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Posts posted by Sieve

  1. I have a thread in the WY for Perivar's Open RP Req.  Perivar is basically inviting passersby to spar with him.  It has been open for a few days already and has to remain open for 2 weeks so please feel free to stop by and spar.

  2. ((OOC: Haha that is perfect actually, a sound beating is what he needed. Thanks!!!))


    Perivar bowed his head to Melenis with a smile.  He was disappointed in himself, his performance was subpar.  Melenis was good and he needed to be in peak form though today he was not.  "Thank you Melenis, I appreciate you taking the time to spar with me.  That was very well done." 


    Melenis had beaten him soundly.  He was not surprised in the least for she was very good.  A pummeling such as this would fuel him to train harder so that he was equally as good with a sword in either hand.  She was definately much faster than he was and more agile, she had always been.  He would need to find a way to increase his speed or find a way to oppose faster combatants.  Another thing he needed to do was work on his footwork.  He failed to move as he should to keep her out of range.  He needed to practice as hard as he could and there was no better trainer than experience, no better motivator than a sound beating.


    As she walked away he called for another to spar with him. 


    ((Looking for more participants join in.  All are welcome!))

  3. Perivar met Master Corwin on the appointed day.  He arrived early eager to get underway.  As Master Corwin approached he asked Perivar if he was ready to move on.  Perivar gave him a firm nod.  He had trained harder than he ever had before.  If he was not ready to move on then he would never be. 


    Perivar watched Master Corwin as if he watched a viper in his den.  Perivar drew his sword with his left hand and plucked the singuata from his belt with his right hand.  He took on the form Lion on the Hill with his sword held vertically and singuata at waist level waiting for the training to begin.

  4. Perivar assured Master Kynwric that he would do as he instructed.  He smiled as the Aes Sedai approached studying Kabria for the moment.  Well he was studying that ball of emotions nestled in his head but his eyes were locked on her as he probed it.  Loraine Sedai and Master Kynwric had told him and the others much about the bond but it took some getting used to having another person's emotions in your head.


    Perivar was still getting used to interpreting what passed through the bond.  One thing was easy to detect.  The unconditional love, shining veins of gold pulsed through the bond whenever she looked at him or thought of him he suspected.  It was always there, interlaced with her other emotions though at times it was so strong he thought his head would burst like a melon.  When they were intimate for instance, the pulsing veins of gold were combined with other emotions that made his whole body feel as if it were a volcano on the edge of erupting.  Kabria's cheeks began to heat from what he was sending through the bond.  Quickly he tried to tamp it down replacing it with grim determination while he offered her an apologetic smile.  Light she was beautiful.


    Perivar began to think on his responsibilities so the grim determination was easy to maintain.  He was going to be responsible for a detachment of Tower Guards.  More than a handful and less than a banner was all he knew until they arrived at the inn.  He was itching to be on with his preparations though he patiently waited as matters were discussed.  He was also eager for the trip to get underway.  As wonderful as it had been being alone with Kabria he simply hated being idle.  Thankfully Loraine Sedai had the children setup with schooling while they were in Fal Dara but they still had to keep an eye on the children.  Something they all took turns doing when they were not at their studies.  They all seemed eager to get underway and deliver the children to the Tower.

  5. Perivar watched carefully as Selene worked stringing then unstringing the bow.  She did it exactly as he showed her with little difficulty.  No doubt she would be able to draw the bow.  Perivar didn't blush but he became visibly uncomfortable with the focus of her conversation being him.  "Yes Selene, I can wield just about any weapon here though with much less skill than the ones with which I often carry.  Most of the Tower Guards could wield these weapons effectively but how effectively depends on the weapon that they primarily train with."


    Perivar was amazed at her ability to carry on a conversation while stringing the bow.  As the string made its way over the horn tip and into the notch she made another comment...wel a string of them.  This time the crimson color creeped into his cheeks.  Light she was making him blush.  He quickly formed the void pushing all emotions into it yet on the outside edges he knew his cheeks were still heated.


