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Posts posted by Sieve

  1. At first Geirrin thought that the Storm Leader's tirade was directed at the new soldier though it quickly became apparent that the later portion was directed at them all.  Geirrin had never seen Covai like this before, he seemed ready to tear them all to bits if they gave the wrong answer.


    He thought about the questions carefully before answering so the Storm Leader didn't burn him to cinders.  "Clear Sir!...I am staying Sir!"  He stood rigidly at a position of attention.



  2. ((OOC: Wow Jehaine! did you draw that?))


    Perivar walked back to his room warring with himself, his head hung low.  He was a fool jumping at shadows, Loraine Sedai was just being kind.  No she had said it straight, something felt wrong, she couldn't lie.  Perivar felt it too, something wasn't right he just couldn't tell what it was.  Maybe she was just trying to make him feel better, light he didn't know what to think.


    Perivar pushed open the door to his room barely glancing at Anluan who was just polishing off his meal.  Armor and all, Perivar plopped down on his bed.  He informed Anluan that he was not hungry telling the other that he could have his meal. 


    Perivar stared at the ceiling for a while then sat up, he could not rest.  He stripped off his armor then cleaned the dust and debris that he had accumulated since leaving Tar Valon.  When he was finished he sat his armor on the floor next to his bed.  He took out his whetstone and an oiled rag then began sharpening his sword.


    Perivar looked at his armor deciding what he would wear.  After washing up and after much though he finally decided to wear his full gear minus his helmet and chain mail.  When he was done dressing he wore his dull blackened breastplate overtop a drab green colored padded gambeson.  For his lower half he wore his blackened plate cuisses with articulated knee cops.  He finished of the set with his blackened plate greaves which were buckled over his black polished boots.   


    Perivar had just strapped his sword onto his back when a knock came at the door.  He answered it to find Master Kynwric who informed him that Dinner would be ready in five minutes in the private dining room asking him to pass the word to the others.  As soon as Master Kynwirc left he made sure that Anluan had heard then picking up his leather gaunlets he went to inform the others.


    After making the rounds he made his way to the dining room.  His eyes first went to Loraine Sedai, he paused for a moment before bowing and giving her the proper courtesies remembering to call her "my lady".  Light all dressed up as she was with the intricate hair and jewels reminded him of his mother.  His mother did not always dress so though there were times when the occassion demanded that she appear as the Lady that she was.


    Perivar nodded to the others though his eyes stuck on Melenis for a bit longer than the others.  Something about her appeareance spoke of elegance in a serviceable kind of way.  He had only seen her around the yards in drab training attire, there was nothing of that in the outfit that she now wore.  He noticed something else about her, a deadly grace which was further emphasized by the ashandarei which sat diagonally across her back.  He had never realized just how pretty she was, light the thought made his cheeks blush.


    He noticed Mistress Thera speaking with Master Kynwric and noticed how nice she looked.  No he thought...immediately he pushed those thoughts from his head.  If he managed to speak those aloud or if she noticed his look she would flay him alive.  Perivar coughed then decided now was a good time to study his boots as if checking the toes to see if they were scuffed. 

  3. Perivar bowed keeping his eyes downcast and his voice low in case anyone was watching from further down the hallway.  "My lady, I am very sorry to bother you with such a trivial matter though meals were just brought to our rooms."   He felt uncomfortable, he knew it might be nothing but he couldn't take the chance.  What if something was wrong.  "I am sorry but...well you said or I thought you said that the private rooms were being prepared for our meal.  When the food was brought to our rooms I thought something was wrong since we hadn't heard otherwise."  


    Perivar could see by the look on her face that all was well.  He felt foolish, he stood there fully armored with his sword sheathed on his back as if he was ready to battle the dark one himself all because everything didn't go exactly as planned.  Perivar kept his eyes downcast though he could not stop his face from blushing. 


