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Posts posted by Sieve

  1. Perivar could have ridden through the night, a gift of the Warder bond yet the same did not apply to Kabria.  She was just the type that would insist that she could have continued on yet it would do them no good if she was too tired to channel if needed.  It had been a long day's ride, they kept the horses to a steady pace, a pace that covered a significant amount of ground. 


    The ride had been a quiet one.  Kabria made efforts to seem upbeat yet he knew she was feeling the strain of their mission.  Perivar felt it too but the majority of the weight rested on Kabria's shoulders.  He thought about cutting her sister's horse loose and let it find its way back to Tar Valon.  A foolish thought, as much as the sight of her sister's mount ate at Kabria it was also a motivator.


    Kabria took her turn at cooking while he saw to the horses and their belongings, she did not even complain about doing so.  He smiled as he recalled her earlier comments about his age, she might just find a younger man to taunt him with.  You never knew what Kabria would do to get a rise out of him.  He almost wished that she had a handful of warders like some of her sisters in her ajah.  He would not share her love with another man but what if it was just the bond?  Because of his undying love for her he thought he could handle it, for her safety he could. 


    What had shocked him was her admission of her fear.  It had filled him with pride, it took courage to voice your fears.  Perivar did not need her words to know that she would overcome her fear, she would see this mission through no matter the cost.  What he feared was her safety but he could not voice it, that would only lead to sharp words.  She was certainly no porcelain doll, she was a lioness, as brave as the day was long.


    Perivar laughed at her comments about being a farm wife and very nearly spit out his food.  He was surprised when she mentioned her age.  Until now he had no clue as to her true age.  He had a vague idea but he did not truly know how old she was.  It simply never came up before.  Her age mattered little though, he loved her whether she was thrity or one hundred and thirty.


    Katrina, the name seemed to hang in the air.  He obviously had given an outward sign of his consternation as his mind churned.  Kabria had never mentioned the name of her mother before, it had to be her mother.  It did not take much to make the connection yet she made it for him anyway.  He was not the most intelligent but he was wise enough to put it together.  Home, they had always talked of finding her grandparents but she rarely called Kandor her home.  She was a Borderlander, not just in blood but her heart was that of a Borderlander as well. 


    Perivar went to reach for her hand but Kabria had already gotten up.  After cleaning their bowls and packing them away she returned to him.   “I swear I didn’t mean my comment as even a hint of marriage, it was just idle thoughts about a woman and her ideals. I hope you know I would never push for marriage, not being..what we are.”


    Perivar was thinking on her words as she touched his hand then lightly kissed his cheek before laying back and closing her eyes.  She had mentioned marriage here and there but could she truly want to marry.  They were linked already and the love between then was evident yet could she be longing to take that final step.  Light he had no idea.  He had thought about it, dreamt they led different lives as man and wife yet was it possible given their circumstances?  If only he was better at this.


    Perivar concentrated so hard on finding the right way to move forward that he was unsure if he was aware of his surroundings at all.  A trolloc could have snuck up on him and crushed his skull. "not being..what we are."  The words resonated...he had thought the same, it was the reason he had never mentioned it.  If not for them being what they were they would have likely been married by now, maybe even with a child or two.  Was it really not possible given what they were?  Was it against Tower Law or just not customary?


    He must have spoken his thoughts aloud for Kabria's eyes popped open to stare at him.  "Well?  Are we truly that different Kabria.  Is marriage is not an option for servants of the White Tower?  I love you and no other Kabria, but..."  He shrugged "I just thought it was not in the cards for us, thought there was no way.  I've heard rumors of others, mostly Greens.  Is there a law against it?"  He stammered as he eyed her waiting for a response.  She just looked at him. 


    "Light Kabria I am not asking, not this way...I mean"  "No, it's coming out all wrong...you know what I mean."  His face must have turned three shades of red.  He hoped she would let him off the hook and say she understood yet she let him flounder.  "I do not want to seem so casual or improper but I want to know if it is something you desire.  I don't want to pressure you either if it is not what you want but if you do then...?"  Then what you fool he thought to himself.  What do you have to offer her?  You are lucky that she bonded you and that you have proof of her love for you.  It seemed like a lifetime before she responded.

