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Posts posted by Sieve

  1. Perivar walked into the inn without breaking stride paying no attention to the patrons though he saw everything.  The merchant sitting at the corner table slipping the serving girl a coin.  The outland Lord and his retinue who seemed to be hanging on their masters every word.  The innkeeper eyeing him warily as if he were as if Perivar would suddenly forget his ties to the White Tower and slit the man's throat.  Some Shienarans simply could not get over the fact that they had an Arafellin amongst them.  The thought set him on edge.  He was going to tamp it down but decided not to for the moment.  On his way to their room he realized that she was not in it.  As he neared Loraine Sedai and Master Kynwric's room he knew she was there.  He decided not to bother her so he turned around and made for the stables.  At one time he would have never thought of purposely skipping a meal.  The fact that he was not to dine with her put him more on edge.  This time he tamped it down else she may come after him to discover what had him feeling this way. 


    Perivar waited patiently while the stablehand saw to Nightdancer.  He tossed the lad a coin then checked the saddlegirth.  He was sure this was not the first time the stablehand had seen one of his patrons do it.  Any experienced rider would check it themself.  The lad should not take offense at the precaution but apparently he did until Perivar glared at him.  The man gulped then averted his eyes.  Anger and frustration welled up again, Borderlanders should not be fighting each other.  They were sworn to fight the Shadow, what were the fools thinking.  Perivar did not know how much longer he could take these slights and not avenge his honor...his honor the thought made him chuckle which made the stablehand flinch.  Perivar vaulted into the saddle and booted Nightdancer into action.  His honor was his duty now, his service to Kabria was his duty.  He would take insults directed at himself but he would not abide them against her.


    Less than fifty paces from the stable Perivar slowed Nightdancer to a trot and cursed himself for being a fool.  A light snow had fallen covering the paving and here he was galloping like the Dark One was on his heels.  He could have broken his warhorse's leg with a fool stunt.  Sure Nightdancer had been accustomed to the snow before he brought him to Tar Valon yet accidents could happen, especially on slickened paving stones.  At the training ground Perivar reined in Nightdancer and sat his saddle patiently waiting on Dangar.  Perhaps Kabria would dine with him tonight.  

  2. Perivar continued studying the room.  The arrival of the others should have eased the tension though it seemed to magnify.  Was the mission on everyone's mind or did they all have personal issues like he was experiencing.  Everyone did their best to not let it show but he would have guessed that everyone was on edge. 


    Perivar glanced at Kynwric, the man was like a stone.  Was he on edge?  There was a lot riding on his shoulders but it did not show.  Even when he called one of them down it was no different then how he had been with the trainees in the yard.  It was the same tone that Perivar recalled as a trainee, luckily he had not had cause to yell at him often.  Was his mentor mad at him?  He hoped not but if he was what could he do?  Things were different now, he was Kabria's Warder.  Even though he was a Warder he still deferred to Master Kynwric and would continue to do so as long as there was no conflict in the orders he received from Kabria.  He had thought that things would be so simple when he became Kabria's Warder yet in some ways it seemed to complicate things.  Had Master Kynwric ever felt caught between his Aes Sedai and another?  Probably not he thought, Master Kynwric was too wise to let himself be caught between a rock and a hard place.


    The Aes Sedai showed as much outward emotion as Master Kynwric which meant they showed nothing at all, at least not to his eyes.  The most he saw from any of them was a look of concentration or study as they interacted with the others though that could be anything.  He shifted his focus to the Accepted and smiled.  It was a wry smile that formed as he looked at one then the other.  They could not be more different, like night and day.  Selene was deep in conversation trying to be the picture perfect Accepted.  On second thought perhaps she was trying to emulate the Aes Sedai.  She was doing a very good job of it.  The other Accepted, Jerinia seemed to be trying to contain her excitement, a blind man could see it but she managed it well enough now.  He wondered what had her so excited?  Why did she want to go into the city?  Were they really going to let her out of their sight?  If they were he hoped that Kabria would be accompanying them, she said that she would try to be with him as much as possible.  An Accepted would certainly listen to an Aes Sedai before she would a Warder.  He did not worry about Selene listening, when he trained her she was always the model student.  Maybe Jerinia would see how Selene acted around him and try to emulate her.


