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Posts posted by Sieve

  1. I really like that idea. :)  I have my final steps written up, my final two reqs are both coming from the trip (unless the Kabria thread counts as conflict, although I think I read somewhere it had to be three separate players for the three characters) so I won't be done until that thread is complete, and I think you're the same.  Not sure about Melenis.


    I don't mind waiting until you and Melenis have the final steps written if that takes a little while.  Jasine's in a hurry to be a Tower Guard, but I'm not overly so. :)


    I could easily knock my final steps out.  I haven't been in a hurry to do it since I don't want to rush our trip, it is one of my reqs but I enjoy the RP and do not have any time constraints.


    It does make sense that Talavin would be raised first, though.  He was here a year before Jasine was.  Melenis was here before Jasine as well.  I wonder where Sylvirci went off to, he was apart of the 'group' at first too, but he hasn't been posting much lately, I'm not sure if your Perivar and his Gaidin even had any threads together.


    Yeah I knew in the timeline that Arath was much farther ahead, it would have been nice to do all 4 of us but I understand why he did his solo.  No I never had any threads with Gaidan, I think I cam in right after because you all had already started basic weapons. 


    In regards to us being raised together I figured we would all be present at the same ceremony though one would get raised at a time.  This way you could include your special people into the ceremony.  I would go last of course since I came in last.

  2. aah thanks for the link!


    We'll have to see what the Boss says about a group ceremony.  IT would be nice to have Loraine Sedai, Mistress Thera, and Master Kynwric present since they were so integral in our training.

  3. Well I kinda thought the 4 of us (Jasine, Melenis, Arath , and I) would have done a group TG Ceremony when we finished with our trip but I guess that is not going to happen.  Not a big deal but it would be nice to do with the remaining trainees (Jasine, Melenis, and I) if possible.


    Is it meant to be solo or can it be a group effort?


    Is there a standard format for the ceremony, if so how do we get a copy of it?

  4. Perhaps it would be good to include an OOC comment at the beginning of a thread to note where this is taking place in the timeline.  Since we have so many people in multiple threads it may help to keep things in perspective.  Often we reference other events in our posts that may not sync up with what other people have posted.  On top of that some posts are assumed to have covered a lengthy period of time.


    For instance in my mind all the open RP's that Perivar is involved in have taken place prior to the trip with Loraine Sedai, Master Kynwric, and Mistress Thera.  Also in my mind I have each RP set in its place.  Even though the Basic Fitness thread is just finishing it spanned six months.  Due to the nature of the class I have it in my mind that it took place in Perivar's first year in the yards.  Threads like Wilderness Survival would be in the second year closer to the L,K, and T take the trainees on a trip to Disney thread.


    Why is this an issue, we will use Visar's arrival as a case in point.  Four of us are about to be raised to TG.  Visar just arrived though he is in our basic fitness thread.  So by my timeline he either arrived shortly after most of us or at the latest 6 months after we began.  It may not seem like much but it can cause a lot of confusion in the future.


    I am too lazy to look right now but do we have any idea what year we are in and in what age in the DRPSW.  Again I am too lazy to check the Age and my feeble mind does not allow me to recall whether it is the 3rd or 4th age.  Perhaps we can come up with some sort of calendar for use in posting new threads so we can be certain where they fall into place in the grand scheme of things.  When the initial poster posts they can simply list in the opening post where we are in reference to time.


    Just a few thoughts...

  5. The more the Attack Leader explained to him the more Geirrin began to realize the magnitude of what he had gotten himself into.  He had never really thought of the shadow, he couldn't live farther from the Blight and had never met or heard talk of a darkfriend.  He was going to be made into a weapon in service to the light.   


    Soldiers and rank structures, in a way it was all knew to him and in another way it was not.  He understood authority and your place in the chain from his service on sailing vessels but he had never been involved in something so regimented.  He was not very good with rules though he would do his best, this wasn't a game or a prank.


