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What board games do you play?


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I just bought a bunch of board games for my Humanities classes. Just some basic ones that I can use as centers once or twice a week. I got them Scrabble and Up Words to practice spelling. Apples to Apples to practice vocabulary, and Settlers of Cataan because it teaches resource management. God, I'm so boring. =)


Anyways, I absolutely LOVE Settlers. It's my favoritest board game ever right now. I still have it at home, actually, because me and my husband want to play it every night before I let the students lose all the pieces.


Do you have any favorite board games?

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Its a German board game, of all things. You have a bunch of tiles with different resouces on them, like bricks, wood, sheep, etc. You have to build settlements on the edges of the tiles to take advantage of the different resources. If you have the right combinations, you can build more towns, roads, and armies that have point values assigned. The first person to earn ten victory points wins the game.



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Settlers of Cataan is awesome. I had no idea it was German, though. That's my Christmas game. Meaning I play it every Christmas. It's the only time of year I have the energy and time to play it. Not to mention that it's the only time the rest of my family/friends has the time to play it with me.


Other than that I love your usual random knowledge games such as trivial pursuit etc.

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Okay, now you're speaking my language. ;)


Monopoly-Several different editions



Trivial Pursuit-James Bond edition, Star Wars Trilogy edition, LoTR Trilogy edition, Star Wars Universe edition




The Game of Life





Scene It- Original and James Bond edition (Jhae, I'm DYING for the Harry Potter edition!)

The Game of Life-Star Wars edition

Star Wars Battleground

Hero Clix-Marvel/DC characters

Jeopardy board game

Wheel of Fortune board game


Hmmm... I'm sure there about a million others, and if I think of anymore I'll add them. ;)

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<_< I've never played a board game in my life. My mom felt sorry for my lack of childhood, so she bought a few last year for Christmas. It was like, Monopoly, Star Wars Risk, some sort of deluxe scrabble game... There were about 5. And the idea of spending time playing such just bewildered me, so they're still unopened.


However, I did download the Game of Life on phone recently out of boredom. Does that count? (I tried Monopoly too, but either Monopoly is really weird and confusing or the phone version is, one of the two.)

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Any board game, as long as I can nag my parents to play!



Monopoly Electronice - gone are the days of cash; bring on the card!


Mid life Crisis


Trivial Pursuit


I know there are several others, but as I am not at home, I can't quite remember what we have in the games cupboard!

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I love board games used to play loads when I was younger. Fav ones are




Risk (normal editiona nd the Lord of the rings)

Trivial pursuit (genus, Baby boomer and Lord of the rings)


Pictionary (great with friends after a few drinks and the trying to work out what they were in the morning)




Snakes and ladders (with Tinks)




Seven Leagues Boots (my sister had this when we were young I now play it with tinks)


And anything else that looks like it will be fun

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Well, I love board games, my sis, brother and I used to play loads as we didn't have a tv.



Game of Life


Cluedo (one of my friends won't play that with me any more as one day my character turned out to be the murderer in the 6 or so times we played it! :shock:)


Robo Rally


That's all i can remember for now

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Ooh.. my friends and I over the past few years have made a version of Trivial Pursuit that has nothing but music related questions!


Oh, and we also play another game we invented called "TV Guide Pictionary". You just open the TV guide and randomly pick a program, then play pictionary with it! ^_^ It's fun!

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Guest Segurant

I like a good game of Arkham Horror and its expansions.


I also like to play Thurn and Taxis, Settlers of Catan, Bang, Sherlock (cause I seem to be good at this) , Great Chili Cookoff (awesome game but it can be kind of cut throat)

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Guest Segurant

you have World of Warcraft the boardgame?


just curious as I always wanted to play it.


Any one play GRRM's Game of Thrones by FantasyFlight?

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