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The Ultimate Mafia Showdown - Town Wins


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Well, I'm afraid you have to watch your own lynch then, as noone seems to want to take the effort to find what you are talking about.


Because you ask me something, I don't know what you mean, and I gotta find for myself. No, sorry. If you want me to answer a question, you are the one to make sure I know what I have to answer. Not my problem if I don't answer it.


The same for repeating things. You say you've posted that case a few times, yet noone can remember it. If you want people to vote Ithi, the only way is to repost your case and show that you are right. As long as you don't show you're right, you're only giving yourself problems.

Im alright with that at this point. I am tired of lazy people like you refusing to look back for the multiple times that I have posted something. Also what are you trying to say with the bolded? That doesnt Ame sense in my mind.

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Ok first of all.




you're not side stepping this Basel. why did you purposefully exaggerate the size of my post?

A man, exaggerating the size of something? Inconceivable!

I was definitely thinking of something else when I read this. :P


Second of all, I don't remember anyone in Midsummer's Night Dream named Titania, who is he/she?


Third of all, it seems that my games with mafia neighborizers have confused people.  Those were my games, me as mod, do not apply the same things here.  A lot of times neighborizers are town with the ability to recruit others.  However, this brings us to the


Fourth, the wording of them being neighbors, not masons, scares me a bit.  If they are not able to recruit, why call them neighbors, not masons.  This makes me sure that one of them is town, and the other mafia. The question to me, which one?  I am much more questionable of Titania, since everyone seems to think that Vin is definitely good.


Fifth, Ithi's random capitol case sentences stuck out to me.  I mean how do you accidentally put capital letters in while typing on a phone?????  Its hard enough to put one in where its supposed to go.  I seriously want some clarification on that.


Sixth, thank you Turin for pointing out that clarification in the redoubler role.  I think there's an easy enough way to test this out, but it requires activity.  However, I disagree with your alignment choice on that one.  I am not sure that a redoubler would be a mafia role necessarily since it could also be a town role, maybe someone who's getting lynched, and as a sort of revenge would be able to have more voting power for themselves.  I am really unsure about this, so I will wait.  I think this would be a good idea for town to vote on.  If we decide to try and find it, we will only need 3 people to do a quick scan of all people.  2 votes on a person, make that person vote anyone not near a lynch until a VC so we can see if there vote counts more.  Fairly quick process and using the process of elimination, we could easily find the redoubler.


So I leave my vote off right now, not knowing if I want to help find the redoubler, need clarification on the neighbors, or go for Ithi based on her weirdness this game.  Almost seems like a possible symp to me.

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I have a blackberry phone. When you hold the keys down slightly longer than normal it capitalises letters. When I am very tired I type slower, hold the keys down too long and get random letters in capitals, which I can't be bothered to fix because usually my eyes are barely open. That post was at 6.30 am after staying up late the night before, but I needed to get the game going again so just replied.


I have a definite witness that this happens when I am tired lol. And this has already been explained before. Is strange you feel it necessary to mention again. Is that really all you have?

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I have a blackberry phone. When you hold the keys down slightly longer than normal it capitalises letters. When I am very tired I type slower, hold the keys down too long and get random letters in capitals, which I can't be bothered to fix because usually my eyes are barely open. That post was at 6.30 am after staying up late the night before, but I needed to get the game going again so just replied.


I have a definite witness that this happens when I am tired lol. And this has already been explained before. Is strange you feel it necessary to mention again. Is that really all you have?


No, now that I have an explanation, I am fine.  For some reason, I thought you had an iPhone, which is really weird because you have to press a completely different key to make it capitalized.  Thats all good then.




I've asked Darthe if I'm allowed to post the proof you all apparently need...


Call me naive, but these lines usually give me a town read.  However, that can change when I see the result, but I think I currently have my vote on Time, so I shall unvote

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ithi my "this post was about the weird typing you did. Yes i know you said you just woke up but I have woken you up at times and seen you typing when extremely tired. you may make SPELLING mistakes but not that weird fonting. I have a tiny tiny worry that you are sending a message to someone but i think you are town and thats probably me being paranoid.


And I think ive got in on the len stuff before iirc

I can confirm that Ithi types very much like this when she is tired. Apparently on a Blackberry if you hold the key it capitalises the letter.



