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Posts posted by Sieve

  1. Kabria touched his cheek as she spoke.  The feel of her fingers on his face was blissful.  If not for the wonderous musical tone of her voice he would have missed her words completely as his senses were overloaded by her caresses.  His body tingled as she kissed him then buried her face in his chest.  Holding her in his arms he could almost forget the world outside of their room.  It always amazed him how she worried over being the one in charge.  Did she really think that his pride was so strong that he could not handle being submissive to her.  Kabria often made subtles comments minimizing her role in order to take the sting from the fact that she was in charge. 


    Truth be told it did not bother him in the least.  Since the day he arrived in Tar Valon he knew that he would be a Warder and that it would be an Aes Sedai who commanded his actions.  He had been resigned to it from the start, it was simply the way things were.  What he hadn't expected was that he would fall in love.  Fall in love with an Accepted.  The Accepted turned Aes Sedai that now held his bond.  He drank in her scent.  A flowery scent that arosed him to the point of madness.  He yearned for her though he restrained himself.  He was not an animal and now was not the time.


    “I think that if we wed we should find someone who can perform the Sea Folk’s vows.”  The words caught him off balance but wonder flowed through the bond, wonder and his undying love for her.  He had joked about such an event when they had discussed the fact that she he would be submissive to her.  A little bit that an Aes Sedai had let slip to him during a conversation on Sea Folk customs.  She was one of the few Sea Folk women in the White Tower.  If they wed in the Sea Folk custom then he would be in charge so to speak when they were in private while she would retain her authority over him in public.


    Why had she mentioned it though?  The bundle of emotions in the back of his head were so entangled that he could not make heads or tails of it.  Could she be serious?  He often had thoughts of marrying her and carrying her away to have a normal life yet he knew that was not possible.  They were what they were and nothing would change that.  Neither would change it if they could, they were both passionate about their cause.  Were other Aes Sedai married?  Certainly none but the Greens would consider it.  If any had married their warders he had not heard of it.  Was this the piece that was missing for Kabria?  As much as she loved him he was not sure if she would want to marry him.  Could she be considering just to give him equal footing in their relationship.  It was beyond him to comprehend at the moment.  Her body pressed up against his was making it difficult to concentrate.  If his brain had not been so addled he might have detected the slight tension in the bond.


    When she unwrapped herself from his arms he suddenly felt as if his silence had spoken for him.  Was she expecting him to discuss marriage here and now.  It seemed more like a fleeting comment than a topic for discussion.  The bundle of emotions changed, now it seemed as if she was focused.  Still it did not give him any indication as to what she was focused on until she spokeabout their upcoming mission.


    “We should talk about the trip, I was hoping to leave in a few days. Just as soon as we can gather supplies and I can make the necessary arrangements with my Novices classes. And I am sure you will have to see to training the young recruits?” It was his turn to walk over to the large window.  Warders, Tower Guards, and recruits could be seen training in the yards.  He could not be rid of the trainees quick enough.  It would be a snap to pass off that duty.  After all Aes Sedai business was Aes Sedai business and it took precedence over training recruits. 


    "I think you and I can do what needs to be done, but I was told if we wanted help it would be made avaiable to us. What do you think?"  Her voice became louder as she walked over to where he stood handing him a glass of wine.  Perivar thanked her, he held the glass but he did not drink as he thought on the mission.  More Aes Sedai might raise a few questions though it could easily be overlooked with all the trouble in the Borderlands. 


    The trouble in the Borderlands had him on edge.  Others would not see it but Kabria would.  Well she would feel it actually.  The Borderlands had stood united against the Shadow for as long as he could remember yet now they fought each other as if they had been enemies for ages.  He thought of Kabria's safety first and foremost.  Newly raised Aes Sedai could be a hindrance but they might also tip the scales in their favor.  "I am sure we can do what needs to be done ourselves though a little help might come in handy if we find ourselves in over our heads.  We know very little at this point, there is no telling what we will discover."  If anything at all he thought to himself.  Either way the news of an Aes Sedai disappearing in the Borderlands was disturbing.  Someone had to look into it but he wasn't about to offer Kabria up as another victim.  Foolish pride aside, he would take whatever help they would offer.


  2. He was a fool.  He often was when it came to words.  No, that was not the whole truth, he was a fool most of the time but more often when it came to discussions or arguments.  He had handled this badly, all he managed to do was make her angry.  That was something he had become very good at.


    Kabria walked away to fix herself a glass of spiced wine.  From what he felt building through the bond he expected to be struck by lightning at any moment.  Kabria was not a person who could be bullied.  If the bond did not tip him off he might have cringed as her chill words struck him.  By what he felt she should be shouting but instead her tone was calm.  He almost wished she would shout at him, he could understand that.