    After the basic explanations were done, the Attack Leader asked, "So, do you have any more questions before I turn you loose?"


    "No Sir!" 

  6. Perivar heard another step, he pivoted flashing his blade out in front of him so that the point rested inches from the source of the noise...Mistress Thera light not again though she would have scolded him for not doing so since he had no idea that it was her.  She casually walked around the blade as if it were not there.


    “Really Perivar I would have thought you knew better.” His cheeks reddened, light not again he thought.  He could still remember his first encounter with her that left him mucking the stalls and the privy.  She made a quick circuit of his camp before making a comment, more a taunt really. “Next time be a little quicker with that blade”  With red cheeks he frowned then laughed out loud at the comment.  The more he had come to know her the more he liked and respected her.  She could rip you apart one minute and have you in stitches the next. 


    In the morning they found the packhorses gone and the only sign of Mistress Thera was a note.


    To all my trainees-


    It is time for your final test. I have left you to find your own way back to the clearing where we stopped to pick our first camp site. Work together and remember every thing that you have been taught. I have the upmost confidence that I will be seeing your smiling faces again very soon. Good Luck!


    With the Light,

              Thera Trakelyn


    At that moment he wondered if she was watching them, watching to see their reactions.  Subsonsciously he scanned the area as if he would be able to see her.  He had to admit he truly did miss her presence.


    They all came together teaching each other what they knew.  They also had fear to drive them, it was about survival.  There were no packhorses with emergency rations.  Periodically he would drop back scouting their backtrail and trying to cover it which was no easy task.


    Perivar knew they were nearing their destination.  He was dismayed that he had not caught sight or sign of Mistress Thera's presence.  He knew she would show herself eventually, where and when was the question.



  7. Perivar looked into her blue eyes as she began to speak. “ I will tell you about anything you ask Perivar. You have given me a great gift and it is the least I can do to repay you. I know now that I can learn about the world from experience not just my books.”   She reached out and laid her hand on his smiling up at him.  It sent a shiver through his body, did she have any clue how that beautiful smile melted him. 


    Light she had roots in the Borderlands and her father was a noble.  Perhaps he could tell her of his own roots.  As her story unfolded he wanted to weep, light he wanted to find everyone that ever hurt her and make them hurt.  His eyes were glued to her.  Light he felt horrible, she didn't want to speak of it you fool though she felt obligated, you light blinded idiot.


    “It took two years of the Mistress of Novices’ slipper to teach me not to hit.” Kabria's face colored again matching the tips of her hair but this time she did not drop her eyes.  He squeezed her hand gently, he could not imagine the difficulties she must have had in coming here and trying to fit in.  He wanted to hold her, tell her it was alright.  He didn't think he fit in either when he first arrived but others made him see the light.  What she had gone through was far worse tha he could imagine.


    Kabria's eyes remained locked with his though it seemed as though she wanted to look away.  He noticed her hand playing with a blade of grass as she spoke.  “I am thinking that I will pick the…Green Ajah….I seem to have the most in common with them.”   It was as if a large bell had gone off in his head.  He had his suspicions from the earlier but could it be true.  He had just met her though from what he knew the choice seemed to fit her. 


    “So…um..do you think you will want to bond right away? I mean I am not sure that I will. I want my first warder to be perfect. Do you…um..what do you hope your Aes Sedai is like?”


    He was momentarily caught of guard by the question, he wanted his answers to be perfect.  He found himself playing with a few blades of grass for a moment.  "Perhaps though I cannot say, I mean this is what I have been training for since the day I arrived.  I swore that I would serve where there was the greatest good.  I am no use to the Tower if I am sitting idle."  He suddenly felt disheartened as he thought on her words, he was far from perfect, very far from it. 


