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Posts posted by Sieve

  1. It was late in the day when Geirrin had finished cutting down the trees that he would use.  When he was done or the day he had two neat piles ready to be cut into braces and planks.  He was soak in sweat a reminder of the struggle with Saidin.  Channeling Saidin sapped a man's endurance almost as much as physical labor.  Even though they did most everything with Saidin they still performed physical labor as a way of conditioning in addition to their exercises.  Satisfied with his progress he made for the inn, a drink or two and a bite to eat would be do him well...


    Geirrin returned the next day finding his piles of logs undisturbed.  He seized the source filling himself with Saidin.  One by one he removed a log from the pile with flows of air.  He eyed each log picturing the number of planks, braces, or spar he could make trying to get the most wood out of each.  He cut them into rough pieces and began sorting them into piles based on their use.  After lunch he would begin shaping them.  He had a free day today so he was hoping to get all the pieces shaped.


    Geirrin returned to his site after lunch.  He rubbed his belly as he looked over the piles.  He had eaten way to much so he decided to wait a few minutes before starting his work.  Instead he walked around the piles trying to envision each piece going into place.

  2. Perivar took the glass of wine from Loraine Sedai murmering his thanks.  You came here do not crawl into your shell now.  He took a sip from the glass, watered wine which helped to wet his lips so he could speak.


    "Thank you for agreeing to speak with me.  I'm sorry for being cryptic though I couldn't possibly sum it up in a few words.  You are the only ones that I could turn to.  The only ones who could possibly understand how I feel."  There was so much to say, so many concerns that he wanted to voice.  He wanted to let it all out in a rush though he needed to be thorough making sure that he covered all points. One at a time he thought, take it slow.


    "You may recall some of this from the first time we met though it is important that I set the foundation.  When I first came to to Tar Valon it was different for me than it was for the other trainees.  Most had come here of their own free will to see if they were worthy of becoming Tower Guards and some had grander dreams of becoming a Warder.  I was not one of them, I was sent here by my father who pledged his loyalty to the Tower by offering his youngest son.  I protested though my father would hear none of it.  I claimed my place was with him in the Borderlands fighting shadowspawn like our family had always done but he claimed that service to the White Tower was much the same though on a grander scale.  Sending me here along with other youngsters from his troops would bring honor to our family.  I came here because I was told to come, because my family's honor depended upon it."  He paused momentarily though he didn't want to lose the momentum.


    "When I met you, both you and Mistress Thera confirmed my father's words ensuring me service to the White Tower was a noble cause.  That helped me immensely and soon I saw the light.  I felt my purpose here, every ounce of my being was dedicated to getting through my training and becoming a Tower Guard.  From there I would continue training, I hoped that one day an Aes Sedai would find me worthy of becoming her Warder.  My desire to attain such a position was so strong that I swore I would bind myself to the first Aes Sedai who offered.  I know you all cautioned us about jumping into such an arrangement though I felt my true purpose was to become a Warder, who was I to deny an offer of a bond.  If an Aes Sedai needed a Warder then it was my duty to serve.  It was all so clear to me, it made so much sense.  My path and my future were set, I was sworn to the White Tower.  Whatever needed to be done in service would be done."  He paused to take another sip.  He was uncomfortable saying so much though it needed to be said.  He needed guidance if he was to be of any use.


    "One day I met an Accepted and my whole world changed.  Everything I thought I knew was turned upside down.  Beside being the most beautiful woman I had ever met, her passion and sense of duty to the Tower matched mine.  She called us Kindred Spirits."  The next part was the hardest to admit.  "I knew my purpose, everything was planned out then it all changed.  The day when she spoke on my behalf at the ceremony when I was raised to Tower Guard was more than a dream came true.  I had no idea she had been raised, we were both so busy with our training and when we missed each other for a few days I had no clue.  I had expected Loraine Sedai to say the words, I admit much to my dismay that I hoped it would be my love.  I felt so guilty at the thought because you have done so much for me, but I was lovestruck.  Forgive me but I hoped it would be her instead though I never thought it would be so."  He forced himself to meet Loraine Sedai's eyes.  After all she had done for him it still hurt him to think about it.  He knew she would understand though it didn't make him feel any better for it.


