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IWW 2012 - Woman of the Tower Award


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Friends, countrymen, visitors and stowaways!


After much consideration, deliberation, procrastination, and all kinds of other nations, the dice is cast, the wheel has turned, the age has come and gone.


Names were given, interviews were taken, nominationas written and votes were cast.


During this year's International Women's Week, organised by the Red Ajah as per yearly tradition, the Tower members put forth their nominations for the woman that they felt most deserving of this most prestigious of awards. A woman that embodied all that the Tower stands for and breaths it's values and virtues with every breath. A woman of surpassing Sedaihood or Gaidinness.


Ladies, Gentlemen, Pets and Slaves, I give you the nominees for this year's award:



Charis Sedai, Head of the Green Ajah.


Elgee Sedai, Amyrlin Seat


Ithillian Sedai, Sitter of the Blue Ajah


Jennifer, Uber Admin of Dragonmount and former Amyrlin Seat


Mirshann Sedai, Keeper of the Chronicles and Head of the Gray Ajah


Mystica Sedai, Head of the Red Ajah


Torrie, First Sitter of the Red Ajah



All of these women have been nominated by various members of the Tower who each put down their best effort to see their nominee through to the end. The write-ups were astonishing, interesting, inlightening and surprising and the judges took their time to go through each of them in detail before casting their vote.


Congratulations to all the nominated ladies. You are a credit to the Tower and it hasn't gone unnoticed!




But in the end, there can be only one. And what a one it is.


Please join me in congratulating the first to win the Woman of the Tower award:




Mother Elgee, Amyrlin Seat!



Congratulations sister-mine! There's none more deserving and so say all of us! Accept this small token of our appreciation and never forget how much your work and your dedication is appreciated. :biggrin:




code: http://i287.photobuc...theTowerSig.gif


Wild, don't you have a button that says 'show' above the spoiler box? Next to the word 'spoiler'? If you click that, the box should open.


ok, well..... I guess the surprise is out now anyway. I took down the spoiler box. I dunno why you two couldn't see it, best ask someone up in the help board or something.


Thank you very much for this honour! I hope people realise that nothing would get done around here without the rest of the staff, though, so thank you to Mirsh, Ty, Snarly, Ed, Dar, Raena, Charis & Charis, Myst, Tigs, and their staff.


Thank you very much for this honour! I hope people realise that nothing would get done around here without the rest of the staff, though, so thank you to Mirsh, Ty, Snarly, Ed, Dar, Raena, Charis & Charis, Myst, Tigs, and their staff.


Whoooooooo! We gots a shout out! :biggrin:



Well deserved, koeksuster :biggrin:


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