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Posts posted by Sieve

  1. Kennar reached for the door latch then froze as he heard voices inside.  One voice he knew belonged to the little Aes Sedai while the other voice belonged to a man.  Curiousity tried to win him over, he considered waiting to enter so that the conversation did not alter from his presence.  Kennar sighed in frustration as he knew that he could not remain outside the door as anyone that saw him would know he was up to no good and likely advise the little Aes Sedai that he had been eavesdropping.  No that would not go over well. 


    Dressed in his Tower Guard uniform, Kennar pushed through the door then bowed properly as befitted an Aes Sedai then nodded respectfully to the Guardsman.  Kennar had seen the man about though knew very little of him.  It seemed he would have to learn something of the other man.  After a couple of days in Eqwina's service it barely irritated him to bow to the little wi... no the little Aes Sedai, he had to break that habit before he slipped in front of her.  His face was emotionless as could be, he was simply a Guardsman in her service going about his daily duties in the Tower.  So be it that those duties were more clerical in nature.  Who would tell an Aes Sedai how to use a Guardsman that had been assigned to her.  "Pardon the interruption Eqwina Sedai but I have those pages from the library that you asked me to retrieve."  His tone was respectful and he smiled just shy of warmly at the tiny woman as she directed him to lay them on the corner of her desk. 


    Kennar bowed then backed away toward the small writing desk that he used when she had need of his services.  From there he could see her though the other Guardsman's back would be to him allowing him to watch the man.  Picking up the packet of work to be done he addressed her again.  "Would you like me to get started on these Eqwina Sedai, or"  Again his tone was unwavering respect though he shot her a meaningful look that flashed quickly to the Guard then back to her.  "or would you prefer that I take my leave and return when you are not busy?"  At the moment he would have preferred the livery that servants of the White Tower wore though the uniform of a Tower Guard was nearly just as good.  Nobody paid any attention to servants, it was as if they were just a fixture or a piece of furniture.  Then again as a Tower Guard you could walk about the Tower armed and people would talk just as much in front of a guard as they would a servant. 


    That and who knew if this Guardsman would recognize him from the yards.  Kennar was very ordinary looking though he did not want to take any unecessary risks.  It would strike the other Guardsman as odd if he remembered Kennar training in the yards then fuond him in Tower livery.  It was not an everyday occurrence that a Guardsman suddenly dressed in Tower livery.  What would happen when he returned to the yards to train?  So for the time being he would keep his Tower Guard uniform unless an assignment required a different manner of dress.


    ((OOC: sorry had to rewrite a lot of it for consistency with another RP))


  2. Well I have been unofficialy approved for Dedicated. So if your talent can mess with my insanely high fire attribute (9 at full str), then I would be happy to help you. By the way what is your Talent?



    Aslan is a Cloud Dancer!!! *goes the happy dance* ;D

  3. Dragar put down the pen and parchment then stood adjusting the tabard hanging over his brightly polished armor.  The tabard named him a Tower Guard as sure as the crimson cloak that hung limply on the coat rack.  His black shield with the white flame of Tar Valon hung on the wall.  His sword and scabbard were propped against the wall behind his desk.  The pictures depicting scenes of battle or of Tower Guards on post adorned the walls of his office.  He was proud of his service in the Tower Guard and it showed.  In all his splendor he was actually quite impressive looking, that was why he donned his armor and full regalia daily.  He had an image to maintain.


    Dragar had decided years ago not to become a warder declining numerous requests by Aes Sedai who were in need of one.  He was oath sworn to serve the White Tower and all Aes Sedai whenever and wherever Guardsmen were needed.  Even though becoming a Warder was not his calling he did not hold it against those who chose that path.  Giving your entire existence to serve one person for the rest of your life was not something to be taken lightly.  It was actually quite admirable, there were a lot of freedoms that he had as a Tower Guard that a Warder did not.  Even so there was honor in both professions, the White Tower could not do without either.


    Dragar walked to the window overlooking the yards as he always did when a new recruit came to enroll.  "So Addison Twait from Braden’s Hill, what makes you want to become a Warder?  Have you any idea the commitment that it entails?"  He could sense her discomfort and tried to ease her mind before she could respond.  "I am not here to dissuade you, my intent is to make sure that you are aware of what you are getting yourself into."  The clacking of lathes joined with shouts from instructors were always present.  He watched over the yards giving her time to repsond. 