    The next answer was even more difficult.  Like you he wanted to say though he dare not be so bold, she would think him foolish.  I made you an oath I intend to keep"If she devotes her life to fighting against the Shadow in any way possible then that is all I can ask."  It was a simple answer.  Simple desires for a simple man he thought, he felt uncomfortable under her gaze, he felt as though he didn't measure up.  "I know the three who spoke to me about the bond would have fits over it, but the need to serve as a Warder is so strong in me that I think I would accept the first offer.  I know I have a say but who am I to refuse an offer to serve an Aes Sedai who feels she is in need of a Warder."


    Something she said earlier came back to him.  He didn't know why it bothered him but he didn't want her to feel obligated to talk to him, it was her choice, it had to be so.  "I did not buy you a gift so that you would talk to me.  I bought a gift for you because I wanted to, a gift with no strings attached.  I would have you speak to me of your own free will or not at all.  The choice is and always will be yours to make.  It is not mine to make, especially through some infered obligation.  You do not need to repay me, the simple fact that I was able to spend time with you is payment enough." 


    Perivar raised his right hand to Kabria's face brushing it lightly with his fingertips as his eyes gazed into hers.  "I thank you for sharing your story with me, it meant a lot to me.  You have passion, a fire about you that makes me think you would fit in well in the Borderlands.  That is a compliment."  He still felt the urge to avenge her hurt though he offered her a comforting smile.  He wanted to hug her and tell her it would be alright.   


    Lightening the mood he said "One day I will tell you about my first encounter with the Mistress of Trainees."  He could not help but laugh out loud at the thought...

  8. "My Lady, if I may speak."  She nodded her approval, and the others turned their attention to him which made him wish he could have his words back.  Well you opened your mouth fool, out with it he thought to himself.


    "If Master Borim has a Gleeman tonight it will mean that the common room will be packed.  I think it would be best if you paid him to leave early.  It will be difficult for us to keep an eye on the girl and cover all doors at the same time with a packed common room.  Flirt as we may, I doubt Master Borim will allow her to slack on her duties on such a night as tonight unless he is in on it.  Even if he is then we have only a few choices" Perivar looked at Jasine marking him as their only chance.  "Even Jasine does not seem to be his normal outgoing self.  Well perhaps Melenis could befriend her or even Arath but I certainly have no way with words or women.  More than likely I would have the opposite effect on her than what we intend.  I would have more luck flirting with a trolloc or a myrdraal even."   He shivered at that last thought though it was probably true. 


    He paused a moment to gather his thoughts before continuing.  "Either way My Lady, it may be better if you took the girl into your service as soon as possible.  It will make watching her much easier if we know exactly where she is.  This way we only have to watch the hallway leading to the rooms and your door which can be done by one of us.  If we are willing to assign another watcher, that person could observe the front door and common room giving us additional time to warn the others if necessary."  He took a breath before finishing hoping that he would be able to emphasize his point in an articulate manner.  "I fear that if we allow her to roam free while the inn is packed then we increase the risk of losing her.  Even if we follow her like a pack of hounds there is still a risk that we may lose sight of her.  On top of that our actions will certainly not escape notice.  We don't want to draw anymore attention to ourselves than is absolutely necessary."   He finished feeling like he had just run a hundred laps.  His gaze went from Loraine Sedai to Master Kynwric, then to Mistress Thera as he waited for a response.

  9. The next day Perivar went down to the construction sight.  Jasine had already arrived and was hard at work.  Perivar sought out Master Thyle and reported for duty.  Thyle remarked how he looked like he belonged in a smithy or a quarry.  He told him to follow him to him as he brought him to a pile of planks.  Master Thyle told him to bring them closer to the building.  When Perivar looked at the hand cart the man shook his head telling him that he had to carry them by hand. 


    Mindlessly Perivar carried the heavy wooden planks to the building where he began stacking them for the workers.  After a while Master Thyle rotated them to a new task.  Now Perivar was hauling stone, back and forth, back and forth.  His muscles ached, it seemed like everything they did made their muscles ache.  At least he would sleep well tonight. 


