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Posts posted by Sieve

  1. hm, it could work. If Ruan orders him to stand down quickly enough. But 'would' they in light of seeing her life at risk? Would they not realistically ignore her order, get her to safety, regardless that they would be executed afterwards for disobeying the DotNM? They are quite weird, those Seanchan folk.

    They are weird...maybe he will die then.  :o  I have no problem with any of my characters meeting their demise.  8)
  2. it would be fun for one Death Watch to be able to join them and be bound to the same promise of not escaping as the Selucia character would be. 

      Yes that is what I was thinking.  It would be quite a quandry.


    Though realistically, I'm not sure how much Mat would trust a warrior in his camp, no matter how much he promises anything. Selucia was a woman, after all and Mat's always had a weak spot for those (more fool him lol).

    Mat wouldn't trust him which would be very interesting as well.  He is not likely to let him remain behind knowing who took her nor would he kill the man, Mat is not a cold-blooded killer.  So in effect he would be stuck with him.
  3. Got it that makes sense about the NSW's.  Just wasn't sure if a PC could rise to the rank of Banner General or of the lower blood or something similar.


    Yeah I figured there wouldn't be room for too many if any at all.  Was just wondering if a solitary Deathwatch guard or servant who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time could be included in the party.  I'll wait and see what the plan entails.  If its possible then great if not then its no big deal, I'll find other stuff for them to get involved in.

  4. I'm not comfortable RP'ing females other than that I have no issues.  I will brainstorm and decide upon a character or two.  ;)  I was trying to see what was needed cause I wanted to make sure the characters I create are not RP'ing with themselves.  ;D 


    Are all the high ranking Seanchan going to be NSW's?  Do we know if the plan for the kidnapping is going to follow the books with Just Ruan and her shadow being kidnapped or is there a possibility for others Seanchan to be involved?

  5. *bumps with her hip*


    Your turn, dear! :D



    I'm also bumping this because we're past the fit of jealous rage that sends Sandre away, so perhaps we'll play this as what happened before she was shipped off to the Borderlands, after all. We won't have to do the whole betrayal thing right away, unless you just want to. We can let them think things are great for a while. ;)

    Sorry had a creative writing block...was trying to think of another prank then it just slipped my feeble mind.


    OK sounds good

  6. Still working on creating that list of NSW's Sieve, didn't forget ya', it's just a bit more difficult to find than I anticipated.

    NP, if you need a specific male character for that RP, or for future RP's (like a Deathwatch guard or army type) just let me know as I was going to create a Seanchan PC anyway.


    sorry was typing as you posted.  I would be glad to write a bio for an NSW, just let me know what character type you need.

  7. "What are your thoughts on battle Lord Perivar Gaidin. I would value any insight you care to share."  Perivar nearly grumbled an oath at the use of his title.  Kabria touched no she squeezed his leg beneath the table as a warning.  Taking a calming breath he spoke with as much civility as he could muster.  The slightly younger man was a Tower Guard after all.  It was his duty or at least his responsibility to help the guardsman especially since his Aes Sedai had offered his services. 


    With all sincerity he spoke "Avoid battle if you can." he locked eyes with Slade to make sure he realized that he was not being sarcastic.  "If you can't avoid battle then kill your enemy before he kills you."  Perivar offered a wry smile and a shrug for his answer seemed too simple but it was true. "Expect the unexpected, the best laid plans go to the pit of doom in the opening moments.  Your enemies rarely do what you want or expect them to do."


    "Now if you are finished eating then go get some rest.  We will be leaving before sunrise, if you are not ready then you will be left behind.  Good night Slade."  Perivar nodded at the guardsman then waited for him to leave the common room before turning his attention to Kabria.  She could tell from the bond that he was against the inclusion of Slade to their party but he was going to voice his complaint anyway.


    "You know he should not be out here alone.  He should be with a banner of Tower Guards.  You are putting yourself in danger Kabria by allowing him to travel with us." It was pointless she would not change her mind so he stopped trying to convince her and drained his mug.

  8. Tevares rode his Tairen chestnut colored gelding along the trail the wove its way through the forested landscape.  The gelding was a sturdy mount with a surprising turn of speed.  As good as could be found without being Tairen blood stock.  Tairen blood stock were the horses of nobles or the insanely wealthy.  Too expensive for the illegitimate son of a Tairen lord.  He was lucky to have the mount he had.  The horse belonged to his father, as did his armor and weapons.  The latter were not as fine as his horse but they were serviceable.