    "Now I have you Perivar, I hold your bond and your heart and still I feel as if something is missing. Is it a child?.perhaps.”  The words assaulted him, each of the latter like a hammer blow to his heart.  Perivar stared at the floor as she walked to the large window.  He felt...inadequate, like he had let her down in some way or failed to give her what she needed.  He wanted to make her happy though clearly he was failing. 


    “Or perhaps it is not, but the one thing I can tell you is this…”  Kabria's words made him look up from the floor, for a brief moment he stared at her back until she turned to face him.  The first thing he noticed was her eyes.  The passion in her words drove the point home.  She was what she was and would not change it for the world.  He had no right to ask her to do so. 


    "I expect you to be at my side."  As if there would ever be a question of him being at her side.  The near insult stung.  "If you cannot do that….”  For a moment he held his breath.  From what he felt through the bond she was near to bursting with anger.  He thought she was about to say something that he would not be able to forgive yet the words ended there. 


    Frustration and anger were beginning to well up inside of him.  Now might be a good time to leave before things got ugly.  Before he had a chance to leave she spoke while making her way to him.  The anger and frustration began to dissipate as she drew near.  Gliding across the room she took his hands looking up into his eyes.  Her tone was musical again.  The fire in her words seemed tamped down, her tone was sincere.


    Perivar pulled her close.  "I am sorry too.  It is not right for me to ask you to change who you are.  I knew what you were, what you would become when I fell in love with you.  I cannot ask you to give up your fight but I do worry about you."  He gazed into her eyes driving the point home as if she did not already know.  "I do not like you being in harms way but I know that you will be, I know that you have to be because of what you are.  Still it does not make it any easier.  That is something that I have to learn to deal with.  That being said there is nobody I would rather have by my side..."  He smiled at her as she looked up into his eyes.  "I mean there is nobody's side that I would rather be at."  He chuckled at his poor attempt at a joke as he picked her up twirling her around.       



  3. A myriad of things should have been running through his head though he felt numb.  It was a habit he had developed early on in life.  Growing up in the Borderlands had left him jaded and often times it seemed as if he lacked compassion.  It was not something he did conciously.  It was just something that had developed over time.  Sometimes he was exactly like a stone.


    He heard everything she said though he was too numb to react until he felt anger through the bond as she wrapped herself in the silk sheet and got up from the bed.   


    Perivar vaulted to his feet.  He strode over to Kabria turning her to face him.  There was a tighness around his eyes as he looked into hers.  Pain shot through his entire body.  Pain and shame.  He had been so consumed with training that he missed what should have been plain as day. 


    "I'm sorry Kabria...it seems that I have much to learn yet.  I should have known, I should have sensed it but I was too consumed with training.  I thought...no there are no excuses.  I was wrong and I am sorry.  You are well now?"


    For the moment he was too angry with himself to be angry with her about keeping this from him.  He could not be mad with her, he had told her she did not have to share all of her thoughts with him. 


    Something she said dug at him until the numbness went away.  He suddenly felt the urge to speak his mind.  "I want a promise from you.  If you decide that you want to have a child you will take leave from the Tower.  I will not have you putting yourself and our unborn child in harms way without dire need."  She opened her mouth to argue but he cut it off.  "No, I have a say in this matter.  I will go wherever you lead and do as you say in all matters involving Aes Sedai business but in this case I will not budge."  He did not realize how loud his voice had risen, he was near to shouting.  Perivar stared into her eyes, a hint of challenge glimmering in his.  "I'm sorry I did not mean to shout but I will not budge Kabria, I want your promise on it."


  4. Kabria's tears of joy led to her burying in her face in his neck which led to her soft lips on his neck...


    Later Kabria spoke as she brushed stray strands of hair from his face.  How bittersweet.  It seemed like another cruel joke until he learned of the reason for their pending departure.  A sister missing was grave news and they were being sent to investigate.  She was going into harms way and was elated though she was feeling bad that she was feeling elated at the prospect of returning to the Borderlands due to the nature of their mission.


    He was about to speak, about to tell her that she could not control how she felt when she spoke again.  She mentioned the search for her family again and wanting to meet his.  Her fingers gripped his hair tighter and tighter until he winced. 


    What had her so on edge?  Was it her missing sister?  Was she worried about not being able to find her family?  Was she on edge about meeting his?  Perhaps it was a combination of all of them?  He didn't think he would ever understand women.  They should come with an instruction manual.  No man he had ever met had admitted that he understood women.


    The difficulty was he had promised not to press her.  There were things she could not or would not talk about.  As much as it grated he had said he would not press her to reveal what she did not wish to.  Would simply asking her what was the matter be considered pressing her?  He did not think so but what did he know, he was a man.