  4. Dragar heard the expectant knock on the door over the din of the training grounds.  He had seen the pair move past his window and recognized the trainee escorting the girl he had never seen in the yards before.  Dragar guessed that the girl was here to enroll though perhaps she was here on other business.  "Come!" He shouted and moments later the door creaked open.  Lara was supposed to put a work order for the door to be greased.  Everything around here required paperwork, the White Tower probably employed more clerks than any other profession.


    Dragar looked up from the pile of reports on his desk resisting the urge to run his hand through his close cropped brown hair.  He watched as the brown haired girl closed the door and surveyed the room apparently wondering what to do next.  "Over here, come have a seat."  He said as he studied her with his sharp blue eyes.  Dragar could not exactly place her, perhaps when she spoke he could tell from where she came.  Dragar flipped another page with a dark tanned hand as the girl to the seat that he had motioned to.  His dark tanned skin along with his other features named a Tairen as sure as water was wet.


    Dragar flipped another page then scribbled his signature nonchalantly as he spoke.  "I am Bannerman Dragar Baras, Assistant to the Mistress of Trainees and who might you be?"  He looked up as she answered then went back to the pile of parchment.  "So what brings you to the yards?"  He did not look up, instead he flipped another page, read it briefly then signed his name again.  Another page gone in the mountain of those that still had to be read and signed.  It seemed like a never ending task.  One day he would see his desk clear of all paperwork, either that or he would die in the attempt.  Perhaps he would he would make his rounds through the yards a little early today.  Some fresh air would do him good.

  5.   Here I am, are you gentlemen looking for me by any chance?


    It just so happens that we are.  ;) 



    I think they might want to pretty please take advantage of your expertise, if you were so inclined. ;)

      I think Raeyn summed it up nicely.  If you are up to training two young and eager wannabe warriors it would be much appreciated.
  6. The sun was beginning its sharp descent, only two hours until dark he thought as he ran alongside the wagon as it bounded towards the village.  Perivar's hands were bound with rope which was tied to the side of the overburdened wagon as were the others who had been the merchant guards.  He offered to replace the original guards though they had come to him asking to see it through.  He would not insult their honor and pride by denying them their request.  The ropes holding them were loose enough that they could pull free when needed. 


    A chill was in the air matching his grim thoughts.  Thousands of outcomes were running through his head as he tried to formulate several plans to cover every possibility.  He could not fail, too much counted on their success.  Perivar looked up squinting into the sun.  Kabria sat in the bed of the wagon atop a crate obviously deep in thought.  Her hands were behind her back as if bound.  He did not like seeing her so even though he new she was no prisoner, still it was not something he liked to look upon.  He studied her for a moment wishing he could ease her mind though he was not sure how, not until it was over.


    On and on they went growing nearer to the village.  Three wagons and a handful of prisoners escorted by thirty or so supposed raiders.  Perivar went back to his own thoughts trying to run the potential scenarios through his head again.  A quarter of an hour must have passed as they were now well within sight of the village.  When he looked up again Kabria seemed different.  The bond had changed as well, it was as if she were on an evening stroll not riding to possible disaster.  Perivar could not help but smile up at her...Light send that the Commander did not delay in coming to their aide, he was not so sure how long he could hold out.



    The gates opened as they approached, the men on the ramparts hooted an hollared at the prospect of pillaging the wagons.  They filed in through the gates with the supposed raiders peeling off to each side of the gates.  The wagons came to a stop just inside the gates in a cloud dust making Perivar cough.  He may have looked a dejected prisoner though he was ready to move in the blink of an eye.  At anytime chaos could break out.  The Shienarans acting as raiders hurried to the prisoners leading them away from the wagons as the shadow cursed villagers rushed to pillage the wagons. 


    Perivar let himself be led away, he was purposely kept near Kabria, she was the key.  All this would be for naught if she was not able to solve the riddle of what was making these people act so.  She was the key but they needed to gain control of the village first before she could solve the riddle.  The Commander would know they were inside now, the remainder of the Shienarans, a sight more than fifty would be rushing towards the village.  They had to hold out...


