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Posts posted by Sieve

  1. Perivar kept running after checking on Jasine, he hoped it was only a cramp and nothing worse.  Perivar's legs burned like they were on fire and felt wobbly struggling under his weight.  Several time he stumbled and a few times he even fell.  Perivar struggled through five more laps before he collapsed on the ground.  He panted hard while trying to announce that he couldn't run another lap.

  2. Perivar glared at Melenis, was she mad.  He smoothed his face, it was not her fault, she was not familiar with blight and its close proximity to the borderlands.  Sometimes the blight grew closer to the borderlands and pther times it seemed to recede.  To light fire to the blight meant risking setting fire to the borderlands as well, maybe even the entire continent. 


    Perivar bit his lip to stop from answering as he waited for Master Corwin to respond.

  3. Perivar sat there deep in his thoughts.  Loraine Sedai's reply to the question that Melenis had posed was unsettling.  He had never thought of it, Aes Sedai fought against the shadow not for it.  Light a sister bound to the three oathes was at a serious disadvantage.  He had heard the others stirring but it was a while before he realized that he was alone.  He looked around the room shocked at not seeing the others.


    Perivar refilled his mug then quickly drained it.  He set the empty mug on the table then walked from the room.

  4. Perivar listened to the instructions then nodded to Melenis before heading in the opposite direction from Jasine and Arath.  He spotted a gathering of boulders on some high ground not far from the clearing where they started.  A quick study of the area failed to reveal an opening.


    Perivar went a little farther from the stream where he found an area that might work.  It was a hilly area though there was a level space where three trees stood thick with foliage.  There was enough room for all of them to set blankets under the cover of the trees.  Nearby was a grassy clearing that would do for the horses.  There were enough rocks nearby for a firepit.  His only concern was that it was a little farther from the stream than he had hoped, it would take a few minutes to walk to the stream to gather water.


    Perivar called Melenis over so that she could look at it and give her opinion.  Perhaps she had found something better.

  5. Perivar stood from the stream wiping his mouth with the back of his leather gauntleted hand as he watched Mistress Thera making her way through the trainees.  She wrapped her arms around Melenis speaking words that were inaudible from where he stood.  Then she moved on to Arath and then to him. 


    Mistress Thera complimented him on certain improvements in his training.  She also appreciated his apparent outward appearance of bravery.  He had no reason not to put on a brave face, he was completely ignorant of their mission, too ignorant to feel nervous.  Perhaps he was a fool, too secure in the fact that he had been to the blight, faced shadowspawn, had campaigned with his father and had been trained for this very thing by some of the best that the White Tower had to offer.  Still maybe he was a fool, his father had called him a fool often enough.  Even so he did not think he was putting on a brave face it was just his way, it was what it was, they had been taught that the Tower had many enemies that might wish to do harm to any agent of the Tower. 


    He nodded to Mistress Thera in thanks telling her that he was not worthy of her kind words.  He was what he was, compliments were not necessary, he was simply doing his duty to the Tower.  Perivar watched as she moved on to Anluan then to Jasine.  Perivar averted his eyes as the Mistress of Trainees spoke with Jasine, it shocked him how easy it was to forget that the stern Mistress was beautiful.  There was obviously something between the two though nobody spoke of it.  As Perivar had thought on it many times before he believed there was no reason why should they not enjoy their time together, life could be very short.


    The thought of their relationship if it could be called that made Perivar sad for a moment.  Perivar was shy, too shy by a long shot and as such he had not really met any women while at the Tower.  Light it had been almost two years since he had his last encounter, back when he was in Arafel.  He shook his head angry at himself for the odd thoughts.  He was bound to the Tower, he had a duty and a responsibility to serve the Tower not to seek women. 


    As Mistress Thera departed he looked after the packhorses then mounted his warhorse.  His eyes went to Master Kynwric which brought a new thought to his mind.  Why had he removed his armor?  Perivar was accustomed to his before he came to the Tower and was even more comfortable with it from his continued training.  He did not want to bother the Warder now but he stored the question away in hope that he would have an opportunity to ask later.