    "Thank you Selene, that is very kind of you but there are many here of all shapes, sizes, and backgrounds who will make excellent Warders.  Looking capable is one thing, actually being capable is another.  As for me,"  He shrugged slightly "Well we will see what kind of Warder I will be when I am finally bonded."  As much as he tried he knew his frustration had shown in his final words.  When he was bonded, the Light only knew when that would be.  He had his personal penance to deal with and she had more training to do before she could bond him.  Well he had additional training after being raised to Tower guard but what additional training could an Aes Sedai need?  Was it just the Greens or were all new Aes Sedai not able to bond regardless of Ajah.  He had tried to inquire, not openly but subtly though that got him nowhere.


    Light as he spoke he could not help but notice her eyes on him.  Was she was weighing him up and down?  He was often very oblivious to things such as this but there was no doubt this time.  Had they been in a group he would not have noticed but alone as they were he could not help but notice.  Light Andrial Sedai said she had watched him for some time and he had never noticed her doing so.  That woman was mad, she had tried to bond him knowing that he was sworn to another.  She had twisted his mind up in knots making him doubt that his oath to Kabria was valid in light of the oaths he swore as a Tower Guard.  Selene would not think him intelligent if she saw him interact with Andrial Sedai.  It had been more strenuous than fighting a battle where he was outmatched five to one.


    Perivar was glad when she changed the conversation back to the bow.  He noticed her small slip as she was trying to watch him while working the bow though she quickly drew her attention back to her task.  "There is little care for the bow itself other than leaving it unstrung when it is not being used and not exposing it to the elements unnecessarily.  The bow is treated and conditioned when it is made to keep it from drying out and becoming brittle so there is little to no maintenance.  As for the string, they are coated with beeswax to make them less susceptible to moisture.  Once the string weakens the only option is to replace it.  It is important to always carry one or two extra bowstrings."


    As she finished unstringing it he told her she was finished for now.  "This will be your bow until you decide to buy one.  You can keep it here in the armory along with your other weapons.  This bow is certainly serviceable but there are bowyers in the city that can make a much better bow for you.  They will customize it so that it is the perfect size and draw for you.  With a good horsebow you can shoot accurately up to two hundred paces.  If you are exceptionally skilled then you may be able to reach up to two hundred and fifty paces."


    "Rest for a bit while I show you how to sharpen the dagger's blade."  Taking out the oil and whetstone he picked up a spare dagger then began running the whetsone along the edges.  After roughly fifteen minutes he had Selene try it with the dagger that she had selected. 

  6. Ooh Light what had he done.  He saw the grin on the Accepted's face.  Now she thinks he is available, Light he was a fool.  After those trying weeks with Andrial Sedai he did not need any more misunderstandings.  That woman was purely wicked while Selene was the complete opposite.


    "No, actually I am sworn to an Aes Sedai though not bonded yet."  Perivar winced as she pulled back the bowstring and let it go with a twang as it snapped back into place.  She blushed and made an apologetic comment.  "No I am sorry, I should have unstrung it before I handed it to you though this will be your first lesson.  You must be careful with all weapons.  Now that they can hurt you or others if they are mishandled."


    Perivar took the bow from the table and unstrung it as she informed him that these were her choices.  "If you leave the bow strung all the time the bow and the string will weaken.  So it is best not to string it until you need it."  Perivar hooked the string on the end of the bow then ground that point so he could string the other side.  He unstrung it and did it again making sure that she saw how he did it.


    Perivar handed Selene the bow.  "Practice stringing and unstringing the bow until you can do it with ease.  Be careful and take your time."  He watched her closely to make sure she did not hurt herself.

  7. Perivar smiled and seemed to study the note.  He could feel Kabria's eyes on him as he read.  He spared a glance at her noticing the redness of her checks though he did not comment on it.  Perivar was dense sometimes and naive others so the first two lines made him wonder to himself.  Was she trying to confess something, the last time he went away and returned...he pushed the thought away which was replaced by shame that he would think of that now.  He was supposed to have put that behind him.


