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Posts posted by Sieve

  1. Perivar and Kabria had only just returned to the White Tower.  They barely had time to get settled in when a novice knocked on the door handing Perivar a sealed letter.  Perivar went to hand the parchment to Kabria then realized that it was addressed to him.  Who could possibly have sent him a letter.  Perivar was a solitary person, he only had a handful of people at the Tower that he considered a friend. 


    Cracking the seal Perivar read the letter then set it down.  Kabria sensed something through the bond for she turned to him asking what was the matter.  I have been summoned by Mistress Thera, I have to attend her tomorrow at first light.  Perivar wondered what this was about?  He could not think of a reason for him to be summoned unless he had violated some rule.  It ate at him the rest of the day and that night he barely slept.


    Bright and early Perivar left Kabria's rooms making his way through the Green Quarters then out of the Tower.  Not knowing what he was about, Perivar donned all of his armor and strapped on his weapons.  His helmet was the only thing that he had not put on, instead he carried it under his left arm.


    Perivar crossed the yards quicker than he had realized for suddenly Mistress Thera came into sight.  There were others with her though they were huddled together so that he could not make out their faces.  What under the Light had he done now?

  2. So long as Geirrin isn't plastered like he was for the Brent fight ...

    Unfortunately he will be sober for this one...such a shame.   :'(



    or else the name of the thread would have to change to:


    I just urinated on the corpse of my boss...can I see yours  :D

  3. Also present is Aubrey's PC Maegan, and maybe minisamus's PC Selene (sp?).


    The Garden is in the Tower Grounds, near the Red Quarters, and used exclusively by the Reds. Aint it fun to just make up stuff to fit an RP plan?  ;D


    what should be happening next is that Covai will post, and we'll take if from there. Please don't post anything till he's given you the go ahead.



    Yeah I pm'd Covai, all I am going to do is post Geirrin's reaction to landing in the garden.  He is not talking or doing anything else that would affect anything.  I will make sure Covai looks over my post and approves it anyway before I submit it.

  4. Covai,  Geirrin will be right by your side...er well maybe behind you.  I don't want to say it to loud but Geirrin is scared.  *shivers*  None the less he will be there.

  5. As I wait for Covai to post I just wanted to clarify a few things:


    1) Who exactly is present in the red Gardens?


    This is the list of NSW's that I have seen:


    Anthea Luin - Rasheta

    Portia Larisen - minisamus

    Saya Rishada - Jaydena

    Zedanya Mioro - Tigara


    Is anyone else present besides Jerinia?  Just thought it might be good to know as I wanted to look over their physical descriptions.  ;D


    2) I am assuming the garden is somewhere in the Tower Grounds very close to the Tower as opposed to being attached to the reds' quarters.  Since Tar Valon holds many wonders one never knows.


    I think that is all for me for now. 



  6. Well, lead by example, I always say... *coughs*


    How many of THEM missed their marks for the rest of the day?


    And I know you're keeping your ankle propped up, right?


    Haha that's funny, her rest...if she were resting she would be logged on right now.  When she was banged up from her car accident she went to her martial arts class against the advice of a certain person.  She will never learn!  :P

  7. Edana turned her dancing green eyes on him and arched her eyebrows up. "If I knew you better, I'd be aiming at your arm, too! Give me three hours and we'll see about changing that!" She grinned and he smiled in response then broke into laughter.  Edana was certainly a live one, something about her made him forget her allegiances.  Kennar was surprised that he had taken a liking to her in such a short time.  When it came to light blinded fools he usually preferred the submissive type, they were much easier to manipulate and have your way with.


    Kennar glanced at Sandre, now he was someone he depised on sight.  Kennar did not know how to read him.  He would have to find out more about the man who looked as if he could be trouble.  Sandre asked Edana if she would be running tonight.  Obviously it was an inside joke that Kennar did not get.  He was going to ask but Edana eyed Sandre then turned her attention on him.


    "If I didn't have to smile at the Captain tomorrow morning, I'd challenge both of you to a drinking contest and the losers would have to dance the on the wall in only their skin!"  "And while I wouldn't mind seeing that, I'm pretty sure the Captain would!" 


    Kennar laughed out loud clapping Edana on the shoulder.  It took him a few moments before he could respond.  "Yes, if we lost that would be quite a sight!  I am sure the Captain would rather not see Sandre and I dancing on the wall in our skin."



    actually enjoying himself


  8. Patience, my little padawan  :D


    We can't start the thread with the Amyrlin until next weekend anyway, since Kara is on LoA until then.


    Ahh I did not realize that, thanks for the heads up.  ;)

  9. Hmm...should we poke/pm Covai to let him know the thread has been started or has someone done that already. 


    I want to post Geirrin's reaction to landing in the Tower but it would be best if it followed his post.

  10. Perivar started his training bright and early the next day.  Kabria was still sleeping he thought.  He cursed himself for not seeing her last night.  His stubbornness was legendary, he was not about to yield until she came to her senses.  Kabria had no reason to become upset with him the other night, he had done absolutely nothing wrong and she knew it. 


    Perivar's spar with his father began as expected.  Within the hour he was battered and bruised again.  Blood trickled from his eyebrow just as it had yesterday.  Thoughts of Kabria tried to creep into the void but he knew that allowing them in would only bring on his demise.  Suddenly a gate guard burst into the courtyard shouting.  "My lord...My lord Perivar"  Turning his attention to the man he let go of the void.  As he did he heard the soft thud and yelled out as the blow from his father's lathe took him in his left thigh.  His father spotted the guard and held back or else Perivar's head would have been thumped again.  Perivar limped around in a circle walking it off while he looked at the guard.


