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Posts posted by Sieve

  1. Perivar sat on his bunk in the barracks sharpening his bastard sword as he ticked things off the list he carried in his head.  The ticks beating in time with the rasping sound of the whetstone on the sword's edge.  He was finished with his daily routine, his fitness training and work with the forms complete.  Now he sat sharpening his sword though light knows the sword did not need it, he thought he could have shaved with it but he needed something to keep him busy.  The smell of the oiled blade had a calming effect on him. 


    He had been a nervous wreck ever since the grinning Accepted handed him his orders from Master Kynwric.  He opened the parchment like there was a prize inside eagerly reading the instructions.  When he had looked up from reading the Accepted was gone.  In his excitement he was unsure that he had properly thank the Accepted or had even shown her the proper courtesies.  Light what was wrong with him, it was not like he had never been on campaign before with his father.  It was not like they were taking a trip into the blight.  Even so this was a tremendous opportunity for the trainees to get out of the Tower, get some practical experience, and hopefully prove their worth.  Well not embarassing themselves or the Tower would be considered a successful operation.  Getting experience and proving their worth would be a bonus.


    Perivar thoughts drifted back to the grinning Accepted.  He would have to find her and apologize for his rudeness.  He would ask a penance if he offended her..no none of that he thought, he would simply apologize.  If Mistress Thera got wind of him asking for a penance for such a silly thing she would surely skin him alive.  She had a way of convincing her trainees that her way was the right way.  In truth she was right, he could not effectively serve the Tower or an Aes Sedai if he was running around asking for a penance for every minor transgression.


    Perivar looked over at the bundles on the floor ticking them off the list in his head for the tenth time. The Quartermaster swore that he would make sure that the tents made it to the stable and onto the pack horses though Perivar refused to leave without them.  He would rather do it himself and insure that it was done.  So Perivar packed them on a hand cart and brought them to the barracks so he knew where they were.  Today he would bring them to the stable and personally give instructions to the stablehands for their care.  He had already spoken with the stablehands, twice already to be exact and he was sure they understood his instructions for the tents and preparation of his warhorse Nigthdancer, even so he would remind them again.  Master Kynwric had charged him with the task and he was going to make sure he did not let him down.


    The anxiety of the trip was gnawing on him, he had checked and re-checked his gear at least a dozen times.  He was eager to be away though he kept thinking that he was forgetting something.  His mental list said he had accounted for everything.  His saddlebags and blanket roll sat near the bundles of tents and poles.  His armor was draped over the armor stand, plates were polished as were the metals rings of his chain mail.  On top of the saddle bags lay his dark green cloak that would cover his armor and help to conceal him when there was need to be stealthy.


    Perivar continued sharpening the sword wondering if would sleep at all tonight.  No probably not he thought, even so he should probably get on with his final preparations.  He put the whetstone down then placed his sword in it's scabbard which was secured on his back.  He began picking up the bundles of tents and poles to load them on the handcart.  Once they were all secured he made his way to the stables.   

  2. It has begun!


    Thread is here: http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,33286.new.html#new



    Since this is likely to get lost in my other thread I figured it would be wise to post a new thread to organize this RP event. This RP event will kill many many birds with one mighty stone so if you need to fulfill a Req or just want to have some fun then look no further.


    General Info:  Loraine Sedai and her Warder, Master Kynwric have graciously agreed to take Mistress Thera and her merry band of mischievous children...er trainees on an outing.  Yes we will depart from the Tar Valon on some sort of Tower business.  At some point on our trip we may face challenges or conflicts or be forced to survive.  It is rumored that we may even encounter some angry, uneducated, fashionless people better know as White Cloaks along the way.  (Just kidding about the White Cloaks, they mean well, they are just a little misguided ;) )


    Cast of Characters:


    Loraine Sedai - as herself


    Master Kynwric - as himself


    Mistress Thera - as herself


    The Merry Band of Mischievous Children - Jasine (The ever smiling boy wonder), Perivar (The half-witted, overly proud, Jingle-headed Arafellin),



    It would be great to start this as soon as possible so please post here if you would like to join us.  The 3 powers that be will decide when we leave.  Hope to see you there, the more the merrier. 