    Perivar rolled onto his back next to her staring at nothing in particular as the thoughts ran wild in his head.  If only he had a way with women.  Did she want him to ask?  Perivar propped himself up on his elbow.  It was his turn to toy with her hair as his eyes drank her in.  Mintues passed before he found the courage to speak.  "Whatever it is that is bothering you will continue to do so until you get it off your chest.  I am not pressing you to speak but...well if you wish to talk I am here for you.  If not then I understand."  It was a noble effort but it was a lie and she would know it for what it was.  The bond did have certain drawbacks. 

  5. Perivar was still gaping when he felt his belongings being taken from him.  He noticed Kabria smiling up at him but her words were lost on him.  He detected a hint of amusement through the bond, likely she had just thrown another jab at him.  Some might think it odd but he enjoyed her playful jabs.  Kabria was very witty and he was an easy target for he was not.  She was very loving in an odd sort of way.  Her witty jabs were usually reinforced with a lovely smile that made his heart skip a beat.  She could be downright nasty when you angered her though that seemed to be the case with most women.  Either way you had to have thick skin if you had any chance of getting along with her.  He had even come to appreciate her occasional sharp words.  She was very passionate and had a fiery temper at times.  You could easily be overwhelmed by her if you did not possess a backbone.  If he wasn't still taking in the room he would have chuckled.  Kabria was not short but he towered over her.  Despite the disparity in size there was no doubt that she was in charge.


    He let himself be guided by Kabria.  She asked his opinion on their new quarters but he was speechless.  She showed him the smaller bedchamber which made him frown as he believed it was meant for him.  “Don’t worry love, the only thing that has to sleep there is your boots, plus..who knows if I bond another Warder he may need the space.”  For a moment his jaw dropped until she winked at him.  This was not the first time she teased him about taking on another warder.  She knew how to get a rise out of him.


    Kabria led him to the bedchamber that they would share.  She stepped back so he could look into the room.  It was decorated beautifully but his eyes were drawn to the large armoire as she opened its doors with the one power.  Kabria had clothes made for him though his eyes were glued to one of the two cloaks.  There in front of him was one of the infamous color-shifting cloaks.  The fancloth cloak made with the one power.  The cloak that would identify the person wearing it as a warder.  Wearing that in Kabria's company would name him her warder for the world to see.  It was like the final piece of the puzzle.


    “Well, is everything to your liking Perivar Gaidin?”  Her musical words snapped him from his thoughts.  To his surprise he was standing in front of the armoire touching the cloak.  He did not realize that he had moved.  Perivar stared at her over his shoulder.  "More than you can imagine."  He had not found his voice yet so it came out as a near whisper.


    Perivar walked to her taking her hands in his.  Looking in her eyes he spoke "For the first time since coming to Tar Valon I..."  He stopped, searching for the right words before he continued  "I finally feel like I am home."  Perivar wrapped Kabria in his arms hugging her tight.  For some reason something clicked and everything in the world felt right."Thank You"  He whispered in her ear. 

  6. "Again, the way I showed you this time.  This is not child's play.  If you don't shape up I will send you to the Mistress of Trainees.  I am sure she would love to hear of your lack of effort."  All of the recruits stiffened at the mention of the Mistress of Trainees.  A few even looked around wildly expecting to see her appear out of nowhere. 


    His frustration was showing through.  It wasn't the recruits that had him on edge.  Well they were a small part of it, he despised training recruits.  He could not stand excuses or sniveling complaints that they were being pushed to hard.  Any who thought to try them on him soon learned that it was an unwise course of again.


    The true source of his frustration was the destruction of the illusion he had worked up while he waited for them to be able to bond.  The illusion of a perfect life that he had expected when he finally became Kabria's warder.  That illusion had been unceremoniously shattered though he still thanked the creator that he was her warder.  Despite the letdowns he considered himself the luckiest man alive.  The letdowns were more an annoyance than anything.  Like their return to Tar Valon.  He had envisioned a different return to the Tower than the reality that met them.  They were bonded yet he was living in the barracks while she was nestled away in the Tower doing the light knows what.  It was hardly what either of them had expected. 


    Perivar had sensed Kabria's earlier frustration which only added to his.  Now she was coming towards him.  Shortly thereafter she appeared in the training grounds.  She took a seat on a rail of the fence which surrounded the training area.  Her presence caused quite a stir which sent him up like an illuminator's fireworks.  Gawking at an Aes Sedai, his Aes Sedai, earned them some sharp words and some extra laps to cool their heads.  He couldn't blame them really.  She was an Aes Sedai and she was beautiful.  He remembered a time when she would have had some sharp words for them.  The thought made him chuckle as he watched their retreating backs.


