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Posts posted by Sieve

  1. The restless night passed ever so slowly in their makeshift camp.  His breath misted to mix with the clouds that skittered across the moonlight sky.  All through the night he continued to feed the fire in hopes of keeping his dearest Kabria warm.  She had grown somewhat accustom to the colder climate though the nights could be bitter.  She would not complain but knew spending nights on the cold hard ground were not to her liking.  As is anyone truly enjoyed them but some did not seem to mind.


    If he had his bearings they were an hours ride from the Shol Arbela – Chachin road.  When Kabria woke Perivar had their things stowed and ready to go within the hour.  Even though he was not eager to get to their destination, he had no desire to lay about.


    Wearily Perivar took to his saddle to continue their journey.  He kept to himself again running all the possible scenarios through his head.  When they reached the road he broke his silence.  “It won’t be much farther now.”  Was all he said.


    Kabria tried to lighten the mood.  “All will be well my heart. The Wheel Weaves as it Wills, but I do not think your own mother will be our demise. There are too many adventures for us yet to face to end skewed on the end of a kitchen knife.”  Perivar chuckled loudly, “You have not met my mother, yet.  My father walks cautiously around her, something he would not even do for the Amyrlin Seat.”  He said with a smirk and a shrug.


    Two hours after crossing the road he came to the familiar bend around which would give them their first glance of his former home.  Perivar let out a breath he did not realize he had been holding.  From here only the tops two floors of the manor house were visible.  The rest of the small town on his father’s estate was hidden by the surrounding landscape.  Turning Nightdancer Perivar climbed a rise to the north so they could get a better look at his parent’s estate.


    When they topped the rise Perivar stopped Nightdancer draping his reins over the saddle’s pommel.  He scanned the horizon for a few minutes before sliding from the saddle.  He walked over to Kabria to help her down from Blade though he still did not say a word. 


    Walking to where they could get an unobstructed view Perivar finally broke the silence.  “It seems different than what I remember but this is it.”  He studied the landscape for a while, it seemed odd somehow.  Larger perhaps, even his childhood home seemed odd, at one time he thought it the most beautiful building in the world.  What once seemed palatial now appeared simple and plain.  His time traveling and residing in Tar Valon had shown him an entirely different manner of architecture.  Everything in the borderlands was simplistic, built for a purpose with an emphasis on defense and security.


    The Manor House consisted of three stories of stone and mortar built in the center of what could only be described as an outpost, a small walled in city using the term city very loosely.  His former home which was built on high ground had grown since he left yet it seemed small in comparison to places he had come to know as cities.  It certainly did not hold a candle to the likes of the grand city of Tar Valon let alone Shol Arbela, the city of a thousand bells.  Farmland surrounded the outpost to provide the citizens with the means of supporting themselves.  During raids or hard times the farmers would come inside the walls.  At full capacity it held less than 500 people.   


    “My father’s estate runs from the Shol Arbela – Chachin road, which we passed two hours back, to the Blight.  It is not visible from where we stand but you can see it from the watch towers in the outpost.  It is only an hours ride to the north.  From this spot here his land runs to the border of Kandor.  Most of our people are down there in the town though there are a few settlements scattered about his estate.” 


    The nostalgia overcame him for a moment so he took her hand in his bringing her this way and that like a little boy sharing some of his childhood memories.  Pointing to a creek running near the town he said “My brother, Laval and I learned to swim in that creek down there.  Well he tried to drown me and I tried to swim.  He was bigger than me then.”  The thought made him smile.  “We used to swing from that large oak on the bank, the one that splits in the middle with the thick branch hanging over the water.”


    Turning to the west he pointed to a meadow.  “Over there in that meadow is where we trained our warhorses.”  He was surprised by the fond memories that returned.  Turning farther south he said “In that forest we used to hunt for days on end.  Mother said on several occasions that she was convinced that we were not going to return.”


    Glancing at Kabria he probed the bond searching for any hint of what she was feeling.  She seemed interested, a smile adorned her beautiful face though his childhood had been vastly different than hers.  The last thing he wanted was to make her upset, he did not want her feeling uncomfortable by him reliving days of his past.  He knew she wanted to know about his past but he was worried about her recalling her less fortunate past. 


