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Posts posted by Sieve

  1. Geirrin focused on the table again, perhaps she was not coming in.  He tried to push her out of his mind and concentrate on the dice.  A few tosses and already his coins were dwindling away, his luck was not in today.  He looked up from the dice and saw her sitting at a table near the door.  He was about to glance back to the dice when she caught his eye motioning him over to her table. 


    As he approached the table slid back with a scrape.  With mug in hand he took the proffered chair then averted his eyes as she adjusted her blouse.  When he looked back in her direction she had her chin resting on her hands.  He shivered suddenly, he felt as if she were weighing and measuring him to see if he could be of use.  She said nothing which was unsettling, very unsettling.  He was no conversationalist but he couldn't just sit there and say nothing, the silence was uncomfortable.  "Is there something I can help you with my Lady?"   

  2. Geirrin thought on the name she had given as she followed him towards the inn.  Mahdi he said to himself.  He remembered hearing that name when he and a handful of others from the Black Tower attended the Festival of Lights hosted by the Tuatha'an.  A man, who he took for their leader had introduced himself as Mahdi or was it the Mahdi.  He couldn't quite recall which it was.  Surely there was no connection so he left the thought fade like fog before a summer sun. 


    He did not look back though he knew she was following him.  He had let Saidin and the void go when the gateway winked out yet he could still hear the sounds of Mahdi and her horse following behind.  She hitched her mount while he bowed adding a smile for good measure.  "Here we are my Lady. Let me know if you need anything, I will just be going in for a drink."  He said before disappearing inside the inn.  He would have held the door for her though he had no idea whether she meant to come inside.  Better to go inside than to have her think he was leering at her.  She had to know she was pretty, she must be used to the attention yet it was improper to stand there and stare.


    Geirrin stopped just inside the door and smiled.  Around one of the tables were a few familiar faces deeply engrossed in a game of dice.  As he made his way to the table he called to the barmaid for a mug of ale then joined the gamblers at the table.  A roar came from the table as he took in the dice scattered the worn table top.  Each showed a single pip, the Dark One's eyes he said to himself.  Tossing a silver mark on the table he watched eagerly hoping his luck was in.  While he waited on the dice to come to a stop he glanced quickly towards the door hoping to see her.  You are a fool Geirrin Hale he thought to himself.  She did not come all this way to see you, you are a fool.  How often had he heard that in his lifetime, far too often he thought.



  3. Her smile nearly unsettled him, light she was a beauty.  He had never seen the like in his small fishing village.  He knew beauty but of a different sort, rough natural beauty.  None of the women he knew looked like a Lady, none like her at least.  He was not worldly, he was no judge of classes except for the lower caste but she seemed to have some polish if that was the right word. 


    So she spoke to a man who wore the coat of a man attached to the Black Tower?  Her comment made him look down at his high-collared black coat.  He had become so used to wearing it that he no longer thought of it unless someone else mentioned it.  Most did not unless they were outside the farm.  It still struck him as odd that she had travelled alone.  Where had she come from?


    A soft breeze whisked through the trees but he barely noticed.  He was captivated by the blonde haired beauty as she asked for assitance.  She had dismounted and asked for an escort though she stayed near her horse ready to flee in a moment if she thought his intentions were ill.  It made him blush, was he gaping at her?  Certainly that would unsettle the woman who was travelling alone.  He curse himself for a fool.  Some at the Tower had become very arrogant and sure of themselves but not Geirrin.  He knew what he was and the power which he held yet he had changed little from the fisherman that he used to be.  The only difference is that he had become somewhat harder since the battle in Shienar.  Until that day he had still believed that trollocs, lurks, and other creatures of the Shadow were just fairy tales.  Until that day he had never been involved in a battle.  His forehead scrunched and the skin around his eyes tightened as he recalled that day.  A gruesome day, one he wished that he could forget.


    The man she met could very easily have opened a gateway to the farm yet channeling in certain regions could be dangerous.  There was the Amnesty yet there were still some that would put an arrow through your heart or slit your throat given the half the chance.  The wind picked up and he heard the Lady's horse whinny though he only had eyes for the Lady.  His eyes met hers and she had that expectant look on her face.  He kept his distance so as not to scare her but he quickly spoke.