    Kabria was looking at him again.  He could not control what went through the bond.  From the moment they entered the room until now he had gone through a plethora of emotions.  Focus, determination then consternation followed by amusement back to consternation then concern and finally love, love as bright as the midday sun in a cloudless sky as he looked at her.  A smile formed on his lips and he shrugged slightly.  She was obviously paying attention to that bundle of emotions moreso than he had been.  The whole time while he was in deep thought he had not noticed anything passing through the bond from her but he knew there had to have been.  Even without be aware of it something was always there.  The bond definately took some getting used to.


    He made another observation.  Why was he standing within arms reach of Kabria as if guarding her from cutpurses?  If either Loraine Sedai or Rasheta Sedai took note of his presence they would certainly think it odd.  Perhaps Loraine Sedai would not, she knew for a fact that he was odd. 


    Perivar made his way to the corner where he unsheathed his sword and sat down.  He pulled a honing stone from his pouch and went about sharpening his sword.  It didn't need it but it was something to do other than standing next to Kabria looking like a fool.  The faint rasping sound added to the din in the room.  Even while sharpening his sword he was completely aware of everything in the room.  His little spot in the corner gave him a view of the entire room. 

  3. Perivar sat Nightdancer trying to appear patient, inside he was a bundle of nerves.  He hated being idle, he was eager for them to be on their way even knowing that at the end of a hard day's ride they could possibly be facing Whitecloaks.  More than likely that would be the case, if not today than tomorrow.  One way or another they would eventually catch up to their quarry, hopefully before they found another girl.  From everything they had heard they would be outnumbered by the Whitecloaks.  It was always best to be prepared for the worst so that any surprises would be pleasant ones.  One consolation was that they had an Aes Sedai and two Warders.  Hopefully that would be enough to offset the Whitecloaks numerical advantage.  It had to be enough, they had it to do.  Jasine's sister was one of the captives.  He could not imagine what his friend was going through.  Perivar had no sisters, the closest he could come to what Jasine was feeling was when he imagined Kabria being captive.  Imagine her being a young girl never making it to the Tower.  Imagine her being in Whitecloak hands.  He sought the void and tamped down the anger that was feeling at the thought.  All the anger, the eagerness to be away sat on the outside of the void.  He let it go then waited a moment to make sure he felt at ease.  The thoughts had passed for the moment. 


    Perivar scanned their surroundings, his head was on a swivel as the others finished seeing to their things and getting mounted themselves.  When not scanning his surroundings, Perivar studied Master Kynwric as he did often.  He intended on being Kabria's Warder so he looked to his mentor trying to understand exactly what a Warder's duties were.  He studied Mistress Thera as well though most often it was Master Kynwric since his Aes Sedai was amongst their party.  Being in Loraine Sedai's presence was a learning experience as well, her words and wisdom were very valuable.  He had studied her as well so he knew what to expect from Kabria when she became Aes Sedai.  The true weight of this mission rested on her shoulders though she barely seemed to notice it.  There was so much to take in if you were wise enough to notice it.  This trip had been worth his own weight in gold and then some.  The experience gained was immeasurable.


    Nightdancer stamped a hoof, he was as eager to go as his rider.  Perivar glanced at the horizon, the sun was just peeking over the trees spilling a bright pink glow as far as he could see.  The color reminded him of blood, of the veil that had covered his eyes when he was enraged.  He brought back the void pushing all his emotions into it so that he sat Nightdancer like a statue, only his head and eyes moved.  He was still for the moment but he was ready to move at a moments notice.   