    "Suddenly I realized my love for her overcame my sense of duty to the Tower.  We swore that our love would come second only to our service to the Tower though over time that all changed.  My love for her now is second to none and I am torn.  I did not ask for this but it is what it is.  My love for her grew so strong that I began to despise my duty to the Tower when it kept me from her.  Even with the promise of her bonding me I am beside myself.  I feel that it is all wrong somehow.  Duty before love I thought but my heart tells me otherwise.  My duty and all that I am belongs to her not the Tower though I feel that may be wrong."  Did any of what he said make sense to them.  Could they understand his concern. 


    "I know of my duty to the Tower and by my honor I am sworn to it though I am not sure if my sense of honor could endure my love for her.  Can I serve her properly as a Warder if my love for her is greater than my sense of duty to our cause.  Perhaps my duty to serve her and her duty to serve the needs of the Tower are the same though I am not certain if that is true.  For the longest time I thought that I understood it all though I am no longer certain of anything except my love for her."  Perivar drained his glass then looked at them expectantly before dropping his eyes to stare at the floor.       

  3. "I don't know, I saw her before the commotion though I haven't seen her since."  As he was speaking he noticed that Mistress Thera had lept up onto a bench to get a better vantage point as she scanned the room.  He kept his eye on the three men who were slowly gathering there wits.  She hopped down motioning to Perivar as she slowly made her way toward the door at the back of the inn. 


    He stood behind Mistress Thera as she put her ear to the door apparently listening for any sound.  She kicked the door open starting to rush in and stopped short when a sharp blade was lowered to her chest. Perivar had only a moment to see Melenis standing there like a heroine guarding the door protecting the frightened girls who huddled behind her.  Her grandfather would be proud he thought then his thoughts changed to the girls, the girl who could channel and he thought of Kabria.  His heart ached for her, it was almost more than he could handle.  His was brought back to the present by the sound of the door slamming in his face.


    With his blade still bare Perivar spun around with the intention of returning to Loraine Sedai when he noticed the Whitecloak's limp body on the floor with Jasine and Anluan standing over it.  It only took a few moments to realize that the man was no longer breathing, his chest failed to rise and his eyes had already glazed over.  The common room was empty now save for them and the three Whitecloak sympathizers that had gotten in his way.


    Perivar glanced at Loraine Sedai though he quickly averted his eyes.  The shame of his failure had cut him deep, it consumed him.  What if she had been hurt or killed, it very easily could be her lying on the ground.  She had been counting on them...no on him, he was the one who failed to reach her in time.  Shame the like of which he had never felt before swelled inside of him, the knowledge of his failure scarred him deep within his soul.  Light what if it had been Kabria, his thoughts always returned to her. He could not help but think he had failed them both...


    Devoid of rational thought he picked up the fallen whitecloak's blade as he made his way toward the three who had barred his way.  He threw it before them as he shouted "One of you pick it up!"  His voice boomed and his body quivered with anger.  He blamed them for his failure, he layed the blame for everything at their feet.  It was their fault he was here instead of in Tar Valon with Kabria.  Knowing their ill intentions churned his stomach, knowing that they were scooping up innocent girls who could channel and doing light knows what to them maddened him.  He had heard of the way they handled those who they considered darkfriends.  He knew of their methods of torture, knew of their hatred for Aes Sedai.   


    The three staring at the blade had barred his way and he had no doubt as to their involvement with the Whitecloaks.  Perivar shook with rage, his eyes veiled with red.  "Pick it up" He shouted at them "or are you all cowards.  I offer one of you a chance at freedom.  Two of you will answer for your vile deeds yet one of you will face me.  Which will it be or do none of you possess a spine?"  When none spoke he went on  "Neither of you have an ounce of honor."  He was so mad that spittle flew from his lips as he cursed them.     


