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About Ryrin

  • Birthday September 26


  • Member Title
    Captain General - Patron

Profile Information

  • Interests
    Reading; Dogs; Birds; Outdoors.
  • Pronoun
    She; her

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  1. Yes, I am good at it. I usually get weekly massages at the massage therapy school. It’s much less expensive there. I forgot to mention that. Since my stitches are out today, I can schedule one and just have him leave my right hand alone. I start occupational therapy for my hand. It’s fun and I like the staff there. I’m going out to lunch with my friend on Friday. I think the extreme heat just sucks out my energy.
  2. Thank you. I need to spend more time here. Yes, fun is essential. Stitches come out today! 🙌
  3. Well, I was in a helping profession all of my life. I was very good at it. Outside of work, I think I am a difficult person. Well, not 100% of the time but a lot of it. I have a therapist. Guided meditations are great. I have two Apps for them but I use some free ones on YouTube. YouTube has lots of interesting documentaries too. We spend time with our son & his fiancé who are local. Part of the issue is that I have constant physical pain. Sometimes more than other times. Compartmentalizing it has been very good for me, also swimming. Recently, I’ve been engaging with a friend-former co-worker who lost her only child (18 year old son) in a car accident. She is a really good person. I went to his funeral. I met him when he was 4. Messenger has worked well. I check in with her frequently offering support and just listening. This does take energy. I try to be very thoughtful in my responses. Being in a helping position/profession takes mental and heart energy. Listening with not just your ears. My oldest sister nearly died two weeks ago. Double pneumonia with aspiration and sepsis. I had my 2nd carpal tunnel surgery on 7/11. So, anyway, I absolutely love reading. The library is about a block up and I belong to the Book of the Month Club and I have a book club & we meet once per month. I spend time with my 4 dogs, my 4 loves. I really like being outside but it’s been so very hot it’s not been possible. I do stuff with my best friend here. She was diagnosed with cancer last year. Had a horrific surgery & hot chemo. Now, she has no evidence of disease. I kinda feel like I’ve been through the wringer. Just tired.
  4. It’s always better to work with the state! Lady, that sounds like a blast!
  5. I’m getting in my pool!
  6. Rhea, I’m so sorry on your loss. May his memory be a blessing.
  7. Ok, I’m back. I’ve been sick over a month. I’ve taken three antibiotics, two at once. Plus, I’ve had a wisdom tooth removed. Feeling much better. How is everyone? Working on any hobbies?
  8. Mine too! I have another one for you; Chilling Scares.
  9. Where? What kind of pie?
  10. Come visit us in the Tower!
  11. Hey all. I’ve been fighting asthma, a sinus infection and bronchitis. I think I’m on the mend from that but I’m sitting here biting on gauze because I got my last wisdom tooth out. My carpal tunnel surgery is on the 29th. This is all irritating but not major! I’ve been listening to these story tellers on YouTube. My favorites: Mr. Ballen. Scary Interesting. Mr. Nightmare. Lighthouse Horror. I love stories. Do you?
  12. Ryrin


    Those look wonderful! I bet they didn’t last long! What do you think about these? I love apple anything. Is she using pie crust? https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2X8uFjiVkp/?igsh=MTc4MmM1YmI2Ng== This is the end result!
  13. Hi all! Been suffering from the crud going around. Hope to be feeling better soon. How did you spend your New Year’s?
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