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Posts posted by Sieve

  1. Perivar smiled at her demonstration with the power.  He had never been afraid of the power, he was more enamored by its potential uses.  He pondered over her words for a moment.  What made someone stronger in one element over another?  Was anyone equally strong in all five?  It struck him that Kabria had never discussed this with him.  He would have to remember to ask her.  He did not know much about the power.


    It was actually refreshing that Selene was asking questions.  Not just asking idle questions but questions that were logical showing that she had an analytical mind.  With the exception of Kabria most of his other trainees were not very forthcoming.  Come to think of it he had not been either.  Luckily for him there were others who asked questions.


    "Yes there are various types of weapons and there is a lot to learn before you can wield them properly.  You can always change your mind if a weapon does not suit you.  You have picked three weapons.  You may find that you like all three or perhaps only one.  As you said you will have a natural aptitude for certain weapons.  Those such as yourself who are able to channel are in a unique position.  There is much that you can do with the power so you may find that you would prefer to only work with one or two weapon types."  He watched her working with the whetstone.  The blade was dull yet he watched her as if it were as sharp as a razor.  He hwas happy to see that she was focused on the task at hand.  He did not need another injury under his direction.


    "You may find that the bow is fun for sport or at least valuable for hunting though surely you could do the same with the power.  Though you never know when you may be in a situation where channeling would not be wise.  The quarterstaff is another weapon that may not be as useful to you.  It is cumbersome but can be quite handy in a pinch.  You will have plenty of time to decide what weapons are right for you."  


    Perivar let his words linger a moment as he decided what he would tell her about his past.  He tried to cover it but he was certain that she had noticed the wince when she asked about his past.  He was obviously uncomfortable and was in a dilemma.  He hated talking about it yet he could not lie to her.  If you ever spoke to her brother she would know that he had lied to her and she had to trust him as her instructor.   


    Perivar briefly went over his weapon choices and the reasoning behind choosing them.  "What I am going to tell you I ask that you keep to yourself.  It is not something that I feel comfortable speaking about but I am certain that your brother has an idea about my past."  Perivar took a deep breath then continued.  "Before I came to the Tower I spent my time training to be a Lord.  My father's estates lie in the northwest of Arafel.  The northern border is the blight and its western border is Kandor.  So I spent my childhood learning to be a Lord.  I was taught to manage an estate, the intrigue of local and foreign politics, and how to properly serve a Lord.  My older brother is the true heir so I would have eventually served under him yet I still had to learn all the duties of nobility in case he did not survive to succeed my father."


    "You can imagine why I do not want others to know of my past.  Many people have preconceived notions of nobility.  I just wanted to fit in here, to be like everyone else.  I didn't want anyone thinking I was receiving preferential treatment.  Anyone who truly knows me is aware that I have trained just as hard as they have.  Even so I would prefer that few know my true past.  The fewer the better in my opinion.  Certainly some of the Aes Sedai know my past as my father has always been in good standing with Tar Valon.  He has always heeded the call of the White Tower when aid was requested of him.  By sending me here my father has tied himself tighter to the Tower so I do not want to do anything to cause him any grief.  Anything I do here reflects upon my family.  In a way my family's honor depends on my service to the Tower." 


    In a strange way it was actually refreshing to get it off his chest and not have to hide behind a facade.  It may seem silly to her but to him it all made perfect sense.  As much as Selene liked to talk he felt that she would not betray his trust.  There was something about her that made him trust her.  "I trust that you will keep this to yourself?" 

  2. Perivar was not expecting the question yet he had already thought on the spar so his answer came with little time for thought.  "Well, my intent was to try to create an opening by attacking as many places at once.  I used every feint and trick that I know but I never found an opening.  It seemed as though your sword or shield were always there to block my blows even when I thought they might sneak through."  He shrugged, he really had no idea what else he could have done.  Master Kynwric was just too skilled for Perivar to stand a chance.  He liked to believe that there was always a chance of victory no matter the difference in skill level but in this case it seemed the gap seemed insurmountable.