    “Shall we make our way down there?” He asked suddenly uncomfortable.  “Certainly we have been spotted by now.  The Commander of the Watch will be curious to know what we are about even though we are only two people.  When they discover you are Aes Sedai the town will be all abuzz.  Hopefully I will not be recognized until we reach my parents.”  Perivar doubted his luck could go that far.  Hoods could not be worn inside the town walls anywhere in the borderlands but perhaps the lack of braids would confuse some.  Hoods could not be worn but he could don his helmet.


  2. His breath came raggedly and he had to blink several times to clear his vision.  Eqwina sat calmly back in her seat across the table from him.  He thought she had stood and walked to him though nothing in what he saw now suggested that had ever been the case.  "What?"  The question never left his lips though his confusion was obvious.


    “Does killing always affect you in such a way? I had not known grown men could still faint from such a clean kill. Should I expect these troubles for you in the future?”  Eqwina's cold emotionless laughter assaulted him yet he did not hate her for it as expected.  For some reason he felt the need to protect her.  Why?  He hated her to his core yet he felt as if he needed her, alive.  What was she talking about, he did feel odd but had he really fainted?  He wanted to ask her though she did not seem as if she would tolerate questions at the moment.


    "I assure you there will be no troubles mistress."  It was all so odd.  He vaguely remembered telling her of his feeling for her but surely she would have killed him on the spot.  Why did he suddenly feel the need to protect her, surely that was knew.  The one thing he knew was that his fate was tied to her.

  3. I think that Perivar is definately my favorite / most used character.  He is the one that I have the most invested in.  There is so much history between him and Kabria so he is the most fleshed out of all my characters.


    From there I would say:


    Geirrin (BT)

    Kennar  (WY)

    Valeran (BT)

    Braelin (Aiel)

  4. Kabria's tender touch began to relieve the strain on his mind and body.  Why she cared for him so still confused him.  Perivar was convinced that no mortal man was worthy of Kabria.  She was a gift from the creator, it must be so he thought.  The feelings that shone through the bond amazed him.  How could she love and adore him so.  It should not be possible yet there it was.  He felt as if he let her down on so many levels yet the bond told he that he was everything she desired and then some.


    Kabria's words washed over him stimulating his mind like no one else could do.  Her fingers continued work over his tired muscles and her kiss breathed life into him.  Adrenaline surged through his body, he felt more alive than ever.  He could climb the highest mountain with her by his side.  He felt like he could take on the Dark One, crush the shadow in one blow.


    Perivar was elated, he felt larger than life itself.  “The question I must ask you is, am I worthy to ride with you?”  What he felt through the bond blindsided him.  She was truly worried that he did not feel she was ready to face what had to be faced.  Shock gripped him, the moisture in his eyes seemed to leave his mouth dry.  He had to wait to speak.


    "I am already the luckiest man alive to have you by my side.  I can think of no one I would rather have with me to face life's trials.  It is both an honor and a blessing that you are willing to stand by me.  You are a borderlander my love, in heart, body, and mind.  You are far more than any man deserves.  Far more than any man could wish for." 


    As always he was worried that his words were not enough, too simple, nowhere near elegant enough to do his feelings for her justice.  Golden veins of love, pride, and sheer joy surged through the bond.  What she was feeling through the bond should be enough to convince her in spite of his simple words.  Perivar pulled her close holding her body against his gently though firmly enough to feel his strength.  The feel of her so close to him sent shivers throughout his body.  The feel of her along with what he sensed through the bond was marvelous, it was so amazing that it almost hurt.       

  5. Valeran was in awe by the amount of Saidin being wielded.  He was still just one of the Dedicated but he was nowhere near strong in the power.  It was dangerous to be this close.  There were weaves being thrown about that he had never seen before.  He began shouting to the Dedicated, Soldiers, and civilians to move back to safety.  He did not say a word to the Asha'man, that was not his place.


