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The Ultimate Mafia Showdown - Town Wins


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Okay Len, WoT. So we as people not privy to what is going on in the QT only have Len's word that he is Titania from Midsummer Night's Dream. Not sure what I think about that. Thanks for the info however.


Rand now what do you think about Len and Time? Are you ready to vote?


Maw, what are you talking about? She asked the MOD for what she was allowed to say in order to not be ModKilled. I think you may be confused.


Again, can we all come on and vote? It is getting close to 24 hours to deadline with our two main trains both claiming neighbors. Do we lynch one to confirm or is there another way we want to go? I am still not sure of Len but I also think that Rand has been exhibiting some anti-town behavior here of late.

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I don't know what anti-town behavior you are talking about, and no I am not sure on Len and Time.  I usually don't like the idea of lynching town and seeing if someone else is because this is not a sure confirmation.  One could be town, and one could be mafia so if we got the town, we would assume the other as confirmed while they would be mafia.  So no confirmation would happen.  So I think we should abandon those trains unless you don't believe them or think you know which one is mafia.  I haven't heard enough agreement on the redoubler so I will hold off on that.  So if you really want me to place a vote, it would be on Ithi right now, however, that would be only on gut, no casing involved, can't really say why, but more for her recent play.

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I've asked Darthe if I'm allowed to post the proof you all apparently need...

The hell? You're asking the person under scrutiny whether you should give information to the town?


She's asking Darthe, isn't he the mod?

Imma go... Sleep... Or something... For several days... Just ignore me...



As of now, the names Darthe, Lenlo, and Dap are interchangeable. They are all facets of the same consciousness.

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I've asked Darthe if I'm allowed to post the proof you all apparently need...

The hell? You're asking the person under scrutiny whether you should give information to the town?


She's asking Darthe, isn't he the mod?

Imma go... Sleep... Or something... For several days... Just ignore me...



As of now, the names Darthe, Lenlo, and Dap are interchangeable. They are all facets of the same consciousness.

Awesome. Does this mean I no longer have 5-6 people voting me? Sweet. Lets lynch the mod.

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Ok first of all.




you're not side stepping this Basel. why did you purposefully exaggerate the size of my post?

A man, exaggerating the size of something? Inconceivable!

I was definitely thinking of something else when I read this. :P


Second of all, I don't remember anyone in Midsummer's Night Dream named Titania, who is he/she?


Third of all, it seems that my games with mafia neighborizers have confused people.  Those were my games, me as mod, do not apply the same things here.  A lot of times neighborizers are town with the ability to recruit others.  However, this brings us to the


Fourth, the wording of them being neighbors, not masons, scares me a bit.  If they are not able to recruit, why call them neighbors, not masons.  This makes me sure that one of them is town, and the other mafia. The question to me, which one?  I am much more questionable of Titania, since everyone seems to think that Vin is definitely good.


Fifth, Ithi's random capitol case sentences stuck out to me.  I mean how do you accidentally put capital letters in while typing on a phone?????  Its hard enough to put one in where its supposed to go.  I seriously want some clarification on that.


Sixth, thank you Turin for pointing out that clarification in the redoubler role.  I think there's an easy enough way to test this out, but it requires activity.  However, I disagree with your alignment choice on that one.  I am not sure that a redoubler would be a mafia role necessarily since it could also be a town role, maybe someone who's getting lynched, and as a sort of revenge would be able to have more voting power for themselves.  I am really unsure about this, so I will wait.  I think this would be a good idea for town to vote on.  If we decide to try and find it, we will only need 3 people to do a quick scan of all people.  2 votes on a person, make that person vote anyone not near a lynch until a VC so we can see if there vote counts more.  Fairly quick process and using the process of elimination, we could easily find the redoubler.


So I leave my vote off right now, not knowing if I want to help find the redoubler, need clarification on the neighbors, or go for Ithi based on her weirdness this game.  Almost seems like a possible symp to me.

1.) leads with a joke. look at me I'm a jovial happy townie.

2:) If you hadn't herd of the character wouldn't the first thing to do be to look it up somewhere. It was not hard to find. 

3.) I don't think that anyone said they could recruit. You have modded games and know the differences between mason and neighbors and those that can recruit and those that can not.  

4.) You know that there is a reason to have the mod NOT confirm them as town. BG also already pointed it out. your apparently feigned ignorance here is troubling. I can't find a town reason for it. your insistence that one is definitely town and the other definitely mafia looks like an attempt to paint both of them as mafia.

5.) The phone thing was already explained. So you are either skimming or did not believe me. 

6.) Your welcome.

7.) Oh no! I don't know who to vote for.



I have a blackberry phone. When you hold the keys down slightly longer than normal it capitalises letters. When I am very tired I type slower, hold the keys down too long and get random letters in capitals, which I can't be bothered to fix because usually my eyes are barely open. That post was at 6.30 am after staying up late the night before, but I needed to get the game going again so just replied.


