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Posts posted by Sieve

  1. Raeyn I don't think we have to worry about romances, as long as you keep the Greens from learning of it.


    @ Covai...Elgee has been compiling a similar list on their boards to gauge interest.  We were going to publish the list to each side but it seems as though they are going to come here.  Either way we will keep a running list as not everyone will likely bond right away plus we have some soldiers and dedicated that are interested who can't bond until they are Ashies unless Seggie changes his mind.

  2. Geirrin listened to the Storm Leader's words, he was eager to begin making fortifications.  At least it would be something to do to keep his mind off the gruesome field that was littered with corpses.  Black and grey smoke rose on the horizon adding to the already gloomy setting.


    He had not noticed Gale's approach until he heard the familiar Illianer accent of his friend.  Geirrin nodded and smiled to the man but he still felt like voiding his stomach.  "I've gutted every fish imaginable Gale and nothing compares to this stench.  Forget gutting fish though Gale, I think we just abandoned a ship in perfect sailing condition and jumped head first into a school of Silverpike."  Geirrin took a deep breath to calm himself while trying to ignore the stench.  He tried to seem confident or at least like the horrific sights did not bother him.  "As the saying goes...When there's work to be done, you either haul nets or gut fish."  He smiled at Gale, well he tried at least.  He was unsure if it ever reached his face.


    Geirrin was still holding the source afraid to let it go.  As soon as the Storm Leader was finished with his instructions, he and Gale got to work.  Gale began digging trenches so Geirrin dug out the side that would face the enemy lining them with earthen spike.  Gales trench would offer them protection from the onslaught while offering them a clear view of the battleground.  Geirrin's trench and spikes would make an obstacle to hinder the Shadowspawn in their efforts to reach them, if they ever reached that far.  Light send that they did not.  He and Gale had worked together before so it wasn't long before they had a protective barrier several spans wide in either direction.  Behind the trench, he and Gale made an earthen mound with more earthen spikes.  A second rank could fight from that position plus it would give them a place to fall back to if their first line of defense was overrun.  Every ten paces or so there were cutouts for them to fall back through.  If it came to that then they could seal it with earth as soon as the last of them were through.  If not they would have to defend those areas which would become funnels of death for the shadowspawn.


    Geirrin scanned to either side.  Others were doing the same as he and Gale.  In a very short time they had an earthen fortress that seemed near impregnable.  Impregnable from conventional attacks though who was too say that would be all they would face today.  He had no idea what they were in for this day. 

  3. Tsingtao gave him no respite, with his sword raised the man charged in with a shrill battle cry.  Geirrin lept to his feet to meet him.  Swords clashed raining sparks that fell carelessly to the ground.  Geirrin held onto to saidin, it was the only thing allowing him to remain standing.  His arms were burning and felt like lead weights.  His movements were slowed as if he were fighting under water. 


    Tsingtao's blade flashed from side to side.  To stare at it would have made him dizzy.  Each time Geirrin's sword arrived just in time as it barely blocked the furious onslaught.  He was beyond exhausted, all he could do was attempt to defend himself.  He mounted no assault, he had no energy to do so.  For the same reason he did not attempt to channel.  His strength was fading and he had to keep a reserve in case he found an opening.  It was only a matter of time before Tsingtao's blade would find its mark. 


    After the wild onslaught, the thrusting blade took him off guard.  Pain lanced into his upper torso between collarbone and shoulder.  His left arm went numb as a result.  Geirrin dropped his sword clutching his wound, his hand came back bloody.  He wiped his hand on his coat then rubbed it in the dirt so it would not be slick when he picked up the blade again.


    Geirrin very nearly lost the source as Tsingtao began to beat him with clubs of air.  Desperately he clung onto the sword and to saidin as Tsingtao pummeled him.  In short order he would have to yield, his remaining strength was being sapped.  Taking in air seemed to take a ridiculous amount of effort.  One last attack and he would have to yield.


    Geirrin prepared himself inverting the weave and holding it ready as he lept at Tsingtao.  The man dodged the attack though Geirrin struck out with the weave of Spirit.  He put all of his reserve into the Shield and stared wide eyed as it fell into place.  He glanced at Tsingtao who had the same look of shock on his face.


    Tsingtao dropped his sword and bowed his head knowing that without the ability to channel the duel was over.  “I yield to you in this combat.” Tsingtao said.  “You have shielded from the source, thereby winning this match.”


