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Posts posted by Sieve

  1. A sickening thud rang in Perivar's ears as the breath escaped his lungs in a mind-numbing rush.  Moments later Perivar's wits returned and his chest heaved as he tried to suck in copious amounts of precious air.  His torso ached with the overwhelming effort, the void had shattered as he struck the ground so he felt the pain of every wound that Thera had inflicted.  Perivar had not realized how many chinks in his armor Thera had found.  He should have guessed, she was a grandmaster after all.


    Perivar tried not to move muscle as Thera's blade rested against his throat.  Given his current state it was difficult to remain still.  Thera stood over him looking like...whatLike a person just going about their work he thought.  Perivar laid there awkwardly looking from Thera to the others waiting for them to pass their judgment. 

  2. Perivar returned to their room in the Green Quarters, well they both saw it as such though the Tower's inhabitants would rightly point out that it was Kabria's room.  She was Aes Sedai after all and he was just her warder.  If he voiced the latter she would berate him but it was the truth.  Warders served their Aes Sedai and right now Kabria needed her warder's service more than ever.  Perivar would do whatever it took to make her right again.


    Perivar gathered all their belongings while Kabria simply lay there with her head buried in her pillow. Stuffing the last of their items into their packs he called to Kabria.  "We are going, now" His voice echoed the strain as he buckled the straps on one of the saddle bags.  The bags were new and not yet broken in so the leather was tough to work with. 


    Perivar looked up from the bag noticing that Kabria had not even stirred.  Standing he tossed the bag near the door then entered the bedchamber.  "You can either get up on your own and walk to the stable, or I will carry you through the halls for all your sisters to see.  The choice is yours my dear.  Either way you are going with me!"  Perivar stood at the side of the bed staring down at her with his arms folded in front of his chest as he waited for her response. 

  3. Kennar grumbled to himself over the idiocy of guarding Tar Valon against attack.  Surely the Great Lord of the Dark would not use conventional tactics to assault Tar Valon.  These light blinded fools would not stand a chance against the Dark One's forces.  Kennar could not think of another entity that would be foolish enough to attack the White Tower.  He wished someone would try though, he could picture the massive carnage.  A wicked grin formed as he thought of bodies being torn limb from limb with the one power.  


    Kennar lost himself in thought as his boots rhythmically clicked on the cobblestone walkway.  What part would he take in the destruction.  What orders would his Mistress issue?  Perhaps she would allow him to torch a few buildings?  Preferably ones that were occupied.  Ear piercing screams filling the air to join the flames and smoke.  Or perhaps she would allow him to kill a few of those puffed up Aes Sedai.  He had a few in mind that he would love to send to the pit of doom.  After he had his way with them of course.  He would humiliate and defile them first before they met their demise.  When he was finished he would hack the bodies to bits.  


    Kennar was getting excited just thinking about laying waste to Tar Valon.  Ooh how he hated Tar Valon and the light blinded fools that resided there.  He hated them more than was warranted though they stood for everything that he did not.  Again his thoughts drifted to the carnage and destruction.  Blood splattering their precious White Tower, crimson red pools decorating the halls, rivers of red running from every window.  Dismembered body parts littering the streets, flames engulfing every structure that would burn, smoke filling the air choking those fools as they prayed to the creator to save them.  Death wherever he looked and all the glory would be his.  Certainly the Great Lord would grant him immortality.  Maybe the Great Lord would give him that little Aes Sedai as a play thing!  To do with her as he wished.  He wanted to howl, to laugh maniacally though he held it in.


    His wicked grin had left his face as he stopped to stare into the shadows near the sally port gate.  The moonlight spilled through the trees to illuminate where he stood though the gate was draped in shadows.  Kennar loved the night, that was when he preferred to work.  The darkness and shadows concealing what you did not want other to see.  Allowing you to sneak about or ambush your prey.  As much as the darkness aided his efforts it made little sense for the gate to be so poorly lit.  


    Suddenly something fell at his feet, the sound of metal clinking on stone echoed through the night.  Kennar reached for his hilt out of habit then stopped abruplty staring down at a throwing knife laying on the cobble stones near his left foot.  The knife had been tossed not hurled.  Clearly the knife's owner meant him no harm.  He bent to pick up the knife. That was when he heard Edana's voice, "Are you lost, Kennar?" which was quickly followed by the sweet sound of her laughter.  From his knees he stared up into the shadows trying to catch a glimpse of her face.  "I don't recall the Captain telling me he'd send entertainment..."


