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Posts posted by Sieve

  1. Perivar accepted her answers without further questions though he felt as if there was something she was not telling him.  Why would she not want Jasine along.  He didn't think his knowledge of nobles and courts would help anywhere but in the Borderlands.  He doubted they were heading to the Borderlands or else she would have said it straight out.  Well it was not his place to question a superior. 


    Perivar left her office with a handful of gold and list of supplies that he needed to procure.  He wished he could visit Kabria though the list was extensive and they were leaving tonight.  A note was all she would get.  He would regret leaving her without seeing her in person.  Once again duty was like a wedge between them.  One day they would be bonded and his duty would be to her first and foremost.  Until that day he was at the whim of his commanders.


    Before he knew it Perivar was reining in Nightdancer at the gate offering courtesies to Mistress Thera.

  2. Light her head was spinning.  It had all happening too fast.  She had to think, she knew the five nights which he spoke about yet she did not have anyone who could vouch for her whereabouts.  She roomed by herself and her guard posts were solitary ones.  If she wanted to could slip away without anyone noticing.  Well she had in fact, on numerous occasions she had slipped away yet she certainly hadn't murdered anyone.


    She sighed and slumped visibly realizing she wasn't helping her case.  She could lie but he would be able to easily sniff them out with the proper questions in the rigths ears.  She took a deep breath but her words were spoken softly, she was doomed "Yes I want you to believe me though I realize that you have no reason to."  She paused just staring at the floor.  "I was either in my room or on guard duty."  She shook her head, it was hopeless "I don't room with anyone and my posts are solitary ones.  There is nobody who can speak for me but I swear I didn't do it."  She put her head in her hands again sobbing...she could already feel the hangmans rope around her neck. 



  3. Um...Eqwina doesn't remember saying that to anyone. :P Aes Sedai/Accepted still count as a trainee while they are in the Yards.


    *pokes at Perivar* You were not claiming our threads? Crazy boy!


    *loses balance and falls* Ouch! *glares*


    Ummm....I could've sworn you said it didn't count so I didn't bring it up again.  You might have been telling me no for some other question on MSN and I just got mixed up.  Anyway it wasn't a big deal so I just did the threads for the fun of it and for character development between the two.  However, if you are saying it counts then I will submit them.  

  4. Marli stared at the empty sheath and torn cloak like adders.  She was desperate, he needed to believe her.  Her words come out in a rush.  "I was bored, one drunken night on the wall I was foolishly tossing the dagger and missed it.  It bounced off my hand and over the wall into the harbor." 


    She took a quick breath then worked moisture into her mouth so she could continue.  Again her words came in a rush "The cloak...well I am klutzy at times you could say.  Especially when I am drunk.  Unfortunately I catch the bloody thing on corners all the time or I manage to step on it.  I have had the cloak for years." 


    A look of fear consumed her face.  She quickly added "You h..have to believe me!  All I am guilty of is drinking on duty.  I swear it under the light and by my hope of salvation and rebirth, I swear it!"  She was frantic.  She wanted to run, though there was nowhere to go.  Instead she curled up on the cot with her arms holding her knees tight to her chest.  "I swear that is all." 

  5. He immediately felt the loss, the loss of the contact which he cherished so as she vaulted from his lap.  He let her speak without interruption, fighting the urge to put his fingers to her lips to silence her.  He was a fool, he started a conversation that was now spiraling out of control.  She almost seemed flustered as much as she tried to hide it.


    Perivar took her hands in his, an apologetic look clear on his face.  "I am sorry Kabria, I guess I put the cart before the horse.  I did not intend to go down this road following such a wonderful night.  I just got lost in my thoughts for a moment.  There are times that I speak when I should not."


    His look changed from apologetic to one of embarassment.  "I...I just assumed that we could not raise a child.  I did not mean to seem callous, but would the Tower grant us leave to raise a child?  I don't know that I could walk away from our child, at the moment it is just speculation not reality." 


    "You are a fool if you think my family would think ill of you.  I love you and that is good enough for them.  Anyway you are an Aes Sedai Kabria, more powerful than a King or Queen!  On top of that you are no more a peasant than I am but even if you were it would not matter in the least.  You and our child if we had one would be welcome among them and would be provided with any privileges of nobility."


    "Now put those foolish thoughts from your head and sit with me.  I will not have you thinking less of yourself."  He pulled her towards him to sit on his lap again.  Perivar hugged her tight against his chest then let her head hang on his shoulder as he gently stroked her hair.  "You are beautiful, you are an Aes Sedai, and you are mine!"  He leaned his head to hers gently kssing her on the forehead.         