  3. Geirrin slumped on his knees not more than a pace from where his gateway had been.  He had held it until he was ordered to let it go.  He felt as though he was too exhausted to lift his head let alone do anything else.  Saidin was still there, he could sense it though he could not have embraced it for all the gold in the world.


    Someone inquired if he was injured, he could not make a sound or lift his head so he simply shook his head.  The slightest movement from side to side to indicate that he was not injured.  He was barely aware of the person moving on as the days events played out in his head.  Gale had to be well, he must have made it back to the farm for only a few Asha'man had remained on the battlefield when Geirrin let his gateway wink out.  Well those few Asha'man and the dead.  He would not believe that Gale was dead.  The Illianer was well when Geirrin and the other dedicated who were capable of making gateways were ordered to make gateways back to the Black Tower.


    Geirrin had enough of battle, even though it was his first it was enough.  Until now wielding Saidin had been fun and exhilerating yet now it was different.  He felt a great weight on his shoulders, one that he did not want to bear yet it was too late for turning back now.  You did not simply walk away from the Black Tower.



    Valeran sat up wincing as his hand went to the bandage on his head.  He saw Storm Leader Covai barking orders, he respected the man.  They had just been soundly defeated and the Storm Leader seemed to seethe with anger as a result.  The Storm Leader seemed tough as nails and he had heard murmurs of his actions at the end of the battle.  He had covered their retreat and had to be half carried from the field. 


    Valeran had known defeat, sometimes the cards were just not in your favor.  You had to take the bad with the good.  Still nothing made it easier to stomach.  Unless you had been a leader you could not imagine the feeling of having deaths laid at your feet, feeling as if you could have made a decision that could have changed events.  The sad fact is that there were always casualties.  Decide one way and certain people died, decide another and it was just a different set of people.  There was not much to do about it though friends, family, lovers, and acquaintances would all lay the blame at his feet. 


    On top of all of that the soldiers, dedicated, and Asha'man would be looking to him for reassurance.  The Storm Leader had to appear confident.  He could not waver or else the Black Tower would be broken.  The sense of defeat would pass in time.  They had a job to do, the Shadow had to be defeated.  The fate of the world was at stake. 

  4. Geirrin was staring off at the city watching the events unfold.  They couldn't see exactly what was happening but they could feel Saidin and see the signs of destruction.  Gale's words sunk in "I think break time do be over," Geirrin simply nodded in agreement with his friend. "Fortune preserve me, this do no look as if it do be easy."   Finally he responded though his eyes were still looking off into the distance. 


    "If we are silverpike then surely they are lionfish.  Easy, this will be as easy as catching fish in a net full of holes.  Like sailing on a lee shore with no rudder."  Geirrin shook his head in disbelief.  He had gone to the farm because it sounded like fun, "Learn to wield lightning" they had said to him.  They forgot to mention fighting shadowspawn and darkfriends who could channel.


    He could not recall how much time had transpired since the horizon filled with the dark forces of the Shadow.  The day had gone against them, their defeat was immenent.  In no time Geirrin found himself being ordered to make a gateway back to the farm.  The Asha'man were being called as a rear guard.  Geirrin drew as much of the power as he could handle making the largest gateway that he could.  He stood aside as the injured soldiers were carried through the opening.  He fought the urge to step through himself though he could never live with the shame. 


    Geirrin cursed himself though not too hard as he was no bloody hero.  He quickly turned his thoughts to his friend, Gale had been walking back with him until Geirrin was ordered to open a gateway.  Gale was a soldier and should be through the gate next after the injured had been removed from the field.  He searched those around him trying to spot his friend.  Perhaps he had helped carry one of the injured through another gateway and was now safe at the farm.  Knowing his friend he was helping others not caring a stitch for his own safety.  He prayed to the creator to see the Illianer safe back to the farm.