    Kennar laughed out loud as he stood flipping her throwing knife in his right hand.  "What a lovely surprise!"  He remarked as he began walking towards Edana.  "Apparently you are better at guarding useless gates than escorting trainees to the latrine?"  He chuckled offering her a smile. 


    Kennar handed her the dagger then laid his hand on hers before he could retract it.  Confidently he said "The Captain said you needed the company of an experienced Guardsman.  Someone to show you the ropes."  He flashed an award winning smile.  "Lucky for me I drew the assignment though I had no idea it would be you"  He lied.  Kennar was so used to lying that he did it flawlessly.  "Lucky for you there is no one better at guarding a useless gate" he laughed. 


    He could not say why but for some reason he felt something different for her.  With other women it was lust.  An innate physical attraction that a man feels for a woman, a craving to explore her body.  He kept the sinister smile from forming on his face as his mind explored every inch of her body.  That was usually as much emotion as he was capable of when it came to women.  It was different with Edana.  He enjoyed talking to her, drinking, and gambling.  Usually he couldn't stand to hang around with women unless he was taking care of his personal needs.  Other women liked to natter and complain though she was different.  She was lively and witty, generally fun to be around. 


    It was odd for Kennar as he thought he could only feel this way for women sworn to the Great Lord's service.  Could it be that Edana was a darkfriend?  Kennar doubted it, nothing he knew about her had made him think she was one.  Either way he would have to do something about that puffed up guardsman of hers.  The guy was too full of himself for his own good.  He did not deserve Edana. 



  4. Eqwina is tied up (not literally!!! Get your minds out of the gutter! I'm not saying that I wouldn't enjoy tying her up!  ;) ) and can't post from where she is so she asked that I post that she likes the RP idea and wants to include Kabria.  She didn't say which idea in particular just that she wanted Kabria to join in on the fun.


    That's not even funny about the trainees!  No trainees!  No!!!!


    Hush, you! There's been a thread waiting on you for... MONTHS and you've just left poor Ed hanging at that sally port gate. *snorts* like you have room for sarcasm...

    Uhh Ooh did the evil Kennar stand her up!  :-[  I'll have to blow the dust off of him...


    *laughs and shakes her head* silly goober. How the hell are you, anyway? *gives Sieve a noogie*

    *rubs his head* I'm still in one piece and not six feet under so I'm doing good thanks!  Just a little busier than I want to be at the moment but that's life.  Hope all is well with you.
  5. One moment he was stroking Kabria's hair, the next he was watching her walk away from him again.  The were less than 10 feet away but at the moment they may as well have been on opposite ends of the known world.  Despair mixed with at least a dozen other emotions warring in Perivar's head.  What was he to do to break her from this mood?  His thoughts raced but nothing came to mind.


    “Maybe I do need to get away. Lately I find myself longing for the water. To be on a ship again.”  A ship?  Confusion flowed through the bond.  Why under the light did she wish to be on a ship againTo search for Shenesta?  He kept his thoughts to himself, now was not a time for words.  Would this be another grueling quest like the one to find her mother?  Light he hoped not, Kabria had been nearly unbearable during the months they spent looking for her mother.


    “Oh Light! I want out of my own head!! Every thought brings me around to how much is wrong with me! I need a distraction!”  As soon as her words trailed off Perivar kissed Kabria's forehead then darted from the room.  Halfway down the hall he collided with one of the Tower's female servant's.  The poor woman bounced off his chest and would have struck the floor hard had he not caught her flailing arm.  Perivar stood her upright muttered an apology then rattled off a list of provisions to be delived to the dockmaster at South Harbor.  The woman nodded graciously as Perivar pressed a few coins into her hands then she was off.


    Perivar set a hard pace through the Tower halls so much so that he could feel the eyes of those he passed following him obviously curious about what he was up to with such haste.  It did not take long for Perivar to reach the stables.  In moments Nightdancer was saddled and galloping toward South Harbor.


    ((OOC:  I cut it off there in case you wanted to do a little self reflection while he is taking care of business.))

  6. Perhaps a handful of days northeast of Tar Valon which would put you somewhere around midway between Tar Valon and Shienar.  You can do your training somewhere within a reasonable distance from the Tar Valon / Fal Moran road.  With the Shadowspawn deeply embedded in Shienar the Green Ajah is constantly sending Aes Sedai to check on disturbances there.  


