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Posts posted by Sieve

  1. Perivar eyed Kabria's form as he ran alongside her.  He loved looking at her, loved watching her every movement.  “Do you enjoy running like this?” She spat at him.  For a moment he thought he had done something wrong, perhaps he had been staring too hard at her though he held his tongue while she continued talking.  He could tell that the effort of talking while running was not something she was accustomed to.


    "Yes we can talk my love, why do you think I am running alongside you and yes you may hold your weapons today though you may not like doing so by the end of the day."


    "Enjoy this, no not normally though I could run all day at this pace if it meant being by your side.  Someone chase you?  The thought never occurred to me?"  He was worried she would take it the wrong way.  "What I mean is I would never picture you as the prey.  Would a deer chase a Lioness?  No my love, I am worried about you chasing down your prey and having the edurance to take the fight to them.  It is much like a horse my dear, what good is a horse to a lancer if the horse arrives at the battle exhausted.  So it is one thing to know weapons my dear but you must have the strength and endurance to wield them when it matters."


    Ten more laps around and she was beginning to fade, her pace was slowing, her breathing was ragged, and he had noticed her stumble.  It was time to stop, she had the heart of a lioness and would not quit on her own.  It would do her no good to be completely exhausted. 


    "You can stop now my love not abruptly mind, slow to a walk."  He stayed by her side as she slowed to a walk then looked as if she might stop.  "No my dear walk with me.  You will cramp up if you do not walk a while to cool down.  We will walk a few more laps and talk as soon as I come back, keep walking while I get the waterskins."  Perivar ran to the tree where the waterskins were laying in the shade.  Scooping them up he hurried back to her handing her one of the waterskins.  "Do not drink too much or it will end up like a rock in your stomach.  If you still feel parched then drink a little and spit the rest out."  He watched as she drank from the skin making sure she followed his directions.  He allowed her some time to regulate her breathing.     


    "Now you did very well my love, I am truly impressed for one who doesn't run often if at all.  Though I have to ask you, as you are right now do you honestly believe you would be in any shape to fight someone?  A Trolloc or a Myrddraal?  No need to feel ashamed about it, I was not in the shape I am now when I first came to the yards, it takes time to build your endurance.  You are here for a reason and I will not go easy on you or sugarcoat it for you.  I love you more than words can express and I am going to make sure that you are ready.  Your life may depend on it one day and you will be ready."  He stared at her making sure that she understood that he was serious.  She had to be prepared, they both depended on it.


    "Another lap and we can grab some fruit from the kitchens.  Another important consideration is to keep yourself fueled.  Fruit is great for keeping your body going during exercise though like the water it needs to be in moderation.  As we walk why don't you tell me a story or tell me about your lessons when you were a Novice or Accepted.  If that doesn't suit you then tell me about something else that interests you."  He had a duel purpose one was to keep her talking while she walked which would help to further regulate her breathing.  The other reasons were selfish.  He loved to hear her talk, her musical voice was very soothing to him plus he wanted to learn more about her.

  2. The day had finally arrived.  On their way back to Tar Valon Mistress Thera had begun going over the Ceremony with the three of them.  Jasine, Melenis, and Perivar had listened to her instructions as she told them exactly what they had to say and when.  They were all excited as the looked forward to the day.  They were finally graduating to the ranks of the Tower Guards.


    For Perivar this day was special though in a way it was another day of sadness for him.  It meant that he was one step closer to being a Warder, her Warder though he had yet to see his love since returning from their expedition.  Granted it had only been a few days though it felt like a lifetime to him.  While he was away he had spent ever spare moment thinking of her, his dear sweet Kabria who had the heart of a lioness and a beauty that made everything else pale by comparison.  When he returned he expected to find her waiting yet all he had received was a note saying that she loved him and missed him.  He was nearly out of his mind at the loss he felt deep in his heart. 


    On a day that should have been so special he was as somber as he had ever been.  Perivar woke early like any other day though it seemed like he was just going through the paces.  He had been bitter and snapish ever since returning to Tar Valon.  The sun did not seem to shine as bright, all colors seemed dulled.  Perivar donned his armor methodically as he had done so often before.  He stared at his sword in its sheath where it would remain for today.  They must attend the ceremony unarmed.


    Mistress Thera came to the barracks to escort them to the Glade of Remembrance where the ceremony was to take place.  He offered her a salute then calmly waited for her to move them along.  It should have been one of the most important days of his life.  One step closer to becoming a Warder though he could not shake himself from the gloomy feeling that gripped his heart and mind.


    Mistress Thera led them through the Glade of Remembrance.  Perivar followed her was if he were in a trance.  Oaks and conifers were abundant though he did not take any notice to them.  With the sunlight piercing the cover of the trees the place would have seemed magical had he not been lost in thought. 


    Perivar's thoughts drifted back to the night in Caemlyn at the Badger and Lioness.  It seemed as if it were yesterday.  It was the night when he killed the Whitecloak, not out of duty but because the shame he felt at failure, the despair he felt at being away from his love.  Blinded by rage as he picked up the fallen man's sword and threw it in front of the man's companions.  Challenging them, insulting them until even the meekest man would have accepted out of honor.  Finally one accepted, the man who had barred his way, he had hoped it would be him.  He blamed him for his failure. 


    Perivar pursposely refusing to assume the ko'di because he wanted to feel the range of emotions coursing through his veins.  Shame, anger, rage, despair, he soaked it all in like he had as a child until he was to the point of bursting.  Like a fool he let it course through him threatening to tear him apart.  He had almost not returned to his love because he was a light blinded fool.  Perivar allowed himself to feel every wound soaking in the pain.  The man's dagger piercing his leg as Perivar blocked the man's sword.  That could have been it for him, his leg giving out sending him to his knee.  From there he would have been at a serious disadvantage.


