I think Samt has a good point. There is a limitation in the coins, or even a bond, that only gives a general direction but perhaps there is some way to better track those locations.
The gateways are stationary things, and I believe it was even mentioned in the books that trying to make one on like a boat is just bad news.
Further you have the fact that only one known channeler is able to adjust the size of the gateways, and while perhaps this is a Talent that develops further in the 4th age so that others could at the last we knew creating something that small is very restricted.
However I could see something like a public Gateway phone booth. You could have a few Kin, retired Aes Sedai, or even Asha'man, take up residence in an area and offer the ability not only to contact people in other towns but even provide the ability to Travel there. Since they are only loosely affialiated with the Towers there shouldn't be too much issue charging a small fee to do so.
It folds nicely in with the eyes and ears networks, and keeps all of the Channelers far more aware of what is actually going on in the world outside of the major cities.