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Posts posted by Sieve

  1. Perivar sat on Nightdancer surveying their surroundings with his strung horsebow hanging from the saddle's pommel.  A full quiver hung from the saddle in front of Perivar's right leg.  On the outside he was the image of patience personified but inside he was irritated.  Not even a bite to eat he thought to himself.  His sleep was restless at best, a result of the bond with Kabria.  Perivar hated when she masked the bond but last night he wouldn't have minded.  She kept him up all night.


    Perivar refused to say a word though, he knew better.  Let her take her frustration out on the thief catcher.  Finally the man appeared, well actually the man was right on time though they had arrived far too early so it seemed as if the man had taken his sweet time.  Kabria's cool glare told him not to say a word.  Riding up to the thief catcher she handed him a heavy purse.  Perivar eyed the purse trying to judge the weight of the purse from a distance.  Even though this was important, Kabria was far too generous with her coin.  Every town they visited she always handed out coins to those in need, Perivar could not fault her for that though only when she was excessive with her generousity.  Giving away coin like that made her a target for brigands.  They could handle themselves but not without blowing their cover.  Their were several places that did not think kindly of Aes Sedai.


    Perivar guided Nightdancer over to the pair to look over the map.  He glanced at the map while maintaining his surveillance of their surroundings.  Perivar glared at the man a moment, they didn't need a travel guide!  Perivar bit his tongue, it would not be wise to put this man's back up, they still needed his services and the man would work better without Perivar's comments.


    When the thief catcher was done with his little speech Kabria spoke with an edge to her musical voice.  “Now can we be off, we are wasting daylight.”  He and the thief catcher gave each other a look after confirming that the sun had yet to clear the trees.  Light she was eager to be on her way.  He would have to ease her tension somehow or else they would be in for a bumpy ride.  Perivar could not think of a way to broach the subject so he let it lie for now.  Better that than an argument which would be difficult to resolve in front of the other man. 

  2. How wonderful it was to hear her laughter again, it was like the sun shining after days of darkness.  It did not even seem somewhat odd that they were so close to the Blight.  Their love seemed to lessen the destruction of the Blight that lay only feet away.  Her touch on his rain soaked cheek felt like the first time she touched him, it sent a shiver through his body. 


    When she leaned in to kiss him he thought he would burst from the anticipation.  Their lips met and sparks flew, he lost all concept of time or that anything else existed for that matter.  When their lips parted they were both drenched though neither seemed to care. 


    When they returned through the gates they returned as lovers not Aes Sedai and warder.  It was as much as an announcement as they would make for now.  They returned like a King and Queen parading in front of their subjects.  It was an amazing feeling, knowing that they would have a place to go where they could be themselves.  Later that night they would make the true announcement in front of the entire city.  For now they would retire to her rooms and make up for lost time.



    The next day when he woke he had a renewed sense of purpose.  His elation at their making up was obvious to anyone who glanced at him.  Suprisingly many smiled as he walked by, they seemed to approve of their love.  Perhaps having an Aes Sedai linked to the Tarigan family in such a way was a sign of hope.  Perivar didn't care what they thought, he felt like a new man.


    This time when he met his father he was able to hold his own.  He was completely focused on his training.  Thoughts of Kabria floated in though they were happy thoughts.  They were equally distracting though but he was able to focus on his forms.  By the end of the day his father had remarked on his improvement.  His father knew the reason for the change and he approved.  He was clearly happy that Perivar and Kabria were happy.  Even his mother seemed to have warmed to Kabria, excepting her as part of the family even though they were not wed.  Perivar was in a state of bliss, for this moment in time all was well.  If only they could stay here forever and live this life of fantasy but the reality was they were needed elsewhere.     

  3. It's nice to see so many people willing to poke holes in him!  ;D


    Hmm...I am wondering what we should do with the boy since he won't strike at Thera.  Obviously he has decided to defend himself against her.  Should we have Kyn try to talk some sense into him?  Convince him that his refusal to bare steel against a woman will put Kabria in jeopardy or something of that sort.  Then Kyn can beat on him and then Cairma just to make sure he will fight a woman.  Then maybe Thera will beat him some more just to make sure...and well because she enjoys beating on him.  ;D

  4. Kennar turned to look over the room as Sandre addressed the Aes Sedai and her warder.  Kennar was familiar with Master Kynwric, well who wasn't the man was a Grandmaster.  As deadly a swordsman as you could meet, one he knew he should steer way clear of.  His Aes Sedai on the other hand was someone he had not met.  She appeared motherly, well what Kennar assumed was motherly.  His mother had been nothing cruel to him as a child though this woman, this Aes Sedai seemed pleasant.