    As he dropped to his knee he flowed into The Swallow takes Flight the diagonal cut slicing open the mans abdomen spilling out his innards.  Finishing the form thrusting his sword into the mans torso using it as leverage to lift himself as he drove it deeper and deeper.  Kneeling over the dead man's body shaking with from the onslaught of emotions.  Fighting back the desire to hack the dead man to pieces.


    There he sat drinking it in until hoping it would wash away the shame he felt, the despair at being away from his love but it didn't.  It was Loraine Sedai who had reached him first, “It's over” she said though at first the voice seemed so distant that he could not tell who it was that had spoken to him.  He felt the pain from the cuts and the dagger in his leg though it paled in comparison to the shame he felt.  With his head hung low he whispered "I failed you..."  He said it softly but it was meant for all of them, Loraine Sedai, his companions, his family, and most of all his love.  He failed his duty and it cut him deep.  She fingered the cuts in his clothes to check his wounds.  He had asked her to leave him alone.  He still thought there was a chance that the flood of emotions could wash away his pain but it couldn't.  It was her soothing voice tinged with a hint of command and authority that had set him straight, the look on her face, the tears in her eyes as she forced him to look at her.  He struggled to force the thoughts from his mind though the ones that came next were no better. 


    On this day that was supposed to be so special all he could feel was the loss.  The love that had been denied him.  He had not seen Kabria since his return and it was tearing him apart inside.  Granted it was only a few days yet it felt like a lifetime. 


    Before he new it he had reached the stone.  He had been so lost in thought that he did not see any of the people arranged before them.  Mindlessly he knelt before the stone along with Jasine and Melenis waiting for the ceremony to begin.


  3. Master of Arms:  Bryon Greigor- played by Matalina
    From the Division info thread


    DL/MoT- Eqwina

    ADL – Talavin

    MaA/Commander- Matalina

    RP Coordinator- devon

    From the New ADL thread


    I just assumed since Mat was listed as the Commander that it was Bryon.

  4. For a moment he had thought he had gone too far.  She told him how she considered making him stay on his knees all day.  Perhaps she was going to remove one of his braids after all.  By her stance and her stare he thought that she just might.  There were benefits to kneeling in front of her, he would have the opportunity to look into her eyes and explore her body with his eyes.  Kneeling there in front of her actually seemed more like a priviledge.


    She told him to rise winking as she stepped back giving him room to stand. “Now let’s see if you have anything to teach me my love. I am in great shape and was one of the best hand to hand fighters on the ships I think I already am as fit as I can be” He let the practice sword fall as she grabbed his hands pressing them against her flat stomach.  He had held her close and new she was tone but he had not know how much.  He could feel the ripple of her muscles under the shirt.  Perhaps she may be more fit than she thought.  He simply smiled at her, a smile that said he would like to explore the rest of her body to see what other wonders it held.


    "Well since you are so sure of your fitness my dear then let us start with a run.  If you are as fit as you say you are then this shouldn't take long.  You may fare well inn the run, and you may be good with your hands..." He arched an eyebrow, he would love to see how good she was with her hands in more ways than one.  "but can you hold one of your weapons in an outstretched hand for a quarter of an hour.  These are things you will have to do my dear.  When your weapon is your last resort you must have the endurance to wield it.  No matter what shape you think you are in it takes strength training to build up your endurance."


    He pointed to the beaten path surrounding the training grounds.  "The track is right there my love, now get running and don't stop 'til I tell you to."  She eyed him as if he was on the border of crossing the line.  "If you don't start now I may decide to paddle your bottom."  He raised his hand jokingly as she shook her bottom at him.  He laughed out loud as she started running.  If he hadn't sent her away that very moment he was not sure that he could have managed to keep his hands off her.  By the pace she was setting he thought she might be in as good of shape as she said though being toned and agile had nothing to do with endurance. 


    Perivar let a little distance separate them then ran after her.  You couldn't expect someone to do something that you could not do yourself.  He always trained in his armor to build his endurance and keep accustomed to it.  He had done so for over two years since he arrived at the training grounds.  Perhaps she would be able to keep pace with him.  If not he would let her so they would have an opportunity to talk with one another.


  5. Alright it doesn't happen often but I think I have a good idea.


    Let Arath be the narrarator


    What you couldn't read that?  Alright here it is folks.  I was wondering how we were going to post the ceremony outline (ie:  Commander says this, Aes Sedai say that, etc...)  and then have everyone post their involvement.  So what I was thinking was have Talavin be the third party Narrator.  Starting with part two he would do the Commanders spoke in a loud crisp voice "Who..." So and so said this....He would do it for the entire part 2 then the TG's would post their feelings and whatnot followed by those who took part in that portion of the ceremony.  Finally any esteemed guests who did not have a part in the particular section can then post their point of view if they wish.


    I hope that makes sense.  If not ask away and I will try to explain it in english if I can. 

  6. Perivar walked around the clearing, the area of the training grounds where the ground had been beaten bare.  Surrounding the clearing were racks filled with every manner of practice weapons.  Once again he was early because the anticipation of seeing his love was too great to tamp down.  Perivar had done his own laps and flowed through the forms as he did every day.  The life of a Tower Guard left more than enough time for training.  You were required to maintain your level of fitness and proficiency with the weapons you carried on duty.  In most cases your were expected to not only maintain but improve.  As would be expected Perivar was focused on the latter since it was his ambition to become a Warder, not any Warder but her Warder.


    Perivar walked around the perimeter of the beaten ground with the near deadly grace one would expect for a man who was almost a Warder.  He stopped picking up a weapon here and there, flowing through a few of the forms as if the weapon were an extension of his body.  In all actually it was, with the Ko'di, the oneness the weapon and the person who held it were one.  With his vision and perception enhanced Perivar had noticed his love hiding behind a tree watching him as she loved to do.  Watching him when she thought he did not know that she was there.  Even without the Ko'di or any training there was no missing her, she was so beautiful that it would have been easy to pick her out in a crowd of thousands.