    After moving countless stone blocks they were finally told to break for lunch.  Perivar scoffed down a meat pie, he hadn't even waited for the thing to cool.  The hot juices ran down from the corners of his mouth but he didn't care, he was starved.  When he finished the second one he thought of a third but knew that would leave him with a stomach ache.  Physical labor was no fun with a full stomach.


    When he finished eating he leaned back against a stack of rafters stretching his legs out before him.  He closed his eyes for a few moments.  Master Thyle called them all back to work and the fun began again.  Stone, Rafter, smaller wooden planks all moved from one spot to another.  They had moved so many things that he wondered if they were building a palace.  Jasine seemed to enjoy the work, maybe he was mad.  This was no fun but he guessed that it would be neat to see the end result.


    When Master Thyle dismissed them he thought he would drop right there though Jasine asked if they wanted to practice their balance on the barrels.  Perivar shuttered at the thought though he had to do it.  He told Jasine that he would join him then stalked off to try to conquer the barrels.



  10. Perivar tried tohelp when the other trainee fell and smashed his head on the barrel though he was no good in the water.  Before Perivar could get to him Master Jesse had already reached them.  He told them to take another 30 minutes to try to complete the exercise though it was useless.


    When time was up he had still not been able to stand on the barrel.  He could mount it but as soon as he tried to stand he would fall.  He was agile for his size though obviously not agile enough.  Perivar helped Jasine put the barrels away.  He was so frustrated that he wanted to smash them to bits.  


    "It's from riding horses, you know.  I taught myself to ride horses while standing up on their back at home, before I came here.  Hurt a lot more to land on the ground than the water, but it was much warmer too." Perivar laughed, Jasine was always there to pick up his spirits.  "Why is it that I can picture you standing on a galloping horse, you were probably smiling when you did it."  


    Even though he was from the North the water was still bone chilling cold.  He thought he might never warm up.  He followed Master Jesse to their new destination.  He listened as Master Jesse spoke.


    "Your next few weeks for strength training will be done helping someone else."  Jesse lead the way through town to a construction site were men were building something.  


    "You will be moving the building material for these men."  Jesse took three sets of work gloves and handed a pair to the lads.  "Today I won't subject you to this, but for the next six weeks you will be moving whatever they need you to move."  Jesse made the introductions to their supervisor here, a man called Thyle.  "Thyle will be your supervisor and he will be the one you need to report to."


    "Thyle, sir, I thank you for taking these lads on for the next few weeks.  Today they've had a hard day, they will join you tomorrow." Thyle nodded and went back to work.


    "Tomorrrow you will start this."


  11. Kabria led Perivar to a corner where a vendor had a cart set hawking pies of many varieties.  He chose a meat pie and would have requested another though he did not want to seem like a hog.  That and to his dismay Kabria paid with her own coin refusing to allow him to pay.  He watched her in wonder as she gave the man far more than the two pies and cheese were worth.  He studied her for a moment, why the change in behavior.  Light she smiled at the man, she was even more beautiful when she smiled.


    Kabria grabbed his hand, a spark shot between their hands at which she laughed, light she laughed and it was music to his ears.  She led him to a lovely park and found them a spot uder a tree.  It reminded him of the times he had seen her reading beneath the tree in the Training Yards.


    They sat quietly while they ate.  He watched her when she wasn't looking his way, he hoped she was not going to lash out at him when she spoke next.  He wanted to talk to her about her sharp tongue but he didn't want to ruin the moment, things had gone remarkably well since leaving the leatherman's shop.


    “I wanted to thank you for the scabbard and for..for your promise.” She said though she looked away studying something in the park instead of looking at him.  He knew he was not pretty but was he hard to look at?  He knew his face had a hardness to it, it did not appeal to most people outside the Borderlands.  Well he did not need to be pretty, he needed to be a weapon of many uses.  He nodded and smiled saying "It was my pleasure". He wanted ot say more though he could not form the words, if only he had Jasine's ability to talk freely.


