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Posts posted by Sieve

  1. Perivar and Anluan chose their spots with a good view of the door and the common room.  People began filing into the Badger and Lioness as the Gleeman was getting ready to take the stage.  Perivar hoped that he and the others would not get distracted by the Gleeman's performance.  The task was not going to be an easy one.


    Perivar was glad that they had gone down early enough to get a table with a good view otherwise his neck would have been sore having to twist this way and that to follow the girl.  The girl that he had to keep an eye on was an energetic little lass.  He had already ordered a round of drinks from her for him and Anluan throwing her a little extra coin than she was probably used to so she would remember to visit them often and possibly come faster when they called.  She had left them with a wide smile and a word of thanks as she quickly tucked the coins away. 


    When she returned next he would order food enough for three, it would do no good for him and Anluan to get drunk and the extra order for her may give them an opening to have her join them for a few minutes.  Perivar scanned the room noticing that the other had taken their places.


    However if you say your primary weapon is sword and shield (or whatever weapon and shield) then if you do not have your shield with you, your sword drops to your secondary skill level (even if it's not your secondary weapon).  This also goes for if you use two weapons.  If you lose one weapon your weapon score becomes your secondary skill reguardess of your weapon choice.  This is just your skill rating not your weapons of choice.



    That makes sense, piggybacking off of what QS said let me ask this.  Assume that I used my sword primarily by itself.  On the occassions when I decide to use it with a shield it would simply lower my WS by 2, is that right?

  3. Perivar took the piece of paper listening to the instructions, Write down all you know about these Shadowspawn.  Perivar glanced at the sheet recalling some of the names though he frowned when his eyes fell on a few of them.  He began writing trying to remember all that he could about each.  Some he wished that he could forget.



    Darkhounds-  Hounds of the Dark One, they are larger than wolves.  They do not leave tracks on dirt and grass though if they cross over cobblestones or boulders they will leave paw prints.  I have no idea how to kill one.


    Draghkar-  Half man - Half bat with large black wings and large black eyes.  Their kiss is death, they will sing a song that will snare.  If you can avoid being snared by the song, steel will kill them.


    Fades- Also known as Myrddraal, the eyeless, lurks.  They are man sized with a complexion that is pasty-white.  Even though they lack eyes their sight is keen.  They can easily hide in shadows and can move in almost complete silence.  They control fists of trollocs and are linked to them so if they die so do the trollocs.  Fades are skilled swordsman, their attention to you can inspire fear making it difficult to face them.  Even after they are killed, which is not easily done, their bodies thrash about wildy for hours.   


    Forgers- They craft the black blades that the Myrddral carry.  It is said they are not truly alive, they are bound to Shayul Ghul and will die if they leave. 


    Gholam- I know nothing of Gholam.


    Gray Men- They can be men or women and are the assassins of the Dark One.  They are often called the Soulless since it is said that they have given their soul to the Dark One.  They are very difficult to detect making them efficient assassins. Normal weapons can kill them.


    Trollocs- Huge beings, half man, half beast, they have the body of a man and the head and sometimes the feet of an animal such as a bear, eagle, wolf or goat.  They are significantly taller and wider than the largest of men.  They are dumb, lazy, cowardly and often kill for the pleasure of killing.  They see very well in the dark but are blinded by the light.  They are led by Myrddraal and linked to them so if the Myrddraal dies then so do they.  Some are good at tracking though they they are lazy and will often give up unless the Myrddraal pushes them hard.


    Worms-  They are a creature of the blight though all of the others foul creatures that dwell in the blight are said to scared of worms.  It is said that the only way to kill them is to hack them to pieces.  They travel in packs.


    When Perivar was finished he longed for a bath, he wished he could forget all he knew of these foul creatures.  Perivar was aware that he didn't know everything about shadowspawn, that was why he was here.  Not knowing such things could kill you or your Aes Sedai quicker than a blade.  It was the knowledge that he gained here that may one day save his life or that of his Aes Sedai. 


    He turned in his paper to Master Corwin then took a seat trying to push the thoughts from his head for at least a moment, he did not want to think of home. 



