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Sherlock Holmes Role Madness Mafia Town wins

Basel Gill

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Ithi is town. She plays exactly in the moment. Observing everyone and pointing out anything that doesn't make sense. Or that looks odd.


What is your impression of X? You think he is town or other?


Fair enough dice.


Time for.me to start working so I will be intermittent until this evening.


Guys I can't get internet. So just on mobile-so won't be able to reply to any points against me. I'll reply when I get back home, which is tmrw


Csarmi - I'll give you tone reads on everyone tonight when I get off work.  You guys are all active in the middle of the night for me. :laugh:  So in about 11 hours, I will have those reads out.   The main tone that sticks out for me personally is Ithi.  While what she's said has made sense, her tone is completely off.  Town Ithi isn't usually sarcastic to the point of being harsh.  Say what you will, but that sticks out to me the most.



I'll go through for everyone else tonight.


Ithi is English working class. Dry is as natural as breathing. I haven't seen anything particularly harsh.


Odd that was the one thing you have noticed to date. Seems a lot more going on. I guess we will see what you have to say tonight.


I'd love to see what I said that was sarcastic.


Although I did lol at CSarmie's 'someoen from the arse end of the alphabet might be Mafia'.


I'm not generally sarcastic - so if I said it it's because that's what I felt.


Ithi is English working class. Dry is as natural as breathing. I haven't seen anything particularly harsh.


Odd that was the one thing you have noticed to date. Seems a lot more going on. I guess we will see what you have to say tonight.

Ideally I'd like to be English Lottery Winning Class and give up all this working malarky :wub:


My hell week has hopefully ended now. Just three more days and then I have a 7 weeks holiday. Yay!


Des - that is exciting. I remember checking out my baby the first time. 



To the game:


I will sheep all of you and say that I believe Cs. I remember the thread were we discussed how to play as a miller and one of the options was to just claim it right away. 


I think Ithi´s case on Thane is very convincing. Thane didn´t make it any better by that AtE post either. 


[v] Thane [/v]



Other than that I´m suspicious of Tsuki. I didn´t get the "be town - being town" thing. Talk about focusing on semantics. He said he brought it up to get an answer from Chae that he could judge her on. I´m not sure what kind of answers that could make her look town or scum. Then there is the not-voting-in-the-first-24-hours thing. First he said Thane was scummy and then he has gone after X but still doesn´t vote either of them. Now he says that this is just Thanes style. 


@ Thane : why do you think Tina is mafia ? she had almost not posted when u wrote that. :huh:



I think Ithi's post here is interesting : it looks like she's teaming with him Turin. X should not be ok with Turin post... but Ithi is not saying anything to Turin.

@ Ithi, are you ok with some half assed parrotting ? if not, why didn't u react towards turin ?



@ Tsuki you is being mean and aggressive



you are using stuff about my english, when everybody knows that i talk french in the first place.

building a case on this is sooo big, that i'll say you are town, for now


Otherwise, i think that Lenlo stays shallow ... and not really committal. [v] Len [/v]


I note that Charis promised us read and .. well nothing came yet. :tongue:


Dawn appeared and noted only the fact that Csarmi claimed early but said nothing else...


X made a nice job at defending me. so nice, that i find it a bit suspicious. Also i see a lot of info about his schedule and what he's doing, etc. Makes me think he wants to give excuses.



@Turin - you imply that Ithi wouldn't play for the moment when scum. Shy wouldn't she? Sounds effective and easy enough.


aww CSarmi - you could have asked me that you know - but I'm interested to see what Turin says.


@ Chae - yup, Turin did a half assed parroty case on X - when he eventually gave reasons. I generally store up stuff on him for a day or so - because he can be tricksy. If he's still alive by D3 I've usually got him figured out.


I asked X about his opinion on Turin, because he was just numb to Turin's vote - I found that odd - especially when he quoted the actual vote. Then he was all, but Turin gave reasonable reasons so meh, and then Turin gave rubbish reasons so grr. And then gone.


Holy hell, Chae. There was NEVER a case on you. The only reason I went into all that crap was the fact that X chose to latch onto it.

I know you aren't a native english speaker. The only reason I even brought it up was to get a response. SInce I have to inform people

of the obvious - CHAE'S RESPONSE WAS FINE. She didn't get emo, rise to the bait, or get defensive. She responded and let it go - Town Read.

Then you went all - "Thane is Thane, he is not the scum you are looking for." - Scum Read.

Net Sum - Chae is Nuetral read, atm.


Now, I see a train on Thane, and one on X. I really think X latched onto such a small thing, and blew it WAY out of proportion. SInce 24 hours have

passed: [v] X [/v]


Wow, I'm kinda with csarmi on this deal with Chae. 


She posts a bunch of speculation on everyone else but then votes LENLO?  Srsly?


I'm keeping my vote on Thane though.  Quitters suck scrote!


Vote count:


Thane (4): Ithi, Des, Mynd, Tina

X (2) : Turin, Tsuki

Len (1) : Che


Not Voting (9) : everyone else


With 16 alive it takes 9 to lynch.