    You will see the road I am talking about on this map http://www.thelastsunrise.net/maps/world_map.htm . It runs Northeast from Tar Valon and halfway to the Shienaran Border would put you near the woods Just Northeast of the words Tar Valon. Plus there is a river nearby.  If the river is big enough to be on the map then it is safe to assume there could be tributaries branching off it that would run towards or near road that would suffice for your scenario. Then again no one says it has to be near the road, the Aes Sedai's party could have several reasons not to travel on the beaten path.

  7. Visar I was thinking the same thing then I thought perhaps I was being too picky as this is a different PSW from the books we still tend to hold to the timeline from the books in regards to making gateways or discoveries and such.  In this PSW shadowspawn are all over Shienar and partially into Arafel so I don't think it is such a stretch to have a fist of Trollocs south of the Shienaran border.  The borderlands are kind of in disaarray so Trollocs or other shadowspawn could have slipped south.  Of course this is only my personal opinion not an official one.  


    Yes a fist is 100 Trollocs.


    That being said I can ask Eqwina if she would like to participate with her Green Kabria and her warder Perivar as long as Rasheta and Visar dont mind.

  8. Perivar panted slightly as he watched Thera circling him on guard waiting for his attack.  He was more winded than he should have been, a result of his lack of composure early on in the fight.  He had gathered his wits and was thinking clearer now.  Perhaps they took his current lack of attacking as hesitation though he was giving his body time to recouperate.  Thera was quick as a viper with her blade.  She had drawn blood in several places while he did not think he had touched her.  Moments passed then Perivar smiled at Thera, a wide toothy grin combined with a look that said he knew something she didn't. 


    It felt like an eternity that he sat there with that stupid smile on his face as Thera slowly circled him.  Inside he was laughing, laughing at his own ridiculous behavior.  His honor and upbringing had prevented him from doing what he must.  He might not enjoy fighting a lady yet it was what he had to do.  Once already he had put his life in danger by hesitating to strike a women who was ready to skewer him.  If not for Kabria he would have been dead or gravely injured.  The effects of his death or injury would have affected Kabria deeply.


    Letting out a roar Perivar lunged with his singuata while slashing with his sword.  Thera deftly deflected the lunge then danced away from the slash.  Perivar tried to close the distance to use his size and strength to advantage though Thera was as agile as anyone he had ever met.  It was almost as if she knew where all his blows would land before he struck out.  On and on he went and all he received were a few more cuts for his hard work.  It would only be a matter of time before those cuts began to slow him down...

  9. “Do you truly think it’s my desire to be away from the Tower or the weather that has caused my mood?” Her voice held very little emotion, and none of the spark it usually carried.  Perivar opened his mouth to speak and began raising a hand to halt her though Kabria went on before he could get a word in.  “Truly Perivar I wish it were so simple, but not even the rain or my Sister’s failure should bring on such melancholy now should it?”   Perivar never called it failure though Kabria would see it as such.  What her sisters had done with the weather was truly amazing.  The fact that it was no longer pouring was a blessing.  Only the Creator could have done more he thought.


    Perivar was truly confused, there was something else.  He had only thrown out her wanting to leave the Tower and the poor weather as a way to get her to tell him what was wrong.  Truly he had no idea what it was.  Something was missing, something lacking, something was very wrong with Kabria.  Perivar had tried to ignore it for days but he could not do so any longer. 


    Perivar put Chalinda back in the bed that Kabria had made for her.  Chalinda looked odd in his arms.  He did not look like he should be holding a kitten so gently.  He turned as Kabria made her way to him.  She handed him the goblet of wine then stared into his eyes.  Her beautiful green eyes lacked their usual glow causing his brows to furrow in consternation.


    “I do not know what is wrong with me Perivar, and you know my words for truth. I feel a..distance between us now and I have the sinking feeling it is my fault.”

      Perivar reached for Kabria but his hand caught nothing but air for she had turned away and walked over to the window to continue staring out into the city.  Kabria continued her dismal words.  Perivar listened in horror, stuck in place as if he had been poleaxed.  He very nearly crushed the goblet in his other hand without realizing it.


    Was she sick, perhaps a fever?  Or was this some ill effect from channeling.  Maybe this was a trick of the shadow.  Something from their visits to the Borderlands or the Blight.  It wasn’t common but some had returned from the Blight a shell of their former selves.  He said a silent prayer to the creator for help.  At the moment he had no idea what to do.


    Surely she could not have broken from the strain, not Kabria, never her.  She had endured much worse in her life and had always overcome it.  How could he help her overcome this. 