    Valeran Kertovni - Dedicated

    Thinking it might be safer elsewhere



    Geirrin still had a smile on his face, he had a feeling that Brent was going to die.  Geirrin was just as strong as anyone else at the farm yet he did not possess the skill or the knowledge to pull off some of the weaves he was seeing.  He watched as one of the Soldiers ran out to Arath's side.  Fool he muttered.  Geirrin was far enough away he supposed but even so he did not feel safe.


    Geirrin studied every weave that Covai used tucking it away for later.  He tried to keep sight of Brent though the explosions made him flinch then raise his hands to cover his eyes.  Shifting his eyes he caught sight of Covai drawing his sword and advancing on Brent.  Blood dripped from Covai's hand yet he was certain that Brent was going to die.  Again Geirrin was jealous that he would not be the one to strike the killing blow.


    Geirrin Hale - Asha'man

    Can't wait to see Brent die 

  6. Perivar sat on a log staring off into the distance as Kabria tried to make herself comfortable.  The fire crackled throwing sparks up into the sky but he did not stir.  Kabria's words still lingered in his head.  She was wise beyond her years.  Was that something that came from being Aes Sedai or was it just that she possessed wisdom beyond his comprehension.  How did she always know what was troubling him when he did not know for sure himself.  No doubt she was right though he didn't want her to be.  It seemed like a betrayal.


    He was certain that Kabria sensed his discomfort through the bond though she remained silent while he worked it out in his head.  Guilt riddled Perivar, he felt like he betrayed her.  All this time he thought he was over the feelings that drove him to return home.  When he became Kabria's warder he thought his needs were fulfilled.  Little did he know there was a nagging feeling residing deep within him that he never realized.  Before Kabria it had been so obvious but now it was so covert that he never understood it for what it was.  He felt even worse now, as if he was betraying Kabria and all that she meant to him.  What man could ask for more than she had given him.  She was his world yet somehow it was not enough...


    Perivar occasionally stood and did rounds of their camp.  Other nights Kabria would take turns with him so he could rest an hour or two though tonight he knew he could not close his eyes.  Little did he know that his restlessness and his emotions flowing through the bond made it difficult for her to sleep.  Not to mention that he kept talking to himself.  That and the fact that she never slept well outside.  Kabria always said how she was not built to sleep on the hard ground and she was right.  Kabria was very fit, she did not have much padding on her body at all.  She had curves in all the right places though, her figure drove him wild.  Combine that with her striking looks and passion for life made her seem as if she emerged out of one of his dreams.  The more he thought of her the worse he felt, the more he felt like he betrayed her.  It was tearing him apart.


    He did another circuit of the camp talking to himself as he walked.  He could not sit still.  "I have no right to feel this way!"  He was furious with himself.  "It is not my fight any longer yet it still burns inside me!  I have betrayed everyone!  My parents, our people, and most of all my love for Kabria!  I have more than any man can ask for yet I am not completely content, Why?!?!"  Surely this was something beyond his own control so he asked the Creator.  In his fury he did not realize that he had been shouting.  "Is this some foul scheme by the Dark One?!?!"


    Walking back to the camp he found Kabria sitting.  She was wrapped in her blanket staring at him.  He felt her concern through the bond.  "You are still troubled my Love."  She spoke, the concern was plain in her voice.  Guilt riddled him to the point where he wanted to do anything but face her.  Sitting down he let it all out.  "I'm sorry but I thought it was over.  I did not understand what was wrong until you reasoned it out.  I have not conciously felt the pull since you came to me years ago when I was on the brink of losing myself.  I thought it was gone but it was lingering deep inside all this time but I could not recognize it for what it was.  I'm sorry."  Standing her turned to go though Kabria's silken hand touched his stalling his efforts to leave.  Once again he was about to walk away when he knew the right thing to do was to stay and talk.  Another thing that Kabria had taught him.  So many things that he could never repay.


    Turning again to face her he sat still holding her hand though this time it was his gripping hers as if he could absorb some of her strength like she could with him.  His other hand reached for her face, his fingers gently caressing her silken skin.  "I'm sorry my love."  Pain wracked him, he wanted to crawl under a rock and die.  No he wanted to live a long live by her side fulfilling her every need and desire.  "You are more than I deserve and I know it.  It hurts to know it, to know that I am less than you deserve."