    Geirrin nodded then released the source.  As saidin left him the exhaustion struck him like an avalanche as his legs gave out no longer able to support his weight.  Geirrin knelt there leaning on the hilt of his sword with his right hand as he gasped for air.  He knelt there, bleeding like a stuck pig as his left arm hung limp as his side.  Someone called out for a healer, even through the gasps for air he somehow managed a small smile.  He had passed, soon he would join the ranks as an Asha'man, soon very soon.

  4. Perivar cursed realizing that they were backed into a corner.  He saw Melenis desperately trying to control Nightdancer to no avail.  At least she was able to grab the reins so that Selene was no longer entangled in them.  He would be able to move Selene away if the opportunity presented itself.  For the moment he couldn't even stand.


    His eyes went wide as Carina positioned herself between them and Nightdancer.  Light what was she doing, she was going to get hurt.  He was about to grab her to move her out of the way when he heard her humming.  He just stared in amazement as the humming turned to a low pitched singing.  Whatever she was doing Nightdancer was responding.  They were all still in danger yet his warhorse was beginning to settle down.


    As Carina stepped confidently toward Nightdancer he took the opportunity to help Selene off the floor of the stable guiding her to the stalls on the opposite side which were several paces away.  Perivar scanned her quickly not seeing any signs of serious injury.  He stood by her side in case she had any foolish notions of joining her friend.  His arm was extended in front of her, partially for protection and partially for a barrier in case she decided to move.  If he could have found an empty stall he would have put her in it. 


    Perivar continued to watch the whole thing unfold.  Forgetting all of his training and his ability to school his features he knew the look of amazement was clear on his face.  When Carina stepped back from Nightdancer he saw that his warhorse was as calm as ever.  It was as if nothing out of the ordinary had occurred.  He turned to Selene concern and embarassment tinged his voice "Are you alright?  You are not hurt are you.  I'm sorry, I don't know what came over him."  She indicated that she was fine and that Nightdancer did nothing wrong in her eyes.


    "I'm sorry if I overstepped my boundries, Guardsman Perivar. I did not mean to command your horse. I'm afraid instinct took over in the heat of the moment. I still need much training on discipline and self controle."  Carina's words took him off guard.  Was she serious?  She had just saved them from serious injury or death.  She stood proudly though uncertain if he was going to call her down for her intervention.


    Perivar walked to Carina taking her hands gently in his so that she knew his words were sincere.  "Thank you Carina, that was a very bold move, you are very brave to step in front of a rearing warhorse like that.  No..." He shook his head "it is I who should be sorry that you had to intervene, Nightdancer should not have reacted so.  I truly do not know what came over him.  Whatever it was that you did I am glad that you did it, we are indebted to you.  I will make sure that the Mistress of Novices hears of your good deeds today."  He nodded then let go of her hands.  Perivar stepped towards Nightdancer watching his mounts eyes on his.  He scrathced Nightdancer's nose and head as the warhorse nuzzled his head against Perivar's chest.  He looked at the others seeing the question plain on their faces.  "Carina, what was it that you did to sooth him?  I have heard of people with such a skill but I have never seen it myself until now."   


  5. Geirrin stepped through the gateway and nearly lost the contents of his stomach.  The foul stench filled his nose forcing his hands to his abdomen.  He quickly formed the void pushing everything into it.  The taint dancing around the edges of the void seemed more prevelant today.  Some just stood there like him while the veterans of battles filed around him to take their place in line.  They were part of the main assault group and would likely be the first to see battle.  He was not sure if it was that thought or the cold climate of the borderlands that sent shivers through his body. 


    His saidin enhanced vision suddenly took in the torn shapes that littered the ground.  Not all of them were human and not all of them were whole.  Trollocs and Lurks carpeted the ground as well.  Gruesome twisted shapes and body parts were everywhere that he looked.  He closed his eyes though the visions formed on the inside of his eyelids. 


    Geirrin very nearly wove a gateway wishing he was back at the farm.  No forget the farm, he would have made one to his childhood home and forgot all about channeling saidin.  Back where Trollocs and Lurks were just wives tails meant to scare children to do their bidding.  Geirrin stood there, his body stiff as a statue with the exception of his shaking hands.  The Light help us he thought then said a prayer to the creator.  Not just one but several.