    "What is it!"  Perivar said angrily to the man biting back an oath that would have insulted the man and forced him to pay some sort of recompense.  "Kabria Sedai..."  He paused to catch his breath, the man had apparently sprinted here, so it was urgent.  "She rode North my lord, we tried to stop her but...well she is Aes Sedai my lord.  We offered her escort but she refused.  There was nothing we could do but come tell you." 


    Probing the bond he realized the bundle of emotions in the back of his head was fuzzy again.  Light what had the bloody woman done.  How was he supposed to protect her when he could not find her quickly.  He had no doubt that he could track her though the bond could have sent him right to her.  Blood and ashes he muttereed to himself.


    Perivar glanced around looking for his weapons though they were back in his room.  "Thank you Jeral, please have Nightdancer saddled.  I will be right behind you."  Perivar turned to one of the servants hanging about the courtyard asking him to gather a few waterskins and some provisions before Perivar ran as fast as he could to his room.  Gathering up his weapons and his fancloth cloak he made his way to the stable with all possible haste.


    In a matter of moments he was ready to depart.  Others tried to join him though Perivar refused, he had to go alone.  Spurring Nightdancer to a gallop he raced through the streets and out the northern gate.  Once again he rode as if the dark one were on his trail.  Light if anything happens to her... you'll what you stubborn fool.  You should have gone to her last night you hairy lummox he chastised himself.  His stubborn pride had led him down the wrong road once again.


    It did not take Perivar long to find her trail.  He pressed as hard as he could without losing the trail.  Suddenly she came into sight, the bond was still fuzzy though.  How could that be, he could see her but if he closed his eyes he could not point to her.  He did not know what she had done but this had to end.  Perivar dropped to his knees in front of her. 


    "Why? How?..." Fury raged through him for a moment though he pushed it away as he saw her tears.  No that discussion was for later he thought to himself.  Now was time for making up, for settling the matter between them. 


    Gently Perivar took Kabria's soft hands in his.  "You know I love you more than words.  You are my sun Kabria, you are my light, my whole world.  You are everything to me!"  Releasing one of her hands he reached for her face though she leaned away from his touch.  Pain wracked his whole body, he thought his heart would break.  He could not understand what he had done that was so wrong.  He had already explained himself to her but that got him nowhere.  What else was he to do.


    "I am sorry, I know this is tough, it is hard for both of us.  I wish it were different but it is not.  I want to shout at everyone around us, tell them how much I love you.  I want to be able to show it as well, display it for all the world to see, but I can't, we can't.  Whatever proof you need from me, I will give it!  Just name it, whatever would convince you that my love is true.  I don't know what else I could do to convince you.  If you still don't believe me..."  Then what?  Where do they go from here. 


    Desperately Perivar hoped that his words were well received but somehow words just did not seem like enough.  He needed to put an end to this, for both of them but how.  It was beyond him at the moment to realize what went wrong and where.  This seemed to be their destiny.  Kabria would get mad and he would try to figure out what he had done wrong.  The problem was that he always ended up apologizing but never discovering exactly what he had done so that it did not happen again.  Whatever happened this vicious cycle could not continue, not if they both wanted to remain alive.  How many days had they spent apart because one or the other were angry.  He was suppposed to guard her but how could he when they were not together.  Perivar waited for her to respond, to say anything, the silence was becoming uncomfortable.




    ((edit: to fix typos))

  11. Perivar was on his way to the kitchens when he heard the sound of lacking clacking against each other.  The sound echoed through the halls pulling him to dance with them.  His desire to train and blow off steam overcame his hunger so that he followed the sound to the courtyard.  There he found his father, brother, and the commander of his father's troops.  Walking over to the barrel Perivar picked up one of the lathes and the practice version of his singuata.


    Perivar joined the trio taking turns pairing off with each.  Perivar could best his brother much to his brother's dismay, and the commander yet is father still owned him.  Everytime the lathe struck an existing bruise Perivar had to stop himself from wincing.  The void was the only thing that allowed him to do so.  The pain was distant, as if it were happening to someone else but he knew he would pay for it later.


    As much as he tried to avoid them thoughts of Kabria tormented him.  Thoughts of her dancing with other men, thoughts of her being angry with him, thoughts of that dreadful night.  Why had she disappeared from his mind.  That marvelous bundle in the back of his head that was her had left only to reappear later.  Why?  He was certain he had no control of it.  Was it some Aes Sedai trick?  Perivar let his thoughts get the best of him for which he received a blow to his thick head.  Blood trickled from his left eyebrow stinging his eye then running down his face.  He got what he deserved for losing his focus.


    Perivar refused to allow anyone to tend to his wound.  Maybe it would serve as a reminder to him.  He continued practicing until he could barely lift his arms.  He would get better, he had to... 


    Well after dark Perivar stood outside Kabria's door.  His hand raised to knock.  This is foolish he thought furiously.  He had every right to that room.  He was her warder and her lover, his pallet was there to make others believe they were just Aes Sedai and warder.  Perivar wanted to go to her but what could he say that he hadn't already said.  Suddenly he was angry again, he had never given her any reason to be jealous or to think that his love for her was not real.  Why did she no trust him.


    Walking down the hall he took an adjacent guest room.  It wasn't much but he didn't need anything special.  He was starving yet his body desperately needed rest.  Stripping off his clothes he dropped on the bed.  It did not take long before he was sound asleep.

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