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Posts posted by Sieve

  1. @Kyn yeah Tuesday sounds good.


    As to Talavin's idea, yeah it would put Lor and Thera in a bad spot but what if the person didn't die?  Lor only said they would bring everyone back alive or something to that effect. 


    Perhaps one of the made up trainees is severely injured.  He/She will live but the injury will not allow them to resume their training.  Perhaps the loss of a limb? 


    Most of the trainees would certainly be affected by watching someone they know get severely injured and then to realize that the person could not continue their training.



  2. The mug slammed on the table causing a few of the patrons to stare in their direction.  Covai did not know Geirrin well enough to know that he was always up for a challenge.  His family and friends always remarked that there was no challenge that he would refuse.  Many definately thought that he wasn't right in the head.


    "A challenge" He flashed a sinister smile at Covai "Always up for a challenge"


    Geirrin stared at the board watching the patterns and following the basic moves that Covai was showing him.  Covai showed him some of the pitfalls and gave him some pointers of what to look for.


    The real games began, Geirrin studied the board trying to watch the patterns forming, thinking ahead to attempt to predict the moves that Covai would make in response to his.  Everytime Geirrin thought he had won an advantage, Covai would turn the tables surrounding more of his stones. 


    Geirrin wasn't bad for a first timer though Covai was clearly a more experienced player.  Geirrin's major downfall was that he took too many risks, that had always been one of his downfalls.


    On the third game Geirrin was convinced that he had one though with a few final moves Covai had taken back the advantage bringing the game to the point where neither could make another move.  They counted the stones and Covai had beaten him by a single stone.


    Geirrin laughed out loud then drained his mug.  He had almost one a game, he was so close.  Luckily Geirrin held his ale very well, when not working at home he spent most of his time drinking and dicing.  He placed the empty mug on the table then rose.  "I guess I have to get myself a date"  He looked at the barmaids then back to Covai.  "Well, which one will it be?"

  3. Geirrin listened as the man introduced himself as Attack Leader Arath Faringal then told him to relax with calling him "Sir".  Even though he lived among commomers Tairen nobles were very particular about there place and expect to be shown proper respect.  It was something that was ingrained in him, he would have to try to remember not to call him "Sir".  He merely nodded in response in fear that he would slip.


    He watched with a look of amazement as the closet door opened by itself.  The man began rummaging through the black coats that were in the closet while he asked Geirrin a few Questions.  A black coat floated through the air towards him, he reached out unsure what to expect when he touched it.  How was the man doing this he thought as he stared at the coat as if it might bite him.


    "No I've not channeled yet, they just told me that I could S.." He paused almost calling him Sir "Skills...not many, I can gut fish and haul nets, I can sail too.  That is pretty much all I know how to do."  He frowned knowing that he did not know much else other than fishing and sailing.  "I don't have any military or weapon training either."


    Geirrin paused before answering the last.  What did he want from the Black Tower?  Until now he hadn't given it much thought at all.  Light why was he here?  If his family and friends learned that he could channel then they would avoid him like the plague.  He certainly would not be welcome to return to his village.


    "I guess I want to learn what you just did.  Alls I know is how to fish and to sail, it's just not enough.' He hung his head for a moment feeling ashamed.  He looked up at Arath  "I want more than that, the other fellows said I can learn to do what they did...what you just did with the coat and the door.  I didn't really believe all the tales they told me though I was curious, too curious my mother always said.  Well now that I see it, I believe.  I want to learn, I want to learn it all, that's what I want S.."  He stopped himself from adding "Sir" then looked at the Attack Leader.

  4. Perivar stared at Jasine as he asked what should not have been asked.  In Arafel that would have resulted in a duel.  He shook his head in a jingle of bells, he had to stop thinking like that.  Nonetheless Jasine shouldn't have asked.


    Perivar quickly did the math and the same shock that was visible on the other's faces must have been visible on his own if only to a slightly lesser degree.  He took a pull from his mug to cover his face giving himself a chance to smooth it. 