    "I thought maybe there was trouble, something just seemed odd.  What if someone was trying to poison the your Ladyship's armsmen in order to get to you.  I know it sounds off, maybe you think I am jumping at shadows but I have heard of stranger things."  He made sure that he did not say anything that would tip off a listener as to what they were really about.  "It is obvious that I was wrong and I apologize for bothering you."  He bowed deeply muttering another apology.

  4. Perivar felt better after the reassurance by Mistress Thera.  He was not outgoing like Jasine and felt that he would never meet anyone outside the training grounds.  He wanted to fight the shadow, his best chances for that was to become a Warder.


    He looked over at Arath then back to Mistress Thera.  "I am sorry for the diversion, we are here to hunt right?"  He said jumping up and brushing himself off.

  5. Perivar was glad when Master Corwin dismissed them telling them to return in the morning.  His muscles burned, he felt like he could not perform another stroke had his life depended upon it.  That night he slept like the dead.


    Perivar woke the next morning, every muscle in his body was sore.  Perivar made his way to the training ground where he met the others.  When they were all said and done his muscles burned worse then the day before.  Today had gone better, by the end of the day Master Corwin seemed to be satisfied with their basic forms.  He made them trade partners so they were fighting against different styles.  Perivar fell asleep early that night receiving some much neede rest.

  6. Master Jesse led them to the Ogier Grove through the Streets of Tar Valon then had them halt at as stream.  Along side the creek a series of barrels were tied up.  Jesse kicked three into the water then removed his weapons and waded into the water.


    Perivar gaped as Master Jesse tried a few times then succeeded in mounting one of the barrels. "Your objective today and until you do is to stand on one of these barrels for ten seconds."  Jesse did Heron wading in the rushes.  "And then after you master that you will try Heron wading in the rushes."  Jesse did a backflip off of the barrel and smiled at them.  Perivar couldn't believe that they were expected to do that.  He was not very familiar with water other than to drink or bath, this was not going to be easy.


    Perivar took his boots, belt, and shirt off.  Visar counted to three trying to get them to jump in at the same time though at the count of three only Visar jumped.  Perivar laughed as Visar gasped from the cold water.  Jasine ran and jumped into air balling up, as he hit the water it splashed everywhere soaking Perivar.  Well he was wet already so he mimicked Jasine, his larger body making a bigger splash though nobody was in range.  He surfaced quickly and gasped from the cold which didn't seem so funny now.


    Perivar was still struggling with the barrel when Jasine managed to stand on the barrel briefly before falling back into the water in mid-sentence.  Perivar still hadn't mounted the barrel when Jasine stood on his for what seemed an eternity.  Perivar was frustrated he couldn't even mount the barrel. 


    Jasine's words seemed to mock him though he knew it was not intentional "Is that a goal for today? Or is that our continuing task?." 

  7. ((OOC:  Actually I believe it is the Inner City, New City, and Low Caemlyn.  So the Badger and Lioness are either in Low Caemlyn or the New City))


    Much to Perivar's dismay Anluan rolled his eyes confirming that he had noted the edge in his voice.  Well what's done is done he was going to apologize but decided he would just let it be.  "Well of course I meant after our meal, and you know that if she needs a retainer she'll just take M- Kynwric. But sure, I'm up for a game of stones"  Anluan replied.


    Before Perivar could reply, there was a knock on the door.  Anluan quickly answered to find that it was a serving-girl with their meals.  Anluan looked delighted quickly taking the food and thanking her then he began eating quickly.


    "Unless my hearing is failing she said she may have need of us.  Think for a moment Anluan, how does it look if a Lady is walking around with one man as an escort."  After a few moments he saw the light of understanding in the other's eyes "Thats why she wants the group of us, a Lady would have a few armsmen as an escort.  We need to paint the picture that we want the others to see." 


    "Let me finish stowing my gear and taking care of my armor then we can get to that game of stones..."  Suddenly a gong went off in his head.  "Light, would you stop eating like it is your last meal you fool, something is not right.  Lady Loraine said the private dining room would be prepared for us for our meal.  It was not supposed to be brought to our rooms.  They would have sent word if the plan had changed."


