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Posts posted by Sieve

  1. The dice bounced then spun to a stop, snake eyes again.  Geirrin slammed his mug on the table spilling the contents while cursing his bloody ill luck.  The others at the table laughed out loud caring less about the mess on the table as they divied up their winnings.  The were elated after winning five rounds in a row.  Geirrin was beside himself.  His luck had gone from bad to utterly terrible since hearing about the proposed truce with the White Tower.


    One of the Asha'man, a Taraboner named Darin plucked at Geirrin's sleeve reminding him that he was late for his trip with the Storm Leader.  Covai would not be pleased when Geirrin arrived late and half inn the bag.  "Bloody fish guts Darin my luck was about to change."  Geirrin said as he stood reluctantly and began making his way to the door.  "My luck has to change!"  Geirrin snatched another and drained it before making it outside.  If he was going to accompany Covai to the bloody White Tower then he was going to be as drunk as he could get and still walk.


    Geirrin was still arguing with Darin as they neared the stables.  Darin muttered an oath though it was lost on Geirrin.  Geirrin stopped dead in his tracks as the ground rumbled all around him.  Dust enveloped him as he tripped over a small stone to fall flat on his face.  Geirrin would have cursed though the fall knocked the wind out of him.  Blood and bloody ashes, what in the name of the light was going on here.  When the dust settled Geirrin surveyed his surroundings.  Rubble lay everywhere and the Farm looked like an anthill that had been kicked.  Were the Dreadlords attacking the Black Tower or had some foolish soldier try a weave he had no business attempting he wondered.  He could not believe that his day could get any worse.     



    Geirrin Hale

    Too drunk to realize what all the commotion is about.

  2. Day after frustrating day passed with no results though it was not from lack of effort.  Each day they began their search well before daylight and continued 'til well after dark.  Kabria's mood was growing worse by the day.  Frustration and doubt flowed through the bond though she refused to give.  He was sure Kabria was having doubts about their chances of success though she continued the search.


    Perivar tried to cheer her mood though that task was proving more difficult with each passing day.  He was about to go look for the thief-catcher to inquire as to his progress though the man suddenly appeared one night saving him the trouble of having to find the man.


    Answering the door Perivar made then man wait in the hallway while he informed Kabria of her visitor.  After giving Kabria time to ready herself he let the man in.  Taking his position by Kabria's side he listened anxiously hoping that the news was good for a change.

  3. Kennar glowed as he retold the tale of the innkeeper's death.  It would have been obvious to a fool that he was elated.  Kennar was careful not to over do it lest she think him mad.  He was still revelling in the remembrance of his grand performance when he realized that she had spoken.


    What had she said?  She was wondering if he had been seen.  Yes that's it, she asked if he had been seen.  Locking eyes with his mistress he spoke.  "None save for your man."  Kennar had thought long and hard on his way back.  Eqwina's face gave nothing away though he was still certain the watcher was in her employ.  It was the only scenario that made sense.  The Aes Sedai would want to ensure that she could not be connected to the murder.  If he was off the mark then he would have some work ahead of him to discover the identity of the watcher and discover why he had been there and why he seemed satisfied that the innkeeper had met her demise.  He was certain the man could not identify him but it would be unwise to take a chance. 


    Nervous moments passed in silence while he waited for his mistress to speak.  It was an effort to stand still under her gaze.  In spite of her diminutive appearance she possessed a commanding presence and a penetrating gaze that could unsettle the soulless.

  4. His dear sweet Kabria always saw through the facade.  In mere moments she had gotten past all of the fluff to the heart of the matter.  She even gave him a pass by going easy on him over his childish behavior.  Perivar was convinced that she knew him better than he knew himself.  It was almost unsettling.


    “I love you Perivar, and I know that this is hard for you, but we are continuing on. Your mother has a right to know what happened to you.”  Grudgingly he nodded after a few moments of silence.  In response the ice in her gaze melted a trifle.Her reaction left him bewildered.    Was that a brief flash of relief that he felt through the bond?  Did she truly think that he might turn away now?  Ooh how he wanted to but deep inside he knew he couldn't.  They had come this far, too far to leave now.