  4. I know I don't make the calls on this, but I think that sounds ok to me.  Normally a shield wouldn't be used with a weapon meant more for two-handed use (bastard sword, and probably the lance too), but it could be, especially on a horse.  And when you don't have the shield available, you can use the lance or sword two handed as you said.  Sounds perfectly reasonable to me.



    Just for clarification, I'm not splitting hairs.


    I know light calvary used lighter polearms more like a spear so they didn't use a shield especially after the black powder came into play.  Lance and shield was very common in the medieval times with heavily armored men at arms and knights, once the lance became entangled or the combat became too close knit for its effective use it was disgarded and then they took up their swords.  Either way a lance was never a two-handed weapon.


    As to the bastard or hand and a half sword it is not primarily a two-handed weapon though it can be used as that, it is primarily single-handed.  A Bastard sword is a multi-purpose weapon, not as fast as a longsword and not as heavy hitting as a two-handed sword.  Perivar is a rather large man so it seems to suit him. 


    Hope that all makes sense.

  5. First off I have zero skill with making/creating siggies, secondly i just haven't been bitten by the bug yet.  I haven't even really thought of having one made.  I think it would be hard to find a suitable image for Perivar, the Arafellin hair style is not exactly something you see today.

  6. ((OOC:fixed))


    Corwin spent an hour showing them four forms, The River Undercuts the Bank, The Swallow Takes Flight, The Swallow Rides the Air, Tower of Morning.  Perivar practiced the forms with sword and shield though later on his own time he would have to practice with just his sword.  He would not always have the shield readily available so he had to know how to fight without it as well.


    He practiced them individually first, The River Undercuts the Bank , a horizontal slash that could either be used to behead or disembowel an opponent, The Swallow Takes Flight, A diagonal slash starting low then rising followed by a thrust, The Swallow Rides the Air, a mobile guard stance used after The Swallow Takes Flight, Tower of Morning, A vertical slash, starting low and ending high.


    Perivar practiced them individual then began to attempt to use them together flowing from one to the other.  His muscles began to ache and burn waiting for Master Corwin to give the command to stop.


  7. I am trying to lockdown Perivar's weapon choices for his Final Steps.  My question is that his primary form is bastard sword and shield.  The shield is defensive only, no shield spike, only used to block or stun.  There will be times when his shield is not used at all so he will just be wielding the hand and a half sword. 


    So his breakdown would be like this:


    Pri: Sword and Shield


    Sec: Lance and Shield


    Ter: Horsebow


    In each case the shield is not offensive, so I do not have it listed as a secondary form by itself.  Is this an acceptable breakdown? 

  8. Her words still hung in the air as she kissed him lightly on the lips.  The final straw, the void collapsed around him.  He did not know what to do, all in one day his world had been turned upside down.  Ever since adjusting to his new life, his new purpose he had been focused on one thing.  Now that all changed.


    A torrent of thoughts ran through his head.  Kabria had emotions too that threatened to sweep her away?  No it couldn't be, she was just letting him down easy.  She had been hurt before, the last thing he wanted was to hurt her, never that.  He would protect her no matter what, that above all else.  She asked him to wait for her, asked him if he could.


    Kabria gave him hope, said they could make a great pair.  He tried to form the flame, find the void, it wouldn't come.  He was not prepared for this.  In time he could have her heart, could it be?  Was it possible?  Together they would fight the Shadow, could he ask for more, could he dare to hope. 


    Kabria smiled at him, he didn't even think of attempting the void.  He wanted to feel it, he knew it was wrong though he wanted to feel it.  “Plus if you allow another Sister to so much as even consider taking your bond I will follow through with my promise to take those braids.”   It made him laugh, something he did not do often though he thought that she may just do what she said.  He smoothed his face becoming serious for the moment.


    Perivar took her hands in his, the feel of her hands, the bundles of emotions threatening to crush him.  "Kabria, ever since I was a child I was sworn to fight the Shadow, it is all I ever knew or wanted, it is all that mattered until now.  When I was sent here I thought my purpose was gone.  It took me a while to realize that the White Tower fights the same fight but on a grander scale and that was all that I could hope for yet now I find more.  Whether I have your heart or not I will fight by your side 'til my dying breath.  I would consider my life fulfilled, my purpose served on that alone, I can hope for nothing more.  I can think of no greater service to the Tower than to fight along your side, I have found a new focus for my training.  Every moment I spend training in the yards will be for you, so that when my training is complete I may be worthy of being by your side."


