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Harry Potter Week - Dumbledore's Army Mafia Game Thread [GAME OVER-MAFIA WINS]


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Ben, you haven't struck a nerve. Granted, I don't like your vote but at least you are trying to reason it out, which is more than Darthe has done. 


I'm actually a bit suspicious of Devil's Advocate at the moment. All of the "let's not judge a person by their House" could be scum trying to come across as all fair-minded and Hufflepuff. So the way I see it Devil's Advocate is either the most Hufflepuffy Hufflepuff ever or scum.


Dice is correct; canon is that there are NO Slytherins in Dumbledore's Army. Are there Slytherins that aren't scum? Absolutely but you'll have to pardon me if I tend to be a bit (okay a lot) more suspicious of them. That said, most everyone seems to be overlooking the fact that more than likely one of the scum is NOT a Slytherin. One of the scum is a member of Dumbledore's Army.  However, if the concensus is to go after the Inquisitorial Squad first, I'm all in. But let's not forget the snitch.


What is the point in speculating what House scum are in?  How does it matter?


This really just smacks of people trying to make pointless conversations look like gameplay.



I agree about the speculating about which house scum are in. There are examples in the books/films that show characters who are terrible people who weren't in Slytherin.


I also think worrying too much about canon might be destructive to the group though, but at the same time it's getting everyone talking and thinking about who the scum are. I think Dar is just wanting to keep in mind that there is a snitch and not to forget about it in searching for the Inquisitorial Squad.



How do you know this?  The OP speaks to the squad having basically infiltrated our ranks, but nothing about a specific snitch AND a squad (scum team).


This looks a lot like TMI.


@Dar, care to discuss?




Dar, what about polyjuice potion? I know it breaks about 50 school rules and Umbridge wouldn't have a problem with putting students in danger to accomplish her goals. But what if some of the Inquisitorial Squad have taken some of the potion of whoever betrayed us and infiltrated the DA?


As I previously stated, there is potential for polyjuice potion especially since scum have false name claims. As stated in the OP, we have been betrayed which speaks to a snitch.





This is still mafia - the town versus the scum team.  The OP clearly shows we have been infiltrated (by the scum team), so this is pointless discussion about polyjuice and the rest.  The townies need to find the mafia.  The mafia need to kill the townies.  Until we know there is more to this game than that, all this does is serve to distract from our primary objective:  hunt scum and lynch them.  A snitch would be scum.  The squad would be scum.  Nomenclature is irrelevant - just lynch the bad guys.


Agreed. I think this is just cluttering things up. I know it is for me.


I'd still like Dar to address my question, though.

So would I, but I do not think that will be happening. He's been on and ignored two requests for an explanation.


As for finding scum, it's really early days so it's a bit like trying to catch a fish using a hand grenade. I try to think what would a Mafia member / scum do - try to stay below the radar, or target someone and try to rile the others up to vote for that person, or maybe just create mass confusion?


So far the person who most springs to mind ticks 2 of those boxes, that I can remember from my read of this thread now (sheesh you people post a lot!!), and that person is Daruya. She's confusing the heck out of me, at least. I really hope my suspicions are correct, because I'll feel very guilty if she's just trying to be helpful.


Vote: Daruya

Going by your boxes, I only see her creating confusion, and I think it is by mistake.



As for finding scum, it's really early days so it's a bit like trying to catch a fish using a hand grenade. I try to think what would a Mafia member / scum do -

1.) try to stay below the radar, or

2.) target someone and try to rile the others up to vote for that person, or

3.) maybe just create mass confusion?


So far the person who most springs to mind ticks 2 of those boxes, that I can remember from my read of this thread now (sheesh you people post a lot!!), and that person is Daruya. She's confusing the heck out of me, at least. I really hope my suspicions are correct, because I'll feel very guilty if she's just trying to be helpful.


Vote: Daruya

Which 2 boxes do you think she is ticking? 


Yeah, which two?




As for finding scum, it's really early days so it's a bit like trying to catch a fish using a hand grenade. I try to think what would a Mafia member / scum do -

1.) try to stay below the radar, or

2.) target someone and try to rile the others up to vote for that person, or

3.) maybe just create mass confusion?


So far the person who most springs to mind ticks 2 of those boxes, that I can remember from my read of this thread now (sheesh you people post a lot!!), and that person is Daruya. She's confusing the heck out of me, at least. I really hope my suspicions are correct, because I'll feel very guilty if she's just trying to be helpful.