  6. Master Kynwric's voice made him look over his shoulder.  The shock must have been plain on his face as he listened to the Warder's words.  He knelt there listening with his mouth agape.  "You are presumptuous Perivar Gaidin, the Aes Sedai bonded you because she had no doubt that you are the right Warder for her, just as I have no doubt that you are fit to be her Warder. Now it is up to you to be the best Warder you can be." He gave a slight shake of his head... "And to answer your question, you have not been right in the head since the day you walked into my forms class... good to see you awake though."  He was speechless, he could only nod to Master Kynwric before the man turned and walked back to Loraine Sedai.


    Confidence and a hint of pride surged through him as he turned back to face Kabria.  A smile shown on her face and amusement flowed through the bond.  "That is why you didn't answer me.  You let me go on and on blabbering like a light blinded fool."  His words held no anger though he yelled at her.  "You are lucky that I do not have a pillow with me or I would throw it at you."  


    His mood became serious as his hands went to his belt retrieving his dagger.  Perivar handed it to Kabria hilt first which made her arch an eyebrow though he could feel the uncertainty flowing through the bond.  Kneeling he put his back to her.  "I thought you would like the honors my love.  You almost did it the first day we met though now you can do it under different circumstances."  He chuckled softly at the thought then his mood became serious once again.  "When I became a Tower Guard I lost my place of birth and became sworn to the Tower and its causes.  Now that I am your Warder I am sworn to you and no other.  Go ahead and cut off the belled ends.  No longer will I wear my hair in the belled braids of Arafel.  I am sworn to you and no other." he repeated, once the thought of losing his braids would have made him wince.  He felt closure as the dagger cut through the belled ends of his braids.  He had waited for this moment for what seemed a lifetime.  The wedge between them was as thin as it ever would be.  The last sliver of the wedge was their duty to the White Tower and their service to the light. 


    It took a few moments, but it suddenly struck him.  Their duty and service to the Light was not a wedge after all, it was a bond, a common cause that they both held dear.  The same passionate cause that had brought them together in the first place.  Love and pride shot through the bond and for the first time he noticed it coming from her end of the bond as well.  Perhaps it had been there all along though his rambling thoughts had masked it.  He turned to face her, his back to the others.  He kissed her forehead gently then held her.  No words needed to be spoken, what flowed through the bond said it all far better than any words could have...


    When the moment passed he set about retrieving his weapons wiping the Trollocs blood from the blades.  He then walked to Nightdancer grabbing one of the waterskins.  He noticed the pangs of hunger, a result of the healing yet there was nothing to do about that now.  He poured the cool water into his mouth, it was so refreshing that it tasted like a fine wine.  When he had his fill of water he walked back to Kabria, it was past time to find out what was going on.    

  7. Perivar ran his fingers through Kabria's pale blonde hair as her head lay against his chest.  After that wonderful night together he felt closer to her than ever.  He cherished the feel of her body against his.  He could almost recall every vivid detail of that night.


    He could feel the weight of her thoughtful eyes watching him as her fingers ran across his face, her nails brushing his lips.  He thought for a moment that she had read his thoughts. “What will it be like for you when we are bonded? Me giving the orders and you having to obey?”


    His voice as cool and calm as ever, he spoke matter of factly "I always knew it would be so.  If I wanted to command I would have sought a career in the Tower Guard.  Did you think I would have an issue with you being in charge?"  He did not give her a chance to respond, the question was rhetorical.  Again his words held no hint of challenge.  He was simply stating fact.  "Because we are in love you mean? and you are a woman?  No, I have seen many women who control the relationship.  There are just as many Queens as their are Kings.  I know the true worth of women, especially an Aes Sedai.  The greater weight of the responsibilities of our duty rests on your shoulders, so why would it be odd that you hold the greater authority in the bond.  All men do the bidding of Aes Sedai do they not?  I am not so proud that I do not understand my place in this venture." 


    Perivar took his fingers and ran them across her face as he gazed into her blue eyes.  Flames from the fire danced across her eyes making them sparkle.  "Mark my words, I will speak my mind when I feel it is needed whether you want to hear it or not.  Well if you order me not to speak then I will obey though I will not like it.  I am sure that I will not always agree with your decisions but I will do as you say.  It has to be so.  I knew all along that it would be this way." A playful tone entered his voice "As long as you do not order me to refrain from kissing you when we are alone then I will always obey."   He leaned towards her kissing her soft lips then pulled back to look into her eyes.