    Perivar flowed through some basic forms as she approached thinking she was sneaking up on him.  Parting the Silk into Courtier Taps his Fan, form to form the practice blade flowed a complete blur it would seem to someone who was less practiced than he.  As she approached him from behind he assumed Heron Wading in the Rushes poised in perfect balance as he felt her approach.  Timing it perfectly he pivoted forcing a look of shock on his face that matched hers as the bundled lathe practice sword neared her head.  He quickly stopped the motion of the blade dropping to one knee grounding the point of the lathe of the ground as he bowed formally to her.  It was very similar to the first day they met except now they were in love and she would most likely would not threaten to cut off one of his belled braids. 


    "Good morning Kabria Sedai" he said formally biting the inside of his lip to fight back the smile that wanted to form "My love" he added for her ears only.  One day he would tell her but for now it was too much fun.  Holding the pose he said "Maybe in our training I should have covered the fact that you should not sneak up on someone with a weapon in their hand unless you mean to disarm or harm them...or kiss them."  With that he looked up at her with a mischievous smile.  He waited on his knee waiting until she decided to tell him he could rise, there were protocols to follow in public even if they were in love.  "My dearest Kabria you look lovely as ever, somehow you make breeches and a shirt look majestic.  As always I am captivated by your beauty."  Light he thought the cut of her dress had been revealing yet seeing her in the tight fitting breeches made him want to burst.  "If you don't allow me to rise we will not be able to begin our training.  We have a long day ahead of us and I want to cherish every moment."  He patiently waiting on bended knee for her to speak.  "Do not be angry with me my love.  I know you said you will not have me beending knee to you yet we are in public and we would both be called down for it if protocols were not followed.  I will not jeopardize the precious moments that we have together.  Now my beautiful Aes Sedai, the sun in my sky, may I please have permission to rise."  The fact that he was not yet her Warder stung though the promise of the future fueled him to persevere.  That one condition still hung over them like a black cloud.  One day my love, one day soon!

  7. When she told him that she had little time left his heart sank.  They had so much time apart from one another that he wanted every moment together to last an eternity.  There was so much that he wanted to learn about her yet there was his duty to train her and do it properly.  There always seemed to be something hanging over them, another condition to meet.  Perhaps it would always be so but he would any part of her that he could get.


    Perivar watched as her fingers ran down the Quarterstaff.  The thought may have seemed silly to some but he suddenly found himself jealous of the Quarterstaff.  Jealous of a piece of wood because he yearned for her touch.  He went to reach for her hand yet his hand stopped as she spoke “Is there any special care that must be taken with this?" Always something in the way he thought.  He smiled at her to hide his disappointment.


    "That is a good question my love and fortunately for you I will not require you to get your hands dirty.  Instead you will get the pleasure of hearing me explain it to you.  Make sure you pay attention as I may test you when I am finished."  He smiled that mischievous smile that foretold the price of failing his test.


    "Much of a quarterstaffs quality comes from how it was prepared.  When a weaponmsith is crafting a quarterstaff he carefully selects the sapling making sure to avoid those that have large knots, decaying branches, or cracks.  Those are all signs of weakness.  Once he has selected the right piece he cuts it to the desired length leaving the bark intact then places one end in a barrel of teak oil.  Next he pours teak oil over the exposed end, as much as it will absorb.  He wraps the ends to keep as much of the oil inside the sapling." As he spoke he wrapped his arms around her stealing a kiss.  He stepped back smiling at her  "Each week he will repeat this process for approximately two to three months."   He wrapped her up again in his arms stealing another kiss.  Stepping back he eyed her like a lion eyeing his prey  "Finally he shaves the staff of its bark shaping it to the desired thickness."  Eyeing her like a lover undressing her with his eyes.


    "Occasionally you will have to treat the staff with teak oil to make sure that it does not become brittle and crack."  Much like a lover my dear, too little affection and they are sure to break from the strain.  He smiled at her.  "Now I intend to show you my affection for the remainder of our time so that our hearts do not become brittle and crack.  When our time is up I will escort you to the Tower as any faithful Tower Guard would do."  With that he pulled her close kissing her for all he was worth hoping that the moment would never end but deep in the back of his mind he knew there was something else waiting for them, duty was an unrelenting mistress.   

  8. The thought that she would lie to him never crossed his mind.  The fact that she needed to qualify that threw him off guard.  Was it something from her past that made her say it or was it that she thought that he believed the saying that Aes Sedai twisted words to suit their needs.  Regardless he had never thought she would lie to him.


    Her words shocked him in a way.  He had never thought of her as an equal.  He had known all along what she would become and always though of her being in charge.  They could be lovers, friends, even married though in the relationship between Aes Sedai and Warder it was the Aes Sedai who assumed the lead.  Ooh he had heard of the contrary, where they were considered equal yet it was still the Aes Sedai who held the greater responsibility, the greater burden in the eyes of the Tower.  Simply she was the one who had the most to lose so it seemed natural, someone had to lead.  Perhaps it was different with the Green Ajah where sometimes Aes Sedai and Warder were married.  If she wished them to be equals than it would be so.  He would do anything for her love.