Vote: Daruya

Which 2 boxes do you think she is ticking? 



Thanks for tidying my post up ... lol


I think she's hitting boxes 2 and 3.


Who is she targeting? She is all about some nameless flavor traitor because she's all about the flavor. That's not really targeting someone. It's not the same as singling out another player and speculating that they're mafia; it's just wondering who the mafia is but not realizing that that's what she's wondering because she's so wrapped up in the theme that she is forgetting the actual game. I don't think that qualifies as ticking your second box, but it's your box, so you are the arbiter of it. :smile:


LZM - thinks it could potentially be a slip on Dar's part for saying recruitment

   - Dar says she doesn't think the traitor went to Toad Face willingly but had to be blackmailed or threatened into betraying us.


Dice - thinks Dar doesn't want us hunting scum, saying the Inquisitorial Squad will be Slytherin's.

   - Dar asks Dice why he wouldn't want us going after the snitch since we know the Inquisitorial Squad is after us, so we should root out the snitch.


Darthe - hasn't given a reason, just that he likes the Dar votes


Ben- thinks Dar mixed up the Game Thread and the Mafia QT.

    - Dar says that she mixed up the game thread and the Troll Hunt thread


Elgee - says Dar is hitting 2 of 3 boxes for being voted, target someone and try to rile the others up to vote for that person, or maybe just create mass confusion



I think Dar is town. If she were mafia, why would she keep talking about the traitor? The way she is responding to everyone is very town for me.


I'm going to Vote: Darthe because he is the only one who does not have a reason for voting Dar, only that he "likes the votes" placed on her. I will keep an eye on those who have voted her however

And then Lessa lays out most of what I was thinking a bit before bed and what I've been thinking since I woke up in the middle of the "night" (I'm working graveyards, so it's actually 2 PM for me right now, but still the middle of the night) and began catching up on this thread. 


Yeah, I latched onto Daruya's thread confusion early on (and I could still be right), and then it seemed like she was just obfuscating things with all this House door stuff and finding the traitor, and it got worse with this side convo with Lessa about poly juice, but then I remembered how into Harry Potter she is, and I can see that she is so wrapped up in the flavor of the game (and this is a really cool flavor, btw--I'm digging the built-in dungeon adventure), that she is perhaps missing what Verbal pointed out: that this is still just town vs mafia, however it's dressed up. She's all "Ooh! Ooh! Harry Potter dresses!" and not being nearly as much of a Harry Potter fan, I'm over her wondering why she's chasing tangents because I'm looking past the dresses. 


tl;dr: I think Daruya is just excited about the flavor theme of this game and is getting caught up in the role play of it to the point that she is perhaps looking past it as just a town vs scum game, and this is creating some small amount of confusion concerning motives, etc. 


She is acting town, but in a flavor-centered way. I am inclined to believe that she really did confuse the troll hunt and game threads, because my approach to the troll hunt was to ignore the backstory, find the point of the game, then look for trolls as I read threads, while she's all, "I'm gonna find out who loosed this thing in the castle!" She is approaching this game the same way, as am I, and I think that's why I think she is dissembling and she thinks I am misrepresenting her. I'm going to ease up off my scum vote on her for now.


Darthe, OTOH, has only popped in and dropped a vote on her without explanation beyond liking it, and then he has ignored requests to explain his vote even though he has posted again since the question has been asked, and more than once. I'm going to [unvote] and then switch to [v]Darthe[/v]

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Prob Dice, as he should know better when talking semantics about squad vs traitor (both prob just mafia).  We know too little, and he, among others, is just 'looking' busy.


It seems like the squad vs traitor is what some people are getting on Dar about. From what I've read through its more Dar that is the one causing the question of semantics, though you are pointing to Dice? How do you figure this?


As for those who have votes on them already...


Semantics doesn't really matter and if we want to find scum I think the best thing to do is look to those who are causing the most confusion. Dar is at the top of that list and I think that is why she has so many votes. 


I think Zep made a bad choice and didn't realize it.


I don't know why Ed is voting Charis. I must have missed that post. Where is Ed?