    “I would love if you could show me more of how to use my weapon.” She continued, even though she was looking away he thought he caught the hint of a smile.  Please look at me he thought your smile warms me like you could not imagine"Of course he said, it would be my pleasure."  She probably thought him foolish but it was a pleasure.  Something occurred to him and he smiled.  The dagger, the green scabbard, and she wanted to learn to use it.  A Green... he thought, it seemed to fit her perfectly.


    “Tell me more about yourself Perivar. Are you close to completing your training? And have you thought about the kind of Sister you want to hold your bond?”  He thought for moment before he spoke, he had not talked about himself much, it was not his way but now it seemed important.  He wanted to know everything about her though he could not learn more of her if he was not willing to open up about himself.


    Shaking his head in a jingle of bells he said "Well if you couldn't tell by these I am Arafellin."  Perivar went on speaking of the Borderlands and the Blight.  He spoke of his childhood conveniently leaving out the part about his noble birth, it was something that held little to no advantage though could pose certain pitfalls especially for those who disliked nobles.  He went on how he was reluctant to come to the Tower wanting to stay along the Blight where he thought he belonged.  It took him time to realize that serving the Tower was serving a greater purpose.  He told her everything he could in a short period of time.


    "I am close to finishing my time as a trainee, I have an evaluation coming up soon.  I was just informed that a few other trainees and I will be going out of the Tower for a bit.  I have no idea what it entails but it is part of our training.  When we return it may be that we are raised to Tower Guards, providing that we pass our evlauation."  He looked to make sure he was not going on too much.  "Once we are raised to Tower Guards we will have to take part in a few classes that teaches us the intricacies of the Tower Guard.  After that we may become Warders if we decide to go that route."


    "Have I thought on the kind of Sister who would hold my bond?  Probably more than I should.  We were fortunate to have received instruction in the Bond between Aes Sedai and Warder.  Loraine Sedai, Master Kynwric, and Mistress Thera gave us about all of the information we could absorb.  They were more than helpful making us understand the bond and the importance of making sure to get to know the person whom you will bond with before committing to it.  So yes I have thought on it every waking day."


    "Fighting the Shadow has been ingrained in me from birth.  I want to be bonded to an Aes Sedai that gives me the best opportunity to fight the Shadow.  I could not see being bonded to a Brown who spends her life in the Library.  I know all Ajahs serve their purpose and it would be an honor to serve the Tower in any capacity but I would be of most service to one who will find themselves in the thick of things.  I guess that leaves a few options as far as Ajahs go."  He paused for a moment, what if she was going to be a Brown? he thought.  What if she was going to spend her days in the vast libraries of Tar Valon? 


    "If I have the right of it, a Green would most likely make the best fit.  Red's would seem to be in need though I don't think one would bond a man, it seems they avoid men altogether.  I have heard that Blue's sometimes find themselves in tough situations as do Grey's with their involvement in negotiations.  I have no idea what a Yellow sister does aside from healing though I guess they would find themselves in need of protection on occasion.  I guess there are Brown's who leave the Tower to study, even they would need protection.  Whatever it may be I just no that I am no use to anyone sitting idle for long periods of time."


    Perivar looked at Kabria, he smiled saying "I'm sorry I have gone on so, I don't think that I have ever said so much in such a short period of time.  Please Kabria, tell me of yourself.  I want to know everything, as much as you are willing to tell."   He waited impatiently, he could not wait to hear her voice again.



  12. As he waited for the Storm Leader to respond his thoughts drifted.  His presence here was odd he thought, everyone else seemed to have a very definate reason for being here.  Geirrin live somewhat of a sheltered life, all he knew of the shadow or the Dark One were tales used to scare children.  He was told when he came there that he was going to be made into a weapon to battle the shadow. 


    What type of weapon would he make, would he serve a greater purpose?  He had never really thought about it much.

  13. When Perivar arrived he found Jasine and Melenis each eating an apple looking as if they had not sleep well.  He did not have a restful sleep either.  The talk of the blight brought memories that he would rather forget. 