    "I can wait as long as you need but I can't let myself believe that it could be more than a bond, Aes Sedai and her Warder.  My heart is telling me otherwise but I dare not hope for more, I could not.  Please do not think you have to give me your heart, the closeness, the fondness for one another that forms from the bond is more than I can ask.  I will offer my bond to no other, I swear it beneath the light and by my hope of salvation and rebirth."


    Could he dare ask the same of her, she had every right to take on other Warders.  How would he feel sharing her with another, how could he be against it when he knew that another Warder may one day save her life.  It was her choice and her's alone. 


    In the course of a single day everything in his world had changed, now he had a new focus to fuel him, Kabria.     

  9. Jasine had been scouting ahead so reached the camp ahead of the other.  The shock on his face at the sight of the camp must have matched Arath's.  The camp had four blazing fires and tents complete with extra blankets.  He could smell the food which made his stomach rumble, he felt as if he could eat enough for three people.


    Before making his way into the camp he turned Nightdancer to face North.  He sat there staring a moment, he had been only a day's hard ride from the Blight.  He had felt the urge, felt the Blight pulling him into it's deadly embrace.  Felt it laughing at him trying to bait him into the trap in an effort to prove himself.  He had seen it often enough, young Borderanders rushing off into the Blight thinking they could single-handedly assault Shayol Ghul.  "The Final Embrace"


    Perivar turned Nightdancer around so that he faced the camp.  He dismounted then stood there scratching Nightdancers head.  He was so lost in thought that he did not realize that he was not alone until Mistress Thera's arms wrapped around him in a friendly embrace.  It is so good to see all your faces again!”    She sounded elated, then she turned her attention to Melenis.  Perivar missed the exchange between the two as he walked towards the food.


  10. “That is a story I would very much like to hear, if the venomous rumors I have heard about her are true.” Still looking at his eyes she laced her fingers through his and smiled.  Was she really interested in his story, his life.  Her fingers laced through his made him feel like a kid again.  Did she feel something between them or was she just trying to be polite, perhaps she just thought he was someone to talk to, perhaps a friend.  "No you fool" he thought to himself, do not let fancies take you.


    Who would have thought that this was the same woman who a few hours ago was holding a dagger at his head threatening to cut his braid off.  The more they talked the more she seemed to relax, was this what she had been hiding from others.  Was this what was behind the walls, the barriers that she had built up as a way of protecting herself from events in the past.  Perivar found himself hanging on every word, he wanted to respond though she continued to speak of all the things she wanted to do. 


    Perivar could not believe how similar their desires were.  As soon as he adjusted himself to the fact that his life was devoted to the Tower he knew that he needed to learn all there was to know about the various nations and their people.  The White Tower's influence ran far from Tar Valon and he would need to know as much as possible to properly serve an Aes Sedai.


    "Of course you would fit in the Borderlands, do not sell yourself short.  You have it in you, there is no doubt that Kandori blood courses through your veins.  Maybe you do not see it but I can."


    "Chachin is quite large and there are a lot of villages on the outskirts.  No doubt with the proper questions in the right ears we can find them.  A little coin in the right hand can often produce a wealth of information.  We will find them or at least where they lived.  Some people move around a bit but there is always someone who knows where they've gone."


    The way she brushed her hair from her face, her laugh was, it was like music to his ears.  Everything about her, the way she lit up when she spoke.  The beauty of the park paled in comparison to her.  She asked him to show her the Borderlands, in return she would would show him Illian, show him a ship. 


    At that moment he wanted nothing more, he thought of them traveling together, had she really asked him to travel with her, it all seemed surreal.  He thought of them traveling as Aes Sedai and Warder.  You fool do not get ahead of yourself, that is just a fantasy he scolded himself.  He never thought that he could feel this way, he thought it was something that would never happen since he came to train.  He training to be a guardian in service to the Tower, in service to an Aes Sedai.  He was warned about the pitfalls of emotions...


