanted to shout as the Commander's voice played in his head.  "Do you understand that once pledged you are forever bound to a rule of defense? Defense of all Aes Sedai, the defence of the White Tower?"  "Do you understand that once pledged you are forever bound to a rule of obedience? Obedience to your officers, obedience to all Aes Sedai?"  "Do you understand that once pledged you are forever bound to a rule of commitment? Commitment to serving faithfully, commitment despite any adversity?"  Did that mean he could not refuse her bond.  He was almost certain that she could not force it on him but how would his superior's interpret obedience.  Light he would rather face a Myrddraal than Andrial Sedai.


    He repeated the oaths for her that he spoke on the day of his raising to Tower Guard. 


    "I swear by the light and my hope of salvation and rebirth, as a Tower Guard to defend the White Tower and all who call it home." 


    "I swear by the light and my hope of salvation and rebirth, as a Tower Guard to serve faithfully for as long as the White Tower requires me."


    "I swear by the light and my hope of salvation and rebirth, as a Tower Guard to fight the shadow and uphold the light until my dying day."


    He eyed her defiantly though kept a respectful tone as he said "I will serve you faithfully and obey you Andrial Sedai.  I will do whatever you require of me as I am sworn to do though I will not willingly bond myself to you.  So if you ask for my bond then I will deny you.  By doing so I will not be breaking any oath for I will serve you and any other Aes Sedai faithfully as long as I am a Tower Guard."


    The Aes Sedai turned and walked back to her tent as if he had not responded at all.  He would rather the woman smacked him across the face than turned and walked away.  He knew that she would come at him twice as hard tomorrow.  He flinched as Mistress Thera touched his arm.  She spoke and he simply glared at her. "You could have warned me ahead of time!" was all he said before stalking away.



  14. Perivar nodded respectfully as Melenis approached.  He offered her a smile as well.  She was always an able combatant.  He frowned when she put on a pair of training gauntlets instead of picking up the practice ashandarei.  It was not that he was worried about hand to hand it was that Master Corwin ordered him to fight with both weapons.  He was practiced in hand to hand as well and honor said that he should fight her in the same manner though she had picked the form knowing how he was armed.  This would be interesting.  Melenis took her own stance and waited for him to begin.  Perivar wielded the practice sword in his left hand and took up the singuata with his right.  Master Corwin made him practice both ways. 


    "Please forgive me, I would like to fight you hand to hand but I have been ordered to only fight with this form.  The first one to land five solid blows will be the victor, agreed."  He waited for her assent then continued.


    Perivar saluted her with his sword then took on the form Lion on the Hill while assuming the void.  Melenis seemed intent to let him begin.  He advanced though he did not strike watching as she deftly stepped out of range.  He was trying to feel her out.  She was going to have the advantage of speed and close combat.  He would have the advantage at range though he would not be as quick.


    Perivar flowed through the forms as Melenis danced in and out of range trying her own strike.  He tried a simultaneous thrust with each weapon which she side-stepped then came inside landing a punch on his exposed side.  He was surprised by the power of her strike.  He nodded to her that was one point for her.


    They continued sparring circling, dancing in and out.  Once he landed Parting the Silk with his practice sword and another time it was The Kingfisher takes a Silverback with the practice singuata.  Each of them landed partial or glances blows though those did not count.  He was surprised by the amount of times she got in close to him or dodged a blow that should have landed.  Luckily he had a hard head for her next strike caught him squarely.  He nodded to her and smiled, she was doing much better unarmed than he thought.  Knowing her though he should not be surprised by her skill, she had always trained hard.


    ((2-2, Go ahead and take it to the end.  Feel free to take the win or flip a coin to decide it, however you want to do it is fine by me.))     

  15. ((OOC: Open to all.  Come spar with Perivar.  This thread will remain open for 2 weeks though it will all take place in the course of one day.  Beat him or lose to him the choice is yours.  For reference, he is a Warder now learning the path of Daisho and is at this point WS 12.  Come spar and have some fun!))


    Perivar stood in the middle of the Warder Yard with his practice weapons in hand.  He had his practice sword and a practice version of his singuata which was a regular buckler with bundled lathes in place of the sharp blades that usually extended from it in two places.  On the outskirts of the trampled ground was a barrel full of practice weapons in every style so that any could join him.


    The Yards were just starting to stir as he called to any passerby to come spar with him.  He was learning the path of Daisho from Master Corwin and decided that this was a perfect way to build his endurance.  He would stand here all day challenging any who passed to best him in a spar.  A few stopped to hear him out.  He saw several of them eyeing the barrel full of practice weapons.



  16. ((Wayne's World....Party Time!))


    The feeling of her in the back of his head took some getting used to in normal circumstances.  That night when they were together he had nearly gone out of mind by the burst of emotions that they shared.  Nobody ever explained that part of the bond to him.  To feel her so intensely in his head, their mutual feelings plain as day shocked him to his curling toes.  Light he felt as if his head would explode. 


    Before the festivities he ate enough for five men, five very large men.  Shortly after the festivities he nodded off.  Even with the benefits of the bond he was exhausted from the healing and the days events.  When he woke she was laying beside him as if she had never left.  He kissed her on the cheek then left their tent to take over the watch from Master Kynwric so he could get some rest.  Master Kynwric insisted that he had the watch covered and told him to return to Kabria.


    In the morning they broke camp and rode on towards Fal Dara.  He had hoped they would have time to search for Kabria's family but that would have to wait for now.  Duty called, they had to get the children safely to Fal Dara then on to Tar Valon.     

  17. "Over the next month I expect to see you practicing with both weapons any time you are using a weapon.  If you have a teacher that tells you not to, tell them to find me.  Hopefully in a month you should be ready for more, but we shall see then."


    "I will do as you say" He nodded respectfully "Thank you Master Corwin"  He said as he was dismissed. 


    For the next month he trained with renewed vigor.  He had an Aes Sedai to protect, he had to be the best that he could be for her.  He trained harder than ever.  Each day when he returned to her rooms exhausted she eyed him curiously.  She would offer him healing though he felt as if that were cheating.  The benefits of the bond allowed him to train harder and longer than he could without it.  It was truly remarkable.


    Perivar let Kabria think that Master Corwin was pushing him hard though he was pushing himself.  No doubt Master Corwin expected a certain level of commitment to the training but it was Perivar who took it to the extreme.  Kabria was a Green and would be placing herself in harms way, he had to be as tough and as skilled as he could be.  That was why he had sought out Master Corwin.  He was a master of the form that would help him be what he needed to be.


    When the month was up he waited for word from Master Corwin to appear before him.  If he did not hear something by tomorrow than he would seek him out.

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