    Before he knew it Kabria was tossing him a waterskin. “You look like you could use this.”  For that she earned a glare.  She was amused, what she probably meant was that he should upend the skin over his head to cool his temper.  What was worse is that she was right.  Perivar arched an eyebrow as she handed him the key.  Could it be?  Finally he thought.  It had been far too long and far too difficult being away from her.


    Perivar began to follow Kabria though she stopped him in his tracks. “Oh no no. You will go bathe and gather your things before you come anywhere near our room. I won’t have you messing up all the work I have done. Our rooms are on the second gallery, last door on the south side.”  He said nothing though he was grinning as he bounced the key in the palm of his hand.


    After washing and putting on clean clothes, Perivar made his way to their rooms.  As happy as he was he could not help worrying over a few things as he made his way through the Tower.  Kabria was neat and liked everything in its place.  He on the other hand was a mess.  The only things he ever put in their proper places were weapons and armor.  It was not uncommon to see his clothes thrown about the room.  During their short stays together Kabria had often commented on his ability to make a mess in every room he stayed in.  The thought brought a smile to his face.  Any thoughts of her often produced that result.


    Finally finding the right door, Perivar turned the key then opened the door without looking inside.  Tucking the key away he picked up his belongings and entered the room.  He stood their gaping like a lummox.  The rooms were so nice compared to what he had grown accustomed to.  Their new quarters were so nicely decorated that he held onto his belongings afraid to put them down.  She must have seen to the decorating herself.  Perivar was still standing there with all his belongings when Kabria came to greet him.       

  7. Kabria's words eased his mind, her words and the fact that there was no doubt of her love for him.  The bond allowed him to be certain of the latter.  The feel of her lips on his gave him a tingle that resounded through the bond.


    “ I think dinner in our rooms sounds like a fine idea. Perhaps a quiet evening with you will help me relax.”  "As you command, my love. A quiet evening."  With renewed energy he flashed a mischievous smile as he left the room with a spring in his step.  He felt like a boy who just received his first kiss from a beautiful girl.  Taking the steps two at a time he made it to the kitchen in record time.  In moments the arrangements were made and he was making his way back to their room.


    It seemed like he had just returned when a rap came at the door.  He called for whoever it was to enter.  A serving girl with a tray of food entered followed by another with a tray of assorted refreshments.  Perivar gave them a smile, a word of thanks, and a coin each before they left indicating that they would return with more food when it was ready.


    As the door closed he turned his attention to Kabria.  Perivar grabbed her hand gently guiding her towards one of the chairs which he held for her.  "What would you like to drink?"  He said as she sat and got herself situated.




  8. Was it the mention of the Children or sitting idle that made her tense?  He leaned over her shoulder to get a look at her face as if that would do any good.  It was like trying to read a book in a language that you did not understand.  The only thing he knew is that she was on edge.


    Her responses were even more perplexing.  On the surface it seemed as if she was being truthful but the bond told a different story.  Why was she reluctant to discuss whatever was bothering her.  Was he the cause of her irritation.  He continued to massage her neck and shoulder until he felt the tension returning.  Something was amiss.


    Perivar turned her then sat her in the chair while he knelt in front of her.  He locked eyes with her and his breath nearly caught as he saw the look in her eyes.  "Does the bond chafe my love?  I will not allow you to release me though if there is something I can do to ease your discomfort then consider it done.  Plainly there is something you are hiding from me but the bond is making it difficult for you to do so.  As long as it is not another man then I understand that there may be things that you do not wish me to know."


    Perivar caressed her cheek with his fingertips "I want to be the source of your happiness not someone that you feel you need to tip toe around.  If there is something you need to say to me then say it.  If there is something I can do to help then I will do it.  I am yours with every ounce of my being.  If you need your secrets then you will have them.  I will not press you to reveal what you wish to keep hidden but if you need someone to talk to then you have my undivided attention.  Nothing you can say will change my love for you."


    Perivar could see the wheels turning.  Perhaps she needed time to collect her thoughts.  As best he could he tried to ignore the bundle of emotions in his head to give her as much privacy as was possible.  "I have been training too hard.  We should spend the evening together unless you would rather be alone?"  He arched an eyebrow then went on when she did not respond.  "Should I have food sent to us here in our rooms?"

  9. Perivar did not have a better idea so he simply nodded his agreement before falling back with Kabria and Selene.  He eyed Jerinia as she guided her mount to his side.  "...There's Trollocs out, aren't there? Don't worry, i'm used to them, but is there something i can do to help?"  The young woman said with a confidence that was not feigned.  Perivar nodded and smiled at her before Kabria sent her away.  Kabria was so calm and her voice was so sweet that it made snort with laughter.  Kabria did not find the humor in it and fixed him with such a glare that he schooled his face back to the stone mask that he usually wore.