    Lost in thought he had not noticed her closing the gap between them until their knees touched.  Her hand on his cheek sent a shiver through his body.  It was like being touched by a woman for the first time.  “I will not ask you to introduce me to them, telling them of your new life will be enough; but you must go home. At least once more.”


    Reaching up with his left hand he caressed Kabria's cheek.  "I am not sure why I have been so blessed to have you in my life.  Truly your love is more than I deserve."  Savoring the moment he waited a few heartbeats then smiled at Kabria before dismounting.  "We will stop here for the night while we have enough light to make camp.  There is not another village between here and my parent's manor house."  He refused to call it home.  He scanned their surroundings before adding "This is as good a spot as we are likely to find."  A copse of trees stood amidst a meadow of tall grass and wildflowers.  The trees would help provide some cover as well as relief from the elements. 


    Perivar helped Kabria dismount holding her tight for a moment before seeing to the horses and their belongings.  Perivar continued their conversation while he worked.  "It is not my home any longer.  It stopped being that when I left many years ago."  There was no sadness in his voice, it was simply a matter of fact.  You are my home now my love he whispered.  "I am not sure there is a reason to visit."  He purposely fumbled with a strap on his saddlebag to by himself some time to think.  "Things have changed, what if I am no longer welcome?  Some may feel that I abandoned their cause?"  A foolish notion but what if?  If someone uttered an insult he would be bound by honor to react.  "With all the trouble we have seen and heard of, they might not be too pleased with the White Tower."  He was grasping for straws, trying to find any excuse not to return.  A fool could have seen through his pitiful excuses. 


    Perivar saw to the horses and their belongings then setup up their tiny pavilion in the copse of trees.  When he emerged from the pavilion he found Kabria working on dinner.  She seemed to be using every ounce of her concentration on preparing the meal.  Her meals had improved greatly over the years but she could still be touchy about her cooking ability.  Jokingly he said "I do not look forward to seeing my family but at least we will eat well."  She shot him a look that promised him retribution which only made him laugh out loud.  A heartbeat later a switch of air caught his bottom.  He winced then resumed his laughter rubbing his bottom as he went about searching the copse for more firewood.  He loved his fiery little Aes Sedai, loved everything about her.  Kabria uttered something but he could not make it out.  When he turned she had a pleased smile on her face.  Clearly she felt as if she had gained the upper hand.  It was good to see her smile. 

  5. A cool wind blew steadily out of the North causing Perivar's color-shifting cloak to dance about as they rode toward their destination.  Perivar paid no mind to his flapping cloak or the cool afternoon air which crept its way through every stitch of his clothing.  His attention was focused on their surroundings and keeping Kabria safe while trying to battle the other thoughts racing in his head.  The task of keeping Kabria safe was becoming increasingly difficult by the day, difficult enough without other distractions.  More often than not she seemed to forget that she was Aes Sedai not the Warder.  Sometimes he felt as if she were trying to protect him more than he was her.  When he jokingly brought up the matter she just laughed at him telling him he was being ridiculous.  Her words were more colorful than his.


    Perivar had been quiet most of the day, not odd behavior for him but it was obvious that something was bothering him.  Dutifully he studied the trees on either side of the hard packed dirt road hoping to keep his mind busy though it did little to stop the worrisome thoughts that kept forming in his head.  Even working the forms had not kept them at bay.  He had not been this unsettled in a while. 


    The clip-clopping of their horse's hooves rang out and melded with the sound of rustling leaves on the branches of the trees that lined both sides of the road.  They swayed to and fro with the breeze making it seem as though everything around them were in motion.  Perivar heard the birds as they chittered away on those swaying branches.  He caught sight of the occasional squirrel gathering nuts or hopping from limb to limb.  He would have noticed even more had he been able to form the void though the disturbing thoughts would not stop their assault on him.  He had been unable to force his emotions into the flame of late which meant he could not assume the void.  It had him on edge.