I have a definite witness that this happens when I am tired lol. And this has already been explained before. Is strange you feel it necessary to mention again. Is that really all you have?


No, now that I have an explanation, I am fine.  For some reason, I thought you had an iPhone, which is really weird because you have to press a completely different key to make it capitalized.  Thats all good then.




>I've asked Darthe if I'm allowed to post the proof you all apparently need...


Call me naive, but these lines usually give me a town read.  However, that can change when I see the result, but I think I currently have my vote on Time, so I shall unvote


Now the phone thing is suddenly clear. Everything is "all good".

Oh I just realized I am voting. EJECT!!!


The first line of text mixed in the quote for me when I saw that and SlEePy looked like SIEePy to me (capital I instead of lowercase l) which made me confused and I just thought it was spam)


Now I remember Titania, I don't remember her as good, didn't she fall in love with Nick the donkey because of Puck?  What "good" thing did she ever do?


I also see Lenlo as a bit naive due to him believing her, unless there really is a reason like Time says.


ANd I still need more input on the finding the redoubler to see where I should vote

1.) okaaaaaay :rolleyes:

2.) Oh Now I remember her, but I think she was really bad. I still haven't bothered to look tho because that doesn't help my case.

3.) it is okay for you to believe her based on one statement but not for him to believe her with all the discussions they have shared on their QT?

4.) Now that I don't have a vote on I am sooooo confused about who to vote for.



But I actually said in the posts themselves I had a Blackberry. And it was further explained later on - again mentioning Blackberry.


Which part of Blackberry for you = iPhone?


The stupid part of me.




>Awful quick to unvote there Rand. Nervous?


No, just remembered I had a vote, and in my previous post I was trying to keep away from any votes because I wanted opinions on some of my ideas.  Therefore logical step = unvote.


attempting to wave hand and state "I am not the mafia you are looking for"


I don't know what anti-town behavior you are talking about, and no I am not sure on Len and Time.  I usually don't like the idea of lynching town and seeing if someone else is because this is not a sure confirmation.  One could be town, and one could be mafia so if we got the town, we would assume the other as confirmed while they would be mafia.  So no confirmation would happen.  So I think we should abandon those trains unless you don't believe them or think you know which one is mafia.  I haven't heard enough agreement on the redoubler so I will hold off on that.  So if you really want me to place a vote, it would be on Ithi right now, however, that would be only on gut, no casing involved, can't really say why, but more for her recent play.

Look above for anti town behaviors. If you think one of them is town then by all means do not vote them. At the present I am more convinced of Time's claim than Lenlo's. Vin is a more well known character on this site due to Snaderson's writing than Titania IMO. I had to look her up but I am not that big into Shakespeare.

Now you seem to have regained your grasp of what makes Neighbors difficult. Since they aren't both claiming to be mod confirmed as Town their alignment must be measured just like anyone else's. on their individual believability. earlier you stated that you were led to believe that one was mafia and one town. Why not keep after them and try to find out which is which. I have my vote on Len at the moment as the questions on him are greater than those on WoT. Again this is my opinion but I am willing to vote based upon it. 


Want to vote Ithi, for no reason. Go ahead. then we can test YOU. The only thing you had mentioned is the "phone thing" and above you said it is "all good".  Maybe like Len you just want her lynched? interesting... Who else wants her lynched without giving a real reason?(or saying much except that he wouldn't be saying much) Oh yes Tiinker. I shall keep that in my notes.  You are not running in good compamy. You also can't seem to bring yourself to stick to one story. Therefore...


unvote, vote Rand


And now I am off to bed. Driving in the morning.

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Ok first of all.




you're not side stepping this Basel. why did you purposefully exaggerate the size of my post?

A man, exaggerating the size of something? Inconceivable!

I was definitely thinking of something else when I read this. :P


Second of all, I don't remember anyone in Midsummer's Night Dream named Titania, who is he/she?


Third of all, it seems that my games with mafia neighborizers have confused people.  Those were my games, me as mod, do not apply the same things here.  A lot of times neighborizers are town with the ability to recruit others.  However, this brings us to the


Fourth, the wording of them being neighbors, not masons, scares me a bit.  If they are not able to recruit, why call them neighbors, not masons.  This makes me sure that one of them is town, and the other mafia. The question to me, which one?  I am much more questionable of Titania, since everyone seems to think that Vin is definitely good.


Fifth, Ithi's random capitol case sentences stuck out to me.  I mean how do you accidentally put capital letters in while typing on a phone?????  Its hard enough to put one in where its supposed to go.  I seriously want some clarification on that.


Sixth, thank you Turin for pointing out that clarification in the redoubler role.  I think there's an easy enough way to test this out, but it requires activity.  However, I disagree with your alignment choice on that one.  I am not sure that a redoubler would be a mafia role necessarily since it could also be a town role, maybe someone who's getting lynched, and as a sort of revenge would be able to have more voting power for themselves.  I am really unsure about this, so I will wait.  I think this would be a good idea for town to vote on.  If we decide to try and find it, we will only need 3 people to do a quick scan of all people.  2 votes on a person, make that person vote anyone not near a lynch until a VC so we can see if there vote counts more.  Fairly quick process and using the process of elimination, we could easily find the redoubler.


