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Posts posted by Sieve

  1. Perivar gave her a dissappointed look as she rolled out of bed refusing the need for further proof.  He got out of bed careless of his lack of clothing and walked to the wardrobe.  He opened the door, it contained all of his clothing which meant it had two coats, two shirts, and two pairs of trousers.  One coat and one of the trousers were embroidered.  It was not much since he rarely wore anything other than his armor, an arming coat, and trousers.  His armor and the arming coat sat on an armor stand in the corner of the room.  Tonight was not a night for armor so he reached in and took out a shirt, the embroidered trousers, and the embroidered coat.  The coat was a dark green and the trousers were black.  He pulled a fresh pair of smallclothes from one of the drawers.  It was nice having a maid to hand he thought.  If they stayed at the inn any longer they might grow to comfortable with the luxury of having fine food and servants to wait on them.


    "Music?  Of course there will be music my love.  There has been a musician there every night since we arrived."  He said as he put on his smallclothes.  Perivar peeked over his shoulder to steal a glance at Kabria as she dropped the sheet to put on a shift.  He half expected her to be dressed already but she was apparently deciding what to wear.  He did not feel bad at looking on her naked backside, they were as close to married as they could be without actually saying the vows.  Appreciating the beauty of her body could not be wrong when they were sworn to one another.


    His thoughts drifted.  Why had she asked such a silly question?  Perivar pondered over the reason as he pulled on his trousers on and tucked in his shirt.  He gave up quickly as nothing came to mind.  Perivar put on his coat then worked at the buttons.  The buttons on his coat were much bigger than those on her dress thank the Light!  He looked over at Kabria who had just donned a beautiful dress.  Dutifully he crossed the room and helped her with her buttons, the bloody things seemed so tiny compared to those on his coat.  Well at least it gave him a reason to  be nearer to him.  He brushed the hair away and gently kissed her neck as he worked the buttons. 


    Perivar looked her over from head to toe then stared into her eyes.  They shone like bright blue pools with the reflections of the candlelight dancing across them.  "You look as beautiful as ever my love!"  He exclaimed as he offered her his arm. "Shall we go?"       

  2. Dangar apologized, he could not recall seeing Jerinia's father but he ensured them that he would make inquiries on her behalf.  He made the proper courtesies to Kabria, then to the Accepted, and finally to Perivar.  "Peace favor your sword Dangar" he said to the man who excused himself and returned to his post.  It was an odd custom, there was no peace in the Borderlands and he doubted that there ever would be.  There was hope, maybe one day there would be peace. 


    He thought for a moment of living with Kabria in peace.  Raising a family together.  The thought made him smile at her.  What would he do to provide for his family.  Since being sworn to the Tower he had not spared much thought for his life before he arrived in Tar Valon.  All he knew now was life of a Guardsman and now a Warder.  Could he pick up with his family where he left off?  He supposed he could be an armsman for his father.  Would that provide enough for a family to live comfortably?  He had been taught all the duties typical of a Lord's son but would that get him anywhere?  A foolish thought he scolded himself, there was little hope of peace. 


    Kabria's consternation brought him back to the present.  He realized that he had been staring off into the distance at nothing in particular.  He knew she could tell that he had been deep in thought.  "Where to next?  Dangar will take care of asking the soldiers so we should move on.  What or who is the next likely person to know?  An inn perhaps?  An innkeeper might have some information or remember a patron that meets the description of Jerinia's father." 

  3. Perivar had watched Kabria nod off.  He watched her sitting there resting which brought a smile to his face.  She seemed at peace, oblivious to anything around her.  Meanwhile he was completely aware of the pain as the man worked on his chest.  He did not have the same love of body art that she did but he knew she would appreciate it.  He was happy to do it, for her he would do anything.  Perivar loved looking at her tattoos, they were truly works of art.


    When Master Albhet was finished he thanked the man then went to stand in front of Kabria.  He caressed her face gently to wake her "What do you think my love?  Do you like it?" 

  4. Perivar felt that familiar tingle and the blood coursing through his veins as she moved closer to him whispering in his ear.  She wanted him to take charge did she.  Well he was more than happy to accomodate her.