    After hearing Master Kynwric's response to Mistress Thera's question he thought for certain that he would have to bond himself to a Green Sister.  He didn't know much about Whitecloaks 'til he came here though he knew plenty about shadowspawn.  He would take every opportunity that came his way to face shadowspawn.  Perivar was on the edge of turning 17 though he looked slightly older, the hard lines of his face a gift from borderlands.  Would he experience the same as Master Kynwric, would he ever look younger than he was?

  5. Perivar nodded trying to absord the wealth of information that they were receiving.  He could have never guessed the bond was so in depth, it was good that they were sharing their experiences.  It would only make the Warders to be more prepared for what they faced.


    Perivar was happy to hear Loraine Sedai's response to Jasine's question.  From how she explained it the last thing either person in the bond would want was one that was not made with a mutual agreement.  Who wanted to spend their life completely unhappy.  Duty was one thing, but being completely miserable for the rest of your life was more than anyone could endure.  One thing for sure, it was nothing something to enter into lightly.


    When Melenis asked her question he had hope there was a chance.  Loraine Sedai's answer crushed all hope.  He had never thought of his own death as causing anyone pain.  Sure his family would be upset but the effect that it would have on his Aes Sedai went far beyond that.  Borderlanders were prepared for death, it was too often that it was reinforced, an all too common reality.  The best case scenario for Aes Sedai and Warder would be if they died together, hopefully after a long life. 


    Perivar nodded as Loraine Sedai explained life along the blight border.  He disagreed slightly though he would never put voice to it, not in public.  It was a minor thing anyway and clearly she meant no harm by it, it was a fact.  There was plenty to do in the borderlands the fact of the matter was that there just wasn't much free time, they had to remain ever vigilant.  Something you learned as a child, the watch was constantly kept. 


    Another thing about being that close to the blight was that you had to take every day as if it could be your last.  Outsiders thought borderlanders were hard and jaded but you had to be if you wanted to survive.  It still made him shake his head whenever he met someone who thought trollocs and myrdraal were just tales.  Everyone along the border knew it for fact, they were as real the sun in the sky.  He wished he could take the non-believers to the blight and show them, watch their eyes go wide at the sights they would behold.  Imagine seeing a trolloc or even worse, one of the eyeless if you didn't believe they existed.


    Perivar nodded as Loraine Sedai mentioned the poisonous bug that had bitten her.  In the blight, something as simple as touching the wrong type of leaf could kill you, allowing you to live only long enough to know that you were dying.  You dare not eat or drink anything found there.  In and along the blight there were more ways to die than most could imagine.  That is why most of them had an edge, you had to be hard, there was no choice.  It was why so many borderlander were sought after to serve the Tower.  Their experience set the foundation, training at the Tower prepared them to fight the shadow, to endure when all seemed lost, taught to expect danger at evey turn, something that was already ingrained in borderlanders.  They all had to be hard, there was so much that one would have to endure in service to the Tower.  Not just endure, they had to do more, they had a duty to protect and serve their Aes Sedai and the Tower. 


    The same hardness that was present in borderlanders was also clearly visible with Loraine Sedai the Warders, Master Kynwric and Mistress Thera.  Even though they held compassion for others none would ever call them soft.  He looked around the room at the others, the trainees.  Though none that he knew had come from the borderlands they were all hard in their own way.  Even the ever smiling Jasine, he had a heart that was at least thrice the size of a normal man, no doubt he would find a way around any obstacle, he would handle any task thrown his way.  There was no doubt that Jasine would endure until his last breath.  Melenis had a drive and a will that seemed unrivalled.  She had endured the fact that her father had been a darkfriend.  No matter how much the others told her that she was not responsible for the actions of her father, there was no mistake that it fueled her.


    Even though their subject had turned morbid, Perivar smiled as he looked around the room at the others.  He was fortunate to be in such fine company.