    The last line was reassuring and made him smile at her.  The middle, well that was intriguing.  A surprise, he wondered what she could be up to.  She had given him nearly every gift imaginable.  He was not used to receiving gifts and it made him uncomfortable. 


    Perivar had not wanted to comment on what had her blushing so, so he let it rest.  Perhaps he should have read the note later when he was alone.  Maybe then he could reason it all out.  He needed more time.  Perplexing, intriguing, and wonderous all in one short letter.  By the time he tucked the note inside his coat her face was Aes Sedai serenity again. 


    Perivar picked up some food though before putting it to his mouth he said "Thank You Kabria, you are always in my heart as well."   With his free hand he caressed her cheek.  He had to at least thank her and comment on her loving words.  "I left the belt and scabbard un-dyed so that you can pick the color or leave it un-dyed."  He popped the morsel of food into his mouth.

  8. Right okay Q LOL Sorry I was a little lost my brain is getting fried with the school work i'm doing. Okay *says to self* Must remember to PM Lor, must remember to Pm lor....


    Or my Perivar could PM her for you.  She loves getting PM's from Perivar...can't have too much Perivar in your inbox...*giggles and runs while keeping an eye out for Kyn*

  9. Perivar smiled as she spoke and was completely oblivious to her eyes on him though he did wince everytime she called him Gaidin.  It was a sore subject for him but she had no way of knowing.  He smiled as she talked about the dresses and even managed to chuckle at a few of her comments.  The Mistress of Novices seemed like an interesting person.  Perivar noticed Selene playing with one of her pale blonde locks and could not imagine how he would feel if someone took his hair off with the power.  Selene did have beautiful hair which flowed down pasted her hips.  She was a very pretty girl.  He had no choice in who he got to train.  He hoped that Kabria would realize that.  He wondered what she would say if she saw him training the pretty Accepted.  Come to think of it she would probably be mad at him if the girl was a cow.


    "I'm just a Guardsman Selene.  I'm not a Warder yet though I appreciate your confidence that I may one day become one."  Maybe it was that or just that some people thought calling you by a higher rank was a polite gesture.  "You can call me Perivar.  If I am going to call you Selene I can't have you running around using titles on me." 


    There was something about her chipper mood that was infectous.  In a way she was very much like her brother Jasine.  Speaking of which he had not seen his friend in quite some time.  She had seen the worried look when he mentioned the incident in the stables and assured him that she was fine and did not blame him or Nightdancer.  That did make him feel better about the whole ordeal.


    Perivar studied her as she picked through the barrel of quarterstaffs.  Selene touched a few, hefting them to check their weight and balance.  She seemed to have a good eye and a feel for what she wanted.  She picked up the dagger making a comment about the benefits of having one to which he nodded.


    "That may be a wise choice.  It will take some time to learn but once you do it is a good weapon to have especially for hunting as you said."  He knew that she would have no difficulty finding a Warder and would have no use for the thing except for sport.  She was very pretty and very pleasant to be around so there would be potential Warders lining up for her.  If she became a Green she might have a dozen Warders if she was not careful.  He could not picture Selene being mad at anyone.


    He went to the rack and picked out a horsebow.  She would be able to draw it and it would suit her size.  The other bows would be too big for her and she would have serious difficulty trying to draw it.  Perivar handed it to her. "Is that your final choice for now?  You can always change your mind later."  He assured her.


  10. Perivar stood outside the door to the Armory idly testing the edge of his dagger with his thumb. Maybe he would cut his finger off and be spared from training another person.  He disliked it immensely except for the fact that it did make the days go faster.  His trainee, an Accepted should be arriving soon.  Aside from Kabria this was the only other person he had trained from the Tower.  Most had been trainees in the Warder Yard.  Kabria was the only one he had not minded training.


