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An Apology

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During the week of the Cuen Game Show event I took an unscheduled leave of absence, and abandoned a thread I was to help run. I would like to apologize for doing so, and also speak a little as to why it happened.


I do my best to keep separate my social life (in this case, Dragonmount) from my personal life. I don't expect people to have to put up with my problems, nor do I seek to burden them. Usually I can manage the issues as they come up. The Cuen event, however, had an unexpected combination of things that left me unable to do so. Without going into too many details, I had to help my girlfriend work through a traumatic event she witnessed; console my mother when she learned one of her former students had been killed; make emergency repairs to my house after a bout of storms; stay strong when my girlfriend's trauma turned into a deep depression; and also be present for legal proceedings that were sprung on my family. This all occurred within a 36-hour period. I am not trying to make excuses, I am simply stating facts.


The way in which I disappeared was inexcusable. To everyone involved in the Cuen event, but especially to Kronos and Cross who were both counting on me, I am very sorry. It was not my intent to make things more difficult, but that is what happened regardless. When everything clears up, when I am not in a state of legal and personal limbo, I will do whatever is necessary to make amends.


Again, I am sorry to everyone I have let down.


James, don't stress about DM. We believe here that meatspace comes first, and DM is a place where you come to relax. *snuggles*


First and foremost, I hope everyone is alright! That sounds like it was rough on pretty much everyone around you. Good on you for being where you were needed and supporting your loved ones, you're a real stand-up guy.


Second, we all 110% understand that life comes first. I wish I got to prioritize DM over everything else, but then I would starve to death and lose all my possession as they took back my house and everything in it lol. No one here will ever be upset when real life stuff takes priority, as we have all been there a time or two.


Third, we are all here for you if you need any moral support, I hope you feel like you can talk to at least some of us when you're having a hard time. Some of my very best friends who I go to for everything are from this site.


Sorry that so much fell on your shoulders all at once. You and your loved ones are in my prayers. I hope things improve for all concerned. RL comes first. I know I've only been on DM a short amount of time, but have found many folks who have gone out of their way with kindness, understanding, and generosity. This is an incredible site to be a part of. Know that there are those here who will be supportive of you you. Good luck with coping with everything, and know we are here if you need us.


James, stuff happens sometimes. We are all very familiar with that. Sometimes a lot of stuff happens at once. It sounds like you've had more than your fair share lately!  Please know that we understand. I, for one (and I'm sure I can speak for others) appreciate you taking the time to post this. It speaks a lot to your integrity.   :wub:


James, sometimes horrible life happens. Don't stress. We want to be here for you and DM threads can wait.

  • Club Leader

Everyone is right. You did the right thing, putting family first. Don't worry about us. We're here to support you if you need it. 


Don't worry James !

Take all the time you need, and I hope all will get better for you and yours :)


James we appreciate you're presence here. *hugs* As everyone else said it's all good. We're happy to have you when you can be here. I know personally you're wit and humor have helped me. If there's ever anything you need don't hesitate to ask.

  • Member

dude no worries, its just a game. honestly i was more concerned that you were ok than anything else. hope things are settling down for you, and really use this place as a refuge if you need it. we all do from time to time


It's absolutely perfectly ok. I've vanished a few times. Once for over a year. Real life always comes first, even when you'd rather it didn't - because it's horrible. DM is like a favourite book. You put it down whenever you need to and it's still there when you return. I felt awkward and unsure when I came back but DM is always forgiving and welcoming.


I'm really sorry about everything you're having to deal with. I hope things get better :)


Thank you all, so very much. It really does help, knowing that it's not a solitary fight in which I find myself. The majority of issues have (thankfully) been resolved now; the last big hurdle was cleared yesterday with a trip to a courthouse and a stern ruling. All in favor, thankfully, all things have worked toward the positive. It has been and continues to be a draining time, but it's getting better.


I don't have words to describe, I can't say enough, how much thanks I have for the support here. Hopefully I can get back to a semblance of my old activity levels and catch up on the giant backlog of posting. If I had a way of doing it, I would make five dozen pies for everyone to enjoy. Or quiches, or pasta, or peanut butter or something. I can't give back enough.


And I will have all of you know that y'all brought me to blubbering tears at work, thank goodness I was alone when I was reading everything.


Awwwwwww!!! *hugs James tight*


I'm so glad things are going better for you, hon. Hopefully it will continue to do so!


What ??!?


There's a xmas card list ? O.O




Well... Some people won't receive Easter cards this year then ....


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