    "I'm sorry, I've no more manners than a silverpike chasing after bait fish in the reeds.  Name's Geirrin, Geirrin Hale my Lady.  I'll show you the way."  He glanced at the ground before meeting her eyes again.  "You're not an Aes Sedai are you?"  She did not have the ageless look yet he had to ask.  The fact that she traveled alone was still a mystery to him.  He brushed off her response that she as not an Aes Sedai.  He quickly added half stammering.  "No offense I just had to ask you see, please don't take offense.  There's some that don't approve of us and not too many women travel alone unless...well that's neither here nor there."  Geirrin frowned, light he was a fool.  Put a beautiful woman in front of him and he fell apart.  He had enjoyed the company of many women but most were commoners, none had the look of a Lady.  Come to think of it he hadn't seen many Ladies but this one looked the part.  Something about the way she rode her mount and the way she spoke.


    Geirrin turned his back to the Lady then formed the weave for the gateway.  The vertical blueish silvery light appeared then widened as the gateway opened to reveal the traveling ground.  "Right this way my Lady, just mind the edges."  He said as he stepped through waiting on her to follow.  The gateway was tall enough for her to mount though he doubted that she would given his warning about the edges.  He saw the look on her face as she stared into the gateway.  Perhaps he should have walked with her instead of opening the gateway?  "If you'd rather walk I understand though it is perfectly safe to step through."  He demonstrated by stepping back to her side then back to the Farm again then waited patiently for her to decide.

  4. Geirrin was deep in the woods northwest of the farm.  He did not mean to venture so far though he was looking for a particular tree.  The small ship that he was building with Gale was almost complete and he needed a special type of wood to finish it.  Geirrin was studying a Fir when he heard the soft clip clop and the faint creak of leather.  Leaning around the tree he spotted a woman on horseback.  Her long blonde hair was draped over her shoulder.  Light she was beautiful and alone.  Why under the light would a beautiful woman be wandering alone in the woods this close to The Farm?  He quickly embraced saidin and glanced around looking for others.  In the void the sound of her approaching became more distinct.  Aside from that he heard nothing but birds calling and squirrels shittering.  Gierrin prepared a shield and several nasty weaves just in case this woman wasn't what she seemed.  Best not to be too complacent.  The battle in Shienar had taught him that, expect the unexpected.  He did not think she was Aes Sedai or a Darkfriend but one never knew.


    As she neared, Gierrin stepped out from behind the tree far enough so as not startle her.  Well if he did she at least had plenty of room to recover.  He stood roughly six feet tall with short cropped dark hair and blue eyes.  He appeared to be in his late teens or early twenties and would seem of a thin to medium build in his high collared black coat complete with the collar pins which named him an Asha'man.  Anyone with half a mind could tell that he was Tairen and of the lower class.  The woman reined in though he missed her reaction as he bowed to her.  It was a poor attempt at a proper bow but he was not used to bowing and scraping, not much on that on deck.  You just followed orders and did the tasks assigned to you.  "Pardon my Lady, I did not mean to frighten you but a woman traveling through a forest alone is odd at best."  He quickly glanced around though the void told him there was no one else around.  "You should not be traveling alone, not here at least."  What if she wandered across a group that was training.  Sometimes they ventured into the woods though usually not this far, even so a woman should not travel alone.  "Are you lost my Lady?"  He purposely kept his hands folded at his waist away from the hilt of his sword to show her he meant no harm.

  5. Perivar stuck the lance into the ground point first.  He carried it since it had been a gift from Dangar, truth to tell he did not know if he would ever grow accustomed to it.  It seemed cumbersome though it may come in handy if circumstances dictated.  He strung his bow then placed it in its leather case which was hanging near Nightdancer's right shoulder.  A quiver hung on the left side along with another leather case that held his Singuata.  His sword sat sheathed on his back though he could have it out in the blink of an eye.


    Perivar was mounted on Nightdancer near Kabria who sat calmly on her mount, Blade.  The newly bonded pair were almost knee to knee yet they sat slightly apart from the others.  It was not intentional though it seemed almost commonplace now.  They were part of the group yet not, it was an odd arrangement.  He could attempt to explain it to a person who was unfamiliar with the ways of the White Tower yet they would not understand without experiencing it for themself.  His thoughts drifted back to the mission.  No amount of training could have prepared him for this trip yet it had to be done.  His mind drifted again to duty in general.  There was a time when he thought being bonded would solve any issues that he had regarding duty and obligations to the Tower yet it just seemed to complicate them.  One thing for sure is that nothing was ever simple.   


    The tension amongst the party would be noticeable even to an untrained eye.  Bringing the children safely to Tar Valon would be no easy task and they were all on edge even if it didn't show.  Clearly the Shadowspawn would not make this an easy trip, there would be attempts to retrieve the children.  He would bet anything that the Shadowspawn would attempt to bar their path to Tar Valon.  Their destination was obvious and there was no way to make them think otherwise.  Honestly he was surprised that Shadowspawn had not made any attempts to enter the city.  The strife between Shienar and Arafel had left the garrison depleted.  Perhaps they were confident that they could easily snatch them back as soon as the party was out of reach of the city.  This might prove to be the most difficult mission which Perivar had been a part of.  He was nowhere near as seasoned as Kynwric yet he had a few deadly encounters under his belt.


