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Happy 13th Birthday Dragonmount!


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Thirteen years ago, Jason started a new WoT site called Dragonmount. Almost in spite of ourselves, its still here and still going strong. You can read more about this on our front page.


In honor of our birthday, we're partnering with Tor Books to give away one copy of the recently released The Eye of the World graphic novel adaption. To enter just reply to this with a post about why you enjoy Dragonmount. It's a random drawing, so only one post per customer please.


Here's to thirteen more!

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  On 9/19/2011 at 12:24 AM, jenniferl said:

Here's to thirteen more!



45 more, dammit!



I like DM because we get to pick on Barm, and Jennifer has bigger kahunes than him. *nodnod*

It's also a great place to hang out, meet new friends and family, and of course, troll people.




Also, Jason says he loves me more than you, Jenn. And to give me the book. >.>


I started reading WoT in '95. I can count the number of people I know, since then, who've also read WoT, with less than a full fist of fingers.


You know how hard it is to be a Wheel of Time Geek, when there's a dearth of Wheel of Time Geeks to be Geeky with?


Thereby I enjoy Dragonmount, for being able to be geeky with other WoT geeks, about WoT. :laugh:


In the years since I've discovered Dragonmount, I've thoroughly enjoyed all the articles, histories, reviews, and other pieces written in appreciate of The Wheel of Time. I especially loved it when Mr. Jordan himself would post to his blog on Dragonmount. These days, my favorite aspect is the revitalization of the WOTFAQ! Pam Korda's FAQ was my Bible when it came to all things WOT and it made me unmeasurably sad to see it languish. Kudos to the crew at Dragonmount for hosting it and giving it a much-needed new home. Happy birthday, Dragonmount!

  On 9/19/2011 at 2:50 AM, Winterwinds said:

<looks over his shoulder at the other Admins> That was good right? I get a cookie now?


Yep! *Gives Winter a cookie*


I enjoy DM because it has helped me grow as a person. Because of DM, I've gained more insight into my personality and have developed my leadership skills. Because of DM, I have had life experiences that I would not have had otherwise. Because of DM, I have made close friends from all over the world.


I was a sad and lonely individual before I discovered DM with all its people who also love the WoT. I'm still a sad and lonely individual, but now I'm too busy working on here to whine about it :P


Happy Birthday, DM, and thank you Jason!


Happy birthday Dragonmount!


I like DM because of all the awesome and funny people I've met here. Some are gone, but most are still here. Every once in a while I notice awesome people who have been around for years, but who I've only just noticed. It's a big community filled with wonderful people, and I'll probably hang around as long as you'll let me. :biggrin:


13 years! And I missed the first 12. :sad:


I love that I can hang out with my new wonderful geeky friends. And stab them of course...


Happy Birthday Dragonmount!!!


I love DM because i can get my geek on, have a laugh, stab people with few to none repercussions, *snugglebite*, play games, roleplay, discuss, get support, talk with friends, debate, and much more.


The best thing about DM is the family i have created here. I have 2 amazing sisters and 2 fantastical brothers who i would have never met anywhere else, as well as a handful of very close friends.


Thanks so much Jason.


Happy birthday DM!


I like this place because its a very tightnit community of people who have come together to share our love of WOT and in doing so have formed countless friendships.


Can I just steal everyone else's posts, cause they all have it dead on for me! If I can only steal one, it would be Dywn's cause I agree with the reasoning completely, and then I would have Winter's Cookie for my own.


I've tried to describe just what DM means to me, but I can not seem to get the words right. I have a feeling a could write a novel and still miss something. I just can't capture the magic that is DM, like the ones before me have. It truly is a combination of all that they have said, and more for me.


One thing that can be said of Wheel of Time fans is that though we are fiercely loyal, most of the time we're alone. We're the one in a thousand who are willing to read on book that big, let alone a series of books that big. So, a lot of times, we are left alone without anyone to laugh over Mat's silliness with, or complain about how the girls think they're on top of the world this time, or discuss theories with.


Dragonmount gives us that. It reaches around the world and gives us crazed fans a place to land and take our love of WoT to a whole new level. We get to become part of this whacky and rather dysfunctional family.


To quote a board of the Brown Ajah right now, it makes me "feel all warm and fuzzy inside"


Dragonmount has introduced me to some pretty amazing people that I have the honor to call my friends. It enabled me to share my love for WoT with people around the world and it's literally one of the few constant things in my life. The good comes with the bad, of course. But there's no room for anything bad today, only celebration of the good. And there has been quite a bit of it over the years :)


Happy Birthday Dragonmount. Here's to many many more *cheers* :nynaeve:



p.s: Feel free to use the following link as your sig for the day, to wish DM a happy bday again ^_^




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Happy Birthday DM!


I'm happy to be here, and honored that I was given the opportunity to be an Admin. I can now officially blame Barm for things that go wrong.



Also, I've met some pretty awesome people here (not including Barm, of course), and I'm happy to call many of them friends.


Happy B-day Dragonmount!


My love for this site is simple, it is the only place I can find people who are MORE into tWoT then myself.


You people are what give these books fresh life every day; each new theory or RP adds and expands on that towering monolith in my life that is The Wheel of Time. I cannot visit Jordancon or Dragoncon, but through your eyes and ears I can pretend I am there and sharing a wonderful experience with fellow fans. Thanks to the diligence of the administration, as well as fans, I am kept up to date on all important WoT news in one wonderful location.


Thank you all, and many more happy years to this truly amazing site. :mat:


I like DM because, like Mat's Spare Hat said, to me it's like an oasis of love for WoT in the middle of the love for WoT desert. And it makes me love and appreciate Wot even more. I also love how people here make me think, notice things and pay attention to the smallest details of RJ's awesome world. You guys make me a better geek :happy:


I like Dragonmount because it gives me the 4th Age podcast - which I listen to on the way to work - and loads of other interesting bits and bobs to keep me busy while I should be doing work. Happy Birthday DM!


Being only 17, I try really hard to prove to people that I'm more than just an age. People expect so much, or so little, of me because of it, and escaping it can sometimes be a challenge. What I love about DM is that it isn't about your gender, your age, or how good in school you are. Its about everyone's common love for the Wheel of Time, the opportunity to share that love, and the wonderful place here where everyone feels welcome, included, and wanted.


Happy Birthday DM! May the good times never end! :happy:


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