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Posts posted by Sieve

  1. Geirrin was lost in thought as Covai seized Saidin and wove the gateway or he would have wondered why the M'hael...no the Storm Leader was the one weaving the gateway.  Once again Geirrin was so oblivious to his surroundings that one of the other Asha'man had to prod him to get him through the gateway.  Suddenly he became aware of his surroundings and the commotion that their arrival had caused.


    Why me? Geirrin thought furiously!  Why under the light did I have to come here!  He would rather have done weeks of physical labor than stick his head in the mouth of a lionfish.  No not just one lionfish but several.  Why did he ever leave Tear! 


    Geirrin felt as if he had just been netted and was waiting to be hauled from the water.  He uttered a plethora of curses as he struggled to grasp Saidin completely unaware of the calm demeanor of his leaders and some of his companions.  Fumbling like a child at the tiller for the first time, Geirrin tried desperately to grab hold of Saidin yet it eluded him.  He began to sweat from the effort until finally he seized the source and felt Saidin fill him to the point where he thought he would burst. 


    Geirrin stared about wildly wondering which Aes Sedai he would shield.  They were all Aes Sedai weren't they? he thought to himself.  At the moment he had no idea nor did he have time to sort it all out so he just assumed that all of the women before him were Aes Sedai.  Now which one to shield?  He was confident he could shield any of them, he was strong in the power and he had a talent for shielding but he had his limits.  He could not shield all of the Aes Sedai at once.  Truthfully he could probably only manage to shield no more than two of them without risking everything to do so. Geirrin was strong, one of the strongest at the Black Tower but he lacked the skill to weave several flows at once.  It was something that had would remedy if he could.


    Finally Geirrin composed himself enough to notice that the Storm Leaders were calm and collected.  Covai and Arath appeared as if they were at their leisure, as if visiting the White Tower was common place for them.  A look from Arath was all it took for Geirrin to let Saidin go.  Remembering the orders they had received before they left made him blush. His lack of self control left his sun tanned Tairen cheeks looking like polished mahogany.  The loss of Saidin was even worse than the embarassment, it made him feel as defenseless as a new born babe.


    Geirrin still had a wild look about him as if he was being hunted though now at least he was now composed.  Not composed like Covai and Arath, or Martyn for that matter.  The older man always seemed composed.  If not for the presence of the Aes Sedai, he might have spent more time pondering the reason why the man was always so collected. 


    Fortunately they did not have to stand there long though walking through the Tower grounds was not much better.  Eyes followed them wherever they went.  Some even openly gaped or gasped loudly when they realized who the black coated visitors were.  One woman, a liveried servant even fainted as she turned the corner and came face to face with them.  A mischievous grin formed on Geirrin’s face, a grin that would have earned him a slap from his mother.  It was an effort not to laugh wildly at the thought of their presence causing such commotion.  Well it was an effort until he locked eyes with one of the Aes Sedai.  The grin quickly slipped from his face and he felt hunted all over again.  He was a fool for ever stepping foot in the White Tower!  Come to think of it he was a fool for going to the Black Tower in the first place!



    Geirrin Hale

    Forever a fool

  2. once again my LOA has become slightly longer.  I just got booked for a welcome home celebration for our local veterans of the Armed Forces.  Several guys including one of the guys who went through the Academy with me have recently come home from Iraq so the local union is throwing a party to celebrate their return and thank them for their service.


    My LOA will extend through the weekend as sunday is Father's day.


    This is last Saturday's benefit for a police officer who is battling Leukemia:






    My Guitar




  3. RL first sweetie!! I know you will do great at the benefit!! Don't forget pictures!


    I will be fine if I stop adding songs to the list.  Though it is a good thing I did as I just found out that I will be playing longer than expected and might have to go on again after the other band. 


    I will try to get some video as well as pics though knowing me I will be hiding behind my music stand so you wont see much.  ;D  I'm not as photogenic as you.  ;)  :P

  4. I will not be posting in any RP's until Sunday at the earliest.  I have a couple of really busy days ahead of me so I don't expect to have a chance to write anything.  I apologize if this inconveniences anyone but one of my coworkers has Leukemia.  We are doing another benefit for him on Saturday and have a ton of shi...er stuff to get done.

  5. Ooh yeah she really hates attention...better bring the fire extinguisher sized pepper spray! 



    Ooh and if you haven't been sprayed with that before I recommend you try it...tons of fun.  To make certain that you get the most out of it make sure to get some directly in your eyes and your throat.  Good times!!!!!



    **Disclaimer:  If you are fool enough to try this I accept no responsibility for the outcome**

  6. Perivar's eyes went wide and his heart skipped a beat as Kynwric skillfully manuevered him so he could see the disturbing sight.  Pain wracked him, the shock of seeing Thera's blade against Kabria's neck hit closer to home than than it should have within the void.  He struggled desperately to maintain the void and his focus, the effort of doing so was plain on his face.  He clung to the void by a thread trying to process everything and make sense of it all.  Kabria's life was in the balance now, the ante had been raised. 


    Perivar dismissed Kynwric, a foolish move but his focus was on Kabria and Thera.  Meeting Thera's eyes he pleaded with her.  "Are you mad!  This has gone too far!!"  Perivar was panting with the effort of remaining still.  He wanted to charge Thera but that could be disasterous.  Who knew what she was going to do.  Perivar needed to do something though what.  Clearing his mind he thought for a moment.  There was only one thing would resolve this.  Clearly the mixed emotions were evident in his tone.  "Thera, remove the blade and I will face you!"  Perivar shouted at the Mistress of Trainees disgusted that it had come to this.  "The Creator forgive me but I will do it." He half whispered unsure if the others heard.  With more force this time he shouted louder.  "I'll face you! Just let her go."

