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Posts posted by Sieve

  1. The sun was already beginning its descent though unfortunately there were still several hours of sunlight left.  Kennar preferred the cover that night allowed.  He walked the streets of Tar Valon plainly dressed so to fit it with the common folk in the city.  The hustle and bustle of Tar Valon made it easy to fit in or get lost in the crowd if that is what you wished.  How many Friends of the Dark inhabitted the island city?  The Dark One be thanked for these light blinded fools had no idea.  Come to think of it neither did Kennar.  He knew of a few though he doubted he knew the whole of it.


    Kennar kept a wary eye, in his business you could never be too careful.  Occasionally he stopped near a street peddler to view their wares and look around to make sure he wasn't being followed.  He did not trust the little witch as far as he could through her.  He had been in Tar Valon a little over two years now and knew the city quite well.  The Ogier made buildings were truly wonderous, how they could construct buildings in such odd shapes was beyond him.  Some of them casted odd shadows which made it easy to hide or provided excellent handholds with which to climb.


    Finding the building where he had been summoned he took a few minutes to study its surroundings and watch the people coming and going.  The little shop's entrance was a couple paces down an alley.  It seemed to have very few patrons this time of the day.  That was common though as most people were having their afternoon meal.  After studying the building for half an hour Kennar poked his head inside.  It was a shop that carried tools of his long time trade.  Writing tables, steel nibbed pens, bottles of ink in every imaginable color, sheets of parchment of varying quality among other supplies filled the little shop.  That was all seen with his peripheral vision as his eyes were locked on the little witch sitting impatiently at a small table where customers could sample the shops wares.


    A thousand thoughts popped into his head as to why he was summoned.  It should have made him smile though at the moment all he could muster was anger for the woman.  A little over two years he spent in training to sharpen his skills as she called it with very little opportunity to do what he enjoyed best, killing.  The truth of it was that he should thank the little woman for his skill with weapons had improved exponentially. 


    Kennar made his way over to the table as he watched the store's owner flip the sign indicating the store was closed.  The man barred the front door then retired to the back of the shop.  With the owner gone they were alone.  So where was that other fellow?  Corwin was his name though Kennar had not been able to learn much else about him.  A dangerous man, a man you did not want to give the advantage of surprise. 


    Kennar kept his face smooth and his voice low though trying to tamp down his anger.  He bowed his head in respect though that was all she would get for now.  With her he was not the meek little secretary but the overconfident man who thought far too much of himself.  "A little over two years since we met face to face, why now?" Well a little anger crept into his voice.  Clearly she knew he had been raised to Tower Guard though why let her know that he knew.  "I hope you finally have more use for my skills.  These past two years have been beyond dull."  He had been busier than she was aware though why let her know that either.         

  2. Perivar nodded as she said it would have to be the village near Fal Dara mentioning how they would be easily remarked in other village.  In his haste to set things right he had overlooked the fact.  It had not been easy fleeing as they had.  Some would call it a tactical retreat though to Perivar it was as close to being a failure as made no difference. 


    Perivar stared in disbelief as the dyed ends of Kabria's hair fell to the floor.  Why that should cause such a reaction he did not know.  Kabria would do anything for a cause yet she loved her hair.  He felt the loss through the bond yet the scissors did not slow a bit until it was finished.


    Fortunately the Commander had been punctual though it was still nearly three hours before they were underway.  Perivar rode alongside the Kabria's wagon thinking on the task ahead, his fancloth cloak tucked away in his saddle bags.  Occasionally he glanced at the ten plainly dressed Shienarans in mismatched armor that had been chosen to act as the merchants guards.  He memorized each face for they were his responsibility.  If they failed to return home then the blame would lay at his feet.  It was something that had been ingrained in him by his father since he was a young child.


    Occasionally Perivar dropped back to speak with the ten men impressing upon them the importance of their duty.  He made sure they knew their parts well.  He did not want any mishaps, not with Kabria being among them.  He could not even bear the thought.  The difficulty was making hardened Shienaran soldiers appear to be mere merchant guards.  They could not afford any mistakes.


    The remainder of trip was uneventful though Perivar remained on edge.  When they reached the point were the ambush would take place the Commander stepped down from the wagon seat to be replaced by a veteran wagon driver.  Perivar would not risk Kabria's life to any but a seasoned driver.  The Commander began his preparations while Perivar and the ten Shienarans grouped around the wagons.  "You all know your parts, may the light illumine all of you for we must not fail."  He fixed each one of them with a look making sure his words sunk in.  He was no orator or Gleeman used to making grand speeches.  His words were plain and his tone was grim.