    Finally the one with the broken nose spoke to him as he eyed the sword seeing his one chance of salvation.  Deep inside Perivar hoped it would be him.  "You talk tough whelp in your suit of armor and your Tar Valon Witch at your back.  You are all darkfriends!"  The man spoke to him.


    If he was maddened before it now paled in comparison to the rage that filled him 'til he thought he would burst.  He knew Master Kynwric would not tolerate the slight against Loraine Sedai though the fight was not his.  Perivar quickly stripped himself of his armor and took up his sword.  "Your the Witch's Whelp" the man said a heartbeat before striking out at Perivar with Parting the Silk.  Perivar had been in Lion on the Hill so he brought his blade down and across meeting the whitecloaks blade as the sound of blade on blade rang through the room.


    Perivar had purposely not formed the Flame and Void.  He was enraged and it fueled him.  He knew he was a far better swordsman inside the void though he did not care.  He did not want to dull the emotions he felt.  Without the oneness they were of roughly the same skill level with the blade.  He began to think that this man was not merely a sympathizer, he was a Whitecloak soldier.


    They danced the forms making use of every inch of the common room.  He lost count of how many times he had bumped a table or a bench though it was the same for his opponent.  He did not spare a glance but he knew that his opponent's companions were under the watchful eye of the others.


    The two blades rang out flashing through the forms.  Perivar with his Bastard sword in both hands and the Whitecloak with his his long sword which he wielded with his right hand.  Back and forth they went...neither gaining an advantage over the other.  With his adrenaline pumping he was barely aware of the cuts that he had taken.  None were too bad though they stung as his sweat found them.  The other man had taken wounds as well though his were much the same.


    For the fifth time that he could recall the Whitecloak tried Parting the Silk. Perivar met the blade easily with his own though this time he had been caught off guard.  It was too late, Perivar cried out as the Whitecloak drove his dagger into Perivar's right thigh with his left hand.  Perivar's leg gave out forcing him to kneel on his right knee.  As his right knee was falling to the floor he unleashed The Swallow take Flight, a diagonal slash which opened the whitecloak's abdomen.  As Perivar continued the form the Whitecloak dropped to his knees trying to hold in his entrails.  The man was finished though Perivar completed the final part of the form which was a short thrust.  The point of Perivar's sword pierced the Whitecloak's torso.  Perivar struggled to his feet using his weight to ram his sword farther and farther into the Whitecloak's body which had toppled back under Perivar's weight.


    Perivar groaned from the pain in his leg and the effort of trying to wrench his blade free.  He sat there over the body still shaking with rage.  He wanted to hack the man to little bits.  He shivered as the adrenaline left his body.  He felt every cut he had suffered then realized that the dagger was still in his outer thigh.  The shame was still there haunting him, a reminder of his failure. 


    "It's over"  He heard a voice from behind him as a hand was placed on his shoulder.  The voice seemed distant so that he could not tell who it was that had spoken to him.  He felt the pain from the cuts and the dagger in his leg though it paled in comparison to the shame he felt.  With his head hung low he whispered "I failed you..."  Someone was fingering the cuts in his garments trying to gauge the severity of his wounds.  Some would require stitching though none were that deep as to cause concern.  The dagger still sat in his leg though it was more towards the outside, nothing vital there.   He could still feel someone checking his wounds.  He dare not look up, not now.  He knelt supporting his weight with his sword as he spoke softly "Please leave me be, I am fine." 


    He was nothing of the sort, he sat there facing what he thought was North though this time it was different from the times before.  He no longer thought on the pull of the Blight, that was no longer the reason he was facing North.  This time he new he faced towards Tar Valon, towards the one he loved more than anything else.  "I cannot say what will be left of me when I return, but I will make it back to you my love."  He said to himself.   




