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Posts posted by Sieve

  1. Master Corwin's voice broke the silence, "Lets see what yall know."  Perivar stood there like the others waiting for further instructions on what exactly Master Corwin wanted to see.  Master Corwin said "Basic Weapon forms, go through them...now!" by his tone he had expected them to understand what he meant the first time.


    With shield already in hand and firmly in the void, Perivar took on the form Leopard in a Tree then quickly unfolded the fan flowing into Lion on a Hill.  From there Perivar flowed through the various forms.  He knew no matter how well he thought he did that Master Corwin would find his performance lacking.  Master Corwin was a Blademaster, next to him they would all look like they were holding a sword for the first time.


    Perivar continued to flow through the forms going from one to the next with as much skill as he could muster.  Arc of the Moon then The Courtier Taps his Fan into The Kingfisher takes a Silverback flowing back into The Courtier Taps his Fan.  Then he performed The Falcon Stoops which only a trained eye could tell that it was not The Kingfisher takes a Silverback


    He continued flowing through the forms as best he could, Heron Wading in the Rushes with a simultaneous shield slash as Master Kynwric had taught him.  Normally Heron Wading in the Rushes was not used except for practicing balance though the presence of the shield made it viable in combat.


    Perivar performed Hummingbird Kisses the Honeyrose the quick hard face thrust then Parting the Silk the mid level slash then into The Grapevine Twines meant to disarm an opponent.  He finished the forms then remained in Lion on a Hill.  He remained in the void, he had no idea what Master Corwin thought of his performance though he felt fresh, a product of the daily regimen of practicing the forms.  He stood there in Lion on a Hill calmly waiting on Master Corwin to tear him apart.


    He listened as Jasine responded his eyebrow raising slighty at his mention of cranky people.  A small smile cracked Perivar's face as he knew exactly who that was describing.  Mistress Thera still sat acros the table with hear head down completely focused on murdering the page with her pen.  That and the fact that Jasine was obviously trying to not look in her direction.


    Jasine leaned close to him murming softly how he had offended Mistress Thera and earned a penance.  Even softer he spoke how he deserved the penance.  He nodded sympathetically recalling the penance he received on his first day at the yards, he served his as well even though Mistress Thera didn't see it his way.  Trying to cheer him up he said "Remind me to tell you of the penance I received on my first day" clapping the other boy on the shoulder.


    Over the rim of his mug, Jasine asked how Perivar was doing.  "I'm as well as can be expected.  I had just enough last night to feel good but not enough to feel under the weather."  The same can't be said for others as he eyed Melenis with a look of sympathy.


    He was about to speak again though let it rest as Arath entered the room and made his way to their side of the table.  Arath clapped the boy on the shoulder though did not speak.  There was no need, a look of understanding was plain on his face.


    He had resumed his conversation with Jasine when Loraine Sedai and Master Kynwric entered the room.  Perivar stood producing a scraping sound as his chair slid back to allow him room to bow along with the others.  The current attendees all made their courtesies to the pair then took their seats.


    Perivar listened to Master Kynwric as he opened the discussion.  He told them to ask questions making sure that his point sunk in.  Then he spoke about the first rule regarding the bond between Warder and Aes Sedai, the Aes Sedai was in charge.  Of course they were he thought, one look at an Aes Sedai and there was no doubt who was in charge.


    He felt Loraine Sedai's gaze fall upon him briefly.  Was she evaluating their worth, judging who was worthy.  She was a green though Master Kynwric already spoke about not wishing to share the bond with another Warder.  He wondered what Aes Sedai he would eventually be bonded to, would it be a green or another ajah?  Whoever it was he hoped they were not the type who spent a lot of time in the Tower.  Perivar turned his attention to Jasine as he directed a question at Master Kynwric.

  3. Perivar arrived at the training grounds and frowned briefly as he realized he was not the first student to arrive.  He was usally one of the first to arrive yet lately that didn't seem to be the case.  He made his greetings to Master Corwin, Jasine and Arath with a respectful bow for Master Corwin.