    With all the formality he could muster he intoned "Kabria Sedai..." my love he whispered softly.  He wanted to smile though his face was stone.  Despite his face, trumpets should have been blaring and bells tolling wildly announcing the love he felt for her. "With your permission we will depart."  Even plainly dressed she looked more regal than a queen.  He waited for her command, it would be less than an hour before they were back at this spot springing the trap.

  3. ((OOC:  Unfortunately there is very little in terms of a description of the yards.  The training grounds were mentioned very briefly when Mat sparred Galad and Gawyn when he was in the Tower recovering from his attachment to the Shadar Logoth dagger.  We were actually discussing this very topic recently and are trying to put together a map of the yards and a description of the key buildings.  So for now you will just have to wing it.))


    Dragar let another curse fly as the steel-nibbed pen scratched across another page.  This bloody paperwork was going to be the death of him.  Why did Thera have to go and get herself with child!  He heard knocking on the heavy wooden door, it seemed to echo inside his head.  "Come!" He shouted which produced a wince though his words were drowned out by the creaking of the door as it opened.  The bloody thing needs to be oiled he thought.  Where was that fool of a clerk when he needed her, probably finding more reports for him to read and sign.  He would have to tell her to see that the hinges were taken care of.  That and to stop bringing him so many reports.


    Dragar looked up from his desk to see what could only be another recruit.  Where under the light were they coming from.  It seemed like every day brought another new face or two.  Dragar's tanned Tairen face was tight, his head felt like a drum that was being pounded nonstop.  "Come, come into my office"  He waited for the lad to make it to the doorway.  "Well state your business.  Are you here to train or do you have other business in the yards?"  Dragar said as he rubbed his head then scrubbed his hand through his close cropped brown hair.  Dragar already knew the answer yet he had to ask.  Another recruit meant more paperwork.  He fought the urge to reach into the drawer and pull out the flask again. 


    Dragar Baras

    Assistant to the Mistress of Trainees

  4. Perivar listened politely as the younger man explained his purpose for coming to the yards.  "Of course you may and well met Llewelyn Naese of Saldaea, I am Perivar Tarigan.  The Mistress of Trainees office is the two story building on the edge of the training grounds, right over there."  He pointed to the building.  Kabria would be proud of him and more so because it was not a young woman he was speaking to.


    "So you want to be a Warder you say?  That is a lofty goal yet be warned it will take some time to achieve.  First you must pass as a Trainee and serve time as a Guardsman before you can become a Warder.  By then you should know if becoming a Warder is for truly you.  Alas you have plenty of time to decide." 


    "I am sure you are eager to get settled in.  The sooner you begin your training the sooner you can begin to serve the White Tower and an Aes Sedai.  You will find the Mistress of Trainees or her assistant in the office to greet you and add you to the rolls."  Perivar gave him a reassuring look then motioned him to be on his way.  "Good luck with your training Llewelyn.  May peace favor your sword one day."


    Perivar watched as the Saldaean made his way through the yards taking in the sights as he walked towards the office and a new beginning.  He could still recall the day he arrived and his first encounter with the Mistress of Trainees.  The thought made him laugh out loud.  It was time to go find Kabria and see about leaving Tar Valon for a while.



  5. Perivar flowed through the forms with precision, it was a daily ritual when he and Kabria were at the Tower for any length of time.  They were still in residence as Kabria wanted to see the trial through.  Perivar wanted nothing to do with the trial though he dutifully sat by her side through it.  Working the forms was refreshing, it was something he understood, something that he could do without thought.


    Returning to the guard stance Lion on the Hill Perivar spun slowly taking in everything around him.  In the void he was one with all things that were in a close proximity.  He noticed blades of grass, birds with wings stretched gaining altitude, men and women coming and going.  Anything in motion seemed to stand out though the younger man standing still stood out like an illuminators firework in a pitch black night.


    Perivar sheathed his sword in the scabbard that was strapped crosswise on his back while simultaneously hanging his singuata on his belt.  With the deadly grace of a warder he strode over to the younger man.  Perivar was roughly a hand and a half taller and much wider than the Saldaean.  He was Saldaean unless Perivar missed his mark.  Perivar looked more like a blacksmith or a street tough than a warder.  Perivar's large brown eyes and facial features may have named him an Arafellin though his shoulder length dark hair lacking the traditional twin belled braids may have caused some confusion.


    Perivar stopped near the Saldaean trying to relax his stance while turning his normal scowl into a welcoming smile.  He tried adjusting his tone to something more friendly.  It seemed that some of Kabria's kindness toward newcomers was rubbing off on him.  "The light illumine you, I couldn't help but notice you standing there.  Have you come here to train or do you have other business here?" 