  4. Perivar worked the forms, sword in his right hand and singuata in his left.  He had been at it for hours.  Working through every maneuver he knew.  One of the benefits of the bond was increased endurance.  He could continue fighting or training long after others would have crumbled from exhaustion.  He figured he would put that little benefit to good use.  Loraine Sedai was having the children tutored and Kabria had no need of him for the moment so he took advantage of the free time.


    He could feel Kabria, more than that he could turn and point right to her.  By the direction he suspected that she was at the inn with Loraine Sedai.  This close to her he could tell her mood in a manner of speaking, tell what direction and roughly how far away she was.  Farther away he would just be able to tell direction and whether or not she was alive.  At the moment he was not more than a hundred paces from her.  He probed the bond without conscious thought.  She seemed to be focused, perhaps she was reading or learning another new weave from Loraine Sedai.  He was getting a little better at reasoning out what passed through the bond.  No amount of training though could prepare him for the feeling of someone else nestled in your head.  It definately took some getting used to.   The hardest to get used to was when they were intimate.  That was certainly an eye opener.  Even in the cool Borderland climate he could feel his cheeks heating.  Some called this weather cold but to him, a Borderlander it was cool.   



    Even in the cool air beads of sweat showed on his face though inside the void he was barely aware of it.  He was one with the sword, one with the singuata, one with the ground and his surroundings.  It was the Ko'di, the oneness that let him know he was being watched.  Perivar Folded the Fan then hung his singuata on his belt and nodded to the Shienaran.  The man with the top knot returned Perivar's nod and he noticed the Shienaran's eyes drift to the singuata.


    Perivar approached the man trying to seem relaxed as opposed to a leopard that was about to spring.  "A singuata" he said then handed it to the man for him to inspect.  "I am Perivar Tarigan, Warder to Kabria Delondre, Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah." He introduced himself.  The Shienaran soldier returned the courtesy offering his name and house.  Dangar Malavin of House Riobi."I found that in a book in Tar Valon so I had a blackmith reproduce it for me.  I trained with it for a while and took a liking to it.  Forgive me but I forget the author and the origin of the weapon." 


    It was unlike him to be so outgoing yet this man was the first Shienaran who did not openly glare at him.  He warned Kabria about it before they arrived but there was nothing to do about it except let the insults and glares slide.  If he was not bound to the White Tower he would have to have fought a hundred duels by now to avenge his honor.  It was only this attachment to the White Tower that allowed him to walk freely without worry about an attack.  Even without the tell tale belled braids it was obvious to most that he was Arafellin.  With all the trouble between the two Borderland nations he was not very popular in Shienar.  The fact that he was obviously a Warder did help in that most would be wary to openly insult one if they expected to leave with their hide intact.


    Perivar glanced at a weapon rack with dozens of lances then at a strange contraption that stood about as high as a man.  It seemed to be on a pivot, a shield on one end of a crosspiece and a large sandbag on the other end.  "What is that...thing for" He motioned to the contraption.  "It is used to practice the lance."  The Shienaran said.  "You have a mount?" He asked then continued when Perivar nodded "If you like return here shortly after midday and I will show you how a lancer trains."  Perivar thanked him and indicated that he would return at midday.


    Ever since that skirmish with the Trollocs and Myrddraal he felt the urge to train harder than ever.  He would learn every skill that might make him a better Warder for Kabria.  If he was going to be worthy of being her Warder then he had to be able to face more than four Trollocs at once.  That skirmish had been a wake-up call.  It still burned him that Kabria had bonded him to keep him alive, that was how he saw it.  She denied it but he did not believe her even though nothing in the bond supported his supposition.  Perhaps she thought the time was right but he had expected it to be different, he had dreamt it would be different. 


    He walked towards the inn shifting his thoughts of training to thoughts of his Aes Sedai.  Hopefully Kabria would take time to sit and have the midday meal with him.  He enjoyed the rare opportunities when they were able to dine alone.  He enjoyed talking to her, enjoyed it immensely.  Her voice was soothing, like music to his ears. 