    He had been training the basic forms that Master Kynwric taught him as often as possible and was eager to learn the more advanced forms.  This was his first weapon class with Master Corwin so he had no idea what to expect.  Whatever the case it was good to be taught by different instructors as each had their own tips and pointers.


    He formed the flame pushing all emotions into it bringing on the oneness as he patiently waited for the other trainees to arrive. 

  4. Perivar entered the class to find it was already occupied.  He bowed to Master Corwin causing his dark braids to swing which resulted in a quick jingle of the bells that tipped the braids.  "Good morning Master Corwin" he said respectfully then turned his attention to Jasine who had taken up the middle seat of the trio which were setup in a triangle in front of Master Corwin.  "Good morning Jasine" he said nodding to his fellow trainee.  He was happy to see Jasine, his ever present smile was infectious.  He seemed to lift the mood in any room in which he was present. 


    Perivar took the seat to Jasine's right though he couldn't say why he chose it over the left.  Perhaps it was that he preferred to be on the right side of the battle line.  He pushed that thought aside and thought on the subject matter for today's class.  Would they simply talk about the blight or would they be taking a trip there he wondered.


    He had experience along the blight as all borderlanders did though no harm could come from the class.  He knew the veteran instructor would have more knowledge of the blight than a 16 year old Arafellin.  No matter how much you thought you knew there was always someone who knew more.  He wondered if the other trainees had ever been to the blight, it was a place that could kill you as quick as a well aimed sword thrust.  Most outside of the borderlands probably thought the blight was another tall tale used by elders to scare children. 

  5. That reminds me of another question, what do we use to determine the passage of time.  Going by what Jehaine posted, which I quoted below, there are minimum ages and minimum training times.  The minimum time to go from WS 0 -> 6 is 2 years but what determines the passing of a year, is it related to your training?  If I complete all my reqs to attain the rank of Tower Guard / Warder does that symbolize that 2 years has passed or is time scaled down where every 2 months equals a year or something similar?



    RP Levels and Ages

    Trainee (WS 0 - 6) - mimimum training time is 2 years

    Tower Guard /Warder (WS 6 - 12) - minimum age of 18 years

    Tower Guard/Warder Defender (WS 12- 15) - minimum age of 21 years

    Tower Guard/Warder Master (WS 15-18) - minmum age of 25 years

    Tower Guard/Warder Grandmaster (WS 18-20) - minimum age of 30 years


  6. It was my req's he was asking about.  I started at WS 1, finished my Basic Forms with Kynwric and posted that I should be at WS2 now.  The reply said I'd be at WS2 when my Flame and Void class ended.


    Yes that is what had me confused.  :-\


    I think Jehaine has it right, maybe there was a misunderstanding in your case?  You mentioned that you are ready for your increase from WS 1 -> 2 though you didn't say for which class.  Eqwina probably just looked quickly and saw that your flame and the viod class was still in progress and didn't see that you had completed the Basic Forms class. 


    The only explanation that I can figure out in regards to yours is that by completing Flame and the Void (a Philosophy) you would be WS 2 since that (understanding a philosophy) is what is listed for progress from 1 -> 2.  Only problem with that is it negates what the others said about a class = a req and not having to be related to the knowledge that you are assumed to have at that WS. 


    Though if what I said above is true then you would automatically jump to WS 3 upon completion of Flame and the Void since you already have completed basic forms (which is the knowledge you are assumed to possess when going from WS 2 -> 3).  So basically in this theory you are going from WS 1 -> 3 in one shot upon completion of the Flame and the Void.  That is the only explanation that I can think of though again it goes against what the others have said. 



  7. So a class = a req


    Now that I have finished the class on forms I should be WS 3 and as such have an understanding of basic forms.  Had the class been in something else it would still be assumed that I have an understanding of basic forms because I reached WS 3?