A deadline is now in effect. DL is set for Tues. June 17th at 9 PM EST. (3 days, plus another 24 hours since the majority of the phase would otherwise be over the weekend.)



Alright caught up. Doctor's visit went great btw!!! The little fetus looks like a kidney bean, so freaking amazing!




Unfortunately, will still be ~ three months before we know the sex.






Alright, I am softclaiming. I am PR




I am now here.

Why would Csarmi claim so early, that's so weird.




About to start driving just a few quick observations and opinions.

Csarmi miller claim: needs to be lynched unless can be vetted by another.means. perhaps LD?

Related note, I don't like that Despo and Leno both used the term gimmicky to describe his claim. It isn't a term I would use there and for two people to use it like that does ping a bit. Moreso to Leno since he was the follower in this case.

Thane was very odd in his opening. I can see him as mafia. Chae's method of defense also seemed a bit odd. Particularly the phrase that he "could be town".

Ithi :wub: just needed to get that in.

Out of time more when I can.


I actually never said the claim was gimmicky, quite the opposite in fact. Fake claiming Miller as scum would be gimmicky imo, and I've said this many times, and I don't see Csarmi going for that kind of move.


Well I don't doubt Csarmi's miller claim. Miller is basically a role that is of not much use for town-so Csarmi wouldn't pull a stunt so. I like Ithi's case on Thane. He does look suspicious.


One thing though I don't like is that thing when Des saying that Thane is will induce wifom. Csarmi is pretty much confirmed Miller, so I don't see what wifom or confusion it would induce. I can follow Ithi when she says that Thane throws a doubt on the validity of the claim but where would wifom come? Other than people unfamiliar with a Miller-I don't see how.

Des if you could clarify?


Turin already pointed this out, but yeah Csarmi aint even close to being confirmed Miller in any way. Major FOS for potential TMI slip



I got a light town read on Tsuki for his off the cuff reads in his first post, seemed too casual to come from scum!Tsuki.


Chael otoh can go in the scum pile with Thane.

His off the cuff reads, really? His first post was that he was the first one to walk into Baker Street. His second one was where he IMO soft fossed Chaelcea for her word usage. At the bottom of the post he said that, Ithi came guns blazing, You were you, I was unknown and it was too early for Dice. Those were his 'reads'. How something can be read into, I don't get. Those were just a portrayal of what happened so far. How? 



They were off the cuff in that he gave quick casual description of what he had seen thus far, that kind of casual reaction early in a game is more difficult for scum to fake. His recent aggression also gives me town vibes (including his scum read of you)



BTW, soft defense of Chels noted.


I never understand why on day one people wanna defend all over the place, rather than attack.

Like you said its day one, we are one page 5. I think it's way to early to read into things



The 'ol "it's too early to start scumhunting" trap that newbscum fall into so often, lol



[V] X [/v]

How is csarmi confirmed miller?

Why would you claim miller? Miller is a negative role-one that could be lynched or killed very easily. Miller is a role that causes confusion, so it's lynched early to avoid it. Why would you claim a role that is so-that is why I believe him. And I've seen CS play, I don't think he's the type to pull that kind of stunt.



This doesn't in any way explain how he could be confirmed, you explaining why you believe his claim is a far cry from saying he's confirmed. Not buying it.


Lock clear is garbage.




I dunno.

Tsuki has a big go at X.

Turin comes in with some half assed parrotting.

Votes X

And X is cool with that?


Whoa whoa hold the phone- Ithi is suspecting Turin at the start of a game?




I haven't played BT mafia in a while, has this become a common occurrence recently or something?


Tsuki has something to go on whereas I don't see where Turin is getting at. I don't see what he is standing on. I already gave my reasoning against Tsuki. I don't really see much for this to go on.


This completely proves the point Ithi was making- that you didn't immediately question Turin's motives for voting you... yet you immediately respond and make it seem like you're half-fosing him or something. Reacting to something far after the fact because someone points out your lack of a reaction is incredibly scummy.



So, i'm here and will comment a bit:
Yes Ithi, i was at work, i have notifications but no DM access.
someone missed me joking, so here it is: Dammit Csarmi, you ruined my groove and now i can't claim Miller anymore! *shakefist*
And, i am not scum, i haven't even been provided with a PR... i'm a plain townie. So much for Role madness.... or they got afraid i might vig townies again like in my last game (whoa, another joke!) I do believe Role madness here would indicate at least one JOAT on each side, mafia definately with a GF, and one (perhaps 2) third party/parties.
I love the attention, but for scum we need to look elsewhere.... i have a crazy theory, but i'll need to investigate that before i put it out. I do think however that one of the lurkers (at least one) is scum hiding for the moment. eeny meeny miny mo... random guess Tina, but i could be wrong... it's still D1 and we need some of the lurkers to post here to get some reads.
My view on the X-files: i think X would be more worried if his train got bigger. What i see here is townies going after eachother, no real mafia in there...
Ithi is town, from what i can tell. So are the people 'defending' me, from my pov.
and now, seeing i hurt my back last weekend, i will go to bed soon



I was getting close to switching my vote to X before this post. Just all kinds of scumminess in this post, where do I start.


