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Saddest moments in the book

Jason Denzel

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Egwene's death
- because she was warned and disregarded the warning.

- because she was so young

- because she had come so far

- because she still had sooo much potential



Siuan told her she was glad to see how good of a successor she was, and then she goes and offs herself.


I keep thinking Light! Not Egwene! 


However, I did not tear up at all at her death.


My eyes did water when Rand told the DO the list of heroes. The way he described them struck exactly the right chord.



Previously in the series, I tear up every time I read " Lord Perrin - they are shouting "Deven Ride"


Bela was sad. She almost made it all the way through the books. It's ashame Rand couldn't have ridden off into the sunset on her back.



When the gateways opened and the Borderlanders came to Lan's aid, I thought he was toast for sure. Those were tears of joy.



Suian was sad. I'd really hoped she would make it to the end. Bryne wasn't surprising, but when he was named darkfriend was kind of sad. I felt the same for his death as I did for Bashere and his wife.



Hurin was sad. I liked him a lot. Same for Rhuarc.



I cared more for Birgitte than Egwene or Gawyn. But Egwene did go out with her boots on. So I gotta give her that. (She was my most-hated). But I was definitely not sad to see her go.



Noal saving Olver was great! That was a definite tear-jerker to me.


When Lanfear, Moiraine, Mat, Avi and Asmo got whacked in book 5. They are among the coolest characters in the series. Good thing Rand revived Mat and Avi, though it felt a bit forced. At least he didn't recycle them...

The "Cup of Tea" scene in book 8 was also sad. One of the best scenes in the series.

Bela's death wasn't sad because it was too much of an in-joke. Sanderson sure likes winky-winky.

And Egwene's death wasn't all that sad (though I did feel some regret), because she went out with such a bang. I really liked that crystal column she left.

Brigitte... Her beheading was too shocking to be sad. Plus everything turned out OK 5 pages later. I guess she and Noal always had to die in order to go back to the Horn.

I guess the saddest moment in the last book for me was when Perrin snapped Lanfear's neck between his fingers. There was a lot of duty, faith, hope, and perseverance in the WoT, but not enough redemption, with a few small but enjoyable exceptions (maybe Asmo; plus that character in book 2; Verin never got redemption, she was always a double agent).

  1. Siuan's death brought tears to my eyes. It wasn't full-on sobbing like a baby, but there were definitely tears. It doesn't matter that she didn't have much to do in this book; she'd already done plenty throughout the series to give her death a big impact. 
  2. Thinking that Davram Bashere was a darkfriend. I've long been convinced that there was a darkfriend near Rand, but it was shocking to think that it might be Bashere.
  3. Birgitte's death was sudden, shocking, brutal, horrible, and completely unexpected. Even thinking that she would be back as a Hero of the Horn didn't diminish how painful that one was.
  4. I've been a fan of Egwene since the beginning. I thought she had a long life of leading the Tower and showing the Seanchan the error of their ways ahead of her. I was crushed that she died.
  5. Rand. Or more specifically Tam being left thinking that his son was dead. I took a 30-second cry break for that.

When I get Brandon to sign my book, I'm going to make him personalize it with "I made you cry, dude."



Saddest moments for me were having Cadsuane and Faile live.    Snarky but true.   They were easily my two least favorite characters in the series and while I never really had any hope for Faile dying, I thought Cadsuane might go.  


After that it was Bela because of how much the horse had been through only to get cut down at the end.   I wanted to see Rand riding Bela into the sunset at the end.  


Egwene was surprising but her death was epic so it wasn't sad.  Like Lan taught, don't weep for the dead, instead rejoice in their exploits. 

Yes, but now Cadsuane has to face the living hell of being (a very competent) Amyrlin.

Kind of reminded me how the shield ended


I'm no fan of Gawyn's, but that tore me up. And even though I had cooled on Egwene in the last books (I thought she took the Amyrlin Seat thing too seriously, and at times it seems like she thought she was the Dragon Reborn), I don't know if I'll ever be able to read her chapters again without feeling a bit hollow inside.


It was nice that a lot of the deaths went in pairs. Egwene and Gawyn, Siuan and Bryne, the Basheres.