    Perivar attcked those ridiculously small buttons as he kissed her neck.  What bloody fool made those damned buttons so small.  Undoing them always made him feel like an uncoordinated lummox though he was intent on seeing them all undone.  Well enough of them so that she could slip out of her dress.  He muttered curses to himself until it was finally off and he was able to lay her down on the bed raining kisses all over her body...



    Perivar could not say how much time elapsed but he found himself lying on the bed next to Kabria.  He was propped up on his right elbow as his left hand traced the tattoo of a Sea Folk Raker on her back.  She was laying on her stomach with the covers up to her waist.  Her head turned towards him as his hand drifted to the tattoo of his family crest above her right hip.  Kabria's eyes were closed but she wore a slight smile on her face.  She was resting but she was awake he thought.  He enjoyed watching her, she was beautiful.


    "Are you hungry my love?" He asked her "I know that I am.  Would you like me to arrange for food to be brought to our rooms or would you rather go downstairs for a meal?"  Perivar brushed a few strands of hair from her face.  "Would you at least agree now that I have enough strength to resume my training tomorrow or do you need more proof?"  Perivar gave her a mischievous grin that said he would enjoy proving it to her.

  5. When Perivar and Kabria stepped out onto the porch neither were surprised to see the two Accepted waiting impatiently.  He could not blame them.  Now that he knew the purpose of their excursion, he was eager to get underway as well.  It was a small hope that they would discover anyone who remembered him, yet it was better than no hope at all.


    Perivar offered each a respectful nod and a smile.  "It is more than likely that if anyone remembers him it would be a soldier.  So I figured we would start there.  I know a Shienaran Lancer who may be able to help us spread the word.  If he hears anything then he will know how to contact us, even after we have left Fal Dara.  Perhaps your father signed on as an armsman for one of the Shienaran lords."  There was always a chance.


    Perivar glanced at everyone for a moment then said "I know it is chilly,"  To everyone but a Borderlander it would seem downright cold but to him it was merely cool.  "but no hoods and don't linger in any shadows, if there are any.  You do not want to be mistaken for a fade."  Perivar waited for each of the Accepted to nod or respond before continuing.  "Shall we go?"  In the blink of an eye they were walking down the paved streets of Fal Dara making their way to the King's gate.  Dangar would be on post there.  They had merely gone a few paces before the conversation began.

  6. ((OOC: Yes, good idea!  I will make a new thread for it so this one can continue.  The thread for the expedition into the city is here))


    The wondering was over as Jerinia explained the reason for eagerness to go into the city.  He did not need to look at Kabria to know the Accepted's story was striking a chord with her.  She had said often enough that he was her only family.  She had hopes of searching for her grandparents though over time it became evident to him that she did not expect to find them.  Perivar knew that she would be be focused on helping Jerinia find word of her father.


    Perivar tried to comfort Kabria and offered Jerinia a sympathetic smile "We will do all that we can to discover word of your Father.  I know someone who may be able to help."  He would get word to Dangar, the Shienaran lancer who trained with him daily.  If any would know of Jerinia's Father it would be the soldiers.  If he had passed through the city then one could possibly remember her father.  It was long ago that Malkier fell but there was always a chance.   


    Perivar was surprised when Kabria opened up to Jerinia.  He should not have been, as much as she used that sharp tongue of hers, she was extremely kind.  Perivar turned his head and gave her a loving smile.


    Perivar turned his attention to Selene as she asked if she needed her weapons.  "No Selene, I think we will be as safe as we can possibly be inside the city walls.  Even with all the chaos, the Shienarans have done a good job of keeping the city safe."  Perivar stood up then pushed his chair in.  He made as if to leave the table then stopped.  "One word of caution though, if we encounter any Trollocs or Myrddraal stay close to Kabria Sedai, preferably behind her.  They fear her much more than me.  It stands to reason since she seems to do a much better job at killing them than I do.  So if you are looking for me I will be right behind her."  He smiled at Kabria then laughed out loud as if it was the funniest joke ever.


    Perivar looked at the Accepted.  "We'll leave in a quarter of an hour.  Get whatever you need from your rooms then meet us on the front porch."  Perivar held Kabria's chair for her as she got up from the table.  They wished everyone a good day and excused themselves.  They walked arm in arm to their rooms to gather some belonging then made their way to the porch. 