  5. Looks like we are all horrible with Chemistry, must be a DM thing.  In High School I walked out of Chemistry class on the first day.  We took way too many notes opn that first day and I didn't need it as I had already satisfied my science requirements for graduation by the end of my sophmore year.


    College was better, I passed but I don't remember a damned thing about it.  I haven't used it since college and that was many years ago.


    Sorry that you need to take a break, Good luck!

  6. Perivar had felt her frustration but he did not think it would be directed at him.  He stopped in his tracks when he saw her standing there with her fists in her hips and her feet wide.  She looked commanding, it made him think of his parents when he had gotten in trouble as a child.  Her words shocked him, Light she thought he had said something to Master Kynwric to make him think her foolish.  Did she not know him better then that.  He had done nothing of the sort, nor would he ever!  He opened his mouth to tell her though she held up a hand which cut him off.  She would not let him talk now but she would hear him out.


    He knew his face held a look of shock as she ordered him to do as Master Kynwric said.  What made it even worse is that he caught a surge of jealousy through the bond that she quickly tamped down.  She thought he would be foolish enough to flirt.  He tried to be polite but he most certainly did not flirt.  Light did she consider being polite flirting.  She couldn't wait for them to deliver them back to Tar Valon?  They couldn't travel fast enough for him.


    Finally she let him speak.  "Light Kabria! I said nothing to Master Kynwric to make you seem foolish.  I merely said that I did not think you would want me looking after the Accepted.  I told him that you didn't like me training them when I was a Tower Guard so now that I am your Warder I did not think you would want me to have anything to do with them.  I told him that I must do as you wish of me.  I reminded him that I am your Warder."  He didn't think he had said anything wrong though who knew.  Anytime he opened his mouth he ran the risk of saying something wrong.  "I am your man and your Warder Kabria.  I would never intentionally say anything to make you seem foolish.  If I said something that displeased you then you must know that it wasn't on purpose.  If I said something wrong then I am sorry."  He sounded half pleading though his body language said otherwise.  His eyes never left hers, his face looked harder than usual.  He believed that he had done nothing wrong and was put off that she thought that he had said something to Kynwric to make him think her a fool.  By his reaction, she may as well have told him that he had no honor.


    The look on his face changed to one of grim determination and he stood looking like a stubborn mule as she spoke."Kabria, I will do as you say but why must I be the one to watch over them.  Surely it would be better to assign some of the Guardsmen to watch over them, would it not?  I am your Warder not a babysitter..."  He shook his head seeing that his words were having no effect.  She had made up his mind and nothing he said would change it.  "I will do as you command...Kabria."  He almost called her Aes Sedai and bowed to her formally out of habit though he stopped himself.  That would certainly have sent her over the edge.  It would take him days to recover from that slip.  Too often for his own good he was quick to open his mouth to let out a foolish comment or take an action which would land him in hot water with her.  He was a stubborn fool at times. 


    Saying that he would do as she wished was apparently enough.  Some of the tension between them seemed to have eased.  Light he had said that he would obey her and the tension seemed to lessen.  Did it make it better that the order came from her?  Did it make it better that she knew that he would obey her and no other?  Or was it that she thought he would refuse?  No, she knew he would not refuse.  It had to be the other.


    When they returned to the others she seemed at ease, as if nothing had occurred.  She was smiling and he felt relief.  Well just a little relief.  He could not help but glance at the two Accepted.  His face was like a stone, his brown eyes scanning the room as if he expected Trollocs and Myrddraal to burst through the door.  Inside he was...torn, frustrated.  He had too much to worry over.  Pleasing his Aes Sedai which was a task in and of itself, keeping an eye on the overly excited Accepted who wanted to bounce off the walls, and keeping an eye on Selene all the while trying not to seem too polite or overly friendly. 


    Light they expected him to be like a juggler in a circus when all he wanted to be was Kabria's Warder.  Being her Warder was enough of a job for any man.  He wanted to go work the forms to ease his frustration, or go practice the drills that the lancer had shown him, or bury his head in the snow yet he could do nothing of the sort.  So Perivar simply stood next to and behind Kabria obediently like a puppy on a leash.  Well the way he stood and eyed everything in the room he looked more like a wolf than a puppy.