    "Did you really think I might have an issue with having to obey you?"

  8. Perivar's arms shot out to his sides and his back arched as he felt as if a bucket of ice cold water had been dumped on him.  His eyes shot open as he felt a bundle of sensations in the back of his mind.  A mixture of concern and love as well as a myriad of others surged through the bond.  Light the bond!  He pushed himself to his knees struggling to remove the helmet that was twisted on his head.  The smashed in nasal piece made it difficult to remove it.  After a few moments of cursing and pulling he finally threw his helmet to the ground.


    His head still ached from the blow, a dull aching pain.  She had healed him but he knew her skill with healing was only moderate at best.  She could not heal everything so he was left with a dull headache.  He felt his nose that should have been broken.  A smile formed on Kabria's face and he stared at her in amazement.


    Unbeknownst to him feelings of embarassment from his end shot through the bond.  It was mixed with the unconditional love, pride, and adoration that he held for her but it was there for her to sense.  Her smile turned to a look of puzzlement as she noticed it though he had no idea why.  He became furious with himself, it was not supposed to be like this.


    Perivar's wits had returned, well somewhat.  From his knees he scanned the area and saw that it was over.  There were still Trollocs in their death throes and the Myrddraal still lashed out blindly or twitched, refusing to die though the links they had were severed.  Perivar saw Loraine Sedai and Master Kynwric talking to two children, one boy and on girl.  At least they had made it he thought, their mission was a success though no thanks to him.


    Perivar turned his attention back to Kabria.  When his voice came it was a throaty rasp, he was parched and his throat was as dry as dust  "I guess I can hide it no longer can I?"  He nodded then continued.  "I love you more than anything Kabria.  More than my duty to the Tower, more than my duty to fight the Shadow, more than anything at all.  Do not fear, for I will do my duty as I am sworn to do.  I am sworn to you Kabria, you first, it is you that I love more than anything."  It was her who said their love would come second to their duty, could she accept this.  She eyed him thoughtfully though he realized that he had missed the mark.  That was not why she looked at him so or was it.  It was easier trying to understand why the sun shined as it did than trying to figure out women.


    He shrugged, was it his feelings of embarassment and of him being angry with himself that she was wondering about.  "I am sorry Kabria.  I did not want you to bond me like this.  I wanted it to be because there was no doubt in your mind that I would be the best Warder for you, not as a last resort to save my life.  I am a fool Kabria, but not as big a fool as you think.  I know that is the reason why.  Without the benefits of the bond I would not have survived the healing."  He touched his head the dull ache keeping time in his head.  His skull must have been fractured.


    Shame flowed through the bond, as hard as he tried to serve her well he could not measure up. "How could you want me for a Warder?"  He waved his arms at what lay around him.  Even the Warder bond would not make him a better fighter.  Sure the benefits of the bond would come in handy though it did not make him more skilled.  "How, knowing that I could not even protect you from this?  Instead of protecting you I became a hindrance.  You know I have wanted this more than anything, but...perhaps..."  He could not finish the thought, his brain had been addled and he did not want to say it.  He would not have been able to speak it aloud anyway, his throat was dry as dust making it extremely difficult to speak.  He felt as if he was about to drub him silly.


    She still stared at him without comment obviously processing the sensations coming from his side of the bond.  "I do love you Kabria, more than anything.  I am honored to be your Warder if you will still have me."  Perivar knew she would not turn him away but she had to be given the option.  He smiled at her then chuckled which turned into a fit of dry coughing.  When he recovered he added with a hint of a smile "I am not right in the head am I?  I guess that can't be healed."  He paused briefly  "The Light consume me Kabria, are you going to say something?  I can't explain every thought in my foolish head trying to guess what you are wondering about.  It would take far too long for that."  He smiled at her and shrugged his shoulders then began picking at the dry blood on his face.  Light he must have made a ghastly sight.       

  9. With all of the requests out of the way.  Today Geirrin was going to try something different, a sword.  He knew it would not be easy though there was only one way to learn.  He exchanged his black coat for the leather vest and apron then set to work.