  7. Well I am always in favor of more info and direction.  I may be in the minority but I use the OP scores as a guide quite often.  I've plugged in my OP scores and skills for each rank into the site that Mat posted in the other thread to see what is available to my char.  For Geirrin his strength is 37 and his skill is only 28 so I rp'd him as having difficulty learning and managing certain weaves.  He may at times use too much of one of the elements in the weave which can cause some interesting results.  In my mind he is not able to handle more than 2 or 3 weaves at once due to having a low skill score.  To me skill not only restricts the type of weaves (as it shows on the website), it limits how many flows you can handle at one time.


    This is the site that Mat posted.  It is a great guide to see what you may or may not be capable of. 


    I'm also working on a IC class structure for each rank. Basically, what you're taught from Day 1 through to reaching Asha'man. We cover this a bit in the raising requirements, but again, I'm looking for something a bit more details to help flesh out our image of 'daily life' at the Black Tower. We're a fairly militarised organisation, so it only makes sense there's a routine to chores, training, meal times, etc etc. From this list you'll be able to select which classes to 'RP out' for your raising requirements. I'm looking for everything from class times to a full list of weaves taught to each rank.



    I think the above would be great to create some uniformity in posts.  It will give us a great foundation to work from. 

  8. Perivar knew he missed the mark a few times and it frustrated him to no end.  He had a way of not explaining himself well, it was a major flaw of his.  He was not an eloquent speaker, his words were often poorly chosen.  As luck would have it, it seemed to happen most often around Kabria.  He loved her more than anything yet when he told her exactly that it always sounded less spectacular than he intended. 


    Perhaps he should clarify, he could feel what passed through the bond when he spoke about their love making.  Once again he pointed out one thing and it was taken as the whole not just a part as he intended.  He blushed again and became frustrated as he always did when he could not get his point across.  "Kabria, you know that I did not mean that was the only reason.  Light I am so bad at this..."  She would know what he was talking about.  He did not get nervous around many people, Kabria was certainly one of those around which he did.  Light why could he not seem to find the right words.  "I have never known love before until I met you.  I never knew how special it could be until I was with you.  It is the undying love, the unbridled passion I have for you, the will to please you and so much more."  He half stammered, she would understand.  "You feel it through the bond, do you not?"  He certainly did but did she?  "There is so much more.  I love you more than anything!"


    Now to talk about the last thing she said.  There really was not much to do about it, you could not change someone else's feelings.  "Yes I know."  He said smiling at her, he knew she spoke the truth.  Forget the three oaths.  He could feel the conviction in her words, he could feel it through the bond.  "I would rather you live...but I understand how you feel.  I would not want to live without you either, nor could I."  It was true, he would not survive her death if she died first.  It seemed sad, he was her family.  Why did he grow up so fortunate when there were others like her who had know only heartache and strife.  "You are my family now as well."  He meant it.  He had not heard from his family, had no idea if they were even alive.  A sad thought but one he could not spend much time on.  He was oath sworn to her, her causes were his now.  She was everything to him.  "My heart is yours, my duty is my service to you as your Warder, my honor is that duty.  That is the purpose of my life, I am yours, heart and soul." 


    He tried to lighten the mood.  Enough of death, it was time to talk of life.  "I am ready to embrace death but I will not lay down and die easily.  I will not sell my life short especially knowing that my death is also yours.  I would rather live, live with you, spend every waking moment with you.  To please you, to be by your side.  I hope that the Creator blesses us and gives us many wonderful years together.  I will take whatever the Creator gives us and be thankful for that time.  I am very thankful for the time that we have had together.  I did not truly know love until I met you, my heart is yours, forever."  Again he found himself caressing her face.  Her skin was so smooth, it was like silk.  He could feel is heart and mind racing. 



  9. Light why was talking with women so difficult, well one in particular.  No, on second thought they were all difficult.  No matter how he tried to explain himself she never took from it what he intended or saw things his way.  She seemed to analyze his feelings then call him down for them not being the right ones. 