    Perivar paused for a moment, his head ached.  "Before you came to me I always felt as if I betrayed my family, my people.  I know that I had no choice but to come to the Tower.  It was my father's decision yet that matters little in my mind.  When I became yours I thought was purpose was fulfilled, the need to go north and fight the shadow seemed to have subsided.  My life and all that I am is yours.  To follow you wherever you lead, to do your bidding as you see fit, but somewhere deep inside there is still the pull to go north and fight the shadow with all that I am.  I swear that I do not wish it to be so yet it is there.  I didn't see it for what it was but now that I do I need to rid myself of this feeling.  I am not fully yours until I can do so.  It is not fair to you.  All my focus needs to be on my service to you.  It has to be so."  He stopped speaking and became withdrawn.  The guilt and pain threatened to rip him apart.  He had to find a way to come to terms with his feelings.  Something that he had never been good at. 


  7. Ed still needs to drink that old fart under the table, so bring him along, Kyn, dear! *laughs*


    and that sounds awesome, Sieve! She's all giddy and stuff, so she probably won't slap him if he pinches. Sandre might do more than slap, but... *smirks* that might be fun, too...

    Ooh no I meant the serving girls not Edana!  :o  Even Kennar would not be so bold as to do that to another TG.  ;D
  8. “My man you say?”  “What makes you think I would have a man following you? Do you think I have nothing better to do with my time then have you followed? If I trusted you that little I would not have you as my hound.”  The context of her words warred with the tone only adding to his confusion.  Kennar was certain that the man was in her employ.  Could he have been wrong, it would not be the first time.


    His mind raced as she stood and walked over to where he sat.  She somehow managed to loom over him despite her small stature.  How did she do that.  He had no time to ponder the thought as he now concentrated on her words.  Not paid? She threatened to kill him if he was discovered.  She saw his performance as a failure?  Panic surged through him, his mind raced for an escape.  He could not run, he had been commanded to serve her.  He could not disobey yet to remain might mean death.  The Great Lord preserve him but he could not see a way out.  He had no choice but to nod when prompted.  He could not speak at the moment.


    Grabbing a fistful of his hair his mistress bent his head back. His neck constricted though he didn't move.  Squirming would only make it tighter he thought.  It was even more unsettling that he could not see what was cutting off his air flow.  It had to be the power, the very thought was unnerving.  She had used the power on him before and he would have preferred not to recall the memories.


    “Next time you will not be seen, or else I will be forced to be very angry with you.”  She was not angry with him yet? If this was not anger then he did not want to be around her when she considered herself to be angry.  He had little time for thought as the invisible neuse grew tigther around his neck cutting off his supply of air.  His vision began to go dark.  He was going to die.  Alarmed he tried to move but could not.  He had been promised immortality if he served the Great Lord faithfully and he had done so.  This sinister witch who was his mistress was going to kill him none the less.  His world was going black, a dim light shone.  He would have prayed to the Creator as a last ditch effort though he had given up that foolishness long ago.


    Darkness enveloped him...suddenly he could breath again, gasping for air he gulped it in yet it burned.  His body was all pins and needles yet he was alive...alive!  It was as if his prayer to the Great Lord had been answered.  His wits were slowly returning.  A voice he barely recognized echoed in his head.  Who's voice?  His eyes had not focused yet. 


    “Tell me how you feel about me Kennar, the real truth this time.”  Aghast he began to speak, to his surprise he felt compelled to speak the truth.  What madness was this?  He needed time to recover, certainly the lack of oxygen had left him befuddled.  No matter how much time he took he still felt the need to tell the truth.  It was madness yet he spoke.