  2. Oh come now...make an Aiel and then ALL our characters can play together *wiggles eyebrows* You know you want to ;)


    No, I thought of making an Aiel to play with you but I don't want all your worshippers claiming that I monopolize your time. 

  3. *rolls eyes* Doesn't take much does it ;)


    Sure, I would love your help! I may not be as fast as I am with other characters since writing as a man is new to me, buuuut I will try really really hard! 8)


    None of the responses that come to mind are even close to appropriate.  :o



    I have 2 BT'ers, an Ashie and a Dedicated.  If you need any help let me know though you may wish to RP with someone else for a change.  I understand, even I get sick of me.  ;D

  4. Perivar is still recovering from his last RP with Thera!  If my new guy gets approved this century soon (just saw that Tal posted it, thanks Tal!) then I will take you up on some of his training reqs.



  5. Perivar woke this morning with a smile on his face.  With the turmoil of the previous days behind him he felt relieved.  Now he was focused on the mission as he should have been all along.  Kabria's exterior showed mirrored the bond in that she appeared focused but he detected a hint of...concern he thought.  An Aes Sedai missing was not a small thing.  She must be feeling the weight of being handed such a dire mission.  She did not give herself enough credit, she was far more capable than she would admit.


    Kabria was almost finished making herself ready.  He offered her a smile then walked to her to grasp her hand.  "All will be well my love.  We will find her."  He quickly thought of his faith in her so that confidence flowed through the bond instead of the doubt that he felt for a positive outcome to their mission.  Perivar turned away gathering up their belongings.  He felt bad for thinking their mission would not go well but Aes Sedai did not just dissappear in the Borderlands for no reason.  He also worried about Kabria putting herself in harm's way but then she would be feeling the same for him.  Their duty had brought them together and they would not shy away from danger, their duty must be done.  It was simple, the Light had to prevail over the Shadow, the world depended on it.


    Perivar stood at the door with their saddlebags and bundles of supplies draped about him.  The rest of the supplies were already being loaded to the packhorse and Chalinda's horse.  Her mount and it's empty saddle would be a contstant reminder of their mission.  Perivar hefted Kabria's extra bundle and laughed out loud.  "I thought you said you were packing lightly.  I think you may have packed every stitch of clothing in your possession."  Perivar stood admiring Kabria while he held the door open for her as she finished her preparations to leave.  Light she was beautiful...she was intelligent and passionate in all aspects of life.  There was so much that he admired about her, he was glad things were back to normal between them.

  6. Perivar felt as if he could not move.  He felt numb but his thoughts raced.  What he felt through the bond completely differed from her previously composed exterior.  Light he was a fool for not seeing it earlier.  He took the bond for granted and knew it.  He had taken so many things for granted.  He had never been good at expressing himself.  He spent his whole life guarding his emotions and now it had become even worse as he let the bond speak for him.  No woman could love a stone, not for long at least.


    Perivar did not know what to say but he knew that leaving was not the right thing to do.  He wanted to leave, what if he said the wrong thing?  What if words failed him.  The choice he made now could be monumental.  Perivar knew he had to say something.  Something to set things right.  He cursed himself for letting it go this far.  Felt shame enough to topple him for causing her pain.  He loved her and the last thing he wanted was for her to be unhappy.  Worse he did not want to be the cause.  Her tears tore at his heart yet he could not move.  He still felt numb as if his feet were firmly planted to the floor.  What if she meant it when she told him to leave?  He could not face that, not ever. 


    This had to end.  Finally he made himself move towards the bed.  Laying down he snuggled up against her back wrapping his arm around her.  The feel of his body against hers felt right.  His voice was soft though full of emotion when he spoke.  His head rested near hers and a softer voice seemed appropriate.  "I'm sorry, I am not good with words or expressing my feelings...I know that you feel it through the bond but that can't be enough.  I...I guess I have become used to not having to say how I feel or saying what is on my mind.  I was never that good at it to begin with.  It is nice to feel the love through the bond and know it for true, but it is nice to hear the words.  I have tried so hard to be the weapon that you need that I have forgotten about being a man." 