    All around them greens clashed with yellows and browns and a variety of other colors to make up the landscape.  Another time he might have stopped to take in the scenery, it was breathtaking.  Sharing that with Kabria in his arms would have been magical though it was not to be.  As beautiful as Arafel was, it was an extremely harsh land even to those accustomed to the cold climate and the frequent raids by shadowspawn.  It had become even more harsh in recent years, moreso than he had known as a child.  The troubles with Shienar had taken a toll on the land and he was not trusting of anyone save for Kabria at this point.  He had seen enough death, destruction, and foul deeds to leave him sufficiently jaded.  He did not have much faith in the good will of people in general.       


    Without looking back Perivar spoke, being on edge his tone was much rougher than he had intended.  "I don't know how I am to protect you when you charge into every dangerous situation as if you are some queen of battles.  You are more than a queen in my eyes though you are not immortal Kabria!  I admire your bravery, honestly I do but you make my task of keeping you alive and well decidedly difficult.  If you...if anything..."  His words trailed off, he couldn't even finish the thought nor keep eye contact with her.  It was enough to make his stomach turn.  Turning away he cursed himself for speaking without thought.  He cursed himself for bungling his words.  He should have said what he truly felt.  He needed her, more than she could ever have imagined.  It went way beyond love or the fact that they were bonded.  In simple terms she was his world.     


    North and West they had travelled for days toward his childhood home.  Toward the place where he used to call home, that was before he met Kabria.  Now home was wherever she was.  The beautiful pale haired, blue eyed, quick witted Aes Sedai with the sharp tongue and compassionate soul was his whole world.  He would die for her though he desperately wanted to live to spend the rest of his life with her. 


    Stopping Nightdancer in the middle of the road he turned to face Kabria giving her no time to respond.  The pain that was so evident looked odd on his hard face.  "I'm sorry, I should not have spoke to you so.  Please forgive me."  He very nearly pleaded with her.  Sighing he finally got to the point.  "I'm not so sure that this is a good idea.  It has been a long time since I have seen or even spoken to my parents.  Perhaps there is no reason to visit now.  I am bound to the White Tower not the Borderlands.  Maybe we should go on to Kandor and search for your grandparents?"  Hundreds of scenarios had run through his head since they decided to visit his parents though most were unpleasant.  His life now was completely different, he had grown and changed immensely.  Perhaps this was a bad idea.         

  6. Gerrin's laughter ceased as the earsplitting crack filled his head.  Instinctively his hands went to his ears and he ducked.  For at least the third time today he thought he was going to die.  The Dragon Reborn's words echoed through the chamber. "I did not make a suggestion Brent.  I gave you an order.  You WILL find a way to make peace with the White Tower.  If you have to crawl to Tar Valon and beg the Amyrlin on hand and knee, we will have a truce.  I am trying to unite the world against the shadow.  Tarmon Gai'don is coming.  The first blows may have been struck in Shienar.  And I will not tolerate another failure like that."


    Mutters and ramblings broke the silence though Geirrin held his tongue.  He stared as Brent foolishly spoke back to the Dragon Reborn.  The M'Hael was a fool!  Words went back and forth until finally the Dragon Reborn addressed the room.  "These are my orders, guardians.  Will you see it done?"  Without conscious thought, Geirrin saluted realizing then stared around the room realizing that everyone had done so.  In the course of an afternoon they had become the Dragon's men, sworn by oath and held by a power beyond his comprehension.


    "Get out.  And do no be speaking of what you be hearing here."  Brent's words rang out and Geirrin made it a point of being the first one out of the room.

  7. Slipping into the shadows Kennar had to fight to keep the grin from his face.  When he first received the summons he was intent on making his new mistress feel the pain from the past two years.  Two years which he spent in complete and utter misery.  The prospect of doing her dirty work left him too elated to be angry with the little Aes Sedai.


    The door open spilling some light onto the roof for a moment until the door quickly closed behind the innkeeper.  She hurried to the pigeon coops, her vision focused on the little birds that would spread her gossip.  Their wings began flapping causing quite a commotion as she approached her little messengers. 