    Geirrin selected a steel bar with the aid of Master Hamm.  He had looked at a few of the sample pieces picking a style that interested him.  A double edged hand and a half sword.  The crosspieces of the hilt were ornate and he knew that would be the most difficult part.  First things first he needed to make the blade, almost half again as long as his outstretched arm.


    Geirrin placed the bar in the coals then embraced saidin.  The light was there as if just over his shoulder.  He drank it all in suddenly feeling alive.  His vision was sharper, everything seemed brighter.  The foul taint, a midden heap amongst a garden.  The taint was always there whether you liked it or not.  You could try to ignore it but it was always there.


    Geirrin heated the coals with flows of fire until the majority of the steel bar was yellow-hot.  Again he made the smith's hammer with flows of air.  He picked up the smith's hammer with flows of air and began flattening it.  When the steel began to cool Geirrin placed it back into the coals directing flows of fire until it was yellow-hot again.  He continued to flatten it with with the hammer until it was the proper thickness.  Several times he melted the steel and started over until he was satisfied. 


    Geirrin completed the final shaping the created a fuller down the center.  There were any rumors as to its purpose though the truth was that it allowed you to reduce the weight of the blade while maintaining its strength and stiffness.  Once that was done he got started on the hilt.  The hilt and pommel were easy enough though the onrate crosspiece proved difficult at best.  Several times he had to walk away out of frustration.


    When he was finally satisfied with the final product he hung it on the wall of the forge with a flow of air.  Master Hamm smiled at him then nodded.  Geirrin would find a suitable scabbard or make one if he must.  Then he would return for his sword and begin wearing it in place of the sword he had been given from the armory.

  10. Geirrin was still blushing from the Storm Leader's praise.  It was something that he had grown unaccustomed to as a child.  He spent most of his childhood getting solded, praise was a rare commodity for him.


    He caught the small cloth pouch that the Storm Leader threw to him.  "See that you live up to our expectations. Next time you'll be pitting those elemental blades against me"  Covai said to him.  Geirrin fumbled with the drawstring as the Storm Leader and Attack Leader left the training grounds.  When he drew the contents out he gaped at it in wonder.  The silver sword pin of a Dedicated lay in his palm glinting in the sunlight.


    With a smile on his face he fixed the silver sowrd pin to the high collar of his black coat.  "See that you live up to our expectations. Next time you'll be pitting those elemental blades against me"  The words reverberating in his head.  The former he would do.  The latter he did not look forward to doing.  With a smile his face he returned to the barracks.




  11. Perivar had gone through his mornig fitness routine though he skipped his daily forms for once.  Today was a day for learning.  The sun's illumination crept through the city though it had yet to break over the building surrounding the Warder Yard.  It was warm today with occasional breezes of cool air coming off the river.  The sky was near cloudless so there would be no break from the sun's heavy glare.


    Perivar could feel her, that ball of emotions nestled in the back of his head.  He could feel a hint of...not anger but annoyance at something or someone.  If it was someone he hoped it was not him.  Now that he was her Warder, he was able to sleep in her room in the Green Ajah Quarters.  The annoyance was probably directed at him though.  For all of the benefits of them living together there was one drawback.  She ran a tight ship, everything in perfect order and he was a, what did she call him?  A pig, no it was something far more pungent yet he couldn't bring it to mind.  Well he would try to be neater, for his own good but it did not come easy for him. 


    He brought his thoughts back to the matter at hand.  She was fiercesome and passionate about fighting the shadow and he needed to be the best swordsman that he could be.  After their skirmish in Shienar he knew he needed to improve his skills.  Sure there had been six Trollocs he faced at once though in her service he knew there would be times when he would face steeper odds.  He had managed to kill four and cutoff the hand of a fifth but the sixth one had struck him a good blow.  If not for her healing and the benefits of the Warder bond he would have been finished for sure.  He needed to be better, that was why he was here today.


    Perivar found Corwin sitting at the base of a tree.  He offered the man a respectful nod though the man tossed a practice blade at him in response.  He caught it with his right hand.  It was his dominant hand after all.  As a boy in Arafel he had been taught to dual wield though his right had always been his dominant hand.  The dual wielding ended the day he came to Tar Valon to train.  It seemed to him that it was a time for change.  Well things had come full circle and now he would learn to dual wield all over again.