    Perivar dropped what he was doing and bolted out of the room happy that he had left his armor on and still had his sword secured to his back.  He slowed down once he was in the hall walking briskly as if on an important errand.  He reached the door to Loraine Sedai and Master Kynwric room, he listened for a moment before knocking though he could not hear anything inside. 

  8. Perivar had listened to the points that the others had made.  He ran each one through his mind though had not yet spoken his thoughts aloud.  He was happy that the herbs Mistress Thera had given them seemed to be working.  It wasn't until Jasine looked his way that he spoke.


    "Zigzagging is effective if you are not pressed for time, the advatages are numerous as you all have mentioned.  As far as scouts it is simple.  You hold your course until both scouts return, once we are all together we can change course so that each scout knows the new direction."


    "As far as not leaving a trail, well that is pretty difficult when you are mounted.  It is much easier afoot though that is not possible.  As Jasine mentioned their are benefits and drawbacks to using water.  If we use the water for a short distance they will still eventually find our trail on the banks when we exit the water.  If their party is 4 or more which we have to assume then it will not take long for then to pick up our trail as they will sen done person in each direction on each side of the bank."


    "One way to confuse them is to double back in arcs enough to come behind them.  We would cross paths as much as to confuse our trail though that is not feasible if we are trying to reach a destination quickly."


    "Jasine knows best regarding the horses so I will not speak on that.  I know enough of tracking that I can scout to the rear and still find you.  I dare say that if we are hiding it will mean no fire."   He said that with a frown kicking at teh dirt.  A fire was a nice luxury that they could not afford.


  9. Perivar gaped at the sight of the city.  Aside from Borderlands cities the only other one that he had layed eyes on was Tar Valon.  Caemlyn's architecture was vastly different for Tar Valon was one of a kind.  Even so Caemlyn was a grand city, much more lavish than cities back home which were more like glorified fortresses, every building built with murder holes and heavy wooden doors with heavy bars.  He was shocked to find that their were two parts to the city.


    They rode through the portion of the city called Lower Caemlyn.  They came in sight of an inn, Kynwric announce that they had arrived at their destination, "The Badger and Lioness".  Perivar grabbed his gear and saddlebags as stablehands came to take their mounts and the rest of their gear which would be brought to their rooms.


    Loraine Sedai gave them their instructions then dismissed them with a tone that was less kind than her usual one.  They had to keep up the illusion, any deviation from the plan could cause problems when their disguises where paramount.  Perivar kept reminding himself not to use their honorifics.  Something that had been bred into him and he was expected to change in a couple of days.  Well one thing he had also learned is that you had to adapt, he hoped he would not slip up.


    Once they got to their room and dropped their gear Anluan asked if he wanted to see the city.  "Plenty of time?" Perivar responded  "Did you hear anything that Lor..."  He coughed to cover it then continued in a lower voice "that Lady Loraine told us?  She is having food sent up then she may need us for an escort.  It doesn't sound like free time to me.  Light if she needs us and we are out running around then what good are we, they may as well have left us home."


    Perivar felt bad at his tone though really had Anluan not listened to a word she had said.  Anluan seemed to be constantly daydreaming.  "How about a game of stones...maybe later we could go exploring if Lady Loraine gives us some free time."

  10. Perivar thought for a moment that a trip to the Blight might be easier than this encounter with Kabria.  She changed her moods quicker than the weather.  Maybe this is why he was shy and hesitant to talk to new people.  Perhaps though there was something kinder inside that seemingly rough exterior, maybe she had built walls to protect herself.


    He listened as she answered his questions confirming that she had spent time with the Sea Folk.  “Perhaps it will be that you will teach me as well as I teach you.”   He nodded adding a smile that said it would be a pleasure to pass along whatever knowledge he possessed.  If she didn't kill him or get him killed first.  If she did not keep her voice down some do-gooder would think he was harassing her.  Light it would not help matters if he ended up in a fight with someone who thought they were coming to her aid.