  6. Perivar just shrugged as Mistress Thera took a few items from each of them.  On the whole each had done a good job packing what was needed.  Everyone had taken the essentials, noe pack too heavy and none too light.  He watched as Mistress Thera took his rations for which he frowned openly.  Perivar was stockier than the other trainees and tended to eat a little more than them as a result. 


    His father always commented on his size, shorter than most Borderlanders though wider as well.  He always said he looked more like the son of a blacksmith.  His father also chided him that he would be better off becoming a blacksmith, Perivar had always jumped into things without much thought for his safety.  His skill with a sword had not matched his courage which often caused him trouble. 


    Perivar's mind drifted back to food.  We will have to find our own food, there has to be something edible wherever they were going.  He hoped there would be, he was grumpy when he was hungry.  What is done is done he thought, they would find food.


    Mistress Thera told them too pack so he hurriedly threw his stuff in his bags.  He usually would have been more methodical with the placement of his belongings though he was eager to be on their way.  He was so focused on the task at hand that he did not see the two grooms arrive with the packhorses.  He vaulted into his saddle then spun Nightdancer in a tight circle.  His warhorse seemed more eager to be away then he was.


    Jasine was last to be in the saddle so he got stuck with the pack animal's.  Mistress Thera began to discuss where they would be going and what they would be doing.  Perivar felt as if he had been punched in the gut.  He nodded unconciously though thoughts raced through his mind.  Light why Arafel, was she testing him, was this some cruel joke.  He had visited the Mistress of Trainees enough to know her punishments were harsh though he had come to know her personally, that would not be like her.  Suddenly he felt foolish at his initial reaction, he felt the need to admit it to her and ask for forgiveness.  No you fool that would be worse, she had won that battle, she had beaten that out of him.


    Perivar formed the flame then pushed his emotions into it.  He became on with his horse, one with his surroundings.  In the void he suddenly realized that he was alone.  At Perivar's urging Nightdancer sprang into action in a spray of dirt and debris galloping after the others.  Nightdancer caught them quickly, Perivar reined him in guided him to fall in line behind the others.  He rode across the same bridge that he had when he arrived at Tar Valon to begin his training.  He was going the other way then.  Light it seemed like a lifetime ago, he wondered...no those thoughts would do him no good so he pushed them into the flame.  In the void he scanned their surroundings, they were out of Tar Valon now and it would do them well to pay attention and remain on guard. 


    Perivar noticed that Melenis was stiff as a statue in the saddle, she would not make it far like that.  Jasine who was always willing to lend rode up alongside her mount.  Perivar couldn't hear what he said though he was leaning from his saddle to be closer to her.  No doubt he was trying to help, he put a hand near her lower back trying to ease her into the saddle obviously telling her how to ride properly.  He liked the other boy a lot, well they were closer to men now.  He could not think of a thing he didn't like about Jasine, he seemed to have no flaws and he was always smiling like he loved life.


    After a while Melenis seemed more comfortable in the saddle.  She would no realize how much pain and suffering Jasine had saved her.  Shortly after that Jasine dropped back, his good deed done.  Lucky for Melenis, Jasine was an amazing rider.  Perivar was an accomplished rider though Jasine was a master, like he was born in the saddle.  As if his thoughts were spoken aloud, he noticed Jasine briefly glancing at him.  Perivar flashed a smile though he wasn't sure if his friend had noticed.  He didn't know how Jasine felt about him though he thought of Jasine as a friend. 


    About a mile from the city they turned northeast and began paralleling the road.  The sun was still short of noon when they stopped to water the horses.  They all seemed happy to be away from the daily routine of the yard.  Mistress Thera took the opportunity to let them know what they could expect from this outing.     

  7. Perivar made three trips with the handcart dropping the tentage off at the stable before returning to the barracks.  He had tossed a silver mark to each of the stableboys to make sure they watched over the tents. 


