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You know you're maybe a bit TOO into the WoT when ...


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413. When you ride the Blue, Yellow, Red, Green, Black and Brown lines on the London Underground and think oooooh - I only need to ride the Grey and White ones to collect ALL the Ajahs


414. When you are horrified that there is NO WHITE LINE on the London Underground thus foiling your epic plan.

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415. When someone asked me what I do in my job as a social worker I told him "I play the Game of Houses" with other agencies to make them do what they should already be doing in the first place.

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  • 2 weeks later...

416. You think you're being slick by calling your boss a "bloody bilge stone".


417. You lose your job because your boss is also a Wheel of Time fan.


Hahaha! ... oops? :P


418. When you want to advise the above person to appeal to an Aes Sedai to "talk reason" to their ex-boss

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419. When you see the person above's add on to your comment and think, "Logic and Reason belong to the White Ajah"....and then get distracted by an old arrowhead sitting on your coffee table.

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421. When you were outside laying on the grass, reading a the book of Sirach (one of the "Books of Wisdom"), and upon coming inside you realize that you might have a mild sunburn...everywhere...and you wonder if the whole situation makes you a Brown or a Gray :P (I'd say Grays are seekers of wisdom so that they may use it in diplomacy...)

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427. someone points to a spider and says that you will become spiderman if it bit you and you say I did rather be an Aes Sedai


428. you think of Aes Sedai whenever read the word "bond"


429. You get excited to see Moraine in your geography book but then get sad that it has no relation to Moiraine.


430. you see Elan written on the cover of a book and you think that you have a book written by Ishmael

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432- When your five year old asks how the world "got broken" and you start talking about some guy named Lews. Then she interrupts you by saying, "Is HE why they're digging up the road?" ooops... road construction FAIL!

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447. When you get drunk and someone says "you like reading?" And then you spend an hour gushing drunk only about wot and trying to convey the awesome but not drop spoilers but somehow make them 'get' it. (Totally did this at two separate parties).

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