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Posts posted by Sieve

  1. Geirrin had undergone some changes since arriving at the Black Tower as it was called nowadays though mostly he was still the same person he had been.  He was foolish, carefree, and very easy going.  Little had concerned him until that battle in Shienar and the discovery of his talent for shielding.  The last had been particularly uncomfortable since he had been summoned daily to the M'Hael's palace.  The M'Hael had desperately wanted to learn his method of shielding yet the man simply did not possess the ability.  The M'Hael refused to believe that he could not learn it and took his failure out on Geirrin as if he had been holding back from properly teaching him. 


    Lounging in the chair he lazily drummed the fingers of his left hand on his leg as he stared at the floor tiles.  "Well folks. How about you get off your arses and introduce yourself."  Everyone sitting stirred, everyone but him.  Geirrin had been so lost in thought that he was the last to rise.  He didn't know what else to do so he shrugged knowing his face was tinged with red.


    When he studied the newcomer he stared in disbelief, this was the Dragon Reborn!.  Jarron Al'Tanin, The Dragon Reborn was no older than Geirrin.  Clearly this was a momentous occassion, meeting the Dragon Reborn and their earlier oath must mean something though Geirrin did not see his part in it.  What would the Dragon Reborn want with him?  Geirrin was low born, a fisherman's son, he was not used to getting involved with matters involving his betters, safer to mind your own business.  Sure he was an Ash'aman but what was that to the Dragon Reborn?  How long had he been at the Black Tower?  He had never seen the man before so why now?


    Geirrin waited for Tai to finish then added his introduction going next as if to make for rising late.  Bowing he said "My Lord Dragon, I am Geirrin Hale.  I am your man as well."  Was there something else he was supposed to say?  Jarron Al'Tanin, The Dragon Reborn studied him as if looking into the deep recesses of his soul to determine if he spoke the truth.  Suddenly he felt parched under that piercing gaze, if he had a pitcher in his hand he would have drained it in one gulp then asked for a refill.  When Jarron's eyes moved to the next man Geirrin let out a breath that he had not realized he had been holding.  Light what had he gotten himself into!

  2. Actually I am in the process of getting my Dedicated (Valeran Kertovni) up to Ashie so he can take part but he can be in the second round wince I want this one to be the bondholder.

  3. Jain,


    Intro threads do not usually get a lot of...response from others.  It is not that people don't want to join in just that most people are eager to get their characters rolling so they usually just have someone point them in the right direction then go meet the MoT.


    So basically it is up to you.  You can just post having your character show up at the door of the MoT's office (don't forget to knock) or you arrange for another character to interact with your character along the way.  If so just post here asking people to come interact with your character.


    Hope that helps! 


  4. Okay, quick request folks. I've got a bit post with Covai that will need to be made next for this RP. I'll be starting a new thread with Jarron entering the room we're in, but until that I need people to hold back a little.


    I'm sorry to ask people to wait on this. I'm also sorry this RP wasn't up when I said it would be. My mate got run over by a car, so I've been spending a fair bit of time at the hospital. Good news is he's going to be absolutely fine, and just needs a bit of bed rest for a day or two. Thats why the RP is late. So whilst I'm sorry on both fronts here, I CAN promise it'll all be worth it! :D


    NP we can wait.


    Sorry about your friend but I'm glad he will be fine.

  5. Your kids computer? Is is pink and covered in Winnie the Pooh? :-*


    No goof ball, that is my youngest daughter's room that is pink and formerly covered with Winnie the Pooh.  :P  The computer is one of my old one's that the kids get to use, it is very manly.  :P  The kicker of the room is that my wife does not like the new color...she picked it out!!!!!    ::)

  6. Yes, turn and run very quick, as fast as your legs will take you...and don't except any cookies if they are offered!



    Sent a bio in last night, just waiting for approval.  Newish and all.