    Life in Tar Valon was not for him, at the moment it was out of his control.  Kabria was busy with training, the Light only knew what she was learning for she couldn't speak of it with him.  There was a time when he thought that Kabria would have more time on her hands when she became an Aes Sedai though he had been sadly mistaken.  He had seen her more when she was an Accepted.


    Perivar glanced at the mid morning sun wondering when the Accepted was going to arrive.  As if his thoughts had brought the girl on he caught sight of the white dress with the banded hem.  As his eyes rose to her face he smiled.  They had not told him who his trainee was so he was shocked to see it was Jasine's sister Selene.  He breathed a sigh of relief, he liked the girl.  Maybe she was not a girl any longer, no more a girl than he was a boy. 


    Perivar nodded respectfully. "Good morning Accepted"  It seemed odd being so formal with her.  "May I call you Selene?"  He waited on her response for a moment then went on.  He shook his head "I will never understand why they send you here for training in those white dresses.  Of all colors, white is the hardest to keep clean."  What a foolish comment, as if she didn't know firsthand.  Even so it irritated him to no end.


    "I trust you are well, no more horses trying to stomp on you in the stables."  His look was apologetic.  It still bothered him how his warhorse, Nightdancer had acted towards her.


    Perivar tried to get it all out quickly for if she was able to get a word in then he would have difficulty getting control of the conversation back from her.  She was nice as can be but the girl could talk like no other he had ever met.  He held the door to the armory for her then went to the wall with the aprons and picked out a clean one for her.


    Perivar handed her the apron "So you don't get your dress filthy.  I don't need the Mistress of Novices coming over to take some skin of my hide because I got you dirty.  I want you to walk around the armory and pick three different weapons that interest you.  You can place them right here on this table."  He touched the table next to where he stood.  "If you have any questions then do not hesitate to ask."  He knew she wouldn't but he still had to offer.  "And don't touch the blade, they're sharp."  He smiled innocently as if that were even possible for him.

  11. ((Sorry for butting in but I think I may be able to help))


    Shoot Eqwina a PM if she doesn't respond here.  Her Green, Kabria and her Warder just happen to be in Shienar at this very moment.  I'm sure they would be more than willing to scoop you up and dump you off at Tar Valon since they are heading back there anyway. *winks*


    They are on a special mission with Loraine Sedai and her Warder, Kynwric so if Rasheta Sedai happens to be in the area then I am sure they would be more than happy to push you off on her or....  


    Rasheta, if you are looking for an excuse to leave the Tower...Selene and Jerinia were supposed to be part of a special escort (including some TG's) that is being sent to Fal Dara to meet Lor, Kyn, Kabria, etc. and return with them to the Tower but they need an Aes Sedai to be part of their group so that they can leave the Tower since they are Accepted. (holy run on sentence)  


    Rasheta this is actually Lor(U4ea) and Kyn's thread so just check with them in regards to the latter.  There is a discussion thread in the Warder Yard so let me get the link if you want to pop in there.


    If any part of this post fails to make sense then I apologize for I fail miserably in the art of articulation. *shrugs*    

  12. "Well done" he said smiling at her.  Kabria was a quick study.  She had the mechanics down, now she just had to work on them daily.  At this pace she was going to wear herself out and they had more forms to cover before the day was over.  "You are doing very well.  Add those to your daily routine, over time it will be second nature and you will know which form you wish to use in a given situation without conscious thought."


    Perivar glanced at the base of a tree that lay just outside the trampled earth that was the training grounds.  The basket had been delivered as expected.  A little coin and some kindness were responsible for that.  The kitchen helpers were more than happy to make a delivery if you were nice and made it worth their while.