    Perivar sat his saddle looking off into the distance.  A short while later Mistress Thera returned.  It looked like they were ready to depart so he tossed the reins of the packhorses to Anluan telling him it was his turn.     

  6. Perivar rode along in his own little world recalling the days events.  So far everything had gone well.  All of the trainees had come through on their tasks and they had left Tar Valon without incident.  It was nice being out of the city yet it was bittersweet it seemed.  An aura surrounded the group that said they were all business, even a blind man could tell they would not out for a stroll.  Master Kynwric had started the day dressed like a hero from a book.  Once outside of the Tower he began to change his attire yet he still looked like a Lord of War.  He made the trainees look dull by comparison.


    They departed the city while the sun was barely creeping above the horizon straining to take it's place in a cloudless sky.  It would be warm today though a cool morning breeze danced across his face.  Perivar rode at the back of the pack leading the packhorses.  He wore his armor, darkened chain with dull solid plate shoulder cops, articulated breastplate, full legs and open faced helmet with a nasal guard.  Perivar had strapped his shield onto his left arm for show.  His horsebow and quiver lay within easy reach from his perch atop his warhorse, Nightdancer.  


    Perivar looked like a common soldier though a close look at his dull blackened armor would reveal it's true quality.  About a year ago Perivar had packed away his bright armor which he had brought with him from Arafel.  He had commissioned a master armorsmith at the Tower to make him a new suit, dull so as not to stand out but of excellent quality.  


    Once outside the city he removed the shield which was adorned with his personal device.  He let it hang behind his legs covering his warhorse's flank.  No one outside of a select few in Arafel would recognize his personal device.  Most people they would encounter would probably think he was a household soldier bearing his Lord or Lady's device.  His sword rested in it's sheath which hung on his back, the hilt poking over his right shoulder so that it was ready to be drawn in an instant.  Today he decided to bring a lance for effect, he was not as familiar with it as he was his sword though he was proficient enough that it was worth carrying.  The lance was held in his right hand with the butt resting against his stirrup.


    Perivar noticed Arath speaking to another trainee, Anluan was his name he thought, another trainee almost ready to be raised to Tower Guard.  Out of all the people here it was the person he knew the least about.  He had seen the other man around though he had not had many classes with him.


    After about two hours the group stopped at a stream to water the horses.  Perivar dismounted draping the reins over the pommel of his saddle so they would not fall into the stream while allowing Nightdancer enough slack to drink the water.  He knelt on the bank of the stream next to his warhorse where he cupped water splashing it on his face then scooped some to his mouth.  The water was cool and felt good going down.  The ground was dry and he had felt as though he was caked in dust from head to toe, a result of riding at the rear of the pack.  Nightdancer who loomed next to him drank greedily from the cool stream.  




    Covered in dust at the back of the pack leading the packhorses

  7. After Master Kynwric explained himself it made perfect sense.  Perivar had quite an appetite, he hated missing a meal, it made him grumpy.  He had lived off the land often enough though he couldn't imagine eating twigs, he needed meat of some sort. 


    Perivar had sufficient skill with a bow, skill enough to find game to cook over a fire.  Well hopefully in his training he would learn to cook other types of food, meat might not always be available and he didn't like the thought of skipping a meal.  He had not traveled outside the borderlands except to come here, perhaps there were areas in the southlands where game was not abundant.  He would have to pay attention when he took his wilderness survival class. 


    Wooing women was a different matter, he had no skill with that and did not see how cooking could help him there.  Either a woman liked you or she did not.  Perivar kept to himself which didn't help, back home the girls would approach him.  Ooh he liked them well enough though he was not good at starting conversations or meeting people, he was nothing like Jasine in that regard.  Jasine seemed a natural conversationalist, people always enjoyed talking with him, he was always at the center of things. 

  8. Perivar began stretching, something he only thought to do before practicing the forms and truth to be told he did not focus on them as much as he should.  After stretching for a few minutes Jasine broke the silence.  "Want to run together for a bit?"