    Kabria turned to face him.  Her cheeks were still wet which stung his heart.  The hurt he felt through the bond made his eyes well up.  He gently brushed her cheeks with his fingertips.  "When you are happy your musical voice resonates in my ears, it warms my heart.  When I read the little book of poems and words of inspiration that you gave to me it is your voice that I hear.  When we are apart I finger the ring and think of you, I touch my chest, here"  He touched his chest where the tattoo with her name and family crest was.  "and I think of you.  When I see the sun in the sky it is your face that fills my vision.  When I sleep it is thoughts of you that fill my dreams.  Please believe me when I say that I do not try to make you angry with me, it truly tears me apart when you are upset.  Whatever I do wrong I assure you that I do by mistake.  I am still learning how to be a lover, a friend, and a man.  It seems I have much more to learn than I thought.  I'm sorry Kabria."  He gently kissed her forehead then lost himself in her eyes.   

  7. Sometimes Perivar thought that Kabria could use a maid as well as a handful of other servants...and a pack mule.  He did well enough for the latter but the others would be welcomed.  He was pretty sure that she enjoyed using him so.  She loaded him down with a saddle for extra measure explaining that it was for her missing Green sister, Chalinda.  He did not think the saddle was just to add more weight to his load.  For all her fiery temper she had a very soft side.  Kabria was more than kind.  She was very generous with coin and gifts.  If he had a hand free he would have clasped hers.  She did not show her softer side often though it warmed him to no end when she did.  Kabria gave him additional tasks and instructions then walked away with him watching her departure.  It was sad, so much time wasted arguing and being mad or upset with each other.  Wasted effort he thought, he hated arguing with her.


    Perivar returned to their rooms as Kabria was retying a bundle.  She made a comment about wanting to fit in.  The feeling through the bond made him study her face, he noticed a slight red tinge to her cheeks.  What was that about?  She got up and walked away leaving him confused.  Why make a comment and then walk away?  This was not going well but he was not good at making thingg right.  Easier for him to attempt to wade through a fist of trollocs.


    Kabria sent him to hunt down a Novice to have dinner brought to their rooms.  Fortunately it did not take long for less than an hour later a white clad novice entered their quarters with a tray full of food.  They ate in silence, Perivar making as if studying the food in front of him or the mug containing tea.  He relaxed visibly after she walked from the sitting room into the bedchamber.  It should not be like this.  He felt like a firework that was about to explode.


    The only way he knew to blow off steam and clear his head was to work the forms.  Perivar made for the door and was surprised to find it locked.  He reached into his belt pouch to retrieve the key then attempted to open the door to know avail.  He stared at the lock then the door wondering what was amiss.  The lock was unlocked yet the door would not budge.  No amount of force would move it a hair. 


    Perivar turned then walked to the small bedchamber, the one that she had no intention of him using yet it saw use on their first night together in their new quarters.  Surprisingly that door would not budge either.  Perivar growled an oath then stormed into the bedchamber.  She sat there with that calm Aes Sedai serenity that said all was right in the world.  The door clicked shut and he glanced over his shoulder.  He did not have to try the door to know that it was barred.  Kabria's look spoke volumes.


    “It’s good to see that you can show some emotions, other than for duty.”  Was she mad?  He had shown emotion.  All that did was cause her to shout at him.  “Since you have no other choice, talk to me Perivar. I know there are things you want to say.”  No, he didn't want to say a damned thing, he wanted to go work the forms in the yard.  At least with those he had a chance, here was another matter.


    As if to mack him she let the blankets fall to her waist.  The thin silk robe left little to the imagination.  "Light Kabria this is not fair!  Using the power this way is wrong.  I would never think of holding you against your will, it is unthinkable!  You would never stand for it!"  Perivar glared at her though it seemed to have no effect.  Damn Aes Sedai serenity, she talked of him lacking emotion then sat there as if all was right in the world.


    Perivar could not even look at her.  He was beyond angry and it pained him to be so angry with her.  It should not be this way.  Perivar walked to the window that offered a view of the yard.  "Since I have no choice..."  He did not feel like talking, he was stubborn as the day is long though he knew she would not let him leave without speaking his mind.  "I really have nothing to say but you will not accept that."  He let moments pass without another word as he thought what to say.


    "You are setting me up to fail.  You know I am not good at this though you seem to take pleasure in seeing me fall on my face.  I don't get it.  If not for the bond I might not believe that you love me."  He saw others working the forms and was jealous.  At least with the forms he stood a chance.


    "I love your passion and your fiery temper though sometimes I think it is a little misguided.  No I am not perfect, I am full of faults but you tell me that I don't show emotion though when I do you call me down for it.  I don't understand what you want from me."