So I leave my vote off right now, not knowing if I want to help find the redoubler, need clarification on the neighbors, or go for Ithi based on her weirdness this game.  Almost seems like a possible symp to me.

1.) leads with a joke. look at me I'm a jovial happy townie. - I saw it and I commented, don't see how this is really important

2:) If you hadn't herd of the character wouldn't the first thing to do be to look it up somewhere. It was not hard to find. - I just had done a quick read and I had to continue doing one for my next game, I just asked the questions I had

3.) I don't think that anyone said they could recruit. You have modded games and know the differences between mason and neighbors and those that can recruit and those that can not.  - In my next point I specifically said neighbors, I was talking about the neighborizers in my game

4.) You know that there is a reason to have the mod NOT confirm them as town. BG also already pointed it out. your apparently feigned ignorance here is troubling. I can't find a town reason for it. your insistence that one is definitely town and the other definitely mafia looks like an attempt to paint both of them as mafia. - From my standpoint, if they were both town, and if they couldn't recruit, I didn't see a point of making them neighborizers.  For me, it just automatically becomes masons then, just for naming conventions.  But I see what could be done.   However, how does this paint both of them as mafia?  I never said anything like that, I said one, exactly.

5.) The phone thing was already explained. So you are either skimming or did not believe me.  - I already said, it blended into the quotes above.

6.) Your welcome. - Thank you again.

7.) Oh no! I don't know who to vote for. - Oh no!  I actually want to reach a good decision between multiple choices I have displayed for town to take instead of placing a vote and then changing anyway.  The horror!


I have a blackberry phone. When you hold the keys down slightly longer than normal it capitalises letters. When I am very tired I type slower, hold the keys down too long and get random letters in capitals, which I can't be bothered to fix because usually my eyes are barely open. That post was at 6.30 am after staying up late the night before, but I needed to get the game going again so just replied.


I have a definite witness that this happens when I am tired lol. And this has already been explained before. Is strange you feel it necessary to mention again. Is that really all you have?


No, now that I have an explanation, I am fine.  For some reason, I thought you had an iPhone, which is really weird because you have to press a completely different key to make it capitalized.  Thats all good then.




>>I've asked Darthe if I'm allowed to post the proof you all apparently need...


Call me naive, but these lines usually give me a town read.  However, that can change when I see the result, but I think I currently have my vote on Time, so I shall unvote


Now the phone thing is suddenly clear. Everything is "all good". - Yeah, because Ithi explained it.  Before, there was no explanation so it was "not good".

Oh I just realized I am voting. EJECT!!! - Oh you caught me.  I forgot I had a vote on someone between 3 games and a day-long tournament. :rollseyes:


The first line of text mixed in the quote for me when I saw that and SlEePy looked like SIEePy to me (capital I instead of lowercase l) which made me confused and I just thought it was spam)


Now I remember Titania, I don't remember her as good, didn't she fall in love with Nick the donkey because of Puck?  What "good" thing did she ever do?


I also see Lenlo as a bit naive due to him believing her, unless there really is a reason like Time says.


ANd I still need more input on the finding the redoubler to see where I should vote

1.) okaaaaaay :rolleyes: - I confused two lines, not really that hard a mistake to make.

2.) Oh Now I remember her, but I think she was really bad. I still haven't bothered to look tho because that doesn't help my case. - Well, if I don't remember her from a book I have read, then chances are she isn't too major a character in that book, and that means that this might be a fake claim.  Important thing to note.

3.) it is okay for you to believe her based on one statement but not for him to believe her with all the discussions they have shared on their QT? - First of all, I never believed her.  I believed her more than Lenlo.  Second of all, I was mainly talking about believing her due to the role claim.

4.) Now that I don't have a vote on I am sooooo confused about who to vote for. - Again still not that much input on what people want to do.



But I actually said in the posts themselves I had a Blackberry. And it was further explained later on - again mentioning Blackberry.


Which part of Blackberry for you = iPhone?


The stupid part of me.




>>Awful quick to unvote there Rand. Nervous?


No, just remembered I had a vote, and in my previous post I was trying to keep away from any votes because I wanted opinions on some of my ideas.  Therefore logical step = unvote.


attempting to wave hand and state "I am not the mafia you are looking for" - yes, because that's what explaining your logic is


I don't know what anti-town behavior you are talking about, and no I am not sure on Len and Time.  I usually don't like the idea of lynching town and seeing if someone else is because this is not a sure confirmation.  One could be town, and one could be mafia so if we got the town, we would assume the other as confirmed while they would be mafia.  So no confirmation would happen.  So I think we should abandon those trains unless you don't believe them or think you know which one is mafia.  I haven't heard enough agreement on the redoubler so I will hold off on that.  So if you really want me to place a vote, it would be on Ithi right now, however, that would be only on gut, no casing involved, can't really say why, but more for her recent play.