    “Perivar, sit down…please.”  Well he knew where this was going and braced for it.  Perivar removed his coat and took off his sword belt so he could get comfortable.  She just didn't get it and probably never would.  He was happy, he could not think of being bonded to another Aes Sedai.  He did look back on it as one of the best moments of his life.  No matter what he could not help but feel the shame, the damage to his pride from falling in battle when he should not have.  Having to be bonded so that he could live.  He was supposed to be protecting her, in a way he had but he was being hard on himself.


    Perivar knew he could do better, he believed in his own ability to be her Warder but his expectations were high.  He would never have entertained being bonded to her if he did not believe that he could handle it.  Still, he had to be tougher, stronger, more lethal, it simply had to be.  He would train as hard as he could to make it so.


    Perivar would not speak until she was finished.  He had to choose his words carefully so now was a time to listen not speak.  There would be other moments for them.  Had he heard her right.  He let it go, she obviously assumed that he knew what she meant so he couldn't just ask her.


    What was she saying..."I cannot be sure that I ….I…I..would have bonded you.”  He felt as if he had been poleaxed and was happy that he had been sitting.  She was worried about possibly sending him to his death?  It was something he had be resigned to since he was a child.  Death could always be right around the corner.


    When she was done he started at the beginning not trusting himself to comment on the latter at the moment. "You are taking one thing I said and letting it mar the whole blessed event.  That one thing is what fuels me to train harder but it will fade in time.  For the moment I need to hold on to it and turn it into something useful."  Would she understand that, he was going to use it for all it was worth to make him a better Warder for her.  "I still think that moment when I realized that we were bonded is one of the best moments of my life.  To know that it had finally come to be was amazing.  To know without doubt that you love me.  My heart is filled with pride at being your Warder.  There is truly no one else that I would want to hold my bond.  Now that we are bonded I could not think of being bonded to another, it qould never feel like this."  It was true, they were in love and it was wonderful.  It would not feel the same with another Aes Sedai.


    "Kabria, the fact that we are in love makes this perfect.  I know I have said this before but I would rather live a day as your Warder than a lifetime without you.  I could die in anyone's service, but there is nobody else that I would rather serve.  I could have died any day growing up in the Borderlands, it was a fact of life that your time could be up at any moment.  Knowing that you could die at any time makes the moments that you are alive that much sweeter.  Why do you think we make love with so much wild abandon?"  He could feel his cheeks heat "Because tomorrow could be our last.  We will be together for as long as the Wheel wills it and I will thank the creator for each day that I get to spend with you."  He brushed the hair from her face then caressed her cheek with his fingers.  "I have never felt more alive than when I am with you."

  10. Perivar eyed Kabria warily.  She had barely eaten anything and was on her third mug.  He had never seen her drink more than one.  His concern lessened when she started drinking water though that was short lived.  She laced her fingers through his and actually initiated a conversation with Selene.  Perivar watched her eyeing the wine again.  He waited 'til their conversation trailed off then leaned close to her to speak.  He did not whisper in her ear though he leaned close speaking for her ears only.  He did it that way so it would seem as if it were just idle conversation, leaning towards her so he could be heard over the din in the room.  He was very careful with his tone so that he sounded concerned not admonitory towards her.  Kabria could be touchy when she thought he was trying to control her in any way so he made sure it sounded like a suggestion.  More food and less wine would do her well.  Hopefully she would take heed.  He reminded her of their plans after dinner and how he would enjoy her company immensely.


    Perivar would hate to have to carry Kabria to her room or leave her behind after dinner because she could not walk.  Kabria had promised Jerinia that they would accompany her into the city after dinner.  If Kabria was not able to go then he would still be obligated to do so.  By the way she shifted in her seat, the Accepted could barely restrain herself from leaving that very moment.  There would be no putting her off her search.  Having Selene along may help if only Jerinia could be convinced to emulate her behavior.  Taking Selene without Kabria could be disastrous but he would have little say in whether or not she came along.

  11. Perivar had half expected her to scold him the entire way back to the inn yet she did nothing of the sort.  Her words took him by surprise and he could not help but smile.  She was happy, she also loved him.  He felt the surge of emotions.  Not that he should have doubted it before but now there was proof.


