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Posts posted by Sieve

  1. Scanning the field Perivar saw Kynwric heavily engaged.  He saw no sign of the Myrddraal though several Trollocs were near the Warder.  The next closest Myrddraal was on foot, literally.  The Myrddraal was missing a leg though still he made his way towards them.  The Myrddraal's black armored horse, if it could be called a horse was wrything on the ground several paces behind its master.  The furthest Myrddraal staggered as its arm was sheared off by the power. 


    Perivar returned his gaze to the nearest Trollocs, six of them were within thirty paces.  He only had time to loose one arrow before they would be on them.  The Myrddraal would be done for in moments.  He just had to buy enough time for the Aes Sedai to finish them off and sever the link to the Trollocs. 


    Perivar dropped the bow so that it hung from the pommel.  He booted Nightdancer who sprung into action as he drew his sword and singuata.  Nightdancer raced toward the center of the Trollocs, in the void he and his warhorse were one.  He was one with his sword and singuata.  One with everything around him.  A heartbeat from reaching the Trollocs Nightdancer valiantly angled his body to the right as he was trained to do.  Perivar held the buckler portion of the singuata close to his body as he leaned to the left bracing for the impact.  Nightdancer's shoulder struck the lower torso of the middle Trolloc sending three of them to the ground.


    Perivar grunted from the impact as he and Nightdancer stumbled sideways past the downed Trollocs.  His mount was surefooted quickly recovering several strides after passing through the line of Trollocs.  Perivar vaulted from the saddle and rushed the three Trollocs who had fallen.  Perivar and Nightdancer were behind them now so that the Trollocs were forced to face him and not the Aes Sedai.


    The eagle beaked Trolloc was rising and was disembowled by Parting the Silk.  The beast shrieked as it brought its massive hands to its torso in a vain attempt to keep its innards from spilling to the ground.  Lashing out with the uppermost blade of the singuata, Perivar struck the wolf muzzled Trolloc in a form similar to Kissing the Adder.  He quickly sidestepped as the Trolloc crashed to the ground alongside him.  He quickly danced the forms to keep himself from becoming a pin cushion.  Four Trollocs faced him, some with booted feet other with hooves.  Goat faces, wolf muzzle, and eagle beak all snarling and growling as they came to take him.


    Perivar danced through The Creeper Embraces the Oak slowly circling, sword and singuata going from high to low deflecting blow while looking for an opportunity.  On the edge of the void he felt the wounds where Trolloc steel had found its way past his guard and armor.  He felt the distant sting, felt blood trickling though it would not be concern unless this went on longer then expected.  He only had to hold out a short while while the Myrddraal died severing the link to the Trollocs.  Just a little longer he thought.  It felt like hours though he knew it had been mere minutes since it all began.


    Lightning of Three Prongs took one of the goat faced Trollocs in the neck.  He tried to pull it back though the beast clung to it as if it could save itself by doing so.  It slumped to the ground as Perivar let his grip go knowing it would only drag him to the ground.  With only his sword remaining he danced back with The Falling Leaf deflecting more blows from the Trollocs, blows meant to end his life.  The snarling and growls continued though they were distant.  Dandelion in the Wind did in eagle beak so that only goat face and wolf snout were left standing.  Goat face lashed out at his left side losing his hand to The Rose Unfolds.  As he was bringing his sword back he caught a blur from the corner of his eye.  Something struck the nasal piece of his helm, breaking his nose and causing a ringing sound inside his head as everything went black.  His limp body fell first to its knees then crashed forward to lay still on the ground.  The helm had saved him from a mortal wound though the blow had knocked him out.


    Perivar's eyes flickered open for moment as his head struck the ground, he felt the blood running from his broken nose.  He was face down on the ground.  His helmet lay askance partially blocking his vision.  Through it he saw one of the remaining Trollocs drop in front of him wrything on the ground in pain.  The link had been cut, thank the light he thought.  His eyes held a look of panic as he searched for Kabria though he could not lift his head.  He prayed to the creator that she was unharmed.  It was his last thought as he slipped back into an unconcious state. 





  2. Sorry for the wait man, I had big comp troubles. Somewhere in the realm of an idiot cracking my motherboard. -_-; But it looks like you are taken care of regardless.


    Ouch, sorry to hear about the computer troubles.  Motherboards don't work too well when they are cracked. O.O    Yeah Seggie took care of it for me but thanks anyway.

  3. Perivar had turned from Selene to Carina to hand Carina the flower.  He heard the excitement in Selene's voice but had not expected the jumping hug that she tried to give him.  Perivar caught her with his left arm as she clung to him.  Perivar was caught off balance, with all the grace of a lummox he tripped over the haft of Melenis's grounded ashandarei.