    Perivar crossed the carpets to Kabria.  Turning her away from the window he gently cradled her against his chest.  He could not stare at her face or her emotionless eyes, it was far too painful.  “What can I do to help?  I’ll do whatever it takes Kabria, whatever I can do to make it right.”  He paused unsure what else he could say.  ”I..I don’t even know where to begin.  What should I do?  Perivar had never felt so helpless. 


  10. Perivar danced through the forms in the sitting room, his body and weapons flowing as one through the forms.  Beads of sweat coated his bare upper body though he paid it no mind.  He was aware of so many things yet they were distant at the same time, a result of the void.  Perivar could have been stabbed in the leg at the moment and it would seem as if it had happened to another. 


    Perivar was one with his surroundings, one with his sword and singuata, one with everything in his vicinity but Kabria who sat staring out the window of their bed chamber.  He wished he could mask the bond like she had learned to do instead he had to keep his mind occupied with other thoughts so that he was less aware of the bond.


    Perivar could see Kabria through the open door though at the moment they could have been miles apart.  He had not seen Kabria in a mood like this since they searched for her mother down in Tear.  Those days had been a serious strain on their relationship, not only as lovers but as Aes Sedai and warder.  There was a time that he thought she may try to leave him behind.  Kabria was so fixated on the search and confronting her mother that she would not listen to reason.  Some times you just had to let her have her way and work things out on her own.


    Only a fool would question her about her mood now.  Perivar was accounted a fool at times though even he would only go so far.  The darkened gloom from the weather outside seemed to be holding the lamp and candlelight at bay.  Perhaps he could approach Kabria in a different manner, if he was very cautious she might not bite his head off.  If he were smart he would leave the room now and join the others training inside the Tower.  Those forced to train inside since you could barely walk outside let alone train.  Perivar hated crowded places, even worse they would be crowded places filled with trainees.


    Propping his weapons against the wall of the sitting room, Perivar grabbed the towel hanging over the chair and began mopping the sweat from his body.  He did so as he walked into the bedchamber to stand behind Kabria.  She was back on her perch with Chalinda in her lap.  Chalinda’s eyes were closed though he knew Kabria was staring out into the misty gloom.  Kabria knew he was right behind her yet she did not turn her head to look at him, she just kept staring as if she could make it all go away.


    Perivar placed his right hand on her right shoulder in hopes that his presence and his touch would help her relax.  It did no such thing, the bond did not change a hair.  Staring out the window Perivar finally spoke.  “You said that your sisters with the talent for working with the weather did all they could.  At least it is not pouring any longer.”  He felt her aggravation through the bond.  Was it because of his words or because the Aes Sedai could not completely fix the weather.


    He had to proceed carefully though at times he was clumsy with his words.  At times he thought he would make a better dressmaker than he would an orator.  “What do you gain by sitting here staring out the window?  I too want to be away from the Tower but what can either of us do about the weather?  What can you do by staring at the weather that your sisters could not do with the power?  It is not like you to sit around staring out windows.  If you had a book in front of you I could understand but all you do is stare out the window and grow more frustrated.”  So much for proceeding with caution, he might as well have been charging into the blight blindfolded with no weapons or supplies.


  11. ((OOC: Guess we might as well finish this ;)  ))


    Time slowed like it never had before.  Seconds seemed like a lifetime as Perivar stared at Thera holding Kabria.  Concern for his love was plain on his face yet it clashed with the confidence that flowed through the bond from his Aes Sedai.  Bloody woman! he thought to himself.  She would be calm and serene with a blade held to her while he stood there scared to death to move a muscle.  Thera's words washed over him as if she spoke an unfamiliar language.  Perivar was fixated on the blade now.  He had to get that away from Thera somehow or get Thera away from Kabria.


    In an instant time seemed to speed up tenfold as his prayers to the creator were answered.  In a flash Thera rushed towards him seemingly ready to beat him senseless, or kill him perhaps.  Perivar recoverd his senses just in time to deflect a few well placed strokes and lunges.  There was no time to search for Kabria, all his effort went to remaining alive.  One misstep would be enough to kill him.  Thera had him on solely on the defensive, it was all he could do at the moment.  More blows came, Thera's blade flashed like lightning.  She was a Grandmaster after all, and there was no denying her worthiness of the title.


    After deflecting a few blows Perivar heard the all too familiar sound of steel on steel.  Two blows crashed against his breast plate in rapid succession.  Had he been smaller in stature she may have beaten him to the ground.  Perivar tried to retaliate yet Thera danced away with the gracefulness of a ballroom dancer backing away from a drunken layabout.