    "I cannot help what thoughts creep into my head.  Ooh I know you love me, I have proof but it still does not erase the pain completely."  His words trailed as his thoughts drifted.


    Perivar sat in the mess hall listening to other Tower Guards spinning their tales.  One particular story caught his attention.  Shock and disbelief wracked him.  It was a lie, it had to be yet deep down inside he knew that it was not.


    Hurriedly he pushed the thought away.  He quickly formed the void pushing everthing into it.  He did not want to relive the event.  Why did she not just let it rest?  He would get over it, it would just take more time.  In void all of those thoughts were as if from another person.  They were outside the void as if they were not his very own.


    When he continued his voice was flat and devoid of emotion.  "You always said that it hurt you worse but you have no idea Kabria.  None at all.  I believe that it caused you pain and that you wish it did not happen but it did.  I wish it didn't happen, it upsets me to no end that it caused you pain.  In a way I feel responsible.  I should not have walked away that night but I was hurt.  I did something horrible in your eyes and I could not take you looking at me as if I had strangle a little defenseless lamb."  Could she not understand that he could feel pain, he could hurt just like any mortal person.  He felt the protest forming on her lips.  "No"  He held up a hand though he still did not look at her.  "I am not trying to dredge up the past.  I would put it as far from my mind if I could.  Honestly it does not all that often yet I cannot control when it chooses to enter my mind."


    "You act as if I am made of stone.  I am not Kabria, I am a man.  I hurt, I bleed, I feel pain just like any other.  I cannot help the thoughts that creep into my head anymore than I can go back and change the past.  When I saw you yesterday with the Tower Guard it just hit me.  I did not ask for it yet it was there.  I apologized to you for letting it get to me yet you screamed insults at me in front of everyone as if I had just committed the worst crime imaginable.  I don't understand why you get so angry with me over something I cannot control.  I would if I could, believe me I would.  It is not about love either.  I know that you love me beyond a shadow of a doubt.  It is not that at all, a blind man could see it.  Still knowing that you love me does not erase the past or what thoughts enter my mind.  It does not make me any less jealous when you are close with another man."


    He took a deep breath, it was as if he had been doing physical labor all day.  "I cannot stand arguing with you.  Our idle time should not be spent like this.  I hate that I irritate you so but I don't know what I can do differently to avoid your displeasure with me.  If there is something I can do then please name it for I don't know what to do.  I know that I am far from perfect.  I beg you Kabria, I don't want to waste our days being angry with each other."



  8. “Good. I want to travel quickly. My missing sister deserves as much."  The words assaulted him and he felt shame to his toenails.  All this arguing and child's play had made him lose the focus of their mission.  Somewhere an Aes Sedai was missing and all he could focus on were his own problems.  A harsh penance would have to be met.  If they found the missing sister he would have to beg forgiveness of her.  A woman, not just any woman, an Aes Sedai was missing in the Borderlands and he had not spared a thought for her.


    Perivar was so focused on his shame that he did not realize Kabria had stood reaching for his head until he felt her touch and the cool tingle that ran through him.  The healing was not enough to move him though he did shiver and was forced to let out a long breath.  He noticed Kabria's reaction.  The healing took away the headache and the sour stomach but he still reeked of ale.  It seemed to ooze from his skin and eminate from his breath.


    Perivar went back into the small room and dunked his head in the basin again however this time he toweled his hair dry.  He scrubbed his teeth again as if that would stop the smell of the ale from eminating from his breath.  Well he was as presentable as he was going to be.  He strapped his sword to his back and hung the singuata from his belt.  He returned to the sitting room then followed Kabria from their quarters.


    Kabria's green fringed shawl added to her majestic look.  She glided through the halls like a queen with him on her heels glaring this way and that as if danger lurked within the Tower itself.  At times they would walk side by side, no doubt to any onlookers as to their relationship, but today he was a pace behind.  To those who knew them well it would seem out of place though he did not care.  They would probably think that he had been put down hard by her, some would think that proper and...well her temper was well known.  He had no idea what he looked like to others but he felt focused, several glares were directed his way.  Other sisters probably wondering how she could love him, he seemed carved from a stone and had a personality to match.  At least those who did not know him well would think it so, not much chance that he could properly care for or please a woman.  Not someone for a pleasant conversation or a ballroom dance.  Just a sword then they must have thought.  He felt like glaring or shouting at the spectators but that would be disrespectful beyond recompense.