  7. Perivar returned to Mistress Thera after doing as she instructed.  This trip had been a nightmare and he took it out on their captor.  Before dressing the man's wound and binding him up he gave him a few bruises for his trouble.  The man was lucky he was alive, Perivar had half a mind to kill the man.  He deserved as much though Mistress Thera would not take kindly to him killing the man.  The last time he made himself judge, jury, and executioner had not gone so well.  That sparked the thought of his return to Tar Valon and that fateful night after their raising ceremony.  That was the thought on his mind as he returned to Mistress Thera.


    "Sounds like as good a plan as any." He said sounding determined as he strung his horsebow.  He half vaulted into the saddle and dug his heels into Nightdancer following Mistress Thera east.  They would find her and someone would pay.



  8. Geirrin was the last through the gateway with his pack slung over his shoulder.  He traveled lightly, even so the pack was an annoyance.  He was happy to hear that they were going to make for their rooms to rid themselves of their belongings.  He followed absentmindedly, his thoughts were on gateways not the servants in the hallways or the direction of their travel.  His thoughts were on gateways, he could travel to his former home, the small fishing village west of Godan and back to the Stone of Tear now.  He could if he was allowed to channel that is.  The Attack Leader had given them strict orders not to channel without his saying so.  An odd command though necessary, every other day they were made to use the power for everything, pushed to use as much Saidin as they could manage.


    Geirrin dropped his pack in the room that would be his while they remained in the stone. He eagerly headed for the hallway to meet the others then followed as they made their way to the cache.  He was excited to see what it held.  He would have to be extra careful not to do anything foolish, he was known for being careless.  A wonder the Attack Leader had decided to bring him along...


    Geirrin Hale

    Trying not to burn them all out


  9. Perivar's fingers gently traced along her body.  He could have explored her perfectly proportioned body all night had she let him.  His hand stopped as he stared at the tender area, the words in the old tongue jumped out at him, they meant everlasting love.  If ever he doubted her love for him there could be no question now.  She pulled her shift back over her shoulders, an indication that his time to stare at her body was over.  Sighing he regretfully helped her with her buttons.  Those bloody buttons could not be smaller in his large hands.  He could wield a sword with great skill but he had none when it came to these ridiculous buttons, there were dozens of them.


    She spoke as he tried to finish up with the buttons.  He dared not talk while working on them or else it would have taken him even longer.  Her sultry voice made him fumble even more with the bloody little buttons, really could the seamstress have made them any smaller.


    "I do approve." He smiled at her when she turned to face him.  A hint of crimson stained her cheeks.  Light had he done something to embarass her, had he been ogling over her like a lummox?  No greater fool had never been born, he was it.  "I can think of no greater sign of your love save a written proclamation read at every village from the borderlands to the Sea of Storms.  If I ever doubted that you loved me there can be no doubt now."  He caressed her cheek with his left hand.  "I am ready to go wherever you wish, whenever you wish.  For the rest of my life I want to go wherever you go.  To hear your musical voice, to gaze into your sparkling blue eyes, to catch a glimpse of you smiling at me, to touch you.  I would consider my life complete." 


    He leaned in to kiss her again with one hand on her back.   His other hand behind her head with his fingers running through her hair.  When they were finished they walked arm in arm from the privat dining room and out in the street making their way to the shop.

  10. Master Kynwric's voice was polite for Kabria though when he rounded on him and the Accepted it was that commanding no nonsense you will do as you are told voice accompanied by a hard glare.  Light he didn't do anything except get caught between his Aes Sedai and the Accepted.  Kabria glided into the hallway then the into Loraine Sedai and Master Kynwric's room.  He followed a step behind her.


    Perivar listened as Master Kynwric set the Accepted straight wondering if he was about to  receive the same.  What was he supposed to do, manhandle the young woman?  That would certainly have caused a scene.