  3. Sorry that you had computer trouble....Vista is ummm...fun, yes fun is the word.  ;D



    Now as far as not posting I forgive you, not that my forgiveness matters anymore than a bucket of dirt.  Either way I am glad that you are back in action.  ;)

  4. Perivar's eyes were on Loraine Sedai, her mouth opened to respond though it was Master Kynwric's voice that answered him.  His initial thought upon hearing Master Kynwric's voice was that he had crossed the line and was about to be upbraided.  Perivar's eye swept from the Aes Sedai to her Warder.


    He gave Master Kynwric his full attention nodding to show that he was listening.  Perivar knew that his facial expressions betrayed his shock as Master Kynwric went in depth.  He thought a simple yes or no would be the response however he got much more than expected.  Perivar tried to control his outward appearance though he did not think he was succeeding.


    The room seemed smaller and for some odd reason he felt as though he was a specticle.  He tried to study the crumb that was on the table before him.  The answer was more than sufficient though Perivar couldn't help but think the question was improper in some way as he listened to the details regarding the bond.  


    He formed the flame and pushed his emotions into it feeling bringing on the void.  It seemed to make things worse so he let the void collapse.  Quickly he glanced at Loraine Sedai then Mistress Thera before returning his attention to Master Kynwric.  He was slightly relieved to see that neither of them were glaring at him.  


    Master Kynwric finished explaining about the bond, light he had no idea that it went past a mere sealing of the agreement between the two.  Something that bound the Warder to his oath.  No sooner had Master Kynwric finished before Loraine Sedia began explaining it from her perspective.  When she finished he had a firm understanding of what the bond entailed or so he thought.


    To his surprise Mistress Thera began speaking giving her explanation of the bond and what it entailed.  Mistress Thera's voice took on a somber tone as her words touched on a serious topic.  He sat there in silence knowing that he must be wide-eyed as she explained what would happen to the Warder if his Aes Sedai were to die.  Light he always thought it would be the Warder to die.  Growing up along the blight he had always been prepared to die but he couldn't imagine what it was like to have the person you were sworn to protect die.


    He could understand the rage, understand the will to die.  Many borderlanders galloped into the blight on a death wish, eager to avenge a loss or prove their worth.  Most did not return.  This was definately more than expected though the gravity of what the bond meant fueled his desire to train harder, to learn more so that he would serve faithfully and hopefully protect his Aes Sedai from death.  His face went from a look of shock to a look o determination.  The features of his face that seemed carved from stone now must seemer even harder, more distinct.         

  5. Hey Derrin,


    - Our specific RP forum is The Warders Yard


    - Yes we do occasionally RP with other divisions, some threads are generated in our forum and others in the other division's forum depending on how it begins.


    - When you reach the appropriate level you may be bonded to an Aes Sedai.  There are no forced RP bondings so if you and an Aes Sedai come to an agreement then you can bond each other.


    I hope that answered everything.  Welcome to The Warders Division!



  6. Geirrin entered the tavern looking around for the man who was to be his instructor.  It seemed a fitting place to learn.  Ale, gambling, women, and noise all perfect for distracting a student who was not focused on his studies.  He did not see the other man so he sat at an empty table sitting so he could watch the door.


    He sat reflecting on his other training, it seemed non-stop.  He was amazed at all he was learning and hoped he was retaining enough of it.  They were being pushed hard, that was the way here.  He was used to hard work though he was also used to some time to kick back and relax.  There was not much of that here.


    A blue-eyed taveren maid with delightful curves approached with a smile taking his order.  She returned placing the mug of ale on the table in front of him.  She made his coins disappear in the blink of an eye giving him a mischievous smile as she watched his eyes follow her hands as they deposited the coins in the top of her bodice.  She gave him a polite nod and another smile as she sauntered off to a answer a hail from another patron. 


    His eyes went from her to the door as it began to open spilling the waning sunlight into the room. 

  7. Geirrin stood outside the armory fingering his pointed beard as he looked around.  This was the appointed meeting place though he was early.  He was supposed to learn how to hunt today.  More than just hunt, he was supposed to learn how to track prey, conceal himself, and make his way through the woods without sounding like a stampede of wild animals.


    Geirrin was a fisherman or had been, well most recently he had been only dockhand.  His knowledge consisted of gutting fish, hauling nets, and repairing / mending fishing or sailing gear.  He knew very little outside of this.