Look above for anti town behaviors. If you think one of them is town then by all means do not vote them. At the present I am more convinced of Time's claim than Lenlo's. Vin is a more well known character on this site due to Snaderson's writing than Titania IMO. I had to look her up but I am not that big into Shakespeare.

Now you seem to have regained your grasp of what makes Neighbors difficult. Since they aren't both claiming to be mod confirmed as Town their alignment must be measured just like anyone else's. on their individual believability. earlier you stated that you were led to believe that one was mafia and one town. Why not keep after them and try to find out which is which. I have my vote on Len at the moment as the questions on him are greater than those on WoT. Again this is my opinion but I am willing to vote based upon it. 


Want to vote Ithi, for no reason. Go ahead. then we can test YOU. The only thing you had mentioned is the "phone thing" and above you said it is "all good".  Maybe like Len you just want her lynched? interesting... Who else wants her lynched without giving a real reason?(or saying much except that he wouldn't be saying much) Oh yes Tiinker. I shall keep that in my notes.  You are not running in good compamy. You also can't seem to bring yourself to stick to one story. Therefore... - Geez Turin, did you even read my post, first of all, I did not even vote her, because I knew the reason was flimsy.  I gave the reason I was NOT voting, because I had flimsy reasons.  Also, I said right there that Ithi was just a gut feeling with no case.  That's why I DIDN'T vote Ithi.  So basically your case is a bunch of words attempting to make me look like I am doing some scummy things and making me look like I vote people for no reason.  Nice try.  I see you do the same right here.  Still getting a town read on you, since no mafia would do something like this to get attention on this, but I literally do not understand what on earth you are thinking right now.


unvote, vote Rand


And now I am off to bed. Driving in the morning.


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Official Vote Count 10:


Lenlo (6/12):   Ithi, Hally, Ley, Niel, Maw, TG


WoT (5/12): Basel, Song, Rand, Tina, RTE


Ithi (2/12): Tiink, Len


Basel (1/12): Red


Rand (1/12): Turin



Not Voting (8/23):


 Mish, Smiley, Kaylee, WoT, Ruh, Dice, Chuckles, BG

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They rode on pale and sovereign winds, men and woman bursting through the night air like shadows from light come to reap the souls of the living.  Truly, the Architect thought them horrifying in a gleeful way.  As he watched an entire league of beasts was swept through like barley falling to the scythe, their meager defenses never noted as the wisps flew through.  It was all a very fascinating display.  What would they come up with next?  The Architect pressed a key on his chair and the screen flicked back to the game.  He would have to watch all night to get his DVR caught up to live time.  Luckily he had enough screens.  



The turret sat without complaint, awaiting the moment it would be called to do it's masters work.  

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The first line of text mixed in the quote for me when I saw that and SlEePy looked like SIEePy to me (capital I instead of lowercase l) which made me confused and I just thought it was spam)


Now I remember Titania, I don't remember her as good, didn't she fall in love with Nick the donkey because of Puck?  What "good" thing did she ever do?


I also see Lenlo as a bit naive due to him believing her, unless there really is a reason like Time says.


ANd I still need more input on the finding the redoubler to see where I should vote

Im naive because I questioned WoT in our QT and believe her to be town?


The point of neighbors if we are both town is to make us suspicious of the other because we cannot be 100% sure of the others alignment.


Ley, people have seen me do it. Basel, one of those with you asking for the case, admitted that I had previously posted it. It is just you being lazy and not looking back because others have obviously seen it. Infact I seem to remember you arguing the validity of the case and now here you are claiming I havnt made one? Scummy scummy.


Also the betting thing was a joke, ignore it. Basel said he would bet that I am scum, you quoted him and so I wanted to know what you were wagering so I could collect at the end of the game when I flip town. It had no gameplay in it.


You mean that quote from Red (If I remember correctly) that you had? It was not yours, plus it's FAR too weak. I won't call it a case, and certainly not YOUR case. And you still haven't posted where Ithi buddied up with Dap.



I've asked Darthe if I'm allowed to post the proof you all apparently need...

The hell? You're asking the person under scrutiny whether you should give information to the town?




I'm sorry, what part of that plan makes sense? You're either town or you're not. Lenlo is either town or he's not. If you think he's town, the best way you can help prove that he's town is by providing information which bears out that assumption. If you're mistaken, more information will help sort that out. Obfuscation only helps the mafia here, people.


In other news, do we have any other Neighbor pairings out there, or are Len and WoT the only one?


Maw, do you ALWAYS have such things in your mafia games or is it just that you should get a full week of sleep?


Also not sure about Rand now. To be honest both Turin and Rand gave good reasons. For now I hold my vote on Lenlo.

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lol @ Maw. I mix up people all the time. 


It´s only 19 hours until deadline. I think we need to settle this neighbour claim or it will be the focus tomorrow too.  I will switch my vote to Lenlo since I think that, if one of them is mafia, it would be easier for him to make a lie look believible to Time rather than the opposite. 