  6. Perivar's face blushed bright red.  He was embarassed and angry with himself.  It was still unknown whether she was with child or not, the Wheel weaves as it wills he thought.  He wanted to change the subject but a part of him wondered what they would do if she was with child.


    "What would we do if you are?  The child could be raised in my parents house.  If it is a boy then he would be the heir.  That is if my brother does not have a son."  Just because he was sworn to the tower did not mean that his son would be denied what was rightfully his.  "Boy or girl they would be welcome in my family, of that I am certain."  Light if his brother did not have a boy then the line would be broken unless he and Kabria had one.  He had never thought on that 'til now.

  7. Perivar wondered why he had been selected.  First off he was anti-social except with those he knew well.  Secondly he had been informed that there would be Whitecloaks.  A peace had been announced, none would break it yet why bring fuel to the fire.  It came down to the fact that he was available.  He was promised to Kabria yet he was still a Tower Guard assigned to the Lion Company.  The Lion Company was the company that handled special assignments.  He was happy to see that Melenis had been chosen though after the first night he thought she wished to be elsewhere.  Melenis had her hands full with one of the Accepted who liked to wander about.  It was the redheaded one named Jerinia.  A few times he thought she was about to drag the girl back to camp or tie her in her saddle and lead the Accepted's horse for her.


    When they finally arrived the Seeker met their group welcoming them and asking if they knew the song.  Luckily Perivar was at the rear of the group so those in front answered.  He looked around, Light what a collection of people.  Even though there was a peace there was a noticeable tension in the air.  He hoped the peace was upheld.


    Light what was the girl doing!  The redheaded Accepted sat near a Whitecloak at one of the fires apparently engaged in conversation.  He sighed in relief as he saw Melenis sit next to the girl yet he kept his eye on them as he trailed the Aes Sedai.  He kept his distance scanning the assembled crowd while remaining within a few paces of the Aes Sedai and the other Accepted, Melianna.  There were knots of people conversing more diverse than anything he had ever seen before. 


    Later Perivar noticed the arrival of another Aes Sedai though he had no idea of her name.  If the ageless face wasn't enough then the vine woven green shawl marked her out for what she was.  He bowed to her as she approached the Accepted then went back to scanning the crowd.  He did not anticipate any problems but it was habit to do so.  At least he was easy to identify if there was trouble.  With his bright crimson cloak of a Tower Guard in marked contrast with his dull blackened armor he would be easy to find.  If they had need of his services then he was ready. 


    His hand nearly went to the hilt of his sword as he noticed the arrival of the black-coated men.  As if the Whitecloaks weren't bad enough.  He wondered if Trollocs and Myrddraal would be next.  He would not be surprised if the peace was suddenly abandoned. 


    Perivar Tarigan

    Tower Guard




    Geirrin handed off the reins from his mount to a groom then walked with the rest of the group to the people assembled near the fire.  A man known as the Mahdi or the Seeker met them asking them if they knew the song.  He merely shrugged not knowing anything about a song but one of the older men spoke up that they did not.  They were made welcome by the Seeker who led them to the fires. 


    With the looks they received you would have thought the Dark One had arrived.  He suddenly felt as if all eyes were on them.  Light they were male channelers not madmen.  Well the truth of it is that some of them had gone mad but those that did were put down.  They served the light yet you couldn't have convinced this group.  Geirrin stood on the outskirts of the gathering not wanting to get any closer.


    Geirrin Hale

    Dedicated of the Black Tower




    Valeran tossed his reins then eyed the gathering warily as they approached.  He wondered if the others noticed the looks they were receiving.  Hopefully the fools did not decide to take offense and do something foolish.  They had explicit instructions to mind their manners.


    The Seeker welcomed them and asked if they knew the song as they always did when meeting someone.  The Tuatha’an or Tinkers were a strange lot though there was no reason to be rude.  Valeran politely responded that he did not know the song.  The strangest thing about them is that they would not fight back.  If someone attacked a Tinker they would simply run.  They travelled the world as if they were oblivious to bandits and other people with cruel intentions.  He did not understand how someone could be attacked an not fight back.


    He noticed Geirrin standing on the edge of the gathering as if refusing to go any closer.  Valeran shook his head then made for the closest fire.  He'd be damned if he was going to stand there like a fool.


    Valeran Kertovni

    Dedicated of the Black Tower



  8. Perivar walked alongside Kabria as they made their way to where Master Kynwric stood with the former prisoners.  Actually he walked half a step behind so he could watch her and their surroundings all at once.  He eyed the Shadowspawn that littered the ground.  Not all of them were dead.  Some were mortally wounded giving off guttural groans and others were in their death throes.  It was not wise to consider any of them truly dead until days had passed where their lifeless bodies failed to move.