    "Sure" He responded "Running 'til we can't run anymore sounds like fun." he added a wry smile then took off toward the worn area marking the circuit which they all used to run their laps.   

  9. Perivar noticed Master Corwin looking at Jasine and realized that he was gaping at him.  How did Jasine know about Malkier? Jasine had not named the former country but he knew about the Blight swallowing a nation.  Not many outside of the Borderlands knew of it, or if they did they didn't believe it.  Once again Jasine had surprised him. 


    Perivar looked around the woods where Corwin led them noticing many things that could potentially kill them had they been in the Blight.  He pointed to a low lying bush that had many branches "In the blight there are thousands of bushes like that with gnarled limbs just waiting to snare your mounts legs either toppling them or causing them to break a leg.  Once you are on the ground there are dozens of little creatures waiting to finish you off."


    ((OOC: small edit to clarify his thoughts on Jasine's comment))   

  10. Perivar was soaking in the informationa and processing it.  Loraine Sedai had finished then turned it over to Master Kynwric who spoke briefly. He spoke until he was out though he added one final comment.


    "Learn to cook?...What in the light does that have to do.." Perivar was shocked to realize he had said it aloud.  He noticed the others looking at him and could feel his face flushing.  Well the meaning of it went over his head.  "Im sorry but what does learning to cook have to do with being a Warder?"  Cooking was not a skill that Perivar possessed.

  11. Perivar was more than happy to let Jasine reply.  Perivar had experience campaigning with his father though he was always reluctant to mention things like that.  Not to mention his views on what made a good camp site could be different from the others, your way was not always the best way.  One difference when campaigning is that you wanted to have a good view of your surroundings for your guards to keep watch.  The more warning you had that trouble was approaching the better prepared you were to deal with it.  The camp they were making today was more about survival, so shelter, food and water seemed like the key ingredients.


    Jasine did a good job answering Mistress Thera's question, he had a reason or explanation for every point that he made.  Shelter, water, some source of food whether it be game or berries and nuts as well as an area for the horses to graze sounded good to him.  The last was something Perivar had not thought of.  In spite of Jasine's lack of confidence in his answers he had done extremely well.  Perivar studied Jasine for a moment.  Unlike Perivar, Jasine seemed quick to reason things out, even things which he claimed to have little knowledge of.  Perivar watched Mistress Thera waiting to hear what she thought of Jasine's reply.   

  12. For some reason somethings may get lost in the translation and we can't read through someone's entire bio.  On top of that we are posting in a way that does not hold to any timeline.  For instance many of us are about to embark on a trip that will complete our training and yet many of us are still involved in threads that supposedly happened when we first arrived.  That being said there is probably much that our chars should know of each other but don't.   So I will post here things that most should know about Perivar.  You can decide how much your character knows based on your interaction with him. 


    If you think it is a good idea then feel free to make a post here about your character and if there are enough people hopefully we can get it stickied so it is easy to find as a reference as opposed to try.  If you do post please make sure to update it as you go along.






    Perivar Tarigan -  When he arrives at the Tower for training he is a 16 year old Arafellin with Brown eyes and Dark brown hair that is worn in two braids, the ends of the braids contain silver bells.  His face is hard as if etched in stone, he looks slightly older than he is, a gift from the borderlands.  He is not pretty nor is he ugly, some women may find him handsome if they are into the hard look about him.  He is only 5'9" though he is still growing, perhaps by the end of his training he will be closer to 6'0" though it remains to be seen.  He is wide in a muscular kind of way, built more like a blacksmith, thick arms, thick chest and a thick waist.  He is agile for his size though nowhere near as agile as others significantly slimmer than he is.  He has an appetite that matches his size.


    Perivar is nobly born, his father is a minor Arafellin noble.  Although he is reluctant to discuss it it is possible that you may reason it out or have heard a rumor or if you are close enough maybe it has come out in conversation though that is unlikely.  His idea of a noble is not what outsiders are used to, he is very down to earth in that respect, he holds his worth no higher than the next person.  It has been ingrained in him that he has a duty to protect his people and ensure their well being. 