Unvote. Vote Lenlo

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I agree with Turin's case on Rand, specifically because of this one reply from Rand:



 Again still not that much input on what people want to do.

In response to Turin pointing out Rands hesistance in placing a vote. Why let the will of others inlfuence you in your voting?


vote Rand

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Len is starting to look like the train with more momentum than Time. I'm still comfortable with a Time lynch, but it's looking like it won't happen today. Len is worth testing, though. The neighbor claim still seems hard for me to buy into.


Unvote, vote Len

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Here are all of Rand's posts in this game so far. I've got them from my emails, so I'm not sure how the formatting will work - but I have tried to do it manual to keep it a little bit tidy.


RandA lThor has just posted a reply to a topic that you have subscribed to titled "The Ultimate Mafia Showdown - Day One, Casting Call.".


Wow, that's a lot of posts. OK I have town reads on Dap (I don't even know what makes you think he's scummy, but he hasn't done anything too unusual that seems mafia like. Ithi I also have a town read on, she's playing like she always does, the problem is that she plays like that when she's mafia too, but surprisingly, I feel like her day 1 cases are actually better when she is mafia. RTE explained himself enough, don't know why people are piling onto him. Time to me seemed like someone who saw a chance to misinterpret what RTE said and have that train take off, and then say that she was just testing reactions. One interesting I saw is that she didn't un vote her first post she said she was testing for reactions, but her second. This shows that she didn't want to take the vote off until she really had to. So my vote goes on vote Time

Follows onto vote on Time


RandA lThor has just posted a reply to a topic that you have subscribed to titled "The Ultimate Mafia Showdown - Day One, Casting Call.".


Yeah, I'm with Red on this one, I'm mainly familiar with Despo's and Red's WoT, didn't play with Mynd too much, and I think never with Lanth, but that was not a big WoT at all. The actual ones make me want to not read the next 5 pages because its so long. :P

Tags along with Red too



A lThor has just posted a reply to a topic that you have subscribed to titled "The Ultimate Mafia Showdown - Day One, Casting Call.".


DOn't have time to read too much, but wanted to point this out really quick. I got to page 16 where my comment about Ithi was brought up. I said that I think that she's town because her mafia cases on day 1 are usually better. Let me clarify. First of all, the reason I said that is because I don't agree with her case on Dap and think its bad, therefore I think she is town. Now I think she does that when town to gauge reactions to her case, but while she is mafia, she usually starts going her best case from the start.

Starts nudging 'Ithi might be Mafia' whilst at the same time saying 'But I think this means she is Town' Nice safety net there Rand.


RandA lThor has just posted a reply to a topic that you have subscribed to titled "The Ultimate Mafia Showdown - Day One, She Never Saw it Coming.".


Ok first of all.

Red said: you're not side stepping this Basel. why did you purposefully exaggerate the size of my post?

Ithi said: A man, exaggerating the size of something? Inconceivable!


I was definitely thinking of something else when I read this. :P

Second of all, I don't remember anyone in Midsummer's Night Dream named Titania, who is he/she?

Third of all, it seems that my games with mafia neighborizers have confused people. Those were my games, me as mod, do not apply the same things here. A lot of times neighborizers are town with the ability to recruit others. However, this brings us to the

Fourth, the wording of them being neighbors, not masons, scares me a bit. If they are not able to recruit, why call them neighbors, not masons. This makes me sure that one of them is town, and the other mafia. The question to me, which one? I am much more questionable of Titania, since everyone seems to think that Vin is definitely good.

Fifth, Ithi's random capitol case sentences stuck out to me. I mean how do you accidentally put capital letters in while typing on a phone????? Its hard enough to put one in where its supposed to go. I seriously want some clarification on that.

Sixth, thank you Turin for pointing out that clarification in the redoubler role. I think there's an easy enough way to test this out, but it requires activity. However, I disagree with your alignment choice on that one. I am not sure that a redoubler would be a mafia role necessarily since it could also be a town role, maybe someone who's getting lynched, and as a sort of revenge would be able to have more voting power for themselves. I am really unsure about this, so I will wait. I think this would be a good idea for town to vote on. If we decide to try and find it, we will only need 3 people to do a quick scan of all people. 2 votes on a person, make that person vote anyone not near a lynch until a VC so we can see if there vote counts more. Fairly quick process and using the process of elimination, we could easily find the redoubler.

So I leave my vote off right now, not knowing if I want to help find the redoubler, need clarification on the neighbors, or go for Ithi based on her weirdness this game. Almost seems like a possible symp to me.

Slips in another nudge that Ithi might be mafia - now says I'm a Symp and that I'm playing weird. Despite saying I was playing Town before. Says he has never heard of one of the main characters from A Midsummer's Night's Dream. Pokes about with regards to the Redoubler - Nudges nudges but no votes


RandA lThor has just posted a reply to a topic that you have subscribed to titled "The Ultimate Mafia Showdown - Day One, She Never Saw it Coming.".