    He began to whistle a tune while he waited on the others or at least for his instructor to show.  He thought of the weaves wondering if they would be hunting with saidin or with conventional weapons.  Even though they did almost everything with the power he figured it would be conventional weapons since he had also been taught to wield a sword since coming to the farm. 

  8. Yes that was completely unexpected.  Before I received my score I used the lowest possible score to see what I could do with it.  That way if I received anything higher it would be a pleasant surprise, needless to say I was more than pleasantly surprised.  Now I just need people to revive some of the posts so I can develop him.  ;)


    I spent my points in order to get the maximum amount of weaves though my skill limits me a bit.  If someone rediscovers some of the lost weaves then I will be in business though my lack of adequate skill will make it diffcult to weave them with any consistency.  Even so someone better discover them or discover a talent for creating new ones.  Perhaps there is an angreal or ter'angreal that can increase skill. ;D


    Yes Jehaine our chars would make quite a pair with your skill and my power, that is unless your char turns out like Talavins and decides to kill everyone.  I mean his char is a little looney isn't he?  ;D  It may be safer for Geirrin to bond a red sister.  ::)

  9. The smile she directed at him helped to make him feel a little more comfortable in her presence though still he felt small in relation to the Aes Sedai.  He had experienced the same with his father, even though Perivar was larger, not taller, though definately larger his father always seemed the bigger of the two.  Certain people just had a larger than life way about them which could make someone significantly bigger seem small in comparison.


    Perivar nodded in response as she spoke his name asking if she had got it right.  He was shocked that she remembered his name.  He listened to each answer filing away the information.  While she answered the question there was still a lot that she could not comment on as the variables were numerous.  She could not speak for all the sisters in the White Tower.


    "Yes you did, thank you." He looked around to see if anyone else was on the verge of speaking though they all seemed to be processing the information.  Taking the initiative he asked "If you don't mind, in regards to my last question about the bond.  I hope I am not asking something that should not be discussed, if so please excuse my ignorance.  If you can speak of it, is there something more to the bond between Warder and Aes Sedai."  He was having trouble forming his question the way he wished.  "I have heard, rumors only of course, that there is a link between the Aes Sedai and her Warder, a link with the one power.  Is that true?"  He was not afraid of the one power though he wanted to know if it was involved in the bonding, he wanted to better understand what it entailed.     



  10. Nope I am not telling you :) *smiles* You all can just lay out what you have and we can go from there.


    I really did think about adding the list, I even wrote one out and then deleted it. *covers her paper with her hands* Be logical and think about what your character would bring  :-*


    Ooh I must have misread, I thought you said in your post that you published a list or at least told us what we could bring.  I'll have to edit my post then.



    edit: I just reread it

    The list of what they were allowed to bring was very precise and she would not abide cheating.
    I take it that line meant that you possessed a list of what we could bring.  I originally read it as you had given us a list.  I'll edit my post later and add what I brought with me.


  11. Eqwina what exactly were the items we were allowed to bring with us in addition to the horse.  Weapon, food, blanket roll, water skins?


    It may be helpful to know so others can post in greater detail knowing what items they were allowed to bring.  Plus they could purposely add an item or two that they weren't supposed to have for Mistress Thera to find.  This way you don't have to make something up.  Just a thought.  ;)

  12. Perivar woke early as was his routine.  He started with his run then praticed his forms for almost an hour though the cool night sky still held its darkness over the city.  He noticed the others going about their business as well.  With everyone out and about it seemed as though someone had kicked an anthill.  He was pretty sure that if he checked the barracks he would have found them empty.


    It was time to leave, he had to be at the North Gate by first so he picked up his saddle bags then hurried to the stables.  A few of the others were also arriving to see to their horses.  It was not that any of them did not trust the grooms though it was always wise to double check that your horse and tack were well.  It never hurt to make sure that your saddle girth was tight and your equipment secure.  He wasn't sure if everyone owned a horse though any without would have made arrangements to borrow one from the Tower's stock.


    Letting Nightdancer's reins drop to the stable floor Perivar tossed the groom a silver mark.  The boy smiled as he caught the silver coin giving Perivar a small bow with an even wider smile when he realized it was silver.  He was sure the groom had probably received gold marks from some of the Aes Sedai though a silver mark was nothing to scoff at. 