    Not very good at handling failure

  4. I figured Jasine and Anluan would work together for it, but I didn't know if they wanted the Whitecloak dead - since they killed the other one.


    Well I think Mistress Thera already dispatched the injured whitecloak in front of you and Anluan.  The only question now is whether or not the whitecloak was able to catch Anluan off guard and cause him any harm.


    The three who got in Perivar's way are still alive though Perivar has plans for the one with the broken nose.  That leaves two of the whitecloak symphathizers for questioning.  I can't write Perivar's part until I know for sure if something happened to Anluan.  Perivar needs the whitecloak's sword for his part though he obviously couldn't retrieve it without knowing Anluan's fate.  Should we just assume that he lives for now since we have plenty of time ahead of us?  We still have to go to the Palace then to the source of the troubles unless we are planning on wrapping it up here?

  5. It was cruel he thought.  Of all the things in his life that he had endured, this was by far the most cruel.  To find love in the blink of an eye only to have it pushed to the back burner out of your control was beyond painful.


    "A week, I think.  Master Kynwric will be sending word soon for our final preparations.  I almost hope the day never comes."  Again her words came back to him.  He had been so out of sorts.  So lost in her smile that he had not truly heard the meaning of her words "Which makes it all the sooner that we can be…..bonded.” 


    "Are you really that close to being raised?"  Hope filled him, could it really be, he had hoped but he had not known how close she was.  "We can be bonded?  You are sure this is what you want? It is not a decision to be taken lightly."  He almost couldn't form the words as he struggled to speak calmly.  It was all coming out wrong.  "I mean you will really take me as your Warder?"  He suddenly felt like a child again when he wanted to sound like a man.  With all the honesty and sincerity that he could muster he went on "It would be an honor to be your Warder Kabria.  There is no one else that I would rather have hold my bond."  Why could he not have Jasine's way with words.   

  6. Perivar bowed with the appropriate respect and formality that was due an Aes Sedai before entering the room.  Forget that they knew each other, it mattered not him, not when it came to things of this nature.  Mo matter how friendly and kind, she was still an Aes Sedai and cartain protocols must be followed.


    For a moment he remembered the night at the inn when his cheeks were stained with red knocking on her door worried that something was wrong.  Her Warder was out scouting and he thought she may be in danger.  Hurrying to her room to make sure all was well as if she could not take care of herself.  Light she could have wrapped him up in flows of air and sent him safely back into his mother's arms and he had been worried over her safety. 


    To make matters worse he had failed her when she needed him most.  It was only luck and her own quick thinking that saved Loraine's life.  She had refused to lay any blame at his feet though deep down inside he knew it was true, he had failed.  It was the shame of his failure to protect her, adding the fact that one of their fellow trainees had been hurt combined with his worry over being away from Kabria that fueled his anger.  Enraging him to the point were he forced the man who had barred his path to fight him to the death.  It was murder, plain and simple as that though at the time the he layed the blame for his failure at the man's feet.  Sure the man was armed, he had as much chance of winning the fight on the surface though deep inside Perivar had known the outcome was inevitable.  He purposely refused to seek the oneness while he fought the man so that he could feel every emotion.  He embraced those emotions which eventually drove him to kill the man.  Perivar had wounded the man then toyed with him 'til he could no longer hold his anger at bay.  His shame was so deep that he wanted to be the one to die.  The only thing that kept him alive was the need to return to Kabria.  Knowing the hurt she would feel at his loss was what brought him home.


    He stammered and apology realizing that Loraine Sedai had spoken.  "A drink would be nice, whatever you have will be fine."  He was so lost in thought that he had not even realized that Master Kynwric was already in the room.  He bowed his head respectfully offering him the appropriate courtesies.  "Thank you for agreeing to speak with me, may I sit."  Normally he would have stood though he thought that him doing so might put them off.  He needed guidance and they were the only ones that he could turn to, the only ones that would understand.  He waited on their approval before he would begin.