    He put his arm behind his back as order, there was no doubt that it was an order.  Perivar raised an eyebrow as Corwin strapped his arm tightly to his back.  You will not use this arm until I tell you that you can.  If you do, I will break it, and if you have it Healed I will break it again.  Now I want you to use your weak hand an go through every form you know.


    Corwin's no nonsense tone and his demeanor said he would do just as he said.  With a nod Perivar went through the forms left handed.  A few times he had practiced the forms with his off hand though nowhere near as often as with his right.  Most of training though had been either with a bastard sword or with sword and shield.  It was only recently that he began fighting with sword and singuata though he had used it mostly as a buckler for blocking instead of for its potential as a weapon.


  12. NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! *thud*  *shakes the cobwebs from his head*  NO, you can't have computer trouble.


    Seriously I have had some horrible luck with gfx cards and that sucks.  Ooh check to make sure the fan on your card is not gunked up.  I had that once where it was and it kept overheating the card forcing my system to reboot.  If it is not something simple then good luck getting a new one!

  13. Aslan isn't a darkfriend.  He's just really weird and has multiple personalities.  Or did last time Arath saw him anyway. :P He's simply never at the Farm because of his assignment to the Band.


    My second character, Daevis, is supposed to be out there with him, but I never saw any RP's where he was needed.  I should probably have checked more.  ::)


    Duh *smacks self in head*  OOPS  :-[  Now that I re-read it I see the BAND was mentioned just before the CITADEL.  :-[  For some reason I was thinking of the Dark side of things.  Aslan sounds very interesting... ;D


    Ok so we have Asha'man or at least some BT personnel assigned to the Band then? 


    So my answer to the question that was posed by Liitha would be;  It is something that has to be worked out with the one to whom you will be bonded.  Just let them know OOC'ly that there will be times that you need to be away at the Citadel and see what you can come up with as far as an IC explanation.  Perhaps in your case it might be better to hold the bond.  That way IC'ly whenever you are going to the Citadel you can give your bonded the option of remaining at the farm or returning to Tar Valon.

  14. As long as Seggie and Elgee agree then I am going to assume that housing will be up to the bonded to decide how they will work it. 


    one question though, there is some ashie's serving with the band in the citadel..i dont know if there is anyone active though except me...just a point to raise in such a case what would happen with that


    in my case Aslan live off base and travel in so if its wishfull or such he'd just not bring her in to the citadel


    Forgive my ignorance but I am assuming that Aslan is a Darkfriend Asha'man or a Dreadlord among the Asha'man?  If so then I would assume Aslan would either find an AS of the Black Ajah or make sure that he was the one doing the bonding so he could mask his end of the bond so his bonded doesn't disover his allegiances or know where he is at times. 




    @ Everyone


    As far as your initial concerns Liitha, and this goes for everyone.  Each Division (BT and WT) will post a list of those who are interested in being bonded.  Everyone interested in entering into a bond is encouraged to discuss the details and particulars with those they are interested in.  Everything should be discussed and agreed upon before accepting or entering into a bond.  You should take several things into consideration. 


    1) Availability, some people are on more than other.  So if you are a daily poster or an occasional poster then it would be wise to find someone who closely matches your availability. 


    2) Posting style, everyone has one.  Try to find someone who best matches yours.


    3) Chemistry, try creating an RP thread with your two characters to see how it goes.  If you can't think of an IC reason (which you probably can't) for your characters to meet then you could create a fictional RP via PM's or some other medium and see if you click. 


    4) What are you looking to get out of the bond?  Find what your potential bondmates intentions are.  Do they plan on hanging around either Tower only leaving for important RP's or do they want a live of constant adventure. 


    5) Future plans, what goals do they have for their character?  What goals do you have for yours? Do you envision any conflicts?


    I'm sure there is more but I think you all get the point.


    No one is being forced to do anything, so if you don't find a suitable partner or are not completely satisfied that it is right for you then you can simply wait.  You can wait as long as you need or decide that you don't want to participate at all.


    We really want this to work so it is imperative that people take it seriously and invest the proper time into choosing the right partner.  We don't want people making hasty decisions then asking to be excused from a bond because they didn't put the proper effort into finding a suitable partner.  Of course the standard rules apply that if your bonded go MIA for a significant period of time then you can ask to be released, etc...



    Seggie and Elgee will decide upon the rules and regs.  As soon as they are available they will be posted.