    Likewise if I am WS 3, when I complete another class I would move on to WS 4.  At reaching WS 4 it is assumed that I have an understanding of basic survival even if that class had nothing to do with survival?


    Do I have this right?

  8. He paused momentarily, his exhausted arm hung in the air as if it was about to knock on the door of the Mistress of Trainees.  Light he hoped this meeting went better than the first.  He had cleaned up after his day mucking stalls and cleaning the jakes though he was not sure that he could ever wash away the smell.  Shrugging his shoulders he took a calming breath, honors are even he thought then pounded on the door.

  9. He gaped at the exchange between Mistress Thera and Jasine.  Light what were those two playing at, certainly they could not be.  He let the thought fade as he tried to form the flame though he couldn't push his thoughts into it.  He quickly put his eyes on his mug trying to keep from watching what he should not be watching.  He refused the Mistress Thera's offer of wine even though the offer had come long after she had poured for only her and Jasine.  He smiled thinking they probably wished to be elsewhere.


    The Wheel weaves as the Wheel wills he mummered into his mug.  It was evident even to a blind man that they enjoyed each others company.  Why shouldn't they he thought, you never knew what tomorrow could bring.  Fighting the shadow was dangerous work so why should they not be able to live a little, they deserved a little joy in their lives.  He did not see how it could work long term yet it was none of his business. 


    Melenis's voice lifted his eyes from his mug as she addressed Mistress Thera. She seemed hesitant, not sure if she should speak though finally she went on. "If there's... something you want to say, but are... afraid... that others will treat you differently if they know... Would you keep from telling them? Even if it bothers you a great deal?"


    He listened as Mistress Thera encouraged Melenis to speak ensuring her that nobody was here to judge her.  Her voice took on a protective tone as she went on with a light hearted threat that nobody dare cause one of her trainee's any pain.  He chuckled softly as she added that only she could cause them pain.


    His eyes were on Melenis as she took her polearm from behind her back and planted it in front of her.  She seemed to stare at it a moment before she spoke.  He didn't know her well so her opening was lost on him, though she said what they know isn't really her.


    His eyes stayed on her as she looked around the room seeing that heer words had sunk in.  He felt sad for her when she explained that her Mother had died at birth.  He silently said a prayer for her mother.  He listened as she explained how her father had been gone much of the time so she had been raised by her grandfather.  Her faced formed a smile though it was not one that spoke of happiness.  His heart went out to her.


    He listened respectfully as recalled her training at the hands of her grandfather.  Something hit close to home when she mentioned how he thought she was suited for another form.  Much the same his father had scolded him for being to careless in battle, he said Perivar was too quick to through himself into the fray without realizing what he was getting into.  He said he needed to learn constraint, he had to learn to control his impulses in battle.


    His eyes remained on her as she took a deep breath, clearly this was not easy for her to speak of and again his heart went out for her.  When she spoke again there was no hesitation, she got right to the point.  Though as she was about to make her point she stopped suddenly then named her father as a Darkfriend.  Light a Darkfriend, he muttered a prayer that the creator shelter them from the Dark One.  He had known shadowspawn but darkfriends were not that common in the borderlands.  With the blight on their doorstep you would think there would be more though maybe he was ingnorant of their presence.  It was certainly not something people would announce.


    A hundred thoughts went through his head, everything from wondering if being a Darkfriend was contagious to those around them to the fact that there is no way she could be responsible for her father's action.  How could him falling to the Dark One's desires be laid at her feet.  On top of that she had dealt with the death of her grandfather.  If his heart went out to her before, now he wanted to hug her and comfort her even though they had not officially met.  He raised his mug then muttered another borderland prayer for her grandfather, may the creator shelter him, the mother's final embrace.


    Melenis took a long pull from her mug then went on looking at the weapon then pulling it close.  Perivar took another pull from his own mug and frowned to find it empty.  Melenis explained why she came here, to cleanse her family's honor, to make her grandfather proud.