    “There are some secrets that I long to tell you, but for now must be kept between my sisters and I. But I swear to you under the Light and by the hope of my salvation and rebirth that the first moment I am able I will bond you my warder. By the oaths that bind me, and I hope my love..you know these words to be true”


    "My love, there is no reason that I would ever doubt the truth of your words.  You do not need to reference any oaths for me to believe you.  I have never doubted you, not ever, not for a moment.  Not even in my darkest times when I was away from you did I doubt your love or your intentions.  I doubted myself, I doubted my worth and found it lacking yet I returned to you.  At times the promise of your love was all that held me together.  It pains me to think on those days yet they have passed and I am with you now.  Even when I returned and found you were not there waiting, even then I never doubted your promises.  I know of our future plans my love, I know what will come to be though you must understand that I am not your Warder yet.  I know it is not your fault, I know there are things that you cannot tell.  I know that it is out of your control but it is one thing that is more important to me than anything short of your love.  The fact that I cannot have it cuts me deep.  No matter the amount of promises it is not reality, not yet.  I can deal with the fact but I do not have to like.  I have sworn to you that I will wait, I will hold to that oath forever if necessary but I don't have to like what I am not."   As his words ended he placed his lips to her forehead gently kissing it.  "I am yours forever." He whispered.





  9. Ok as long as everyone agrees we will post as follows:


    Part 1 will be from your preparations to the point where we arrive


    Part 2 will be from the beginning of the ceremony until the Aes Sedai speak for the trainees


    Part 3 will conclude the ceremony allowing the newly raised TG's to have a moment to reflect with each other or their significant others.  I know they are supposed to remain alone and reflect but I am not sure if others can remain. 


    Part 1 posting order:


    Mistress Thera - she will post her reflections of the 3 trainees who are about to be raised as well as her gathering them up and escorting them to the Glade.


    Next the 3 trainees to be raised can post, the order is not important


    Finally all of the honored guests can post their thought and their involvement.




    Part 2 posting order (work in progress)



    Part 3 posting order (work in progress)




    Important stuff to keep in mind:


    Time frame - The TG ceremony will take place approximately one month after they returned from their little trip so that certain events between Jasine and Thera could play out. 


    In terms of Perivar and Kabria,  Kabria is a newly raised Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah.  Since Perivar's return he has not seen her and has no knowledge that she is now an Aes Sedai.  When he approaches the Glade he is in a fog, in one of his moods not noticing who is at the stone.  He is not aware of her presence until she speaks for him.


    Who will speak for who regarding the Aes Sedai and giving of the dagger


    Jasine - Loraine Sedai, Mistress Thera will give him the dagger


    Melenis - Loraine Sedai, Mistress Thera will give her the dagger


    Perivar - Kabria Sedai, Master Kynwric will give him the dagger



    Questions / Concerns -


    One question came up about regarding the presence of weapons.  Melenis would like to include her grandfather's Ashandarei(sp?) in the ceremony somehow.  We realize that we have to come unarmed to the Glade though perhaps when she is given the dagger she can also be handed the Ashandarei.  Is that acceptable to the powers to be.



    This is a work in progress so please post any questions, concerns, or comments.  I will update it and post it in the original post in the thread for reference.


  10. He smiled at her returning her mischievous smile.  "My dearest Kabria, just when I think I have one up on you, you parry my blow.  If only I had a better way with words, then perhaps I might be a match for you.  The way I avoided my lessons as a child it is amazing that I can talk at all let alone read and write."


    "I don't know that it has been done before but perhaps I will ask the Mistress of Trainees if there are any regulations that mandate the wearing of clothes during training.  If I recall correctly it is the instructor that sets the rules.  I think it important to remind you who your instructor is today.  After all my dear if you removed the dress at least you would not have to worry about it getting dirty.  I could never forgive myself if I sent an Aes Sedai back to the Tower with a dress that was stained."  He could not believe the words that were coming out of his mouth.  He had never been so bold before yet she brought it out in him.


    "Alas my dearest Kabria Sedai, I fear that you are right.  Without the dress I fear we would not accomplish the training that you are here for.  Light knows it is hard enough with the dress on and if all your dresses are cut so then perhaps..." He paused a moment deep in thought "...I'm sorry but I told you it is hard to concentrate aroud you my love.  Perhaps I can go to the storeroom and find a sack.  I doubt that would work either as your beauty would probably make it look like a gown."


    "Now back to training if you will."  He smiled at her as if the distraction had been all her fault.  "To answer your questions, yes there are special sheathes.  There are types of sheathes that allow you to strap them to your wrist or legs, types that allow you to tuck them in your boots, then there are the type that you can sew into you clothes."


    Perivar had listened as she spoke about the tattoos.  He tucked away every detail about her so he could recall them when she was gone.  He truly wanted to know all about her.  He noticed her hesitation as she began to speak about the rose.  He wanted to put his finger to her lips and tell her that she did not have to talk about it but it was part of her and he wanted to know.  He knew to truly love her he had to understand her and he could not do that if they could not share their thoughts with each other.


    Perivar took the sword from her hand laying it on the table.  Kneeling down in front of her he took her hands in his forcing her to look at him.  "My love there is far more in life than a noble birth.  It matters not who your parents are, it matters what is inside here."  He touched her chest where her heart would be with his fingertips.  "There is a passion in you that is unrivaled, a strength that most men do not possess.  I watch you, every moment that we are together and I wonder how it can be that you are with me.  I often stare at you and feel as if I am not worthy.  None of that passion or strength inside you comes from birth.  It is the desire and drive inside of you, the struggles that you have endured that has made you who you are today.  Not everyone could do what you have done.  A noble birth means nothing my love, being a noble simply means that you have a greater duty to others.  I have seen Nobles shirk their duty and run away to save their own hide while a simple farmer rises to the occasion doing what the noble would not.  Being a noble is a responsibility far more than it is a privilege.  Regardless of your birth nobody can take away who you are."  He stared into her eyes not letting her break contact.