    Perivar reached down and picked up a sack.  He reached in and pulled out a tooled leather sword belt with a scabbard attached.  Both the belt and scabbard retained their natural leather color and were decorated with roses.  He could not tell if the smith had stamped the roses into the leather or if he tooled it in some way.  He left the leather undyed so that she could choose the color of the dye.  Perivar removed her other belt with the dagger and draped it over his shoulder.  He would have to transfer the dagger and its scabbard to the other belt.  He fastened the sword belt around her waste fighting back the urge to take her into his arms and kiss her passionately.  He hated being in public.  "For now you can sheath the practice sword.  You will need to get used to its weight."


    When she sheathed the blade, Perivar took her hand and led her to the tree where the basket was waiting.  "It is time for a break.  I'm sure you're hungry."  It was a large basket with enough food for three.  He had learned that sometimes she was so consumed with her training in the Tower that she forgot to eat.  Due to that possibility he made sure their was extra.  He had seen her polish off a tray of food before.  He had no idea where she stored it since by the look of her it appeared as if she ate like a bird.  Though when he held her there was no mistake.  Her body was tight and she possessed a surprising amount of strength for such a small body. 


    Perivar held her had as she took a seat.  Once she sat he let go of her hand so she could adjust the scabbard.  It would take her time to get used to that.  As she settled in he sat down next to her.  Reaching into his coat he pulled out the letter and began to read as she started rummaging through the basket.

  13. DM Handle: Sieve

    Character Name: Geirrin Hale

    Character Age: Early 20's

    Character Height: Roughly 6'0"

    Character Build: Thin muscular build

    Character Nationality: Tairen

    Physical Description: Medium skinned, Short cropped dark hair, clean shaven with bright blue eyes. He is in his 20's though he appears to be 18ish which is aided by his immature additute.


    Personal traits: Loves the outdoors and working with his hands.  Has a habit of laughing when he is in danger or when his adrenaline is pumping.  Some may think him mad but he is quite sane though he can be a little crazy at times.  He is very reckless, does not think of the consequences of his actions until it is too late.  He is outgoing socially though he is very passive and laid back about most things.  Is very respectful of authority and shy around others of a higher station in life.  He enjoys the company of women though he would never dare approach or pursue a woman of noble birth or those he perceives as above commoners.  Cannot read or write.  Does not care for conventional weapons.  Even though he is an Asha'man he still sees himself as a commoner.



    Personal Habits: Likes to make things and learn new skills.  Spends his spare time in the smithy or around the farm building something.  Likes to drink and dice, enjoys the company of common women.  Hates bein idle for long. 



    DM Handle: Sieve

    Character Name: Valeran Kertovni

    Character Age: 37

    Character Height: 5'10"

    Character Build: Stocky build on the border of being fat

    Character Nationality: Saldaean

    Physical Description: Has black curly hair to his shoulders, dark tilted eyes, hooked nose and a thick hanging mustache in the Saldaean fashion.  He has hints of grey in his hair above his ears.  His mouth seems set in a perpetual frown.


    Personal traits: As a former Underlieutenant of a Saldaean Lancer regiment he expects discipline and expects protocols to be followed.  He has no problem calling someone down for a perceived violation providing they are of equal or lower rank.  Respects authority and the chain of command.  Has disdain for those who do not do their share or shirk from their duties.  Dislikes non-soldier types, thinks of them as weak.  Has a strong sense of duty and expects the same from others.  Does not like slack leadership.  Despite his bulky appearance he is quite agile and is a skilled rider.  Is comfortable around people who hold a higher station in life.  He is respectful but from his years of command he thinks of himself as being on level ground with most.


    Personal Habits: Spends a lot of time on horseback, prefers to ride instead of walking.  Spends a lot of time practicing with various weaponry.  Spends too much time and money on women, drinking, and gambling. 

  14. Word of the arrival had been brought by one of the servants.  Perivar watched as the servant bowed to Kabria giving her the message then bowing out.  He eyed her with a look of pride as she pressed a coin into the bowing servant's hand who eyed her with respect and awe.  Most Borderlanders held Aes Sedai in high regard, he knew it all to well but he was not sure if she had experienced anything like it before.  It was funny to see her being treated like a Queen, he had told her many times that she was more powerful than a Queen though she always dismissed his comments.  She knew it for the truth now with everyone bowing and scraping for her making sure she was happy.  She even managed to keep a civil tongue with everyone but him. 