    He nodded when she asked if he was going to help her.  “But why? Just because I am a woman?”   Light he wished Jasine was here, Perivar was not good with words.  In battle he knew what to do, this though was foreign to him.  Tread lightly he thought.  His chance for an immediate response was taken away as she went on.


    “Why would you want to buy me a gift?” Her hands caressed the dagger. “What is it you want Perivar? Surely a man of your honor has not fallen for a pair of pretty eyes.” She had kept her voice low, but her eyebrows were raised expectantly and her left foot was tapping under her skirts.



    Her left foot was tapping and her eyebrow raised like a mother waiting for her child to respond to an interrogation for some wrong doing.  He wanted to scream, he took a deep breath lowering his voice he said "There are many reasons for one person to help another.  As I said in the Borderlands a woman may ask for help when there is need though it does not make them less for asking.  These same women who ask for help have been seen fighting Trollocs and even Myrdraal when there was need.  These same women have been turned to for aide when men could not do Do not read too much into someone offering to help you."  


    Her look made him second guess his choice of words.  Without thought he hurried not wanting her to call him down.  "There are other reasons as well.  It may please someone to help another.  Is that such an odd behavior, has nobody ever offered you help without foul intentions?"   He eyed her a moment.  "I swear beneath the light that my intentions are pure.  I will swear an oath if need be."  He took her lack of an immediate response as an indication that she did not trust him.  I have never had my honor called in to question he shouted at himself inside his head, he was enraged.


    Perivar grabbed her hand that was holding the dagger in both of his hands and knelt.  He did not have his sword so this would have to do.  He pressed the tip of the dagger just below his breast bone so that it would be ready to pierce his flesh with the slightest pressure.


    "I make this oath beneath the light.  Until the day that I am bound by an Aes Sedai or have taken my last breath, I will come you whenever you call.  If ever you are in need of aide you have only to send word and I will be there as fast as I am able."  His hard brown eyes stared into her icy blue eyes daring her to say his words were not true.  His voice was low but rough "If you don't believe me then simply put your weight on the dagger for I cannot live knowing that you do not believe me to be an honorable man."   It was rash but he couldn't take it any longer.  He continued to stare into her eyes not moving a muscle.   



  11. At least she was even tempered for the moment though again she flung an insult in his face.  What did she known of honor he thought and what is this talk of the shorebound.  His upbringing had taught him something of people outside of the borderlands.  He did not see the need for it at the time though his mother insisted, all Perivar cared about was his preparation to fight alongside his father.


    He eyed the tattoos on her hands though her look did not speak of one of the sea folk.  "Shorebound?  So you have spent time or were rasied by the Sea Folk?  You don't have the look aside from the tattoos and that commanding presence that you hold on so tight to.  Are they so honorable that us shorebound pale by comparison.  Perhaps you could teach me about honor then?"  He arched an eyebrow though put on a innocent smile that did not fit his face.


    She pointed out a sheath asking if that was what she wanted.  "Well it depends, if you are going to wear it on a belt then you will want something more like a scabbard."  He looked around then picked one from the display "Like this, see it is meant to go on your belt.  If you are not going to wear it then you just want a sheath to cover the blade.  So it is up to you how you will carry it.  There are many types of each, some with a small piece of leather with a snap on it that is used to secure it and some with a cord."   Perivar showed Kabria all different types and dyed in almost every color that you could imagine.


    "As to the dagger damaged the leather, no it will not.  The leather is cured and we will put a light coat of oil which will protect both the dagger and the sheath.  You must keep the blade lightly oiled or it will begin to pit or rust."  He could see the hesitation, she wanted to select one but she had probably spent her last coin on the dagger.


    Perivar leaned in close and spoke for her ears only.  "Please let me buy it for you whichever one you'd like.  A gift with no strings attached."