    The mounted men of the Band rode in two columns to a clatter of horses hooves, creaking leather, and the occasional jingle of metal.  The sound of such a large force on the move seemed quiter than he had expected.  The Band also moved much quicker than the merchant caravans that Tevares was used to.  It was surprising given the units of infantry, archers, and engineers that made up the rest of the army.  The army had scouts out as well, any commander worth his pay would have scouts out though the Band had men whose sole purpose was scouting.  Tevares had played the role of scout and forager serving as a merchant's guard those these men and women were different.  They seemed to be an odd lot, dressed in whatever clothing would help them blend in to their surroundings.  Definately not the fine clothing and armor of Noble's on horseback therefore it held little interest for Tevares.  


    Infantry, archers, scouts, and engineers all served a purpose but it was the calvary that was the backbone of any army.  It was a foolish notion of course but Tevares did not know any better, he was young and inexperienced.  Some fools who should have known better refused to admit it holding to their beliefs that a mounted charge was the most powerful attack in an army's arsenal.


    Suddenly the column was called to a halt, a call for an officer to go to the front rumbled through the ranks.  Apparently the scouts had spotted something of note.  Tevares reined in his gelding taking the time to scan the mounted ranks.  It only confirmed what he had figured.  He was the only one of his father's men to be ushered through that hole in the air.  That's what he got for being wide eyed and curious.  His father's mounted troops had just arrived and Tevares wanted to see this Citadel.  Next thing he knew some grizzled sergeant was ushering him through that bloody hole in the air.  Maybe his curiousity would lead to opportunity.


  9. Kennar sat on an upturned barrel in front of the warehouse.  He sat eating a meat pie idly kicking drumming the back of his feet on the barrel.  He appeared to be a laborer on a meal break awaiting the next wagon which he would have to unload.  The warehouse conveniently offered an unobstructed view of the inn.


    Eqwina Sedai seemed to trust people less than he did so he occasionally watched over the inn to see that the innkeeper was still loyal to her pledge to serve the Great Lord of the Dark.  The innkeeper was no fool though, she knew her fate if she displeased their mistress.  It was still uncomfortable for him to admit that he had a master or in the case a mistress.  Kennar did not like bowing and scraping to anyone save for the Dark Lord.  What was worse was that he knew his fate, his chance at power and immortality was tied to this little Aes Sedai.  For now he was her faithful servant and would protect her like a newborn babe.


    As if thinking of her were a summons, he suddenly spotted her making her way down the street arm in arm with a rather tall man.  Her diminutive size made the man look taller than he was, the tiny little Aes Sedai made Kennar look tall which of course he was not.  Kennar watched as the pair made their way down the street and into the inn.  Kennar finished his meat pie then savagely licked his fingers, he could almost taste the kill.  Adrenaline coursed through his body at the prospect.  The elation was easy to hide though inside he had a smile a mile wide.


    Kennar waited a few minutes pondering on the other man giving them a chance to get settled.  He knew the innkeeper would be settling Eqwina Sedai into the private dining room.  Moments later Kennar walked into the inn then into the kitchen where he found the rotund innkeeper.  Never eat at an inn with a thin innkeeper he thought to himself.  Now where had that thought come from he wondered.  Kennar had been in this woman’s presence scores of times and that had never come to mind before.  Perhaps he was going mad?  No, he was already mad, but this was different.


    Shrugging Kennar probed the woman as he often did.  The rotund innkeeper knew he served their mistress and that he could dole out punishment on the woman if he saw fit.  It was one of the many pleasures of his employment.  For such a heavy woman she was very weak.  The obese woman could not take pain.


    Kennar put on the apron picking up another tray of food he carried it into the private dining room.  With his head down Kennar meekly entered the room begging forgiveness for the interruption.  “Pa..Pardon Aes Sedai, the innkeeper sends her regards.  She asked that I make certain that everything is too your satisfaction.”  Kennar kept his voice meek as he circled the room going behind the other man making sure to size him up and memorize his features should he need to follow the man later.  He offered Eqwina a sly mischievous smile then smoothed  his face before setting the tray down.   “Your favorite I believe.  Prepared just the way you like it.”  He said revealing the contents of the tray.


    “More wine Aes Sedai?”  Kennar asked respectfully then topped off her goblet.  Eqwina Sedai seemed to barely notice him.  She was good at this game.  Even the most trained eye would have no idea of the connection between them.  “And for your guest Aes Sedai?  I have a bottle of the house special if you like?”  Her words would determine this fools fate.  She had numerous replies at her disposal several of which would determine the fool man’s fate.  Eqwina could choose the manner of the man’s death, or order to have him watched, or order Kennar to take no action all.  All of this by a certain simple response to his question.  He hoped she would decide to kill the man.  Kennar had to tamp down his elation at the prospect of murdering the man so he continued to look like the simple tavern cook that he was portraying.  Kennar always spent time at the craft that he was emulating to make sure his disguises were genuine and believable.