    Perivar Tarigan

    Warder to Kabria Delondre of the Green Ajah

  6. WS 1 to 2 is approved!


    note: I saw your reply but I am not sure what it was in reference to since you edited your initial post.  I went back and edited your initial post to add your arrival RP and moved the other Req to your subsequent post so we can track your progress efficiently.  From here on out just make additional posts in this thread with your Req submissions.

  7. "Very well then" Dragar said as he dipped the nib of the pen in the ink jar.  He did not feel the need to drag the conversation on unnecessarily so he scribbled her name on the rolls.  Dragar placed the pen in its holder then stoppered the ink jar before sprinkling sand on the page. 


    Dragar stood and ushered Edana to the door leading to the yards.  He pointed to the trainee barracks on the other side of the training grounds.  "The trainee barracks are over there.  Go find a vacant bunk in one of the rooms.  Tomorrow you will begin your training.  Training begins at sunrise unless you are instructed otherwise.  The mess hall opens early so you can get a meal in you before you start your day.  Whatever you do, do not be late for training.  Now you better go find yourself a bunk, you have the rest of the day to get yourself settled."


    Dragar waited for Edana to get several paces from the door before shutting it.  Turning on his heals he headed for his desk and the salvation that he would find in his flask. 

  8. Perivar watched Kabria pace back and forth deep in thought or study portions of books for the better part of two days.  Seeing her like this had him on edge.  He would not leave her side so his only relief was to read whatever was to hand when he desperately wanted to do something physical.  If the room had been larger he would have pushed everything to the side and worked the forms while she thought on their little problem though that was not to be.  Better to wish that the problem they found in the village would fix itself.


    “I still know not a stitch more than I did two days ago. Whatever is infecting the city could be a single person tainted by the Shadow, a Black Ajah member, or a Dreadlord.”   He sensed that there was more but he did not press her.  He felt relief as she mentioned sending letters to the Tar Valon.  Finally she had given in and requested aid.  His hopes were dashed as she went on to describe the contents of the letters. 


    Perivar had no chance to object as a Lady entered dipping a curtsy to Kabria while offering her greeting.  Perivar smiled at the Lady as he felt the frustration through the bond.  Kabria was decidely uncomfortable with people bowing and scraping to her.  It was bad enough with servants, maids, and the like, but now she had a Lady doing it which was even worse in her eyes.  He watched Kabria as she took the note clearly studying it while the Lady made her departure.  Perivar murmured words of thanks then went back to studying Kabria.  Her gasp made his already large eyes go wide in consternation as she continued to read.


    Kabria delivered the bad news then handed him the note so he could read it for himself.  Why she would hand it to him he did not know.  He would never doubt her word nor was he intelligent enough to discover more from the letter than she had.  Even so he dutifully read it while she spoke.  Clearly she was speaking her thoughts aloud for her own benefit and not his.  Suddenly she seemed to reach a decision.  In short order she had three hastily written letters in her hand and was summoning a servant to deliver them.


    Kabria mentioned her intention to see the King again and picked up and donned her shawl.  Hopefully this second meeting went better.  The first time had not gone so well.  Kabria was so used to strongarming others into seeing her way though the King had not taken her approach well. 


    “Perivar, I need you to start talking to local’s to find out what you can about the layout of the small village outside of Fal Dara and the one here. Any information you can gather will be more than we have now. Find out anything at all that can link the two villages to make them easy targets.”  It was like being punched in the gut, he hated leaving her side.  To make matters worse he had to go speak to men who clearly only tolerated him because he was tied to the White Tower.  There was bad blood between Sheinar and Arafel.  Without giving him a chance to object, Kabria glided from their rooms to have her audience with the King.



    Hours later Perivar returned to their rooms more frustrated than when he left.  His encounter with the locals had been decidedly unpleasant.  Finally he had to rely on the soldiers for whta little bit on information that he was able to gather.  Kabria was deep in thought when he entered, he was not sure if that was good or bad.


    Dropping his swordbelt and harness to the floor he looked at Kabria.  "I hope your audience went better than my encounter with the locals.  Most were stubborn as mules or reluctant to speak with an Arafellin no matter that I was attached to the White Tower."  It was not like him to complain but he was decidely lacking in social skills.  He would rather pummel someone than speak to them with kindness and respect that they did not deserve.  He purposely left out losing his cool and the threats of violence he had made in order to garner what little information he had aqcuired.  Even the soldiers had given him a hard time.