    Well then, look forward to seeing your bio posted and cc'd.  If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask!  We don't bite, but we do grumble and whip people quite a bit.  Ooh no worries, the participants are always willing.  ;D

  7. Geirrin wondered how he got mixed up in all of this.  One moment he was being thrown out of the M'hael's quarters, the next he was being sent back in only to be hurried from the rooms again.  Somehow he managed to find his way to Tear unsure what he had gotten himself into.  This was his second time in the stone, the first was to play with the cache of angreal and ter'angreal.


    Covai's words pierced the silence.  This was a different Storm Leader than he was used to.  "Listen up. You'll hear the reason we're here soon enough. Before that though, I want each of you to pledge your loyalty to the Dragon here and now. And I mean loyalty to the Dragon about all else, including the Black Tower. Any one who refuses better get out before I throw them out."  Why would an oath to the Dragon Reborn necessary.  Clearly they were his man down to their toenails.  So why the oath?  The occasion seemed momentous but he could not say why.


    Suddenly he was jealous of Simmen's post guarding the door.  Taking a deep breath he fell to one knee with the others speaking the words.  Geirrin was not used to making oaths, clearly he was as perplexed as the others.  A strange oath indeed, the Lord Dragon above the Black Tower?  He like most had always thought of them as the same.  All it took was a brief glance at Arath then Covai and he nodded.  Each gave their oaths, some slightly different than the others depending on their country of origin.


    "I Geirrin Hale, swear under the Light and by my hope of salvation and rebirth, that my loyalty lies with the Lord Dragon Reborn above all else."  It was plain and simple but that was Geirrin in a nutshell.


    Remaining on his knee he looked at the others.  He knew his face held a look of shock and surprise.  Was this some sort of Ta'veren twisting the pattern?  What had he just done?  He was no fool to think that he was some hero from a book.  He was a common man still coming to grips with what he was.  No he was an Ash'aman, a guardian of those who walk in the light.  He had proved himself in Shienar though he was no hero.  Light! What had he just done?  Had he just signed his own death warrant?  What of the others back in the Black Tower? 


    Geirrin was so unsettled that he forgot to rise.  He stared at the floor, studying it as if it held the answers...



  8. Perivar was lost in thought as he and Kabria made their way from the city.  Kabria looked like a queen and he looked...well odd was how he looked for he wore his fancloth cloak.  The way the color shifting cloak was draped only parts of him and his warhorse would be visible.  Perivar disliked excessive ceremony though it was their duty.  An Aes Sedai and her Warder traveling through the city and beyond was a comfort to many people.  They were a symbol of hope to some, proof of the Light's refusal to give into the Shadow. 


    The sound of their warhorses's hooves rang on the power wrought bridge that crossed the Alindrelle Erinin connecting the small village of Alindaer to the city of Tar Valon.  The soft clip clop and the creak of their saddle leather mixed with the sounds of a number of carts, carriages, and barrows traveling to or from the city.  They were leaving the city again passing through Alindaer as they made their way west.  Perivar did not like going west, both times he had done so had not gone well for him.


    His thoughts were interrupted by the commotion up ahead.  Perivar watched the action unfold with a look of distaste the spurred Nightdancer to a gallop as the man fell limply to the ground.  Perivar vaulted from the saddle to stand between the man and the guards while Kabria dismounted to kneel over the man.  Perivar had a few sharp words for the Bannerman in charge of this post while Kabria tended to the downed man.  He could sense her frustration then her concern until it changed to pure focus as she healed the man. 


    Perivar studied the man lying on the ground as the Bannerman tried to offer excuses for his actions.  The man was more mud than anything.  "He looks like a vagrant, no good reason for him to be inside the city."  Perivar could sense Kabria's irritation though she was content to let him handle it while she saw to the man.  "Do you have proof that he is up to no good, have you witnessed an infraction of the laws of Tar Valon?"  "But..." The Bannerman said then stopped when Perivar held up a hand to stall him.  But look at him was what the man was going to say. "Did you bother to ask his reason for entering the city?"  The Bannerman nodded though reluctantly. 