    Perivar just sat there not saying a word as Kabria called Selenessin over to them and gave her instructions.  Kabria was calm but her voice was not as sweet as it had been for Jerinia.  Maybe he shouldn't laughed over tone though you had to find small pleasures in the face of death.  One thing was certain.  They would face death today many times over. 


    Perivar watched Selene departing after Kabria finished with her instructions and dismissed her as his attention went to Kabria again.  Kabria turned to look in his eyes and he immediately began forming the words of protest in his head.  She gave him no chance to speak.  Her commanding tone told him she would not hear his protests.  What could he say? He was speechless.  Kabria arched an eyebrow obviously wondering when the protests would begin. 


    Even though he said nothing she still took the opportunity to jab at him.  It made him smile.  She would probably do so on his death bed.

    He simply listened then nodded as he promised her that he would do as she said.  He had no choice, she had made up her mind and would not be swayed.  She did not need the promise, she knew he would obey yet he gave it anyway. 


    Perivar smiled at her "You have the heart of a Borderlander my love.  There is no doubt that the blood of the Borderlands course through your veins.  Just remember that you are mortal.  Make sure that you live today, for I die when you die."  Perivar smiled at her, his feelings of love and pride flowed through the bond so strong that she could not have missed it.  She did not as he sensed the golden veins of love in return.


    Before he knew it they were back with Selene who had the young girl clinging to her back.  Kabria seemed almost motherly with Selene, well with the ten or so years that separated them she was more like the caring older sister.  After a few words with Loraine Kabria motioned them to follow.  They started at a trot then began to canter after Kabria gave her final instructions to Selene. 


    The canter soon became a trot then a walk as they tried to keep their mounts fresh.  They had gone no more than ten miles.  So far they had avoided any scouting parties though a few times it had been close.  Luckily those they spotted had no Myrddraal with them.  A few minutes hiding in whatever cover they could find then they were off again.  Lucky for them trollocs were inherently lazy unless they had a Myrddraal pressing them.  The other good thing was that the young girl took to Selene.  Selene had remained quite composed.  She kept the girl quiet soothing her with caresses and soft words when necessary. 


    While they walked their horses Perivar spoke quietly with Kabria.  "I suggest going southeast towards the Niamh Pass then south before striking out southwest towards Tar Valon.  The nearer to the Aiel Waste the better.  Shadowspawn fear the Aiel and the Waste.  They call it the dying ground.  The closer we can get to it the safer we will be I think.  If we are spotted they will converge on us quickly if they are able to raise the alarm.  We will have to kill the scouts quickly so they do not have a chance to blow their horns."  He eyed her patiently waiting on a response.  Behind them a horn blared, then another, and another.  The last sounded close but he did not sense any Shadowspawn.  Perivar vaulted into his saddle then stared in the direction of the last horn.  Either they were farther than he thought or they had Darkfriend patrols as well.  Was it their trail that had been spotted or a trail from one of the other groups?  Well they had no choice now but to go southeast. 


    Perivar turned to Selene "String your bow and hang it over your pommel.  Use that first unless Kabria Sedai says otherwise.  You are doing fine, just keep your wits about you and we will all be fine."  He smiled, his confidence was feigned but he knew his face would not betray him.  He needed to give her hope.  There was a chance, no matter how small there was still a chance that they would all make it to Tar Valon.


    They started at a slow trot, he still needed to speak with Kabria and they needed to keep the horses fresh.  He tried to keep his voice for Kabria's ears only but it was difficult at a trot.  "Remember using the one power will be like sending up a signal beacon to any Myrddraal in the area.  Once you or Selene start channeling we will have to hurry to put as much distance between us and the location where you channeled unless we want to face them all at once.  When that happens I will see what I can do about covering our tracks if I can."   Perivar gave her an apologetic look "Unless you decide otherwise of course."

  10. ((Sorry, don't know why this post took me forever to write but this should do it for this Req.))


    He felt guilty as he thought on Selene's advice.  There was more to it, much more.  He was about to tell her though he let the words go unspoken, there was simply no point.  He was never very good expressing his thoughts or feelings.  Most of what he had told her was rubbish or at best only partially true.  He cared little what others thought and less for whether they liked him or not.  The one truth was that he did not want others to know his past.


    Something else she said stood out.  Peace.  He would never know peace, it was not in the equation.  There was no such thing as peace in the Borderlands.  Peace was a dream, a dream that had no chance of coming true.  Maybe he didn't want peace.  Maybe he enjoyed the turmoil and the struggle of life.  Would life hold the same value if there was peace?  Luckily Selene's question pushed those ridiculous thoughts from his head.