    "I have the layouts of both villages."  He pulled the two rolled parchments from his coat with the hastily drawn layouts of the villages.  "They are very similar, all of the buildings are built with a dual purpose, both villages can be easily defended with lesser numbers." 


    "Now for the good news.  As much as they have shut their gates and denied entrance to newcomers, they do send out raiding parties to attack merchant trains and capture necessary supplies.  If you have secured a detachment of Sheinaran lancers then I think I have a plan."  Perivar waited for her nod before continuing.


    "First we will need a few wagons, three should suffice.  We take a small group of soldiers, no more than ten and dress them as merchant guards.  You my dear will be the lovely merchant.  We lure the raiding party out of the village then lead them on a chase where we will eventually ambush them with the remainder of the guards.  Once we have captured or killed the raiding party, we have the soldiers don the clothes of the raiders.  Then we return to the village led by the Sheinarans dressed as the raiders with the captured wagons in tow.  The fools in the village will be so elated with another successful raid that we should have enough time to surprise them and take control of the gate.  Once we control the gate the remainder of the Sheinaran soldiers can enter and occupy the village.  As soon as we gain control of the village we can begin to set things right."


    Perivar waited as Kabria mulled over the plan that he had just laid out.  If he missed anything she was sure to notice and adjust the plan accordingly.  They would only be able to work on one vllage at a time.  It would be her decision which village to hit first, that is if she accepted his plan.


  9. Valeran thought the Asha'man might refuse to train him, his initial response had not been reassuring, blinking uncertainly as if he was shocked to be asked.  Valeran stood there patiently as Ikki seemed to be deciding whether or not to train him.  It was only seconds though it seemed like a lifetime.  Maybe he would not be able to learn after all.  Maybe he was just another weapon, that was something he understood.


    "Ummm, I suppose I could show you how and see what kind of skill you have for  Healing." Valeran let out a breath in relief.  "Everyone can Heal, but the amount of skill one has varies. Some of the Asha'man can Heal almost any wound, but the next one may not be able to do much more than scrapes and bruises. Now watch closely..."  Valeran watched eager to learn the weave.  For the first time in a very long time he was nervous.  This was foreign to him.


    "G-good sirs, the clothings, and bandages?"  He glanced at the soldier breifly then directed his attention to Ikki again.  The soldier was none of his concern, he only had eyes for the Asha'man that was about to show him the weave.  "Umm, yes. Right here. Now both of you, watch closely."  He was going to show both of them?  What could the soldier be thinking, the weaves Valeran had seen the others use after the battle seemed complex.  Maybe the soldier could grasp it, who knew when it came to the power.


    He watched as the Asha'man embraced the source and felt a pang of jealousy.  Holding Saidin made you feel alive, more alive than could be imagined, even in spite of the constant struggle to maintain control and the ever present nausea.  Valeran watched the weave, large amounts of Water, Air, and Spirit.  He very nearly gasped as he saw the burnt skin became tender pink.  Wonder of wonders Valeran actually thought he could do it.  Not yet though, he needed time to make sure he had the weave memorized correctly.


    Apparently time was not a luxury they had. After giving the soldier instructions, Ikki herded Valeran to the next patient.  "Now, you can try. This soldier has a cut down his forearm."  It was Valeran's turn to blink in surprise.  What if he got it wrong, the pressure was immense.  He watched Ikki remove the bandage and study the wound.  "Just use the weave I showed you and don't forget to make physical contact with the patient, or it won't work. If you mess up, I'll just cut your weave off and flick you in the forehead, so don't worry."  Ikki flashed a grin then motioned for him to begin.  It was easy for the Asha'man to appear confident, he had probably used the weave hundreds of times.


    Valeran took a deep breath then sought the void.  He embraced the source, fightin, pushing, pulling Saidin to do his bidding.  The weaves began to form...physical contact he reminded himself.  It seemed natural to put his hands on either end of the cut.  The weave fell into place and he nearly lost it due to the amazement of watching his weave work.  The cut skin mended itself then became pink, when he pulled his hands away it was as if then man had never sustained an injury.  He stared at Ikki with a look of uncertainty then looked down at the palms of his hands.  




  10. Dragar stopped rubbing his head and studied the young girl as she spoke.  His head tilted slightly and a hint of a grin formed on his face.  Most newcomers were hesitant to speak a word if not prompted to do so.  Something about her was pleasantly different than the others who came to train in the yards.  Her tone was confident and almost matter of fact.  She simply came here to enroll and she would, no delusions of grandeur, no outlandish story.  It was refreshing.