    Perivar and Selene unceremoniously fell to the ground with her landing on top of him.  Unbeknownst to Perivar, Selene's arm was hooked through Nightdancer's reins jerking his head down causing the warhorse to dance sideways.  Seeing Selene jump on his master sending him to the ground the warhorse must have thought his master under attack for Nightdancer reared up with hooves ready to strike out at Selene.


    Perivar quickly gathered his wits shouting to the warhorse as he pushed Selene off him.  Nightdancer appeared not to hear him as Perivar got to one knee shielding Selene.  Perivar put an arm up over his head in defense realizing that he was going to get struck by the warhorse's hooves.

  4. Perivar spared a glance for Kabria, he was happy to she that she had chosen to remain mounted.  She would be able to fall back or move wherever she needed to go much quicker if she was already mounted.  Not to mention the advantage of a higher point of view.  Mounted as they were they were almost as tall as the Trollocs.  Kabria was closest to him, only a few paces to his left.  Loraine was a few paces to Kabria's left and he thought Kynwric was on Loraine's left though he could not see him with his peripheral vision. 


    In the void, Perivar could see her lips thinned, she wore a look of determination.  The white pasty eyeless faces, like parchment pulled too tight over their skulls were clearly visible.  Perivar was relieved to see that she that she was not visibly affected.  Calm Aes Sedai serenity, he was not sure that he could have pulled that off facing his first Myrddraal in battle.  Perivar had no idea that this wasn't her first encounter.  He knew very little of their training other than they were taught something of Shadospawn in the Tower.


    His eyes went back to the Shadowspawn racing down upon them.  It was time, the ambush had been sprung.  He loosed his first arrow not watching to see it thump into the chest of a goat faced Trolloc.  Perivar quickly nocked another arrow and loosed, out of the corner of his eye he thought he saw Kynwric racing toward the leading Myrddraal.  Perivar knocked and loosed again, he was not sure how many more arrows he could loose before they reached his position.  He was determined to send as many arrows into the pack as possible.  Had the Tollocs possessed any intelligence they would have spread out reducing the chance of a poorly aimed arrow from striking an unintended target.


    If the Myrddraal were not dead before they reached him he would have to distract them allowing the Aes Sedai a chance to fall back and resume their attack from range.  If either the Myrddraal or the Trollocs reached them then they were all doomed.  All these thoughts sat on the outside of the void, they were distant thoughts.  Light send that Loraine, Kabria, and Kynwric could take down their targets quickly. 

  5. Geirrin rolled away as the fireball cast by Tsingtao flew past him.  He could feel the heat coming from the fireball threatening to sear him as it passed to crash into the light nows what.  It had come so close that he would not be surprised to see his black coat smoldering.  Light that bloody thing had been close he cursed.


    Coming up from the roll he was met by Tsingtao's blade, he deflected it slightly suffering a gash on his left arm.  If he hadn't deflected the blow it would have been far worse.  As it was it stung like fire and he was sure blood was trickling down his arm.  They danced back and forth.  Hacking, slashing, , thrusting, and parrying for his life.


    Tsingtao was a better swordsman and had more weapons at his disposal when it came to use of the power.  Geirrin was strong with the power for a Dedicated though his knowledge of the weaves and the speed at which he channeled were not on par with Tsingtao's.  Geirrin needed to do something.  He struggled with Saidin weaving a flow of Spirit which he directed at Tsingtao.  The weave began to settle in though Tsingtao quickly wove flows of Air, Earth, and Fire cutting Geirrin's weave.  The flows of his own weave crashed back into him sending him staggering to keep his balance.


    As Geirrin tried to regain his balance Tsingtao began channeling flows of Earth into the ground causing it to shake violently.  Geirrin tried to cut the weave though the shaking earth bounced him about so much that he lost control of the source.  Geirrin continued to bounce until he was bounced from the patch of the ground.  He could still feel the vibrations as he struggle to get to a knee using the sword for support.  Geirrin knelt there breathless eyeing Tsingtao hoping for a few moments of respite.

  6. Thanks for all the replies.  Just to update everyone.  The concerns are being noted and addressed.  Any questions/issues will be forwarded to Seggie.  The Reds are doing the same on their end. 


    1)  Before you enter into a bond it is extremely important to work out the details with your bonded.  Who will hold the bond.  What are your or your bonded's intentions and expectations.  Make sure that you are completely comfortable with each other before agreeing to the bond.


    2)  As Covai said, this isn't a short term thing unless you have worked something out with your bonded storyline wise.  If you are not committed to seeing it through then don't throw your hat in the ring.  If some issues arise after the bonding where either party is unhappy then certainly we can address that and come up with an RP reason for a separation or releasing of the bond.