    "I would like to say that I chose him but I did not.  I fear my eye for spotting a good horse is not that good.  My father chose him for me.  He probably thought I needed a fast horse to keep me out of trouble.  My father always scolded me for being careless.  He said that I would charge into a whole fist of trollocs without giving it a thought."  He chuckled then flashed a smile at Selene.  "Well he's right, I never put much thought into anything until I came here.  I put more faith in a sharp sword than a sharp mind which is probably why he sent me here.  He must have thought that I would die foolishly in battle if he didn't find some way to send me away."  He shrugged then chuckled again "Well he was right I guess."


    A part of him still felt that his place was in the Borderlands.  Blame could not be laid at his feet but he still felt guilty about being safe in Tar Valon when so many were struggling for life along the blightborder.  He was committed to the Tower now, leaving to rejoin the struggle in the Borderlands would only shame his family.  It did not make it any easier to deal with.  He still felt the pull, felt some sort of obligation to his family and their people.  Nobility was a responsibility not a luxury. 


    Perivar felt relieved when Selene steered the conversation in a different direction as if she detected his discomfort.  She truly was a remarkable woman.  Smart, kind, intuitive, and very easy to get along with.  The list could go on for days.  Selene was going to make an exceptional Aes Sedai one day.  Something about her made him think that she was probably close to being raised.  She certainly would have absolutely no trouble finding a Warder.  He told her what he thought of her which resulted in blushes interspersed with occasional smiles.


    "While I still have your attention let me talk to you about the quarterstaff.  Much of a quarterstaff's quality comes from how it was prepared.  When a smith is crafting a quarterstaff he carefully selects the sapling making sure to avoid those that have large knots, decaying branches, or cracks.  Those are all signs of weakness.  Once he has selected the right piece he cuts it to the desired length leaving the bark intact then places one end in a barrel of teak oil.  Next he pours teak oil over the exposed end, as much as it will absorb.  He wraps the ends to keep as much of the oil inside the sapling."  He paused to make sure she was following along.  True to form she seemed to be absorbing it all, she could probably recite it word for word.


    "Finally he shaves the staff of its bark shaping it to the desired thickness.  Occasionally you will have to treat the staff with teak oil to make sure that it does not become brittle and crack.  That is it, there is not much to it.  Next time we meet we can work on your conditioning then you can learn how to handle them."  

  11. Kabria did not bother to respond, this was not the first time that the subject came up.  As soon as they cleared the gate Perivar put his hand on Kabria's leg drawing her sparkling blue eyes to his.  He smiled then spoke softly for her ears only.  "Well the Wheel weaves as it wills my love but lets see if we can tip the scales in our favor."  As soon as the words left his lips Perivar spurred Nightdancer to a gallop.  She had favored him with a smile but her words were lost as the sound of Nightdancer's hooves on the ground thundered in his ears. 


    Perivar went West intent on making a circuit crossing their intended path then coming back in from behind.  He knew Melenis would have scouts out but they lacked one important thing that he possessed, the ability to detect shadowspawn.  He had not gone far when the feeling struck him like a gong.  They were near but where?  For a fleeting moment he wished he had one of those color-shifting cloaks.  He would not have the luxury of possessing one until they returned to the Tower, if they returned.  He pushed the thought away, no reason to worry on what he did not have to hand.  He had made it this far in life without one but now his life meant more than ever, Kabria's life was in his hands.  More than that his life was linked with hers in more ways than one.  He had more reasons to live.  Kabria would feel his death keenly, but more than that she said she would die the day he did.  He would do his best to live, live for her and for the hopes of more wonderous days in her company.


    In the void he could hear them coming.  A small scouting party he thought.  Quickly he tied a rag to the end of his lance and rammed it into the hard packed ground.  Perivar slipped away in the opposite direction then doubled back.  As he topped the slight rise he spotted trollocs inspecting the lance.  Perivar wasted no time.  A goat snouted trolloc fell to his first arrow and a second one was not far behind.  He loosed two more arrows then charged in to finish them off.  By the time Perivar returned to the others he had run into six similar groups.  He had a few nicks and bruises, otherwise he was intact.  That should at least keep Kabria from snapping his head off.


    Despite his good condition Kabria reached him first, concern pulsed through the bond as if she did not already know he was practically unscathed.  He informed her of his findings as they made their way to the others.  They conferred with Loraine, Kynwric, and Melenis filling them in on his findings.  The Accepted were in the little group as well though they appeared to be listening intently instead of taking part in the discussion.  Perivar kept his face devoid of emotion as he spoke.  Showing concern or doubt would not do well for the others watching their little conference. 