Ithi said: I have a blackberry phone. When you hold the keys down slightly longer than normal it capitalises letters. When I am very tired I type slower, hold the keys down too long and get random letters in capitals, which I can't be bothered to fix because usually my eyes are barely open. That post was at 6.30 am after staying up late the night before, but I needed to get the game going again so just replied.


I have a definite witness that this happens when I am tired lol. And this has already been explained before. Is strange you feel it necessary to mention again. Is that really all you have?


No, now that I have an explanation, I am fine. For some reason, I thought you had an iPhone, which is really weird because you have to press a completely different key to make it capitalized. Thats all good then.


Explanations a plenty were made about my sleepy post - in fact my second sleepy post was an explanation and Turin also explained it. Apparently everything is good at this point.


WoT said: I've asked Darthe if I'm allowed to post the proof you all apparently need...


Call me naive, but these lines usually give me a town read. However, that can change when I see the result, but I think I currently have my vote on Time, so I shall unvote

An unvote without voting someone else ... interesting. I wonder what he will do next?


RandA lThor has just posted a reply to a topic that you have subscribed to titled "The Ultimate Mafia Showdown - Day One, She Never Saw it Coming.".


The first line of text mixed in the quote for me when I saw that and SlEePy looked like SIEePy to me (capital I instead of lowercase l) which made me confused and I just thought it was spam)

Now I remember Titania, I don't remember her as good, didn't she fall in love with Nick the donkey because of Puck? What "good" thing did she ever do?

I also see Lenlo as a bit naive due to him believing her, unless there really is a reason like Time says.

ANd I still need more input on the finding the redoubler to see where I should vote

Suddenly remembers Titania. It seems your years in education were not totally wasted then :wink: Now says that Len is naive with regards to WoT, but has himself just removed his vote on WoT - so why cast doubt on Len


RandA lThor has just posted a reply to a topic that you have subscribed to titled "The Ultimate Mafia Showdown - Day One, She Never Saw it Coming.".



Ithi Said: But I actually said in the posts themselves I had a Blackberry. And it was further explained later on - again mentioning Blackberry.


Which part of Blackberry for you = iPhone?


The stupid part of me.


Turin said: Awful quick to unvote there Rand. Nervous?


No, just remembered I had a vote, and in my previous post I was trying to keep away from any votes because I wanted opinions on some of my ideas. Therefore logical step = unvote.

Admits he has no case on me ... but don't worry - we will see some more of those nudges in a little while. Can't make a decision to vote all by himself? Why is that. Just vote for who you think is Mafia.


RandA lThor has just posted a reply to a topic that you have subscribed to titled "The Ultimate Mafia Showdown - Day One, She Never Saw it Coming.".


Umm... Maw????

Silly Maw - but Rand cannot resist pointing that out eh?



RandA lThor has just posted a reply to a topic that you have subscribed to titled "The Ultimate Mafia Showdown - Day One, She Never Saw it Coming.".


I don't know what anti-town behavior you are talking about, and no I am not sure on Len and Time. I usually don't like the idea of lynching town and seeing if someone else is because this is not a sure confirmation. One could be town, and one could be mafia so if we got the town, we would assume the other as confirmed while they would be mafia. So no confirmation would happen. So I think we should abandon those trains unless you don't believe them or think you know which one is mafia. I haven't heard enough agreement on the redoubler so I will hold off on that. So if you really want me to place a vote, it would be on Ithi right now, however, that would be only on gut, no casing involved, can't really say why, but more for her recent play.

How do you know that Lynching WoT or Len would result in a Town Lynch? They could both be LLL Mafias for all we know. Why do you want to find the redoubler so bad?


RandA lThor has just posted a reply to a topic that you have subscribed to titled "The Ultimate Mafia Showdown - Day One, She Never Saw it Coming.".



Red said: Ok first of all. you're not side stepping this Basel. why did you purposefully exaggerate the size of my post?


Ithi said: A man, exaggerating the size of something? Inconceivable!

I was definitely thinking of something else when I read this. :P

Second of all, I don't remember anyone in Midsummer's Night Dream named Titania, who is he/she?

Third of all, it seems that my games with mafia neighborizers have confused people. Those were my games, me as mod, do not apply the same things here. A lot of times neighborizers are town with the ability to recruit others. However, this brings us to the

Fourth, the wording of them being neighbors, not masons, scares me a bit. If they are not able to recruit, why call them neighbors, not masons. This makes me sure that one of them is town, and the other mafia. The question to me, which one? I am much more questionable of Titania, since everyone seems to think that Vin is definitely good.

Fifth, Ithi's random capitol case sentences stuck out to me. I mean how do you accidentally put capital letters in while typing on a phone????? Its hard enough to put one in where its supposed to go. I seriously want some clarification on that.