    3)  Another thing that Covai mentioned is the Dog and Master analogy.  You will have to discuss with your potential bondmate exactly how this will work.  If you are the one being bonded (ie. not in charge of the bond) are you simply their bitch or would you prefer it to be something more than that.  If you are holding the bond how will you treat your charge, will you allow them some freedom or do you expect total obedience?  This is all stuff that you will have to work out ahead of time.


    4)  On thing I have to find out about from the DL's is how it will play out regarding housing though some of it may be up to the bondees.  Will we have a dorm at the farm for Aes Sedai who are bonded to Asha'man or will they share a place with their bondmate.  Same thing goes for those of us who may be spending some time in Tar Valon.  Imagine being a male channeler in the Red Ajah Quarters...ooh my!



    Alright I think that is it for now.  Thanks to everyone who gave their input.  For those of you yet to respond you may do so at any time.

  7. Perivar let all of her comments slide, with his back to her he smiled at the horses .  He would let her vent without fueling the fire.  He had learned that there were plenty of times when talking only got him in hot water.  That and the fact that sometimes saying nothing unsettled the other person.  He did not purposely irritate her though she did possess this way about her when she was mad that turned him on.  That and he enjoyed making up with her.


    Nonchalantly he looked over his shoulder smiling at her as he continued to care for the horses.  He had not commented when she pushed him out of the way with her hips.  Light he wanted to kiss her yet he thought she may put a knife in his ribs.  Again he smiled at her when she pushed him out of the way with the power as she picked up a small bag with flows of air. 


    When he was finished he just stared at her with a smile on his face.  “If you think I am going to cook for you often you are sadly mistaken. We can eat at Inn’s or hire a cook”  Light she was grumpy.  It was time to put her at ease.  His voice was as calm and soothing as he could make it.  "After tomorrow I will never ask you to cook for me again.  This is part of survival my love, this is what I am supposed to be teaching you.  After tomorrow night you may do as you like.  Believe me I did not tell you to cook to put you on edge, even if you are very pretty when you pout."  He smiled then waved a hand taking in their surroundings.  "Unfortunately out here in the woods there are no inns or cooks to hire.  When we are traveling there are no guarantees that there will be an inn nearby at the end of the day.  We may go several days without seeing one.  So there will be times when we have to make due with what we have in our packs.  On occasion we will have to rely on what we can find.


    Perivar gently took her hands helping her to her feet.  He offered her a sincere smile trying to offset her mood.  "Come my love, we'll go set the snares and set up a shelter while we wait on the stew."  He held her hand as if they were lovers on a stroll through a garden.  Well they were lovers though this was no garden.  Perivar showed her how and where to set the snares.  Then they collected branches, some bare and some full with foliage.  They found a dry spot and he showed her how to construct the shelter.  Perivar took a canvas ground covering from his saddlebags which he laid on the floor of the shelter on top of a few layers of pine boughs.  It was the softest bed he could make in the wild for he did not want her to have to suffer on the hard ground.



  8. Drager saluted Kynwric then Folded the Fan formally sheathing his sword.  He returned to the gathered Blademaster to confer with them regarding Kynwric's fitness for the accolade.  Drager had already rendered judgement in favor of the man though it had to be unanimous. 


    After a few minutes of conversation Drager turned and approached Kynwric with others by his side.  Drager removed the gauntlet from his right hand and extended it to Kynwric.  "Welcome Brother, you have been deemed worthy of the title of Blademaster, congratulations.  Wear the title proudly, may you always serve with honor and distinction, may the light illumine you for the rest of your days."  He wasn't one for speeches, it was short and too the point.  Drager moved aside for the others to congratulate the newest member of their order.

  9. Perivar took up a position on the side of the two Aes Sedai.  Naturally he had an urge to stand between them and the threat yet he would do them no good if he blocked their line of sight.  Perivar spoke to the two Aes Sedai as they stood ready "If they get too close to us you will have to pull back to a new position while I buy you some time.  Once you are setup again I will disengage as soon as I can and come back to you."  Perivar looked at each of them to make sure they heard and were in agreement.  The ground seemed to vibrate with the horde that was bearing down on them. 


    Perivar hoped that it would just be the Trollocs that he had to distract.  They were lazy by nature and would go for the easier kill.  They would attack him before the Aes Sedai as long as he got himself in the way.  He was counting on their bloodlust and their laziness.  If one of the Myrddraal got too close it would be a different matter entirely.  Best case scenario would be that all three Myrddraal died before the Trollocs could reach them though that was too much to ask for. 


    Perivar scanned the direction from which they would come.  He waited with his bow at the ready, arrow nocked just waiting for a target to come into view.  He would fire as soon as Master Kynwric gave the command or as soon as the Aes Sedai began channeling.  Perivar was weighing the options in his head.  Attempt to slow the Myrddraal or take down a few trollocs.  His arrows would not kill the Myrddraal unless he was able to put the whole quiver into one of them.  The best he could do was hinder one of them though if he loosed true he may be able to put a few Trollocs down.  He was weighing the options in his head as the vanguard of the horde came into view.  He picked a target and drew the arrow's fletching back to his ear waiting for it all to begin.