    Perivar guessed it had been less than a quarter of an hour before a shout rang out from the rampart above the gate.  The villagers had been so focused on the plunder, the guards that were supposed to be facing outward were instead watching the commotion around the wagons.  The time for their ruse was up.  Ten Shienaran soldiers ran up the stairs on either side of the gate to secure it.  Once the village guards on the ramparts had been taken care of the Shienarans with their bows could wreak havoc on the villagers from the ramparts if it became necessary. 


    Perivar, Kabria, and the remaining eighteen Shienarans formed a ring around the gates.  Perivar stayed by Kabria's side, he would keep her alive and allow her to draw on his strength.  The villagers faced them from twenty paces reluctant to charge.  Clearly they knew that death awaited many of them.  In the void Perivar could hear the thundering of hooves, it seemed distant though he knew they were close.  Not long now he thought, perhaps they could keep the villagers at a stalemate until the remainder of the Shienarans arrived. 


    His hopes for a peaceful resolution ended when a tall thin man pushed through the villager with ten heavily armored companions.  The villagers backed away from the newcomers giving them a wide birth.  Those nearest the man and his band of ruffians were cowering.  The man shouted insults at Kabria, Perivar and the Shienarans then turned his back to them addressing the villagers.  Perivar took a step forward challenging the man to a duel.  If he could he stall their attack by fighting their leader one on one then victory would be theirs, unfortunately the man refused.


    In mere moments their leader had them hooting and hollaring as he promised them more riches and fat plunder.  Their newfound leader shouted again and the villagers charged.  The first rank took only one step before twenty arrows poured into them from the ramparts above the gate.  Kabria began channeling and he felt for her, clearly she wanted to save the villagers not harm any of them but their lives were on the line.  The thundering was getting closer.  Hurry! Perivar thought then pushed it from his head as he readied himself to meet the charging villagers.  Hopefully Kabria had enough sense to step back when the charge came closer allowing him to shield her...the ten armored men were heading right for the middle where Kabria and Perivar stood. 


    Kabria's arms raised...though something caught his attention to his left.  He turned his attention to the left as the villagers charge struck home but the Shienarans were holding.  Swathes were being cut in the ranks of the villagers by the battle hardened Shienaran soldiers.  Shrieks and shouts pierced the air to join the sound of metal on metal.  When he looked back the middle of the attackers line was in disarray.  Light what had he missed?  Whatever Kabria had done had made their middle falter.  Several of the armored men in the middle were staggering about in a daze or wrything on the ground.  Those in the vicinity that were unaffected by whatever weave she used cowered then fell to the ground begging for mercy.  The fight and determination that had raged in them earlier simply left them.  Light he had only looked away for a few moments and it was nearly over.  The light be thanked that it had gone their way, he certainly had little to do with their success.


    The thundering was so loud now that the ground was shaking violently.  Perivar shouted for the ring to move forward, salvation was near, victory was at hand.  As they moved forward the Shienaran lancers poured in through the gates to either side of Kabria's men to surround the villagers.  The villagers dropped whatever weapons they had picked up and put their hands in the air realizing that the brief skirmish was over.  Every able bodied villager had been in the square so there was no doubt that any were roaming free.  Now it was time to solve the riddle and discover the source of the taint that affected the villagers.     



  7. I guess the next step is to find someone to teach What it Means to be Aiel.


    Taking you to WS9, you will learn about life and survival in the Threefold Land. You will learn customs and a little about the weapons you will wield for the rest of your life. Basic training with the spears will follow, as well as defensive work with the bucklers.


    *looks around for Ghaul*



  8. Welcome back!  As Kyn said option A would be best.  Not much happened main plotline wise so just jump back in.  Only difference is that some that you know may have gained a few levels in their WS but there are plenty of new recruits to RP with.  If you jump into Jehaine's RP you could probably use that as an evaluation.

  9. Kabria's brief speech was inspiring, lifting the spirits of those proud men around him.  The battle hardened Shienarans all sat their saddles straighter and wore confidence like a suit of armor as a result of her words.  The Shienarans offered kind winds for Kabria in return assuring her that they would serve her faithfully and fight the shadow 'til their dying breath.  He was more proud of her at that moment than any other time that he could recall.