Sixth, thank you Turin for pointing out that clarification in the redoubler role. I think there's an easy enough way to test this out, but it requires activity. However, I disagree with your alignment choice on that one. I am not sure that a redoubler would be a mafia role necessarily since it could also be a town role, maybe someone who's getting lynched, and as a sort of revenge would be able to have more voting power for themselves. I am really unsure about this, so I will wait. I think this would be a good idea for town to vote on. If we decide to try and find it, we will only need 3 people to do a quick scan of all people. 2 votes on a person, make that person vote anyone not near a lynch until a VC so we can see if there vote counts more. Fairly quick process and using the process of elimination, we could easily find the redoubler.

So I leave my vote off right now, not knowing if I want to help find the redoubler, need clarification on the neighbors, or go for Ithi based on her weirdness this game. Almost seems like a possible symp to me.


The Bold Parts are Rand and the non Bold parts are Turin

1.) leads with a joke. look at me I'm a jovial happy townie. – I saw it and I commented, don't see how this is really important

2:) If you hadn't herd of the character wouldn't the first thing to do be to look it up somewhere. It was not hard to find. – I just had done a quick read and I had to continue doing one for my next game, I just asked the questions I had

3.) I don't think that anyone said they could recruit. You have modded games and know the differences between mason and neighbors and those that can recruit and those that can not. – In my next point I specifically said neighbors, I was talking about the neighborizers in my game

4.) You know that there is a reason to have the mod NOT confirm them as town. BG also already pointed it out. your apparently feigned ignorance here is troubling. I can't find a town reason for it. your insistence that one is definitely town and the other definitely mafia looks like an attempt to paint both of them as mafia. – From my standpoint, if they were both town, and if they couldn't recruit, I didn't see a point of making them neighborizers. For me, it just automatically becomes masons then, just for naming conventions. But I see what could be done. However, how does this paint both of them as mafia? I never said anything like that, I said one, exactly.

5.) The phone thing was already explained. So you are either skimming or did not believe me. – I already said, it blended into the quotes above.

6.) Your welcome. – Thank you again.

7.) Oh no! I don't know who to vote for. – Oh no! I actually want to reach a good decision between multiple choices I have displayed for town to take instead of placing a vote and then changing anyway. The horror!



Ithi said:I have a blackberry phone. When you hold the keys down slightly longer than normal it capitalises letters. When I am very tired I type slower, hold the keys down too long and get random letters in capitals, which I can't be bothered to fix because usually my eyes are barely open. That post was at 6.30 am after staying up late the night before, but I needed to get the game going again so just replied.


I have a definite witness that this happens when I am tired lol. And this has already been explained before. Is strange you feel it necessary to mention again. Is that really all you have?

No, now that I have an explanation, I am fine. For some reason, I thought you had an iPhone, which is really weird because you have to press a completely different key to make it capitalized. Thats all good then.

WoT said: >>I've asked Darthe if I'm allowed to post the proof you all apparently need...

Call me naive, but these lines usually give me a town read. However, that can change when I see the result, but I think I currently have my vote on Time, so I shall unvote

Now the phone thing is suddenly clear. Everything is "all good". – Yeah, because Ithi explained it. Before, there was no explanation so it was "not good".


Big big lie. There were at least two explanations. One from me and one from Turin.


Oh I just realized I am voting. EJECT!!! – Oh you caught me. I forgot I had a vote on someone between 3 games and a day-long tournament. :rollseyes:

Rand said: The first line of text mixed in the quote for me when I saw that and SlEePy looked like SIEePy to me (capital I instead of lowercase l) which made me confused and I just thought it was spam)

Now I remember Titania, I don't remember her as good, didn't she fall in love with Nick the donkey because of Puck? What "good" thing did she ever do?

I also see Lenlo as a bit naive due to him believing her, unless there really is a reason like Time says.

ANd I still need more input on the finding the redoubler to see where I should vote


1.) okaaaaaay :rolleyes: - I confused two lines, not really that hard a mistake to make.

2.) Oh Now I remember her, but I think she was really bad. I still haven't bothered to look tho because that doesn't help my case. – Well, if I don't remember her from a book I have read, then chances are she isn't too major a character in that book, and that means that this might be a fake claim. Important thing to note.

3.) it is okay for you to believe her based on one statement but not for him to believe her with all the discussions they have shared on their QT? – First of all, I never believed her. I believed her more than Lenlo. Second of all, I was mainly talking about believing her due to the role claim.

4.) Now that I don't have a vote on I am sooooo confused about who to vote for. – Again still not that much input on what people want to do.

Ithi said: But I actually said in the posts themselves I had a Blackberry. And it was further explained later on - again mentioning Blackberry.


Which part of Blackberry for you = iPhone?

The stupid part of me.

>>Awful quick to unvote there Rand. Nervous?