    "You are beautiful but I hate you with every fiber of my being.  I hate that you have subjected me to two years of misery without explaining why I was sent to train in the yards.  I hate that you beat and torment me and that I can do nothing about it.  I hate you for it, all of it!"  It was madness, he should shut his mouth now and beg mercy yet he felt the pull to continue.  No you fool! he shouted at himself.  Shut up and beg for mercy.  He couldn't so he went on.  "As much as I hate you I feel that my stock will rise in the eyes of the Great Lord through my faithful deeds in your service.  I feel as if I am tied to you somehow.  I don't understand it but I wish to serve you faithfully.  I hate that I wish it to be so but it is true.  As wrong as it is I see my future in your service."  The Great Lord preserve him but he could not keep his mouth shut.  Something inside him told him it was wrong but he wanted to answer her truthfully.  He wanted to answer her truthfully and he was happy that he had done so.


    Like a faithful hound he awaited other instructions from his mistress.  He desperately wanted to please her.


  9. You be nice! And remember I can kill off Kabria at any time. *cackles at her threat*  ;)


    *Laughs maniacally*  I'll kill off Perivar and Kennar then have my BT Char Valeran bond Eqwina and torment her for the rest of her days.  She would like him, he is big(fat), hairy, domineering and hates DF's.  :o  :-*

  10. This is a total knock off of Jade's post in the WT forum but it struck a chord with me.  I was curious what others here do when they write.  Do you listen to music to aid or inspire your writing?


    The only character that I religiously listen to music when I write is Perivar.  Given his often stormy relationship with Kabria and his constant struggles with personal issues I feel that music helps me write.  Not so much so with my other characters but occasionally I will listen to something if I feel it is fitting.


    So for Perivar I listen to a variety of music from Metallica, Foo Fighters, Staind, Shinedown, 30 seconds to Mars, Taking Back Sunday, Three Doors Down, just to name a few.


    So do you listen to music to aid you when you write?  If so what?

  11. As nervous as he was Braelin was eager to get the training underway.  Some of his nervousness was a result of not knowing what to expect.  It was forbidden for others to discuss the trial with the trainees.  All he knew was that they were to meet with the Clan Chief in the early morning hours. 


    Arriving early Braelin tried to appear calm while resisting the urge to shiver.  The mornings in the waste were cool if not cold compared to the scorching daytime temperatures.  Dew glistened on the points of his spears as he greeted the others.  Rubbing his smooth cheeks he noticed the appraising eye of Jelana and hoped she did not find him lacking any of the qualities of a would be warrior.  Was she sizing him up or just trying to unsettle him.  It was bad enough to be seen as weak or lacking in front of a man but a woman was another matter.  A young man wanted to thought of well by a woman especially one who had wed the spear.  Braelin ran his eye over her in turn.  He would not mind meeting Jelana in the sweat tent.


    Luckily the Clan Chief arrived greeting them each by name then giving them their instructions before Braelin could get himself in trouble.  Braelin had no choice but to admire the Clan Chief on sight.  Something about the Clan Chief commanded respect, from all he had heard the man was well thought of by the clan.  Until now Braelin had no cause to meet the man, only ever seen him from a distance.  Even so he hoped to make a good showing for him.


    Jelana was the first to speak up and Braelin smiled appreciating her courage.  He would wager his coin on Jelana against a lion.  Braelin nodded as Rhulad mentioned finding food sooner rather than later.  Braelin had nothing to add at the moment so he remained silent. 


    The clan chief's gaze ran over each of them in turn then when no one spoke he continued.  Ghaul had given them enough to think on.  This trial was more than simply following instructions, the three of them would be responsible for planning the particulars of the trip. 


    Braelin finally spoke to buy some time to think.  "Not sure about where we will rest but the sooner we leave the better.  We are young, I'm certain we can make it to the Selin Oasis in two days.  I'll bet my belt knife on it!"  He slapped the belt knife at his waist.  Braelin was always looking for a wager.  He laughed out loud just to make sure they took it as such.  He was a fast runner and the others looked in shape but still it was a wild boast that was more of a joke but he would still honor the wager if any chose to accept. 


    ((OOC: sorry for the late and lame post but hopefully we can continue this!))   

  12. I will join you with my Kennar if you like.  He is a TG and I could probably use it as a week in the life req.  He could answer any questions Edana has regarding the life of a Tower Guard or just hang out and BS / drink / gamble / pinch a bottom etc.