  7. With the Wilderness thread, I claimed it once Thera had said we passed the course, and just marked that it was ongoing character development.



    Same here, the survival portion is over so the rest is just icing on the cake or character development if you wish.

  8. “Lets just hope you are not too practiced at the art of making children” Perivar laughed at her comment ensuring her that he was not.  He wasn't completely honest though he didn't want her to think ill of him.  Things just progressed differently in the borderlands.  Sure he understood the art, or thought he had though in the grand scheme of things he was not overly practiced in it.  Perivar was so enamored with her beauty and the connection between them that he had never thought about making love to her.  It all seemed like a blend of fantasy and reality.  He dreamed of a future with her though it had not gone that way. 


    It had been such a long time, over two years since he had been with a woman that he simply had not thought on that part of a relationship.  Especially when he had been resigned to a life without the prospect of love.  Now the thoughts of them making love together made his face blush.  Light if she could read his mind she would never speak to him again yet he knew he could do nothing to erase the thoughts from his mind.  She was everything he could hope for and he wanted all of her, he wanted every ounce of her to be his.  He hoped that he would be man enough to bring her pleasure and happiness.  Her words finally forced the thoughts from his head. 


    “You will come back to me in the state you left Perivar Tarigan or I will make you pay” With the blunt dagger in her hand she drug it lightly down his arm. “No one is allow to harm even a hair on your head without my permission.”  By the glimmer in her eyes he thought she meant it, light help the fool who crossed her. 


    Kabria looked lovingly into his eyes so that he thought his heart would melt in her hands though it was her words that pained him.  "Perivar you promised me. You swore that you would show me your home, and mine and even the idea of losing that chance makes me cry.” “I am scared. My tears dried up a long time ago, I thought there was nothing left in this world that could make me shed a tear..until I met you. Now, against my better judgment I have laid my heart on the line and I feel like it was placed in front of an arrow. ‘ she put her finger to his lips “Not by you, but by your other mistress. Just know this; if any harm befalls you I will feel it tenfold. And if you died, a part of me would die to.I don’t mean to put undo pressure on you, but in one day you have captured my heart and promised the moon, and I won’t let you take that back now. Do you understand me?”  


    The ferocity in her words made him think she was ready to battle the Dark One.  He understood her well enough.  It was as if each word were a dagger piercing his heart, the thought of her being in pain, the thought of her crying tore him to pieces.  He did not want to think of unfulfilled promises or causing her discomfort.  Light why had they been brought together only to be kept from one another.  Dozens of emotions wracked his mind, it was as if they were under the control of a puppet master, pulling their strings this way and that taking pleasure from their pain. 


    He repeated her words out loud "if any harm befalls you I will feel it tenfold" shaking his head as it struck him like a poleaxe "I know this can happen with the bond, does your weave somehow mirror those effects?  You can't say that, how can I go into harms way knowing that any hurt that befalls me will affect you so.  I am torn Kabria, I must do my duty so that I may be near you yet by doing so I may hurt you."  He stood staring at the White Tower feeling the anger filling every fiber in his body.  He shouted at the Tower as if it would do any good. "It is not fair, they cannot do this to us!  Duty is heavy as a mountain, I hae known this all along and until now I have never thought twice about my duty.  I have always done what was necessary, always and now I hate it."  He was mad at the world, at that very moment he hated everything but her.  If the Amyrlin Seat herself suddenly appeared in front of him he would tell her how he felt.  There was no justice.


    Perivar knelt down taking her hand in his "Kabria you must listen to me.  If it is anything like the bond then you must remove the weave.  I cannot in good conscious ride from Tar Valon knowing that you may feel the hurt from my wounds.  I have no idea of the nature of our mission, you can't take the risk.  I won't....you can't..."   He couldn't do a damned thing, he knew it.  He could only hope that she saw the danger in her decision.  Light let her tell him it was nothing of the sort.  He prayed to the creator, please let it be so.   