    He smiled at the others "I know you brought enough for the whole class...you know what they say?"  He laughed eyeing each to see who had brought the apples.  "I'm just kidding, I ate enough this morning to last me the whole day.  You know I almost never miss a meal.  Plus talk of the blight reminds me of food, there are so many wonderful things to eat in the blight." 


    Perivar was trying his best to come out of his shell.  He was making an effort though it did not come natural to him.  He did not like talking especially of himself but he loved hearing stories that the others had to tell.  He was eager to learn of things outside of the Borderlands, he needed to know if he was going to effectively serve an Aes Sedai.

  14. Her only response was to drop the dagger as if it was an adder.  Light you fool you scared her he thought.  His oath was rash though it seemed right at the time.  As the moments lingered he thought perhaps he had been hasty but he simply watched her as if nothing else existed.


    It shocked him when her first words were directed at the shopkeeper.  She had taken coins form his pouch hurling them at the shopkeeper with a few sharp words.  If they kept this up  there would be talk all over Tar Valon of the sharp-tongued Accepted and the Warder trainee.  He would have to talk to her about her way with words though now was not the time.  The shopkeeper retreated from his own store front leaving the tow of them alone. 


    As if none of that occurred, she turned to him and knelt, her blue eyes no longer icy but... the thought faded as she spoke to him.  “ You have made me a promise that I intend to hold you to. For 6 years now it has been only me, with few friends or anywhere to turn. Even with Jasine and Arath I have felt very much alone, they could never really understand my life before the tower. But you….you are different.”   


    Perivar had no time to fully process her words, leaning in Kabria kissed both his cheeks and then his lips before throwing her arms around him burying her face in his neck.  He was caught off guard for a moment, when the shock subsided he melted into her embrace.  She leaned on him while he gently stroked her hair.  Light it had been a long time...


    He simply watched her as she released him backing away, light but he wanted to hold her again.  Her face was red, he wanted to say something to make her more comfortable, there was no reason to be embarassed.  Again she left him no room as she spoke “You are a man of great honor Perivar. I think we will learn much from each other.”


    Going to the wall Kabria picked up the green dyed scabbard turning it over in her hands with a smile. Perivar picked up the dagger laying by his knee then rose just staring at her.  He would give all his coin to read her thoughts. 


    Perivar grabbed her hand leading her out of the store.  They had outlived their welcome and it was past time to be on their way.  "We have much to discuss I think.  Perhaps we should find a quiet place where we can get something to eat."  He led her away from the store dropping her hand as if they were out for a stroll.  If anyone noticed then they were simply an Accepted and her escort... 



  15. Perivar was appreciative of Mistress THera's compliments though he felt uncomfortable with the praise.  It was no different than Jasine's knowledge of horses and their care.  It was a product of his upbringing though he was uncomfortbale about it.  It wasn't something that he spoke about or flaunted.  Perivar was no better than any of the other trainees, he was on the same level as them.  Here everyone was doing their part.


    The next morning they got an early start, they pressed on making the best progress that they could.  Mistress Thera was not their when they woke, he was certain she was around but he couldn't say where.  If she was following him he had not fond her when he scouted their back trail.  He had a feeling that if she was she had followed their tracks exactly making it difficult to discern her horse's track.


    When they had gone as far as they could for the day they broke up to make their individual camps.  Perivar took one of the packhorses even though Jasine said that he could handle it.  Jasine was much better at it than he but no reason he should be saddled with the responsibility of taking care of both.  If he was right about their destination then this would not be the only night that they camped alone.


    Perivar setup his camp and got all his daily chores done.  It was much harder having to do everything by yourself though it was easier in the respect that you were only taking care of youself.  Before the sun set he scouted in the direction from where they had come.  Occasionally he found faint tracks though they were not easy to find.  He came to a stream and lost the track, it was too late in the day to look further.  He simply did not have enough time to check four directions.