    Lifting a large pile of parchment, Dragar unceremoniously deposited them on the wood floor to make room to open the ledger.  He opened the ledger though instead of picking up the pen he stood and walked to the window as he liked to do.  Even though her intentions were clear he liked to feel out the new recruits.  They were his responsibility after all.


    The window gave him a good view of the training grounds.  The yards were busy, dozens of trainees, guardsmen, and warders practicing their forms or learning new skills.  Dragar suppressed a sigh, he yearned to be out there among them yet the pile of paperwork was neverending.  His Bannerman's tabard was neatly pressed except for the wrinkles from sitting and his armor was brightly polished.


    The sound of lathes clacking found their way into the small office.  "So you simply met Kynwric Gaidin, a Warder and Blademaster here in the yards and he told you to enroll for training."  He did not need to turn his head to see her nod or hear her words of assent.  In the void his peripheral vision was enough, he was one with everything in the room.  He could hear her heartbeat, she was very calm, more collected than any other that he had met.


    Dragar kept facing the window though he looked over his shoulder at the young woman.  "No grand story about how you want to save the world?  No foolish notions about wanting to be the best sword to be found this side of the Aryth Ocean?  No exaggerated stories of your past or your supposed skill with a blade?"


    This time he turned to face her.  "No?  Well then did Master Kynwric explain to you what your training will be like?"  He arched an eyebrow then continued not giving her a moment to speak.  "I do not want to enter your name in the rolls if you are not going to last a week.  The days are long, rest comes when you can get it.  You will do as you are told or you will be sent back to me.  Believe me when I say that that is the last thing you want.  I will make you regret the day you were born."


    Again Dragar went on not allowing her to answer.  "The good thing is that you get a bunk in the barracks and all the food you can eat from the mess hall.  Believe it or not the food is actually quite good.  It seems the Commander does not want to lose anyone because the meals are subpar.  So if this is what you want then I will add you name to the rolls."  He made his way back to the desk and took his seat waiting on her response.

  11. I have always toyed around with making an Aiel character though the limited activity in the Div put that on the back burner.  Perhaps I will write one up if things pick up here.


    As for my initial purpose for posting...Is Eqwina's Aiel character Covina a Wise One?  She is either a Wise one or a roofmistress I think.

  12. “We can try and ride for Fal Moran and hope we are not taken by surprise, or we can find a place close to this town to hide until the problem can be solved. Either way a decision must be made quickly because we are not alone in these streets.” In the void Perivar could feel the presence of others.  One arrow was all it would take.  He scanned the area as Kabria continued to speak.  "I do not think they want to kill us, not after seeing their companions put down, but whatever binds them wants to make sure we are gone bad enough to risk losing half their people in the attempt."


    Perivar mounted NightDancer as Kabria circled with blade so she could keep an eye on their surroundings.  "I am reminded of Aridhol, but what about a small Borderland town could be as important as one of the great nations?"  Why did the name Aridhol stick out in his mind?  He could recall his tutor mentioning the name and its significance but right now he could not bring it to mind. 


    "Fal Moran then, less chance that such a city has been corrupted."  He and Kabria booted their mounts into action.  Perivar kept a wary eye on their surroundings as he thought of how he could convince Kabria to request aid from Tar Valon. 


  13. Dragar could hear the clacking of lathes and the shouts of mentors calling down their students.  He longed to be anywhere except behind the desk that he currently occupied.  Rubbing his head with one hand as he used the other to toss another sheet of parchment on top of the pile of the reports which required his signature.  Never in his worst nightmares could he have imagined such a horrible fate.  Being the assistant to the Mistress of Trainees was a fate worse than death.  Being an assistant was one thing but the bloody woman that he was supposed to be assisting was never around which meant he had all the weight of her position on his shoulders.  All he wanted was a flask, a woman, and a game of dice.


    The voices outside the building were lost to him.  Dragar had his head buried in his desk though he saw a shape looming in the anteroom.  "Blood and ashes Lara!  If it is more reports to be signed then you can burn them for all I care or send them back to whomever sent them!"  Dragar rubbed his head again, it wasn't even midday and already he had a headache the size of the Aryth Ocean.


    When Lara(the clerk) failed to answer he looked up to see a young woman standing in the anteroom staring at him.  "If you are carrying reports or you have made a transgression in the yards and are seeking punishment then I would advise you to come back later.  If you are here for some other business then do come in an state your business...and have a seat, I do not expect to crane my neck looking up at you."  The young woman was above average height for a woman.  Dragar fought the urge to reach into the desk drawer and pull out the flask he kept in there.  It was still short of midday and the flask was nearly empty.   

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