    When he inquired, the boys told him that there was a request for two packhorses for their trip, he wondered if that would be enough.  When bundled tightly the tents and poles did not take up that much space.  Hopefully one packhorse would do for the tentage, they weren't large pavilions after all.  Just to be on the safe side Perivar requested a third to be available if there was a need. 


    Perivar handed each boy another silver mark asking that they keep his request quiet.  "If they ask whether you have one available act surprised then fetch it for them.  Don't tell them I asked you to have one ready.  Just go about your business as if we never spoke."  It was good to be prepared but it was bad to have a superior think you were second guessing them.  It was not that at all, he just liked to be prepared.  The truth of the matter was that he didn't want to delay their trip evrn for a moment while they sought out an additional pack horse if one was needed.


    Perivar moved the blanket roll where it lay on top of his saddlebags setting it alongside.  He began going through their contents again checking to make sure he had everything.  A change of clothes, a cloak, small sewing kit, whetstone, cheese, bread, dried meat, the list went on ticking it off in his head. 


    He buckled the saddlebags, placed the blanket roll back on top then stood walking over to the armor stand near his bunk.  He gave his armor a once over to make sure it was in a good condition, he had done so already yet he did it again.  Glancing back at his belongings he spotted a few waterskins which he had filled earlier from the well, you could go without many things but water was not one of them.


    Convinced that he had thought of everything, he laid down on his bunk staring at the ceiling.  He was so excited to go on this outing that he was certain sleep would elude him. After a while his exhausted body finally gave in and he drifted off to sleep.

  8. I have a OP score but I did not receive a WS.  Geirrin has had no formal training before coming to the tower.  Well actually no training at all except with a belt knife and a fishing gaff.  I am going to assume that he started with a WS of 0.


    Is that basically how it works or do we need to receive an official starting WS from a Div officer?

  9. Geirrin began to understand the basics of the game.  It seemed simple in concept though he knew it wouldn't seem so when they began to play against each other.  He was rash and carefree though this game required logic and thought.  You had to leave yourself options and try to think ahead of your opponent.  It was kind of like sailing, you had to look ahead and judge the elements making sure to leave yourself options to get out of trouble should the weather change. 


    He had no idea how he would do against an experienced player.  "So, does any one this make sense?" Covai said.


    He responded "Yes Sir it does"  it makes sense in theory he thought to himself though he would have to see how well that he grasped it in reality.

  10. It was obvious that the other trainee, Martyn was his name he thought, had some skill with the sword he carried.  He just seemed comfortable with it, like it belonged to him.  Geirrin on the other hand was useless with the thing.


    Covai asked if they were ready and he nodded.  Geirrin was obviously the lesser skilled though he was careless possessing little patience.  He looked at Martyn though when he did not immediately make a move Geirrin began walking toward Covai.  It was like a little fish swimming into a school of silverpike but Geirrin was a fool at times with little care for his own safety.


    Geirrin paused just out of reach of Covai's sword, well he thought he was out of reach.  He waited briefly to see if Covai would strike first.  Seeing that he didn't Geirrin threw all caution to the wind swinging the sword with all his might.  Covai dodged it with extreme ease as if he was out for an evening stroll. 


    Geirrin hacked and slashed like there was no tomorrow though nothing came close to hitting Covai.  Covai let him hack and slash away without returning a blow.  Suddenly Covai struck in the blink of an eye, before Geirrin knew it his sword was flying through the air.  It landed on the ground a few spans from where he stood.  Geirrin just stared at it amazed, then a sinsiter smile formed on his face as he looked back at Covai.


    Geirrin retrieved his sword then watched as Martyn and Covai began to spar.  Geirrin hoped that Martyn fared better than he had.

  11. ((OOC: I thought that may have been the case but I didn't want to assume and write someone out of the thread. ;D))


    Geirrin watched as the other trainee left.  He was still wathcing him depart when Covai spoke explaining what they would do.  He watched as Covai created a hole in the ground.  Geirrin tucked the weaves he had used in the back of his mind in case he needed or wanted to use them in the future.  You never knew when something like that would com in handy.


