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FoF: Do you remember when ...


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Do you remember when?
Do it like you did back then
And then we'll do it again
Do you remember when?

Reminiscing and more on what we had before
Makes me feel so warm inside

said Tony Braxton


So I'm sure as you can gather, this thread is about reminiscing and catching up with old friends. Just like at any reunion, people are going to go "oh do you remember when... !"

This place is even better, because you can mostly find the evidence 😁

And if you can't find what you remember and post a link here, ask me - maybe I can!


Please all get your party clothes on, come in, grab something to drink and eat and start the trip down memory lane.





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I did not remember.  One of my many returns.  I probably got too involved and left again.  Though I have LOTS of fond memories.  I'm not sure how many people will remember Sathanar's ICQ mass messages he'd start.  


My computer was so old that Art Guy Joe who wasn't that at the time Josef al'March 🙂 he made a 3D rendering of my Stone age computer (made out of literal stone).  But back to the messages... My computer was so old that it would take 5 minutes for the messages to appear on the screen so I'm typing blind and then hit enter and send gibberish to chat.  (Hands were a key off)


And Sath's SG raid on the White Tower.  That was my first RP experience ever and I didn't even write it Ben did.  I wish those old old thread still existed.  Some really great stories there.

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I remember the Aiel Raid.  Mandien (leader of the Aiel) stole the MaA 'chair' as his clan chief throne.  (Don't remember if I was MaA or Ben still was)  There was a goat raid.


These were on the ez-boards and I fondly remember the green leather background and gold lettering.  Based off of the Warder website I'd made at the time.  I shudder to think of my old designs!

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1 minute ago, Elgee said:

@Matalina hey, don't dis yourself! Most of us couldn't come close to you on a bad day with blinders on and your hands tied behind your back 😛

It wasn't intended as a dis.  Just the design patterns or rather the lack there of is horrible.  It's like looking back at my old writing.  I'm always like that sucks royal.  I can do better!  But at least it's not flashing and blinking.  I do wish I had all those old designs.  But I either can't get on to the zip drive they are on, or I lost them long long ago.

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1 minute ago, HeroAndros said:

I mean other than crashing the servers? Matter of fact I'm fairly certain the BT by itself practically killed DM a time or two.


LoL you too? Del managed to crash the servers with her incredibly large rotating sigs, which she made for a few of us 😅

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1 minute ago, Elgee said:


LoL you too? Del managed to crash the servers with her incredibly large rotating sigs, which she made for a few of us 😅

At least Ikept my sigs small. I will also neither confirm nor deny that there were a few raids that set out specifically to crash DM, especially after their big move all those years ago.

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Burn it! No, no, they are all gone. I'm a changed Aes Sedai. Yes, gone. Like, not in anyway stashed in my Closet©. Definitely none left. Not even pickled ones that were pickled in vinegar, sugar and chili flakes and simmered on the stove for 24 hours and 93 minutes, then bottled and stored in the... no, none were stored. None of that at all. AT ALL.

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OMG I remember some of the oldies. I've been around since 2006 i believe. 


*hugglestackle @Wayward_fool* Hello dear bonded! How are you doing? Haven't seen you in ages.


@HeroAndros its been a while since you've been on here. Long time no see. @Matalina I don't really remember you lol. I'm sorry. 

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I don't think I was around much in 2006.  I had my first kid end of 2005 pretty sure if I was I was just doing tech and rp stuff.


I've been in and out of Dm since Jan of 1999. Might be 98.... The months after founding of Dm is I recall

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4 hours ago, Cairos said:

OMG I remember some of the oldies. I've been around since 2006 i believe. 


I'm sure you were already around when I joined in 2006, but DM just shows everyone who was a member when we moved to the 2006 version of DM, as joining then.

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