    Finally he was ordered to close the gateway.  Geirrin stepped through the gateway and let it wink out.  He let go of Saidin as soon as the gateway closed and sank to his knees out of exhaustion.  He was bone weary and could not stand or draw on Saidin if his life depended upon it.  The farm seemed in disarray as civilians and the uninjured tried to tend to those less fortunate.  Disappointment was plain on many faces though he was too tired to care.  He was lucky to be alive.



    Valeran gaped as the traps seemed less effective.  What under the light had happened.  He had no time to think as the ground erupted underneath him.  He felt himself flying through the air and grunted as he landed hard on the rock strewn ground.  He tried to gasp for air but none came and his vision went dark. 


    When Valeran came to he was being half carried, half dragged through a gateway.  He cursed those who were aiding him to let him go, he still had some strength left.  He was no coward, he would not leave the field while he could still fight.  The two soldiers advised him that all the injured and soldiers were retreating first.  He was too weak to pull free so he had no choice but to go were they dragged him.


    They layed him on the ground with other injured men in black coats.  A woman approached and he tried to wave her off though she half sat on him as she dabbed at his bloody head with a cloth.  She threatened him with bodily harm if he dared to move a muscle.  Before he knew it she had wrapped a bandage around his head and thrust a waterskin in his hand with assurances that she would skin him alive if he did not take his ease.  Light the woman was like a General, she gave him orders and expected them to be followed.  He assured her that he would do as she instructed and thanked her as she walked away.  A tough woman, he had not even gotten a good look at her so he could properly thank her later.  He stared into the gloomy cloud filled sky as his thoughts drifted to other battles, this was certainly not his first defeat.


    If you are bonded, would you be willing to be bonded to an Aes Sedai who holds bonds to other BT Chars?I don't see how that would be a problem..especially if the other bonded Ashie was Arath  ;D Seriously though. That could be potentially fun so i would say yes im willing.



    *goes to PM*


    Run Tai!!!!!

  6. Within no time Kabria had him convinced and he was leading her to the center of the cleared common room.  He quickly lost himself in the dance as they flowed across the floor.  Kabria claimed to be a novice at dancing but it seemed as though it came natural to her.  All of her movements were graceful and fluid.  It was one of the few times when he would lead her in public that is, private was a whole other matter.  An amused smile formed on his face.  He was so lost in the dance that he did not care that they were the only ones on the dance floor. 


    Suddenly the tune changed and he found himself being pushed a few paces from her.  She headed one line and he the other.  He was not familiar with this manner of dance though Kabria graced him with a warm smile and a pointed look that said he would regret it if he did not play along.  He tried to return the smile but he was not sure if it ever reached his face.  He danced with several ladies and even some that must be several years younger than he was before he found himself back with Kabria.  “You see Gaidin, Aes Sedai do not always have to be stiffly formal”  He had no time to respond before he found himself dancing with a Kandori woman who he took for a successful merchant.  She offered him a wide smile and a curt nod before passing him off to a younger Saldaean girl.  The Kandori woman obviously thought it was interesting to dance with a Warder yet the look the Saldaean girl gave him was nothing short of appraising.  Light, it was Kabria who started this whole event, if she saw the girl looking at him so she might decide to call the girl down for it.  The girl had no way of knowing that he and Kabria were lovers, it was not that common except with the Greens.  Even then it was still more the exception rather than the rule.  Next he found himself dancing with one of the serving girls.  She danced with him as if he was her brother.  She had been around them enough to tell that he belonged to Kabria.  Perivar glanced at Kabria, she had a glowing smile on her face.  For a moment he felt a pang of jealously though he quickly tamped it down.  She was having a good time, this was no time for him to become jealous and insecure.  He knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that she loved him.