    Perivar very nearly flinched as Master Kynwric posed the question.  Kabria's outward composure was a ruse, inside she was fuming.  That was what he felt through the bond and he eyed her warily.     


    When Kabria was finished speaking to Master Kynwric she smiled sweetly as she dipped her head to him.  Light she was sweet on the outside but from the bond he thought she might strike Master Kynwric.  He was not so sure that she was not going to strike him as well for just being there.  Perivar eyed her then made a move to follow though she spoke before he took a step.  "When you are done Perivar I would like to speak with you."  She would like to speak with him alright, her voice was calm and steady though that was most certainly an order. 


    As the door closed behind Kabria he took the initiative to speak "With all due respect Master Kynwric, I was trying to tell that it was not a good idea.  If the Accepted need someone to look after them then I would recommend assigning Guardsmen to them.  Either way that is your call not mine, if you expect me to look after them then that will have to come from Kabria.  She wants to see me and it would not be wise to keep her long.  I am not sure who she would blame if she is kept waiting."  He said then glanced at the door eager to be on his way, as if he expected her to burst through it and drag him from the room.


    Thankfully Master Kynwric kept it short.  He did not agree with his mentor yet he was entitled to his opinion.  Kabria had merely called the Accepted down for acting like a fool.  She was icy calm, not loud and her words were less harsh than he had expected.  If not for Kabria the girl would still have been trying to push and pull him out of the room.  Perivar had heard of Accepted being called down for much less and by much harsher words.  Regardless of his personal feelings he had not voiced them, it would have made little difference.


    Putting that from his mind, Perivar stepped into the hallway then turned in the direction of their rooms.  The bond told him that she had gone there.  She meant to talk in private and there was no doubt in his mind that she was not expecting to be kept waiting.  Perivar walked down the hall quickly with a purpose.  He entered the room and closed the door behind him hoping she did not plan on taking her anger out on him.  He suspected this would be one of those talks where she discussed her expectations of him as her Warder.  The one thing he was certain of is that she commanded and he obeyed.  Her word was law for him, it was simple in a way.  The rest would come in time he supposed.

  11. *grins* Ask nicely and I may tell you



    Don't believe her Covai, she is a tease!  She will make you ask nicely, have you acting like a giant fool and then never tell you while making it seem as if she already did.  At least that has been my experience.  *mutters something under his breath about women* 

  12. Kabria had probably planned this whole thing knowing he would ask.  As if she had struck a gong, serving women padded into the room carrying trays of food.  He raised an eyebrow at her, Steam poured from the trays and the room suddenly filled with the scent of various kinds of food as the covers were taken off the tray.  He stared at the trays greedily, it all looked so delicious.  "I hope this answers your question” she said grinning at him as she began to put food on her plate.


    Perivar shook his head smiling at her. "I believe it does my love"  he said as he starting putting food on his plate.  He eyed her, a look of consternation was plain on his face as she locked the door.  So they were not disturbed she said in answer to the question that was clear on his face.  The food was great and the conversation went back and forth on trivial things.  Not the deep conversations that they so often had.  Her excitement seemed to grow as the night went on, she seemed about to burst.  She was bubbling with excitement.  She told him to close his eyes though he didn't do it at first.  She stood and put her hands in front of his eyes pleading with him.  Her excitement was so infectious that he could not help but close his eyes.  A broad smile formed on his face as he tried to contain his excitement.


    It seemed like a lifetime that he sat there with his eyes closed.  He heard a faint rustling though could not make it out.  He heard a soft snap and almost opened his eyes though he obediently kept them closed until she said he could open them. 