    His training had told him to not go down this road but his heart tore him in the other direction.  What if she felt nothing for you, you are just a blade, a protector.  He warred with himself his heart and mind teetering on the edge.  Her words rang in his ears like a finely tuned harp.  "Would you Perivar? Please? I would so love a traveling companion.”


    It all came out in a rush, he could no longer hold it back "Of course I will travel with you, it will be an honor...and a pleasure."  He went on telling her that he wanted her to show him everything, he had never been on a ship, never been to Illian.  On and on he went.


    In her presence he felt like a man but feared that he sounded like a boy.  He was riveted as she told him about her experiences on the ship at night, going up into the watch.  What did it feel like to be free, he did not understand the concept.  He knew and understood battle rage, the feeling when blood was racing through yours veins, each breath could be your last. 


    "Will we get to sail on a Sea Folk ship?  Could we climb up into the watch?  I would like to experience this feeling of flying?"  He was almost giddy, light what was wrong with him.  He was supposed to be a pillar, an unwavering rock that waves pounded but couldn't break.  He was taught to find the void, to remove all emotion...did it have to be all the time?  Could he afford to be a normal man when the occassion arose. 


    Was he capable of going back and forth between the two.  His first responsibility was to protect her life, that would be first and foremost, it had to be.  Light how he warred with himself.  He knew that Loraine Sedia and Master Kynwric's relationship went beyond just that of an Aes Sedai and Warder.  They had spoken of it openly, could he ask Kynwric the questions that bothered him, would it be proper. 


    Fool, you are a light-blinded fool.  You are way ahead of yourself, she has not indicated any feelings for you or even given you any indication that she wants you as a warder, you are a fool.  He looked away from Kabria, just the thought of her name was enough let alone looking at her.  What if she wants nothing to do with you after you escort her to the Borderlands.  Just the thought alone made him feel that his heart would stop beating.  This was all so foreign to him. 


    He stared North, his mood became somber, he had learned as a child to know which way was North.  Could he go home, what would it be like.  He had spent so much time training to be a servant of the White Tower.  What would it be like to go there.  Home seemed like the wrong word, for almost two years the Training Yard had been his home.  In the blink of an eye he had gone from a life sworn to protect the Blight border to a life in service to the Tower.


    Perivar did not know how long he sat staring North.  He formed the flame, pushed all his emotions into the flame assuming the void.  It was either assume the void or the torrent of emotions would carry him away.  When he realized that he was still gazing North he punched the ground with his fist, what followed was meant to be thoughts that he kept to himself though he had unknowingly spoken them out loud.  They were softly spoken though loud enough for her to hear.  The void rocked, this was the first time in over a year since that had happened, the void threatened to collapse around him, his voice was distant...


    "How beautiful you are, there is nothing in Tar Valon that compares to your beauty, nothing in this cursed world that compares and yet I sit here warring with my emotions like a fool, worrying about something that will never be, worrying about the past.  Here I sit having to assume the void to keep the flood of emotions from tearing me apart."  "I thought I would never have thoughts like this, I have been honed into a blade into a guardian in service to the White Tower yet what kind of servant would I make letting my emotions go like this...I am not worthy of being your companion though I would follow you to the ends of the earth, I would carve a path through a thousand shadowspawn to see you safe, I would you die for you and yet I do not feel worthy."  He turned to look into her blue eyes and realized that he had spoken the words aloud.  He blushed so deeply that he thought his face would burst.


    He stood up, then looked down at her as he said"I'm sorry"..."I did not mean to..." He couldn't form the words "At least let me see you safe to the steps of the Tower.  at least grant me that."

  11. After yesterday Geirrin wanted to make sure that he was not the object of the Storm Leader's attention.  His listened as the Storm Leader spoke of what they would be, of what they would do in service to the Black Tower.  He had never killed anyone let alone thought of killing anyone.  He grimaced when Covai mentioned killing someone who couldn't even fight back. 