Lessa's vote on Darthe seems opportunistic to me. Not a real good reason behind it. I had heard a long time ago that the 3rd one a train is a likely mafia, but I don't know if this still hold true. Lessa seems to be defending Dar q


I'm not completely sold on her being town, but I can see how this could be the way she plays and not just an awkward scum play like Dice suggests, but I can't see why Darthe would ignore two requests to explain his vote.

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Prob Dice, as he should know better when talking semantics about squad vs traitor (both prob just mafia).  We know too little, and he, among others, is just 'looking' busy.


It seems like the squad vs traitor is what some people are getting on Dar about. From what I've read through its more Dar that is the one causing the question of semantics, though you are pointing to Dice? How do you figure this?


As for those who have votes on them already...


Semantics doesn't really matter and if we want to find scum I think the best thing to do is look to those who are causing the most confusion. Dar is at the top of that list and I think that is why she has so many votes. 


I think Zep made a bad choice and didn't realize it.


I don't know why Ed is voting Charis. I must have missed that post. Where is Ed?


Lessa's vote on Darthe seems opportunistic to me. Not a real good reason behind it. I had heard a long time ago that the 3rd one a train is a likely mafia, but I don't know if this still hold true. Lessa seems to be defending Dar q



First bold:  opportunism from a more seasoned player - I don't like it


Second bold:  what choice?  Going into the Slytherin door?  Why?


Third bold:  I didn't like that theory years ago, and I think I like it even less now.  Ignore it.

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Prob Dice, as he should know better when talking semantics about squad vs traitor (both prob just mafia).  We know too little, and he, among others, is just 'looking' busy.


It seems like the squad vs traitor is what some people are getting on Dar about. From what I've read through its more Dar that is the one causing the question of semantics, though you are pointing to Dice? How do you figure this?


As for those who have votes on them already...


Semantics doesn't really matter and if we want to find scum I think the best thing to do is look to those who are causing the most confusion. Dar is at the top of that list and I think that is why she has so many votes. 


I think Zep made a bad choice and didn't realize it.


I don't know why Ed is voting Charis. I must have missed that post. Where is Ed?


Lessa's vote on Darthe seems opportunistic to me. Not a real good reason behind it. I had heard a long time ago that the 3rd one a train is a likely mafia, but I don't know if this still hold true. Lessa seems to be defending Dar q



First bold:  opportunism from a more seasoned player - I don't like it


Second bold:  what choice?  Going into the Slytherin door?  Why?


Third bold:  I didn't like that theory years ago, and I think I like it even less now.  Ignore it.



First bold: You dont like it because it's Dice who's latched on to the semantics? While I see it a different way, that if Daruya hadn't started the semantics there would have been nothing to latch on to. Dar's post were nothing but confusing to me (and others from what I've ready) so just the fact that Dice is a seasoned player doesn't match up. Dar is a pretty well seasoned player herself. 


Second bold: Yes the Slytherin door. Why you ask? Because to me it appears that he honestly felt that weeding out scum would be best suited to searching Slytherin house. I agree that it was a sketchy choice for the first door to open but the more I sit here thinking about it the more I think that anyone on the scum team would have avoided Slytherin for the same reasons. I could be completely off base here! LOL


Third bold. I will do as you say! I will ignore it. But I'm wondering if it wasn't part of Lessa's thought process when she chose Darthe out of that list. 


We still have until tomorrow night? This is a very long day indeed!


*runs to keep up with the group*

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Prob Dice, as he should know better when talking semantics about squad vs traitor (both prob just mafia).  We know too little, and he, among others, is just 'looking' busy.


It seems like the squad vs traitor is what some people are getting on Dar about. From what I've read through its more Dar that is the one causing the question of semantics, though you are pointing to Dice? How do you figure this?


As for those who have votes on them already...


Semantics doesn't really matter and if we want to find scum I think the best thing to do is look to those who are causing the most confusion. Dar is at the top of that list and I think that is why she has so many votes. 


I think Zep made a bad choice and didn't realize it.


I don't know why Ed is voting Charis. I must have missed that post. Where is Ed?


Lessa's vote on Darthe seems opportunistic to me. Not a real good reason behind it. I had heard a long time ago that the 3rd one a train is a likely mafia, but I don't know if this still hold true. Lessa seems to be defending Dar q



First bold:  opportunism from a more seasoned player - I don't like it


Second bold:  what choice?  Going into the Slytherin door?  Why?


Third bold:  I didn't like that theory years ago, and I think I like it even less now.  Ignore it.