    He did live in the Borderlands so he is well aware of the blight, trollocs, and myrdraal.  While he has faced shadowspawn and even killed a trolloc or two (he had help), he is no God of War.  He is decently skilled for his age though he changed weapon forms upon his arrival at the Tower so he is just as skilled or unskilled as the next trainee.


    He arrives at the Tower with the strange sense of honor that most Arafellins carry, again something that has been ingrained in him.  Perivar is known to take this to an extreme, he is prone to beg for a penance from anyone whom he thinks he has offended as minor a thing as it may be.  If the offended party refuses to assign a penance then he is apt to set his own.  This is very prevelant in the beginning though over time the Mistress of Trainees has worn him down a bit.  The longer he is at the Tower the less likely he is to ask another for a penance, if the offense is bed enough in his eyes then he will set his own penance keeping it secret.  So you may see him doing odd things that don't make a whole lot of sense.


    He is antisocial and struggles with getting to know people.  He is slow to warm up to people and not likely to start a conversation with you if he doesn't know you well.  He will not go out of his way to meet new people.  This dysfunctional behavior is something that he is trying to work on.  He is not an extremely fast thinker, sometimes it takes a while for him to process information one of the reasons that he is shy.


    In the beginning he is torn, he believes that he belongs in the Borderlands fighting shadowspawn in the blight and guarding the border.  His family has done so for generations though his father has sworn him to the Tower.  His father insists that the Tower fights the same fight against the shadow though Perivar still longs to be in Arafel where he feels he belongs.  His father's words are reinforced by Loraine Sedai, Master Kynwric, and Mistress Thera though he is still torn at times feeling he belongs in the north.


    Perivar now carries a sword and shield although he arrived at the Tower with two swords on his back like most Arafellins.  His half-trained warhorse is named Nightdancer, he is a glossy black stallion.  Perivar is very comfortable in the saddle.


    ((Slightly longer than I wanted but it is still shorter than my bio and packed with more relevant info))

  13. Even though Perivar is borderline antisocial outside of training I am sure his arm could be twisted to join you.  As Talavin said a little delay would be nice since I seem to have gotten him in every thread imaginable.  Either way he will be available.


    Well I typed this as you were typing Mat but is still makes sense.

  14. Jasine laughed good naturedly and clapped a hand on Perivar's shoulder.  "Perhaps Mistress Thera will decide she's in one of her good moods this morning and offer to kiss your booboo and mother-hen you until you're well.  Or she might throw a chair at you for your silliness."  He mocked a deadpan serious expression and stage whispered, "I think that bunk has had it out for you for weeks now.  You should see the looks it gives you."


    Perivar chuckled over Jasine's comments saying that the latter would be more likely.  At Jasine's second remark Perivar doubled over with laughter, he laughed so hard that his eyes began to tear and his sides hurt.  Light he could not recall laughing so hard since coming to the Tower.  Jasine always had a witty remark ready or would flash a look that made you laugh or at least smile.  He hoped that Master Jesse would not call them out for acting so silly.


    He could not tell if Jasine was serious or merely joking around when he asked after breakfast.  Light if they were going to be running, jumping, and doing all sorts of exercises the last thing he wanted was food. 

  15. Something about the tone of Master Kynwric's voice made him look up from studying the bottom of his mug.  His tone made Perivar think that this was something important.  The three oaths, he had heard of them but did not know much other than Aes Sedai could not blatantly lie.  Ooh they could twist words to suit their needs but they could lie outright.


    "Well, an Aes Sedai may not Lie. May not make weapons intentionally, nor may she use the One Power as a weapon except against Shadowspawn or in the defense of herself or her Warder or another Aes Sedai." A brief pause then Master Kynwric continued "Sometimes you have to create the right situation for an Aes Sedai to use the One Power. Shadowspawn can be destroyed at will, but Dark Friends are not Shadowspawn, neither are Whitecloaks or any of a number of bandits. Sometimes you have to get your Sister in a position to be in the battle. Sometimes you have to put yourself in danger so she can destroy that which needs be destroyed."