    A few more minutes passed as they continued to dance.  Suddenly he noticed that Kabria was not on the dance floor and spotted her at their table which had been pushed against the wall.  How long had she been sitting down?  He had lost himself in the dancing and had not realized she had left until he noticed that she had not been in her place in the mix after the serving girl.  Perivar walked to the table, he stood over Kabria as the notes were plucked to a softer slower song.  Kabria looked into his eyes and smiled “I would love to dance with you Gaidin.”  He only hesitated a moment before he acquiesced.  Thankfully those on the dance floor remained and they just became another couple on the floor.  This time there was no hiding his feelings for her as they slowly danced across the floor.  A blind patron could easily see the love in his eyes.  When it was finally time to turn in he regretted leaving yet what waited for him back in their room suddenly made him forget about dancing.  When the morning sun pierced the curtains he sat up in the bed feeling as if he had not slept a wink.  Sluggishly he put on his smallclothes then went to the washstand and dunked his head in the cold water.  He scrubbed his teeth then put on the rest of his clothes.  With that done he donned his armor and kissed Kabria gently on her forehead before making his way to the training grounds.


    Perivar returned that evening as the sun was setting.  Despite the benefits of the bond he was flat out exhausted after a full day of training.  If he was too tired for anything else this evening then he knew she was going to have some sharp words for him.  Perivar quickly washed and awaited her return.  As much as he tried to stay awake he nodded off in one of the chairs with the open book resting in his lap.  He was sound asleep when she returned to their room that he did not even hear the faint creak of the door. 

  7. Perivar spent most of the day making arrangements and procuring supplies.  He had to get enough for four since the Accepted had been left in their care.  Fortunately the two Accepted had been kept busy by the Aes Sedai for the better part of the day so he had some time to himself.  They had been out late the night before trying to discover word of Jerinia's father.  They have to wait to see if their efforts paid off.  Hopefully someone would learn something useful and pass it along through the proper channels.


    Perivar visited with Dangar to make his goodbyes and give him the gift that he had purchased for him as a thank you for his training.  He was surprised when the Shienaran Lancer gave him a lance as a gift of friendship.  It pained Perivar that there was outright dissention between Arafel and Shienar, he liked Dangar and could not think of him as an enemy of his homeland. 


    With all the preparations complete there was nothing left but to dine with the others then enjoy their last night of rest in a fine establishment.  He looked at his suit of armor on the armor stand.  The nasal piece of his helmet had been repaired by a Shienaran blacksmith.  Without the connection to the Tower and the harsh words from Dangar he thought the blacksmith would have refused to fix his helm.  His mind replayed the events of that skirmish.  Perivar smiled at Kabria a surge of pride flowed through the bond from him to her.  She looked up from her book as she recognized it for what it was.  She had done extremely well in that skirmish.  On top of that she had saved his life.  She smiled at him and he felt love flowing back through the bond.  As bright as a midday sun.


    "I love you Kabria, more than ever.  You are more beautiful than a field of assorted flowers."  Did she ever tire of him saying so?  He told her often which was out of character for him.  Well around others maybe but around her he melted, he felt like a boy addressing a Queen.  When they were in private it was another matter, she made him feel like a man.  He finished dressing "Shall we go meet the others?  I am looking forward to a good meal.  It will be some time before we can enjoy the fine fare such as we have found here."

  8. ((OOC:  Don't take offense to Perivar's rough manner.  As much as he has tried to work on his anti-social behavior I fear he has failed.  He hates training recruits and is short with those he does not know well.  It takes a long time for him to warm up to people.))


    "Good!" Perivar shouted to the trainees "Again!" He had them working the basic forms, they were dreadful but sometimes a little encouragement went a long way.  Truthfully he hated training the recruits but it was far better than taking his ease inside the Tower.  Kabria, his Aes Sedai, was busy with some sort of Tower business so he decided to help out in the yards when he was not training himself.  He had to receive her permission first of course, the thought of that made him smile.  She could be touchy with him teaching others.  He saw the shorter man approaching out of the corner of his eye.  Unless he missed completely he figured the man was about 3 or so years younger than himself.  The smile slipped from his face as he studied the man who was addressing him.