    Geirrin turned his head slightly to the side as he studied the threads that Covai was weaving.  Fire wrapped in earth and a small trace of spirit which he wove into a stone.  Covai quickly threw it into the hole he had created then wove a shield of air in front of them just before the stone exploded.  The ground beneath him shifted as a cloud of dirt flew into the air from the hole.


    Covai named the weave "Grenade" then explained the logic behind it.  He described the purpose of each thread then picked up a stone from the ground tossing it to Geirrin.  Covai gave him further instructions then made a pitfall for Geirrin to toss him grenades into.


    Geirrin embraced saidin, it came to him easily though the sickly feeling that accompanied it twisted his stomach.  He began to create a thread of fire though he immediately knew it was much too large.  He scaled back the thread of fire then pushed it into the stone while weaving earth around it with a bit of spirit.  The stone pulsed and he quickly through it into the pitfall turning is head as he did so.  It worked, maybe not as well as Covai's had though he felt the ground rumble beneath him.


    A sinsiter smile formed on his face as it always did when he learned a new weave or a new use for one.  Some may think him mad but he was thrilled each time he learned something new.  He was always like that as a kid though as a kid he would get scolded or beat for doing something foolish.  There was  aline here as well though they pushed trainees hard here, they were forging weapons.

  12. Geirrin stood there in front of the armory leaning against one of its walls still whistling a tune.  The early morning sun washing over The Farm...no, The Black Tower they now called it though there was nothing at the moment to give the name any significance.  Geirrin kept whistling as he watched the black coated man approaching.  The man had dark hair down to his shoulders and a hard angular face.  Geirrin was not well travelled and could not tell the man's nationality.  Geirrin was 25 and the man seemed perhaps 5 to 10 years older than he.


    "Ah, good morning! And here I thought I was the only one looking forward to this class." The newcomer said offering a friendly nod before looked around as if he expected more people or was looking to see if anyone else was coming. 


    Geirrin still didn't know if this man was the instructor or another student by his comment.  "Good morning, looking forward to it, maybe though I don't see what good it is unless we are learning to hunt with the power."  He responded shrugging his shoulders.  "Not sure I understand it, they make us use the power for everything then teach us how to do other tasks without it."  He gave a look that said it was beyond his understanding.  He seemed lost in thought for a moment the said "name's Geirrin, Geirrin Hale" almost as an afterthought, it seemed proper to introduce himself since he hadn't met the other man. 


    Geirrin did a double take as he noticed Covai approaching.  He knew the Storm Leader from other classes, had he not he would not have recognized then man for who he was dismissing him for a woodsman.  Geirrinn saluted, even though Covai was not big on protocol they were out in public and it was proper regardless of is manner of dress.


    "Didn't you two get the message?" The Storm Leader asked taking in there attire.  Geirrin frowned at his long black coat, it was all he ever wore.  He didn't have any personal clothing aside from what he came here with.  "So do you two plan on hunting in those robes, or do you want to go get changed first?"


    The other student ran off, Geirrin looked at his coat again and said "My apologies Storm Leader though I don't have much else other than tattered rags.  I've been wearing this coat for everything since I arrived, just learned to make due with it."  He finished with a shrug.  He didn't have a weapon either, he usually just grabbed something from the armory when he had training though some wore theirs all the time.  Maybe Geirrin relied too much on the power having little faith in conventional weapons since learning to channel saidin.

  13. I am assuming that Geirrin started with a WS of 0 so he needs a little help though he is not expecting to use a weapon other than saidin.  What is funny is that he has found himself enrolled in 2 weapons training classes, I guess it was just something to do.  ::)

  14. Evaluation:  I believe for most of us this will be our final Req or Reqs in some cases.  Perhaps an evaluation of our ability to become Tower Guards would be proper.  You could assign us relevant tasks along the way that gauge our fitness for the position and see how we fare. 