    Perivar wanted to walk in front of her to make sure the path was clear though somehow he thought she would not have allowed it.  So newly bonded he did not dare anger her or have her think that she had made the wrong decision in bonding him.  For now he would have to carefully feel her out to see what she expected of him until they had time to talk it over.  Whatever the case there would be times when he would have to take certain actions for her safety whether she liked it or not.  Well as long as she did not order him to do otherwise.  That was the rub of the bond.  He knew there would be times when she would command him to do something regardless of what he thought.  She would command and he would obey no matter how much he might disagree with her decision.  That was simply the way of the bond.


    They reached Master Kynwric and the former prisoners without incident.  He had tried to wipe his face with water to wash away the blood.  Not all of it was his.  No matter how much he wiped his face he knew he was still a gruesome sight with blood caked on his body and armor.  Not all of the blood was Trolloc blood, some of it was his own.  His stomach rumbled loudly.  Regardless of the benefits of the bond, he was hungry, no ravenous.  He felt like he could eat an entire deer or an entire side of beef by himself.


    Perivar nodded to Master Kynwric then spared a glance for the prisoners before resuming his study of their surroundings.  He would not put it past any of the Trollocs to play possum then rise and strike if an opportunity presented itself.

  9. "Yes I knew them both"  Marli had stood to face the Warder though she stayed near the cot.  Had she stepped any close to the man she wouldn't have been able to talk.  The bars between them did not seem a sufficient barrier.


    "The first was a scoundrel and the other was a Trollop."  She knew the Warder would have asked questions so there was no hope hiding the connection.  Best to come right out with it.  "Marek and I were intimate until that Trollop enticed him.  Well she wasn't the only one so I have heard."  Her cheeks blushed then it all hit her.  Marek and Sheira murdered, Light they thought it was her.  He said he would hang her!


    She did not know how she got there but she realized she was no longer standing.  She was sitting on the cot now.  She quickly worked moisture into her mouth.  "No!"  Her breath was ragged  "I swear under the light it wasn't me!"  "I swear I didn't do it!" "No!!!!"  again she sobbed for what seemed an eternity.

  10. They were still holding the trench.  The Shadowspawn had come close but none had made it to the ditch below the trench with the earthen spikes.  None made it until the lurks came.  Like Gale, Geirrin had been caught in the eyeless gaze of the Lurk until someone shouted trying to break them from the gaze.  He could not say who it was but someone in thei ranks finally destroyed the lurk as the ground beneath it exploded.


    While caught in the gaze a handful of Trollocs had made it to the sharpened stakes in front of them.  Carefully he wove flows of Fire and Spirit, as many as he could handle at once and reached out for the Trollocs in front of him.  Geirrin began to form a shield of air but he was too late.  The explosion that tore the bodies to pieces pelted him with blood and gore.  As it struck him he doubled over and vomitted.  He wiped his mouth with his coat's sleeve yet he realized that it was covered in blood and gore as well which brought on more vomitting.  Saidin winked out and he felt as if he would fall to the ground.  Light he was exhausted.


    Geirrin glanced at the black coated men around him weaving death and destruction for the Shadowspawn and quickly embraced the source again.  The sweet life of Saidin entwined with the foul scent of a midden heap filled him.  The taint made him want to double over but there was nothing left.  Quickly he wove a wall of flame in front of him and Gale and tied it off.  It would only last a few minutes tied off but it was better than nothing.  Let the Trollocs try to pass through that.  One thing he knew is that they hated fire.


    Geirrin caught sight of another Lurk coming their way on an angle that would pass by the wall of flame.  He shifted his gaze to its feet refusing to look at the face.  He deftly wove flows of Air and Fire as lightning crashed down around the Lurk.  Geirrin's aim was off so he wove it again as soon as he realized the other had missed its mark.  Over and over again he wove it, as many weaves as he could do at once not waiting to see where the others landed.  When he looked the Lurk and Trollocs around it for twenty paces where a smoldering pile of body parts.  The laughter had returned, he was alive.

  11. The foul black half human half beast shapes seemed to fill the horizon.  All thoughts of sailing the Sea of Storms vanished.  On the edge of the void he could feel his knees shaking.  His body shivered and it had nothing to do with the could climate of the Borderlands.


