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*** A Breach Of Conduct *** - FINISHED


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I'm not exactly sure what it was I did which constituted as a Breach of Conduct. How did I offend the Green Head? I am bonded to her!


This is going to get real interesting for the Red and Green Ajahs when I lose internet access for an entire month..


<edit> As I once told a Judge "If I'm going to get into trouble, I might as well make it worth it"


1) what was Nynaeve's mother's name?


        I dunno.. I'm not even sure I know her mother's DM name


2) which forest did Padan Fain say ran red with blood?



3) Who was known as the Wolf?





4) "Fortune rides like the sun on high

with the fox that makes the ravens fly.

Luck his soul, the lightning his eye,

He snatches the moons from out of the sky"

Who reportedly did a translation of this verse from the Prophecies of the Dragon?

  Not babelfish.. They gave me

  "The fortune increases as the sun in the level with vixen, of which leaves mensoloni to the fly. The possibility its interior, screw of the lightning its eye, catches lune is of sky"

  Could've been Tolkien, I hear he was good with languages


5)    What do the following ter'angreal have in common?


    * alabaster figurine

    * amber plaque

    * clear crystal rod

    * fluted black rod

    * glass bracelet

    * hedgehog

    * iron disc

    * silver ring

    * six spotted dice

  Er.. they're all ter'angreal...



6) Who are the 4 wolves Perrin and Egwene meet with Elyas?


      Groucho, Harpo, Chico, and Karl


7) What is Garenia Rosoinde's other name?

Actually, I'm not allowed to talk about that night to anyone


8 ) Who's on the Council of Nine?


  The Nazgul, before they got ghuled


9) What book did Egwene use to find images of Tanchico?


  The World of Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time (Hardcover)


10) What does "Los! Los caba'drin!" mean?


    That you lost the location of the cabin after getting hit in the mouth be a tree branch while stumbling outside because Nature just drunk dialed you.


  Now I'm off to find that plate of Mensoloni before it gets left to the fly.


hmf so this what the sig was needed for, happy to see none of my members in here, though not surprised to find someone off my minty list in here *shakes head*


*rattles his tin cup against the bars*

I see why they want you to have Discipline before becoming a der'Manshima.  Just don't tell any of the Sword Commanders I'm down here, they may have views...


Wait, is that Vanion?


*snicker* Hmm...  Who'd have thought..


That snicker of yours just might turn into shrieks at some point. I just have that feeling  =)





The Bringer


  Don't egg me on.. remember, if you do, you'll end up in one of these cells with us.


  So, since there's an even dozen, are we the Dusty Dozen? (I'm not quite dirty yet, even though I've been sitting in here for most of the day)  We could be the Troublesome Twelve, maybe.


  Really, I'm just looking for an excuse to sell T-Shirts. 


uhoh, you been spotted by the bringer, Pimpernell ;) You'll get it now (or in a few days anyway lol).


Aren't nail files kinda hard and crunchy? Cupcakes should be light and fluffy and taste like heaven. ^^


Oh wait, that's Philly. >.>


My minty, my sister and my souvra are here. Wow, who to visit first. These will be really hard for those who haven't read all the books. *giggles*

Lily I think you are here because your comment was encouraging bad behavior. You may be here a long, long time.


So, Kara with you being on strike that means I am in charge right? *wicked laughter*


*laughs evilly*

Mwahahaha!!!!  Trivia is so mean when the questions are really hard!  I like this challenge!  The winner will definitely have earned their way out of the dungeon (if the winner needed to win the challenge anyway).


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