    Perivar frowned slightly as the thought touched on something his father had always said about him.  A perfect fit Perivar thought, his father had always chided him that he was too fast to jump into a dangerous situation.  Perhaps the Tower would find a use for him after all.  Taking down Dark Friends sounded right up his alley, he didn't know White Cloaks other than in stories though if Master Kynwric spoke of them so then he would be happy to start some trouble with them as well.


    Perivar looked back into his mug, his thoughts drifting back to his father for a moment.  Perivar had come to the Tower wearing two swords on his back as ost Arafellins do.  Part of the reason that he decided to take up a new form with his new life was due to his father's comments on his style.  Sword and shield was a more defensive style, truthfully it did seem to fit him better.  Perivar was still wide shouldered and thicker than most, the sword and shield seemed to fit his strength.  He was not as fast as the others but he was able to absorb more.  What's done is done he thought, the Wheel weaves as the Wheel wills...

  16. Perivar opened his eyes, his head still on his pillow, he lay there in his bunk in the barracks.  It was still dark though to his surprise there was a hint of light, the sun must have started to rise on the horizon.  He was usually up and about by now working the forms and going through his morning fitness routine.  Something about his last thought struck a chord, like a gong peeling loudly in the night it hit him, fitness...that's right he had a fitness class this morning, at the crack of dawn. 


    He sat up in his bed looking around quickly, his bells jingling as he turned his head.  He stopped when his sleepy eyes found Jasine's bunk, it was empty.  He jumped from his bunk and began grabbing his clothes.  As he bent down to retrieve his trousers he smacked his head on the frame of the bunk.  Perivar rubbed his head and could feel a knot forming on his forehead.  He finished dressing then bolted for the door.


    Perivar sprinted the entire way, he slowed as he neared the others and was happy to see that he was not the last one there.  Master Jesse was there, he was talking with Jasine which was not a shock, you had to get up very early if you wanted to arrive somewhere before him.  That and he was always happy, ready to flash a smile even at the crack of dawn.  The thought made him look to the horizon where the sun was rising into the sky.


    Perivar slid to a stop, bowing he said "Good morning Master Jesse, good morning Jasine" finishing with a nod and a smile for Jasine.  When he bowed he could feel a slight pressure in his forehead where the bump was.  Rubbing his forehead he said "I lost a battle with my bunk this morning" he chuckled softly though the pain shot through his head causing him to wince.

  17. Geirrin followed the Storm Leader to the archery grounds.  He watched as Covai unlsung his bow then notched and arrow.  Covai stepped up to a line in the ground then drew the bow.  Moments later he loosed the arrow and Geirrin stood there gaping at the target.  There in the extreme middle of the target lay the Storm Leader's arrow  slightly quivering from the impact.


    He half jumped when Covai's voice broke him from his thoughts. "Go get one. You both need to be able to hit at least the target around the center before we go. I can forgive less than perfect marksmanship for now, but if you're not even good enough to hit the inner ring, there's no point moving on." Geirrin almost laughed out loud, he expects me to do that.  Light this was going to be worse than training with a sword.


    Geirrin argued with himself as he walked to the barrel to retrieve the bow.  He blindly grabbed one not even thinking they could be different or what good one would be over another.  He tried several times to string it to no avail, finally he strung it then grabbed a quiver of arrows.  All around them there were other soldiers, dedicated, and even a few civilians learning to shoot the bow.  He took some time watching them to see what he should be doing.


    His first shock came at how much strength it took to draw the bow.  Geirrin loosed his first arrow then watched in frustration as the arrow flew wide.  The second went off in the same direction so Geirrin began adjusting his aim.  He continued to fire on the target until he realized that his quiver was empty. 


    Geirrin was so upset with his poor performace that he failed to notice that Martyn had finished and was waiting on him to retrieve the arrows.  He frowned at his target and the three arrows that were stuck in it, all in the outer ring.  He turned toward the Storm Leader and shrugged "I never shot a bow before Sir...I have no skill with it...I guess that means that I don't get to train?"  He said with a sour look expecting to be dismissed from the training.