    "Excuse me good sir, but it seems like you're doing a lot of teaching. If you have the room...I'd like to offer my services as your apprentice."  Perivar looked around then turned to face the man as he eyed him up and down.  Perivar stood roughly six inches taller and was much wider than the man in front of him.  One of Perivar's arms was twice as big as one belonging to the other man.  What kind of man doesn't introduce himself he thought.  Had this man ever done physical labor or was he some sort of clerk?  Perivar's scowl and stony exterior was not welcoming though he did not care.  Perhaps some of Kabria's rough-tongued speech was rubbing off on him as there was an edge to his voice when he responded. 


    "My name is Perivar Tarigan."  If the man lacked common courtesy it did not mean that Perivar could not show it to him.  He purposely gave no title though, he hated titles, for himself at least.  He was proud of being Kabria's Warder but he did not go around like an arrogant fool telling everyone what he was.  He would give titles for others if they were derserving of one.  He was one for proper protocols in public much to the dismay of others. 


    Honestly he did not feel like saying any more than was absolutely necessary but he had to at least point the man in the right direction.  He was very anti-social except around those who were close to him.  The list of people who were close to him was extremely short.  The shorter the better he thought. 


    "If you want to be an apprentice I suggest you go to the stables or the smithy."  He eyed the shorter man.  "No?...Well if you want to train here in hopes of becoming a Tower Guard or Warder then you have to see the Mistress of Trainees.  That's her office right there."  Perivar pointed with his right hand then turned his attention back to the trainees.  He probably could have saved the breath he wasted on the man or perhaps he could have convinced him to be a stablehand.  The man would probably not last a week.


    "What was that!" He barked at the trainees as he threw his hands in the air.  He could not hide his displeasure this time.  "A serving girl could work the forms better than the lot of you!"  He glared at each of them.  "Go through them again and if they are not better this time then you'll be running laps 'til the sun goes down!"  He was a little rougher than he meant to be, with the recruits that is.  He did not care what the newcomer thought of him. 

  9. So she was convinced that she would make it around to the other side before he was setup.  A ten count was not much room for error.  Well at least if she was late it would be better than her springing the trap early he thought.  If they came after him then he could lead them away while she went in and retrieved Andrial Sedai. 


    Stealthfully Perivar made his way to the makeshift camp.  He picked a spot next to a large oak with a good view of the brigand's camp.  The camp was in disarray, for a moment he worried that the Aes Sedai was not with this group.  Well there was only one way to find out.  He could not see Mistress Thera though somehow he knew she was there.  If she wasn't...he pushed the thought away.  The arrow was already nocked, he quickly formed the flame then pushed everything into it thereby assuming the void.  He became one with the bow, one with the arrow, one with his target.  He loosed the arrow and did not need to follow it to know that it struck home.  The sickening thud sounded on the outside of the void as he had another arrow nocked and drawn back as he locked onto his next target.  He loosed and caught the blur that was Mistress Thera coming out of the trees directly opposite of his position.  He nocked and loosed a third arrow, this time he followed it and nearly winced as he saw Mistress Thera engage his target. 


    The combat was too close for bows now so he rushed in with his sword drawn to search for Andrial Sedai while Mistress Thera faced down the rest of the Brigands.  He glanced at Mistress Thera as she faced three of the brigands.  She was more than capable though he wanted to rush to her aid.  He argued with himself for a moment then resumed his search for the Aes Sedai.  He found her lying on the ground amidst the saddlebags and gear.  By her rumpled appearance she had been unceremoniously dumped on the ground when they stopped to make camp.  He fell to his knees beside her sighing in relief as he saw her chest rise.  She was unconcious but she was alive.  Quickly he scooped her up then made for the picket line where the horses were hobbled.  Perivar draped her over her saddle then took up her mount's reins and led the horse away from the camp in the direction where his and Mistress Thera's warhorses were waiting.


    Perivar picked the Aes Sedai from her saddle and sank to his knees with her cradled in his arms.  He was trying albeit unsuccessfully to wake Andrial Sedai when Mistress Thera returned.  "She is breathing, but I cannot wake her."  He said to her as she approached.  She seemed relieved that they had recovered the Aes Sedai though she looked concerned over her unconcious state.  That or she knew what they would be subjected to when Andrial Sedai woke.