    Finally he opened his eyes and his jaw dropped to the floor.  He saw the rose about her ear.  His eyes drank in every inch of her naked body.  Her body was beautiful, perfectly toned.  The smile on his face must have been ear to ear.  He was smiling so wide that he thought it should hurt.  The fire inside him came alive and blood pulsed through his veins.  It took him a moment to realize what was different.  Above her right hip on skin that was still tender was the symbol of his house.  He stood an walked to her.  His hand stretched out to touch it though it stopped short.  Her skin was still tender and he thought his touch could hurt her.  She had put his family's crest on her body.  There was little else one could do to show proof of their love. 


    It was not as if he needed further proof of her love for him but this was special to him beyond words.  The look on his face said it all.  He gently traced a finger around the perimeter careful no to touch the tender skin. He couldn't find the proper words to express himself so he grabbed her and kissed her passionately.

  13. Perivar felt a tugging at his arm.  He knew it was not Kabria.  He turned to find that it was the other Accepted.  A young woman who stood as tall as he did.  The hard angles of her face spoke of the borderlands though he could not say exactly where she came from.  "Ah good, come on, i've got a bunch of questions i want to ask to the people here. Where do you think we should start? The taverns, right? It's always the taverns in the stories..."  She tugged on his arm, she was no weakling though she was attempting to drag two people for Kabria had his other arm.  Light did she not know Kabria was an Aes Sedai.  Sure Kabria lacked the ageless look to her face but he thought the Accepted should know Kabria was Aes Sedai.  She obviously had not seen the great spersent ring on her hand.  That or the way Kabria held herself, the way she glided, she looked majestic.


    He suddenly felt like the rope in a tug of war, the girl was intent on draggin him around having already dismissed Kabria.  He could feel Kabria's flare of jealously and suddenly felt bad for the Accepted.  Perivar dare not say a word, the question Kabria asked was obviously not directed at him.  Caught between the two women he just watched the exchange.  Kabria looked like a lioness about to pounce, a lioness protecting her pride.  She smiled at him, Light you would think she was the Warder.  He did not try to calm her either, it was not his place and she knew what she was about.  Plus he was no fool, he did not want Kabria to loose her anger on him.  Her voice was icy calm though by the look Kabria gave the Accepted he thought the young woman would be turned to ash.  Kabria's grip on his arm was strong, her nails dug in deep though he dared not move a muscle.  He had never seen her protective of him like this.  A small smile formed on his face, Kabria could probably feel a hint of amusement pulsing through the bond, and love shining brighter than the sun.     


  14. Perivar followed Kabria into the private dining room, compliments of her status in Tar Valon.  Their getaway and private dining rooms were the few places where they could truly be alone.  There were servants popping in and out though they came and went as if they were not there.  Of course he was hungry, he was always hungry, she knew that so he didn't respond.  He pulled the chair out for her for which he received a sweet smile.  He brushed her shoulder, he longed to hold her, to truly be alone with her.  She gave him a wink that made him blush.  She had a way of making him blush.  Before meeting her he didn't think he could have blushed. 



    "I seem nervous?" He asked and she nodded so he said"No, I am fine, just hungry."  He followed with a smile that said all was well.  Was he on edge, he had no idea what the surprise was but was he unsettled by it?  He didn't think so but who knew?  She seemed to know him better than he knew himself sometimes.  He did not comment on what she could do to put him at ease.  Every answer that came to mind would only land him in deep trouble if she did not take it the right way.  Time to change the subject.


    "Your favorite meal?"  Frowning he searched the recesses of his mind trying to recall her mentioning a favorite meal.  He thumbed the ring she gave him while he searched for a clue as to what her favorite meal was, had she told him?  "What would that be?"

  15. *eyes the marker with suspicion*  What are you weirdo’s talking about?  ::)



    *steals some cookies and runs back to her hidey hole to watch*


    *Follows her to her hidey hole then steals a cookie while explaining*  Well you see, on the BT forums Covai is known for writing things that might offend or upset people.  He writes them in various places but always with a red marker.  Somehow I am always left holding the marker while he makes his escape.  That's it! 

  16. Perivar absorbed the new forms that Master Corwin showed him.  He had been working on the intermediate and advanced forms yet still Master Corwin taught him a trick here and there that made his movements more fluid.  He worked with Master Corwin for a few hours making sure that he had all of the forms down.


