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Mistborn Mafia: The Hemalurgic Spike


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Because we needed to get two kills. As it happened, I got roleblocked by Meesh, but we thought you were a safe pick. We knew Wombat and Meesh had some powers, and dared not try them again. Let alone that Meesh might prove useful alive. Killing Wombat had failed the previous night. The thought was there was an off chance Wombat might protect someone else aside from himself, and that might be most probably Mynd. So it was you and Sakaea we intended to kill. We didn't care about who we killed as long as we'd get both kills through. Oh it seems unlikely that the inactives had had great powers, and I had viewed Sakaea to know she had non left.


Very different from the previous night when we sought to spare the inactives, and didn't know Wombat had a protective ability.


Great game, Locke. It will be interesting to see the night actions. I didn't think mafia would make it. Congratulations.


why did u kill me?


We really thought perhaps one of the replacements had an ability that could make the difference. Since Mynd was bing more flamboyant you were the one to pick first. The scene was funny too. Yay I'm alive again, crap I'm dead again.


Only sideways? I was thinking up. Or maybe diagonal. Possibly in some 10th direction that passes through time and space.


Don't go all string theory on me. And besides, he'd been dropping hints that this was coming, it's just that you don't see them until the third time around.


I think it kind of just went in a spiral, however it felt like. And those books are good enough that you do actually go through them for a third time.


Wooh, sorry folks. Had some visitations with relatives over the weekend. (Not that I rigged the game so it would end early or anything.....)


Anyway, thank you all very much for playing and providing a rather intense ending. I hope you enjoyed the setup. :)


I'll do roles, points, etc. tomorrow, but for now, here are the QTs:





Solos (I'm still embarrassed about that terrible board name.)




bahahaha!!! I find it hilarious Dap thought Mynd was coaching me, the truth was I was learning by playing but I was still on my first game so trying to use the newb card :P


I saw that the mafia wanted the feruchemic zinc - which was my finder power. Considering that the mafia were probably going to try spiking that, it's probably better it died with me.


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