Claim is WAY too early, and extremely obscure and vague, accompanied with a bunch of setup talk.


MAJOR fake scumhunting alert with the whole "I have a crazy theory..."


Another obvious fake scumhunting by just saying there's prob a scum lurking.... like duh obviously. Pretty much every game EVER has had at least one scummer lurking or coasting a bit. You're basically just picking a name out of a hat, made worse by the fact that you don't actually point out why anyone looks scummy whatsoever and in fact call a bunch of people town


Overuse of ellipses indicating Thane was struggling to lay out his thoughts naturally


Soft, non-committal wording (ex "but I could be wrong")


Awkward wording - "I love the attention, but for scum we need to look elsewhere..."


Nope. I don't wanna vote because the game has gone on less than 24 hours.


I'm only at him cause he's on... if you want to dance the May Pole too, we can.


You come in, drilling at Thane when you have concrete experience that what you are pointing out just happens to be his town style. Why is that?


I think you're town this game, but fyi the whole "No voting for first 24 hours" thing is moronic



Oh man! This escalated quickly.

Csarmageddon has a habit of claiming early so it's nothing for me. I believe him.


All the people saying CSarmi usually does this or always does that are doing my head in.

It's because of the alleged role.

The Little Book of Darthe says claim Town Miller straight awa - this is beneficial as we can Lynch him if things get dicey and results are less likely to be mucked up.

Also if Town Miller claims it stops Mafia claiming Miller later.


^. What she said.

@Csarmi - playing from work, I'll try to flesh out my reads on lunch.

@Tsuki - lol! I want that!!

I see no way how the first two bolded statements result in the third bolded statement.


The first says I believe him cause he does this all the time. Ithi says, anyone that says " I believe him cause he does this all the time" is not doing it right. Hallia replies "This".

Inconsistancy overload. 


Also, did the reads ever develop?



Good catch. Turin looks town to me this game, partially due to his catch on X and the WIM illustrated in the case afterwards, partially because he is bringing me up every few posts, but not tunneling me. So still somewhat preoccupied with me, and not shying away from me, but not trying to lay down any scummy narrative that I can see so far


so, yeah, i'm calling BS on Ithi's reasoning. Says she plays every game as every game, i keep getting the same crap from her and it's annoying me. I'm always read as scum by a lot of people, it's my playstyle and she knows it. Last game, Ithi called me scum, i was lynched D1 (with selfvote) and flipped... town. Wow, what a surprise.


Ithi: tunnelvision, BS reasoning, likely scum. If you're town, go hunt for real and not lynch another townie again. 


Hence, Des: follows Ithi easily, no investigation of his own = possible scum


And Len, waiting to hammer, Possible scum too. 


I'll go play in my other current game, it's more fun than this one.


Another turrible post from Thane. Calls BS on Ithi's reasoning... then actually backs it up by showing she was wrong in another game, yet she isn't trying to use meta this game (exactly like she said she plays). Then says the BS reasoning he didn't point out and her tunnelvision makes her likely scum, even tho it's widely known that Ithi's meta is be a British Bulldog that clamps down and doesn't leggo. Says I'm not investigating... which is poopy. I've done more in my short time playing this game than follow Ithi, tyvm.


The part about Lenlo is worst tho. Waiting to hammer? When you have like 2-3 votes? Bleurgh.


Actually no, the worst part is the AtE at the end, that's def vomit inducing. My vote stays.


Csarmi - I'll give you tone reads on everyone tonight when I get off work.  You guys are all active in the middle of the night for me. :laugh:  So in about 11 hours, I will have those reads out.   The main tone that sticks out for me personally is Ithi.  While what she's said has made sense, her tone is completely off.  Town Ithi isn't usually sarcastic to the point of being harsh.  Say what you will, but that sticks out to me the most.



I'll go through for everyone else tonight.




I find Ithi's tone to be completely normal so far- she's known for being an aggressive mafia player and good at leading, and often uses somewhat scathing or harsh tone to help lead others to her cause. This read looks fabricated as hell


So slow voting activity is pretty lame. I hope people don't actually think Tsuki's 24hr voting ban is a good idea or something, that's a terrible way to play mafia. We need people getting their thoughts and VOTES out there sooner than later, to keep from having to do a last minute rushed lynch at EOD.


Top scum reads atm are Thane, X, and Hallia. Also expected more from both Tina and Mynd to start this game, hopefully they pick it up soon.


Right now my LOCK CLEAR crew is myself, Tsuki, Ithi, and Turin. If I'm right about both Ithi and Turin being town, this game should be a town steamroll victory!




What else... eh can't think of anything. Kinda sleepy tho, hopefully I'll have more to offer later tonight at work. Laters


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