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Posts posted by Sieve

  1. Tevares arrived with some of the others in the Band whom he assumed were to receive training as well.  He stood watching the shirtless man wondering what his father had gotten him into.  Tevares wanted power and glory, not hand to hand training.  It was pointless, the only proper training was from horseback.  A calvary charge could devastate an army, send them running in every direction making them prime targets for being cut down.  All this was in theory, things he had been told by others as he had very little true experience except as a merchant guard.


    Tevares rubbed his oiled beard as he studied the scars on the shirtless man.  What under the light had this man been up to, where had he gotten all those.  Tevares was still a foolish youth who thought battle was all about glory and reknown.  He barely thought on the fact that you could end up dead at the end of the day.  Still it wouldn't stop him, he was an ambitious youth and would get his due.


    "So.  This is what the Band takes in now?  The standards have gone down, I see.  Oh, well.  At least you can learn how to be knocked unconscious like soldiers." Tevares rolled his eyes and let out a sigh.  He would not be insulted by this...this what?  His voice inside his head mocked him.  You who know very little will not be mocked by this man who has clearly seen hundreds of battles and lived!  Still the logical reasoning did not change Tevares' attitude toward the man.


    Figures, the man used to be someone important.  So they were to be trained by a has been?  With all the self importance he could muster Tevares spoke "Tevares of House Altimar from Tear."  The sculpted man's assessment of Tevares seemed to find him lacking in many ways.  Tevares would show the fool.  While he was a calvaryman, he was no slouch!



    a puffed up fool





  2. You don't have to actually RP weapons training though you may opt to as one of your non-saidin RP's.  Each BT char gets an automatic WS increase with an increase in rank (Dedicated, Asha'man).  As I said you may still do it if you wish as one of your Reqs.

  3. Valeran's boots crunched on the snow covered ground as he went to meet his newest student.  The sound his footfalls adding the daily commotion of the Black Tower.  All around the "farm" as it used to be called, black coated men hurried here or there on one task or another.  Their days seemed filled with endless tasks, there was very little rest to be found.  Valeran preferred it that way, less time for idle thoughts.  Thoughts that he would rather not dredge up.


    One of the many duties of the Dedicated were to see to the new soldiers of which there seemed to be a steady influx.  Unlike most Dedicated, Valeran did not mind training new recruits.  Much of his time as a Saldaean lancer was spent training others.  Valeran was suited for it, it came naturally.  He was understanding yet had a firm hand and a rough tongue when needed which helped immensely.  Training was serious business especially when Saidin was involved.  You could burn yourself to a cinder, removed from the pattern in the blink of an eye.


    Valeran stopped a considerable distance away from his destination for a moment.  He watched the younger man approaching the training grounds.  He seemed lost in thought.  His initial reaction was to scold the man for being unaware of his surroundings but he resumed his study.  Obviously the youth never served in the borderlands where death could be waiting for you over the next rise.


    Satisfied that he had seen enough, Valeran went to meet the younger soldier.  Finally the man heard the crunch of his boots, took him long enough he thought to himself.  He arched an eyebrow at the soldier's bow, what was more interesting it appeared to be practiced.  What had this boy been before coming to the Black Tower?  Well the Black Tower had attracted those both high and low, as long as they understood their place here it didn't matter.


    Valeran's bulky Saldaean frame stood on bow-legs, an obvious sign that he had spent much of his time in a saddle.  At first glance one would not expect him to be able to sit a saddle comfortably, but he could.  His shoulder length dark wavy hair had tinges of grey in it, he was nearly forty.  Valeran stood with an air of confidence, his face a stern mask.  His dark slightly tilted eyes penetrated deeply, he was very skilled at observation.  Valeran had hooked nose, with a thick mustache that framed his mouth then hung down to his chin.  He ran his pointer finger and thumb down either side of his mouth smoothing his mustache.  A sign that he was studying or deep in thought.


    "No I'm no lord, soldier."  Valeran said idly still studying the young man.  "My name is Valeran Kertovni, I'm what they call a Dedicated around here but we'll talk on ranks later.  What's your name soldier.  What do you know if anything of Saidin."   

  4. lmao.... alright, now we're getting somewhere. *chuckles*


    ok, so we can either do this in seperate RP's between Namore and each of your characters or we can get several of those characters to meet in the process. Let me think on something that might work and I'll post it tomorrow.



    Sieve, Geirrin is your Warder character? Is he fully trained or where is he in the ranks?

    I'm sorry I omitted that...Geirrin is my Asha'man.


    My warder character is Perivar, who is bonded to a Green and I have a Tower Guard, Kennar, he is an evil little bastard.

  5. She could come across your Ashaman on her travels as she's looking for a base to settle down at and plot her revenge against those that threated her so badly (according to her, that is). She wouldn't be aware of what a black cloak means and just see another man to manipulate to her wishes and use as a personal servant to her every whim. Not sure what type of person your Ashaman is, but the plan for Namore is that she will find (over time) that her spoiled and priveleged position from her past doesn't really prepare her much for interactions outside of Arad Doman.


    Valeran is in his late 30's, a former officer in a Saldaean Lancer regiment now a dedicated in the Black Tower.  He lost his wife and has no other family to speak of.  While he may seek or attempt to seek the comfort of a lovely lady he is not likely to fall for games or be bullied much.