  10. It amazed Perivar that she still seemed uncomfortable with people bowing and scraping around her.  He had tried to clue her in on numerous occassions but it never seemed to sink in with her.  Even though Aes Sedai were made welcome in the Borderlands it did not mean that there were not those who disliked them.  Perivar tried to seem matter of fact though he was ever vigilant.  He would have preferred a private dining room but Kabria wished to dine in the common room.  Perivar nodded "Yes it is, you are going to have to grow accustom to it."  He smiled at her then touched her hand sensing her discomfort. 


    "I have told you time and again though you refused to believe me.  It is well known that the White Tower has its own agenda but they have often sent Aes Sedai to the Borderlands to fight the Shadow.  Maybe not as often as most would like but still the White Tower fights the Shadow, that has garnered much respect."  Again he spoke softly, well there was nothing soft about his voice though it was lower than usual.  He did not want anyone to overhear their conversation.  He doubted the nearest person could hear his normal voice over the din of other conversations as well as the music.


    Why did he sense frustration through the bond when their meal was brought out.  She hadn't tasted it yet, and the dish was not something which he knew her to dislike.  He caught her eyes scanning the room.  Suddenly it dawned on him.  When he dined with his parents in their hall the head table was always served first.  "Do not think anything of it my love for they surely will not.  They would feel uncomfortable if you were not served first.  It is simply the way it is."


    Perivar watched her approach the musicians, clearly she was making a request for a particular tune.  Why was she smiling like that?  He could feel amusement and...satisfaction through the bond as the table were being cleared away.  Perivar stood as two men bowed then nervously stood a few feet away eyeing their table.  He looked at Kabria who began to rise, she nodded at the men who picked up their table moving it to the side.  Perivar stepped closer to Kabria lower his voice for her ears only.  "You did this on purpose!"  He said but it was more of a question than a comment.  She did not have to respond, though she smiled up at him.  "In public?  You want to dance in public for everyone to see?  It would not be proper.  Aes Sedai and Warders may dine together but surely they would not be seen dancing in the common room of an inn no matter how fine an inn this happens to be."  Perivar would do anything for her but they had a standard to live up to.  His sense of what was proper may be more enhanced than others but could they be seen as a couple in public?  It was hard enough to hide without dancing around the common room for the whole of Fal Dara to witness. 


    Suddenly he felt bad for thinking so, he loved her and wanted her to be happy.  Duty to the White Tower had thrown many obstacles in their path.  He was caught between his duty and his love for Kabria again.  As much as he thought his duty to her and his love for her were one in the same, there were times such as now where it was obvious that they were not.  She seemed intent on dancing, he could not refuse her yet he could not appear as her lover.  It was tough to pull off but he tried to appear as her were just her Warder and not madly in love with her as they began to dance.

  11. Waiting more than 24 for hours for an RP…Unacceptable!!! You are fired!! *writes the seperation letter*  ;)


    Its no problem hun..this is a busy time for everyone. Just don't work yourself too hard.


    *sits down to wait for her Warder to return*  ;)Maybe I should take up needle point? ::)


    You doing needle point! *roflmao* *catches breath* *laughs harder* 


    Ooh I have to remember to PM you, I had a question to ask you before I post in the "Be Gone Aes Sedai" RP.

  12. Last week and partially into this week I had Jury Duty.  Needless to say my work backed up, so now I am really really behind.  Instead of getting the chance to catch up, when I returned I got slammed with more work on top of my usual workload.  So if I am in an RP with you I promise to get to it but it may take me a few days to catch up.  Sorry for the inconvenience.

  13. Hmmm....somehow this slipped through the cracks.  I would love to but not sure if I will get to it.  I had Jury Duty for a week and returned to a crapload of work.  I am trying to play catch with ongoing RP's so I am not sure if I will get to this one.  I am last anyway so it's not really a biggie I guess.  :P

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