On a complete tangent, did Rand Light his pipe? Capitalisation intended; was he channeling the Light at that point? I got the impression that he's sort of become something more than mortal now, like a wandering guardian of the Wheel. The Tom Bombadil of Randland. Thoughts?


Bela teared me up.. and honestly, as soon as I read Olver riding Bela I started saying out loud "You better not kill Bela... you better not kill that bloody horse."


I loved that bloody horse.


I came close to bawling at Egwene's death.  I didn't even realize I liked her that much.  I thought she was a real good character after she went into the Waste, but damn did the tears pour.


Suian and Bryne just didn't touch me all that much, Gawyn not at all... Lan, oh lordy Lan made me tear up, and again at the resurrection.  tai'shar malkier


I love Loial, but I still think he should've been killed off for the shock factor.  Erith should've finished his book.  But I guess, with Loial being an avatar of RJ himself, it would've been a bit too much.


Galad whole reason for fighting Demandred was true Bromance!


Other notables:


Lanfear's last meeting with Rand.


Lanfear dying - hoping she'll turn to back to the Light


Lan Sheathing Demandred's sword




What Harriet Had Brandon do.

harriet had brandon kill Egwene and harriet was wrong

Egwene was spose to live harriet had brandon kill her

so wrong so sad


You are incorrect, it was Bela.


Egwene was certainly planned by RJ, it is impossible that one of the major 5 characters would be killed if it was not in the notes. 


Brandon had previously said multiple times that Bela survives. 








INTERVIEW: Nov 8th, 2010
Who makes it all the way to the end?






>INTERVIEW: Jun 4th, 2011

Bela survives!




I shed tears of joy for Morridin.  The man finally got to die.

Yeah, but he'll be back.  The only way he would've been truly happy is if Rand had Balefired him.


The saddest moment in the book for me was probably when Faile left Olver by himself, surrounded by Trollocs, and he crawled into a hole in the rocks to get away.  Ever since becoming a dad, I'm a softy when it comes to the plight of children.  I got a little teary when Noal came to his rescue.

Egwene's death was saddening to me too, probably just because she seemed invincible to me.  I never really liked Egwene, but I can no longer say that I dislike her after AMoL.


I've never liked Gawyn much (though never outright hated him), but I think his choice had the logic of necessity to it, so I don't think the typical "Gawyn's a moron" argument continues here. Stopping Demandred was absolutely essential to any hope of winning the battle, and it's abundantly clear that conventional means won't be enough. He knows he has one of the few unique tools at his disposal, making him one of the few people potentially able. I don't think it was *the* saddest moment, agreeing with Barid's earlier post, I would have been very dissatisfied with Demandred's death coming so easily, but there was still pain in the moment.


Egwene's actually did surprise me; in previous books, her plot armor always seemed the strongest to me. And I personally didn't find the scene cheesy. Especially liked her return to help Rand.


The mixed emotions of Demandred's story. The man is evil, killing hundreds to thousands with balefire, but there's still the sadness of knowing that he may have had genuine interest in the people he'd taken leadership of and that he was still a person capable of love. This is far more telling of the evil of the Dark One; sadistic torture, etc. are certainly evil, but the idea that a human with genuine emotions and the capability of caring for others can be led to such outright atrocity is . . . tough.


I guess this would also be the place to consider emotionally powerful scenes, and Rodel's story was that for me. I've always personally liked his character, so I was happy to be in his point of view, seeing him resist the compulsion to the greatest extent possible before the wolves stepped in. Then to see him make it at the end. Was happy to see that. (Related note: did Agelmar end up stepping aside and sitting out quietly, or did he have a death like Gareth/Davram? Can't recall).


Just for the record: I'm a man, I have carried 0 babies in my non-existent womb, but I still found the Elayne scene quite disturbing. I don't think that's a "you have to be a mother to understand" situation but rather a "you have to be a human being to understand" moment.




I guess this would also be the place to consider emotionally powerful scenes, and Rodel's story was that for me. I've always personally liked his character, so I was happy to be in his point of view, seeing him resist the compulsion to the greatest extent possible before the wolves stepped in. Then to see him make it at the end. Was happy to see that. (Related note: did Agelmar end up stepping aside and sitting out quietly, or did he have a death like Gareth/Davram? Can't recall).