  13. ((OOC: Sorry I didn't mention in the earlier post, Valeran is only a Dedicated))


    Pushing the thoughts of his family from his head, Valeran saw the young Arafellin man standing guard over Aria's body.  The honorable act was not out of the ordinary for a borderlander especially not for an Arafellin.  Arafellins were honorable by nature sometimes to the point of overdoing it.  Being from Saldaea Valeran knew enough about their people to know this man's worth. 


    Patting the soldier on the shoulder he said "Well done lad."  Turning his attention to a gathering of soldiers he shouted for them to grab stretchers.  One would be to remove the girl's body and the rest for the wounded that he was certain they would find when this was all over.  Turning his attention back to the young Arafellin Valeran asked "What's your name lad?"  He waited for him to respond then replied.  "When the stretchers return you can escort the girl's body from the field so she can receive a proper burial."

  14. "Well, it seems you have no small Talent, but who knows. You may grow stronger in healing as your strength does, or this may be where your potential stops. Light only knows and only time will tell."  Valeran's hopes were lifted high then dashed as the little Asha'man informed him that this may be the extent of his abilities.  He hoped that it was not though even a minor ability could be of some use. 


    Watching as instructed he paid special attention to the web of spirit that Ikki wove.  Valeran cocked his head to the side brushing the hair from his face as Ikki described the injuries detected by the delving.  He continued to watch as Ikki healed the man's injuries.  The body convulsed violently then went limp.  Valeran wondered why a patient reacted so to the healing but he held the question for another time. 


    Ikki instructed him to delve the next patient though the weave was complex enough that he had to ask to see it again to make sure he understood it completely before using it.  He was here to learn the way of healing not to make the patients suffer.


    Placing his hands on the next man Valeran delved him.  It was obvious without delving the man that his arm was broken though he discovered the man had a fractured skull as well.  He advised Ikki of his findings though he was reluctant to try to heal the man's head wound without further training.  "Perhaps you should heal this one, his skull is fractured.  I'm not sure my ability is sufficient enough to heal this wound."  He shot a questioning look at Ikki hoping that the Asha'man would take over.

  15. Valeran ran toward the stables as fast as he could move.  Despite his bulk he was quite quick on his feet, well at least for his size he was.  Endurance was another matter, he was not in shape for running though much better now than when he first arrived at the Farm.   Spending as many years as he had in a saddle did not make him fond of walking or running that he had to put up with during training.


    Up ahead in the crowd he spotted a Storm Leader, Tenim Wulwind, making his way through a crowd of onlookers.  Valeran watched in horror as the blonde haired woman barring his path crumbled to the ground.  He did not see the weave the Storm Leader used though he quickly pushed through the crowd to reach her.  An Asha'man had caught her with a flow of air then lowered her to the ground.  Valeran dropped to the ground half out of breath.  He fought to take hold of Saidin, as always it threatened to burn him to ash.  Fighting through the sickening feeling from the taint he quickly formed the weaves to heal the poor girl.  Running his hands over her he laid the weaves on her though he knew he was too late.  He did not need to delve her for injuries to know it, his eyes did not deceive him.  The girls skull was partially caved in, her eyes had glazed over, and her chest did not rise.  His hand went to her head closing her eyes and he offered a prayer for the creator to protect her soul.  As frustrating as it was he knew he could not heal death.


    Cursing Valeran sat back on his heels.  He wanted to weep for the girl though he was too angry with the Storm Leader to do so now.  Fuming he stood only to find that two of the Asha'man had already delt with the Storm Leader.  They left nothing of the man to heal, not that he would have done so regardless who gave the order.  The girl did not need to die.  Turning his head he looked back down at the girl, Aria was her name.  She was a sweet girl so full of life.  Valeran was old enough to be her father which only brought back horrible memories of the deaths of his family though at east their deaths could be laid at the feet of shadowspawn not another man who was supposed to protect the innocent, not kill them...