    If that doesn't work and you want to do something different then it would be neat if you just surprised us with one of the Reqs from the list.  Just throw something at each of us and see how we handle the situation or task.  Honestly I don't have a preference at all, I am game for any of the Reqs.


    Of course if it is simply too much of a hassle for you guys to come up with something for each of us then I will come up with a general idea for you.






  15. Geirrin walked over towards the other Soldier, Ged was his name.  As he was approaching he noticed that Storm Leader Covai was hanging upside down from a tree.  He was odd for a Storm Leader, he did not seem like a powermonger caring little for ceremony and protocol.  Some whispered that maybe he was going mad though Geirrin just thought it was his way.  It was refreshing to see someone with authority who did not walk around as if they had a pole up their arse.


    Covai was asking Ged some questions, he waited 'til Ged was finished.  He took the waterskin from Ged then sat down before answering the questions as they applied to him.


    "Well I can't say exactly how long it's been though it's been a couple of months.  Well they say I am or will be pretty strong in the power though I need to learn some control."  He shrugged his shoulders "I was never very cautious as a child, Da tanned my hide more times than I care to recall.  I still owe him for repairs to his ship, sailed her right into the breakwater and struck a reef." He laughed ouy loud "Well I thought I could make it.  So I guess I need to learn to better judge how I use my weaves.  I tend to use a little more of the power than I should.  If something needs only a hair thin thread well I usually make it as thick as a mast for good measure." He shrugged again as he finished.



    ((Well since the other Saidin related thread stalled I figured that I would join you.  Once all my current threads are complete Geirrin will be ready to move on to Dedicated so it seemed appropriate.  Just so you know Geirrin had 43 pts of strength to spend so he will be pretty well off though his skill is only 28.  Just to put things into perspective.)) 

  16. Geirrin stood in front of the armory at attention as he listened to instructions given him by the Storm Leader, Covai.  Weapons training, he couldn't say that he understood why someone channeling saidin would need weapons training though what did he know, fish, that was what he knew.


    He stood staring the weapon racks.  Pick a weapon you feel comfortable with he said.  Geirrin looked for a fishing gaff though he didn't expect to find one.  Hmm...a staff or a polearm perhaps, he looked them over though nothing struck him as comfortable.  It seemed like they would be cumbersome to carry around.


    He couldn't walk out there with nothing even though Covai had said to come back if he was unable to decide.  He hefted a few swords giving them a few practice cuts which would make any trained swordsman fall on the ground laughing. 


    Finally he found sword with a blade as long as his arm.  It tapered slightly near the point so that it looked like it would be good for slashing as well as thrusting.  He hefted it then took a few practice cuts.  This one felt balanced in his hand, it had the best feel of those he had picked up.  Satisfied with his selection he returned to Covai.     

  17. Geirrin sighed when he realized that it was Covai who entered the room.  He had hoped it would be his instructor who entered though he would have to wait.  He had not been informed who his instructor was going to be, he was only told when and where to be.


    He arched an eyebrow as Covai made his way towards his table, no it couldn't be.  He was certain that his instructor would not be a Storm Leader.  Perhaps he is just going to inquire how my training is going he thought.


    Covai addressed him, he was caught off guard only managing a poor attempt at a salute.  The tension eased a little as Covai told him to relax.  Covai waved for a barmaid then gave her instructions to fetch two drinks and a Stones board.  Turning his attention back to Geirrin he asked "So...you play much"


    "Me Sir?...no not me.  Alls I know is gutting fish and hauling nets...I do dice a bit."  Geirrin responded, his accent marked him as a common born Tairen.

  18. Perivar, need to post one more time in the Training with a Warder thread to finish it off, when you get the chance.


    Sorry I'm confused, your OOC comments said I was done and to post it in my progess?  Kynwric already dismissed Perivar, is there something specific that I am supposed to post for him?

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