Just for the record: I'm a man, I have carried 0 babies in my non-existent womb, but I still found the Elayne scene quite disturbing. I don't think that's a "you have to be a mother to understand" situation but rather a "you have to be a human being to understand" moment.


1- Lan had him arrested.  I think that's the last we hear of him.


2- Agreed.  Very much agreed.


Rhuarcs death was really sad.. Aviendha getting her legs ripped apart came close too

Egwene died an honorable death.. So did Gawyn. First when Demandred let Gawyn leave I was sure he would someone stay alive, so his death came as a real shock. Well played Team Jordan


I was bawling during the scene with Tam in front of Rand's pyre - it really got to me. Other scenes where I got choked up were definitely Siuan's (and by extension, Bryne's) death, I loved her character so much, Rhuarc's death and also Egwene's death - hers was truly honorable and I clung to some small hope that she would live even when it was said that she had drawn too much of the Power.

AMoL was the first book where I actually cried and I think that that was fitting at the end of a series that I love so much.   


For me one of the saddest/most powerful scenes was seeing the Ogier with ears laid back wading in to the Trollocs and singing their battle song.


Also when the Borderlander armies arrive at Tarwins Gap.


Oh, and when Rand calls Aviendha "Shade of my heart"


When I realized with shock that my favourite protagonist is about to kill my favourite antagonist. Naturally, I was rooting full-heartedly for Fain to reach Rand and the DO and spice things up. Once he was out of the picture I paused the audiobook, took a long breath and told myself "OK, there's still Lanfear, she might be up to something interesting" ... 3 mins later she dies with a snapped neck after the most anticlimactic display of shallowness*.

Oh ye and neither Lanfear nor Moridin got their redemption. At least one of them should have (I was rooting for Moridin). Tho, come to think of it, he walked away in the end, while Rand burned :).

* seriously BS & Team Jordan, how does it remotely make sense to you for Lanfear to lose in TAR to Perrin, by making the mistake to Compel him and have the weave dispelled/suppressed due to the laws of TAR that she should know (and has proven time and time again to know) better than ANYONE else. And please don't come forward with the "Oh no, Perrin just invented this and no one has ever known about this and it probably won't work for anyone else because <made-up reasons>.



What Harriet Had Brandon do.

harriet had brandon kill Egwene and harriet was wrong

Egwene was spose to live harriet had brandon kill her

so wrong so sad


You are incorrect, it was Bela.


Egwene was certainly planned by RJ, it is impossible that one of the major 5 characters would be killed if it was not in the notes. 


Brandon had previously said multiple times that Bela survives. 










INTERVIEW: Nov 8th, 2010
Who makes it all the way to the end?






>>INTERVIEW: Jun 4th, 2011

Bela survives!




wrong bela is not a main character

rj had intended to keep Egwene alive it was harriet


The first time I got choked up was where we get a quote from Loial's book. Except it said "From the notebook of Loial son of..."


I yelled aloud "YOU CAN'T KILL LOIAL!!!"


From there it was all downhill.


Egwene's death got to me, but it was noble, therefore not overly sad. 


Birgette's passing was absolutely heart-wrenching. I cried. When she came back as a hero, I cried harder.


Noal coming back to Olver. Olver's whole arc.. Just depressing.


When I thought Lan died. Poetic, and just... But it got to me. And when he stood with Dem's head in his hand.. I lost it all over again.


Perrin laying down to die when he assumed Faile was done. I never really liked Faile. I wanted her to die. But when I realized it would actually kill Perrin as well (like he said earlier in the series), I felt for him.


The funeral pyre. Man, oh man. All those people that loved the DR, that were thankful for his sacrifice, saying goodbye.. I'm welling up right now!


Gareth and Suian was a big one, it wasn't glorious at all. It was abrupt and quick and I feel as though they deserved something a little more.

All through the last books, Siuan has been either with Egwene or right next to Gareth. I think it's implausible that she just up and leaves Gareth (while he is under compulsion no less) decides that Mat is in danger (to my knowledge she does not have the talent of foretelling)sneaks up and saves Min while getting herself killed.


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