    “You may depart.”  A simple command that would begin it all.  He rode to each of the men, the last of the preparations had been made and he was making sure that everyone knew their part.  “It’s time.” Kabria said lifting the hood of her cloak then motioning them to begin.  "Move out!" He shouted to the soldiers and the wagons lurched into action.  Perivar rode near the lead wagon, Kabria's wagon.  He should have known she would make her driver take the lead.  The only benefit was that it was her wagon that should turn first.  Should was the key word, he had given the wagon driver strict orders though he knew Kabria would discover what he had done.  Occasionally he checked on the men though there was little to do.  His job would be much more difficult when it all began.


    Perivar grew more focused as they caught sight of the village.  Any moment and the gates would be swinging open to allow the raiding party at their prey.  As if his thought had been a signal flare the gates swung wide and the feral raiders poured out attempting to surround them.  The soldiers dutifully placed themselves between the wagons and the raiders though there were too few Shienarans to keep all of the raiders from reaching the wagons.  "Light and peace!"  He murmured a quick prayer to the creator to see Kabria and the Shienarans safe.  "Turn and ride hard!"  He shouted as he desperately tried to fend off the raiders assaulting the wagons.


    Time grew so slow that Perivar felt like he was wading through molasses.  As soon as he fought off a raider another appeared alongside one of the three wagons trying to gain control of the reins or kill the driver.  Thank the Light that Kabria was still perched atop the bench of her wagon alongside the wagon driver who was whipping furiously at his team to get more speed from them.  Perivar's heart sank anytime a raider neared her wagon, he had seen her fighting courageously with her daggers not able to use the power in sight of the village.  His head whipped around, Light how many of the Shienarans under his command were dead?  The thought was distant, a product of the void though the weight he felt was real.  He would not push that away, he felt every last ounce of it.


    Thankfully the hills drew closer, they needed to hold out a little longer before they could spring the trap.  The wagons crested the hill then barreled down into the valley with the raiders in hot pursuit.  A handful of Shienarans still harried the raiders buying more time.  Once into the valley the trees seemed to come alive, Shienarans thundered in from every direction to surround the raiders.  A few raiders tried to put up a fight but they were taken down hard with little remorse.  The Shienaran soldiers cursed their shadow stained countrymen.  There were beatings as well though bannermen quickly put an end to the rough treatment.  Perivar glared hatred at the raiders, he wanted to lay waste to all of them.  "Strip them of their arms and armor and place them under guard.  We ride in less than a quarter hour." Perivar shouted above the commotion.  The Commander set his men to their tasks, the thirty or so raiders were stripped of arms and armor to be replaced by the same number of Shienaran soldiers for the return back to the village.


    Perivar made his way over to Kabria who was standing on top of the wagon seat surveying the men obviously calculating the losses.  "They are mine" he said to her when he stopped Nightdancer alongside the wagon.  Kabria looked down at him, clearly she thought the weight of responsibility was hers though it was not.  Their deaths lay on his shoulders.  It was his plan, he should should bear it, it was his duty.  "We lost a few soldiers and one wagon driver.  Fortunately the wagon team was so scared that they kept on running."  It was all said matter of factly, the Wheel weaves as it wills he thought.  He knew she wanted to jump down and see to the wounded though she could not.  There was much to be done and she needed her strength for the next phase.  "The men will be ready to ride shortly."  Perivar held his hand to his forehead to shield his eyes from the glare of the sun so he could judge the progress of the men taking the place of the raiders.       

  10. Dragar already knew the Saldaean's answer.  He dipped the steel nibbed pen in the inkjar then scratched his name in the ledger.  He was in the process of sanding the page when the creaking of the chair made him lift his eyes to find the boy blushing.  Was he already regretting the choice or was he feeling the weight of his commitment to the Tower.  It mattered little, his fate was sealed for now.