    "As if that is not enough you are an Aes Sedai Kabria.  Aes Sedai are said to make Kings and Queens dance to their tune, that is far greater than any noble could do.  I, the son of a noble find myself wanting to fulfill your every desire, I find myself wanting to be near you every moment of my life.  While I am away from you I feel an ache deep inside my heart, I feel a loss that seems beyond repair.  When we are together it is like the sun in my sky shines brighter, the colors are more vivid, my whole world is a better place when you are near.  I feel so lucky to be in love, so fortunate that you are sharing your life with me.  I love you for who you are not for what you could have been." 


    His words became more passionate as he spoke.  He was so consumed in the moment that he was near to shouting.  He had seen the pained look in her eyes and he wanted to crush everything in her past that had caused her pain.  "It matters not how you were born, you are who you are and that is nothing that can be taken from you.  Let someone say you are less in their eyes, let them dare and I will destroy them.  I will not have you thinking you are less then you are because to me you are everything.  I love you Kabria, everything about you, every little detail.  You rule my world, every breath I take is because of you.  You occupy my dreams, every morning I wake you are my first thought.  I often wonder how I am worthy of your love.  I wonder what I did to deserve you in my life.  You Kabria, the woman, the Aes Sedai who was born to an Illianer noble and a Kandori maid, you are the one I love, you are the one who holds my heart in your hand.  You and no other!"

  11. Perivar wanted to spend every waking hour in her arms, kissing her and more though unfortunately the time for that would come later.  Now he had a duty to perform, he was her instructor and he owed it to her to make sure that he taught her right.  There wouldd still be time for kisses and caresses though if they did not begin soon he would teach her nothing today.  It was hard teaching your love especially since she was so beautiful and that dress, light it was almost scandalous when she moved seductively as she towyed with him.


    Perivar was studying her reveling in her every movement.  She was stunning, beyond beautiful in every way.  “ These here..” He tensed as she put a hand near the knife, it was her right hand the one with the compass inked on it.  “ Why 5? Surely 1 larger would do as well. And…”  She hesitated “ How are these used? With such a short..handle?.. they cannot be very effective for stabbing.”


    Perivar smiled, he loved any opportunity to speak to her, he had hoped that she would ask a question just so he could hear her musical voice.  "Those my darling are throwing knives.  Why five? Well the more the merrier, why carry just one when you can have five on your body at any given time."  He decided know was the perfect time to show her though it was more for his own urge to touch her.  Perivar approached her "You tuck them away in the top of your boots here."  He touched each leg where the knife would lay.  Light it felt so good to touch her.  "and here" He touched the cuffs of her dress.  Then he walked behind her.  He smelled the sweet scent eminating from her body and hair.  He soaked it all in.  Brushing her hair aside he kissed that back of her neck softly.  "and here..."  Walking back in front of he he continued "there are other places where they can be hidden but it would not be proper for me to touch you there...not here at least."  He flashed a playful smile that said he would like to show her. 


    Perivar had spotted the rose on the back of her neck tucking it away for later.  He  stared at her a moment enjoying the view a little too much as he eyed her from head to toe. "Perhaps I will not let you wear this dress or one like it the next time we meet for training.  I find it distracting, I cannot properly train you if I cannot keep my thoughts straight.  It was hard enough when you wore that plain white Accepted's dress but now... do not get me wrong, the dress is very lovely my dear, alsmost too lovely in a way.  The cut emphasizes your gorgeous curves leaving little to the imagination.  Believe me it is beautiful and fits you perfectly though if you could read my thoughts at the moment you would either make me your husband or box my ears.  I have told you often enough that I am only a man.  Just being near you, I feel like I could burst."   


    Light if he kept on this way he would burst.  He tore his eyes from her which was no easy task picking up one of the throwing knives so he could concentrate on it.  "Some people are so skilled with these that they could take out someone's eye at fifteen paces.  Once you have spent enough time practicing with their placement and unsheathing them it would be possible to have one in each and on their way to your intended target in the blink of an eye.  They are not easy to master but once you have done so they are quite deadly.  Having five at your disposal is much better than having only one." He had to struggle not to think about where they would be placed. 


    "You throw them like so."  He took one simulating as if it was up his sleave.  With a quick flick of his left wrist he hurled it at the wall where it landed with a thunk, with his right hand he reached behind his head then threw the knive overhand at the wall.  It landed with a thunk quivering within a foot of the other.


    "However my dearest Kabria, before we get to that we must learn to properly care for them.  You must treat all weapons as if their edges are razor sharp."  He watch her as he smiled at her making sure she got the point.  He opened a wooden box on the table taking out a few pieces of cloth and a flask of oil.  "You must maintain your weapons as if your life depends upon it as it often does if you are carrying them in the first place.  A weapon is no good to you if it is in poor quality.  A thin coating of oil will help protect it.  You will have to periodically clean them to make sure they remain in good condition."  He put some oil on a cloth wiping one of the knives.  "Carefully like this, not too much then wipe it to remove any excess oil." he showed her exactly how to do it.  "Make sure you do not get oil on the handles.  They are painted and dipped in sand so that you are able to grip them.  These are a crude set though after you have practiced with them we can get you a better set if you like."


    "My price for this lesson will be this.  I want to know so much more about you.  I want to know what you like, what you dislike everything you are willing to tell me, I want to know it all.  If you do not mind speaking of them I would like to know about these." Taking her hands in his he kissed the compass on her right hand, then the three stars on her left hand, and moving to stand behind her he brushed her hair aside again kissing the rose on the back of her neck.


  12. Kabria calling him Gaidin was bittersweet, he knew her intentions were good but it cut him like a knife.  It was a reminder of what he was not.  He could not tell her, he would use it to fuel him to do what he needed to do to make sure that one day she could say it and it would be true.


    "My love I would gladly welcome the exhaustion if it came as a result of being in your arms.  I would endure anything for a moment alone with you."