    Bowing in front of the pair Kennar quickly interjected.  He fought back the urge to glare at Sandre again.  What was the fool trying to do?  "I don't believe I have had the pleasure to make your acquaintance Loraine Sedai, it is an honor.  Though I dare say that I know of your warder.  I don't believe their is anyone in the yards who is unfamiliar with Master Kynwric."  He nodded and smiled warmly to the older man.  The Grandmaster swordsman simply emanated danger. 


    "It is true Loraine Sedai, I have quite a nice hand.  It is not what I enjoy most but it does get me out of other less interesting duties like guarding gates or escorting trainees to privy."  As he remarked about taking trainees to the privy he smiled at Edana and chuckled a bit before returning his attention to Loraine Sedai and Master Kynwric.  "Sorry it is an inside joke.  Sandre made mention earlier that Edana's first assignment will be escorting the new trainees to the privy."  Kennar smiled at her again then chuckled.


    "Well if you ever need my services I will be more than happy to help."  Kennar doubted she would take him up on it.  Most Aes Sedai had their own clerks or used one from the abundant group that the Tower kept on hand.



  5. Her silent snarl told him he was not going to be able to simple refuse.  He knew she would take his refusal all wrong.  He did not doubt her skill, he knew her worth.  All reason went out the window when she removed her coat and drew her sword.  His eyes were focused on hers, she was like a predator.


    The other Blademasters moved into a ring around them.  He had no choice now, it was either defend himself or die.  “Your Aes Sedai would hate to have to bury you Perivar.” She taunted. “I thought you would do anything for her? I thought she was your world?”  “Poor Kabria, she has bonded a weakling who does not care enough for her to stay alive.”   Despite their differences Perivar had always respected Mistress Thera though her words cut him deep.  The knowledge that she was trying to goad him did not lessen the sting.  His beliefs of right and wrong were warring with his love for Kabria and his oath of service to her.  He could not love her or serve her if he was dead, but he could not attack a woman.  Not in defense of his own life.


    Advancing on her toes she started towards him.  Her blade was lightning quick.  His singuata came into his hand and barely blocked the blow in time.  She could have killed him! "Light this is madness Thera!  You know I can't." The honorific only dropped out of need to get his words out quickly.


    As her second blow came he finally drew his sword though only to defend.  Her sword carried more force than he had prepared for.  "I will not strike at you!"  Stepping back he heard a voice caution him that he could not leave the makeshift ring.  Spinning slightly to the side he backed toward the center of the ring slowly circling in the form The Creeper Embraces the Oak trying to fend off Thera's assault. 



  6. “I Thera Trakelyn challenge you Perivar Tarigan to see if you will be found worthy of the title Blademaster. Will you accept?”  If this were a training duel with lathes Perivar would have readily accepted.  How was he to raise a weapon against a woman, it went against everything he had been taught as a child.  Women in the borderlands were protected from harm not attacked.  Surely women had fought by their side though no Borderlander would dare think of harming a woman.


    Perivar recalled his first meeting with Mistress Thera.  She startled him so bad that he had drawn his weapon before he realized it was her.  He had payed for that insult, cleaning the privy as well as other nasty places had served as his punishment.  Mistress Thera had made his punishment tougher than need be for she thought he was being foolish.


    Perivar had nearly died in Shienar because of his reluctance to fight a woman.  He defended himself though he would not strike her.  If Kabria had not come to his aid he would have likely died. 


    Clearly this was their plan, they knew his weakness.  He had known deep down inside that it would be Thera who challenged him.  Likely she would take it the wrong way though clearly she knew she was more skilled than he.  She was a Grandmaster after all.  It had nothing to do with skill, it was about principle.