    "Don't look at me like that!" She would yell at him though he could feel through the bond that it was just the frustration of him being right.  He had told her but she refused to believe him.  He would just smile at her though the amusement would pass through the bond which would make her angry.  That resulted in harsh words on her end and the occasional thrown object which only made him more amused which in turn made her more angry with him.  By the end of the night it was time for making up which was...breathtaking to say the least.  Kabria was always passionate in all facets of life but this was...this was beyond compare.  The bond between them made it even more sensational.  A few more weeks of this and his head would explode.


    The bowing and scraping would have been even worse had they stayed in the palace as opposed to the tavern.  She would have been afforded a handful of servants to see to her every need.  Perivar followed as she glided from the room...like a Queen.  He smiled at her back, his amusement flowed the the bond and she glared at him over her shoulder.  Perivar's smile widened which snapped her head back to face forward again.  By what he felt through the bond she must have been furious with him.  One day he would learn to be careful with his thoughts but for now it was too much fun.


    Perivar held the door for Kabria then gave the appropriate courtesies to Loraine Sedai and Master Kynwric as he entered their room.  Kabria went to sit near Loraine Sedai as Master Kynwric gave Perivar instructions.  Master Kynwric was going to handpick a few of the Tower Guards which he would command.  Master Kynwric would be personally responsible for the safety of the children while the remainder of the Tower Guards would be Perivar's responsibility.  Master Kynwric would be in command of the entire mission but this would free up Master Kynwric focus on the most important part of the escort mission.  If it came to it Master Kynwric and the others could whisk the children away while Perivar, Kabria, and the detachment of Tower Guards bought them the precious time they needed to escape and complete the delivery to Tar Valon. 


    Perivar had very nearly grimaced at the news.  Light, this was the last thing he wanted.  Somehow once he became a Warder he never thought he would have to command anyone.  His father had tried to prepare him for it but when he went to the Tower he thought that was all behind him.  He was finally a Warder and never thought he would have to lead anyone.  He was a fool for he had seen Master Kynwric lead often enough but it always seemed natural for the man.  He never thought of himself as a leader.


    Perivar could feel something through the bond.  He glanced at Kabria and could see her studying him.  He didn't need the bond, the question was plain on her face.  She was wondering what had him so on edge.  He turned his attention back to Master Kynwric as he instructed him further on his duties.


  15. Perivar looked down at his hand as she pressed a letter into his hand.  It brought dreadful thoughts to his mind which he had to struggle with to tuck them away.  The last time he returned to her and had been given a note had gone horribly wrong.  Light send it would not go that way again.  He could not handle that a second time.  He pushed the thought away and cursed himself for being a fool.  Perivar nodded as she said he could open it later and tucked it carefully inside his coat.  Truthfully he wanted to open it now but it did not seem like the time to do it.


    Perivar smiled at her comment about the forms.  It was good to be back and in her company again.  He was truly miserable without her.  He watched her approvingly as she performed Heron Wading in the Rushes then went into Low Wind Rising.  They were passable for one who was so new to the forms.  She was always a quick study and eager to learn.


    Perivar chuckled at her comment about putting herself in his capable hands.  He had to tamp down the thoughts of being intimate with her again.  It was no easy task.  "You have time for dinner with me tonight?" which she affirmed with a nod and a smile.


    "I would not miss the opportunity to dine with you for anything."  Perivar had not expected that she would have time for him tonight.  It was a nice surprise.  Some of the tension seemed to release itself just from being in her presence.