  9. The next afternoon Corwin watched the students come in, clearly they were dreading another full day of practicing, but it didn't matter, they would do what he told them.  Corwin told Arath and Perivar to go to one side and had Melenis and Jasine on the other.  Now... spar. 


    Perivar and Arath began to spar when Corwin gave them the command.  It didn't take long to realize that each had been taught a form that was different from those they knew.  Too often one of them was left completely vulnerable to the other's strike.  On occasion both of them landed simultaneous blows on each other as a result of the opposing forms they were taught.  Even though it pained him to admit, Arath's blows almost always landed a heartbeat sooner than his own. 


    Perivar tried to flow through the progression of forms as fast as possible switching them up as much as possible trying to recognize the new forms and react appropriately.  No matter how he adjusted there were still times when he was caught completely off guard watching the lathe strike him with a resounding clack. 

  10. Geirrin stood a few paces into the woods staring at the trees surrounding him picking out the ones that he would use making a mental note of each.  He wanted this to be perfect so he was careful with his selections.  The idea had come to him early on in his training though at the time he did not possess the skill.  He was so absorbed in his training that he had not thought much on home.  As much as this project was for his own enjoyment, it would also right a wrong in his life.


    Geirrin seized a hold of saidin barely noticing the sickly sweet taint that came with it.  By this time he was quite familiar with it and did not pay much attention to his body which want to double over voiding the contents of his stomach.  He channeled a thin flow of fire marking each tree which he intended to use with an "X".  He scanned the area until he was satisfied that he had marked them all.  Most of them were oak and the remainder were beech.  Oak for the hull and supports, beech for masts and spars.


    At first he thought of going deep into the woods so he could be alone to work on the fishing vessel in private.  Even though it was a personal project he decided that he did not care who watched or wanted to see what he was up to.  Over time he had become quite proficient at shaping boards, planks, and all manner of wooden items.  If any of the soldiers showed an interest then he would gladly show them how to do it and let them make their own projects.  He pushed the thoughts form his head and began cutting down the trees he had marked starting with the oak trees.       

  11. This was Geirrin's first class as a dedicated well second actually as he had recieved his sword pin in the beginning of another class.  Even so he did not want to start off by being late.  He looked around quickly desperate to spot his instructor.  A whistle got his attention, he turned to find the Storm Leader sitting on a stack of firewood against the wall of the inn.  "Take it easy, I'm not here to tear you to shreads or anything. Here.... catch." The Storm Leader said as he tossed him the wineskin saying "Have a drink."  Geirrin drank greedily from the wineskin, he had run from the other side of the training grounds and was parched as a result.


    Take it easy he thought, not tear him to shreds?  Yeah most of the time the Storm Leader was even keeled and not one for ceremony though he had also seen the man go up like a bonfire when one of his trainees was acting out.  Geirrin made sure to show the proper courtesies regardless of the Storm Leaders feelings on it.


    Gierrin watched as Covai made a manaquin of earth.  "So you see how its done?" Covai asked the Dedicated standing opposite him. "Just grab hold of the earth, and push, pull, tug, squeeze or whatever" Covai shrugged "Until its in the shape you want."   Geirrin nodded that he understood and when instructed embraced the source making his own manaquin.  He had never worked with such a large piece of earth yet the rock shaping exercise that Covai had assigned him had helped him immensely.  The rock lay in his pocket as a reminder of the exercise, the reminder to control his flows.


    Covai made a fireball which he pushed within inches of Geirrin's face.  The heat from it made it feel like the fireball itself was touching his skin.  When Covai moved it away from him he instinctively touched his face expecting to feel burns.  Luckily the Storm Leader had not held it there long enough to burn.


    "Now, remember your mother telling you not to play with fire?" Covai asked as he walked a few paces away from the manaquins.  Light not just his mother but his father, his brothers, sisters, and everyone else in the village.  The one thing sailors feared most was fire.  A dry ship could be fully engulfed in seconds, most sailors despised fire immensely.  It was ironic that he was strong in that element which he had been taught to fear.