    Kabria toyed with him, pausing so close to his lips, if he moved only an inch they would meet but he could not.  “We are in public light of my heart which means it is I that issue the orders, and right now I am not sure I feel like a kiss.”   Ooh how she toyed with him, he opened his eyes as she pulled her shawl tight around her, the green fringe fanning out across her chest and hiding the display she’d been showing.  He enjoyed looking at her, he had memorized every curve of her body and he had to struggle with himself not to stare.  She was gorgeous and she new it, as much as she tried to hide the fact she had to know how beautiful she was.  When she finally kissed him he wanted it to last forever.


    “The Sea Folk vows are not required to make me do what you wish when we are private. All that I am is already yours”Holding her shawl out she twisted as if showing him how open she could be. Instead of making him blush the thought emboldened him.  He stepped hungrily toward her trying to scoop her up into his arms yet she danced from his grip with all the grace of an Aes Sedai as she giggled.  “I can see now that you are not made from stone, no stone could have your desire burning behind its eyes” "My love, not even the most pure and chaste man could resist your beauty.  I certainly could not, your beauty outshines all the gardens in Tar Valon."   His world revolved around her, he could not help but sweep her up into another embrace. 


    When the embrace ended he wanted to scoop her up again, it took all his will to resist.  She smiled up at him laughing as she said  “ You and I may never find our time alone, if I cannot complete my training. Perhaps I should ask for another teacher…maybe Jasine..or Master Kynwric, he looks a fine man to me”  With a wink she pulled open the door waiting on him though he did not move right away.  He could not hide the sour look on his face, the mere thought sent pangs of jealousy which assaulted his heart and mind.  The sight of her with another man would destroy him.


    “ I will let you gather the weapons for me, I would not want to break your rules.”  He smiled at her, a devious calculating smile.  "See that you do not for I will be the one to set your punishment, no other."  Not Jasine or Master Kynwric or any other he thought as he smiled at her to cover his thoughts.  He went to the spot in the armory where he kept the weapons she had selected the last time they were here.  He brought them to the table where he layed them out so she could see them all.  5 throwing knives and a short double edged sword lay on the table.  Propped against the table was the quarterstaff. 


    "One more thing, I'll just be a moment." He smiled over his shoulder as he went to another shelf.  He returned with his hands behind his back  "Now close your eyes."  She smiled at him trying to read his thoughts though he reminded her who was in charge.  "Are you disobeying my instructions already my love.  Remember it is I who sets the punishment."  He playfully arched an eyebrow until she closed her eyes.


    With her eyes closed he stepped in front of her placing a white flower in her hair above her ear.  "Yes that looks nice, not as beautiful as you but it looks pretty."  He gently kissed her lips then told her she could open her eyes.  When she did he gave her one red rose.  "I hope you like red roses?" he asked "I removed the thorns so that you did not hurt yourself."  He smiled at her giving her another kiss on her cheek.  He waited for her response before speaking again.


    "Let's begin then.  Take a moment to look at the weapons you selected, if you want to look at any others then you are welcome to do so.  If you have any questions about them do not hesitate to ask.  I may not even require a kiss for each answer I give you."  He finished with a smile.  Just being around her was magical.           

  13. Somehow in his mind he knew it would be her that reached him first.  He didn't want her to see him like this.  He shook with with a multitude of emotions running rampant within him.  Everything from shame of thinking he had failed in his duty to protect, to anger at the thought of what the Whitecloaks had been about to do, sorrow at not being in Tar Valon with his love, rage and hatred for it all.  He sat there shaking, soaking it all in, he wanted to feel it.


    Loraine Sedai touched his cheek.  Her voice while soothing carried a tone that said she would hear not hear otherwise  "Listen to me and hear me well. You more than did your job, Guard. I am still alive, the girl is still alive and there are three dead White Cloaks between two taverns that will send a stir through the City by sunup. That you are responsible for even one of them means you've handled yourself well. I will not hear of this as a failure." She forced him to meet her eyes, knowing they were shining with tears and not caring.  "We're all still breathing and as long as that's true, I shall call it victory."  


    When Perivar saw her tears it took all the resolve that he possessed to not join her.  Light why did her voice have to be so soothing, why did what she had said have to make so much sense.  He wanted to let the emotions consume him yet she would not let them.  He had no idea who helped lift him though he felt someone on either side of him.  He walked without concious effort, his head down as his weight was supported by two of his companions.


    He had been a fool, he swore that he would return to his love and he had almost foolishly thrown that promise away by not seeking the void.  Something had snapped inside him, he wanted to drink in all those emotions like he had when he was a young boy.  His father had tried to set him straight time and again yet it was the way he had dealt with things.  It was why he chose the Flame and the Void over the Spring, the Spring was too close to what he had been, what he was this evening.  What he had done this evening was nothing short of murder, that man as vile as he was did not have to die, he could have been handed over to the magistrate but it was Perivar who decided his fate.  Ooh he deserved death, Perivar was sure of that but he had not killed the man out of duty.  Plain and simple he thought it would hide the shame of his failure, hide the hurt of the love he was denied.


    Perivar thought about his love, Kabria, he said her name softly to himself, light what have I done.  He was so sad, so lost from being apart from her that he had wanted to let the emotions rip him apart.  In his sadness he had not realized how close he had come to never seeing her again. "Kabria my love, I am coming home to you!"   It was his last concious thought, spoken softly but loud enough to be heard.  Exhaustion overcame his body as he slumped into the hands of his companions...     

  14. Perivar was so lost in his thoughts that he did not notice her arrival...until he saw her watching him from behind the tall leatherleaf.  Honestly he should have noticed her sooner though it was a measure of how intense his thoughts had been.  He kept the pained look on his face so she did not suspect the ruse though it was no easy task as the sight of her always made his smile.  The joy of being around his Aes Sedai was more than he deserved.  She was his and he would let no man stand between them.