First bold: You dont like it because it's Dice who's latched on to the semantics? While I see it a different way, that if Daruya hadn't started the semantics there would have been nothing to latch on to. Dar's post were nothing but confusing to me (and others from what I've ready) so just the fact that Dice is a seasoned player doesn't match up. Dar is a pretty well seasoned player herself. 


Second bold: Yes the Slytherin door. Why you ask? Because to me it appears that he honestly felt that weeding out scum would be best suited to searching Slytherin house. I agree that it was a sketchy choice for the first door to open but the more I sit here thinking about it the more I think that anyone on the scum team would have avoided Slytherin for the same reasons. I could be completely off base here! LOL


Third bold. I will do as you say! I will ignore it. But I'm wondering if it wasn't part of Lessa's thought process when she chose Darthe out of that list. 


We still have until tomorrow night? This is a very long day indeed!


*runs to keep up with the group*


But it's starting to become a productive one. We have lots to think about. 


If Daruya does turn out to be mafia (and it looks like at this rate, we'll know tomorrow, as she's well in the lead to be lynched), I think that Lessa is, too. I am not sure that Lessa is town if Daruya is town, but because she joined her in the confusion by bringing up poly juice and having that whole conversation, and because she later came in and made a good case for Daruya being town, if we indeed lynch a wolf tomorrow, I think we can deduce at least one packmate. If Daruya turns out to be town, then I don't really have a read on Lessa, so I'm not saying that Lessa is scum, just that if Daruya is scum, I think Lessa is, too. 

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That thing about Daruya and Lessa was not the entirety of what I meant by lots to think about. I meant simply that we are starting to have some good conversations that are all gameplay. My idea that Lessa might be mafia support for Daruya, should Daruya turn out to be mafia, is just something that started niggling at me over the past hour or so. That's why I gave it a separate paragraph from the rest of my post. 

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Let's see, also, can I Cast Spell Name: Alohomora on the Hufflepuff chest, the large one, I think?

Invalid, you can still use a spell today.


(The small Hufflepuff chest was already opened and there was no reference to a large Hufflepuff chest yet at this time.)


DAMN. Ok, cool, Can I instead Cast Spell Name:  Alohomora on the Gryffindor door?







Prob Dice, as he should know better when talking semantics about squad vs traitor (both prob just mafia).  We know too little, and he, among others, is just 'looking' busy.


It seems like the squad vs traitor is what some people are getting on Dar about. From what I've read through its more Dar that is the one causing the question of semantics, though you are pointing to Dice? How do you figure this?


As for those who have votes on them already...


Semantics doesn't really matter and if we want to find scum I think the best thing to do is look to those who are causing the most confusion. Dar is at the top of that list and I think that is why she has so many votes. 


I think Zep made a bad choice and didn't realize it.


I don't know why Ed is voting Charis. I must have missed that post. Where is Ed?


Lessa's vote on Darthe seems opportunistic to me. Not a real good reason behind it. I had heard a long time ago that the 3rd one a train is a likely mafia, but I don't know if this still hold true. Lessa seems to be defending Dar q


Ed's only voting for me so (1) he has a vote in before deadline and (2) because he's a brat. It is known ::) 


As far as the Dar discussion goes, I think whoever said she was excited about the game theme is probably right, honestly. If we care about roles and names (and I can see both sides of that argument) then House WILL matter, but others are right too, the scum will just lie, so it really doesn't matter. 


As for all the confusion about snitches and traitors, my read on it is just that that's how the mods are branding the scum. But again... others are right in saying that our job, as Town, is to find the scum and give them the boot, so let's not overcomplicate, yah?


I'm still not 100% comfortable in this vote, but I don't know that I'll be on before deadline tomorrow, so I'm going to vote: Darthe

I'm saying that because, like Elgee, I'm trying to think what I would do IF I were scum. In my admittedly limited experience, I think my play today would be to hang back and jump on what looks like a train without drawing attention to myself. I realize I'm potentially doing the same thing by jumping on Darthe right after Lessa, but her reasoning makes a LOT of sense to me so too bad. OTOH, I am tempted to say that Ben seems to be going pretty hard for Dar, which I'm not sure is warranted... maybe I just don't play enough mafia, but like, I get threads confused ALL the time, especially in these theme event thingies.


Ok, now everyone is going to jump on me and say I'm defending, blah blah, but those are my thoughts so :P

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