    "Well what was his answer?"  Perivar's voice was cold and distant.  He felt Kabria studying him, he had no tolerance for fools and in the void his voice was as cold as winter in the Borderlands.  He was inside the void now pushing all emotion into the flame till he was one with his surroundings, his words belonged to another man.  "He wants to be a Warder!" The Bannerman scoffed and two of the guards chuckled.  Perivar was happy he was in the void otherwise he may have struck both guardsmen and the Bannerman.  Instead he fixed them with a glare that silenced them, the two guardsmen gulping under the weight of his stare, the Bannerman was made of sterner stuff.  Kabria was...amused of all things.


    "Is that true?" Perivar directed the question to the man on the ground.  The man nodded saying "It is" in a voice that said its owner was parched.  For a moment Perivar's large dark eyes weighed the man.  "Your name?"  When he gave it Perivar offered him an arm up.  "Well Elyan, you look more like a blacksmith but Mistress Thera will determine your worth.  She is the Mistress of Trainees, you will find her in the Warder Yard.  One day I hope I get the pleasure of calling you Gaidin."  None but Perivar would understand the significance of the reference to the Blacksmith.  His father had told him he was the son of a blacksmith often as a youth as he was much wider than his father or his brother.  The man was of a size with him though he was a few inches shorter.


    Perivar produced a leather purse from his pouch then pressed it into the man's hand.  Despite his protests the man final conceded when Perivar insisted.  "Mind your training for I will inquire as to your progress the next time I see Mistress Thera."


    Turning to the Bannerman Perivar tossed him some coins.  "Tell off two of your men and see him to the nearest inn.  See that he gets a hot meal and some rest.  Kabria Sedai will be very angry if you let anything happen to a man that she just healed.  He is under my protection, if anything happens to him then I am holding you responsible."  The man flinched though he replied "As you command Gaidin."  Perivar had a few quiet words reminded him of their purpose.  Reminding him that people down on their luck need a place to turn for salvation.  If they could not find it in Tar Valon then it could not be found.


    Perivar held Kabria's stirrup as she mounted blade.  She touched his hand and gave him such a warm smile that sent a tingle through his body.  Love and pride flowed through the bond in waves.  Perivar smiled back ath her before mounting Nightdancer.  With that matter settled they made their way west.


    (( OOC Edit:  If that doesn't work for you then just let me know.  I figured it left it open for you to encounter other if you wish or speed your way right to Mistress Thera after a meal and some rest ;)  ))

  9. The dice bounced across the table as Valeran rubbed at his thick Saldaean mustache with the thumb and forefinger of his left hand.  Always his left hand, his right was for his sword.  Touches of grey shown in his mustache as well as above his ears.  The stress of losing his wife was visible.  His high necked black coat showed a sword on the collar naming him one of the Dedicated.


    The din in the common room was loud enough that he could not hear the rattle of the dice.  Men cheered though he did not look at the table.  His eyes were fixed on the girl and the Storm Leader.  The girl with the chin length brown hair in the finely embroidered green dress who was holding a dagger as if she meant to use it.  Valeran stepped from the table making his way towards the girl and the Storm Leader.  Those at the table hailed him though he gave them no notice.  Surely Storm Leader Covai could handle this but a little help might not go amiss.


    As he was halfway there he heard the girl's words and winced, the fool girl was in over her head.  The silence was deafening as everyone stared at the girl.  Most dismissed it when they spotted the Storm Leader speaking with her though others glared at her openly.  This had the potential to go very bad for her.  As he neared the pair their words were audible and he followed the Storm Leader's eyes to the two boys.  He heard him call to the serving girl to find them some sweet rolls. 


    Valeran knelt his bulky frame on one knee to speak with the boys handing them each a few coins.  In moments they were bursting through the door eager to complete the task he assigned them.  Using the boys absence he turned to the girl then bowed which was surprisingly graceful for a man of his bulk.  The girl glared at him obviously wondering where he had sent the boys.  Valeran's usual perpertual frown was gone, it was replaced by a face that could be considered fatherly.  He had no children of his own, his wife could not bear them though he had dozens of nieces and nephews.  The men who formerly served under would not believe him capable of such a warm face. 