    As she went on he could not think of being bonded to another now that he had been bonded to Kabria.  Well he could think about but he did not want to.  He imagined being bonded to Andrial Sedai, she would definately have seen him as a tool, manipulating him to do whatever she wished.  That woman would probably end up with a stable full of Warders to do her bidding, a tough woman she was. 


    Kabria put her hand in his and he quickly pushed thoughts of Andrial Sedai away as a tingle ran through his body.  It was not hard to push thoughts of the other Aes Sedai away as Kabria told him that she loved him.  There was no need for words as he could feel it through the bond, everlasting love as bright as the midday sun.  He did not need to reply either for she could feel the same as he could through the bond but it would not be right for her to not hear it from his mouth. "I love you as well Kabria.  Even though you do not need to say it it is still nice to hear.  Plus your voice...I love hearing your sweet musical voice." 


    He wondered if Kabria would read to him later.  The little leatherbound book of poetry and words of inspiration that she had given him lay in his pouch.  He wanted to touch it though he did not have a free hand.  He read from it often but her voice really was musical and soothing.  He could easily get lost in thought just listening to her speak.


    As she dropped her hand he felt the loss immediately.  Her touch was as pleasant as her voice.  He knew why she dropped her hand and he tamped down his frustration.  It was one of the obstacles that they had to overcome.  They were Aes Sedai and Warder, that was what they had to be seen as in public.  They could not be seen pawing at or mooning over each other in public.  One of the rubs of duty.  It was not so bad, something they coudl live with since there were no restrictions when they were private.


    "Of course I am happy!"  He said with conviction.  He suddenly felt a sickly twist to his stomach.  Why did she have to ask the latter?  He could not lie to her.  He thought about how they bonded daily yet he did not want her to know it.  Reluctantly he answered her question.  "Regret...no, regret is not the right word.  I am...ashamed, ashamed with myself I guess you could say.  I understand what you did and why.  Its just that I am upset with myself.  I thought our bonding would be a magical moment, I dreamt it would be different.  I ruined that."  He blushed for a moment, he must have looked and sounded foolish to her.  Anger crept in at the thought, he tamped it down then smoothed his face.  "I understand that there is nothing that I can do about it now and I am trying to come to grips with it."  There he said it.  Thankfully they rounded the corner of the inn, the stable was only twenty paces away.  Perhaps that would save him further humiliation. 

  12. “Next time check with me Gaidin, I was more than ready to dine with you.”  Her words were sharp and he looked abashed.  By her tone he would have thought her angry with him yet he felt something else through the bond...concern.  Why concern he thought?  Why was she worrying over him?


    “I know you feel the need to further your skills and I commend you for it,”  At least she understood the need...  "but I have need of you too."  He had not understood what she meant until he felt the white hot desire flowing through the bond.  His cheeks heated, he spared a glance for Dangar and was happy to see that the Shienaran was occupied adjusting the rings.  The blood began coursing through his veins and he knew she could feel his yearning for her.


    Perivar did not respond when she asked if he skipped a meal.  He tried to look innocent but it was no use.  He would not lie to her, could not and expect to get away with it.  The bond would tell her if he did.  Bells and whistles or gongs would not sound but close enough.  She would be able to sense his guilt and shame.  She called him down for not eating of course and made a few threats.  She emphasized her point by using the power to strike him in the gut.  It made him half double over in the saddle and his eyes went wide in shock.  Kabria's tone and the look on her face were pure innocence but she was mocking him again.  Bloody Aes Sedai serenity, how could she do that and look so innocent.  If it wasn't for the bond, or the fact that Kabria had done this to him before he would never have suspected her. 


    Perivar was fighting a losing battle with her so he kept his mouth as if nothing had occurred.  “I think it is best you return to the Inn with me. You can continue your training with Dagnar another time, Unless of course you object?”   The former was a command, there was no doubt in his mind.  The latter was to see if he was fool enough to object, doing so would land him in the frying pan for sure. 


    "Yes you are right Kabria Sedai."  He emphasized her title.  Kabria hated when he did that but she would have to live with it for they were in public and he was a stickler for proper protocol.  "Only a fool would object to a suggestion made by an Aes Sedai, especially when it makes sense."  He offered her an innocent smile that did not fool her.  "I am hungry after all, it would be best if I ate something."  It was a lie of course, not a lie exactly but not the reason he was eager to get back to the inn.  There would be time for food later...much later.