    Geirrin is roughly 20 though he is more like a adolescent male.  He is very naive and most often a fool.  He is more likely to get himself into trouble than anything thing.


    Either of them or both are at your disposal.  Just say when and where.

  6. Sieve, forgive me I still need to get accustomed to all these little nacks and cranies of the WS and such. From the top of my head I'm confused as to the comment on the WS 14 part. Is that a requirement for them to be part of that RP?

    I know!  The FL covers a lot of different groups each with their own intricacies. This is what I found on the DRPSW wiki:


    The Deathwatch Guard


    Should a soldier in the Seanchan military choose to extend his or her career upon reaching Weapon Score Fourteen, he or she can choose to join the Deathwatch Guard. These elite fighters are the private property (da’covale) of the Empress, may She live forever. The candidate will have to apply, stating past experiences and any recommendations they have, and then when they are accepted they will have to write their initiation into the Deathwatch Guards.


    So it appears that you have to have a regular seanchan military character to begin with.  Once they reach a WS of 14 they can opt to become a Deathwatch guard.


    As for what other male characters are needed, for the Seanchan I assume? We could use a character or two for training purposes, that would be used to train new characters for their raisings through the progress system.

    Yeah I was referring to the Seanchan though I can do others if needed.  I will work on some bios for training purposes then.
  7. “I am tired Perivar, I think I will retire for the night.”  Perivar watched Kabria retire, bone deep sadness crept in as he recalled her reminder about the Sea Folk.  Surely they would let them aboard.  If not he would fight his way on board it had to work.  Perivar could not think of another way to make her hole again.  He was convinced that his plan would work, it was all he had.  A plan and a tiny little spark of hope.


    Perivar did the only thing he could to take his mind off the doubt that would soon surmount and threaten to tear him to pieces.  He formed the flame pushing all his emotions into it until he found the precious void.  Perivar drew his sword using the form know as Unfolding the Fan then began dancing the forms on the deck of the river ship as it sailed south.



    For days Kabria kept to their cabin and Perivar worked the forms on the deck pausing only to check in on Kabria or to sleep.  There was not much of the latter for him though the tiny little spark seemed to gain strength.  It was still a spark but it seemed less fragile.  It was as if Kabria's self contemplation was having some positive effect.


    They reached the docks of Tear almost a week earlier than the Captain had expected.  He was amazed at the fortunate winds that sped them south.  The man had no way of knowing that Kabria was responsible for their swift passage which was well as Tairens were very skeptical about the use of the one power.  It was better if nobody recognized them for what they were.  Aes Sedai were supposedly more welcome since the Dragon Reborn took the Stone but old habits die hard.  He would not trust these people to suddenly welcome an Aes Sedai and show her the courtesy an honor she deserved.


    Perivar and Kabria waited in silence as their horses were lifted onto the dock along with their spartan belongings.  He was unsure where their travels would take them so he had packed light.  It was unseasonably cold in Tear, a bitter wind blew in from the Sea of Storms so Perivar was eager to be on their way.  They passed through the muddy Maule to the city proper.


    Perivar picked the closest in to the Maule and the docks so he could begin his search in the morning.  The inn called The Plump Grunter seemed decent enough for their needs.  Dumping their belongings in their room he quickly ushered Kabria to the common room before she could make some excuse to stay in their room.  They were both travel worn and could use a meal.  After the meal he would see to a bath for both of them.

  8. I'll be creating two other Seanchan characters too, but my mind's a bit mush right now so can't make up my mind on what I want as other characters yet.


    These are your characters? Not the NSW's you were talking about earlier?

    Right they are mine.  My other two will probably be a seeker and a soldier who is a DW guard wannabe.  As far as the latter I doubt I will be able to get him to WS 14 for the DotNM RP so I guess I will write a DW guard NSW.  What other male NSW's are needed?


    Also I am not married to any of the PC's so they are always potential fodder if someone needs to die for the cause.

  9. My new Bander, Tevares is in need of some training.  His meager WS of 2 will not suffice for a member of the Band.  Would like to get him to at least a WS of 6 or 7 throughout the course of the DotNM's RP.


    If there are no Calvary present then anyone else wish to train my newb in weapons (he carries lance, 1h sword, and horsebow), battle formation and tactics, or the like?  An infantryman could train him in sword and an archer in the bow perhaps if any are available?

  10. I would go with the latter and include it in your bio. Your char can just arrive at the farm/Black Tower by whatever means you wish, you do not have to RP it.  Once your bio has been approved you can post your arrival thread in the Farm RP boards where your char will meet Arath I believe.


    As far as the taint it is up to you in regards to lunacy.  We are going to RP the cleansing soon.  Your character does not have to have any ill effects from the taint other than noticing it when your char is holding/fighting/struggling with Saidin.


    Ooh no another Illianer!


    I think all the info I gave is correct.  If not Arath or Covai will just beat or balefire me.

  11. Come and play! I have already created a morat'raken character and have plans for 2 more.  So lets slur our speech and reclaim the lands of Hawkwing in the name of the Empress may she live forever.


    Seriously anyone have any Seanchan characters that they would like to RP with?  If not why not create 1 or 3.  ;D

  12. Yeah I have absolutely no plans since my girls will be with their mother so I'll be sure to throw a party and wreck the place.  Don't worry I'll clean up before you return. Enjoy!

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