    Give me more time and energy?  I need a fair amount extra of both >__<





    *Puts on his white lab gown then rummages through the glass bottles on his shelves*  Time to make a special concoction he says as he finds the bottles he was searching for...*laughs maniacally*


    Once again, still not the intent of the comment ;)  I've actually thought of making a TTPC Red to bond and to die in the Cleansing, but I haven't decided if I actually have the time yet.


    I know I'm just kidding  :P ;D.  It would be great if you had the time to join us with your TTPC Red.  What will it take, begging? Cookies? Just name it.  ;)

  12. Perivar nodded with a look of determination plain on his face as Master Kynwric gave him his orders.  At first he felt slighted as if he was being kept out of it.  Suddenly it occurred to him that his task would be an ominous one if things did not go exactly according to plan.  Plans could go to shambles before the first strike was even made.  He felt his nerves on edge as the weight of his assignment bore down on him.  He fed everything into the flame, it was all so distant though he was one with his mount, one with everything around him.


    Perivar gaped for a moment.  He had no idea what this opening in front of him was except that it had been done with the one power.  Master Kynwric was through and was hurriedly waving them on.  This was no time for questions so he dismounted and led NightDancer through the opening in the air.  As soon as he was through he mounted with his horsebow at the ready, arrow nocked.  He looked in the direction from which came the sound of thumping boots and thundering hooves spinning NightDancer to face the same direction using just the pressure of his legs to guide his warhorse.  He waited patiently for Master Kynwric to give him the order to loose.  Perhaps he could take down a few Trollocs or cause some damage to one of the Myrddraal.  If they came within melee range he would let the bow hang from his saddle's pommel then pickup his sword and singuata, the round buckler with a blade protruding from either end, both top and bottom for piercing attacks.  Perivar waited on the Aes Sedai to see if they would fight mounted or not.

  13. So..it has been about a month since I have done one of these and I was thinking about it. How is everyone doing? Are there any questions that come to mind *eyes* or anything I can do for you? Training? Fetch some ale? Anything at all..please ask. :D


    Also I wanted to mention the Fire in the Sky RP again to see if anyone is interested. It is scheduled to start soon and I would love to see the WY make a great showing.  ;D


    Love you guys!! *smiles and runs off to find sleep before she falls over dead*  :-*



    I am not convinced that you love me, prove it.  *crosses arms while tapping foot impatiently*


    I am not going to the Fire in the Sky RP unless you absolutely need another body.  I will do it if necessary because I want us to be represented.  Notice I omitted the word well before represented.  ;D




    *Goes along to watch a dedicated get beat up*


    Thanks for the vote of confidence...


    Geirrin is definately going to get slapped around and get his bell rung.  Maybe just maybe at the end he may be able to shield Tsingtao as a last desperate measure after getting soundly beaten but I guess we will have to see.

  15. Geirrin had no idea what to expect.  A black coated man complete with his collar pins stepped into the circle with his hand resting on the pommel of his sword.  He had hoped that swords would not be necessary but it appeared that this would not be the case.  Well there was nothing to be done about that, it was part of the training.


    Geirrin nodded respectfully to the man addressing him.  His words almost sounding clipped as if he would say what was necessary and not a word more.  He listened to the instructions and drew his sword taking the cue from the man called Tsingtao.  He took the guard stance holding his sword upright ever so slightly held to the right.


    Geirrin had no idea how much time they spent holding their stances while waiting on the other to make a move.  Tsingtao charged striking out at Geirrin's left then his right.  Geirrin reacted as quick as he could manage just in time to deflect the blows.  The clashing of the swords still rang in his ear as Tsingtao danced out of range before Geirrin could strike.


    The man's words were lost on him as Geirrin saw the glow surround the man.  Geirrin quickly embraced the source then desperately struggled with Saidin to form the weave to cut the other man's flows of air.  Air, Earth, and Spirit came together though it was too late.  A rush of air struck him in his chest like a blacksmith's hammer taking the breath from his lungs causing him to stagger backwards.  Geirrin knew he needed a moment to catch his breath so he quickly wove flows of Earth into the ground creating an earthen barrier between the two combatants.


    Geirrin recovered quickly then circled to the right as Tsingtao was moving left to meet him.  He had a weave ready which he unleashed at his opponent.  The thunder clap sounded near his opponent's head meant as a distraction.  Geirrin seized the opportunity and rushed in striking at the Tsingtao's left side with his sword though Tsingtao deflected the blade almost effortlessly.


    Both combatants wove flows of air which passed each other enroute to their targets.  They both staggered back as the flows of air struck home... 

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