    Kennar patiently waited on her response…


  10. Perivar eagerly made his way to the common room of inn.  He was hungry and looking forward to a decent meal after weeks of eating meager food from their saddlebags.  Kabria might have been finished with hers though she would stay with him and keep him company.  Hopefully they would be left alone, most Borderlands were very accepting and respectful though they gave them their space.


    The smell of a roast or maybe it was a beef stew wafted into the spacious stairwell and he nearly smiled.  He never complained about their lackluster rations when traveling though he certainly enjoyed fine meals.  The scent nearly brought a smile to his face.  His expression changed as he got to the bottom of the stairs where he saw a man a few years younger than himself conversing with Kabria.  Perivar was known to be very protective of her and could be overly jealous.  Unlike Perivar, Kabria did not shy away from conversation with strangers.  Too often Kabria forgot just how beautiful she was and how easily she attracted the attention of men and even a few women who enjoyed the company of other women.


    As Perivar made his way to Kabria’s table he weighed and measured the man as if they were opposing combatants on the field of battle.  He quickly took in the rest of the common room before focusing on the man who appeared a few years younger than Perivar with dirty blonde hair and brown eyes.  It was not easy to judge his height or weight with him sitting but the younger man seemed to be of similar size to Perivar.


    Perivar sauntered towards the table with the deadly grace of an experienced swordsman.  Several patrons in the common room stared from Perivar to the man speaking with Kabria obviously sensing some sort of tension.  Clearly they were curious to see if a brawl would ensue.  Perivar knew it would not come to that but the patrons had no idea of knowing.  Most were probably wondering if they should leave so as not to get caught up in someone else’s trouble.  Most had enough worries of their own given the harsh climate of Borderlands.


    Kabria never looked at Perivar though she slid over on the bench to make room for him.  Perivar would have preferred to stand though Kabria would have upbraided him for doing so.  “Perivar, this is Slade. He is one of the Guards. Sent to lend his assistance where he could.”  Perivar nodded to the man.  The bond carried amusement of all things! For the love the Light! Kabria must have had a smile a mile wide on the inside.  Perivar was like a predator ready to pounce on his prey and she was amused!  Bloody women! he thought to himself .  Kabria enjoyed getting a rise out of him.  “Slade, this is my Warder. Lord Perivar Tarigan.”  Perivar nearly hissed at her use of the honorific.  Sure he was a lord by all rights, but it was not something her advertised for numerous reasons.


    Perivar had worked on his shortcomings yet he was still not as patient as some warders.  Out in the open field or in the Tower around other Aes Sedai and warders he could be the model of patience though he had an issue with the cramped quarters of taverns and the like.  Perivar possessed little patience for the nosy patrons and staff that often inhabited those establishments.  Some people were too curious about the comings and goings of others.  Many would sell the information they gleened for the common room chatter for a sum as small as a mug of ale.  Perivar possessed little patience for strangers as well, even less for those who spoke to Kabria.  Perivar used the aid of the void to push his emotions away so he would seem as relaxed as a man lounging in front of a roaring fire with a pipe full of good tabac.


    Perivar listened to the conversation nodding wherever appropriate while dividing his attention between the common room and Slade.  Perivar had a few questions for the guardsman though he remained silent content to just listen for the time being.  Now that the three were conversing the patrons in common room relaxed resuming their chatter.


    Perivar very nearly scowled at Kabria when she offered his services in training Slade.  Kabria knew how much he disliked training others.  If only Kyn were here.  Kynwirc Gaidin was a Grandmaster and he enjoyed training others.  Perivar simply lacked the patient and the desire to be an instructor.  Perivar was a little late with his nod of acceptance so Kabria made her displeasure known.  Likely she would scold him later for being rude to the newcomer.


    Light! Perivar bit back an oath when she offered to let Slade accompany them.  Perivar did not need a liability attached to their party.  He preferred it just being the two of them.  A lone guard would be more of a hindrance than a help.  Well there was little he could do, Kabria had already extended the offer and she did call the shots.


    Perivar began to eat as soon as the meals were delivered.  He was thankful for the brief respite in the conversation as they all concentrated of their food.  Perivar reveled in it for he knew it wouldn’t last long.   


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