    When he spoke his voice was low so that only the girl and the Storm Leader could hear, his tone was meant to be comforting.  He was nearly forty now so hopefully she saw him as an elder and not a madman.  "My Lady, I assure you that Storm Leader Covai is an honorable and just man.  If you will not trust him then perhaps you will trust me.  I swear on the grave of my wife may she rest in peace that you will not be harmed, but you must put that dagger away.  I would also advise you to watch your choice of words.  I stand surety for your safety and for the boys, but I caution you to choose your words and actions wisely."  Again he offered her a warm smile.


    Valeran's eyes went to the door as the boys hustled back into the common room each proclaiming how their choice of apples were better than the others.  Luckily they had not wondered on why he had sent them to the street vendor for the apples when he could have gotten them from the kitchen here.  Valeran smiled at the boys as he pointed to an adjacent table before turning back to the girl.  "I will keep the boys entertained while you two talk."  This time he bowed his head as he spoke to Storm Leader Covai, "My apologies for the interruption Storm Leader", he felt a bow was more suited than a salute at the moment. 


    Valeran made his way to the adjacent table where the oys were waiting with looks of eagerness on their faces.  "Alright boys lets see what you brought me.  Very well done," He said examing the apples "excellent choices, you both did well."  Theys tried to give back the coins they had left over though he told them to pocket the coins as payment for their help.  Their faces lit up as they made the coins disappear.  Choosing three of the apples he began to juggle them.  He was no gleeman but his juggling was passable, at times it had helped him pass the idle hours.  He continued juggling then played a game with upturned mugs until the maid returned with the sweet rolls.  Occasionally he spared a glance for the girl and the Storm Leader hoping things were going well...

  10. I am trying to move my Dedicated (Valeran) along so I can get him to Ashie and eventually have him bond an AS, what a lucky girl she will be!  ;)  So I am looking for any takers to teach him a few classes. 


    He needs two Learning classes one of which must be Saidin related, the other is optional in that regard.  Then he needs a Using Saidin class.  After those are complete I will need a taker for the Ashie duel.


    - Anyone up for teaching him the game of Stones?


    - He is in his late thirties and has been a soldier all of his adult life.  He knows how to kill but I thought it would be ironic if he had some basic skill with healing.  So anyone want to teach him healing?


    - I'm sure I can figure something out for using Saidin but I am up for suggestions.



  11. Name: Valeran Kertovni

    Rank: Dedicated


    Strength: 29

    Skill:    28


    OP score breakdown:


    Fire  = 7 (7 pts)

    Earth  = 7 (7 pts)

    Air    = 5 (5 pts)

    Water  = 5 (5 pts)

    Spirit = 5 (5 pts)


              (29 of 29 pts spent)


    Current stats:


    Fire  = 5 (7 )

    Earth  = 5 (7 )

    Air    = 2 (5 )

    Water  = 2 (5 )

    Spirit = 2 (5 )


  12. I can teach any classes you want. Just let me know :D


    Yeah I can help out as well.  Best bet is to post what classes you are interested in.  Certain Instructors have specialties though if they are not available most of us will teach just about anything.

  13. Welcome!


    Your WS is really not a big deal so just start RP'ing, get your intro RP done first.  As Raeyn said the Staff will get you sorted out.  They will assign you a Weapon Score(WS) somewhere between 0-4.  There are Reqs that are required and those that are electives.  You will find the Reqs broken down here


    So basically get your Intro RP underway and by the time that is complete you will have your WS.  Then you will know how many classes (Reqs) you need to complete to get to the next stage which is a Tower Guard.  So In the mean time look at the Reqs for Trainees on the Warder Advancement page.  You can begin planning what classes you wish to take.  When you are ready to take a class just post here in the Division forum and someone or several someones will offer to train your character.


    I think that covers it in a nutshell.  If you have any other questions do not hesitate to ask. 



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