    Geirrin had to admit that playing with fire was fun in a way.  It was certainly fun blowing things up and he was pretty good at it.  He followed the Storm Leaders instructions seizing the source.  He felt the sweet sickly taint that came when he took hold of saidin, it always made him want to empty his stomach though he was getting more used to it with each day that passed.


    Geirrin kept making fireballs one larger than the next.  He feed more fire into the weave increasing the size of the fireball until he thought it was as big as he could handle without harming himself.

  12. Perivar absentmindedly followed the Accepted who escorted him through the Tower.  In over two years since he arrived in Tar Valon Perivar had never once stepped inside the Tower.  Even since becoming a Tower Guard he had not had reason to enter.  His current assignment was on the outer walls where all newly raised Tower Guards were sent.  Normally he would have been soaking in all the wonders that the Tower possessed though his mind was filled to capacity.  He could not help but feel relief when he received word that Loraine Sedai and Master Kynwric would meet him. 


    Perivar kept the invitation inside his coat in case anyone questioned his reasons for being in the Ajah quarters.  Not just any Ajah, the Green Ajah, Kabria's Ajah.  His thoughts drifted back to the Ceremony when he was raised to Tower Guard.  He remembered the shock when he heard Kabria's voice speak the words "I would trust him.”  He had been staring at the ground expecting to hear Loraine Sedai's voice though picturing in his mind that it would be Kabria.  He knelt there feeling guilt that he wanted Kabria in place of Loraine Sedai.  She had been an inspiration and an integral part of his training yet it was Kabria who governed his heart.


    “Who would witness your oath whose word is beyond question?” Though the question had been lost on his as he stared into Kabria's blue eyes.  He thought he could stare into her eyes for eternity and never want for more.


    “I would.”  The moment was surreal, her voice like chimes.  The words could not have meant more at that moment.  Light how could he be so blessed.


    His mind suddenly snapped back to reality, they had stopped, he heard a noise.  The girl had cleared her throat and by the grin that split her face he realized that it had not been her first attempt.  She asked if he was ready before knocking on the door and announcing his presence.  Perivar looked down at his polished boots then straightened his tabard and crimson cloak with the white flame of Tar Valon that marked him as a Tower Guard.  Satisfied with his appearance he scanned the hallway hoping to catch site of Kabria.  It seemed that newly raised sisters did not have as much freedom as he thought.  A pang of anger shot through him at the thought that they were keeping her from him.


    The Accepted cleared her throat again motioning him to enter.  He was so lost in thought that he had never heard a response to the Accepted's announcement.  With a nod he thanked the Accepted and walked through the door into Loraine Sedai's private quarters.  His stomach was bound in knots, his world had been turned upside down.  He came to meet the only two people who could possibly understand his situation, he came seeking guidance...   



  13. Her face colored to match the sunset, but she did not break his gaze as she spoke   “I don’t think you are old enough to hear the thoughts in my head”  He blushed as well as his mind ran through all the possibilities.  Things were slightly faster paced in the Borderlands, he was not as innocent as she must have thought.


    To know that she had felt the same made everything in his world right.  Her words were music to his ears, at that moment he felt like nothing else mattered.  The way she toyed with the dagger while she spoke made him smile.  Everything about her aroused the passion inside him that he did not know he possessed.  Love was the last thing he thought he would find at the Tower.


    Emotions raged inside him though he started on a lighter note.  He did not trust his heart to speak of her concerns for his departure from the Tower.  "You may not think me old enough though in Arafel I would already have been married off.  I was certainly old enough when I left, I am certain my parents already had an arrangement with another family before the White Tower came calling."   He laughed out loud at the thought giving her a smile that said he was not as innocent as she thought him to be.  "Light Kabria, everyone my age would already be married off and have children already, lots of children." Again he laughed at the thought, he could not imagine himself having children.