    Outwardly he was calm except for the occasional glances at the Accepted.  Their breath misted in the cool morning air.  Tar Valon was not so far south of the Borderlands for him to forget the climate.  Perivar was resigned to his duty when it came to the Accepted yet it still made no sense to him.  Why send them two Accepted?  Clearly it would have been better to send two Aes Sedai.  What would they be allowed to do if anything?  Sure they were not bound by the three oaths though he was almost certain that they would be expected to act as if they were.  It was his duty to keep an eye on them yet he did not know the parameters which had been given to them by the Aes Sedai.  Light he was not sure they had been given any.  Rasheta, the Aes Sedai who brought them here was not coming with them.  He tried to ask Kabria about the Accepted yet everytime he mentioned it she simply told him to keep an eye on them.  Perivar's main task was Kabria's safety though he would not shirk a duty even if it should have been assigned to another.  Surely it would have been best to put a guardsman or two to watch over each of the Accepted though that was not to be.  It was his duty whether he liked it or not.


    Perivar turned his head and smiled at Kabria.  The thoughts were racing through his head so fast that he missed her cool study of him.  His smile seemed to have no effect on her.  He kept his voice low, it was for her ears alone.  "I fear they have had plenty of time to bar our way.  I don't mean to sound gloomy Kabria, we have a task to do and we will all do our best I am sure, but what we faced weeks ago will be nothing compared to what awaits us now."  He slammed his gauntleted fist against his thigh which was the equivalent to a shout of rage.  "We sat here for weeks allowing them to build up a force large enough to thwart are plans while we awaited aid.  All we gained were two Accepted and a handful of Tower Guards.  We could have used half a dozen Aes Sedai and a full banner of Guardsmen.  Even that might not have been enough.  It is almost as if someone in the Tower wants us to fail."  His eyes drifted to the two Accepted and then the Tower Guards as he mentioned them before they went back to Kabria's sparkling blue eyes.


    ((edit for typo))




  6. Ok this is very odd...I have been here for months and knew nothing about the Trainee Barracks or Battlements subforums as I never had access to them.  I was about to ask Mat what she was talking about since I had never seen them before.  I sign in this morning and voila, now I can see them.  So who is reading my mind?  I warn whoever it is to not linger too long....reminds me of snakes and foxes.  :o

  7. So I figured the RP could span several months.  When it starts he would not be at his full potential though he would reach it by the end of the RP. 


    If Covai and Arath are both interested I would like to start if off as though Geirrin was called before them when they discovered his ability with shielding as word spread from his Ashie duel unless one or both of you want to play it as if you were watching the duel.  In that case we can start it the day after the duel since he would be too exhausted to channel right after the duel.


  8. Thanks for the replies and suggestions.  I knew Geirrin was strong though I did not know he was that high, that does present some problems but the suggestions are all viable.


    His talent manifested itself during his Ashie duel (which was after the inter-div RP timeline wise).  I was figuring the next RP would be a result of that duel.  The powers to be would be interested in researching his ability to shield someone who was stronger than him at the time. 


    Being that he is newly raised we could RP that he has not yet reached his potential?  The angreal idea is a good one as well as having someone break through which would force him to tweak the weave a bit so that he can hold it.  I do plan on doing some experiments with it after the bonding happens.



  9. Well bottom line is that Geirrin has the talent for shielding so he needs some guinea pigs to practice on.  He is supposed to be able to shield channelers much stronger than he is so the stronger your character is the better but I will not turn down any takers.  So come get shielded and try to break through, you won't break it most likely but you are welcome to try anyway.


    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  10. I don't think linking should give us access to more weaves unless in the case where there was one element that we fell short on before the linking.  Strength does not equal skill in weaving.  Some weaves are just to complex.  In my opinion the linking should increase your range and the strength of your weave not your skill.  Same goes for scores above 8.  If you are using a weave that is predominantly of Air and you have a high score in Air then your weave could be larger and used at a greater distance than someone with a lower score.  Hope that makes some kind of sense.  I am tired and my brain is mush.

  11. Name: Pat

    Country: USA

    MSN: blade4hire(@)live.com

    YIM: denpat00(@)yahoo.com

    Division/Position: BT / Nobody special


    *deletes the PM he was about to send Elgee since she hates them*  *winks*


    Hates MSN and YIM though will use them occasionally as needed.

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