  15. I am creating an RP for my Open RP Req.  What I envision is a combination of an obstacle course, horsemanship, weight lifting, running, etc...


    Before I post it I was just trying to gauge interest.  So if you would like to participate then please post below indicating your intention to take part in it.  It is open to everyone in the Warder Yards.  There are no duels so everyone is pretty much on on even footing.


    Aside from being for my Req it is for the fun of it.  I will judge it hopefully along with some non WY people if I can get them to read through the thread.  The winner will be the person with the best posts.  Not quantity or volume but quality.  Whoever wins can use it for bragging rights if they wish. Perhaps I can convince one of our graphic artists to make a cool siggy to go along with the bragging rights.


    So if you are interested please post below.



  16. I can answer the second, but the staff will have to answer the first.


    We no longer have mentors.  So if you are interested in a particular class then just post here on the Div forums and someone will assist you.

  17. Perivar did not share Kabria's interest in books though he knew this store had an impressive collection.  Well actually all he knew is that the shelves were full.  Aside from that books were books.  Some were leather bound while some were bound with wood.  In addition to books there were rolled up pieces of parchment. 


    As usual he took no interest in the books.  He idly leaned against one of the book cases staring at Kabria.  It was too easy to lose himself in thought while he enjoyed every curve, every line and feature.  Her words and the realization that she was next to him startled him.  Next thing he knew she was thrusting a book in his hands insisting that he would enjoy it.  He was about to reply with something sarcastic though he decided to bite his tongue.


    Perivar noticed her eyes on him so he opened the leather bound book and began flipping through the pages.  He did not expect to find anything in the book that he didn't already know.  Much to his surprise he found a few interesting illustrations of various weapons and began reading about them.  Whoever wrote this must have travelled far and wide as there were many different styles of weapons of the likes which he had never heard before.


    One entry was particularly interesting.  He became lost in the book not even looking up to sneak a peek at his beautiful Aes Sedai.  He took no notice to the book dropped at his feet though that musical voice drew his eyes from the pages to her face.  He reluctantly let the book go as she took it from his hands offering him a smile then wrinkling her nose.  “Now look before I begin to think you are losing interest.”  Ooh he looked alright.  He drank her in her in as she glided away from him and down the stairs.  In his mind he did more than look.  It was not the first time though before it had only been unsubstantiated thoughts.  Now he had the memory of their night together to recall in vivd detail.  He should have been blushing at what played out in his head though he simply smiled.


    Perivar hurried down the stairs then stood off to the side as she paid for sevreal books.  Light how long had he been wrapped up in that book?  She had found four books in the time it took him to flip through the one she had handed him.  He saw the old man's eyes as he noticed the Great Serpent Ring on her hand.  He suddenly felt bad as the man looked from him to her realizing that they were together.  He would have to have a talk with the man, or not.  Perivar stared at Kabria who was smiling at the man's recognition.  Smiling as if flaunting what they were about as she came to his side and took his arm in hers.  Light what was she playing at?  Rumors would spread through the city and likely back to the Tower.  Here he was trying to be discreet and she was up oin a pedestal proclaiming to the world what they were.


    Perivar let her guide him out of the shop.  As they stepped out into the street he shielded his eyes with his free hand.  It was near midday and it was bright outside with not a cloud in the sky.  “I don’t know about you my love, but breakfast was not enough for me. I am starved!”  He gaped at her a moment.  The tray of food upstairs was enough for two people, two people with huge appetites.  Perivar was still hungry but he always seemed to be.  Kabria on the other hand was much smaller than him and she had nearly eaten as much as him, maybe more.  How does she stay so fit and trim if she eats like that all the time he thought.  Maybe she doesn't, could she be?  No she couldn't be, he had seen pregnant women devour food though she couldn't be.  Did a woman know right away?  If each encounter last night could bring on a child then they could have as many as five children.  He planned on spending the rest of his life with her, but children?  Light he felt the blood draining from his face.


    Her fist in his ribs made him gasp for air as he noticed her staring at his paled face.  Had she said something else that he missed?  He quickly stammered a reply "I..I'm hungry too, have you a place in mind?"  He tried to smooth his face and not look like he had been poleaxed as the question was plain on her face.  He quickly scanned the streets then decided to walk north.  She walked with him arm in arm and he could feel her sideways glances.  Light you fool think of something to say he scolded himself.  "It is a beautiful day isn't it?"