    Perivar called to Dangar thanking him for his time and assuring him that he would resume his training tomorrow.  Sliding out of the saddle he led Nightdancer as he walked with Kabria towards the inn.

  13. Perivar finished what was on his plate then filled it again with thick slices of beef, roasted chicken, and  roasted lamb.  It was like a feast compared to what they ate in the field.  Naturally he avoided the vegetables like they were poisonous.  He would eat them when necessary but not when there was meat available.  He was quite while they ate keeping his focus on his food.  Their were murmurs of conversations around the table but he paid them no mind. 


    Kabria obviously whispered something that he missed.  Something about liking food more than her.  He flashed a wicked grin.  "Yes this food is very good, like a feast."  He was being playful and she shot him a look that promised to make him pay.  She only held it for a moment before gracing him with a smile.  He was trying to put her at ease and lighten the mood from earlier.  There was still a hint of tension though now that everyone was concentrating on their food it seemed to lessen.  Everyone seemed to be concentrating on their food except for Master Kynwric.  Perivar offered his mentor a polite nod then looked around the table to see what the others were doing while he took a long pull from his mug.     

  14. Dangar arrived shortly after Perivar and handed him a Lance to practice with.  After giving him a few pointers, Dangar demonstrated how to do it.  Perivar gave it a few tries, his skill with a horse was sufficient but his accuracy with the lance was off.  Now that he made a few passes the ground was cleared of its snowy covering to reveal the hard packed dirt below.  He slowed this time to srike the target and received a blow in back by the sandbag attached to the contraption.


    Dangar brought him to a different apparatus with a bunch of rings hanging from a crosspiece.  With Perivar in his saddle the rings were slightly lower than eye level.  The rings were of various sizes, the largest were the size of a man's head and the smallest were no bigger than his clenched fist.  Perivar began working on the larger rings.  He felt Kabria coming closer.  He had hoped not to disturb her, but apparently he had.  She was probably curious as to why he came to the inn then left so abruptly.  He probably should have spoken to her though he did not want to bother her.


    Perivar made another pass finally guiding the lance through one of the largest rings.  He reined in and lowered the lance letting the ring fall to the ground so it could be hung again from the cross piece.  He guided Nightdancer to the starting point then reined in as Kabria approached.  He gave her a smile and a bow appropriate to someone of her station since they were in public.  Then he introduced her to Dangar who bowed and said a few polite words to her.  Dangar excused himself going to check on the apparatus.


    "I am sorry, I thought you were busy with Loraine Sedai.  I did not want to disturb you."  His words and the expression on his face were apologetic.  Hopefully she would not realize that he had skipped a meal.  It was only days since she had healed him and he had been eating enough for three men, no more like five.  Usually he would not fathom missing a meal though his frustration had outweighed his hunger.

  15. Perivar stood looking at the man's artwork lost in thought for a few minutes as ideas ran through his head.  He unbuttoned his charcoal grey coat and layed it on a chair then pulled his fine white linen shirt over his head dropping it on top of the coat.  He turned to the white haired man "Master Albhet, if you please I would like a rose complete with the stem and thorns here"  He pointed to his chest where Kabria had touched him and smiled at her.  She had purposely made sure the thorns were visible on his ring and it was symbolic.  While she was a rose, she was much much more, she was beautiful like a rose and strong willed like a lioness.  She was passionate, strong, beautiful, majestic, and so much more.


    "With her name above it.  I would like a ribbon like this below the rose across the stem." he pointed to a piece of artwork "With the words in the old tongue like Kabria Sedai has."  The words in the old tongue, meaning everlasting love.  Perivar wrote out her first name and the words in the old tongue for the man not trusting that he knew either.  There was probably a good chance that the man could not read nor write.


    Within a quarter of an hour he was laying on a table while the man began his work.  Perivar thought of forming the void but somehow it seemed like cheating so he just layed there soaking in the pain.  Perivar turned his head a moment to watch Kabria.  She was watching Master Albhet work with a smile on her face.  The pain was well worth seeing her happy.  He was wondering if she was feeling like he had.  With her name on his chest and the words in the old tongue there would be no doubt of his love for her.  Despite the pain he smiled at her, she glowed.