    The rooftop was pitch black though Kennar's eye were well adjusted to the night.  As the innkeeper opened the coop, Kennar grabbed her from behind covering her mouth with one hand while his other arm held her tight.  A few threats whispered in her ear were enough to paralyze her for the moment.  He could have been quick about this murder though at times he liked to toy with his victims, even let them know who was killing them if it was personal.  This was not personal though he wanted her to know why she was dying.  The pigeons flew the coop as they realized that the door was open.


    "You should have held your tongue woman.  The Great Lord despises those in his service who fail him.  Your mistress is equally displeased!"  He told her, his hot breath caressing her ear.  He laughed softly as the realization sunk in that he was there to kill her.  The innkeeper began to squirm trying to scream for help though nothing could be heard over the commotion of the fleeing pigeons.  Taking his arm from around her waist, Kennar reached up and snapped her neck.  He let her body fall from the rooftop into the abandoned alley alonside the inn.  The pleasant thud of her body falling four stories to the ground was inaudible over the noise on the rooftop. 


    With a smile on his face Kennar made his way to the shadow of an adjacent rooftop.  Kennar took one last look at the innkeeper's lifeless body lying in the alleyway then turned to go.  A flicker of motion caught his eye and he stopped in his tracks.  A shadowed figure stepped from the darkness of the alley studying the innkeeper's body.  The man, he was certain it was a man, booted the body to make sure she was dead.  In the blink of an eye the man was gone. 


    Kennar thought of going after the man though it meant going near the body and risking being found with the body.  Muttering an oath he took off in the other direction using the shadows for cover.  So somebody was watching him, was it his mistress or was someone else also interested in the innkeeper.  He was certain he wasn't followed which meant that the watcher was in position already.  Pushing the thoughts from his head he decided to think on it later.  For now he had to concentrate on leaving the scene without being spotted. 


    Hours later he returned to his mistress to report his success.  He studied the room again as he entered then approached his mistress with a smile on his face as if it were all fun and games.  Well in truth it was mostly fun for him.  "She will not utter another word Great Mistress."  Kennar told the Aes Sedai nonchalantly. 


    Telling her the outcome got as much reaction as if he just announced that water was wet.  So she knew already.  Just how far did her network of eyes and ears extend.  This little Aes Sedai was as dangerous as one could be.  Kennar decided right then and there that it would be much to his benefit if he remained her faithful servant.  Crossing her just did not seem wise given her extensive resources.  Not to mention that she could kill him with the power as quickly and easily as blinking an eye.  If nothing more he was going to have fun in her service.   

  8. I have my last Final tomorrow!! WooHoo!!!! And I need to spend the day cramming for it. So I will not get any wirting done today. Be good until tomorrow!!!!.  ;D


    *whispers to Sieve to keep an eye on the trouble makers*


    Woohoo no wirting!!!!  But I do expect you to get some writing done today!


    *winks* "Don't worry I'll keep my eye on them"


    *Shouts as their fearless leader leaves for the day*  "Hurry, raid her liquor cabinets!!!!!"

  9. Perivar woke to find that Kabria was already up and about.  Obviously was eager to be underway as she was dressed and some food from the tray was missing.  Lifting his head from the pillow he smiled at her mischievously.  "I guess there is no chance of me convincing you to come back to bed."  Kabria gave him one of those looks that said not to push it then returned to studying the parchment with the names of the locations that they were to check.


    For a moment his thought's drifted to the day before.  Perivar's attempt to calm Kabria may have been feeble but Kabria entertained him probably because she didn't want to hurt his feelings.  He was no wordsmith, he was not going to cheer her with words and she let him off the hook.  Her sharp tongue was a facade, Kabria was the most kind and caring person that he had ever met.  Everyday when he woke he thanked the creator for allowing Kabria into his life.


    Snapping back to the present he realized that Kabria was staring at him and that he was smiling from ear to ear.  "What are you smiling at?" She asked obviously hoping he would reveal what was on his mind.  "nothing" he replied waving his hand as to say it was nothing important.  She didn't buy it of course.  Flashing another smile at her he threw the covers off then bounded from the bed crossing the room to pick from the tray.  Perivar continued to pick at the food as he got dressed washing it down with some mulled wine.  Brushing the crumbs from his shirt he walked to the washstand where he freshened up and scrubbed his teeth.  When he was finished he grabbed his gear and said enthusiastically "I'm ready when you are my love."       

