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Posts posted by Sieve

  1. Looks good, you can continue!  ;)  make sure to post


    For future Reqs you can just post them in this thread and update the thread title so they are all in one spot.  Also the Req you are using should be listed where you have "training type".  The list of Reqs can be found here.  After a brief read through this RP would most likely fall under either the Evaluation or Growth Req.  For the posting format, refer to this thread.



  2. Kennar was so excited over the prospect of paying back those that made his life miserable over the past two years that he did not see her hands reaching for his head.  The joy of exacting revenge was quickly washed away by fear then terror as Eqwina took his head in her hands.  He was not sure if the odd feeling manifested of his own imagination or had something to do with the power.  His face contorted as the possibilities played out in his head. 


    Kennar was so caught up in wondering what Eqwina had done that he did not even realize that she had sat down.  “It’s nothing that can hurt you. It’s only a small thing that allows me to keep an eye on you when you are from my sight.”  He looked up to see her sipping on her wine.  The Great Lord of the Dark preserve him he muttered to himself.  This little Aes Sedai had him wrapped around her finger.  The odd thing is that he did not know if that was such a bad thing, somehow he knew his fate was tied to her.


    The day's events were so unsettling that he only half heard her tell him of the woman who needed to be dealt with.  Even with half his mind on the task it made him smile, a decidely mischievous smile.  His smile slipped a bit as he saw the threatening look from the Aes Sedai, failure was not an option.


    Kennar took the proferred coins placing them in his pouch.  One could never have too much coin and the pay of a Tower Guard was nothing special to speak of.  He nodded as she mentioned that she wanted a full report when it was over.


    “Any questions my little fox?”  "No Great Mistress" he said respectfully as he dipped his head.  He couldn't hold back the smile that formed on his face just thinking of how the Innkeeper would meet her fate.



  3. With his early morning routine complete, Dragar strapped on his armor and swordbelt then donned his tabard and crimson cloak.  As always his uniform was neatly pressed and his armor brightly polished.  His uniforms had always been pressed for him but he used to polish his own armor until recently.  His new position afforded him some small benefits, like better accomodations and extra coin to pay others to do things for him like polish his armor and black his boots.  In his current position his outward appearance was vital.  He had to look the part.


    Turning his key in the lock Dragar was surprised to find it unlocked.  It was still well short of sunrise so he doubted highly that one of the clerks had arrived before him.  Pushing the door open he noticed the glow of lamplight coming from Thera's office.  Dragar walked to the doorway then stopped.  Thera was scribbling furiously on a sheet of parchment as if she was trying to slay it.  Whatever the subject, she did not look happy.  He could not say what it was but she looked different.  Maybe it was that she looked ready to do murder.  He had heard that women who were with child could be moody, perhaps that was the cause.


    "Good Morning Mistress Thera."  Dragar said politely then offered her a respectful nod and a warm smile when she looked up.  "I have a pile of reports to get through but if you need me for anything please do not hesitate to ask."  Not wanting to interrupt her train of thought he made his way to his office. 


    Dragar hung his cloak on one of the hooks on the coatrack then unbuckled his swordbelt propping it against the wall behind his desk.  Sitting for hours at a desk did not lend itself to wearing the thing.  Anyway it was well within an arms reach. 


    Dragar picked up the punishment book and ledger that held the names of the trainees from his desk then desposited them on one of the shelves in the bookcase to make room for the pile of reports he had to review.  Some of the reports were repetetive though the first report on the pile was one he had never seen before.  The armory's stock of weapons and armor were dwindling as a result of the recent influx of recruits.  The master of the armory requested that he be allowed to take on more apprentices to fill the need.  Dragar unstoppered the inkjar then scribbled his approval on the report for the master to take on whatever help he needed.  Along with the approval he scribbled a note to keep him apprised of the armory's status by way of a weekly report.  It would not go well for him if he allowed the Tower's armory to run out of supply.  Placing that sheet of parchment aside he reached for another. 

  4. "An interesting story for sure.  Do not worry, when you are finished with your training you will be far from ordinary."  Returning to his desk he opened the ledger and picked up the steel nibbed pen.  He dipped the pen in the ink then scratched her name on the rolls.


    "Well then, you are all set.  Across the yards you will find the trainee barracks.  Find yourself a vacant bunk and get settled in.  You have the rest of the day to yourself.  Your training will begin at sunrise tomorrow, do not be late."  He emphased the last few words.  Dragar stood and smiled warmly.  "Now if you do not have any questions, you are dismissed."

  5. Kennar felt the man approaching, he couldn't help but feel vulnerable.  As much as he was able to keep his face orward he could not help his eyes darting to the side to catch a glimpse of the shopkeeper.  The Great Lord be thanked for the man left as quickly as he came.  “Sit down you fool. I know you are faithful, if I suspected different you would be as dead as Corwin.”