SlEePy is a common sight.



Ok first of all.




you're not side stepping this Basel. why did you purposefully exaggerate the size of my post?

A man, exaggerating the size of something? Inconceivable!

I was definitely thinking of something else when I read this. :P


Second of all, I don't remember anyone in Midsummer's Night Dream named Titania, who is he/she?


Third of all, it seems that my games with mafia neighborizers have confused people.  Those were my games, me as mod, do not apply the same things here.  A lot of times neighborizers are town with the ability to recruit others.  However, this brings us to the


Fourth, the wording of them being neighbors, not masons, scares me a bit.  If they are not able to recruit, why call them neighbors, not masons.  This makes me sure that one of them is town, and the other mafia. The question to me, which one?  I am much more questionable of Titania, since everyone seems to think that Vin is definitely good.


Fifth, Ithi's random capitol case sentences stuck out to me.  I mean how do you accidentally put capital letters in while typing on a phone?????  Its hard enough to put one in where its supposed to go.  I seriously want some clarification on that.


Sixth, thank you Turin for pointing out that clarification in the redoubler role.  I think there's an easy enough way to test this out, but it requires activity.  However, I disagree with your alignment choice on that one.  I am not sure that a redoubler would be a mafia role necessarily since it could also be a town role, maybe someone who's getting lynched, and as a sort of revenge would be able to have more voting power for themselves.  I am really unsure about this, so I will wait.  I think this would be a good idea for town to vote on.  If we decide to try and find it, we will only need 3 people to do a quick scan of all people.  2 votes on a person, make that person vote anyone not near a lynch until a VC so we can see if there vote counts more.  Fairly quick process and using the process of elimination, we could easily find the redoubler.


So I leave my vote off right now, not knowing if I want to help find the redoubler, need clarification on the neighbors, or go for Ithi based on her weirdness this game.  Almost seems like a possible symp to me.

Above is my previous explanation of how the Blackberry capitalises letters when buttons pressed longer than normal.Apparently you "missed" that. also that I would likely be the one to know this bettr than anyone in the game.


Google Titania or midsummer night's dream and you will find her. Queen of the faieries, wife of Oberon(sp?)


Neighbors can be either town and town or town and mafia. I have NEVER seen them both be mafia.  I suppose it is possible. What I found naive was that they both are convinced based on conversations in their QT that the other one is town.


how about you put a vote out there Rand? If everyone has one out then all that would be needed is to get two votes on everyone to find out the redoubler.

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The first line of text mixed in the quote for me when I saw that and SlEePy looked like SIEePy to me (capital I instead of lowercase l) which made me confused and I just thought it was spam)


Now I remember Titania, I don't remember her as good, didn't she fall in love with Nick the donkey because of Puck?  What "good" thing did she ever do?


I also see Lenlo as a bit naive due to him believing her, unless there really is a reason like Time says.


ANd I still need more input on the finding the redoubler to see where I should vote

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But I actually said in the posts themselves I had a Blackberry. And it was further explained later on - again mentioning Blackberry.


Which part of Blackberry for you = iPhone?


The stupid part of me.




Awful quick to unvote there Rand. Nervous?


No, just remembered I had a vote, and in my previous post I was trying to keep away from any votes because I wanted opinions on some of my ideas.  Therefore logical step = unvote.

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he didn't confirm that we are both town, but from talking with Len on there and from looking up his character, I believe him to be town.... although I do know that neighbors are not always town, so I could be wrong... but I don't think so...

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Well, I'm afraid you have to watch your own lynch then, as noone seems to want to take the effort to find what you are talking about.


Because you ask me something, I don't know what you mean, and I gotta find for myself. No, sorry. If you want me to answer a question, you are the one to make sure I know what I have to answer. Not my problem if I don't answer it.


The same for repeating things. You say you've posted that case a few times, yet noone can remember it. If you want people to vote Ithi, the only way is to repost your case and show that you are right. As long as you don't show you're right, you're only giving yourself problems.

Im alright with that at this point. I am tired of lazy people like you refusing to look back for the multiple times that I have posted something. Also what are you trying to say with the bolded? That doesnt Ame sense in my mind.