    Perivar shook his head side to side.  He steeled his voice, deep and loud for all to hear.  "You know I will not bare steel against a woman.  Not unless it is against a darkfriend or in defense of my Aes Sedai."  Perhaps he could defend himself but not strike, even that seemed to violate his beliefs.

  7. It did not take long for Perivar to notice that all of the assembled wore the heron mark on their blades.  He was dismayed to find that two of the Blademasters were women.  His one major weakness and they had to know it.  On top of that one of them was Thera herself.  He had a history with her that could certainly work against him.  Perivar took a deep breath then stepped closer. 


    Stopping several feet from the assembled Blademasters, Perivar saluted them with his sword leaving his singuata hanging from his belt.  "As you have summoned, so have I come."  His deep voice sounded confident though inside he was a bundle of nerves.  It probably would have been wise to assume the void though there were times when he disliked pushing his emotions aside, especially when he was with Kabria.  Doing so always made him feel distant and isolated from everyone else.


    Recovering from his salute, Perivar sheathed his sword and awaited their instructions.

  8. Kennar heard Eqwina approaching, rather he heard someone approaching and prepared himself.  He eased a little when he saw her then tensed up as he saw the look on her face.  What had happened and why was she carrying a pair of Katanas?


    “We leave now, and ride hard.” With no other explanation Eqwina helped him pack up their camp using the one power.  Eqwina would not entertain any questions and he did not push it especially when she was wielded Saidar.  She had used it to beat him often enough that he knew better than to push.


    With everything stowed they mounted and sped away from the camp.  Kennar wanted to know where they were heading but know was not the time to ask.  Like an obedient dog he followed.  It stung his pride a bit but his future and his service to the Great Lord was tied to her, for now.



    Sandre spoke "Well if we could get him in here he could tell you stories of his own life that are worse than that. Making sure that you are memorable is a good way to be thought of when promotions do come up. They had to get someone who knew every prank in the book and he knew because he had done them all." 


    Kennar smiled then responded "That is true Sandre, a very good point, he probably has some very interesting stories from his training and service.  I am sure he probably does know almost every trick in the book."  Sandre seemed consumed by promotion.  Kennar thoughts on promotion lie elsewhere.  Being in the service of the Great Lord of the Dark, one did not think of promotion in the same sense.  Power, immortality, and survival were the daily course.


    Kennar would have to watch for Sandre while keeping his distance.  Edana on the other hand, she was someone he would like to get to know better.  As Sandre spoke with the Bartender Kennar took the opportunity to get more acquainted with Edana.  "Another round?" he asked her.


    Kennar's ears perked up at the mention of poison.  Something that would serve him well in his line of work.  He would have to find the right person to instruct him without them learning the true purpose.  A good Tower Guard should know about poison to better protect the Aes Sedai.  Yes that reason should be enough.


    Kennar laughed at Sandre's joke though it was more to mask the glare that he wanted to fix on the man.  Kennar was trying to talk with Edana and this fool kept trying to steal her attention from him.  Kennar was not ugly but it seemed as if he would have to get her alone if he wanted to work his charm on her. 


    Kennar drained his mug again and asked for another round oblivious of the Aes Sedai and Warder that just entered the tavern.

  10. It was odd being so close to the Blight, so close to the destruction of what was once the land of his ancestors.  Mangled and tainted creatures that could kill in a heartbeat yet he had no concern for them.  His focus was on Kabria.  Relief came when she finally spoke, at least she would speak to him.  Nothing was more painful than her not speaking to him or avoiding him.  Perivar felt his heart pounding as if he had just fought a battle.


    Kabria voice was calm, like soft chimes.  It would have been soothing though her words were deep which required him to focus.  She had yet to meet his eyes.  He listened intently, he was not about to mess this up again. 


    Her eyes locked onto his and he say the pain in them.  Having her tell him that she was hurt by his actions pained him deeply.  It always tore at his heart to hear such things.  All he wanted to do was love her and make her happy yet too often he hurt her without realizing it.  Frustration began to mount, though it was with himself not with her.  How could he be such a fool.