    Perivar followed her out of the Tower then through the yards into the city.  She stopped at an inn, 4 stories of a pale blue stone though it's beauty was lost on him today...focus.  He continued to follow Kabria as the innkeeper showed her to a table knowing they would want a view of the room.  He winced as Kabria placed their order including mulled wine.  He did not want anything to drink except for water.


    Kabria's words washed over him.  He was not fool enough to attempt to put his thoughts into words.  He failed miserably at articulating his thoughts and feelings.  He usually just made matters worse.  He was not intelligent nor was he skilled with words.  That was his brother not him, probably another reason he had been sent to the Tower.  Fortunately for his family that his brother was older, he was the one who possessed the brains and the ability to handle his father's estates.  Perivar had suffered more blows from his tutors than he had in battle.  He was a horrible student except when the topic involved war or weapons.  Perivar did not possess the necessary skills to be sholarly.


    Kabria expected him to be a sword last?  That was his primary function!  He was a passable lover he thought and a friend certainly but he was not much good for conversation.  Kabria could easily loose him in discussions on topics that did not touch on war or the Borderlands.  He attempted to become more worldly but it did not come easy.  Her joke was lost on him as he pondered her previous comments. 


    “Well, did you have something to say?”  He had shoveled a few bits into his mouth while she spoke and was no longer hungry, hunger seemed distant.  Standing Perivar drained a mug of water then hastily wiped his face with the cloth napkin.  His tone was calm and his face lacked any emotion at all.  "Yes..."  His eyes locked on to hers.  His face was grim as death, he was focused.  "We should see to getting your supplies.  As you said, Your sister deserves expediency...that and our undivided attention to her search."  As the words trailed off he was already striding toward the innkeeper to settle the tab.  Once that was taken care of, he made his way to the door holding it for Kabria as she glided out into the street.  Once again he followed a pace behind as she led the way.



  9. The sound of the door crashing open thundered in his head resulting in a wince.  Kabria wasted no time, the wince was all he had time for before her voice boomed as if she were screaming in his ear.  It was so loud that he thought his head might split like a melon.  He saw Kabria in the doorway looking as if she wanted to kill him.  In his current state he wished she would do it, he could not recall ever being this drunk or hungover.


    In an instant his covers had been pulled off of him and he was deposited on the floor with a thud.  He was as graceful as a farmboy at a ball as he sprawled across the floor.  He groaned as his hand went to his head, he was unsure if his head was still whole.  On top of the pain in his head his stomach was still queasy.  He must have looked a mess on top of the obvious ill effects of the hangover for Kabria did not look pleased.


    “You’ve caused me enough distress and embarrassment for one day. Get up and get dressed, we have things to do before we go.”


    Perivar had no time to respond before Kabria turned and left him too himself.  He opened his mouth to say something then rushed to grab hold of the chamberpot before emptying the contents of his stomach.  When he was certain that his stomach had nothing left to offer, he stood and made his way to the wash basin.  Instead of splashing water on his face he submerged his head in the basin.  It felt refreshing, as refreshing as could be with the nausea and pounding in his head.  He scrubbed his teeth before putting on his clothes and going into the sitting room.


    Perivar quickly sobered when he saw her.  Kabria was decked out in green silks with emeralds for jewels and dark green velvet slippers, she looked majestic.  In his current state he must have looked like a homeless bag of rags.  His clothes were all disheveled and his hair was dripping wet.  His face twisted in a grimace, he felt ashamed with his behavior.  He was about to apologize though that course of action never seemed to work for him when it came to Kabria.  A self-imposed penance then, though what it would be was a matter for later.


    “I’m glad you decided to join me, please sit. I need to know if our supplies are at the ready and if you will be ready to leave first thing tomorrow?”  Her tone was fitting for idle conversation though her choice of words said he would pay for last night.  By her tone you would not believe that she just stormed in the room shouting at him and overturning the mattress with him in it.  Her words were a different matter altogether.  It put him more on edge which meant his head hurt worse then before.  He was angry that he thought of apologizing?  For what?  He could not control the thoughts that filled his head, he had a better chance of reaching toward the sky and touching the sun.  He simply spoke his mind, told her the truth and she threw it in his face.  Why was it so difficult to understand women?  He could live a thousand lifetimes and never understand them?  No matter what he did it always seemed that he put his foot wrong with her.  It seemed as though it was always his fault.  He would never understand it.