You have said multiple times you posted that case, but I, and the others with me, have not actually seen you do it. Only you saying you did it.


For the bold: You asked me what I was betting or something like that, I didn't understand it, and you refused to explain it. Which is your problem, not mine.

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The first line of text mixed in the quote for me when I saw that and SlEePy looked like SIEePy to me (capital I instead of lowercase l) which made me confused and I just thought it was spam)


Now I remember Titania, I don't remember her as good, didn't she fall in love with Nick the donkey because of Puck?  What "good" thing did she ever do?


I also see Lenlo as a bit naive due to him believing her, unless there really is a reason like Time says.


ANd I still need more input on the finding the redoubler to see where I should vote

Im naive because I questioned WoT in our QT and believe her to be town?


The point of neighbors if we are both town is to make us suspicious of the other because we cannot be 100% sure of the others alignment.


Ley, people have seen me do it. Basel, one of those with you asking for the case, admitted that I had previously posted it. It is just you being lazy and not looking back because others have obviously seen it. Infact I seem to remember you arguing the validity of the case and now here you are claiming I havnt made one? Scummy scummy.


Also the betting thing was a joke, ignore it. Basel said he would bet that I am scum, you quoted him and so I wanted to know what you were wagering so I could collect at the end of the game when I flip town. It had no gameplay in it.

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Rand I think you might want to be careful about trying to track down the redoubler. I agree it could be either mafia or town. If it is town it might be better staying hidden as it is a town power role and thus would be a target for mafia.


Also people I would suggest that deciding to believe someone because their character was a goodie in their book etc is not necessarily a good thing to do. Just cause they're good in their book doesnt mean they are in a mafia game.


And remember this is a DARTHE game so anything is possible

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1 Read every scene.

2 Vote in bold and red. Unvote before revoting. Vote at the bottom of your message.

3 Do not quote any private messages that we share.

4 Do not talk about this game outside of this game.

5 Days last 72-96 hours. Nights last 24-36 hours. I will extend deadlines as needed.

6 You may edit to your hearts’ content.

7 You may vote no lynch and self vote.

8 I will replace inactive players without warning or prodding.

9 Do not submit any revealing information post mortem. You can submit one post cheering your team of choice.

10 Submit all actions in a PM or on a QT.

11 No two characters are from the same series (historical does not count).

12 Alignment is related to character.

13 To avoid conflict there are no religious characters.

14 Several of the more powerful roles implemented in this game are created by me. It is both experimental and complex. This game has been balance checked by 5 people and none are certain which way it will go. All is in the hands of the players.

15 One more thing. Posting the official video will get you in trouble. Please don't do it.


These are the rules copied from the OP. I bolded rule 12 for everyone. It clearly states that a "good" character n their story would be town aligne in the game. I looked up Titania and she is listed as a good or at least not bad character. She was spelled into falling for Bottom(the thing with the head of an ass) I wanted to know about it because Titania also appears in other works and although Lenlo stated that she was from Midsummer night's Dream I wanted to hear what WoT had to say about it. Doe the QT say Titania from shakespere's A Midsummer Night's Dream or just Titania?


Dice, I would rather be rid of the redoubler no matter what as IMO it is too dangerous to be around. The mere presence of the role in a game that has another that can permanently capture abilities is as great a risk as the town allowing Anakin Skywalker to live once they knew he was in the game.  


Rand,   I looks more like you just realised that you did have a vote on and wanted to get it off to protect yourself. I am currently asking EVERYONE to put a vote on somewhere. 


Tiink, Do you STILL think that your Ithi vote is the way to go today?

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I've asked Darthe if I'm allowed to post the proof you all apparently need...

The hell? You're asking the person under scrutiny whether you should give information to the town?




I'm sorry, what part of that plan makes sense? You're either town or you're not. Lenlo is either town or he's not. If you think he's town, the best way you can help prove that he's town is by providing information which bears out that assumption. If you're mistaken, more information will help sort that out. Obfuscation only helps the mafia here, people.


In other news, do we have any other Neighbor pairings out there, or are Len and WoT the only one?

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I've asked Darthe if I'm allowed to post the proof you all apparently need...

The hell? You're asking the person under scrutiny whether you should give information to the town?


She's asking Darthe, isn't he the mod?

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