  10. Geirrin stood at the back of the room shielded from seeing the Dragon or the M'Hael by the gathering of Storm and Attack Leaders.  Their words were lost on him as he wondered if this day could get any worse.  As if the thought were a summons a buzz filled the room.  "Peace with the White Tower!"  He heard another man say.  The words echoed throughout the hall.


    "What under the Light"  Geirrin exclaimed to himself.  All he knew of Aes Sedai was that they would still anyone who could touch Saidin without batting an eyelash.  Now they were being asked to make peace with them.  For the first time in a long while he wished that he was back in Tear in his small fishing village up to his elbows in fish guts.  His heart pounded as he looked around seeing some men whose faces were red from shouting and other with faces so pale that they must have seen their deaths at the hands of the Aes Sedai.  Surely the White Tower would not honor any agreement between them.  This could not go well.  They may as well have signed their own death warrants.


    Geirrin did what he always did as a child when he faced danger, he laughed uncontrollably.  His laughter sounded loud in his ears but it was drowned out by the commotion in the hall.  His laughter would have turned to tears had he realized what a pact with the White Tower truly meant. 

  11. Geirrin cursed his bad luck once more as he stood on the platform enroute to the light knew where.  The silence was deafening, his heart felt as if it may pound right out of his chest. Everyone seemed intent on keeping to themselves, sounds of shuffling feet were quickly muffled by the darkness around them.


    Finally the platform stopped in the pitch black.  There was nothing at all that gave any indication that they were in motion other than the fact that they knew they were.  Suddenly Saidin was channeled, flows of Spirit leached out making an opening that let in the light.  Geirrin's hand went up out of instinct to shade his eyes though he could not see beyond the opening.  Where were they? he wondered.


    Still shading his eyes, Geirrin felt himself being ushered through the opening.  He squinted trying to let his eyes adjust to the light.  Seconds later he was able to determine their location.  "Bloody fish guts!" he murmured to himself.  For right before him, looming larger than ever was the M'Hael's bloody palace.  Ooh how he hated that place.  Of all the possible places they could have travelled to it would have to be here.


    The Lord Dragon's voice shook him from his thoughts. "Lead on boys, lead on."


    Muttering to himself he said "How do I keep bloody slipping from one net only to get caught in another?  Bloody fish guts!"  He needed a stiff drink, no a dozen at least, and he needed them now.

  12. “Am I doing the right thing? She…she abandoned me on that ship for a reason. Obviously she didn’t want me, or how could she have left?” That familiar musical voice was altered as a result of the pain.  He could hear the strain in her words.  Her pain tore at his heart.  He was thinking on the right words to say when she slid down the door burying her face in her skirts.


    Perivar knelt at her side trying to wipe the tears from her eyes yet they flowed so freely that his efforts were to no avail.  Instead he began stroking her hair while whispering words of encouragement though they were not enough.  Finally he could take no more, he needed to hold her close, he needed to wash away her pain, somehow it had to be done. 


    Wrapping his arms around her, Perivar gently scooped her up and carried her to a heavily cushioned chair.  He eased himself into the chair then sat Kabria on his lap letting her head rest against his chest.  Rhythmically he caressed her face while softly whispering.  "All will be well my love, all will be well."  He was angry, sad, torn...nothing he could say was going to change anything and the fact burned inside of him like a mid day sun.  So many emotions tore at him though he pushed them all into the flame maintaining the void.  He could not fall victim to his emotions, not now, not when she needed him to be strong.  He needed to be strong yet feeling her pain and torment was his achille's heel.  He felt helpless...she needed a way to vent. 


    When she calmed a little he stood up placing her in the chair.  Perivar walked to his gear returning moments later with two bundled lathes.  He offered one to Kabria which she took reluctantly.  Backing away he began to clear the room then faced her.  Shrugging his shoulders he spoke almost boyishly "Well I know it always helped me whenever I needed to clear my head."  Again he shrugged embarassed that he did not have a better answer. 