    Perivar became all serious as he always did when it came to training.  Well he tried as hard as he could.  She had found ways to break down his resolve but he tried to stick to the training once it began.  It was not an easy task with her standing there brushing her crimson tipped pale blonde locks from her face looking more beautiful than any woman he had ever met.  And those mischievous smiles, light they sent a tingle through his body.  It was amazing that a simple look from her could do that to him.  She had a way about her that made him bend to her will.  Clearing his throat he pushed those thoughts away.  For her own good he had to be as professional and serious as possible.  Kisses and compliments would not help her in battle.  He was intent on making sure she was trained well.  There was always time later for kisses and such.


    "So you know Lion on the Hill, The Falcon Stoops, Heron Wading in the Rushes, and Low Wind Rising.  Heron Wading in the Rushes is only for practicing your balance.  It is not a form to be used in combat.  All you will likely do is receive your opponent's blade in your body.  I would leave it for practice only."


    Perivar demonstrated for her all of the basic thrusting forms explaining how these could be used with a dagger or nives as well.  Perivar started with The Kingfisher takes a Silverback from shoulder height stabbing downward towards an invisible opponents abdomen.  Then he showed her the same form but starting from a point below the shoulder stabbing downward as if for an opponents leg.  "If your starting point is above the shoulder then you should go for the abdomen, if lower than the shoulder then you should strike for the groin or leg.  You can also use this for to parry certain midlevel strikes."  Perivar watched as she tried the form on a practice dunmmy starting both above and below the shoulder.  He had her turn to face him then swung the bundled lathe practice sword at half speed toward her midsection so that she could practice the parry. 


    Next Perivar demonstrated Hummingbird Kisses the Honeyrose.  He explained to her that the quick thrust to the face had a dual purpose.  Facial wounds were nasty but they were also a very good deterrent.  "You can use this form for other areas of your opponent's body but the face is your primary target.  Strike like a viper, the blade should start from shoulder height.  You can strike other parts of their body but it will not be as quick as a strike to the face."  Again he let her practice on the dummy.


    Kabria already knew The Falcon Stoops so he had her practice it on the training dummy.  Perivar took the bundled lathe blade from her then handed her a version of her real short sword though it had blunted edges.  She needed to get the feel for the weight of a real weapon.  Perivar would not hand her the real sword until she was comfortable with all of the basic forms.  "Most of the forms require or work best with two hands on the hilt.  You may place your offhand on the hilts pommel or you can keep it free.  You will have to decide which is more functional for you."   Perivar watched as she wielded the sword with little difficulty.  She had obviously been keeping up with her fitness training which made him smile.  He had expected that she would.  "Work through all of the basic thrusting forms then we will take a break."




  16. Perivar knew she would follow and refused to respond to her calling him to halt.  The fool woman rode alongside him and grabbed Nightdancer's reins.  He thought briefly of unseating her.  She knew full well that his warhorse would respond to his heels and knees.  Her holding his reins meant little to Nightdancer.  He glared at her though, that was a fool stunt.  She held onto the reins for a moment until she realized that he would not move.


    Perivar nodded as she said how they would have to work together if they planned on making their way back to the Tower without being bonded to that cursed woman.  Even though he agreed his eyes still shot daggers at her.  "Yes, we have all made mistakes.  I...I am sorry if I was hard on you.  I did not mean to overstep my bounds."  He was not very good at apologies or any form of social interaction for that matter.  That was all she would get for now...


    The next day the tracks they found made him curse that fool Aes Sedai.



  17. He responded that he loved her as well and was happy that the talk if it occurred would be later.  For now he did not want to think of it.  "Yes, Later" he murmered, much much later he hoped.  Perhaps it would pass and she would just let it rest.


    He nodded as she took on the form Lion on the Hill.  Then arched an eyebrow as performed The Falcon Stoops and smiled warmly "Impressive, you have been practicing and...learning I see."  A stab of jealousy struck him.  She was right, he was very jealous of others being in her presence when he could not be.  He was jealous when anyone even looked her way which was often unless they caught him glaring at them with murder in his eyes.


    "Do you have any other surprises for me?"  He looked her way the question plain in his eyes as he studied her.  "Do you know any other forms?"

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