  7. Perivar's eyes locked onto Kynwric as he spoke.  The usually kind but tough man who had been his mentor seemed extremely displeased with his one time student.  His words were infused with such venom that Perivar could only stare at the man he respected wondering what he had done to make him look upon him so.  The disappointment on Kynwric's face pierced him like a hot blade through flesh.  The void shattered and the reality of the situation nearly crushed him.  The pain of the wounds Thera had inflicted seemed to increase tenfold.  Perivar grounded his sword leaning on it for support. 


    "Perivar Gaidin, no longer of the Borderlands, no longer of Arafel, no longer a Tarigan, and no longer a man." None of the words affected Perivar to any significant degree save for the last.  To have your mentor say you were no longer a man stung deep.   "I see how easy it will be to take your Aes Sedai from you, all we'll have to do is throw a endless supply of women at you until you succumb and then she will be ours. You think we won't? You think that any Aes Sedai wants a useless Warder? You may as well have bonded a Brown, you'd be of more use carrying books than that sword you'll never use. You think the Darkfriends are stupid? You think they won't use whatever it takes to get to an Aes Sedai?" 


    The insults continued as his mind raced.  His stubborn pride and borderland upbringing warring with Kynwric's words.  The hurt on Perivar's face was plain for all the onlookers to see.  The pain of thinking that his pride and beliefs could cause Kabria harm.  Kynwric shook his head at him as if disgusted by Perivar's behavior. "You are a child."  He was so off balance that he did not notice her presence on the field nor did he feel anything through the bond.


    Perivar did not say a word hanging his head briefly.  He looked up again just staring at Kynwric in disbelief.  The void having long since collapsed made it so that he felt every emotion keenly.  Perivar knew the danger of that but nothing he could do allowed him to resume the void,  the flame would form but he could not push every emotion into it, there were far too many and he was far too unsettled.  "Well Peri? Can I take Kabria now or would you like to consult your honor first?"  If Kynwric had been a lady Perivar did not know if he could have held back from striking out.  Anger and rage warred inside of him at the thought of someone taking his Aes Sedai, his love, his life. 


    Perivar finally snapped, his only response was a wordless growl that resonated through the yards as he charged Kynwric.  Perivar lashed out with sword and singuata though Kynwric was a Grand Master easily deflecting his feeble blows.  Kynwric seemed to let Perivar foolishly exhaust himself on the master's unpenetrable defense.  Kynwric's efficient movements and superior skill made it look effortless.  Their skill was so mismatched that when Kynwric went on the attack Perivar had no choice but to use the flame and void.  His fight for survival had become so desperate that the void finally formed.   For the time being Perivar's focus was on defense again.  All of his movements would have to be smooth or else Kynwric would oick him apart.  The Grand Master was famous for letting fools waste their efforts on his superior defense while waiting for the right opportunity to strike.  Perivar was going to need all the luck he could muster.

  8. Thera was lightning fast, it was only sheer luck that had kept him alive to this point.  Her speed was even more of an advantage as he was heavily armored while she wore simple cloth.


    “You will strike at me or you will die Perivar. The choice is yours!  I am sure your lovely flower of an Aes Sedai would prefer you strike. What would she say if she could see you now? Cowering and pathetic, afraid to strike a woman for fear of your Borderland honor! Were not all those ties broken when you came here? Did you not give up all other allegiance when she took your bond?!”


    Perivar had no opportunity to respond, all of his effort was on defense.  The inevitable finally happened, Thera's slash took him right above the vambrace on his left arm.  In the void it was as if it happened to someone else though his eyes caught sight of the blood on her whirling blade.  The cut was not bad considering that she could have taken his arm below the elbow.  Over time it would become a hindrance.


    Somehow Perivar was able to create some distance.  "Light and peace Thera! I did not ask for this"  He shouted "you summoned me!"  He stopped talking to concentrate on his defense as she rained more blows upon him.  Her blade whirled clanking as it touched his armor.  If not for his armor he would have been severly cut by now. 


    "Had I known I would have refused your summons.  I did not ask for this!" Desperately Perivar dodged whenever he could while he moved his sword and singuata in an attempt to block her attacks.  It would only be a matter of time before she connected again. 


    Quickly he shook his head to move the sweat dampened hair from his eyes.  He tried to shout over the clashing of blade on blade and blade on armor.  "I gave up my other allegiances when we bonded but I will not strike a woman unless my Aes Sedai's life is in danger.  It is not your concern, that is between her and I!"  Perivar heard Thera's sword pass within an inch of his ear though he failed to notice the lock of hair as it dropped to the ground.  That last blow had been too close for comfort but he could not bring himself to strike at her.

  9. Well when the rumors have stirred long enough I need a reason to get Sandre to leave for the borderlands. You think Kennar's penmanship could be put to use writing a letter to Edana with locations of where to meet and details about how he cant wait to have her in his arms again properly placed where Sandre will find it before she does would be possible? No way to prove he actually wrote it

    Sure we can make that happen.

    SOOOOO... I was thinking of getting this ball rolling tomorrow-ish, so which would you prefer, Sieve? Having the same duty assignment or running into each other in the bar?

      Well it could be a duty assignment or perhaps they train together.  Thera was going to teach Kennar in stealth and subterfuge, they could take the class together.  The duty assignment or training could lead to drinking afterwards.  Or they could just meet at the bar, either way is fine with me.
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