  12. Perivar laughed at Jasine's compliments replying "I've finally found my calling.  When Mistress Thera finds out I will be turned over to the stables to be used as a pack mule."  He couldn't help but laugh out loud.


    When he was finished laughing at himself Perivar eyed Jasine's weight bar then looked at the thinner congratulating him on his effort.  This wasn't something they were used to doing so he guessed they had done well.  While they were doing this exercise another trainee joined them so he sat and watched while he caught up.

  13. After dinner Mistress Thera had shown them all how to make shelters.  Perivar had eaten his share and then some of their meal though now his stomach felt queasy.  At first he thought he had just eaten too much though after having to excuse himself several times to empty his stomach he knew it was more than that.  It must have been something that he ate that didn't agree with him.  Looking at the others he realized that he was not the only one. 


    Perivar walked down to the stream to clean up.  He washed his face then rinsed out his mouth.  When he returned to camp he scrubbed his teeth with salt and soda.  His stomach still churned yet for the time being he no longer sicked up.  The queasy feeling made him want to though he was convinced there was nothing left in his stomach.  Now he had a pounding headache to go along with his sour stomach.


    Much to his dismay he had pulled second watch.  Normally he would not mind, he would actually jump at the chance though the way he felt right now he was not in the mood for anything.  Perivar tried to get some sleep though his stomach and head would not allow him so he just sat there near the fire looking like death.


    Perivar went to relieve Mistress Thera to take over the watch though she waved him away.  He insisted that he was fine though she sent him away saying that she was not tired.  He returned back to lay near the fire wrapping himself in his blanket as if it was winter.  As much as he had tried sleep had eluded him.  He nodded off here and there though only for a short time before his stomach and head woke him.


    When the others woke Mistress Thera assigned duties for breakfast.  Perivar was happy to be doing something though he announced that he would skip breakfast.  Perhaps he would not eat for as long as he lived.  The thought of tea sounded good.  The morning light made him wince, his head was throbbing from the strain it put on his eyes.

  14. Light this had gone completely wrong, one minute he was shopping for a new blade the next moment he was chasing an Accepted out into the street.  Ooh this one was like a bundle of fireworks.  Any little spark could set her off.  He wondered what could set her off so.  They had not even met and yet she had unloaded on him without warning or provocation.  He would have to tread carefully.


    Perivar would have left her though she had asked for help and it was obvious that she had no escort.  She should not be out in the city alone he thought.  Footpads were not plentiful in Tar Valon yet they still existed, there were some who would take the risk not hesitating to separate her from her purse or that dagger.


    Kabria had practically thrown his coins back at him.  He meant it for a gift, a peace offering yet she seemed to take it as an insult.  At least she did not demand the other coin back that would buy the shop keeper's silence.  Neither of them wanted anyonw in the Tower to get wind of their encounter.


    Perivar caught up to her outside taking long strides to catch her.  People in the streets jumped out of Kabria's way, her face was like a thunderhead and nobody was willing to have her fury unleashed on them.  She was shorter than he though the way she held herself she seemed head and shoulders taller than he was.


    "Next time you are so rude I will not hesitate to separate you from your hair. I do not take kindly to insults, most especially when they are offered without provocation.”She said then held up her hand to forestall the argument and he obeyed yet he yelled inside her head. 


    Rude, insults?  You were the one that lashed out at me for looking at you.  Light woman what has your back up so?  Perhap you hate men, is that it?  Honestly I wish you no harm and I have already pledged to help you though you make that quite a difficult task?  Have we met before? Perhaps I have offended you on some prior occasion that I don't recall?  No not that I would remember someone so beautiful as you.  Light where had that come from, Jasine must be rubbing off on him. All went unspoken for the moment as he let her have her say.