    "Everything is in order."  He said through gritted teeth for fear that he would shout at her.  How dare she ask if he would be ready!  She knew better than that, evidence that her words were meant to cut.  Kabria was very good at that.  If not for the bond there were times when he would doubt her love for him. 


  10. Perivar pressed his body to the ground crawling to the hillcrest then watched in disbelief.  At least two dozen trollocs were at the bottom of the hill pointing in different directions.  He could not hear their gutteral tones but he was certain they were arguing.  Now was a good time to gain some ground on them, perhaps there were other that he could not see. 


    Just as he was about to crawl back he noticed the group breaking up into smaller scouting parties.  They fanned out, some heading in the opposite direction though one of the small groups were heading right for where he had come from. 


    Once he had crawled back enough not to be seen he rose and ran to Nightdancer vaulting into his saddle.  Perivar guided his warhorse into the hollow then booted him to a gallop hoping the hollow would mask his dust trail.


    Perivar reined Nightdancer in as soon as he saw Kabria and the others so that he did not scare Selene and the girl.  He guided Nightdancer so that he and Kabria's knees were touching speaking for her ears only.


    "It appears as though we have slipped past their initial scouting parties.  I saw a group of roughly two dozen trollocs arguing and pointing in different directions.  Thank the Light they seem to be confused or at least uncertain, that and there are no Myrddraal to drive them.  I think they are not sure which of our groups contain the children."  He purposely avoided nodding towards the child.  "That group has broken up, they have fanned out in different directions.  That's the good news."  He smiled at Kabria.


    "The bad news is that one of those small scouting parties is on our trail, the others are moving away from us or in other directions that will not cross our path.  There are only five in the group following our trail and no doubt there are still more ahead in greater numbers.  We need to decide whether to take out the group on our trail or attempt to outrun them."  He paused briefly then went on not giving her a chance to speak, yet.  He had said we but she knew it was her decision. 


    "If we do decide to face them then we will have to use conventional methods unless things go bad for us.  There is no telling if there are any Myrddraal in range to detect channeling."  She shot him a look like she did when he told her something that she had already said or knew.  "Easy..I know you know that I am just saying it. I think we can easily handle a group of five if we ambush them.  You have your throwing knives and sword if it comes to that, if it comes to that."  He shot her a look that said he would not be happy if she did not care.  Ohh she was far more than capable with a sword but he did not want her rushing into battle with her sword, not if it could be avoided.  "Selene is good with her bow as well.  With my bow and sword I can take care of the rest.  If we attempt to outrun them now we may end up running headlong into a larger group waiting to ambush us.  The call is yours my love." 


    He punctuated his words with a warm smile and he knew that undying love pulsed through the bond for her to feel.  He did not envy her having to make the decision to stand and fight or run.  Kabria bore the added weight of command like someone who was born with it, his father would have been impressed.  Pride entwined itself with the undying love.  Kabria must have felt it through the bond for she offered him a heartwarming smile then touched his leg before speaking.   

  11. Urm..you're not supposed to reply to your own RP you butt monkey!!! I had a post mostly ready to go *pretends to be angry*  :-*


    Looks through the rule book, nope don't see that one.  :)


    Well butt munch, my Crystal ball is apparently not working properly and it's been over a week so I thought you may have forgot so I bumped it with another post.  I will gladly remove my extra post so you can post yours.   :P 


    edit: my post has been removed  :P


    edit: hmmm...odd I still don't see your post?  :P  I'll remove this one as soon as you post. 

  12. Can anyone give me a quick sketch of what we've got planned between this point and the Erinin? I just don't want to step on a toe and get yelled at... ;)


    I don't think there is anything planned so to speak.  Just the groups getting there however they can.  There's plenty of shadowspawn out and about so any scenario is possible.  You're not going to step on anyone's toes and I certainly will not be yelling at you.   