    Perivar was not carefree with his coin though it was always wise to properly reward those who helped you or performed a service for you.  Anyway Perivar did not have much else to spend his coin on here at the Tower.  Most of what he arrived with along with thrice that sat in the Tower's bank, it was a considerable sum even for a minor noble's son.  About a week after he arrived he had received a note from the Tower's bank that his father had sent him more coin which was deposited in his account.  He had no idea what he would need so much coin for, he really had very few expenses. 


    Perivar looked at his saddle bags as he secured them to his mount.  He thought of checking them again though he had already done so half a dozen times making sure that he had all that he needed.  He wanted to bring more but there was only so much that one could bring lest they wanted to walk and use their mount as a pack horse.


    Nightdancer stood still as if he was hobbled while Perivar worked around him.  Perivar paused to rub the stallion's neck then scratched his head before handing him a carrot.  The stallion noisily chomped on the carrot shifting his weight dutifully as Perivar lifted each of his hooves to check their shoes for cracks while maing sure they were secure.  They were all in good condition of course or else the stable hands would have had the farrier replace the damaged shoes prior to his arrival. 


    With everything in order Perivar half vaulted himself into the saddle, he was eager to get on his way.  He would have usually waited 'til he was outside the stable to mount though he didn't want to delay another minute.  There had not been many opportunities for him to leave the Tower, honestly there had been none at all until now so he jumped at the chance to attend this class.  It felt good to be in the saddle knowing that he was going somewhere else other than the training yards.


    Nightdancer was eager too, Perivar had excersized the glossy black colored warhorse almost daily though he would be ready to stretch his legs.  As soon as he exited the stable Perivar eased the pressure on the reigns and spurred the half-trained warshorse to a gallop.  He received funny looks from those who were about though he rode as if the dark one were at his stirrups.  Nightdancer's shoes rang out loudly on the paving stones to announce his passage so that those in the streets could hear him coming a mile away.  In the dim light he must have seemed like a wraith to those who were still sleep eyed.


    He laughed as the wind brushed his face causing his twin braids to flap wildly behind his head.  Perivar drew reign as he reached the North Gate then dismounted taking a few minutes to walk Nightdancer to who seemed eager to be galloping again.  He was still walking his warhorse when Mistress Thera came into sight on her mount. 


    The Tower's bells peeled loudly to announce the Mistress of Trainees arrival, well actually they marked first call though it seemed too strange a coincidence that Mistress Thera timed it perfectly with her arrival.  Her voice was chipper though her sharp eyes scanned her trainees. 


    He should of known she would check though he stared wide eyed as she ordered them to turn out there pockets, open belt pouches and empty their saddle bags.  It was not that he was surprised though he was meticulous about how he packed.  Emptying everything bothered him as it was neatly was placed just so.  She urged them on, obviously she was eager to go as well. 


    Perivar had his hand and a half sword strapped to his back, his shield slung from his saddle's pommel laying on the horse's left side while on the right side was his unstrung horse bow tucked into a special leather pouch that looked more like a scabbard with a quiver affixed to it.  A blanketroll was strapped behind his saddle's high cantle.  More importantly a couple of water skins hung from his saddle.  In the borderlands when they ventured into the blight water was the most important thing, anything in the blight was considered tainted and you could not hope ot find drinking water.


    He emtpied the contents of his pouch, in it were a few coins, fint and steel, some leather cord, , a snare for catching small game, a pocket knife, as well as a few other little odds and ends.  Then he emptied his saddle bags, he had a change of clothes, a cloak, dried meat, cheese, a couple small loaves of bread, a sewing kit to repair clothes or to stitch wounds, a spare bow string, and a few other items.  He waited patiently for Mistress Thera to inspect his belongings.   

  13. Perivar hung on every word, there was so much to learn, not just in regards to the Bond but in service to the Tower and about Aes Sedai themselves.  So many questions ran through his head though one in particular he couldn't ask.  He would have to wait 'til he was bonded to ask his Aes Sedai if a chance to ask ever arose.  He pushed that aside then thought of a list of other questions.


    He took the momentary silence to get a few questions in "Loraine Sedai, if you don't mind a few questions."  "I will ask a few at once if you don't mind."  He waited for her assent then went on.


    "Do most Aes Sedai bond Warders?  I mean even those who primarily reside in the Tower."  He left it at that as he didn't want to say the wrong thing and get himself in hot water.  He couldn't imagine being bonded to a Brown who spent her days in the Tower's libraries.


