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[Mafia Game Over] Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark - Mafia Wins!

Ithillian Turambar

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Too many people in this game haven't seen the movie :rollseyes:


Lol you said you just watched it last night :tongue: 

Yea, see I prepared properly!


Rand's comment about Ed is irking me more and more. Hoping he makes an appearance soon...


Hmmm forget what I just said about the Traps lol. I forgot how exactly the movie goes, but didn't it start with Indiana Jones grabbing the idol just like in Ithi's RP? If so, then it has nothing to do with Lenlo's post.. 


If we're going to speculate about the trap I'd guess its simply a mechanism to keep activity up, ie if you're not checking the thread regularly then you only have yourself to blame if you get killed


If we're going to speculate about the trap I'd guess its simply a mechanism to keep activity up, ie if you're not checking the thread regularly then you only have yourself to blame if you get killed


Yeah you are most likely right. Interesting mechanic. 


Hey Ithi!  Just as I said elsewhere, I am really busy with midterms and will probably be a bit short on activity for the week.  If you hate me for it please replace me, otherwise I will be as active as I can and should pick up Friday night.


Hey Ithi! Just as I said elsewhere, I am really busy with midterms and will probably be a bit short on activity for the week. If you hate me for it please replace me, otherwise I will be as active as I can and should pick up Friday night.

That's fine Darthe.


As per the Rules:


* Stay reasonably active ... don't make me get cross with you. It's not a gameshow or a competition - so I don't need you to spam ridiculously. You just need to make at least 2 proper game type posts per Game Day. Playing Quiet or Playing Loud are bother perfectly valid styles and I'm not going to call you out on either. If you have a genuine reason for inactivity please let me know.


This Day doesn't end till Sunday.


right now im finding Talya and Rand suspicious... there's just something off about Talya's posts to me, but this is only my second game with her, so i could be wrong... rand started another possible train, and it's kinda early for that....


*Walks in, shoves Lenlo*


"Get off me bloody hat you bloody bahstid."


*Grabs hat from under Lenlo.*


"Oh yeah, and VOTE LENLO for sitting on me bloody hat!"


*rolls out of bed and grabs hat* Man, three pages of posting while I was asleep!  I will be gone until this evening.  My Disney tickets finally arrived! :D  I'll think of you guys on the Indiana Jones ride.<3


*rolls out of bed and grabs hat* Man, three pages of posting while I was asleep!  I will be gone until this evening.  My Disney tickets finally arrived! :D  I'll think of you guys on the Indiana Jones ride.<3


Only 3? I had 10 when I woke up.


I'm pretty sure a few of them just wanted to see what would happen. I hope they get shot in the face with a potatoe gun.


*tries to imagine Maw as a gun*




Not sure what you mean...


(by the way, it's potato, not potatoe)


And someone was complaining about me continuing with the spam... :rolleyes:


I'm curious about the joke votes that have come in when I thought we were passed that...Peace on Lenlo and Kae on Ishy. no reasons, when there are two trains started and they don't say anything about it but just joke vote. 


As for the trains, Rand's seemed to have got going over his Ed vote, which was pretty slim. Mish's seems a bit to see what people do, and guess what people jumped on Rand. Not that his was a good reason for voting for Ed. 


i liked the trap  its fun and being an Indy movie totally appropriate.


I get that rand is catching heat for voting Ed for starting the game and ot mentioning tiink. I look more at him not mentioning tiink then that he voted ed. But i will wait to hear from him before voting


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