    The thought of being caught off guard should have shamed him had he truly been caught off guard.  She was stealthy but no one studying to be a Warder would be so consumed by thought not to notice someone approaching even had they been daydreaming of her.  There was no way that he could be fit to serve her if he had failed so miserably.  He wanted to tell her about the ruse though she would learn soon enough.  As soon as they were bonded he would not be able to hide the fact from her.  If what he had learned about the bond was true they would be able to sense each other, sense each others mood, their feelings. 


    Keeping the ruse was so much more fun.  The joy she showed at thinking that she had snuck up on him made it worth the price he would pay when she found out.  That joy always turned into kisses.  As if she had heard his thoughts “You know the price of being my teacher?” Closing her eyes she pursed her lips as she always had when waiting on his kiss.


    First he bowed as protocol demanded, just the proper depth for an Aes Sedai from a Tower Guard.  It was not mocking in any way, she was Aes Sedai and proper respect had to be shown especially in public even if they were lovers.  With that aside he embraced her like there was no tomorrow, it was sweeter than he recalled since their meetings had been few and far between.  If anyone had been watching it would have seemed improper yet it was the price she demanded.  She was an Aes Sedai and he had to follow orders no matter how much he enjoyed orders such as those that came from her.  If anyone had an issue with it then they would get more than they bargained for.


    "How did you know I was dreaming of you?  Are you sure there is not more you need to tell me of the weave you placed on me when I went away?"  He smiled raising an eyebrow trying to read her thoughts.  If she could read his then...no that was for another time.  "I can't blame myself either especially when you flaunt your beauty in front of me so.  I am a man Kabria Sedai not a stone.  If you continue to act this way then I am not sure if I can wait for that night alone that you promised me, even if you are Aes Sedai.  Perhaps I will marry you in the Sea Folk customs, your word will carry more weight when we are in public yet in private..." 


    He could see the look of shock that he had learned such a thing.  He would never tell her but he had run into one of the Sea Folk Aes Sedai.  Ooh they were certainly not common it was just by luck that he had met her in the Tower Library when he was on an errand.  She had a gift for talking and happily told him about the ways of the Sea Folk.  He couldn't remember why but their marriage customs just happened to come up in conversation. 


    "How would you like that my dear."  He put a playful tone in his voice  "No Kabria Sedai I don't feel like getting out of bed at the moment, come to I think of it I would like you to remain in bed with me.  I think I want you to kiss me."  He laughed out loud as he scooped her up in his arms.  It felt so good to hold her "I missed you my love.  If the Tower is going to keep you like this perhaps I will pay a visit to the Amyrlin Seat herself and inquire why she is keeping my lovely Aes Sedai from me.  Could you imagine the look on her face?"   It was so unlike him but when he was around her he sometimes became giddy like a little boy who knew he was doing something that he shouldn't. "Don't look at me that way my love, you know I would never do such a thing though if this continues for much longer I may consider it."  He smiled at her.


    "Well Kabria Sedai my love, for the moment I will have to consider myself lucky that I am your teacher.  Now before we begin I am telling you to be careful, you are not allowed to cut yourself today or any day for that matter so long as you live.  Do you understand me, Aes Sedai?  Now before we begin there is something else I demand from you?"  He pursed his lips and closed his eyes just like she always did.       


  15. Geirrin listened to Hale as he spoke.  Well the man's knowledge of ships would come in handy and in return he could show him some weaves and help the man along with his training.


    Geirrin told the man to embrace the source doing so himself.  Geirrin wove flows of fire directing them at a nearby tree.  As the tree began to fall he caught it in flows of air directing it softly to the ground.  The latter was completely unnecessary though it would help the other with his training.  The more uses you could find for the power the faster you learned.  Practice cutting down some trees as I showed you. Once you have a dozen or so you can begin cutting the trees into sections like this.  Geirrin used the same weave to cut the tree into sections as he had when he cut it down.  Once you are finished with that we will see about cutting the sections into planks or braces.  If you need any help I'll be right here.


    As Gale began Geirrin turned his attention to the wood he had cut earlier.  He began cutting the logs into planks with flows of fire using flows of earth wherever necessary to smooth and shape them.  Occasionally he would look over at Gale to see how he was making out.  With each tree he cut he could see the man becoming more proficient with the weaves.  Geirrin looked up at the sun to gauge the time.  Perhaps the man would be finished before sunset, if not there was always tomorrow. 


    ((OOC: Just keep cutting away, take a break if you wish, then cut them into sections and we'll call it a night ))

  16. Geirrin suddenly realized the Attack Leader's presence.  He was conversing with Covai though he had no idea what they were discussing and knew it was none of his business. 


    He listened to Covai as he explained their new lesson and was shocked to hear that the Attack Leader was to be a part of their training today.


    "Not all your opponents are going to stand infront of you with a sword or other weapon. Archers are another problem you'll encounter. If you're range of attacks is only as far as your arms can reach, you'll be at a disadvantage. However.."  He watched as Covai used a lance of fire to sever the hand from the manaquin's arm which Arath had been holding over his head.  "..if you can destroy an attacker at range, the edge is yours." 


    Geirrin ran to the edge of the woods and lined up as instructed.  He watched as Covai and Arath made two manaquins for each person, each manaquin had a different pose.  When they were told to begin he embraced Saidin, everything was sharper while he was holding it.  The taint was still present though he had learned to get used to it.


    Geirrin channeled weaving a lance of fire taking the arm off the manaquin with the arm raised.  Then he directed similar flows against the other manaquin cutting off all of its appendages.  Turning back to the one that was still standing he hurled a fireball shattering it to bits.  He waited as the manaquins were remade and tried a different set of weaves this time.  He had noticed Kassian's difficulty with the range and accuracy recalling when he had the same issues.  It all came with practice. 