    He watched as she looked at Mistress Thera and Jasine.  It seemed as though a sour twist formed on her face.  He was not sure if it was for her story or for the exchanges between Mistress Thera and Jasine.  She forcefully put her mug down then indicated that she was finished.


    He wanted to speak to tell that it was alright though he didn't think it was his place.  He simply nodded to her, a sign that he understood her quest and felt sympathy for her loss.  He looked at the others waiting for them to respond.   

  10. Sorry Talavin, I know it is difficult sometimes as we don't know the other characters as well as our own.  If there was anything that you wanted corrected we can easily go back and edit.  This would have taken far too long if we went back and forth as each person posted and replied when it was their turn to hide or seek.


    Again if there is anything you want changed let me know and I'll edit my post.  I assume that only four of us are viewing it so any changes wont throw anything off.  If we make the changes now it will at least keep your character in your vision for those who may read it later.


    Again I'm sorry if you didn't like the direction we took. 

  11. Perivar woke early to complete his morning conditioning then ran through the forms he had learned from Master Kynwric.  Hurriedly he washed then went to the class they were having today on Bonding.  Luckily he woke without a headache, he was not so sure that would be the case after several mugs of ale he had last night.  He did not recall returning to the barracks and getting in his cot.


    He walked through the door and was happy that he was not late.  Mistress Thera, Jasine, and Melenis were present, they had already taken their seats at the table.  Mistress Thera was writing in her notepad though it seemed as though she was trying to push the tip of her pen through the page.  The mood in the room seemed sullen, maybe it had something to do with last night.  He formed the flame pushing all emotion into the void.  He felt tension, it was so thick that he thought he should see it instead of just feeling it.


    With a smile on his face he greeted them loudly "Good morning everyone, peace favor your swords" He nodded respectfully to Mistress Thera then to the others before making for the other end of the table.  Mistress Thera did not seem as though she would be good company today.  That and he thought it would be proper to sit with the other trainees.  Master Kynwric and Loraine Sedai would probably sit with Mistress Thera.


    As he round the table he noticed the food and another grin formed on his face.  Reluctantly he let go of the void, his voice seemed distant when in the void and somehow it didn't seem proper for this setting.  He had not had a chance to eat so the presence of food was a welcome surprise. 


    Perivar walked over to Melenis and said "You are Melenis right?" he waited for her to respond that she was.  She touched her head, she must have been suffering from too many mugs.  He softened his voice "I have seen you around yet we have not formally met, it is a pleasure to meet you."


    Courtesies done he left her to recover and picked up a blueberry tart.  He filled a mug with tea then took a seat next to Jasine.  "You look as though someone just stole your prize horse, what gives?  I feel like I am at a funeral rather than a class."  He spoke softly so as not to disturb Mistress Thera, the way she wrote in that pad she didn't want to bring her attention to him. 

  12. I saw where it came up in someone else's progress that there was some confusion over advancement though they started with a different WS then me.  I'll use my case as an example so I can understand it:


    I started with a WS of 2.  Now looking at the information on the Warder Div website http://www.aliciawilkerson.com/warders/?page_id=18 it says this:



    0-1 – 1 requirement fulfilled (will know Basic movements and be physically fit at completion)

    1-2 – 1 requirement fulfilled (will know their philosophy of choice at completion)

    2-3 – 1 requirement fulfilled (will know Basic Forms at completion)

    3-4 – 1 requirement fulfilled (will have basic survival skills at completion)

    4-5 – 1 requirement fulfilled (will know Intermediate Forms at completion)

    5-6 – Final Steps


    So my question is this, I should only have to complete Basic Forms to advance, right?  If so then I would assume that I came to the Tower already proficient in movements and am physically as well as knowledgable in my philosophy? 


    If not then do I have to do the other reqs for 0-1 and 1-2 in addition to 2-3 in order to advance to WS 3?



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