    There were trolloc scouting parties in every direction though most were concentrated to the south.  Perivar recommended leaving the road to travel either west or east before heading south yet they had the cart to worry about.  He thought it could make it off road but it would be slow going.  So first they had to decide whether to strike off in another direction or continue south.  Then there was a decision to be made whether or not to abandon the cart and have the children ride with them or on the cart horses.  He sat patiently smiling at Kabria as the discussion flowed.   

  12. I'm wondering if I should feel bad for Larindhra or Ikki and Geirrin?


    I'm still leaning towards the latter as Larindhra is the bondholder...plus she is much older and much wiser, well at least in Geirrin's case (not the sharpest knife in the drawer).  ;D

  13. - Geirrin Hale

    - Asha'man

    - Wary of Aes Sedai since coming to the Black Tower and becoming a male channeler.  His position on Aes Sedai is that they will try to gentle him if given the opportunity so naturally he wants nothing to do with them.

    - Wasn't around for the Watchers RP


    I'll throw Geirrin into it if you need another body since he is going to be in the first round of those getting bonded.  He has little reason to be involved with meeting the Dragon but I guess he could just be an extra.  Perhaps he is in the wrong place at the right time? or he happens to be attending Covai or Arath?  Not sure how or why he would be involved but if you want him I'll join in.  Not doing anything else at the moment.

  14. Perivar stirred in the chair unconciously adjusting his position to find a comfortable way to lounge in the small chair.  As the loud thump rang through the room he vaulted to his feet, the book on his lap fell to the floor adding a thud to the commmotion.  He felt for his sword biting back an oath as hr came to the realization that it was not in its scabbard on his back.  He saw Kabria at the door looking startled then quickly scanned the room before he discovered that there was no one else but the two of them.  The bond would have told him that had he been wise enough to check that bundle of emotions in the back of his head.  He had never been accused of being wise. 


    If he had not been so embarassed by being caught sleeping he probably could have figured out that for a brief moment Kabria wore a guilty look that said she was hiding something from him.  Alas he did not and she recovered her composure before he could recognize that something was off. 


    Perivar opened his mouth to apologize but Kabria was on him before he uttered a word.  “Asleep my love?” She clicked her tongue and used her hands to smooth his lapels.  This was not going to go well for him he thought and very nearly sighed over what was coming his way.  He felt like a child who was about to be called down by one of his elders for doing something wrong.  He didn't think of her as an elder but she definately held authority over him and knew how to use it.  “I suspected you’ve been working yourself too hard. You know that you are not yet fully healed.”  No not that again he thought, it was like watching an arrow coming for you yet you couldn't move a muscle to avoid it.  He would take pleasure in convincing her that he was fit enough to train but she might decide otherwise no matter how much effort he put into it. 


    Light Kabria was beautiful but telling her now would earn him harsh words as if it were being said to soothe her temper.  Perivar very nearly flinched as her voice changed from its usual soft musical tone to one much darker.  “I would not like it if you were to cause yourself greater harm. Especially not now that we are bonded. Perhaps you could push yourself a touch less?”  Each word struck home like a hammer striking an anvil.  He had no choice but to nod in acquiescence.


    Her voice resumed a touch of its musical quality as she spoke again.  “Well then, it’s still early but if you are tired I should let you sleep. I have more work I can do without you if you prefer?” Her eyes looked on him like augers as she looked up into his eyes she waited for him to respond.  "No, I think I have slept enough my love.  I feel...rested."  It was a lie, he tried to push the thought out of his head as soon as the words left his lips in hope that she did not notice the lie through the bond.  For all of its wonders there were a few drawbacks to the bond.  He did not lie to her often, only small things such as this when he did not want to admit that he was wrong.  It was hard admitting your faults especially in front of a lady, even harder when it was one that you loved and admired.  Perhaps he was pushing himself harder than he should but it was necessary whether she would admit it or not.  She would not so the lie was necessary.  As necessary as it was he was still ashamed with himself for lying to her.   


    He needed a moment to regain his composure so he moved behind her and removed her cloak, draping it over the chair which he had abandoned.  From behind her Perivar massaged her neck and shoulders.  He suppressed the urge to kiss her neck, she might take it as a ruse to throw her off her current line of questioning or perhaps she would take it for what it truly was, insatiable desire.  Most likely it would be the former even though he loved her more than anything and desired to touch her, to kiss her, every inch of her.  She knew this to be true but it would not help in this case.    


    "Is all well my dear?  You seem tense?"  It might have seemed like he was trying to change the subject but by his tone and what passed through the bond she would know his concern was sincere.  "Is it the Children or do you tire of sitting idle when we could be about our business?"