    “I simply wanted your help and in case you have not noticed I am not good at admitting I am wrong.”   She admitted and he was happy that he had not voiced his thoughts aloud which would have certainly fueled the fire.  He nodded at her admission in a way that said he understood.  Well he didn't but let her think he did


    Kabria glanced down at the dagger in her hand, this time shifting it in her grip.  Glancing at Perivar again she suddenly smiled and more than one person walking the street stepped quickly away from her grin. “So..you Borderlanders will always help a woman? No matter what? Like knights out of some story?” She snorted, laughing at her own jest. “ I have read every book I could find on daggers, but now that I have one I am unsure of what to do with it. I certainly can’t walk around carrying it like this.”  


    "Light I don't understand you." He half shouted "One moment you are apologizing then in the next breath you are insulting me and then in the next asking for advice."  He shook his head the silver bells in his braids chiming.  "You are very beautiful when you smile, you should try smiling more often.  It suits you."  Lets see how she liked that, he half meant it as a jibe but it was the truth.  "It is the truth I swear it under the light!"


    Her blue eyes boring into his made him proceed cautiously.  "To answer your question a woman in the Borderlands may ask for protection and we are sworn to obey.  It is deeper than law or custom it is our way.  Perhaps we hold women in higher regard or we possess more honor than southerners."


    "You need a sheath for that dagger, over here."  He directed her to a shop that contained all manner of leather goods.



  15. Perivar scanned the woods surrounding the camp, the moonlight cast its glow over the camp, it seemed peaceful.  Occassionally he would assume the void to sharpen his vision trying to see through the shadows in the forest around the camp.  Before the thers went to sleep they had brought him a plate of food which he wolfed down as if he hadn't eaten in a week.


    Master Kynwric's tips ran through his head making him think of home.  Being who he was he had not had to stand guard yet he had to know the ins and outs of it.  The tips rang true in his ears.  He stood on the edge of the camp refusing to sit down, sleep would come later.  The night grew cool though nothing like he experienced in the borderlands.  It was warm enough to him that he had not even bothered to grab his coat.


    Every once in a while a bird would chirp or an animal would make a groan or growl, occasionally one would screech catching him off guard sending chills down his spine.  All things being considered it was very quiet out there, almost too quiet.  Occasionally he would hear Arath or Master Kynwric making a circuit of the camp.  The latter of the two could walk about without Perivar knowing had he chosen to do so.  It was obvious that he wanted Perivar to know that he was there.


    Perivar heard the others stirring.  Mistress Thera stood outside the tents as the other hurried to join her.  In a matter of minutes they would be taking their turn at watch and Perivar would get some much needed sleep.  Just like clockwork he was called into camp and told to get some rest.  Inside the tent he stripped off his armor dropping it unceremoniously onto the ground.  He plopped down onto his blanket, within a few minutes he was fast asleep.   

  16. Allotment 40pts   full score in parenthesis

    Fire 3  {8}

    Earth 4  {9}

    Water 2  {6}

    Air 2  {6}

    Spirit 3  {8}


    PS: now all I need is a skill


    Joar, you spent 42 points.  Check your breakdown with this http://aliciawilkerson.com/dev/opweaves.php and here is the chart which tells you the costs per level for male channelers http://aliciawilkerson.com/dev/opweaves.php#


    Fire   = 8 (8 pts)

    Earth  = 9 (10 pts)

    Water  = 6 (7 pts)

    Air    = 6 (7 pts)

    Spirit = 8 (10 pts)


               (42 pts)


    Looking at the list of weaves there is nothing that requires a score of 9 in earth so I would just lower your earth to 8 and then you have spent 40 pts.  Of course there are veterans here who might think of a reason to have a higher score in earth.  You can always get bonus points and raise it later if you like.

  17. Geirrin was no leader though the dedicated seemed to be leaving the Soldiers to figure this out on their own.  Geirrin wove a flow of air and lifted one end of the log a few feet off the ground.  He thought he could almost lift it all the way by himself.  Turning to the other soldiers he said.  "If we weave air like so and each take hold of the same end we can flip it over in the direction that we need to go.  We can keep doing that until we get it where it belongs." 