    Dragar placed the pen back in its holder then stoppered the inkjar.  "Across the yards you will find the trainee's barracks.  Go find yourself a vacant bunk in one of the rooms.  You have the rest of the day to get yourself settled.  Your training begins at sunrise tomorrow, do not be late!"  He emphasized the last few words for the youth to make sure his point was made.  He stood, a signal that their brief meeting was over.  "The kitchens open early so you can grab a meal before your first lesson.  That is all for now, you are dismissed."


  11. Weapons Score 13 to 14: Complete 2 Reqs


    Name of Req: Longest Yard Req

    Title: Open RP Complete


    Over the course of a day Perivar takes on all challengers in the yards in order to practice a new form.


    Name of Req: Leadership

    Title: The Shadow Waits Complete


    Perivar leads a detachment of Shienarans on a desperate mission to regain a village seemingly lost to the Shadow.  On the surface the mission appears to be a success though only time will tell.



  12. Dragar heard every word as he watched over the yards.  Another benefit to not looking at the speaker was that you payed more attention to the words being spoken as well as their tone and any pitch changes or cracks in their voice.  Not interjecting was another useful tool.  Many people became uncomfortable with periods of silence which prompted them to say more than intended. 


    Dragar turned his head to look over his shoulder at the lad.  The Saldaean's cheeks were tinged with crimson.  "What do you intend to do if she does not wish to take you as her Warder?"  He had heard of worse reasons for training in the yards though one thing was for sure, once committed you did not walk away from the White Tower.  Dragar turned to face the boy so the full import of his message was felt.  "We are not in the business of putting the time and effort into training a recruit to have them leave when their initial plans fall apart.  Once you sign on the rolls you belong to the White Tower.  The only way that tie is broken is if we decide to send you away."


    Dragar held up a hand to stop the boy from answering as he walked back to his desk to take his seat.  He purposely avoided looking at the piles of parchment which littered his desk.  All the hours wasted each day reading and signing reports made him feel like a prisoner.  Pushing the idle thoughts aside he locked onto the boy's pale green eyes as a way of driving his next point home.  "Think hard before you decide to commit yourself to the training.  The days are long, the training is grueling, and rest is limited to a few hours each night at best.  In spite of that you get the best training to be had.  Plus you'll have a clean bunk, all the food you can eat from the kitchens, and your choice of weapons from the armory.  All of that comes at a cost though, it is your choice whether to pay it or not."  It was never his intention to dissuade anyone from joining though it was better to weed out those who were not fully committed before the White Tower wasted any time, effort, and coin.


    Dragar gave the lad a few moments to think on his words.  "If you are certain you want to train then give me your name and city or country of origin so I can add you to the rolls."  He waited patiently, idly flipping through some sheets of parchment to give the boy time to make his decision.  These reports were going to be the death of him.

  13.   They are very few Aiel left around. And the way I see it, the "Let's give Ghaul a headache" club is getting bigger. Oh well, he has survived this far, he will survive more too



      P.S. I need to find me some more warriors


    I am submitting my bio now.  ;)

  14. Dragar arched an eyebrow at the lad's greeting.  Lucky for the youth that his voice held no sarcasm, otherwise Dragar would have made him regret the day he stepped foot in his office.  Again no grand story filled with embelished acts of wonder.  That in itself was reassuring, his features visibly relaxed.  His face was still a stern mask though he no longer looked like he had been chewing rocks. 


    Dragar put the pen down then abandoned the pile of paperwork on his desk.  "Sit."  He said to the newcomer in a tone that ensured compliance.  When the lad sat, Dragar stood and walked to the window as he always did.  He could see men and women training, he could hear the clacking of the lathes and the shouts of instructors.  There were dozens of trainees, guards, and warders but no Perivar Tarigan.  No doubt the younger man had met the warder, he didn't just pull the name out of thin air.


    Without turning to face the youth Dragar spoke as he continued to watch the yards from the window.  His purpose was two fold.  For one those training in the yards would know he was watching and be more likely no to cause trouble knowing they were being watched.  For the other, many newcomers found it difficult to speak with a person of authority when said person was staring or focusing all their attention on them.  "First I would hear why you came here to train.  What is it that you wish to accomplish?  Are you interested in becoming a guardsman or do you have your mind set on becoming a warder?"  He continued watching through the window allowing the boy to think on his answer.   

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