    Master Corwin told him it was time to see how long he could last.  Even with the added benefit of the bond there was still a limit to what the body could endure.  Perivar gave it his all, conservation energy by fluid motions and using forms that flowed into one another.  Wielding two weapons at once certainly took more out of you but you could attack two different targets at the same time.  The benefits of taking out two opponents at once made the drawbacks worthwhile.  With enough training the extra effort would not even be noticeable he thought.


    Perivar flowed through the forms as best he could yet nothing he did would let him touch Master Corwin though he thought he had come close a few times.  He felt that the Blademaster could touch him with his blades as often as he liked.  Perhaps it was not so but he felt that was the case.


    It seemed like they sparred for days but it could have been mere hours.  He was bruised and bloody, he could feel Kabria's frustration coming through the bond.  She was coming closer yet they were not done, he needed more time.  Perivar would continue until he could not lift his arms.  He knew his movements had slowed but still he went on.  Up 'til now he had kept both weapons moving and had kept a decent guard.  At his skill level he could not expect more for himself.

  17. Sounds good to me (except for the revenge bit :S) lol


    So how do we want to get the RP started? Ryusai's basically fled to Tar Valon with barely a halfbaked notion of becoming a warder.





    Oh, and does this means I get in trouble for carrying the red marker now? *Eyes Sieve*


    *Writes "Girls are weak" in red on Ryusai's forehead*...*Hands him the red marker then directs him towards a group of women training in the yards shouting "good luck" as he walks away*  :D



  18. Perivar realized he had been thumbing the ring on his left hand as he watched her approaching.  The ring that she had given him, a circle of gold carved all the way around with roses.  It was so finely made that even the thorns were visible.  He desperately fought the urge to run to her.  He stood still as if in a trance, his eyes locked on her as she glided toward him. 


    “Good-evening my love” She murmured to him with her musical voice as she took the arm he offered her.  He was nervous, like he was a child again.  He felt so unworthy of her, she looked like a Queen.  "You are breathtaking Kabria" he spoke for her ears only.


    Even though her comments poked fun at him he laughed out loud as they exited the main entry hall onto the steps.  Kabria loved poking fun at him, sometimes it was frustrating as she always seemed to have the upper hand but most of the times he enjoyed her playful gests.  As soon as they reached the bottom of the steps he presented her with a rose.  A simple gesture though she always appreciated receiving a flower.  Kabria held his arm leading him through the streets of Tar Valon.  They passed the time with idle conversation as they reached their destination.  Perivar was happy that dinner came first, he was starving.



  19. Perivar was formulating a plan in his head when he saw Mistress Thera make her move.  As quick as a viper her arm went back then forward.  The throwing knife was a blur.  He lost sight of it but heard the sickening thud and smiled knowing that she had hit her mark.  He eyed Mistress Thera as she muttered to him as they ran.  As they ran he caught sight of the man who had a throwing knife sticking from his shoulder desperately trying to get away from them.  Perivar had to run around Nightdancer to join the pursuit so to his dismay Mistress Thera was several strides ahead of him.


    Naturally Mistress Thera caught the man first sending him sprawling to the ground with a swift kick.  Perivar flounced on the man kneeling on his back which produced a satisfying grunt.  He wrenched the man's arm back so that he dare not move.  “Tell us where you took her.” he growled at the man wrenching his arm a little more.  The man did not say a word.  He was about to ask, no demand again though Mistress Thera crouched in front of the man.  She took over from there.


    Perivar watched her curiously with a new found respect for the woman.  She was hard, much harder than he had ever imagined.  He hoped that Jasine took care with her, she was not a woman to mess with.  He smiled, that was a silly thought to have at the moment.  It did not take much for the man to begin answering her questions.  Light if their roles were reversed Perivar thought he would be answering the questions as well.  A very hard woman.  He waited for Mistress Thera to tell him her plans. 

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