No, just remembered I had a vote, and in my previous post I was trying to keep away from any votes because I wanted opinions on some of my ideas. Therefore logical step = unvote.

attempting to wave hand and state "I am not the mafia you are looking for" – yes, because that's what explaining your logic is

Rand said: I don't know what anti-town behavior you are talking about, and no I am not sure on Len and Time. I usually don't like the idea of lynching town and seeing if someone else is because this is not a sure confirmation. One could be town, and one could be mafia so if we got the town, we would assume the other as confirmed while they would be mafia. So no confirmation would happen. So I think we should abandon those trains unless you don't believe them or think you know which one is mafia. I haven't heard enough agreement on the redoubler so I will hold off on that. So if you really want me to place a vote, it would be on Ithi right now, however, that would be only on gut, no casing involved, can't really say why, but more for her recent play.

Turin said: Look above for anti town behaviors. If you think one of them is town then by all means do not vote them. At the present I am more convinced of Time's claim than Lenlo's. Vin is a more well known character on this site due to Snaderson's writing than Titania IMO. I had to look her up but I am not that big into Shakespeare.

Now you seem to have regained your grasp of what makes Neighbors difficult. Since they aren't both claiming to be mod confirmed as Town their alignment must be measured just like anyone else's. on their individual believability. earlier you stated that you were led to believe that one was mafia and one town. Why not keep after them and try to find out which is which. I have my vote on Len at the moment as the questions on him are greater than those on WoT. Again this is my opinion but I am willing to vote based upon it.


Want to vote Ithi, for no reason. Go ahead. then we can test YOU. The only thing you had mentioned is the "phone thing" and above you said it is "all good". Maybe like Len you just want her lynched? interesting... Who else wants her lynched without giving a real reason?(or saying much except that he wouldn't be saying much) Oh yes Tiinker. I shall keep that in my notes. You are not running in good compamy. You also can't seem to bring yourself to stick to one story. Therefore... - Geez Turin, did you even read my post, first of all, I did not even vote her, because I knew the reason was flimsy. I gave the reason I was NOT voting, because I had flimsy reasons. Also, I said right there that Ithi was just a gut feeling with no case. That's why I DIDN'T vote Ithi. So basically your case is a bunch of words attempting to make me look like I am doing some scummy things and making me look like I vote people for no reason. Nice try. I see you do the same right here. Still getting a town read on you, since no mafia would do something like this to get attention on this, but I literally do not understand what on earth you are thinking right now.

unvote, vote Rand

And now I am off to bed. Driving in the morning.

I am hesitant to change my vote to Rand, even though I fully appreciate the casing skills of Turin, but I think that Lynching Len will benefit Town and I think we are getting close to deadline.


WoT and Len ... have you had any conversations about each other's Roles. I don't want to know what they are or if indeed you have any Roles, but has the subject come up maybe?


Also WoT is confirming that she is in a Neighbour QT with Len, but she doesn't really seem to be defending him too hard. I have a theory about that, but it will have to wait for a little while.


Now I'm going to press post and see what an awful mess I have made of formatting this post. I may be forced to edit if it all goes horribly wrong.

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lol @ Maw. I mix up people all the time. 


It´s only 19 hours until deadline. I think we need to settle this neighbour claim or it will be the focus tomorrow too.  I will switch my vote to Lenlo since I think that, if one of them is mafia, it would be easier for him to make a lie look believible to Time rather than the opposite. 


Unvote. Vote Lenlo



I don't doubt the neighbor claim really. But voting for one of them won't really settle anything. That would be true for a Mason claim. I think this pings.

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You see ... I don't really trust BG. Just saying :dry: And it is often the case that neighbours have one mafia and one Town. Neighbours would also be a cunning way to hide being Mafias - as if one does get Lynched people will be more likely to believe the other is Town.


And they both claimed very quickly and at the same time. There is still something going on there I think.


I would like an answer to my question from Len and WoT before I finally decide if I'm going to change my vote to Rand.

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I find it very unlikely that b\oth Time and Lenlo are mafia.  There are very few times when having two mafia say they are neighbors works at all, and I don't think they would try doing that.  One of them might be, if they're neighbors, but again, lynching one person to find out isn't going to do anything.  I also don't agree with the case on me obviously but I have to go to school soon so can't make a case against it.  I honestly have no idea where to place my vote at this point, it seems like no one who currently has trains (lenlo, wot, or myself) I agree with as much.  That being said, if I had to choose, due to previous cases, Lenlo would be the most likely to be mafia, imo.  However, still don't want to join a lynch on him, so I am going to go to school, come back and then see what happened.

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I find it very unlikely that b\oth Time and Lenlo are mafia. There are very few times when having two mafia say they are neighbors works at all, and I don't think they would try doing that. One of them might be, if they're neighbors, but again, lynching one person to find out isn't going to do anything. I also don't agree with the case on me obviously but I have to go to school soon so can't make a case against it. I honestly have no idea where to place my vote at this point, it seems like no one who currently has trains (lenlo, wot, or myself) I agree with as much. That being said, if I had to choose, due to previous cases, Lenlo would be the most likely to be mafia, imo. However, still don't want to join a lynch on him, so I am going to go to school, come back and then see what happened.

You think I am mafia but don't want to vote me? That with Turins case makes you the best lynch today now.

unvote vote Rand

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