  18. My first lessons will be this afternoon Geirrin thought to himself and he felt elated looking at his black coat.  He had no idea what he was getting himself into but they told him he could wield the one power.  Most Tairens would shun such a thing but Geirrin was different.  He couldn't resist the urge, he wanted to be able to move things with the power, call lighting, and whatever else they could teach him to do.


    Geirrin shrugged, then asked a few questions rattling them off all at once.  "Where do I stow my things? I don't have much, just a small canvas bag.  Do I get a bunk in the barracks?  What about food, where do we eat around here? I could really use a meal."  His stomach rumbled to add emphasis to his words.  He blushed for a moment then added  "What about coin?  I don't have much do I need to pay to train."  He waited for a reply, a knot had formed in his stomach, he never thought to ask.

  19. Perivar listened as Master Corwin spoke about their work with the forms, based on his comments he was less than satisfied.  He refused to move on with the training until he was satisfied therefore he made them spar using the basic forms.  Perivar picked up a practice sword from the barrel which Master Corwin had brought out to them.  The practice sword was a match for his true sword in both size and shape thought it weighed less. 


    Perivar watched as Arath picked Jasine, it almost made him laugh since the two were always sparring it seemed.  He waited while Melenis picked out a practice weapon that matched her polearm.  This would be an interesting match he thought.  He felt that he stood a better chance than the others since he had a shield where they would not.  Even so this would be no easy affair, she held the range and if he could not close with her then he would have difficulty.  He would have to remain in guard and leave no openings as he closed.


    Perivar flashed his practice sword in a salute then bowed respectively to Melenis advising her that he was ready.



  20. Perivar couldn't say why but he just drifted off into his own thoughts.  He heard the murmur of voices around him though he did not hear what they were saying.  He thought of his family, his home, thought of his past.  Perivar drained the mug then stared into it as if it held the answers to every question he had about his future.

  21. Perivar looked at the others when Master Corwin asked what they knew of the Blight hoping one of them would speak up.  He did not want to speak first though the others seemed hesitant to answer, Perivar would be too if he had no experience, it was difficult to admit that you did not know something.  


    The silence became uncomfortable so he broke it, he wanted the others to speak first so as not to seem like a know it all.  "Well the Blight can kill you quicker than a trolloc or a fade."  His face became serious as he looked at the others.  Perivar was quiet and kept to himself for the most part.  He did not like talking about his background unless someone asked.  He didn't want others to take him the wrong way so he was quiet about his past.  Most knew he was Arafellin or at least from the borderlands so he left it at that.  There was no reason to boast about that or his noble birth, neither meant anything here, here he was the same as any other trainee.


    Perivar made sure that he had their attention.  He looked north, staring blankly as he went on.  "It is a nasty place that breeds evil and vile things.  Everything there is dark and twisted, touching the wrong type of leaf can kill you or worse.  There are many horrors there that could chill you to the bone and make you wish you were dead.  The water if you can call it that is tainted, it is not suitable for washing let alone drinking.  The place is simply evil."  He could have gone on but he thought that was enough for now.  For a few moments he continued to stare to the north then shook his head in a jingle of bells.      



  22. If the person lost the limb by way of a sword or axe or by being ripped out of its socket by say a trolloc, that person could be healed and not expected to die.  I was not talking about performing an amputation in the field of an injured limb, I was thinking more along the lines of them losing it as I mentioned above then being healed.  


    The person being healed may be stressed and experience blood loss from the injury but an Aes Sedai could certainly take care of that providing they have sufficient skill with healing.  Sure they would be exhausted by the healing process and need time to recover though it wouldn't mean their was a good chance of them dying from it.  Plus this could add another twist, healing such a severe wound could leave Lor out of commission for a bit making our entire crew more vulnerable.  ;D


    Either way a coma is just as good.  Having to returned with an injured person on a litter would definately make our mission tougher.  ;)


    @ Talavin, that is certainly an option though it will be up to Lor and Thera to decide if this event will happen since it will impact their characters the most.

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