  18. Perivar could not believe it when he reached for another piece of fruit and found the tray empty.  His appetite had always been larger then others but he knew that Kabria had eaten her fair share.  Was the food in the Tower not as grand and abundant as he thought?  For some reason he thought Aes Sedai ate like Kings and Queens.  Maybe it was due to the fact that they were viewed as being above them. 


    Her words pulled him from his thoughts and he smiled as he saw her stretched out amongst the pillows.  He could not resist, she was like a magnet pulling at him.  He could not have taken a step away from her or even looked away from her lounging body for anything in the world.  He layed down next to her propping himself up so his face was over hers.  She laced her arms around his neck pulling him into her embrace.  Light how it sent tingles through his body.  Nothing else seemed to matter at that moment.


    He very nearly pouted when she wiggled away from him offering him a playful giggle.  He was going to beg and plead with her to stay in his arms forever though seeing he was about to speak she placed a finger to his lips.  “You know that there is nothing I would rather do than spend a lifetime in your arms.” She punctuated with a kiss and nipped at his lips before pulling away again.  It took all his willpower to refrain from pulling her to him.  “But we do not have a lifetime..not yet. Did I hear you mention a bookstore?”  He nodded offering her a wide grin.


    His eyes drank her in as she flipped her hair as she sat up and began straightening her skirts.  “You know the only thing better than making love is a good book”  This time his face held a look of hurt.  He was about to remind her that she had seemed to enjoy herself last night.  She had not voiced any complaints while she lay breathless in his arms or during their love making when she was moaning in ecstacy.  She saw the look on his face so she picked up one of the pillows and chucked it at his head. “Don’t even begin to pout, you know that I am kidding, but I would still like to see the books.”


    Reluctantly he rose taking a swig of mulled wine from his mug.  As if he had been waiting on her he said "Are you ready my love?" with an almost sarcastic tone.  She shot him a look that said she might throw something harder at him yet she put her arm in his and let him lead her from the room.  One floor down was a door from the balcony that led into the second floor of the Bookstore.  The second floor had a balcony with a wave shaped railing that wrapped around the circular building.  The walls were lined with bookshelves.  Filled to bursting with all manner of books and manuscripts.  The first floor was setup more like a traditional library.  This building was the southermost structure that was Ogier made.  All the buildings between here and South Harbor were man made attempts which tried to emulate the Ogier work.  There was no doubt which ones were Ogier made and which were not.

  19. Once again Perivar kept his mouth shut.  Now he remembered why he was not one who was eager for conversation with the girls back home.  Well it wasn't just the girls but with them it seemed even worse.  Around the girls he always seemed to say the wrong thing.  Speaking his mind often landed him in hot water.  It was much the same here.  Sometimes the wrong words or the wrong action could send Kabria up like an Illuminators night flower, no more like a hundred of them.  He tried to make a soft bed for her to lay on and she calls him down for it.  He wasn't calling her soft, why lay on the hard ground when you did not have to.  For now he bit just his tongue.  He did not think he would ever understand women.


    If he could bring himself to do it he would have asked Mistress Thera to assign someone else to train her.  She did not take instruction from him well at all and these were things that she needed to know.  When he told her something she became indignant as if the books she read on the subject were enough.  When he tried to make a joke she spun it as if he was being cruel.  He would have asked for a new trainer though he loved spending time with her.  Every moment he could even if it ended with her belt knife in his ribs.  He must have been mad but he was in love with her.  Light thoughts of the night that they had spent together still sent a tingle through his body.


    “You first my love” she smiled at Perivar so innocently and so sweetly that he eyed his stew with suspicion. “What? You don’t want to taste the food that I prepared for you? A big strong man like you isn’t afraid of a little stew are you?”  He poked through it first looking for mushrooms.  When he did not find any he smiled at her.  "It looks delicious and smells great my love.  Thank you!"


    One thing Perivar had was a large appetite.  He spooned the bowl clean then asked for seconds smiling at her.  He nodded and smiled lovingly at her when she returned his bowl to him.  When he had thoroughly cleaned the second bowl he set it by his side.  He stretched his legs out in front of him and leaned back against the log he had been sitting on.  He put his hands behind his head smiling at her.  "Thank you Kabria that was delicious."  He had no idea what came over him but he suddenly had the urge to stick his tongue out at her. 



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