    Geirrin felt like he was stuck in place.  At that moment he couldn't have moved a step had his life depended upon it.  Boar snouts, Goat horns, Eagle beaks, and a variety of animal parts mixed with human ones.  Some charged forward on booted feat, others on hooves or paws.  Light the pictures or descriptions he had seen or heard did not compare.


    If not for holding onto Saidin he would have missed his friend's words.  "Fortune prick me, they do be ugly,"  "Now we do see if these weaves do bloody well."  That Illianer accent woke him from the trance.  He could hear the Storm Leaders commands and see the veterans following them with alacrity.  He still felt as if he could not move or act.


    Geirrin saw fireballs streaking from their ranks to rip holes in the black shapes yet still they came.  Walls of flame, Riven Earth , and a few other weaves all tearing into the Trollocs.  Gerrin saw Gale join in and suddenly it hit him.  He had to act, he could wait no longer.  Just like on a ship when you counted on your mates to do their jobs, right now there were people counting on him.  He pushed through the feeling to turn and run, through the feeling that told him to hide.


    Geirrin formed the weave, flows of fire and air woven together.  He swung his arm forward hurling the fireball at the ranks of Trollocs.  He had another on its way before the other one struck.  He heard himself laughing on the edge of the void.  Just like when he was on the bow of the ship sailing into a storm.  Like when he was sailing dangerously close to a reef on a lee shore.  He laughed like he was mad but it was not madness that made him laugh.  It was the adrenaline surging through him that made him do it.  Something he had always done as a child.


    As fast as he could, Geirrin wove Fireballs alternating them with Riven Earth.  Riven Earth, flows of Earth and Fire as large as he could make directed into the ground in front of the Trollocs showering them with rocks, dirt and fire.  The acrid, fetid stench wafted to his nose to join the filth of the taint making him want to vomit yet he went on.  As many Trollocs as they killed it seemed as though there were two or three to replace them. 



  12.   And I think it would count for the "Training Trainees" reqs for whoever works with her. 


    Unfortunately it doesn't.  Perivar is training Kabria to WS 5 and I wasn't allowed to use it.  Apparently the definition of Trainee does not expand to cover Aes Sedai or any WT people for that matter.


    That being said I am more than willing to help out whenever you need it.  I actually might be throwing a new character in the mix so it may be the new guy or Perivar.  Anyway I just did WS 1-3 for Kabria so it is fresh in my mind.  If you need someone I'm willing to do it.

  13. All right, so I think I'll go with


    Air: 6

    Water: 4

    Spirit: 8

    Fire: 8

    Earth: 4


    Which makes it 30 out of 33 right? And if I'm a Soldier, my power is a third of that right now? I'm not even going to attempt the math. I'm horrid.


    So we'll see what happens.


    Air: 6  ( 7 pts to buy)

    Water: 4  (4 Pts)

    Spirit: 8  (10 Pts)

    Fire: 8  (8 Pts)

    Earth: 4  (4 Pts)


    Your strength would be 30.  If you add up your buying points in ( )'s then you have spent 33.  So you are good with that. There is a link on this page for the make buy chart.  Up until the 5's it is all one for one.  To obtain 6's in air and water it costs us 7 points etc.


    As far as your current scores...Since all those numbers aren't divisible by 3 it makes it tough.  I don't know what to tell you there.  For Earth, Fire, and Spirit I would say round up since male channelers are best with those elements and round down with the other two (Air, Water). I am not certain what the Staff's opinion is regarding that.


  14. "Yes it has" he responded though he was unsure if sh had heard his words as she walked over to the table.  She went on about his duty and a comment about Kabria breaking his heart.  He murmured thanks as she handed him the glass of mulled wine.  He tried to smile but what formed on his face was more like a grimace.  Thera hurriedly went on and he simply nodded.  He certainly couldn't talk of everything that had transpired between them.  He wouldn't complain about the wedge between them.  Part of that was his fault and the other was something that she could not talk about.


    Perivar listened as Thera explained the purpose for calling him here.  "Sure, I will go."  A thought suddenly struck him.  "I was the first that came to mind?"  He asked with an arching of an eyebrow  "Not Jasine?"  The shock on his face must have been plain as day.  "Is he well?"



  15. Perivar tucked the note into his pouch then made his way to Mistress Thera's office.  He did not think it odd that he still thought of her as such.  She was still the Mistress of Trainees therefore she was due an appropriate level of respect.  She had not given a reason for request his presence only mentioning that she wished to see him.  Perivar wondered over that as he walked from the barracks and through the yards.  Warders, Tower Guards, and Trainees were going about their business though he did not even spare a glance for any of them. 