    On and on the spar went.  Whenever he though he found an opening or had the upper hand Thera reminded him of her skill.  Fighting a Blademaster would have been difficult enough though a Grandmaster was way out of his league.  Still he fought on determined to make a good showing of his skills.  If all went well he would be a blademaster by the end of the day.  Perivar was shocked to realize that he wanted the accolade.  Earlier he seemed not to care though now things had changed.



  12. Geirrin furiosly ran his fingers through his short dark Tairen hair so much so that when his hand dropped to his side he looked like a wild thing from the bowels of Shayol Ghul.  His hair astray, like thousands of dark needles jutting every which way.  The sun tanned skin on his forehead was scrunched, a telltale signal as clear as day that he was deep in thought.  "I'm in a bloody row and she's bloody leaking like a bloody sieve all while I'm trying to navigate the bloody Sea of Storms in a bloody cemaros" Geirrin murmured to himself.  His family and friends would not be surprised to find him in this pickle.  After his mother beat him with her broom for cursing so.  This was not out of the ordinary for him, no not in the least bit.  No matter how hard he tried he always found himself in a bloody jam.


    Geirrin looked around the antechamber as his back thudded against the wall.  He had not been aware that he was backing away from the Amyrlin's Study and the red-shawled watchdogs.  His eyes flickered from the red-shawled women to the door.  There were Aes Sedai he thought, their eyes penetrating his mind as if they could somehow read hs thoughts.  Something about them seemed odd.  Something other than the fact that they were completely and utterly composed.  "Bloody fish guts!" he muttered, angry that he had accompanied the Storm Leaders.


    "I don't suppose one of you could send for some wine?  I get the feeling we might be waiting here for a while yet."  The other Asha'man's voice broke the silence.  Wine!  Geirrin didn't want no bloody wine!  He wanted to be gone from here.  They could not leave soon enough in his opinion.


    Geirrin Hale

    Ready to leave!



  13. Perivar had been even more introverted than usual.  He took any opportunity to leave the group and be on his own.  There was still a matter to be settled between he and Thera for her actions during his Blademaster trials.  She may have been right forcing him to fight a woman, it was something that should have been seen to long ago but the way she used Kabria as bait for him to fight her was wrong.  Uncomfortable silences were the norm whenever they stopped or were forced to be near one another.


    Perivar sat Nightdancer staring south toward Tar Valon.  Other times he would have been found staring North though Kabria was still in Tar Valon while he was in the borderlands.  His heart and soul were with her, a shell of his existence is what roamed the borderlands.  Without realizing what he was doing, Perivar thumbed the ring that she had given him.  An intricate circle of roses complete with the thorns to remind him of her.  She was beautiful, more beautiful than any bouquet of roses yet she had a fiery passionate disposition that kept him on his toes and kept things very interesting.


    Perivar respectfully followed Thera's orders doing whatever assignment she handed him in a timely and expeditious manner.  Duty was duty but allowing any hint of friendship between then was where he drew the line though.  Perivar was a stubborn fool and did nothing to bridge the gap between them...



    Perivar did not even remember what he muttered.  Something about young fools he thought as he spurred Nightdancer following Thera’s lead.  The last Trolloc began running realizing it was hopeless to win against the odds it had been dealt.  Perivar looked to Thera who simply nodded. 


    Perivar leaned from the saddle to wipe the blood from his sword on the corpse of the slain Trolloc before sheathing it.  He quickly drew his horsebow and strung it then booted Nightdancer after the fleeing Trolloc.  As soon as Nightdancer reached a steady gallop Perivar aimed, drew, and released.  The arrow struck sending the hairy trolloc tumbling.  Perivar let the horsebow hang across the saddle’s pommel then drew his sword leaving his singuata resting on his belt.


    Nightdancer’s hooves thundered toward the Trolloc as it tried to stand and face it’s attacker.  A simple sword thrust would have been sufficient though Perivar was angry.  He had let the void go as soon as he saw the arrow strike home.  He needed to vent and this Trolloc was going to help him.  Perivar made several passes hacking the Trolloc for all he was worth.  The last pass he leaned from his saddle to gore the Trolloc from it’s groin to its neck.


    Looking grim as death Perivar returned to his companions.  He pondered their choices briefly before speaking without emotion as if he were in the void.  “We are sworn to protect Aes Sedai first and foremost.”  I am sworn to protect mine he thought furiously.  Yet she is in Tar Valon while I am hundreds of miles away.  He directed a stern look at Thera which he hoped was taken for indifference.  Even though it was Kabria who broke the news to him he had no doubt that his presence here was Thera's idea.  "The Capital will have to hold out until we can get to them."


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