    Perivar turned to go then wheeled his horse in a tight circle.  He felt as if he was being watched and almost went for his weapon.  No he thought, it was best not to give away the fact that he had detected something.  Perivar casually dismounted then began checking Nightdancer's hooves.  He pulled something from his pouch and began digging at a stone in his hoof that wasn't there.  He rose scanning the area as he made as if he was checking his saddlebags.  He still had the feeling of being watched but he could not see anything.  He almost smiled thinking it was Mistress Thera though he suddenly realized that maybe it was not her.


    Perivar hurried back to his camp then visited the others informing them of his findings.  He knew it would put them on edge though it was good to be on edge rather than complacent.  Perivar ate then hobbled Nightdancer near his shelter.  It was better to have him nearby in case he had to depart quickly.  Perivar had setup his shelter so that he could look outside while he sat concealed in the darkness leaning against the tree trunk.  Without a guard he decided to sleep as best he could leaning instead of laying down.


    Sleep eventually overcame him though he woke everytime he heard a noise.  He had no idea as to the hour and forgot how many times that he woke.  His eyes opened at the sound of a footfall.  It sounded right outisde of his shelter though sound had a way of carrying at night.  He wasn't sure if it was Nightdancer, another animal or person.  He strained to listen though he did not hear another at first.  There it was again, he had no problem saying that he wished they were all camped together.  It was always better to have company though the fact that they were within souting distance was a consolation. 


    Perivar quietly removed his sword from his scabbard crawling out of his shelter.  He stood there just outside his shelter scanning the area for the source of the sound... 





  16. Perivar was happy to see that nobody had taken notice to blushes, well he was almost certain that it went undetected.  Everyone was too focused on their conversations or the food that was in front of them.


    Perivar glanced at Loraine Sedai when Master Kynwric explained about the White Cloak outside the inn.  Perivar wanted to leave right then and go thump the fellow.  When Jasine asked if they could check on his sisters his heart went out to his friend, light please let them be unharmed.  Now Perivar was ready to slit the White Cloak's throat.


    When Mistress Thera said thay would stay here and not join her Perivar wanted to argue against it but she would not hear it.  Her tone had said she had made her decision and would not be persuaded otherwise.  Perivar indicated that he would take the first watch in the common room, he was dressed for it after all.


    He nodded as Melenis spoke, putting the girl in their rooms would be the best protection that they could offer until they could get her to the palace.  "It does sound like the best protection that we could offer her.  If we guard the hallway between the common room and the private quarters then one or two of us could hold off an entire squad of White Cloaks."  His voice was hardened, he felt like he could finally be of some use.


    Perivar thought of the poor girl working for Master Borim, he thought of Jasine's sisters and the possiblity that maybe they were in danger, it fueled him.  Another time and place it could be them, or perhaps Kabria, ooh she would probably plunge her dagger into the White Cloak's heart faster than he but...light he could not think of her now he had to focus on the task at hand.  Ooh light the oath, he was bound to her until an Aes Sedai claimed him or she threw him aside.  While he had a say in the matter, the first would not happen yet he feared the latter, what if she cast him aside, what if it wasn't meant to be.  He pushed that aside, the thought of her possibly being in danger fueled him even more.  They had to protect the girl, they could not fail. 


    Perivar looked at Loraine Sedai, or her he thought, Light what if in another time and place it was her.  He had come to like her immensely, aside from being kind and generous she had been an inspiration and a source of education for all of them.  She was their link to the Tower, their idea of what an Aes Sedai was.  If the White Cloaks caught wind of who she really is she would be in more danger than the girl.  His thoughts flashed between protecing her or the girl, where was the reater need.  She could handle herself better than the rest though she was also bound by the three oaths.  Well if Perivar had to goad the White Cloak into a confrontation in order to give her an opportunity to set matters right then he was willing and able.  If Kynwric and Thera were successful there would be no need but what if there were more of them.  His face wore a look of grim determination.  He stood on the balls of his feet as if he was about to charge, he felt the rage running through him.  Assuming the void he pushed all of his emotions into the flame, all his thoughts seemed distant.

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