    Perivar stared at the coat of arms, he knew it was not enough though while he was gone it would have to be enough.  Perivar put a finger to her lips, the feeling of her soft lips sent shivers through his body.  A simple touch made his heart beat faster. "I know Kabria, I know it is not enough.  Already our duty to the Tower comes between us.  I would rather assault the hordes from Shayol Ghul with only my fists for weapons than to leave you.  Knowing that I cannot even catch a glimpse of you while I am away tears my heart to pieces." 


    Perivar took a deep breath trying to brace himself against the flood of emotions coursing through him.  "The fact that I have to leave you to one day be with you is more cruel than any torture device ever made.  It is only through the completion of my training that I can be by your side.  I do not know how I will manage but the thought of returning to you will have to be enough."  His hand moved to caress her face, he brushed away the hair from her face so that he could stare into her blue eyes.  Every feature of her face perfectly ingrained in his mind, everything about her was beautiful.  It was as if all the beauty the world possessed had been combined when she was born.   


    "Know that you will be in my heart, in my mind every moment of every day while I am away.  Do not be scared my dear.  I cannot guarantee in what shape I will return, but I swear that nothing short of the Dark One will keep me from returning to you...if you will have me."  No he could not bear returning to find that she no longer needed him, no longer wanted him.  He could not bear the pain. 


    Until he met her he had not spared a moment thinking of their upcoming mission.  Until now it was just a part of his quest to attain the rank of Tower Guard so that he could continue his training in hopes of becoming a Warder.  Things were more complex now than he could ever have imagined.  His body would be away though his heart would remain in Tar Valon.  Light you are a fool tell her, thoughts such as this are wasted on yourself.  It does no good to let it remain unspoken.


    Perivar took her hands in his fighting against the emotions that assailed his heart.  He wanted to embrace her, he wanted to hold her and cherish her for the rest of his days.  "Kabria..."  The sound of her name resonated in his mind as if a thousand harps plucked the same sweet note.  "It is only my body that will be away for my heart will remain with you in Tar Valon.  My heart and the promise of my love for you is all I have to give."      

  14. As he barreled toward the others he heard a loud crash to his right.  Perivar looked toward the sound which he realized was Master Kynwric crashing through the window.  The same window from which Loraine Sedai had been looking through earlier.  Master Kynwric's voice boomed "Loraine, this way, fall back... rally to me!"


    With his sword drawn, Perivar reached Loraine Sedai moments after Master Kynwric.  He wanted to join in the fray though Jasine and Anluan were closest to the Whitecloak.  His view in their direction was obstructed by the swarm of people running this way and that.  Even if he could have reached them there was simply no room for him.  The area where they stood was cramped and Perivar did not think he could safely join them without putting them in danger from his own blade.  On top of all that, Master Kynwric had already called for them to rally on him. 


    Leaving the Whitecloak in his companion's hands he stood near Loraine Sedai and Master Kynwric scanning the room for other threats.  He desperately tried to spot Melenis and the girl they were supposed to be protecting.  Over the commotion he yelled to Master Kynwric "Those three are involved!" he said as he pointed in their direction with the point of his sword.  "The one with the broken nose and the other holding his head, definately the two of them at least.  They tried to bar our way."    They more than tried you fool, they succeeded in taking you out of the game he scolded himself.  The fact that he had failed boiled deep inside of him.  Loraine Sedai could have died, she was counting on him and he let her down.  Light be thanked she was alive thought it easily could have went the other way.  He formed the flame, tamped down his emotions feeding them into the flame.  He became one with his sword, focused on the mission at hand.


    Now that he had assumed the void, with the surge of adrenaline gone and his emotions safe in the distance he was certain.  Perivar recalled the devious smile on the face of the one with the broken nose as he purposely stepped in his way sending them both to the floor.  The other with the dagger holding it to Perivar's face threatening to carve him up if he moved.  Perivar had recovered from the fall quickly.  The man could not have drawn his dagger so fast unless he had been anticipating trouble. 

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