  13. Perivar weathered the storm however calling it a storm seemed a gross understatement.  It was as if the Dark One were loose and Perivar was his only focus.  Kabria was shouting for the whole world to hear yet he did not move, he would not.  Servants and girls in white quickly went the other way when they stumbled upon them.  Kabria seemed not to notice.


    The skin around his eyes tightened a little more which each word.  Each insult that she flung in his face was like a dagger in his heart.  He doubted that one night scarred her more than it had him.  It had haunted him ever since yet she could not fathom it.  Rumors always sprouted wings spreading like wildfire.  None of those who told the tale knew exactly what Aes Sedai to affix to the rumor but he knew.  How many times he wanted to rip someones head off for mentioning it yet he could not, then all would know who the Aes Sedai was.  Her words continued to pelt him as if trying to drive him to his knees.  It seemed as though she would not relent and he could not leave.


    The insults were unfair yet he took them without response.  She would not listen to reason.  It was his fault that she found no time to train with her throwing knives?  He had shown her the basics yet it was her responsibility to practice.  As far as Selenessin, he had no choice who he trained.  How could she hold that against him?  Now it was his fault that she was yelling making a spectacle for all to see?  He truly would never understand women.


    His face became so tight that he thought his skin might tear.  She clapped her hands dismissing him like a servant.  He stared for a moment making sure she was aware of the hurt she had caused.  Sometimes she thought he was unflappable, as if he was incapable of feeling anything though it couldn't have been further from the truth when it came to his relationship with her.  For everything else he lacked emotion, but not for her.  She seemed to think nothing of cutting him to the bone.


    When he was sure that she had seen the look of pain on his face Perivar turned sharply on his heels and stalked off looking like death.  His eyes were veiled in red, everywhere he looked he saw red.  He did his best to ignore the bundle of emotions in the back of his head.  Servants, Novices, and Accepted stepped from his path.  He even noticed the inquisitive glances of a few Aes Sedai who were obviously wondering what had a Warder so on edge.  At the moment he didn't care if the Amyrlin Seat stepped in his path, he would just keep on walking.


    Perivar went to the yards to practice his forms yet his heart was not in it.  At this rate he would end up carving himself up like fool who picked up a sword for the first time thinking he was a blademaster.  Sheathing his sword he made for the nearest tavern.  He did not drink often but enough that his tolerance to the effects was rather high.


    He was so drunk that he was surprised that he was able to make it to their rooms.  Well he hadn't exactly, not without help.  An Aes Sedai that he did not recognize politely directed him to the proper room.  Well he thought she was an Aes Sedai, he was not really sure. 


    Fortunately for him Kabria was sound asleep when he returned.  Perivar made his way to the room that she had never intended him to use and fell fast asleep.



  14. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone!


    As always I will still be around.  I'm like a permanent fixture, or maybe it is a thorn in your side, or a burr in your saddle.  ;)


    Hey Tal, don't forget that bio if you get a chance to look it over.  I know you are busy but just thought I would remind you.  Thanks a bunch! 

  15. Perivar had gone to the armory, stables, and the kitchen before returning to their rooms to drop off some of the supplies for their saddle bags.  Kabria was nowhere to be seen.  He thought she might have gone to the library yet the bond told him otherwise.  He could have pointed right in the direction where she was at that very moment.  By the direction he knew she could only be in the practice yards.  Perivar walked to the large window with a view of the yards.


    Perivar did not see her at first until he assumed the void to sharpen his vision.  There were several people about but he caught sight of her.  His heart sank as he spotted the man behind her holding her arm.  Fury filled him, he wanted to rip the man to pieces.  How dare he touch her.  Kabria did not seem to protest as she swung her arm forward.  She must have been practicing with her throwing knives.  Who was this man, could it be?  No, he promised to let that go.  As much as he tried it still creeped up on him now and again.  It was not an easy thing to get over no matter how long ago it had happened.


    Perivar saw red as he walked.  He was boiling inside to the point that he failed to sense her coming towards him.  When he noticed her and sensed her joyous mood through the bond it sent him over the edge.  As much as he tried to hold it back he knew it showed on his face.  She looked innocent though true to form she made another of her comments.  “What’s wrong? You look as if you swallowed something that doesn’t agree with you?”


    He spoke though kept walking right past her not slowing a step.  His words were spoken quietly as if through gritted teeth.  "Yes that's it, something didn't agree with me."  He sensed her mood through the bond and felt her eyes boring holes through him as he kept walking.  He added some comment about having a lot of preparations to make though he was unsure of the exact words he had spoken.