    Valeran Kertovni

    Can't heal death 




    Geirrin got to one knee trying to get his wits about him while rubbing his head with his other hand.  When the dust settled he sobered up quickly though his head was pounding.  He squinted to clear his eyes to no avail.  What he could make out left him bewildered.  Other Asha'man around him were trying to restore order to those who were rushing to the scene.  Soldiers, Dedicated, and civilians stared about wildly.  Some were in shock and others were  trying to decide just what was happening.  If his vision and the shouts from others served him correctly then Storm Leader Covai and Attack Leader Arath had been attacked by Brent and his henchmen. 


    Most of the onlookers did not know what to do but watch.  Brent was the M'Hael but most new nothing of him, on the other hand most at the Farm held Covai and Arath in high regard.  Most of them had been trained by one of them if not both.  The same could not be said of Brent and his henchmen.  Geirrin had no doubt in his mind who he supported, he had a reason to hate Brent.  Brent had beaten Geirrin daily when the man could not learn the shielding that Geirrin attempted to teach him.  It was a talent and Brent simply did not possess the ability.  Brent's lack of talent did not save Geirrin from being beaten but it was fortunate for Arath as he was already outnumbered.  If Brent could shield him the fight would be over. 


    Geirrin tried to grasp Saidin though the pain in his head and the nauseau from the taint struck him hard forcing him to double over dry heaving.  Saidin surged all around him and he desperately wanted to help his Attack Leader though Saidin fought him every step of the way.  His head pounded furiously and his vision seemed doubled from his struggle with Saidin.  None the less Geirrin was going to grasp it or die trying, he could not just sit by and watch the uneven fight.  He wanted to see Brent die, well one of him at least.  If only he could grasp Saidin and pick the right Brent.  Perhaps he was close enough to place a shield on Brent though not close enough for the two to merge.  The attacks continued as Geirrin battled with Saidin.  It raged trying to rip him to shreds.  It was like trying to catch a dozen slippery eels at once except all of them were fangfish trying to rip him apart.  Geirrin was convinced that he was going to burn himself out, just one slip was all it would take.


    A shout behind him made him turn in time to see another Storm Leader or two pushing through the throng.  As the Storm Leader got closer Geirrin recognized the man's features as well as his voice.  Things were going from bad to worse.  Everyone at the Black Tower knew that Tenim Wulwind was Brent's man.  Another shout rang out a woman's voice.  He watched the blonde haired girl fall, was that Aria he thought though he quickly pushed it away as it did not matter at the moment.  Tenim was getting closer and he could not graso Saidin.  Desperately he tried, sweat covered his body like a second skin.  His black coat was saturated.


    Out of the crowd came Tai and Sereth both assaulting Tenim.  Whether it was for Aria or to help Arath Geirrin could not tell but surely Arath could not handle another adversary.  Finally Geirrin seized Saidin and formed the weave for shielding.  There were too many people between him and his target to try another weave so he carefully extended it toward Tenim.  Only seconds had passed though it was already too late, releasing the weave he stared where Tenim once was.  The only remnant of the man had been slammed into the ground.  Good riddance he murmured.  Geirrin thought of relieving himself on the ground where the Storm Leader's ashes had been buried though he wanted to see Brent die first.


    A blast rang out in the direction of the stables.  Turning Geirring squinted desperately trying to clear his vision.  "Enough Brent.  Now you die."  The words echoed through the farm.  A smile formed on Gierrin's face as he recognized the voice.  Shading his eyes he watched thrilled at the prospect of watching Brent die.  Gierrin's only regret was that he would not be the one to deliver the killing blow.  If there was anything left of the fool's body when this was over then Geirrin would relieve himself on his corpse.  A fitting farewell to the tyrant.  The thought made him smile from ear to ear despite his pounding head.


    Geirrin Hale

    Enjoying the show!



  16. I also vote we leave it as is. The AS who are to be bond-holders do it the way they always have, the Asha'man do it with the kiss.


    I know Zarinen is going to have a total hissy fit when it happens to her  ;D


    Arath is in for some fun then!  ;D

  17. She'll be a WT bondholder  ;)


    And I see that Larindhra is going to be bonding a drunk ... *sniffs*


    *hiccups* ...  :o


    Yes he is already having issues... ;D  To make matters worse he knows nothing about the bonding, he only thinks there is to be a truce.  ;)

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