    Perhaps someone had seen him training Kabria and thought them too close for comfort.  Someone may have thought their contact inappropriate, lodging a complaint with Mistress Thera.  The fact that he was her instructor had been arranged through Mistress Thera so it would not seem odd that she would be the one to warn him if that was it at all.  Aside from that he could not really think of another reason.  If that was the case then he was going to remind whoever compained that regardless of their personal contact, she was being trained harder than any of his other students.  The thought made him angry, without realizing it he had been stalking through the yards belled braids chiming fiercely.


    Perivar knocked on the door, well pounded on it.  He didn't really do anything lightly.  "Come" The familiar voice spoke from inside.  Perivar entered, closing the door behind him he offered Mistress Thera a respectful nod saying "You wanted to see me Mistress Thera."  It seemed as though a great weight was resting on her shoulders.  He cocked his head slightly to the side studying her as he waited for her to speak. 

  16. Geirrin picked up his things and bolted out the door.  On his way to the travelling grounds he thought on their purpose for going to the Stone.  Supposedly there was a large collection of ter'angreal in the Stone and they were going to see what this collection entailed.  Although he was Tairen he had never been to the stone.  He had seen it from the docks though that was as close as he had come.  Commoners were simply not allowed in the Stone.  He was slightly apprehensive about the trip as he had grown up in a fishing village west of Godan therefore the Maule was more his place than the Stone would be. 


    Geirrin wondered what kind of reception he would receive.  There was no doubt that he would be seen for what he was, a low born Tairen.  Would they hold animosity towards him?  If they didn't like Aes Sedai how would they treat a male channeler?  Sure there was the amnesty but how far did that go to protecting them?


    Geirrin gave the appropriate courtesies to the Attack Leader and then to Martyn.  He fidgeted with his pack trying to find a comfortable place on his shoulder.  He was told there would be four of them though he didn't know who the fourth would be.  Geirrin wondered if he would be of any assitance on this trip hoping that he at least did not become a hindrance.  He was strongest in Earth, Fire, and Spirit then slightly above average with Air and slightly less so with Water.  He found the last bit ironic.  For a boy who spent his entire life on or near the water and that was his weakest element. 

  17. "That I do promise," Gale agreed and clasped him on the shoulder.  "You just do no go disappearing again. We do have a ship to finish and I do plan to see it done." Gale squeezed his shoulder then let his hand fall.


    "That we do my friend, that we do.  Then we have to find a way to get her to the river and down to the Sea of Storms.  Perhaps we will take her out and find the oil shoals though we may have to make a larger ship.  We do that, find the oil shoals I mean and we'll be rich.  Imagine that!"  He said it with all the youthful excitement he possessed overflowing in his voice.  For a moment he had completely forgot what they were about.  For just a brief moment the killing field and the horrible stench were gone replaced by happier visions. 

  18. "Good, then I'll get to add lashes to your sentence before we hang you."  The last three words resounded in her head as her legs gave out.  The two Guardsmen had picked her up and half carried her from the room.  "For what!?!?" her words echoed in the hallway.  It was all she could get out as the Guardsmen manhandled her ordering her to be silent.  Without a word the Guardsmen threw her in the cell, one of them remained gurading the door.  She flinched as the door slammed closed putting her head in her hands screaming in between sobbs that wracked her body.  She cried until the tears no longer formed in her eyes.


    Marli looked up as the man appeared dismissing the guard at her door.  Now that she had time to calm down she recognized him for what he was, a Warder.  There was no doubt with that deadly grace.  "So you were drunk on duty?"  The Warder's glare was intense.  She had to work moisture in her mouth before she could speak.


    Hoarsely she spoke with out the defiance in her voice that had been present when he first burst into her room.  She seemed defeated, almost.  "Y..Yes, several times"  She paused trying to work more moisture into her mouth.  The Warder's gaze was unsettling at best.  She wanted to crawl into a dark corner and hide.  "You are going to hang me for driking on duty?  It seems a harsh penalty for such an offense, does it not?"  A hint of defiance returned but it was all she could muster.  She wished her hands would stop shaking, she could not recall a moment in time where she was this nervous.  That was understandable, until this day nobody had ever threatened to hang her.  Light she wanted to pinch herself to wake from this nightmare. 

  19. The both of you ... dear lord what was I thinking !  ::)


    Lolz  ;D


    What you were thinking my dear is that you have two Asha'man at your disposal who can take you anywhere via gateway or skimming.  On top of that, one has the talent for healing and the other for shielding.  They are both young I think, so you can mother them to your hearts content.  I would say that you just scored a major victory as long as they do not go insane.  *yells at the voice in is head to be quiet*  :o

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