  16. Perivar sat in his saddle scanning the area as Mistress Thera studied the tracks.  She quickly returned giving him her assessment.  Nightdancer stamped a hoof eager to be away and Perivar reached down to pat his warhorse's neck.  Mistress Thera had moved her warhorse BlueRose close so that there knees werer touching.  It made him uncomfortable, he knew she thought of him more as her trainee than anything yet the closeness still made him uneasy though he hoped he did a good job of hiding it. 


    Perivar wanted to rush in on horseback, warhorses charging could certainly cause fear in your enemy though they would also hear them coming.  If they were prepared for a charge then he and Mistress Thera would be at a disadvantage.  Best not to underestimate their enemies.  The worst thing is that they knew nothing of what they faced.


    Perivar knew Mistress Thera did not need to ask him, she was trying to include him for some reason.  "It is always best to prepare for the worst and hope for the best.  As much as I would love to charge in there on horseback I think that would be the worst thing that we could do especially if they have scouts out.  I say we proceed on foot coming in from opposite directions, if we find them camped of course.  If I can get into a good position I can take out a few with my horsebow and create a diversion for you.  They should be so focused on me that you should be able to get in amongst them without them noticing you until you decide to strike.  Hopefully once you strike it will be too late for them to do anything but die."  He said with a mischievous grin, the men deserved worse than death but it would have to be enough. 


    Perivar wanted to be the one to rush in but it was logical that Mistress Thera be the one.  As much as it grated to admit it, Mistress Thera was definately more skilled than he was.  That and she carried throwing knives not a bow.  He didn't like to admit that anyone was better than him but it was reality, there was always someone better than you.  No doubt she was far better than him.

  17. The evening air was a blessing, he loved the feel of the cool air on his face.  Some would call it chilly but he loved this weather.  As pleasureable as it was it was nothing compared to the feeling of her body pressed against his, the feel of her arm around his waist.  He was barely aware of where they were going and had no idea what kind of shop they were going to.  All he cared about at the moment was that he was with her.


    At first he had no idea they had arrived save for her opening the door.  The shop they entered was nondescript, it lacked a sign or any symbols to give an indication of what it was.  Kabria walked confidently inside making her way to a white haired old man.  He was a hard man it seemed, scars decorated his face and hands while tattoos covered his arms.  He just barely caught her words “I have brought him at last, and not before time if I do say so myself.”  He nearly glared at the man.  Was this the man responsible for the artwork on her body.  The man had seen her unclothed, the thought made him uneasy. 


    His thoughts were put on hold as she spoke “Perivar, I brought you here so that you may…may get any tattoo you wish.”   She wanted him to get a tattoo?  He loved looking at hers, loved tracing them with his fingers.  They truly were works of art.  Could he forget that this man had seen her unclothed, somehow he figured that a woman had been responsible for her tattoos.  Nontheless she obviously wanted him to get one and he would oblige.


    Perivar smiled at her, he wanted to do this to prove his love to her.  He remembered his reaction at seeing hers.  "What do you suggest?  I think I would like something to remind me of you, proof of my love for you.  What do you think my love?  A rose or a portrait of you, or both somehow?  I want it to be something special, something significant."  He looked at her expectantly.  There were so many choices to be made and he was new to this.  "Where should I put it?"



  18. Perivar put the honing stone back in his pouch when the man came to announce that dinner was ready.  Perivar stood and sheathed his sword with a smile on his face.  The servant stammering as he spoke was the cause.  He could remember acting the same way around Aes Sedai.  He remembered when he first met Loraine Sedai, he had knocked over a chair to bow to her properly.  Light Kabria still made him stammer at times, something she took great pleasure in. 


    Perivar followed Kabria to the table then quickened his pace so that he could hold the chair for her and see her settled in.  The smile she gave him made him smile in return.  The scent from food wafted to him causing his stomach to rumble.  He was eager to dig into the food but he waited patiently while the Aes Sedai then Accepted were served.  He was eager for a drink as well, a dozen of them in fact.  It might just be enough to make going into the city with Jerinia bearable.   

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