    ((OOC:  Edited just because I could  ;D ))

  15. Yeah no killing her Accepted. :P Selenessin dying would be very bad for Perivar since he is supposed to "watch" after her.  Definately go with plan "B" where she makes it back to the Tower in one piece.  ;)


    If you need to sacrifice anyone let a few of the Tower Guards meet their demise.  That might help Melenis's next RP, the whole having to deal with losing people under her command angle.  Just a thought...

  16. You lost me a bit there, Sieve


    *snuggles*, btw  :D


    Elayne did not control that circle for the Weather, the one Windfinder did (the one judged to have the most experience and knowledge on the subject, though she was by far not the Strongest).


    Linking (when you are the one leading the circle) will only add to the Strength you can wield - it will not affect your knowledge / experience of making that particular weave. IE, if you don't have a cooking clue how to make that weave, no amount of added strength (either through an angreal, sa'angreal (sp?) or circle) will help you do it any better.


    Now, if you KNOW how to make the weaves to Heal, Travel, etc, but are not strong enough to form them on your own, or do a very good job of it, you WILL be able to do it / do it better, IF you add Strength.




    Sorry to confuse, I knew I should have researched the reference I used but I was being lazy.  :-[  I am lucky to remember the general gist of it let alone the details.  Regardless of the details it still makes the same point.  ;)  The rest of what you said is what I was trying to say just that I used a whole lot of extra words and probably made a lot less sense. :)

  17. Covia I like the direction you are taking.  In my opinion we have too many people (including my char) who can channel almost all of the weaves save for the major ones.  Boosting some such as the one you mentioned is a great idea.  Geirrin is one of the strongest Asha'man and can do most of the weaves save a few.  His air and water scores prohibit him from a few and his skill limits him from some of the top tier but aside from that he has access to the rest.  I like the proposed system since it will cause me to adjust his scores essentially taking more weaves away from him.  Even though he is strong he should not be able to use so many weaves as he is able to under the current system.


    I agree with Kara_J regarding that particular weave and others like it.


    My main concern with the linking is that it shouldn't allow you access to additional weaves that you do not already know how to create save travelling since it is the proven exception.  In that particular case people knew the weave though they lacked the strength to pull it off.  Take the example of working with the weather when Elayne, Nyneave, and the others linked using the bowl to fix the weather.  Elayne already knew the weaves to work with weather yet she needed the combined strength of the circle to increase the area of affect.  She wasn't suddenly open to additional weaves though the magnitude of her channeling was increased.


    The more I think on it though maybe we can make a concession.  Say someone is proficient with weaves that relate to the weather though it just so happens that he/she is not strong enough to pull off a weave such as Quake Subside solo (assuming it is a power issue not a skill issue).  However if said person links and controls the link they now how sufficent power to pull it off.  It would have to be situational in my opinion.  It should not have a huge effect on what weaves you can do.  Said person may be able to work with the weather but they are terrible in another area.  For example, my Geirrin has the necessary power and skill to heal though I chose to make him unable to do so.  He could link with as many people as possible but he will never be able to heal.  So the above exmaple will basically be on the honor system, we will have to police ourselves and make sure that none of us take advantage of this type of system. 


    Sorry I have given far more than my 2 cents but we have to live with this after it is put into place. 

  18. That one weave seems to be the exception, I can't think of another instance where a weave was able to be completed because someone was linked.  Some people are simply no good with certain elements, being linked will not help them.  Aside from that, skill still comes into play as to what someone is capable of.


    For example, if two channelers with a strength of 30 link, the circle strength will be ... 45 I believe.  So treat that 45 like a strength buying allowance and distribute the scores accordingly.  If both people are strong in spirit, the circle will be strongest in spirit.  If both are weak in fire, the circle will be weaker in fire, though stronger than the individuals.


    I agree with your example, I wouldn't want to see people boosting the elements they were weak in with the extra power from linking and suddenly being able to channel every weave under the sun.  Whoever is guiding the circle should be restricted to the weaves they know with the exception being travelling.   

  19. Looking at circles and what they'll be able to do



    Anybody got something to add?


    As far as linking, it shouldn't allow you access to additional weaves in my opinion.  It only increase the magnitude of your weaves not you strength in the elements.  So if someone could only make a fireball the size of a horses head before linking then they should only be able to make a slightly larger one when linked.  Hope that makes sense...


    If you are going to change the scheme then you should allow people to change their OP scores.  The only problem I see with having weaves that require a 9 or 10 is that people will end up having to sacrifice the majority of the weaves just to allow access to a few weaves or maybe even one particular weave.  Though that may just make more sense in the long run and make the individual character more unique.

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