    "It seems few and far between that Aes Sedai actually visit the training grounds.  Do they watch from afar or do they make inquiries to the instructors or to the Mistress of Trainees?  Perhaps there are not many Aes Sedai looking for Warders at the moment or we are not far enough along in our training to merit watching?"


    "What about the bond itself.  Is there more to it than a pledge of service?  From the few Aes Sedai and Warders that I have seen together, there seems like there is something more."  "Thank you I hope that was not too many at once."  He sat on the edge of his chair eagerly awaiting her answers.





    Perivar nodded when Jesse said "Very Good" he knew it was for the detail and not for the lousy artwork.  Jesse told him to keep practicing and he almost laughed wishing to have a copper for everytime that he heard that.  Jesse dismissed him and Perivar thanked Jesse for the instruction promising that he would practice.


    ((OOC: Thanks Mat!, I'll definately join you for basic fitness))

  15. Thanks Kyn, a trip outside the tower seems like a great idea if you and Loraine Sedai don't mind me tagging along.  A little conflict with the White Cloaks sounds like fun and would be a little more involved than the other choices.


    Thanks again!




    We were typing at the same time Eqwina.  The more the merrier just let me know what you think we could all take part in.  A group trip outside the Tower would be a nice change of pace for all I believe.

  16. Perivar opened the door and approached the Mistress of Trainees desk.  Even though he had washed as best he could, he still stunk from his chores which and it was evident that Mistress Thera had noticed as well.  She must have expected as much since she knew what his penance would entail.


    He nodded when she asked if he considered his punishment met.  He dare not speak so to himself he said honors even.  She told him his foolishness had cost him a days training.  That bit deep though his honor could not be tainted, no matter how far behind in his training that it put him.  She told him that she expected him to work twice as hard to make up for it making sure to emphasize her words.  That he would definately do, he would train as hard as ever.


    Mistress Thera reached behind her and his eyes lit up as she picked up his swords and belt knife.  She handed them to him saying that she thought she could trust him with them with a warning not to prove her wrong.  Another jab he thought, he kept his mouth closed as he strapped his weapons where they belonged, with him.  He could not recal the last time that he was without them.


    Perivar thought a moment, had he been home such a comment about a man being able to handle his weapons would have been an serious insult and likely would have led to a fist fight or a duel.  That of course if the offender was a man, if it was a woman then that would be another matter altogether.  He certainly did not put voice to that thought, she would've gone up light like hundreds of the illuminator's nightflowers.


    Mistress Thera finished their meeting by ordering him to run 100 laps around the yard.  With formal bow he spoke "As you command Mistress!" then sprinted out the door and began his laps.  He hoped that he would finish in time to get some training in.



  17. Perivar followed Jesse through the gates to the Ogier grove, it was a place of beauty.  For a moment he thought the Ogier grove's beauty could counter the vileness of the blight.  If only there were more groves.


    He listened to the instructions, he knew his letters but he had no ability to draw pictures.  Good for him that Jesse did not want pretty pictures.  He watched as Jesse drew their surroundings noting the details that he included.


    Perivar took a board, ink bottles, a pen and a large piece of paper then sat cross-legged on the ground.  In the void he started to notice things that he would not have without.  On the lowest branch of the nearest tree he spotted a bird in a nest, more importantly he could see a worm in its mouth.  He drew this as best he could. 


    Near another tree he saw a solitary flower, on the flower pedals were little black flecks.  Looking closer he noticed the flecks moving so he drew a picture of a bug on the pedal.  In the void he continued looking around amazed at all the tiny details that he could pick out.  He added each and every one until he could find no more. 


    He frowned at his paper looking at the drawings that looked as though a child had drawn them.  Well it was as good as he could do so he informed Jesse that he was finished.



  18. Well all of my classes have been electives which is fine because I like taking all the classes for the RP.  However I will still need 1 Req to advance, so if anyone is interested I need some perticipants for Evalutation, Conflicts, Challenge, Responsibility, or Survival.


    The only idea I have so far is to possibly continue Perivar's conflict with Mistress Thera over his extreme position on honor and serving penances for minor infractions where others wouldn't think twice.  In order to  properly serve the Tower and his Aes Sedai should he ever be bonded, he is going to have to realize that he will have to deal with insults to his honor as well as learning not to ask for penances to right his honor everytime he has done something wrong. 

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