    Kennar took the seat as ordered though he dare not relax, how could he when she flung the name of her dead warder about as if it were of no consequence.  A constant reminder of his fate should he cross her.  He tried to control his shock as she poured wine for both of them with the one power, he had unpleasant thoughts of people using the power around him.  If she tried to unsettle him by smiling over the rim of her glass.  “Relax Kennar, you have known me two years. That should be long enough to know that I don’t kill without good reason or provocation. If I did your skills would have been put to far more use.”  If her words were supposed to put him at ease then it did not work.  In spite of her assurances he could not help but sniff the wine waiting for her to drink first.


    Kennar listened eagerly as Eqwina spoke of serving her directly.  No more hiding who or what he was.  It was very appealing and the thought made him smile.  She said he could refuse and things would remain as they were though he doubted that.  Refuse this position an he was as good as dead.  Staying close to her meant that he had a better chance of survival and increasing his standing amongst Firends of the Dark.  It all sounded good until she said “You would be something like a servant.”  Her smirk was confirmation that she new the title would cut him deeply.


    “So Kennar, can I count on your help as my assistant?”  As if there was any decision to make on his part.


    Kennar was certain that the shopkeeper was a Friend though he lowered his voice in any case so that only the little Aes Sedai could here him.  "I did not spend two years of my life having my face rubbed in the dirt by these light-blinded fools to turn back now."  He didn't stop there, he told her about the horrors of training over the past two years.  He told her of the lack of sleep, of pushing his body to the limit and beyond, of enduring the preachings of these light-blinded fools.  He told her all of it in detail.  The sole reason he endured the grueling training was that she had ordered him to do it, in service to the Great Lord.  After all that he had done at a simple order from her and she had to ask if she could count on his help!


    "So the answer is yes, you can count on my help as your assistant."   


  6. Perivar wrapped his arm around Kabria to support her as he surveyed the scene.  He could feel her exhaustion through the bond, he knew she was drawing on his strength though she never uttered a word.  She never would, not in public.  He could feel the Shienaran Soldier's eyes on her, most showed awe though a few held concern.  All knew that it was her presence alone that ensured their victory.


    Despite her exhausted state Kabria still worried over the soldiers that had followed them to this village in service to the Light.  They had led them here though he knew she felt personally responsible for each and everyone of the soldiers.  He may have formulated the plan and issued some of the commands though the mantle of responsibility was her.  The soldier's efforts were in service to the light not to her specifically however she would not see it so.  Kabria bore the weight of duty as if she were the cause not the solution. 


    Kabria could not be held accountable for the ways of the world, no more so than you could blame a farmer for a poor harvest though again she would not see it that way.  The world was at war with the Dark One and his minions, all those faithful to the Light would be called on to battle the forces of the Shadow when Tarmon Gaidon came.  Telling her any of that would do no good, it frustrated him for she would not see it so.  No amount of talk could convince her otherwise.  He wanted her to let him shoulder the weight but she would not, no amount of begging and pleading would change that.  She would lean on him when needed but she would not let him take full ownership of their cause.  As Aes Sedai, Kabria was the one who represented the White Tower, he was just her warder.  She would never word the latter that way but it was the cold hard truth.


    Perivar began guiding her towards one of the nearby houses though she would not leave without issuing commands to see that the wounded were cared for.  The woman could barely stand yet she was concerned for others not for herself.  Despite her battle weary appearance she still managed to look regal.  It was an amazing feat given what he felt through the bond.  He knew her worry for the injured included those that had been injured by her own actions.  Perivar wished he could wash it all away from her or somehow carry the burden.


    Once inside Kabria let her emotions free, it was as if the flood gates had opened.  Perivar steeled himself knowing she would need a shoulder to lean on.  It was not what he was best at but he tried to support her by not drawing attention to it.  No doubt she could feel the pride and love as bright as a noon day sun through bond but it would not wash away what she felt inside.  As much as his end of the bond would provide some certainty for her he knew it was not enough. 


    True to form Kabria began to compose herself almost immediately.  After a few moments searching throughout the small house, Perivar returned with a wash basin and wash cloth.  He said not a single word as he set it down beside her.  As much as he wanted to speak to her or ease her mind, doing so would only bring more attention to it causing her more harm than good.  She needed to release it and move on.  It tore at his heart to see her so, using the void he steeled himself further, he was a rock, all emotion was distant.  He was not good with emotions though at times he let his guard down to show her his softer side.  This was not a time for him to be soft.


    Perivar listened dutifully as Kabria voiced her thoughts aloud letting her reason it out herself.  Had he anything new to add he would have given voice to it though sadly he had nothing to offer.  It usually went this way when it came to matters of intellect.  Perivar understood weapons, battles, horses and the like though not much else beyond that.  He felt the lack of knowledge keenly and it shamed him to admit it.  He had been nobly born, had the best tutors that could be found and he squandered it all.  Like most Borderland boys he dreamed of battles and adventure caring little for his lessons.