    "There are five elements to Saidin. Fire, Earth, Spirt, Air and Water. The first are an Asha'man's strongest allies. The latter, the weaker. I don't know how much experience or exposer to killing you three have, but you'll have more than you'll care to soom enough, so get used to the idea. It may just save your own life on day."  Light would he ever be comfortable with killing someone.  He did not think killing shadowspawn would be an issue but what about another person. 


    "Now I want each of you to give me a method to kill someone with each of the five elements."


    It took him a while to think of ways to kill someone with each of the elements.  "Well I suppose you sould smother them removing the air they breathe."  He tried to think of another way with one of the other elements.  He thought of someone drowning "Could you fill someone's lungs with water?" sounding more like a question.  "Using Earth I would probably just crush them.  With fire I would just shoot a bar of fire through their chest."


    He tried to think of something for the last..."I cannot think of anything with Spirit that would kill unless you could manipulate them to hurt themselves?"  Again that was more of a question, he was uncertain if it were possible or how to create such a weave. 

  12. "I've learned the basic weaves for a soldier, mostly involving Fire, Earth, and Air, some with Water and Spirit.  Air Clubs, Fireballs, Grenades, Walls of Earth, Pitfalls..." He listed a few more "I've learned as many weaves as I could get them to teach me, some I have learned by watching others." 


    "Well as to that now, sometimes I over do it and use a thicker weave than I should.  If the weave only needs a hair thin thread I tend to use a little more, well a lot more in some cases.  It is my fault though, I learn the weave then I try to push the limits, adding more of each element.  I've been punished more than I care to admit for doing stupid things, well they were right to do so but I like to experiment." It was a character flaw of his.  "They said it is bad because I am or will be strong in the power so I have to becareful not to over do it and destroy myself." 


    Geirrin filled himself with the power, the sickly sweet feeling coming over him quickly fading into joy as he soaked in the power.  He wove a fireball hurling it a tree that was far enough away that they would not be showered with splinters.  The tree burst where he hit it, pieces of the tree lay smoldering on the ground.  He smothered the smoldering bits cutting off the air so they no onger smoked.


    Next he wove Earth Wall, producing dozens of sharp projectiles from earth then with flows of air he hurled them at the trunk of a tree.  The shards drove into the trunk causing the entire tree to shutter.  With the power filling him he could see each one impacting the tree.  With a moan the tree toppled over, the stump where the shards struck was splintered.  It looked as though a giant bear had taken a bite of it with it's massive jaws.


    He continued through some of the weaves that he knew.  Geirrin then wove flows of Fire and Earth directing them into a spot a few spans away, within a few moments the ground erupted.  Geirrin through up a shield just in time so that neither he nor the storm leader were struck by the debris.  He blushed turning toward the Storm Leader.  "I guess a used a little too much Fire and Earth and held the weave a bit longer than I should have."  He eyed the Storm Leader waiting on his reaction. 

  13. Again Geirrin was amazed finding another use for the power.  He never thought of creating his own weapons.  After the others left, Geirrin stood there playing with weaves seeing what weapons he could create.


    "An Asha'man man needs no weapons, they are one unto themselves. No King commands us, no swordsman can stand against one who can wield the elements at their command.."   The Storm Leader's words ringing in his ears.  They were making him into a weapon, he knew that part but he never thought before of where that put him in the food chain.  He shook the thought from his head focusing back on creating weapons, he had to become a weapon first before he could be of any use.

  14. Perivar listened as Loraine Sedai layed out the final plan.  Her tone and commanding presence led him to believe that there would be no more time for discussion on the matter, this was the plan.  He smiled when she said "If you're good, I might be ok with a nice bar room brawl for a distraction..." 


    Perivar thought on his task trying to decide if it would be better for him to watch the girl or the door.  Perivar had grown taller since his arrival in Tar Valon so he and Anluan were almost exactly the same height.  Something told him that he would have a better chance keeping an eye on the girl.  Perivar talked it over with Anluan, they both decided that Anluan would watch the door and Perivar would keep an eye on the girl.  With that decided the thought it best to get down to the common room so they could pick the seats with the best view of the door and the other points of interest.

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