    Geirrin thought that they could also pick it up with flow of air and carry it step by step but that seemed like it would be too difficult to coordinate.  He had never practiced weaving while walking so it seemed risky.  Another concern was that he didn't know the others strength so his original plan would have to work.


    At first they had difficulty lifting together though they finally got the hang of it learning where to put there flows of air and when to push them.  Geirrin began calling a cadence as they lifted the log which seemed to help keep them together.  It was like when the wind failed and they were forced to row, if they did not row together then it was pointless.  They got the log to its destination then returned to the copse of trees that they were to cut down.  Looking at the other he said "Alright who wants to cut this one down?." 

  18. The huge man's voice boomed, it cut right through him.  Geirrin watched as the Asha'man held the sword vertically with with hilt as high as the man's shoulder.  He called this a stance naming it Lion on the Hill.  The Asha'man move the sword from side to side telling them they could either hold it centered on their body or to either side.  They would have to determine which was comfortable to him.


    Geirrin practiced the stance, he held the sword centered at first.  Next he moved it to his left each mover it farther to the side.  Then he did the same to the right.  Finally he settled on it being almost centered, he held it a hair to the right which was his dominant hand.


    Geirrin saw that some of the others were still trying to find their spot so he continued to practice the stance bringing the sword up to the same spot each time. 

  19. Soldier Training:



    Saidin related: 7 posts (12 Total), New Beginnings Complete

    Non-Saidin learning:  5 Posts (22 Total)Weapons TrainingComplete

    Free Roleplay 1: 5 posts (9 Total), A Game of Stones Complete

    Free Roleplay 2: 5 Posts (8 Total),  Arrival Complete




    Free Roleplay 3: 5 Posts, A Time to Hunt In Progress

    Learning Saidin: 3 posts, LinkIn Progress

    Non Saidin Learning: 2 Posts, LinkIn Progress



  20. Jesse said they had one more assessment to do as he opened the doors to a building that looked more like it was made for storage, perhaps a warehouse of some sort.  Inside were dozens of iron weights in all shapes and sizes.  Jesse tol them "This one won't be so draining in movement.  But I want you to lift as much as you can three times in a row with out hurting yourself."


    Finally Perivar thought, this was something he could use his size for.  Jesse handed him a leather belt and told him to wear it which he did buckling it on tight.  He watched as Jesse demonstrated the exercise.  Satisfied that they understood he told them to begin.


    Perivar began the exercise and finding that the starting weight was too easy so he began adding plates.  He glanced over to his side and noticed that Jasine was doing the same.  They continued this process until he finally met his match.  Perivar had several plates on each side.  He completed the exercise 3 times then eased the weight down bending his knees before finally dropped to the ground.


    His muscles burned and he panted slightly with the effort.  Putting his hands on his knees he spoke to Master Jesse"That is it, that is all that I can do." 


  21. While Anluan was taking care of the packhorses Perivar began separating the bundles of tentage.  As he did he said to Anluan "Perhaps when you are done tending the packhorses you can help me finish setting up the tents up."  Perivar walked away carrying the tent and poles which would be setup for Loraine Sedai and Master Kynwric. 


    Perivar reached the spot that was set aside for the tent dropping the bundles to the ground.  He got to work spreading the canvas and arranging the poles.  A short time later the tent was up and ready for use.  Perivar went back grabbing the bundles for Mistress Thera's tent and returned to the camp. By the time he was done with that one, Anluan had arrived helping him setup the last. 


    Perivar found out that he was to be part of the first watch.  Master Kynwric gave him his instructions sending him off to keep a watch on the west side of the camp.  Perivar picked up his gear then selected a spot on the western edge of the camp that afforded him a view of the camp as well as a good view of their surroundings to the west.  Perivar set down his helmet and shield then strung his horsebow then began scanning his area of responsibility.


    The others who were not on watch were huddled in the center of the camp.  He heard their voices though he could not make out their words from where he stood.  Someone must have told a joke for he heard laughter coming from the camp.

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