    “I know what we have to do Perivar. I need to rest but I know what we have to do.”  Kabria did not elaborate on what they needed to do, she would explain when she was ready.  He watched as she took a seat in one of the padded chairs and closed her eyes.  He made his way over to her wanting to be close by.  Sitting on the arm of the chair he caressed her face with his hand.  “I never knew that doing what was just and right could be so hard.”  The words hung in the air.  He thought of several sayings that could fit but he simply nodded.


    Again he listened as she spoke.  Whatever they were up against was not going to go away easy.  He could sense their was much more to say though exhaustion won out.  Perivar brushed her pale golden hair from her face as she drifted off to sleep.  After a few minutes he left the house to see to a few things.  Finding a handful of guards nearby he gave them orders to stand guard over the house where Kabria was resting.  He made certain that they understood that she was not to be disturbed for anything.  Perhaps he was going overboard, none of his tasks would take him where he did not have a view of the house.


    Perivar found the Shienaran commander and gave him several orders regarding the troops.  It seemed odd as the man was nearly twice his age.  First and most importantly he told him to have the men eat from their own rations and drink from their own waterskins.  Under no circumstances were they to take anything from the villagers.  He also told him rotate the men on guard duty so that none had any long term exposure to the residents.  Who new how this sickness could spread.  Perivar and the Shienaran spoke for roughly a quarter of an hour before he was convinced that everything was being taken care of.  It would not help for Kabria to wake and find things in disarray. 


    It was a frustrated Perivar that returned to the house to remain with Kabria while she rested.  He made certain not to disturb her when he entered.  Sitting in one of the padded chairs he watched Kabria as he thought on a matter that was puzzling.  He checked every casualty and all of the prisoners yet the leader was unaccounted for.  How could the man have slipped away unnoticed.  He relaxed though kept a vigil over Kabria as he waited for her to wake.




  7.    Yes, I have Covina's bio too. And it seems that you have reinforcements for the "Give Ghaul a headache" club. Good, you'll need them ;)

    Well clan chief, you have a few reinforcements yourself but we are still outnumbered. *shrugs*
  8. Kennar took the seat that the little Aes Sedai motioned to even though it put him at a decided disadvantage.  He did not like having his back exposed though he was confident enough in his abilities to detect another person, particularly one attempting to sneak up on him.  He may have appeared relaxed though he was ready to move in the blink of an eye.  He was not fool enough to become complacent around the little Aes Sedai.  Kennar preferred to call her the little witch though he did not want it to become habit.  Slipping and saying it in her presence would probably bring him pain and discomfort beyond compare.  As much as it angered him to give her the honorific it was better than the alternative. 


    Eqwina's cackle sent a chill down his spine and her eyes were augers, it was unsettling though he tried to maintain his composure.  There was no doubt who was in control and she made it a point to remind him quite often.  No matter how well he thought of himself, she could still bind him up with the one power and beat him senseless or kill him for that matter with little effort on her part.  He prayed for the Great Lord of the Dark to protect him vowing to continue to be a faithful servant.  Despite the prayer he needed to stay in the little Aes Sedai's good graces if he wanted to keep his hide intact.  He had been sent to serve her after all.  He had already gotten off on the wrong foot with her and she made certain that he was aware of it.  He needed to show her that he was her faithful servant.  She reached for him and he nearly flinched as if her arm was a red adder.


    The Great Lord protect him but how did the little woman manage to seem so commanding?  How much more was there about her that he did not know?  It shamed him to admit it but her knew very little about her other than the obvious.  It was not as if he could question other Aes Sedai about the little woman.  His fate was tied to this woman so it was inportant for him that she succeed in her service with the Great Lord of the Dark.  So how much did this woman truly know?  His thoughts were all over the place, a sign that he was unsettled.  Take care when dealing with her you fool he thought furiously at himself.


    “I do not know if you have heard the rumors, but my warder..Corwin? he met with an unfortunate accident a little time back. He was found with his throat slit, drowned in his own blood. A messy thing, that.” At first he thought perhaps that she had killed him though her reaction said otherwise. “It was truly a waste of a good sword.” 


    Kennar had heard of the death and had even seen the man, he was a very dangerous man.  Now the man was dead but by whose hand?  and he was her warder?  That he certainly had not reasoned out.  The lack of knowledge made him feel more uneasy about his current situation.  As much as he tried to maintain his composure he could not help but squirm during the silence that ensued after her harangue.  The room suddenly seemed too small for his liking.  His head turned to survey the room even though his senses told him that they were still alone.  Her gaze on him sent tremors through his body.


    He got up from his chair slowly so as to not seem a threat then bowed deeply.  "My apologies Great Mistress, it seems I have forgotten myself.  I am your man to command as you wish.  I am your faithful servant."  Kennar would have knelt and kissed the hem of her dress if she would have let him that close.  For the first time he did nothave thoughts of killing the Aes Sedai.  Somehow he knew his fate was tied to her.  His only chance of survival was to make certain that he served her well.  Exactly how powerful was she?  Was she one of the Chosen in disguise?  One thing was for certain, she was the master.  He had a choice, well there was no choice really.  It was either be her faithful hound or he could die a very painful death. 



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