    Perivar turned on his heels several paces from her.  Every bit of him wanted to turn again and kept walking but a little voice in his head reminded him of the last time he had done that.  His face twisted in pain as the events of that night played in his head. 


    Thunder rang in his head as lightning crashed down around him.  He knelt there on the cobblestones rain soaked with the note and the gauntlets she had given him layed out before him.  Also on the ground before him was his sword and the dagger he had received on his ascension to Tower Guard.  Layed out before him to show her he was no threat to her.  His mind raced and his face twisted in pain.  Kabria, the woman he loved was looking at him as if he were a monster.  It was more than he could take.  He was in a rage, pain gripped his heart and threatened to rip it to pieces.  He had killed a man, a whitecloak in a fit of rage and at the moment she could not understand or forgive his actions.  She looked upon him as if he were the Dark One made flesh and he shouted at her.  He rose in anger and left.


    The next day he heard about the Aes Sedai who ran up to the wall above the North Harbor and hurled the sword then kissed the Tower Guard who restrained her from throwing the necklace after the sword.  It had been his sword and she was the Aes Sedai.  That was enough for him to give up all hope and go north to the Blight.  Kabria came after him upon learning about his flight.  When she found him he was almost beyond hope, teetering on the brink of madness.  She brought him back to reality though not after telling him that it was more than a kiss.  It came from her own lips.  She was so angry with him that she did something drastic.  Kabria said it cut her deeply and he believed it, the pain on her face was not a facade.  He forgave her, he promised he would.  He had not mentioned it since yet at times it did assault his mind.


    Perivar snapped back to reality with the feel of her hand on his face and her soft words attempting to soothe him.  His large brown eyes had welled up.  He looked down into her bright blue eyes, the look of concern was plain on her face.  "I'm sorry he whispered...I swore to forgive and forget.  The Dark One take me but it seems easier said than done."


    Perivar stood there half slumped but his feet were firmly planted.  He would not budge, he would weather the storm.  If she had harsh words for him he would hear them out.  He would not walk away again in anger, never again would he walk away from her without giving her a chance to speak her mind.     


  16. Perivar nodded as she said they would go alone though a hint of doubt passed through the bond.  Kabria had made up her mind which meant there was no use trying to argue with her.  It would be easier to push a boulder uphill than to change her mind once it was made.  At least she would make preparations to have Aes Sedai and Tower Guards at the ready.


    Perivar didn't doubt that she could handle the mission just that he did not want to chance anything, especially when her life depended upon it.  He was in the doorway to their bedchamber now.  He could not help but drink in the sight of her as she dropped the silk sheet to the floor.  Her body was perfectly proportioned, he could not help but stare.  No man had that much will power.  Well they were alone anyway, there was nothing wrong with inspecting a masterpiece.  No doubt she was teasing him now and the smile she flashed as she moved to the other wardrobe only made him all the more certain that it was.  He felt the urge to walk over to her and take her right there but he knew how precious the little time was with which they had to prepare.  As much as he wanted to make love to her now there would be time later.  Still it did not make the urge any easier to ignore. 


    “If you have time to stand and gawk Gaidin, I assume all of our things are at the ready?”  Her words made him avert his eyes.  Light how she liked to play with him.  She had perfected the art of getting a rise out of him.  He brought his eyes back to her then smiled, let her chew on that.


    He watched her dress as he tried to concentrate on her instructions.  She had a way about her that addled his brain.  It was hard to concentrate when he was in the room with her.  Especially when she was walking around him toying with him.


    “Were you going to get dressed Gaidin?” She eyed him lazily up and down and he realized that he was still naked.  “Or are you planning on going like that to gather supplies? I am sure a few of the women wouldn’t mind….”  It didn't bother him to be in the flesh.  He could stand naked in a hall filled with people gawking at him and he could care less.  What he did care about was that he was standing around when there were preparations to make.  If he did not get them done now then there would be no alone time for them tonight.  It was a shame that he had finally been allowed into her quarters and they would not have time to enjoy the privacy.  As much as he wanted to be away from Tar Valon, a few days alone in their new quarters would be most welcome.


    Perivar dressed quickly then left their rooms to get their things in order...



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