    Her smile lifted him, brought him hope that all would be well.  He lived for moments when he could see her smile. “I think we can fix matters here, if you are willing?”  “If you are willing to allow this place to know, if you are willing to allow your people to know, then so am I.”   Perivar would do whatever it took but for a brief moment he thought her plan was insane, let others know, how could they? What if?  Suddenly he no longer cared about the what ifs.  Perivar wanted her more than anything in this world, he would do whatever it takes.


    Touched her rain-dampened face he smiled "I am willing my love.  More than willing!  To the Blight with anyone who thinks it wrong, I am tired of hiding what we truly are.  We have to have someplace in this cursed world where we are allowed to show our love for on another." 

  11. Valeran had arrived at the field eager to hear what Arath had to say.  If rummors were true then he would enjoy todays lesson.  Being a lancer for so many years and leading troops, this was right up his alley. 


    Valeran gave Arath his full attention as the Attack Leader addressed the troops.  Arath was young compared to himself yet his voice held an air of command.  It had taken Valeran some getting used to, he went from being in charge of a squad of Lancers to being a regular old grunt.  Even so Valeran could appreciate the need for training and discipline, he would expect nothing less.


    Valeran recalled that fateful day and the aftermath.  It could not happen again.  He was happy to see that their shortcomings from that battle were being addressed.  Something that Brent refused to do, almost as if he wanted failure.  The Illianer had been too focused on placing blame on others instead of rectifying their problems.  Valeran's respect for Arath and Covai had gone up another notch.


    Valeran Kertovni




    Geirrin was one of the last to arrive on the field to hear what Arath had to say.  He had become lax over the last couple of months which was unlike him.  Usually he was energetic but he had fallen into a rut.  He had even managed to lose the swagger that most young Asha'man develop.  His daily beatings from Brent had taken the wind from his sails.  Even the man's death and urinating on his mangled corpse did not lift his spirits.  Geirrin drank more, gambled more, and let his training slip.  He was beginning to doubt his usefulness as one of the Dragon's weapons.  Geirrin loved wielding Saidin but he had no wish to become a martyr.  Part of him wished he was back sailing on the sea of storms or navigating the fingers of the dragon. 


    Geirrin half heartedly placed his hand over his mouth to stifle a yawn. He would not even have turned out for this if he wasn't ordered to do so.  Arath voice startled Geirrin so that he nearly jumped.  Had he been paying more attention he would have noticed the Attack Leader channeling.  The seriousness of Arath's words had a sovering effect on Geirrin, his full attention was on what the Attack Leader had to say.


    As Arath went on Geirrin began to feel guilty, since that horrible defeat he had not taken any action to improve himself.  With Brent gone it seemed as though the Black Tower was going to take a new approach to training.  Arath's words struck home, Geirrin even found himself saluting enthusiastically with the rest of the men.


    Geirrin Hale


  12. How long was he to sit there before she either came back or had him come to her.  Kennar was getting antsy sitting there with nothing to do but wait.  It wasn't like he had a mug of ale or a wench to pinch to occupy his time. 


    As time rolled on by Kennar wondered what Eqwina had found.  What was taking her so long?  He wondered if she was still alright.  What if something happened to her after she gave the signal.  His fate was tied to hers, she had to live.


    Again he made as if to boot his mount to a gallop then stopped.  Eqwina would not like her orders being dismissed without good cause.  She was a strict mistress, likely to dole out a punish for a perceived slight, no matter how minor in nature it seemed to be.  Eqwina did not like failure and her definition of a failure was painted with a broad brush.  Kennar had found that out first hand much to his dismay.  Still he felt a strong desire to serve her faithfully.  Hopefully she would return soon, then he could relax a bit. 

  13. I will get some posting done today, but I am currently have a fight with my computer, trying to get Auto CAD to play nice  ;D


    When I have trouble with programs I find that a bullet to the hard drive does wonders...  ;D  You can choose the caliber but I find rifle rounds work best.  If you use a handgun don't use hollow points, they don't fully penetrate the drive.  It's much more satisfying when the round goes completely through it.  ;)

  14. umm stupid me I forgot one really important point.  Kennar is closely associated with Eqwina so we have to be very careful with this.  Any ideas will have to be run by her as well as it greatly affects her character.  I believe it is fine for them to have their suspicions about him as long as they do not voice them to others.  I think that should be alright but Eqwina will have to say yay or nay. 

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