    He watched as Kassian tried a different weave, it was a fun and very dangerous one called a grenade.  He watched as the man hurled it with amazing accuracy.  The explosion destroyed much of the training dummy.  Geirrin enjoyed these exercises because they were fun, he often forgot what their training dummies were supposed to represent.  Caught in the moment he picked up a large rock.  He wove the flows of earth and fire waiting for the rock to pulse.  As soon as it began to pulse he hurled it at the dummies.  The explosion rocked the dummies shattering them to bits.  When the dirt and debris cleared there was a boulder sized crater in the ground where it had landed.   

  17. Perivar leaned against the wall of the Armory waiting for his love to arrive.  Since his return and being raised to Tower Guard their time together was limited.  Apparently newly raised Aes Sedai had less free time than Tower Guards.  When Perivar had asked her she dodged his question changing the subject to something else.  No matter his love for her she was Aes Sedai and he was merely a Tower Guard.  Their were protocols to follow, he could not simply demand an answer.  He had been worried sick that he had done something wrong or that she no longer cared for him.  Kabria had insisted all was well but he still missed her. 


    Did she know that the sun did not shine as bright when she was not there?  That the colors around him seemed less vibrant, the sweet scent of flowers seemed dulled?  Did she know that sounds where either too sharp or too deep?  His whole world was affected when she was not there, he longed for her, only she could make his world right.  He looked up hoping to see her coming his way but she was not, his world would remain dulled for a while longer.  He prayed she would not be too long.


    Now that she was raised she could carry the dagger she had purchased in the town though he had not given it back to her yet.  Since their last encounter in the armory when she had cut herself on the throwing knife, he thought it best to wait until she could demonstrate that she could handle it without hurting herself.  That day was too painful to recall, he quickly pushed the thought aside though it did not go willingly.


    At least now that she was raised she had more freedom in her manner of dress.  He did not have to worry about her white dress getting ruined.  Perivar reminded her to dress appropriately since she was sure to get dirty.  He would have to remember to tell her not to hurt herself.  His thoughts returned to that day when he said to her "When in my instructions did I say that you were supposed to cut yourself."  He was merely trying to joke with her to keep her mind from the wound. “ You know my love, you also did not tell me not to cut myself. Perhaps in the future you will be more specific?” Her response was timed perfectly to make him look like a fool though in truth it was well done.  He knew that he would never win a battle of wits with her, she had a way with words that far surpassed his.  He pushed the thoughts away again trying not to recall the rest.


    This time his thoughts drifted back to a different day, a day he relived in his mind a thousand times, the Ceremony when he was raised to Tower Guard.  He remembered the shock when he heard Kabria's voice speak the words "I would trust him.”  He had been staring at the ground expecting to hear Loraine Sedai's voice though picturing in his mind that it would be Kabria.  He knelt there feeling guilt that he wanted Kabria in place of Loraine Sedai.  She had been an inspiration and an integral part of his training yet it was Kabria who governed his heart.


    “Who would witness your oath whose word is beyond question?” Though the question had been lost on his as he stared into Kabria's blue eyes.  He thought he could stare into her eyes for eternity and never want for more.  He was in love with the beautiful Aes Sedai and she with him.


    “I would.”  The moment was surreal, her voice like chimes, no sweeter music was ever heard.  The words could not have meant more at that moment.  Light how could he be so blessed.


    Perivar was so lost in his thoughts that he did not notice her arrival.



  18. Maybe it was that he never expected to find love and now a wedge was being driven between them or the fact that she had been hurt.  Perhaps it was that all the emotions he had held in over the years had finally taken their toll.  Perivar shook with anger, it was as if an earthquake was threatening to rip his heart from his chest.  He thought if he could look into his body that his heart would be bleeding from the pain.  He had done his duty without fail his entire life yet now he hated it.  He was in love and it was stronger than his sense of duty had ever been and now that duty was threatening to take away his love.  The thought hurt deeper than any wound he had ever felt.


    Perivar had not realized that tears were streaming down his face until Kabria's fingers wiped them away.  There were no sobs or sniffles, just tears streaming from his eyes as if they were bleeding from the pain.  Light he had not shed tears since he was child.  Not now he thought, not in front of her, ooh light.  He wanted to run, to hide in shame yet he couldn't move.  He was the ship and she the anchor holding him firmly in place with her hands over his heart.   


    “While my love brings you joy, it also bring you great pain. If I was a strong woman I could wish that you had never fallen in love with me, to keep you from the pain you now feel.”   It is not your love that pains me, no never that he thought.  It was his duty that pained him, knowing that at the moment he had to chose duty over his love for her.  It was true but the only wasy for him to truly be with her was for him to do his duty and uphold his promise to return to her.


    As she spoke tears began to roll down her face.  “It will only be for a short time” Her nails traced the tears down his cheeks.  Ooh the shame of crying in front of her stung though her touch was magical. “And when you return I will give you such a night that you will forget all of those that we spent alone.” Maybe it was to cover her tears or perhaps she meant it.  Had he not been so drained his cheeks would have turned bright red.  Perivar tucked the thought away.  If he returned he was going to make sure to remind her of her promise of a night that he would never forget.  He almost felt bad for a moment though there was no denying that he wanted every ounce of her, he would take all that she had to offer and in turn he would show her pleasure like she had never felt before.  She was beautiful and he was in love, their could be no shame in that.


    She cried as she pressed her lips to his.  The embrace was bittersweet knowing that he would not receive another for how ever long the Tower decided to keep them apart.  He did not know what to do or what to say though when their lips eventually parted he said the only thing that came to his mind, "I love you!"

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