    Moments passed in silence so that he felt compelled to speak.  Once he began the words flowed "I don't know if what you are doing is right for only you know the answer to that question.  The fact is that we are here and you have already begun your search.  So right or wrong you felt strongly enough about finding her that you came this far.  Whether we pack up and leave or continue the search matters not to me.  You are what matters to me, I want you to be happy.  You are my love, my life!"  It was unlike him to say so much yet Kabria had a way of bringing it out in him.



  13. Perivar stood aside brooding as Kabria spoke with the theif-catcher.  He did not trust the man for a moment in spite of him coming highly recommended.  The fact was that he only trusted a precious few.  Especially when it came to matters involving Kabria.  It had nothing to do with the fact that the man saw him as a simple armsman or that he refused to report to him as a result.  Perivar was actually amused by being thought of as a commoner.  He was not one for conversation either though he would rather the man simply informed him of his progress so he could relay it to Kabria.  He did not like letting anyone near her.


    “I do not usually do the work I have hired others to do for me, but because of the urgency of this matter we will check some of the more reputable places for you.”  Kabria's words rang like a gong in his head.  Perivar bit back an oath then stared at her.  It was not her words but her tone that put him on edge.  It was the tone that said she had made up her mind and nothing he could say or do would sway her.  Sometimes he wondered if she thought of herself as being indestructible.


    All thoughts of arguing over that which he could not change fled as Kabria went on about Katarina.  Perivar felt the bits of shame through the bond.  Again he wanted to throw the theif-catcher out of their room and comfort her but he held his ground knowing how important this was to her.  She was eager to begin their portion of the search, he could feel it.


    In no time the theif-catcher was finished plotting the locations for them to check.  Perivar watched as Kabria took the parchment studying it as the man tried to take his leave.  Perivar wanted to shout for the man to go yet he waited patiently for Kabria to dismiss him.  She would not pleased if he sent the man away when she had further questions or instructions for him.   

  14. Perivar's left eyebrow rose slightly as Kabria produced the locket, it was as close to a look of shock as he was capable of.  For a moment he stopped glaring at the thief-catcher and studied Kabria.  The bond told him all he needed to know, much more than he wanted to know.  He hated to feel her pain, it tore at his heart.  The memories of Kabria's mother brought back painful reminders that tore at his beautiful Aes Sedai. 


    Perivar wanted to send the thief-catcher away that instant and wrap her in his arms yet he stayed his ground.  Finding her mother was important to Kabria, she would not like him ruining the first man to pass his scrutiny.  If he put this one off it would take at least a week to find another.  He tried to smile but it did not reach his face.  He was too on edge at the moment.  It mattered little as Kabria had not looked up at him since showing the man the locket.


    The brief meeting was over.  Methodically Perivar walked the thief-catcher to the door as if the man were a red adder.  His every movement in perfect balance as he saw him off in case the man decided to try something foolish. 


    Turning away from the door his eyes sought Kabria's.  The pain in her eyes and that which he felt through the bond threatened to crush him like a boulder would crush a fly.  “I am sorry my heart, but it was too painful for me to share with you before. In truth I only showed it now in hopes of speeding up the search for Katarina.”


    Perivar did not trust himself to speak at the moment.  He was not sure what would come out nor did he know the words to sooth her.  "Katarina"  Always her first name, Kabria never referred to her as her mother.  It was sad beyond words.  A few quick strides and he did the only thing that came to mind.  He wrapped her in his arms with her head resting on his chest. 


    After working moisture back into his mouth he spoke.  "You have no need to apologize my love.  It is I who should be sorry, sorry that you have endured such pain in your past.  If only I could wipe it away..."    His words were trailed off as he realized how foolish they were.  As silly as the notion was his words carried as much empathy as he could muster.  They both knew that he could do no such thing nor would she allow it if he could.  Her painful past moulded her into what she was today.  Given the opportunity she would not change a thing.


    Perivar's right hand lovingly caressed her hair as she lay against his chest.  "All will be well my love.  All will be well."  How many times had he uttered those words while they faced what they thought was certain death in the Borderlands.  The hardships they endured had solidified their love for one another.  All would be well, if not he would die trying to make it so.       

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